Fastening PVC panels to a metal profile to the ceiling. How to install plastic panels and lighting on the ceiling with your own hands. Here are the most typical reasons for this choice:

Among the many building finishing materials, PVC panels deserve special attention. This is a universal material that has many advantages. It is visually attractive, inexpensive, not afraid of moisture, easy to care for, lightweight and durable. What else is needed for the average user? In addition, they can be used to decorate not only walls, but also ceilings. It's inexpensive and practical option decoration in any room, even in the bathroom or kitchen. After all, the material is not scary high humidity. All work on covering the ceiling with panels can be done with your own hands. For this purpose you do not need to have construction skills and professional tools.

But, if you have never encountered such work, then you will need some instructions to complete it. It is impossible to cope without her. Therefore, from this article you can learn how to install PVC panels on the ceiling yourself. We have also prepared a training video. Then everyone will be able to create a ceiling from PVC panels in their own room.

Features of installing plastic panels on the ceiling

I would like to immediately note that the cost of installing products on the ceiling is quite low when compared with other types of finishing. Moreover, the appearance of such a finish looks decent. Plastic panels have glossy surface, so such a ceiling allows you to visually expand the room.

Another advantage is that the ceiling finishing is done on the frame. What does this give us? Firstly, it allows you to hide all defects in the canvas without special effort. Secondly, you can hide the wiring under PVC panels by installing several spotlights. Thirdly, the ceiling can be insulated in this way by laying insulation material into the space between the sheathing. These factors already speak in favor of choosing this particular option for finishing your ceiling.

As for the process itself, it can be divided into several stages. So, here are the steps the whole process consists of:

  1. Preparatory stage.
  2. Creating a frame from metal or wood.
  3. Fastening PVC panels to the frame.

All that remains is to analyze each stage in order to bring everything to life. Let's do that.

Getting ready for installation work

The preparatory stage itself can be divided into several subsections. They come down to buying necessary materials, preparing tools and preparing the surface for work. This set of works is called preparation. Such a responsible task should not be ignored and should be approached carefully.

Purchasing materials

At the core it is plastic panels for the ceiling. To buy them, you need to decide on the appearance of the products. On store shelves there are the most different materials, which differ in color and pattern on them. This is a personal matter, so everyone decides for themselves which panels to choose.

But the second question is the purchase of the required number of products. How to calculate the number of panels correctly so that there are not many extra elements left or not to go for a new batch? It's actually simple:

  • First you need to calculate the area of ​​the ceiling. This has been known since school - length is multiplied by width;
  • after which the required number of solid panels is calculated. To do this, the calculated ceiling area must be divided by the area of ​​the PVC panel. Often the manufacturer indicates the size of one strip on the packaging;
  • All that remains is to calculate the total number of panels. However, about 15-20% must be added to this number. As practice shows, the exact quantity is not enough. Materials are cut and adjusted so that excess parts remain.

Half of the work on the material is done. What else will you need in terms of materials? The panels need to be attached to the frame. It is made from metal or wooden profiles. It is important to calculate the total number of slats. To do this, a ceiling diagram is drawn on the ceiling. The distance between the elements is about 50-60 cm. It remains to calculate the entire length of the profiles.

The planks that need to be fixed across the ceiling are fixed to the CD profile, for installation around the perimeter - the UD profile. An L-shaped profile or plastic ceiling plinth is also installed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

You will also need fasteners to work. To attach the profile to the ceiling, you will need dowels, with the calculation of 1 dowel for every 50 cm (for concrete ceiling). For wooden ceilings - wood screws. And to fix the slabs to the frame, self-tapping screws with a flat and wide head are used. Their calculation is the same - 1 pc. by 50 cm.

I would like to pay special attention to the metal frame. To make it high quality, here's what you'll need:

You can see in the photo what the finished diagram looks like metal frame.


Now you can start the final preparatory stage.

Surface preparation

In order to carry out the work smoothly, you need to remove from the ceiling everything that will interfere. All lamps and chandeliers are removed, and the location of the wiring is determined in advance. Markings are applied using a pencil.

