Fastening with anchors to concrete. How to attach anchor bolts. Fastening modern anchors for general use

A newer acquisition for steel builders are plastic dowels, which are small in size, inexpensive and hold tightly. However, soon the plastic dowels begin to deform and no longer secure the fastening, especially for monolithic concrete walls, which simply do not hold the dowels.

Therefore, the most reliable method of fastening was created - an anchor, which can withstand loads and, like an anchor, clings to the coating, preventing the fastening from being disturbed.

The anchor is not only consonant with the word “anchor”, it is also similar in function: holding the mechanism at the bottom of the hole.

Bolts are divided into two types according to their type of use:

  1. Synthetic. The principle of its operation is based on the use of a special glue capsule, which opens when the fastening bolt is screwed in and secured directly when the adhesive composition dries.

Disadvantage of a synthetic bolt: waiting for the glue to dry.

Plus: suitable not only for monolithic walls, but also for light ones wall structures.

  1. Metal. The principle of its operation is that the metal sleeve, which is placed on the bolt, expands or wedges as it is screwed onto the thread.

Also, these bolts have several divisions into types:

ü Shnipova. At the end of the anchor there is a screw (wedge), which pushes the sleeve apart while it is screwed into the hole. Instead of a wedge, there may be a rod-bit, which wedges the sleeve and is then removed from the hole, where the pin is then screwed in. However, to carry out this type of work, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dimensions of the anchor and holes.

ü Clamping. The basis of its action is the opening of the fastening petals, which occurs when the middle part of the sleeve is twisted and deformed. It also has small slits along its entire length. These bolts are suitable for thin wall structures such as plasterboard.

ü Driven in. This type is used without the use of special devices. The bolt sleeve itself has soft edges, which, when driven into the hole, begin to deform and rest against the bottom. This leads to the securing of the sleeve in the opening. Suitable bolt for monolithic wall and wild stone, but pay more attention to the accuracy of the depth and diameter of the hole.

ü Crushed (spacer) - the most common method of fastening, which does not require strict adherence to the depth and diameter of the hole. During screwing, it expands the sleeve from the rear, screwing a cone-like sleeve into it. Bolts are used for brick and concrete walls.

Screwing in the anchor bolt: instructions

To ensure high-quality anchoring, it is necessary to purchase metal products with anti-corrosion coating, for example, M-30.

It is also worth understanding that each connection has its own parameters for the hole and the rate of applied force for screwing, which depend on the characteristics of the wall covering. For heavy concrete, the depth of screwing in the bolt is 8 cm and the load is less than 7 kN. For thin concrete these parameters are two times less.

In the instructions we will look at the step-by-step installation of a crushed (expansion) anchor into a concrete wall.

Step 1: Determine Bolt Length

The walls are often covered with a finish such as plaster. In order for the bolt to be well secured in the wall, it should be placed at a depth of more than 5 cm. Therefore, determine the length of the anchor sleeve for the thickness of the plaster.

Step 2: Determine the required hole diameter

It is imperative to monitor the diameter of the hole for the anchor, since the effort applied to screw in the sleeve depends on its accuracy. The hole should be such that the sleeve fits tightly and strictly perpendicularly. As for the depth of the hole, it should be several millimeters greater than the length of the bolt.

Step 3: marking the hole and punching it

The holes for the bolts should be made as precise as possible, since after installation it cannot be pulled out. Then drill a hole and clean it of dust and debris. You can clean it with a vacuum cleaner, blowing with a rubber bulb or a brush.

Step 4: Driving the Anchor

Hammer the anchor into the hole you have made. This must be done slowly and progressively. Once the nut or sleeve head is at the surface of the wall, begin tightening. When tightening after two turns, more effort must be applied. The number of twists may be indicated on the box, and for this it is better to use a torque wrench.

Please note that for thin, brick or foam concrete walls, it is better not to tighten the anchor all the way.

Step 5: Check the dive accuracy

When tightening a bolt, very often the nut or head gets caught in upper layer plaster. It is better to push the nut deeper into the wall, but the cap should be left exactly at the surface of the wall. The video in the next tab shows how to properly attach anchors to concrete wall.

How to drive an anchor bolt. Basic rules for installing an anchor bolt.

How to drive an anchor bolt? It must be said that in order to correctly drive an anchor bolt, you must adhere to several rules. As a rule, there are two main types of anchor fastening. This is their fastening using construction adhesive (group of chemical anchors), as well as by wedging (group of mechanical anchors). Buy a ready-made anchor or you can make your own. It should be said that there is enough a large number of varieties of anchors exclusively manufactured, which differ in their purpose, as well as in the method of fastening. So, they can be chemical, wedge, frame, driven (have an internal thread), as well as others. It must be said that it will not be difficult to select a product that will satisfy all the requirements. In the event that you still need an anchor of an exclusive shape, you can make it yourself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account two points. The end of the anchor that will be embedded in the base must always have an extension at the end, which will have a secure fastening. You can weld the thickening, or you just need to flatten the end of the bolt itself so that in one direction it is much wider than its diameter. In addition, the length of the embedded part should always be no less than six to seven times the diameter of the anchor itself. Be sure to drill a hole of the required diameter in the base. When installing purchased mechanical anchors, it must always exactly correspond to all the values ​​indicated in the instructions itself. In the case of installing a purchased chemical or homemade product(anchor) the diameter of the hole should be approximately one to two millimeters larger than the diameter of the anchor itself. Drilling must be done with a Pobedit drill, which will be installed in an electric drill. Today on sale you can find drills with pobedit tips with a diameter of up to sixteen millimeters. If your anchor has a sufficiently large diameter, then it is recommended to drill it in concrete with a diamond core bit. To work with it, you will need a more powerful electric drill. It is necessary to very carefully clean the drilled hole from debris and dust using a brush or blowing with a rubber bulb.

So, if you are using a purchased mechanical anchor, you need to install it in the hole with very light blows with a hammer and then wedge it using the method that is applicable to this type of anchor.

