Who is tomato wot. "Random" faces. IIomudop_MSK drags and talks about himself. IIomudop_MSK in action

Concentrating on a large and complex task can be very difficult. When you start doing it, you get distracted every now and then. It seems that since the problem is big, it cannot be solved quickly. This means you can check your email, social media, Durty, finally.

In the 80s of the last century, the problem with concentration was noticed by the Italian student Francesco Chirillo. He proposed an elegant solution: he began to break down large tasks into small tasks that could be completed in a short time. And to avoid the desire to be distracted, he began to divide his time into segments. Francesco began to allocate 15-30 minutes to complete each task. This period of time is called a “pomodoro” (after the alarm clock, which looked like a tomato). After completing one such “pomodoro,” there should be a short break - 3-5 minutes. During this time, you can check Twitter or email, if you really want to (although it’s better to just warm up - walk around the office, for example). Then the next “pomodoro” starts and the next task is completed. After 4 pomodoros, a longer rest begins - 20-30 minutes.

This time management technique seems terribly primitive, but it works. It is much easier to tune in to completing an easy task (only 25 minutes!) than to work for many hours. Frequent breaks reduce stress and allow you to maintain high level productivity.

There are quite a few apps created for the iPhone that focus on the tomato time management technique.

25 minutes: Simple Pomodoro Timer

Probably the simplest application. After startup, the iPhone screen displays only the pomodoro time - 25 minutes. No settings are provided. Moreover, there are not even sound notifications. For some, this may seem like a minus, but sometimes it’s actually more comfortable to work in silence.

25 minutes does not keep track of completed pomodoros. All you can do is reset the time and start over. Nevertheless, the program is worth paying attention to - it serves as a kind of visual timer and motivates you not to be distracted.

Repeat Timer

Repeat Timer was created without regard to the tomato time management technique. The developer simply wanted to create a program that would allow a task to be completed using a timer. The key difference from the standard iPhone timer is the presence of intervals. This is why you can use the Repeat Timer to follow the Pomodoro technique. This also allows the application to be used much more widely - for sports, meditation, etc.

Repeat Timer has a beautiful interface. You see the remaining time, below is the interval timer and the number of repetitions. I use free version Repeat Timer, which limits the number of intervals to five repetitions. This is quite enough for me. IN paid version($1.99) there is no limit.

In the Repeat Timer settings window, you can change the settings for notifications and sound alerts.

Repeat Timer Free | Repeat Timer Pro ($1.99, unlimited)

I am sure that all three applications will find their audience. Do you use tomato equipment? What programs help you? We will be glad if you share your experience and interesting findings.

The main sign of spring in our area can be considered not only the flood and the arrival of rooks, but also the appearance of the first “real” tomatoes on the shelves.

It is believed that tomatoes, or tomatoes, were brought to Europe from Peru by the famous conquistador Cortes. Moreover, the first tomatoes were most likely yellow, for which they received their name Pomo d'Oro - “golden apple”. But in their homeland they were called “tomatl” - “large berry”.

Interestingly, technically, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. After all, fruits are usually called edible parts of plants with seeds, and vegetables are edible stems, leaves or roots.

The tomato is a plant from the nightshade family, a close relative of henbane and belladonna, whose leaves and stems contain toxic substances. Therefore, at first it spread throughout Europe, like ornamental plant. They decorated flower beds and gazebos, but were treated with extreme caution.

According to various sources, the Italians were the first to try tomatoes, who successfully saved themselves from the consequences of potential poisoning by seasoning chopped tomatoes with pepper, garlic and olive oil.

Over several centuries, breeders not only changed the color of tomatoes several times, creating yellow, pink, purple and even black and white. They also developed more than 10 thousand new varieties. The tiniest tomato is considered to be “tomberries” - the diameter of its fruit does not exceed 5 mm. And the largest tomatoes grow on Ponderosa bushes and weigh one and a half kilograms.