At the end, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt. This completes the preparation work. Let's start installing the frame.

We make a frame on the ceiling

We have already said that the frame itself for the plastic panels can be made of metal or wood. Everyone decides for themselves what to choose. However, there are recommendations that suggest that for wet rooms it is better to use hardware. They are easier to work with, and you can also level the ceiling using hangers.

Concerning wooden frame, then it is used for dry rooms with a flat ceiling. There is an option for combining materials, when wooden blocks are fixed with metal hangers. It's not really practical solution, since you need to use perfectly even bars with a cross-section of at least 50x50 mm.

Let's look at creating a metal frame. It is done at a distance of no more than 40 mm from the ceiling. In this space you can lay insulation or do hidden wiring. So, the instructions are as follows:

  1. A starting or guide profile (28x28 mm) is fixed along the entire perimeter of the wall. In this case, the distance from the ceiling should be 3-4 cm. It is important to use a tape measure, a level and make markings. It is in this profile that the supporting profile (60x27 mm) will be laid. The guide profile is fixed with dowels, screws or nails, depending on the wall material. In this case, installation begins from any corner and further along the perimeter.
  2. Next you need to place the metal hangers. To do this, you need to mark the places where the supporting profiles pass. A cord is ideal for this purpose. This profile for plastic panels is fastened at a distance of 40-60 cm from one another. The hangers are installed at a distance of 80 cm from each other. They need to be fixed with self-tapping screws or dowels.
  3. At the end, all that remains is to install the supporting profile. Using metal scissors, it is cut to the required size, inserted into the profile on the wall and fixed with self-tapping screws to the hangers. Using a level, you need to control the evenness of the ceiling, install crabs and, if necessary, bend the hangers.

Note! The work on creating a wooden frame for plastic panels is practically the same.

The frame is ready. Now you can find out how to attach PVC panels to the ceiling.

We mount PVC panels on the frame

Now is the most important stage of work. The first step is to have a ceiling plinth for installing PVC panels. It looks like a regular plinth, only it has a compartment where the panels will be inserted. This plinth is visible in the photo below.

Since the baseboard runs along the entire perimeter, it needs to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this correctly, we use a hacksaw and a miter box. After that, the products are fixed with PSh 13 self-tapping screws to the starting profile or with liquid nails to the wall. Since the skirting boards will be installed around the entire perimeter, the PVC panels will easily fit into the prepared groove.

Now you can begin installing the PVC panels in place. To do this, you first need to determine the length of the workpiece. For this purpose, measure the distance from one wall to another, then subtract 2 cm and apply the appropriate size to the product. To get a perfectly straight line, use a construction angle. After which the panel is cut. This can be done using a grinder. If it is not available, then a hacksaw is used. When the panel is ready, you can begin fixing it.

In fact, the work is not entirely difficult. To begin with, the first PVC strip is installed. It is mounted in the grooves and aligned, pushing it all the way. Since this is the first plank, its long part fits completely into the baseboard, and the same goes for the end. After installation, the panel must be fixed to the profile. As for fastening, it can be done in different ways:

  • using self-tapping screws;
  • using clamps;
  • using staples.

Everyone decides for themselves which method to choose. Each method is effective and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Still, working with a stapler is faster and easier. However, it is more reliable to fix it with self-tapping screws or clamps. The work resembles the installation of lining. After installing the starting strip, you can begin installing the second one, and so on. The process is identical: cutting the PVC panel, installing it in the grooves and fixing it with fasteners.

There is one more nuance - the installation of lamps. You need to make holes in the ceiling for inserting a lamp or spotlights. To do this, a hole of the required diameter is cut in the PVC panels using a crown and a screwdriver, then the plank is installed on the ceiling. Under no circumstances should you make a hole in an already finished ceiling. This can damage its integrity, because cutting a hole requires some effort.

As for installing the last panel, there are two ways to do it. The first is the absence of a plinth on the wall, where the installation of the panels will end. In this case, the panel is cut lengthwise to size from the groove side and inserted into place. After that, glue is applied to the place where the plinth is attached, and it glues itself into place. Just before this, the groove should be cut off to create a simple plinth.