Anchor fastening: types and features of anchors, application, tightening technique

Here there can be wedging by tightening the nut or using a specialized bit that will be inserted into the inside of the anchor. In the process of hitting the beard with a hammer, it wedges the sleeve in the depth of the hole. Also make sure that the anchor itself is held very firmly in the hole. If necessary, wedging must be strengthened. In the case of installing a chemical anchor (both purchased and homemade), it is recommended to prepare the adhesive mixture in advance, mixing the two components of the adhesive in the required proportions. Fill the already cleaned hole two-thirds with this mixture and then insert the anchor into the hole to its full depth using rotational movements. It is also recommended to fill the gap that is located between the anchor, as well as the base of the glue that was squeezed out of the hole during installation. Then, after the glue has set slightly, you need to smooth the surface around the anchor and then remove all excess glue from the surface. Before loading the anchor, it is necessary to allow time for the adhesive to cure slightly in accordance with all instructions for it. It should be said that the anchor plays a fairly important role, regardless of the specific element of which structure it is. In any case, it provides a connection with the base, and if such a connection is not strong enough, then, in this case, such a structure is in danger of destruction, no matter how strong it is. Therefore, for reliability, it is recommended to install the anchor following a certain technology. The chemical anchor is quite strong and reliable. You can install it in almost any material: stone, brick, wood, cellular concrete, and so on. Since it is attached using glue, it not only does not weaken the very base to which it is attached, but also in many cases makes it stronger.

To install the anchor, you need to drill a hole of the required diameter to the desired depth. Clean it with a brush, blow with a blower or pump. Then fill the hole about two-thirds with an adhesive mass - epoxy or polymer resin. The container together with the glue (cartridge) can have different forms - a syringe, a tube, and so on. The methods of mixing the main components of the glue also differ. You must use a rotating motion to install the anchor into the hole, and to its full depth. Then remove all glue drips from its base. The time the anchor is ready to accept the load will depend on the brand of glue, which is indicated in the instructions. At the end of the specified time, you will be able to attach any structure to the anchor. All mechanical anchors are often installed without glue. The principle of their operation is based on wedging the anchor sleeve inside the hole, thereby achieving its more reliable fixation directly at the base. Drill and then clean the hole in the same way as described above. Through the part being mounted, it will be necessary to insert a wedge anchor into the hole and hammer it in with a hammer until the nut rests directly on the part being fixed. Tighten the nut to the required torque. As a result of such tightening, the end of the anchor will wedge the sleeve and will also be able to fix the hole very reliably. Wedging methods can also be different. If there is a special rod for this purpose, which is inserted into the inside of the anchor, then after installing the bolt into the hole, it is imperative to hammer such a rod into the inside of the hammer. Thus, you will also be able to wedge and fix the anchor in the hole. In order to install a wedge anchor, which has an internal thread, you will need a specialized tool - a rod that will look like a punch or bit.

After you install the anchor in the hole, you need to place this tool inside, and then use a hammer to wedge the sleeve. Afterwards it is recommended to remove the center punch, after which, wrap it in threaded hole anchor a specialized fastening screw. The frame anchor is distinguished by two wedging zones, in particular in the base, but also in the fastened part. You need to drive the frame anchor into the base through the part to be secured. Tighten the screw with the required force. At the same time, at the very beginning it will become wedged Bottom part, which is located at the base, and then the upper one, which is located in the part. As a result, the very last one will be very firmly attached to the base. It is much more convenient to use such purchased products, in particular when it is necessary to install a significant number of anchors. However, if necessary, you can very firmly fix it in any base, directly and homemade device- bolt or rod of any kind. You will first need to drill a hole with a diameter one to two millimeters larger than the diameter of the anchor. Thoroughly clean the hole from crumbs and dust. It is recommended to fill the hole about half or a little more with epoxy resin or putty along with a hardener. It is recommended to install the anchor into the hole using a rotational movement, as well as light blows of a hammer. Remove any resin drips. Some time later, after epoxy resin will harden slightly (not completely), it will be possible to level it around the anchor, directly, flush with the base. You can use such an anchor after just one day. Anchors today are presented in unique and varied modifications, which largely determines the method of their fastening and installation.

The method of tightening the anchor depends on the features of its design. However, the principle of operation for all products is almost the same: the bushing is wedged inside the hole and ensures fixation of the fastener. In order to achieve high-quality fastening with anchor bolts, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the base material. An incorrect choice of anchorage depth or excessive traction load lead to cracking of the base.

Types of anchor fastening

The wedging of the bushing in most fasteners of this type occurs due to frictional forces. When tightening the nut, the spacer part rubs against the walls of the hole (wedge, sleeve design). There are fasteners in which wedging occurs due to an internal or external stop (expanding, driving design).

The version with internal stop is suitable for thin materials. In the intended location, you need to drill a through hole and install it in it. fastener. When tightened, its persistent part wedges, resting against the base. The external stop is created by “undercutting” the concrete base while tightening the bolt. When screwed, the fastening end forms screw-shaped elements. They fix the bolt and hold it if pulling forces begin to act. This type of fastener is used for thick-walled bases.

Impact method

Separately, it should be said about impact anchors, which should not be screwed in, but driven into the base material. Wedging in such bolts is carried out with a wedge or using a large spacer. The second option allows you to use such fasteners for any substrate: solid, hollow, with a high and low degree of strength.

The design features of impact fasteners lie in the simplicity of the device. Its details are:

  • spacer sleeve with internal thread on one side;
  • on the other side there is a split part with an internal cone;
  • in the cavity of the bushing there is a conical wedge, which is struck with a hammer; in this case, they use a special mandrel, which is inserted inside the bolt.

Expandable design

The expansion anchor can be screwed into concrete, brick, hollow brick, foam and gas blocks. This design provides reliable fixation due to the lamellas, which when folded form a cylinder. There is a conical nut inside it.

Fastening is carried out in the following order:

  • prepare a hole of the required diameter;
  • tighten the nut using a bolt and a stud;
  • at this moment the lamellas open, the sleeve expands in the material.

Wedge design

In a wedge anchor, there is a wedge inside the sleeve that expands when the nut begins to be tightened. First, the bolt is driven into the prepared hole, then the nut is tightened.