Tomatoes - not only bright decoration our salad bowls, but also very useful product for those who care about their health.

Scientists now consider lycopene to be the main important substance found in tomatoes. This is a natural antioxidant, which not only gives the fruits a bright red color, but also protects the body from free radicals. Moreover, according to experts, it is much better than vitamins C and E.

However, tomatoes also contain these vitamins. Moreover, there is so much vitamin C that half a kilo of tomatoes easily provides its required daily dose. But, in addition to those already listed, tomatoes also contain almost all B vitamins - from B1 to B6.

In addition, scientists have found potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and many other useful minerals in tomatoes that are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.

Experts recommend eating tomatoes following the example of the Italians - raw or stewed, in a duet with vegetable oil and spices: It turned out that when cooked at high temperature In tomatoes, the amount of lycopene increases up to one and a half times. A vegetable oils help absorb fat-soluble vitamins from tomatoes.

Tomato is generally the king of quick snacks. After all, it won’t take much time to make a salad out of it or simply cut a tomato in half and sprinkle with salt. In addition, now there are always baby tomatoes on sale - cherry tomatoes, which are generally just enough for one bite. Moreover, tomato lovers do not risk their weight at all. 100 grams of red beauties contain no more than 25 kcal.

Tomatoes are also deservedly considered a natural antidepressant. And not only because of their bright colors. Tomatoes increase levels of the pleasure hormone serotonin and other compounds that promote the production of “happy” hormones in the human brain.

True, people who are allergic to red fruits and berries need to be careful with tomatoes.

Hello friends!

We are starting a series of articles about outstanding World players of Tanks. Our first hero, an effective company commander, shares his success story.

Artyom has long and successfully mastered the role of commander. Now he leads the company Stella , which took second place in the last one. At the same time, he is studying in his first year at MADI and is a fan of CSKA Moscow and the Russian national team.

His passion for sports has been going on since childhood: at the age of six, Artyom went to the football section and fell in love with this sport. At the same time, he shares football and his tank successes:

Sports and “Tanks” are quite different things. As an individual player, I rather attribute my achievements to personal qualities. How field commander, I can say that experience and the skill of understanding how players on a team think play a big role.

He participated in all Absolute Superiority tournaments and can therefore objectively judge the development of the tournament:

Of course, there are changes in better side. A striking example of this is the regulations. In the first “Superiority”, it was enough to win one battle, and you would immediately advance further in the tournament bracket. I had bad experience in the first “Absolute Supremacy”: they accidentally lost the battle and were eliminated from the tournament. On the one hand, they themselves are to blame, but, on the other, there was an element of accident in this. In the last tournament the regulations were almost perfect.

Our hero became the winner of the second “Absolute Superiority”, which now seems to him to be a long-standing achievement:

I was satisfied with the work done, a kind of small gaming happiness, of course, an emotional upsurge, in general, a sea of ​​positivity, and, of course, fatigue.

A game is a game. She erases age boundaries. In battle, I am the commander, and the guys are my soldiers

Artyom has been one of the most gifted commanders in World of Tanks for several years now. His example clearly shows: age should not become a barrier to success.

In general, I think that it’s not difficult to be with me, I’m sociable, open and a positive person, I try to behave adequately, without a “crown” on my head and pride. As for combat, you need to clearly understand: a game is a game. She erases age boundaries. In battle, I am the commander, and the guys are my soldiers. And, no matter how well I treat them, and they treat me, it is necessary to maintain subordination. And the guys understand this when they first enter the battle. There should be no conflicts in battle.

He has been in command since he was 14 years old, and founded his own clan at 15. At the same time, he for a long time feared that age might play a trick on him cruel joke, and hid it until adulthood:

When I was young, I thought that if a person twice my age found out who was bossing him around, it might cause an inappropriate reaction. It's the same with opponents. After turning eighteen, I announced my real age, and the reaction of my guys was calm and adequate. Over time, I realized that it was possible not to hide anything from the beginning.