The second method is to cut the panel lengthwise to the desired size on the side where it will adjoin the wall. First, it is installed in the remaining free baseboard, and then it is pushed into the groove of the previous panel. Additionally, it is not attached to anything.

That's all, the ceiling made of PVC panels with your own hands is ready. You can enjoy the result of your work. To make the task easier for you, we have prepared a video that will help you cope with the task.

Let's sum it up

The peculiarity of a PVC ceiling is that it is simple, but at the same time very practical, beautiful, cheap and functional. If you make your ceiling exactly like this, you won’t regret it. If installed correctly, the ceiling will last more than 10 years. And thanks to the instructions for creating it, you can further save money. These jobs are not difficult, so even a beginner can cope with this task. Therefore, you can move from theory to practice.

One of the most inexpensive methods of finishing a base floor is the installation ceiling panels from PVC. This design option is distinguished by its ease of installation and cost-effectiveness not only in terms of money, but also in time.

What are PVC panels?

The characteristics of ceilings created using PVC panels determine the properties of the materials used in the process of their production. Plates for ceiling mounting are made of plastic, usually polyvinyl chloride. the shape is very reminiscent of lining, on one of the edges along the length they have a spike, and on opposite side– gutter. Thanks to this design, installation of ceiling panels is carried out quickly and the result is a strong, continuous joining of surface elements.

By appearance and characteristics of PVC panels for ceilings are:

  • white. Their cost is low. These products are made from unpainted polyvinyl chloride and are installed mainly in bathrooms;
  • colored - such PVC products are painted in bulk. They are more expensive than white tiles, but are available to all consumers;
  • textured. These boards have an individual surface texture that imitates wood or other natural materials.

If you plan to install panels on the ceiling in residential premises, experts recommend using colored or textured products, since an absolutely white surface, such as in the photo, looks uninteresting.

Finishing the ceiling with wall panels is undesirable, since they are much stiffer and heavier.

Advantages of PVC ceilings

Professionals know how to make panels on the ceiling so that it looks impeccable. But since the work is not difficult, every owner can do it if desired.

Fastening panels to the ceiling, according to experts, has the following significant advantages:

Installation of frame for PVC panels

Before installing panels on the ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and materials for work:

  • building level more than one meter long;
  • hammer drill - it can be replaced impact drill, if the material from which the ceiling and walls are made allows;
  • screwdriver for ;
  • square;
  • jigsaw or saw with small teeth;
  • galvanized profile to create the base of the structure (sometimes wooden beams are used);
  • fasteners - 6 mm dowels with a plastic sleeve and self-tapping screws for assembling the frame;
  • metal hangers.

When all of the above is prepared, you can begin attaching the panels to the ceiling. First of all, the frame is built. To do this, mark the ceiling and walls in the room. This work it needs to be done efficiently, since the strictly horizontal position of the frame determines how good the surface of the future structure will look.

For this:

  • The height of the room is measured in all corners and the smallest value is selected. Along the wall, which has a smaller height, 5 centimeters are laid down from the ceiling covering. At the same time, when planning the installation of built-in lamps, the indentation is made in the size of 10 - 15 centimeters;
  • A level is set according to the marked mark and, according to it, a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room. According to it it will be mounted ceiling structure;
  • a starting profile (28 mm UD) is applied to the drawn line and holes are drilled through it using a 6 mm drill;
  • plastic dowels are inserted into the prepared recesses to fix the profile around the perimeter, keeping its horizontal position under control;
  • Suspensions are mounted on the ceiling, and the main SD profile is fixed to them with self-tapping screws. You need to know how to attach panels to the ceiling correctly; first of all, to do this, you should ensure the distance between the profiles to create the frame; it should be 60-70 centimeters. In large rooms, longitudinal profiles must be connected by transverse elements using special fasteners - “crabs”. Otherwise, the ceiling structure will not have the required rigidity and will begin to “walk.”