How to install an anchor bolt

So, the algorithm for installing parts of this type is almost the same for all varieties that can be installed mechanically.


  1. A hole of the required diameter is drilled.
  2. A bolt is driven or screwed into it.
  3. The corresponding elements are tightened.

Chemical anchor: fastening with glue

Chemical anchors have a completely different installation method. In order to install such a mount, you need to do the following:

  1. Drill a hole of the appropriate diameter.
  2. The kit usually includes a briquette with glue. It is inserted into the hole and pressed directly with the anchor. After the glue hardens, the bolt is firmly fixed.

Calculation of anchors

The depth to which the bolt must be driven is equal to its useful length. It is to this depth that the hole is drilled before installing it. When placing bolts near the edge of the base or close to each other, a mathematical calculation should be made so that during their installation the integrity of the structure is not compromised. For this purpose it is used whole line formulas that take into account the distribution of material stress along the edges. As well as factors of load application and tensile strength of the base material. Calculations can be done on construction site or in advance. For example: the pullout load of a bolt located in concrete is 350 kg. In foam concrete - 230 kg.

An anchor bolt with a nut is a high-quality fastener for reliable fixation of household and industrial elements. Since this type of fastener is subject to a large load, its design allows it to withstand it.

All types of anchor bolts

For this purpose, the anchor bolt contains such components as a spacer pin, a sleeve and a nut. The name of the stud explains the technology of using an anchor bolt.

By tightening the nut, pressure is created on the pin, which enters the bushing and pushes it apart. The stud is made by casting, which allows it to withstand loads incomparable to those that other types of fasteners can handle.

In order to choose an anchor bolt with a nut, you need to know what load we will place on it. And after that, buy fasteners designed for this. All mounting bolts have the corresponding GOST, so choosing the right one is not difficult. You can buy fasteners in the online store

The anchor bolt can be used for fastening in solid solid materials: concrete, natural stone, solid brick, etc. Only correct installation anchor bolt can ensure its reliable service. So, how to properly install an anchor bolt.

To begin with, we select a drill to match the diameter of the sleeve and use it to drill into the material into which the anchor will be attached. The bushing must fit tightly into the hole and not dangle in it before installation begins.

Once the hole is drilled, do not rush to insert the anchor bolt into it. First, you need to remove the debris remaining in the hole. Crumbs and dust can cause problems for anchors. This is best done with a household or construction vacuum cleaner.

Typically, an anchor bolt is inserted into the hole, the device is mounted onto it, and then the nut is tightened. This is not entirely the right decision. Since often, a weight hung on a bolt creates interference when tightening the nut and there is a possibility that the nut will not be screwed all the way. That is, the anchor will not be installed according to the rules, which may result in big problems. It's best to use another method. Insert the anchor into the hole, tighten the nut to the end and thereby open the fastener. Afterwards, the nut can be unscrewed, the story on the bolt is what we want to mount and tighten it.

An anchor bolt is a reliable fastener for almost any material. To make it easier to work with, you can use a power tool.

1 The principle of operation of anchors - how do they cope with loads?

Anchor bolts act as fasteners and are held in the base in which they are installed due to two forces that arise after applying a load to them.

The thrust force occurs when a load or its component is applied, directed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the anchor and tending to bend, tear or break it. In this case, the force exerted on the fastener is compensated by the internal resistance of the materials: the bolt itself - to fracture; foundation - to destruction due to load stress transferred to it from the anchor.

The friction force appears when a load or its component is applied, directed along the axis of the anchor and tending to pull and tear it out of the base in which it is fixed.

In this case, the bolt compensates for the force exerted on it and is held in place due to the friction of its elements against the base material.

These forces most often arise simultaneously, but sometimes separately. They are larger the deeper the bolt is installed (or it is longer) and the better its design, as well as the structure and material of the base, are adapted to precisely this type of load resistance. Accordingly, the permissible maximum value of the latter also depends on these parameters and factors.

3 Fastening modern anchors for general use

Currently, anchors for general use are also produced. They can be attached to almost any ready-made base. Most often, these bolts are installed in the wall or ceiling.

All anchors for general use are divided into 2 main types: mechanical and chemical. The first ones are attached mechanically. The second - thanks to a special adhesive that is fed into the mounting hole for the bolt. This chemical composition fills the space between the anchor and the base, as well as all voids adjacent to the fastener, if any. The adhesive then sets and securely holds the bolt with even load distribution even in porous and hollow material.

Mechanical anchors are divided into types according to the method of fastening:

  • clogged;
  • wedge;
  • expansion;
  • spacer

Before installing anchors, you should select them correctly the right type and standard size. This is done based on the condition and strength of the base at the location where the fasteners are installed, as well as the nature and magnitude of the load that the latter will have to withstand. If there is material on the surface of the base (plaster or similar) that is unable to hold the anchor, then you should take a bolt of longer length than was calculated. The size of the fastener must be increased by the thickness of the weak layer.

Installation of anchors in a wall, ceiling, etc. begins with precise markings - this type of fastener, after installation and fixation, cannot be removed without destroying the base material. Then, as shown in the video, we drill a hole perpendicular to the surface of the base.

Its diameter must correspond exactly, and its depth must not be less than those specified by the bolt manufacturer.

The finished hole must be thoroughly cleaned of crumbs and dust from the base material using a brush, vacuum cleaner or air pressure.

How to install an anchor bolt in concrete

Then we install the anchor.

Chemical - after filling the hole 2/3 with adhesive. We set the bolt, as shown in the video, to the required depth and center it. Do not load the anchor for the time specified in the instructions to allow the glue to harden.

Place the sleeve of a mechanical hammer without a bolt against the hole and hammer it into it. In this case, the edges of the sleeve, which is made of soft metal, are deformed and hold it in the hole under load. Then, having passed through the part to be fixed, we screw in the bolt.