IIomudop_MSK in action

Look at the recording of one of the battles from “Absolute Superiority VI” - this is an excellent example of the commander’s competent actions in difficult situation, multiplied by the agreement in his company. Artyom takes risks and wins. The enemy thinks that he is holding back the blow of the entire team, but in fact the guys from Stella they go around it from the other side, having previously left the “bait”.

The commander greatly appreciates the “Absolute Superiority” format:

In my opinion, it is the most interesting for the viewer. And at the same time underrated. “14/140” is where you can cheer, scream, and really experience some emotions. And if the format reaches at least the level of popularity of WGL, then this will be a big plus for the game as a whole.

To get into his company, the main thing is desire.

I answer absolutely everyone, regardless of statistics or social status. I analyze candidate statistics and important data. If a player is not suitable, then I directly say “no”. If it suits, then I invite you to TeamSpeak and try to find out what the person wants from the company and what he is ready to offer himself.

First of all, Artyom looks at the damage and number of battles on Tier X tanks. Today, Absolute players must have at least 500 battles and damage of 2000 units. The second point is the statistics on top tanks over the last couple of months, here the requirements are higher - from 4000 units of damage.

Now several people from the Silver Series play in his company. There are no Gold Series players in the Stella company, but the point here is not at all the level of play: it is simply impossible to combine the Absolute and Gold Series formats while maintaining top level in both disciplines. Yes, and the graphs overlap each other.

I think all my fighters could play at least in the Silver Series, and a certain part - in the Gold Series. It's a matter of desire, opportunity and determination. In fact: if you compare the statistics of my players and the Gold Series players, you won’t notice much of a difference.

Artyom does not yet see himself in professional tank eSports. On this moment he is satisfied with everything in his status as a company commander. But in the future he does not deny such a possibility

According to him, offers to join the Gold Series team have already been received.

What to do with Pomodoro?

IIomudop_MSK tells what to do if you notice his nickname in the game.

Against me in the game IIomudop_MSK, is this the end?

If it happens at random, then play your battle and don’t focus on me. Of course, if possible, try to destroy me, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will lose your tank and will not be useful to the team.

Anything can happen in battle; I, like everyone else, can make a mistake. Most likely, I will play an aggressive, but careful and competent game with constant movements around the map.

If we are talking about a clan battle, then do not be afraid or despair: no one is invincible! Pull yourself together, try to play calmly against my team, victory is in your hands. Expect insanely aggressive and even overconfident play. Frequent changes of positions, accurate hits and crazy focus.

We are merging, but we have IIomudop_MSK - will he save everyone?

So, I’m on the same team with you, what should I do? Of course, you can’t relax and think that I can take out everyone on my own. Play for yourself, but know that you can completely trust me and do what I advise you.

Many years of command experience helps me read the game in “random” like an open book. Advice will depend on the map, situation, technology and strength; here, of course, tactics cannot be summed up under any one template.

Just don’t forget that I’m an ordinary person with my own weaknesses: I, too, can get burned when the team stupidly “merges.” In rare cases, I can even leave the battle when I understand that the game cannot be pulled out.

The commander himself is not sure that he will connect his future directly with World of Tanks. He wants to try himself various types activities: after all, competitions in the “World of Tanks” are not limited only to players. Management, commenting, organization - Artyom is interested in everything.

There is no point in thinking ahead for years. For now, we need to develop, develop and develop again.

The tank “random” shines with players of completely different skills - this is the highlight of World of Tanks. And the goal of a particular player is not just to survive in all this FBR, but also to “pull” the battle, increasing his skill, and with it the percentage of victories. This is not always easy to do, but, most importantly, it is quite possible. This is achieved by simple tankers from the “random”, if only they wanted to. Superhuman efforts and games instead of eating and sleeping are not required for this. Our hero convincingly proved this.