The frame is installed in the same way using wooden beams. Sometimes a wooden base is preferable because it is easier to attach plastic panels to it.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling, watch the video:

There is a way to glue panels to the ceiling, for this they use adhesive composition, which is called “liquid nails”. When joining elements, it is necessary to leave small gaps, allowing the coating to easily withstand temperature changes and not deform.

Home / Types of ceilings / Made from plastic panels / Procedure for installing a ceiling made from PVC panels

No renovation will be done well unless it is carefully planned first.

This applies to any operation - be it simple painting of a wall or ceiling. The order in which all operations are performed is especially important if you are planning to install a ceiling made of PVC panels, then planning all stages of work in advance is simply necessary. This way you can protect yourself from all possible mistakes.

It all starts with selecting the material necessary for finishing. In our case, PVC strips from which the decorative fabric of the future ceiling will be assembled. They may differ from each other in thickness, width, length and appearance of the front part of the panel.

There may be many opinions regarding the last point, but there are basic rules for decorating and designing ceiling surfaces that should not be neglected:

  • In low or dark rooms, dark ceiling coverings should not be used. They will create a depressing impression.
  • White surfaces are ideal for all interiors, but this does not mean that ceilings can only be white. There are many other options, the main thing is that the chosen shade matches the rest of the room’s decor.
  • In kitchens, there is always greasy steam from cooking food. It will inevitably settle on all existing surfaces, including the surface of the ceiling - this is inevitable. If it is shiny, all dirt will become visible very soon. It is better to use matte colors and finishing textures for this place.
  • Wall and ceiling parts differ in name and thickness, but any type of such panels can be used to finish the floor. The main thing is to ensure their reliable fastening and a base that will withstand the increased weight of the finish.

The easiest way to understand how to install a suspended ceiling from PVC panels is by watching the video below, which shows the process in all details.

If this is not enough and some questions remain, then the entire process will be considered step by step, with maximum attention to all the details of assembling such a coating.


The floor plane that will be hidden by the decorative fabric of the new coating must be carefully prepared and processed in advance. To begin with, remove all the old coating. Contaminants are removed at this stage.

After cleaning the working surface, you can treat it with antibacterial and antiseptic impregnations. They will not allow mold and mildew to appear in the closed ceiling space.


The next important step is to apply all the points and lines necessary for installing the base. The easiest way to do this is to use a laser or water level. If there is no laser device on the farm, then it can be successfully replaced by a regular building level paired with a water-based version of this device.

To apply the first mark, you must select the lowest available corner of the room. It is applied at a distance of 5 to 15 centimeters from the ceiling plane - depending on how uneven the ceilings are and on the distance to which the coating plane must be lowered to install all lighting fixtures.

The mark made using a water level is transferred to all other corners. All marks are connected by straight lines. The easiest way to do this is to use a special marking cord, which can be purchased at any hardware store.


The installation of the frame begins.

The profile around the perimeter of the room will be installed first. It should be positioned strictly horizontally and adjacent to the wall as tightly as possible. A plastic profile is attached to it, which will simultaneously serve as a fastening element and mask the junction of the wall and the ceiling sheet.

When all the parts are secured around the perimeter of the room, you can begin installing the transverse components of the frame.

Depending on the complexity of the design, hangers may be needed. They are mounted on the floor plane at the rate of one hanger for every 60 centimeters of the profile. From the wall, the distance to the first element is about 30 centimeters.

Decorative coating

The last step will be the installation of all the strips that make up the ceiling fabric. They are installed extremely simply and questions or ambiguities with this point never arise. How to install PVC panels on the ceiling is shown in the video below.

This video shows the main method for installing not only PVC panels for ceilings, but also for walls. Fundamentally, these two operations will differ only in that in one case the assembly is carried out in a horizontal plane, and in the other, they work with vertically located parts.