Hammering the sleeve in with a hammer

All other mechanical ones are inserted into the hole assembled, without twisting or removing them components. If the part is immediately attached, then insert the anchor through it. By lightly tapping with a hammer, we bring the fastener to the washer, bolt head, screw or wedge body. Then a nut, bolt or screw is screwed on the expansion and expansion anchors. If the anchor bolt has a ring or a hook, you can tighten it using them. In this case, the expanding or expanding mechanism will open and securely fix the fastener in the hole. At the wedge anchor we hammer in a side bit or a central wedge. They will activate the wedging mechanism.

Fastenings using various types of anchors are characterized by specialists as connections that can provide reliable retention of heavy loads. After deepening into a pre-prepared hole, the worker, depending on the tasks at hand, chooses the best way to fasten the anchor bolt. After the assessment, when the selected surface areas are suitable for organizing a point that provides fastening of anchor devices, the point is arranged with subsequent fastening of the equipment.

The use of anchor supports is necessary when using a rope movement system during installation and construction work at height, fixing slings to position and hold the worker without slipping or jerking. The strength of the connection allows the use of anchor points and lines to ensure the installation of collective and personal protection, making it possible to safely carry out installation work on products and maintenance of devices located at heights.

Using a kit for fastening to anchor supports, it is possible to install the coupling on power transmission line supports and wind the free length of the optical cable onto the frame. This type of connection is used to ensure the safety of work performed at height according to the permit. To carry out such activities, a permit is required, issued by a labor protection specialist and endorsed by officials from among the managers, and the work itself is carried out by a group of workers under the guidance of foremen and supervisors.

The most widespread anchor bolts, having a spacer principle of operation based on the expansion of the rear section of the sleeve when a cone-type bushing is screwed into it. Among the well-known types of anchors, experts call driven, expansion, chemical, expansion and wedge structures. Each of them ensures reliable retention of the fastening part due to the use of the friction force between the contact surfaces of the bolt and the installation area, the thrust force, which ensures compensation of the effective stress by the resistance of the metal of the product. Increasing the diameter of the spacer sleeve when screwing a bolt into it ensures a reliable connection due to the combined action of thrust and friction forces.

Experts emphasize the importance of choosing the right type of anchor, based on studying the manufacturer’s documents that determine the specifics of each type of product. since the reliability of the system largely depends on the building material used at the point where the bolt is attached. Proper execution fastening is necessary to avoid destruction during operation of the parts that make up the connection, to ensure comfortable work in the support. Such a connection will ensure safety when working at heights, fastening heavy static (horizontal bars) and dynamic (diamond drilling rigs) structures.

Types of anchor fastening

As noted above, the correct choice of location for the anchor point plays an important role in ensuring worker safety. It is possible to assess when the selected areas are suitable for installing anchorage points by the load they can withstand; each of them must withstand a weight of at least 22 kN. To ensure reliable connection, the anchor point used to fasten the equipment can be connected to the load-bearing elements of the building, pre-assembled metal structures. After drilling the hole and installing the anchor, kits are used to secure the safety structures to the anchor supports. The standard kit used for anchor type fastening includes:

  • 3 anchors;
  • threaded rod;
  • punch for making a recess;
  • nuts that require the use of an open-end wrench.

Additionally, the kit used for fastening to anchor supports may include a washer and a punch to ensure wedging when using an anchor of the appropriate design. In addition, a kit for anchoring may include a larger number of bolts, but in this case the cost of one set increases. The kit that provides fastening of security systems to anchor supports includes an anchor clamp, a small steel cable, wedges and a bracket that allows for the installation of up to 3 clamps.

Structurally, an anchor bolt with a nut is a stud with a thread on one side, with which the nut is screwed on, and the other end is made in the form of a spacer cone. When tightening the nut, the spacer-type sleeve, on the side surfaces of which there are slots, expands, forming “petals” that ensure a reliable connection with the support surface.

Note! Before attaching anchor bolts, the concrete surface is drilled, and the drill, with the exception of cases of impact-type bolts, corresponds to the diameter of the anchor used.

Anchors used to fasten parts of geogrids are mounted around the perimeter of each of the mounted modules. The anchor for fastening the geogrid is installed according to a pre-approved diagram, so that the tension lines provided resemble a rectangle.

Manufacturers place high demands on the quality of products, testing the elements for strength necessary to ensure safety, preventing their damage, breakage or failure. When using rope access systems, it is prohibited to use only one rope when ascending or descending planes, as well as when performing installation work. To ensure the safe operation of flexible anchor lines, the correct answer when asked by an instructor about the specifics of use is the need to use limiters at the end to prevent the descent from passing the end of the rope. Permissible impacts are determined effective load in operating structures. In turn, workers receive a work permit by giving the correct answers after preliminary instruction.

Impact method

The use of this method involves the use of drive-in type anchors and is characterized by ease of installation and reliability of the resulting connection. However, the method has limitations regarding the possibility of using it exclusively when working with materials with high strength values, for example, concrete, solid brick or stone.

  1. Before attaching a drive-in anchor bolt, it is necessary to drill a hole whose diameter corresponds to the parameters of the bolt used.
  2. After this, it is necessary to clean the prepared hole from debris and dust.
  3. The next step is to install a hammer-type bolt into the hole.
  4. Using a hammer and other tools, such as a bit or a special structure for wedging, the striker is inserted into conical hole. At the same time, the sliding part of the bolt opens, providing support against the walls of the prepared hole.
  5. On last stage The parts are fastened using a pin or bolt.

Expandable design

The design of the expansion bolt has the form of a cylindrical rod in which 3-4 segments independent of each other are located. In the upper part, the segments are held by a ring; at the bottom there is a spring with high elasticity. Elements of this type are used for fastening massive structures into materials made of brick, rock, and concrete. When using fastenings to hold structures whose weight is below average, it is permissible to make connections into a brick (silicate type) wall, limestone and cellular concrete.

Before attaching the fastening anchor bolts, it is necessary to first mark and drill the hole before installing the fixing element. After this, a sleeve of the product is mounted into the wall; when a pin or bolt is screwed into it, the spacer element moves to the rear section of the fixture, thereby ensuring high pull-out strength of the connection.

An anchor bolt with a ring is a pin, at the end of which there is a ring and a threaded thread. When the pin is turned during tightening, the spacer element moves, ensuring that the segments diverge in opposite directions. A product of this type is used when it is necessary to permanently fasten structures of heavy or medium weight, for example, to stretch cables.

Wedge design

A wedge-shaped anchor is a pin, at one end of which there is a riving coupling, providing durable installation products in stone, solid brick, reinforced concrete. On the other side there is a thread, when moving the nut along which when tightening the structure, the coupling wedges. The device is used when installing mounted equipment, pipe and cable communications, load-bearing consoles and is used when it is necessary to ensure high fastening strength.

How to install an anchor bolt

Before attaching an anchor bolt with a nut, it is necessary to drill a hole, the diameter of which must be equal to the thread parameter. After cleaning the hole from dust, the anchor is installed into it, with the conical part directed inside the hole, the length of which slightly exceeds the minimum depth for anchoring. Using a hammer, the anchor is inserted until the required installation depth is reached, after which the nut is tightened.

After ensuring the required tightening torque, which is best controlled using a torque wrench, the nut is unscrewed, a suspended structure (for example, a stand for diamond drilling) is installed on the stud, and the nut is tightened.

Chemical anchor, fastening with glue

Fastenings based on filling the inside of a metal rod embedded in the wall are used to provide strong connections in stone, brick, sandstone, shell rock, limestone, and cellular concrete. Such connections involve the use of chemical anchors, for example the popular all-season type moment fastener CF900. A metal insert, which is a reinforcement rod, a threaded stud or a sleeve with a thread on the inner surface, goes deep into a prepared hole, the diameter of which exceeds the anchor parameter by 2 mm. After this, a capsule with glue based on polyester, polyurethane or acrylic resinous substances, a hardener and filler in the form of sand is inserted into the sleeve. Then the glass cylinder is destroyed and a metal rod is inserted into it and the binder is waited for setting.

Calculation of anchors

Performing a pull-out test on connections is often performed on site. The permissible load will depend on the base material, for example:

  1. When installing massive structures at height, the required pull-out strength should be about 700 kg, and therefore experts recommend using chemical varieties anchors
  2. When using concrete or brick as a base, the average load is about 350 kg, this value is sufficient for fastening medium and heavy structures.
  3. When using foamed concrete, the load it can withstand will be about 250 kg.

In addition to calculating the load-bearing capacity of the elements used, the correct tightening torque must be ensured threaded connections. If the tightening is insufficient, there may be no frictional force in the connection; if the recommended values ​​are exceeded, there is a possibility of material destruction due to excess pressure on the base.

Often, during various types of repair and installation work, it becomes necessary to fix it in the wall various designs. Doing this in practice is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. Standard methods do not work very well, especially when the structure has a decent weight and creates a lot of pressure on the attachment point, or the wall is not as strong as concrete. In such cases, it is much more practical to use the so-called wall anchorage.

Anchor mount, the best option for fastening objects to the wall

The principle of operation of anchors - how do they cope with loads?

The principle of operation lies in their technology and special prefabricated structure, due to which the load has a completely different character. The fact is that when installed, the anchor bolt already expands in the wall; it cannot be pulled back out with any effort, like a nail, dowel or screw.

It is impossible to remove the anchor bolt from the wall

In this case, the load is distributed over a small surface area into which the bolt was installed, and not at one point, as with standard fixations. To enhance its ability, a metal sheet is additionally mounted with it, which takes on most of the load and distributes it over the entire plane of the sheet, and with this larger area sheet, the more load the bolt can withstand.

When anchoring, the load is distributed over a small area

Anchors: their effectiveness and types

The effectiveness of anchor bolts speaks for itself, this is the latest modern device that is quickly gaining popularity due to its ease of use and practicality. On this moment there are no analogues for them that could compare in terms of economy and physical characteristics. Taking as a basis the physical laws of load distribution along a plane, experts came to a very effective solution and created this device.

Anchor bolts are divided into several types

Anchors come in different types, have approximately the same properties and functions, each has a fundamental difference. They are divided into the following types and subtypes:

  1. Mechanical:
    - mortgage;
    — spacer;
    - driving;
    - wedge;
    — a bolt with a ring or hook;
    - frame;
    - hairpin;
    - façade;
    - ceiling;
    - spring.
  2. Chemical:
    — monolithic fastener;
    - for outdoor and interior work;
    — for fastening in loose and thin-walled substrates;
    — resistant to vibrations;
    - long-serving;
  3. Plastic.
  4. Ground.
  5. For foundation construction.
  6. Height adjustable.

Pick up suitable look won't be difficult

How to Attach an Anchor Bolt: A Reliable Anchor for Any Application

Despite its resistance to loads, installation is very simple, in three stages:

- drill a hole in the wall with a drill or hammer drill;
— install a bolt in the hole;
- spread out the anchor base.

This installation guarantees reliable use for any purpose and load. The anchor base will cope perfectly with any type of application.

These bolts are very easy to use

Foundation installation

Anchor bolts are installed in the foundation in the same way. For example, to install steel columns to the foundation. These are the first anchor bolts that are used in the construction of a house; they can withstand enormous loads because they are part of the load-bearing foundation of the structure.

Foundation anchor bolts can withstand very heavy loads

Anchors with a hexagonal head differ from others in their strength. A hexagonal metal sheet is placed on the wall or floor, and anchor bolts are screwed or driven into the drilled holes at the corners of its edges. This design is considered very reliable and can withstand any application, even lifting cars if installed on the floor. The hexagonal structure itself has unique features withstand high pressures and not deform due to their stiffeners. Hexagonal parts are often used in various technical areas due to their features.

Hex head anchors are more durable

The wedge anchor has a very good load-bearing capacity due to friction forces; its anchor expands inside the material, as if clinging to the wall, it does not allow the pressure to pull itself out. Wedge anchors are also divided into different types; it is worth remembering that the stronger the adhesion due to frictional forces, the better its load-bearing capacity, but at the same time, the base material must be stronger, otherwise the fixation will simply destroy it. This type is not recommended for use on walls with low strength, such as aerated concrete.