In general, all operations look like this:

  • The first panel is mounted so that the groove remains outside, and the protrusion on the part faces the wall. A gap of 5 to 10 millimeters must be left between the wall and the edges of all mounted parts. It is needed so that the parts have the opportunity to expand or deform due to temperature changes or shrinkage of the walls of the house.
  • The next plank is inserted with its protrusion into the groove of the previous one and pressed tightly against it. Can be used small board for uniform pressure when moving the part.
  • Each part is fixed with a self-tapping screw or using a construction stapler.
  • The assembly proceeds in this way until the entire canvas is installed, with the exception of the last strip. It is cut to the size of the remaining free space and is inserted into place.
  • If plastic parts in the form of a decorative plinth were not used, it is necessary to complete the assembly of the structure by installing decorative moldings or fillets around the perimeter of the room, masking the junction of the wall and the ceiling covering.

The assembly of the ceiling covering is completed and now all that remains is to take out the existing trash, tidy up the room and enjoy the structure you assembled with your own hands.

2. Advantages of PVC ceilings 3. Installation of a frame for PVC panels 4. Installation procedure for plastic panels

One of the most inexpensive ways to finish a base floor is the installation of PVC ceiling panels. This design option is distinguished by its ease of installation and cost-effectiveness not only in terms of money, but also in time.

The characteristics of ceilings created using PVC panels determine the properties of the materials used in the process of their production. Plates for ceiling mounting are made of plastic, usually polyvinyl chloride. Plastic ceiling panels are shaped very much like clapboard; on one of the edges along their length there is a spike, and on the opposite side there is a groove. Thanks to this design, installation of ceiling panels is carried out quickly and the result is a strong, continuous joining of surface elements.

According to their appearance and characteristics, PVC panels for ceilings are:

  • white. Their cost is low. These products are made from unpainted polyvinyl chloride and are installed mainly in bathrooms;
  • colored - such PVC products are painted in bulk. They are more expensive than white tiles, but are available to all consumers;
  • textured. These boards have an individual surface texture that imitates wood or other natural materials.

If you plan to install panels on the ceiling in residential premises, experts recommend using colored or textured products, since an absolutely white surface, such as in the photo, looks uninteresting.

Finishing the ceiling with wall panels is undesirable, since they are much stiffer and heavier.

Professionals know how to make panels on the ceiling so that it looks impeccable. But since the work of installing plastic panels on the ceiling is not difficult, every owner can do it if desired.

Fastening panels to the ceiling, according to experts, has the following significant advantages:

  • practicality - ceilings made of PVC panels are more resistant to a number of external influences (including high humidity) than many Decoration Materials, therefore they are often installed in places where moisture can get onto the ceiling, for example, in bathrooms;
  • durability - this indicator is associated with the resistance of products to external influences. If the installation of ceiling panels is done with high quality and in accordance with technology, then the structure will not require repairs or replacement of elements for a long time, its maintenance will consist only of periodic maintenance (washing);
  • inexpensive cost. Use of PVC products – great option for consumers who want to renovate their home at minimal cost;
  • easy installation. Dropped ceilings made of plastic are easy to install, they can be made on our own, even in the absence of skills in using tools. For comparison - installation of tension PVC sheets- work for specialists.

Before installing panels on the ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and materials for work:

  • building level more than one meter long;
  • hammer drill - it can be replaced with an impact drill, if the material from which the ceiling and walls are made allows;
  • screwdriver for attaching PVC panels to the ceiling;
  • square;
  • jigsaw or saw with small teeth;
  • galvanized profile to create the base of the structure (sometimes wooden beams are used);
  • fasteners - 6 mm dowels with a plastic sleeve and self-tapping screws for assembling the frame;
  • metal hangers.

When all of the above is prepared, you can begin attaching the panels to the ceiling. First of all, the frame is built.

To do this, mark the ceiling and walls in the room. This work must be done efficiently, since the strictly horizontal position of the frame determines how good the surface of the future structure will look.