Such anchors are best used for strong walls.

The bolt type also has a bolt and nut that adjusts the armature to control locking. But unlike the wedge type, the bolt type has an anchor along almost the entire length of the bolt, which dissipates the pressure along the entire length of the recess. Thus, the destruction of the wall is minimal and this type can be used not only in concrete and high-strength walls, but also in more fragile materials, which makes it quite popular. But they also have their weaknesses. For example, if compared with wedge ones, then at the same pressures, for bolted ones you need to use a larger axle diameter, which will lead to new problems. It is necessary to use a drill with a larger diameter, and accordingly, make a larger hole in the wall, which will entail greater costs, and can also weaken the strength of the wall material if it is not strong enough. Such anchors come in both single-spacer and double-spacer types, which allows them to be held more firmly in the base and disperse internal stress. This property increases the load-bearing capacity with less destruction of the wall.

Using a bolt and nut you can adjust the anchor

The threaded impact anchor is strictly used for durable materials, the pulse vibrations will destroy the fragile wall before the installation is completed. It has a thread, and inside there is a cone that expands from the inside. It is easy to install, you just need to drill a hole, hammer it and wedge it. It is easy to select a bolt of any length; it is installed flush with the wall and does not require subsequent cutting, which speeds up the installation process and is also convenient to use. It is typically used to install pipes on ceilings, ducts and ducts.

Such anchors are used only for durable surfaces

The installation tools are the most common and can be found in everyone’s garage, because installing anchor bolts does not require any special tools. Enough conventional drill or a puncher (depending on the material of the wall on which the installation is being made), a hammer. If impact types of fastenings are used - wrench, for fixing the anchor base. Using these simple tools Any type of installation of absolutely any anchor fasteners is possible. The installation itself is carried out depending on the type of fastening and, of course, the experience of the master, because incorrect installation may entail various destructive side effects, for example, destruction of the base of the surface. You should also choose the right match between the type of fastening and the surface material, because not every surface is able to withstand strong point pressure and not every fastener is designed for heavy loads, as discussed above. Before deciding to purchase, be sure to consult with experienced builder or an installer, and you can also consult with sellers of construction companies and stores; such consultation will not be superfluous when making a decision.

To install the anchor you only need a drill

Correct and reliable fastening is one of the main conditions during construction to create a durable house. Anchors occupy first place among other similar devices for installing heavy structures on various types of surfaces. Thanks to their unique structure and the mechanics of internal load distribution, they are able to withstand very heavy structures, as far as the strength of the material allows. And even for fragile surfaces, thanks to additional attachments metal sheets and through installation, they can withstand incredible load forces, which will allow you to install, even at home, heavy equipment or specialized installations, not to mention the construction of the structure itself with the help of the reliability and versatility of modern anchors.

Fastening is a mandatory procedure during repair and construction

Thus, if you approach this issue responsibly, having familiarized yourself with the types of fasteners, their physical properties, they will never, even after many years, break out. Even if dismantling is necessary, it will not be possible to remove them from the wall without destruction, and if the wall has high strength, then this will not be easy to do, the anchors are installed once, without the possibility of reinstallation, but here everyone chooses what is more important, durability and reliability or the possibility of dislocating the anchors bolts

Video: Installing anchor bolts

Video: Anchors. Working principle of an anchor bolt

Set of tools

Installation Procedure

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • open-end wrench;
  • hammer.


Load bearing capacity

Connection reliability

Breakout calculation.

Installation of accessories

Installation of chemical anchor.

Page 2
  • Reinforcement
  • Manufacturing
  • Tools
  • Installation
  • Calculation
  • Repair

How to install anchor bolts in concrete?

A real anchor bolt is always installed before concreting begins and is installed on the basis of drawings, and not only construction drawings, but it would also be a good idea to look at the equipment, at least see the equipment passport, or even better, the equipment installation diagram. Then we take a drawing, a tape measure, a level, looking at the drawing using a tape measure we measure the exact distance from the axes, using a level we check the position of the anchor in height. And only after checking the correct installation of the anchor several times, we fix it in the structure. If there is no special method of fastening in the drawing, then the anchors are usually welded to the reinforcement frame. Then we wrap it on top with film so that God forbid we don’t stain the threads with concrete, fill the structure, wait at least a week until the concrete gains more or less strength, remove the film, if the strength of the concrete allows, then install equipment or mount columns, depending on what the anchor is for. . This is a real anchor bolt and it is made by real builders. Any equipment can be mounted on such anchor bolts within 20 minutes, fits like a glove, such anchors can withstand exactly the load for which they are designed. All that remains is to tighten the nuts and hand over the equipment according to the certificate. All other anchors are not real and are not made by real builders and therefore they are only suitable for domestic needs because any method of installing such anchors does not ensure reliable operation of the anchor and such anchor bolts are not installed under critical equipment. There are many ways to install fake anchors: you can use the option that fktif indicated with pictures, you can gouge a hole, install an anchor bolt, then fill this hole with concrete, you can install the anchor in the hole previously left for it and fill it with super-duper resins or adhesives instead of concrete, but anyway, such an anchor will only work halfway.

High-quality installation of anchors in concrete

Until recently, only screws or nails could be used for fastening to hard surfaces. But now this method of fastening is practically a thing of the past; it is being replaced by much more suitable anchors for this purpose.

The bolt is the most powerful fastening element, an order of magnitude higher than dowels with screws.

How can you quickly and efficiently secure objects to the wall? Only with the help of anchors - they can be hammered or screwed into the base.

This metal part, which is inserted into a solid base, expands there and holds the object that is secured with its help.

There is a thread inside into which the mount must be screwed. Both during repairs and during construction, anchor bolts are a reliable “anchor” that is difficult to replace with anything. Installation using them is quick and easy.

This type of fastener is used with great success for dense materials, such as solid brick or concrete, as well as for softer ones - plasterboard, for example. Install a shelf or hem suspended ceiling, hang a cabinet or a picture on a concrete wall - for all these manipulations bolts are needed. Mechanical ones are used most often. They can be held either by friction or by abutment.

Set of tools

Installation Procedure

For such work you need the following tools:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hammer drill with a set of drills;
  • open-end wrench;
  • hammer.

Concrete materials are much denser than most building products. It will take some effort to make a hole in them. Drills must be coated with special strength alloys. In order to make a hole for a bolt with smooth edges, a simple drill will not work; it is best to use a hammer drill.

To properly secure a bolt, the hole in the concrete must be made smooth and its diameter must match the outer diameter of the bolt. In no case does the anchor need to be disassembled - it is inserted entirely “as is”. Some people still try to take it apart and then insert it. But this can only be done when an anchor with a nut is used, and even in this case you can only twist the nut, nothing more. When the bolt is inserted into the hole, it must be tightened clockwise. For the installation to be successful, you need to select fasteners depending on the weight of the attached structure. It should be optimal in both diameter and length.


The design of the bolts differs somewhat from each other.

Each type is designed for a specific load,

  1. Klinova. When installing it, a hole is drilled in the concrete where the anchor will be driven. The wedge bolt has an important difference from others: it is the only type of such fasteners without a jacket. There is a wedge inside the bushing that expands when screwed in. After wedge fastener clogged, you need to tighten the nut, which, due to the expansion of the sleeve, fixes the rod. The wedge bolt is used for fastening various heavy structures, cable routes, fences, and load-bearing elements.
  2. Spacer. This type is considered the most common in construction. It is produced with a length of 2-12 cm and a diameter of 0.4-2 cm. The spacer bolt has a sleeve that runs along the entire rod. There is a thread inside it; a wedge-shaped head is mounted on it, which, in the process of twisting, expands the sleeve. This way the fastener is fixed. The most effective use of such a fastening element will be for concrete and solid brick. There are also anchor models that are designed for use in hollow materials. It should be mounted in a hole that is pre-drilled in the material in compliance with the required diameter and depth.
  3. Expandable. Inside this element there is a sleeve with several petals and an expanding nut. When twisted, it will push the petals apart. Installing such an element in concrete is quite practical.
  4. Driven. Its bushing has an internal wedge and special cutouts, thanks to which the bushing will expand when the bolt is struck. The blows are applied to the anchor (the wedge rests against the bottom of the hole) or to the wedge using a mandrel, which is inserted into the product itself. The use of a hammer will be necessary in any case to install the fastener. Driven bolts can be metal or polymer - the principle of operation will be the same as that of expansion bolts. Nylon ones have a difference in the form of a special screw with a thread in the shape of a shark tooth, due to which it will have an advantage during installation. Drive-in fasteners for concrete surfaces are used quite often - this seems to be the best option in most cases.
  5. Chemical. All previous types are attached mechanically, while chemical ones are glued to the material. The briquette with glue is inserted into the hole made by the tools, then pressed down with an anchor. The bolt is securely fixed with glue.

Load bearing capacity

Performance characteristics fastenings at a standard embedment depth in the base of heavy concrete B20 (C20/25).

Each type of bolt has its own load-bearing capacity, which is characterized by the load that the bolt can withstand without destruction and without violating the integrity of the bond with the material. First of all, the load-bearing capacity will depend on the material from which the fasteners are made. For this purpose they mainly use different kinds high quality steels - anti-corrosion, structural, stainless, as well as non-ferrous metals. With the exception of brass, almost all non-ferrous metals have the lowest strength. As a rule, the load-bearing capacity is indicated on the packaging or on the product itself.

Connection reliability

Breakout calculation.

This inspection is carried out directly at the place of work. Depending on the wall material, the reliability of the connection can be determined. If the material is brick or concrete, the pullout load will be about 350 kg. For fastening fairly heavy objects, this indicator is quite enough. When the material is cellular concrete, its load will be within 230 kg. It should be borne in mind that the installation of fasteners must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and performance properties of the material. For high-rise installation, for example, this will not be enough - here it is recommended to choose chemical ones, which have a pull-out load of approximately 700 kg.

Installation of accessories

Installation of chemical anchor.

To reliably install any type of anchor, sufficient drilling must be done in the concrete. deep hole, which is slightly larger in diameter than the diameter of the fastening element. The hole must then be cleaned of dust, an anchor is inserted into it, after which it must be securely fixed. Chemicals must be inserted using a gun. The adhesive mass is squeezed into the hole and the fastening element is inserted. After penetration into the pores of the material, the glue hardens and provides good fastening. The resulting connection is so strong that it can be used without fear when installing large and massive objects.

Characteristics and installation of anchor bolts in the wall, methods

An anchor is a fastening element made of metal material, inserted into concrete base and there it holds the object, which thanks to it is fixed. This type of fastener has recently become in great demand. Installing anchor bolts into the wall acts as an anchor. Thanks to this, they are able to withstand incredible loads. This makes it possible to use them to fasten heavy structures and individual objects. Not long ago, nails and screws were available to secure something to a stone surface. Now everything has changed, and this type of fastener is a thing of the past. More convenient and adapted anchors for this process successfully replace them.

How can you securely, with great effect and very quickly secure certain objects to the wall? Anchors are an excellent solution here; you can hammer or screw whatever you want into the concrete base.


The anchor has a thread inside; it is into this that the fasteners must be screwed. When building a house or renovating an apartment, anchor bolts are the best anchor; they will not guide you accurately, and it is impossible to replace them with something similar. Installation using these bolts will be quick and easy.

They are widely used for dense materials. For example, concrete, brick. They are also good for working with drywall. They can be used almost everywhere - if you need to hang a shelf, a cabinet, a picture, or arrange a suspended ceiling. All of these labor-intensive processes will require anchors. The most commonly used are mechanical anchors that can be held by a stop or by friction.

During construction or for everyday needs, it is necessary to attach various kinds of objects and structures for installation. There are various fasteners for these purposes. To work with concrete or brick, you need special anchors, and when wood blanks are used, then self-tapping screws for wood. Anchors will help to strengthen the heaviest structures well. For example, this could be a water heater, a wall bars, or a children's swing to the ceiling.