For this:

  • The height of the room is measured in all corners and the smallest value is selected. Along the wall, which has a smaller height, 5 centimeters are laid down from the ceiling covering. At the same time, when planning the installation of built-in lamps, an indentation of 10 - 15 centimeters is made;
  • A level is set according to the marked mark and, according to it, a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room. According to it, the ceiling structure will be installed;
  • a starting profile (28 mm UD) is applied to the drawn line and holes are drilled through it using a 6 mm drill;
  • plastic dowels are inserted into the prepared recesses to fix the profile around the perimeter, keeping its horizontal position under control;
  • Suspensions are mounted on the ceiling, and the main SD profile is fixed to them with self-tapping screws. You need to know how to attach panels to the ceiling correctly; first of all, to do this, you should ensure the distance between the profiles to create the frame; it should be 60-70 centimeters. In large rooms, longitudinal profiles must be connected by transverse elements using special fasteners - “crabs”. Otherwise, the ceiling structure will not have the required rigidity and will begin to “walk.”

The frame is installed in the same way using wooden beams. Sometimes a wooden base is preferable because it is easier to attach plastic panels to it.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling, watch the video:

PVC panels are fastened in the following sequence:

  • first, the elements are cut to the required size using a jigsaw or saw;
  • the panels are applied to the frame, controlling their horizontal level (for more details: “How to make a ceiling from PVC panels: installation details”);
  • the finishing material is secured with self-tapping screws in places where it comes into contact with the profile. Along the perimeter, fasteners are hidden under a plastic molding.

Depending on the weight and type of finishing slabs, different fasteners are used. If fastening wall panels to the ceiling, although this is undesirable due to their heaviness and rigidity, they use clamps; you can use staples for a frame made of wooden beams (read also: “ PVC tiles for the ceiling: self-installation”).

There is a way to glue panels to the ceiling; for this, an adhesive composition is used, which is called “liquid nails”. When joining elements, it is necessary to leave small gaps, allowing the coating to easily withstand temperature changes and not deform.

  • 23-12-2013
  • Preparatory stage of installation
  • Installation of lathing on the ceiling
  • Installation of plastic panels on the frame

Very often, the ceiling and wall surfaces are exposed to harmful effects during the operation of the room. It could be high humidity heat and its changes. Such conditions contribute to the appearance of fungus and mold, as well as other unpleasant problems.

When choosing a finish for the ceiling, many people opt for plastic panels, because when cleaning, they can simply be wiped with a damp cloth.

Installing plastic panels on the ceiling with your own hands allows you to cope with such consequences, extend the service life of the coating and minimize repair costs.

In addition, plastic panels solve problems with crumbling and yellowing of the ceiling surface, and are not afraid of moisture and transportation.

The process of installing plastic panels on your own ceiling surface consists of the following steps:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Wiring (if necessary).
  3. Installation of sheathing.
  4. Fastening ceiling panels.

Before installing plastic panels on the ceiling, it is necessary to clean the working surface of paint, chalk and crumbling layers old plaster. Next, the ceiling is treated with a primer, which must have an antifungal additive. This will eliminate the possibility of mold.

The sheathing for plastic panels can be made of metal or wood, depending on the humidity in the room.

IN preparatory work also includes wiring electrical wires, because after installation plastic ceiling such a procedure would be too labor-intensive. When making the wiring, the electrical wiring must be firmly attached to the main ceiling. Bends will need to be made in places where lighting fixtures are installed.

Picking up Spotlights, be sure to take into account the power of the lamp, since exceeding this value can cause deformation and melting of the ceiling panels. The permitted power of lighting devices is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the material.

To install ceiling panels yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • cord with chalk to mark;
  • mounting level;
  • hacksaw, knife, scissors;
  • ladder.


  • ceiling panels;
  • metal profiles;
  • plastic decorative corners;
  • screws, dowels;
  • liquid nails;
  • pendants.

/ Last panel on PVC ceiling— how to install it?

The last panel on the PVC ceiling - how to install it?

Each builder and installer has his own special techniques, which he is in no hurry to share with others. These are the so-called “tricks”. One of these tricks was installing the latter. It turns out that it is not always easy to learn how to do this.

What is the difficulty?

When the frame is mounted, the installation of almost all parts of the covering occurs completely without problems - the first part is attached, followed by the next one, and so on, until the installation of the last covering strip is reached.

If the installation is carried out on a frame with subsequent installation of a decorative plinth, then no questions arise - part of the covering is simply cut off according to the right sizes and is inserted into the groove on the penultimate fragment. Along the edge that is closer to the wall, it is simply screwed with self-tapping screws and a press washer.

After everything has been recorded and checked, a decorative plinth, under which all the screw heads are hidden. However, this installation method is not always chosen.

Very often, special coatings are used to install such coatings. plastic profiles, which have a special groove. Both the first part and the final part are inserted into it, and the outer part of such a profile acts as a finish for the junction of the panels and the wall.

This is where the main difficulties arise. If a special wall profile is used, then it has a groove into which the back of the part must be inserted. At the same time, it is necessary to insert the protruding front edge of the panel into the groove on the penultimate element. You won't be able to bend it to such an extent that you can insert both sides at once - it will simply break. And a logical question arises: how to install the last PVC panel in the ceiling without damaging it?


Now comes the turn of the tricks that were mentioned at the very beginning. Not everyone is familiar with such techniques, especially if you have experience in repair work little or none at all.

There are several ways to solve this problem. But, before installation, the outermost element of the ceiling covering must be cut to size. This is very important point, without which all efforts can go down the drain.

Accuracy is very important here. Regardless of which option is chosen to solve the problem of installing the final fragment of the coating, it is necessary to carefully take measurements at several points.

Using a tape measure or ruler, measure the distance from the wall to the edge of the penultimate element. This must be done on each side of the panel - this way you can be sure that the part will fit perfectly on all sides. At the same time, one very important point must be taken into account - the panel should be one centimeter less than the distance from the wall to the edge of the penultimate element. This will allow it to move slightly during installation.

We also measure the length - the walls can present an unpleasant surprise precisely at last stage. If the distance between them is even five millimeters less than the length of the element, it will not stand up straight and will have to be trimmed. And this is a waste of time and extra work. The installed part itself should be only a couple of millimeters greater than the distance from the edge of one profile to the edge of the opposite one. This will allow you to move it freely before inserting the back side.

Having cut out the part of the desired shape and size, all that remains is to install it in its place. This is done in the following sequence:

  • First, you need to insert the sides of the panel, for which it bends a little. Don't try too hard with this - you might break the bar. First, one side is inserted all the way, and then, when the second side is inserted into the profile on the opposite wall, it is pulled out for a more secure fixation.

  • Now, the bar needs to be inserted with its back side into the wall corner until it stops. The leading edge should fit perfectly into the remaining free space, leaving no gaps or gaps.
  • All that remains is to move the last fragment of the ceiling forward so that the protruding front edge connects with the previous fragment. The easiest way to do this is with masking tape. Having glued a couple of strips to the plane of the panel, you can pull them and it will fit tightly into place.

All these operations are performed very carefully so as not to damage either the installed strip itself or the corners into which its edges are inserted.

There are other options for installing the end fragment. One of them has already been considered - in the case when a decorative plinth is used, a piece of covering is simply cut to the required size and attached to self-tapping screws, which are subsequently hidden by the installed baguette.

If the method described above is not suitable for some reason, you can do it differently. When fixing the corner around the perimeter, the farthest one is not mounted. The one in which the back side of the last element will be fixed. The installation of the rest of the canvas occurs according to the usual scheme, without any changes.

The difference will be that the last fragment is mounted with a piece of this very corner put on it. With the bar that is mounted last, the same manipulations are performed as in the previous method - we measure, cut to size. There is only a small clarification - its size should allow it to be inserted into the side profiles and at the same time, it should fit into the remaining free space.

Next, a corner is put on the back of the cut piece of covering. It will be installed simultaneously with a piece of canvas. The edges are also inserted with their ends into the profiles on the walls. The plank is inserted into the groove on the previous one and the corner is moved towards the wall. In this case, it is attached either to glue or to silicone, which must first be used to lubricate its back side. The result is obtained - all parts of the decorative canvas are in place and there are no cracks or gaps.

To better understand the whole process, you can watch a video that shows how the final PVC panel is installed on the ceiling.