By itself, such a bolt is nothing special. This is a fairly simple connection of bolt, nut and housing. There is a plastic lining to prevent moisture from penetrating. The bolts operate on a simple expansion principle. When the bolt is tightened, the nut at the end is pushed inside. This causes the body to increase in size due to expansion and is driven tightly into the concrete.


These bolts have some pretty stringent requirements because people have to trust that this fastener is secure due to the weight they are putting on it. Therefore, when choosing these products, choose those that are made in accordance with GOST. The following types of anchor bolts are distinguished in the construction market:

  1. The bolt is one-piece - a head with six sides, a cone nut. Here the nut is a spacer that expands the pipe. It itself is soldered to the tip - it has a nut with a washer. When they begin to tighten the bolt, it immediately enters the pipe, thereby expanding it.
  2. Wedge. This is a rod made of metal material with a large cap. A wedge emerges from it and enters the rod upon impact. By doing this, it increases the area of ​​the part that is placed in the concrete hole.
  3. With spacer, shock. When a nail is driven in, it expands and becomes firmly attached to the stone.
  4. Double spacer with nut. This fastener is used for massive objects and for critical work. Accordingly, this is the most reliable fastening element. It becomes wider in two places at once. These spacers are located at the end of the tube and at the junction of two sections of the cylinder. The elements are designed so that when the nut is tightened, its parts are pulled into each other.
  5. Driven. Fasteners are driven into the wall hole. Already during this, it increases in width and grabs onto the stone. When the bolt is tightened, it expands even further. This type of bolt can be installed the fastest.
  6. Four-piece expansion joint. Its parts are independent of each other and form a cylindrical shape when assembled. At the top there is a part with a ring, and at the other end there is a spring fixation. When it is twisted, the action of a spacer with four edges begins at the cylinder. She unclenches these segments, after which they are pressed against the wall along the entire length. It uses not a bolt, but rods with a ring or a hook.

From the descriptions it is clear that the first two anchors operate in the same way. The difference between them is in the mobility of the elements. If the first one has a cone nut, then the second one has a bolt. The first two types of fasteners are standard options. Already on their main base it appears to the rest the lineup these bolts. The simplest and most convenient of them are anchors with a hook and a ring. Because when the nut is tightened, then the bolt is immediately firmly fixed in the hole in the wall.

Mounting method

There is nothing easier than fixing an anchor bolt to the wall. You just need to drill a hole in the concrete wall. Its diameter must exactly match the bolt. Then you need to insert the bolt itself and attach it. The anchor does not need to be disassembled; it is completely inserted in the same form in which it is sold. Some people take them apart for some reason and then try to put them back together. The anchor with the nut is disassembled, and then only by twisting the nut and that’s it. When the anchor is in the wall, it must be screwed clockwise. Having used such fasteners, you can immediately understand how fast, convenient and reliable it is.

Using them to help, you can hang lighting fixtures, install interior doors, and carry out finishing work. Based on the fact that such a mount is designed for heavy loads, it is produced from high-strength steel. This type of mount is fairly easy to make. The bolt in the wall is securely fastened. This is all thanks to gluing, abutment, and friction - the key to reliable fastening. These principles operate both together and separately, without affecting the strength one bit. Absolutely every man can fix an anchor bolt with his own hands.

Installation Rules

The steps during installation of anchor bolts are the same as with dowels. This is not difficult to do, although their design looks quite complicated. There are just some peculiarities. The instructions for attaching the anchor bolts are as follows:

  • You will need a drill of the required diameter, which must be inserted into the hammer drill.
  • Drill the passage, clear it of debris.
  • Drive in the bolt and tighten it with a wrench until it is firmly fixed in the base.

There are also a small number of rules that you need to remember and know:

  1. Installing a bolt anchor in hollow brick is prohibited.
  2. For installation, use a size of up to eight millimeters.
  3. When the hole cannot be cleaned, you should drill it twenty centimeters further.

The tools for this work will require a drill and a hammer drill with drills, an open-end wrench, and a hammer.

Concrete is much stronger than most other materials. Therefore, it will take some force to make a hole in it. Drills must be coated with durable alloys. Using a simple drill will not work if you need straight edges. In this case, you will have to resort to a hammer drill.

Bolt installation

Installed bolt in structure

For example, in foundation construction, there are several ways to install an anchor. The main ones are:

  • Basically, the installation of bolts in the foundation occurs before pouring concrete. When the reinforcement frame is installed, the curved anchors are secured by welding. It is very important to control their vertical location, the distance between them and in the foundation. Once they are secured, the threads must be covered, for example, with polyethylene. Then the concrete will not get into the threads.
  • It will be easier to install anchors in poured concrete. And there you can control all the necessary parameters.
  • To make the anchor straight, you need to drill a hole of a suitable diameter in the foundation, get rid of dust and concrete. Insert a straight anchor there and fill the voids with glue.
  • A conical anchor is installed in the same way as a straight one. Afterwards, do not forget to tighten the nut on the stud.

Before choosing one anchor or another, decide on the fastening method. At the same time, be sure to remember about the future load. For the sake of reliability and quality, you should not purchase a smaller fastener diameter. Choose those manufacturers in whom you are confident, who produce products according to GOST standards.

What to pay attention to

The method of work for installing anchors is to comply with tightening standards. Some manufacturers in their catalogs provide recommendations for tightening anchor fasteners. When it is small, there will be no important friction force; when it is large, the pressure on the base increases. Because of this, there is a possibility of destruction.

It is important to follow the installation of chemical anchors. The steel pin should fit into the hole with a screwdriver. This is important for thoroughly mixing all the elements of the composition. When using injections with the composition, the already mixed composition enters the hole. When inserting a pin, it must be screwed. If the compound does not come out of the hole, then you need to remove the pin and add more compound. The chemical must harden. This takes about 40 minutes, depending on the air temperature.

Finally, I would like to add that the installation of anchor bolts in the wall must follow strict rules, because they bear a great responsibility for supporting heavy weight. Such fasteners appeared not so long ago, but are already extremely popular and in demand in the construction market. They are relatively inexpensive, but have unique versatility and high reliability.