Brief historical information about Nevsky. The family of Alexander and the beginning of his reign

Prince Alexander Nevsky, whose biography is very remarkable, became one of those Russian rulers who are not only remembered to this day, but also revered. His battles and exploits dominate the minds of representatives of modern generations, although he himself lived a long time ago.

Birth and family

Alexander Nevsky (his biography is known, in principle, quite well) in 1221 with the princely couple Yaroslav Vsevolodich and Feodosia Mstislavovna (daughter), the young prince began to rule in his beloved Novgorod in 1236, and his entire reign was filled with disputes with wayward townspeople. Novgorod was a free city that did not want to unquestioningly obey anyone. Alexander married in 1239, choosing the Polotsk princess Alexandra Bryachislavna as his wife. This marriage brought three sons: Daniel later became the prince of Moscow, and Dimitri and Andrey - princes of Vladimir.

and the battle on Lake Peipsi

The glorious battle, for which the prince received his nickname, took place on July 15, 1240. Alexander managed to repel the attack of Swedish troops under the command of the famous Earl Birger (later he would become the ruler of Poland), preserve the territories on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and permanently close the issue of Swedish claims to these land. Alexander Nevsky (his biography describes this fact) soon after the battle leaves Novgorod, again not getting along with the residents (and the point, as always, was the love of freedom of the Novgorodians), and moves to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

However, this disgrace did not last long. Novgorod could not do without a glorious military leader, because there were always those who wanted to encroach on his lands. This time it turned out to be the forces of the Lithuanian prince and, as a matter of fact, the order itself was not officially at enmity with the Russian princes. A split had been brewing in its ranks for quite some time. Some of the knights advocated the continuation of campaigns in the Holy Land, while others wanted the crusades to move to the east, to the lands of Rus' and its neighbors. Actually, few Livonian knights took part in the famous battle; most of the troops belonged to the Lithuanian prince. Prince Alexander Nevsky, whose biography is described in the article, responded to the plea of ​​the Novgorodians and returned. The battle, famous for centuries, took place on the ice-bound (although the exact place is still not known) in 1242 on April 5th. The defeat of the enemy forces turned out to be complete; this defeat was difficult for the order. Thus, Prince Alexander Nevsky (his biography is filled with such acts) ensured the security of the western borders of Rus'.

Rome and Horde

These two battles - on the Neva and Lake Peipsi - are so famous throughout the centuries also because they were the only ones for Rus' at that time. In the east, things were terrible. The Russian princes were unable to unite in time and repel the attack of a powerful enemy - the Horde, and now they had to obey the khans, go to their capital to receive labels for the right to reign in their native lands. After the death of their father, brothers Alexander and Andrey also went to the Horde for the same purpose. The eldest reigned over the southern lands of Rus', including Kyiv, and the younger – the northern ones. However, the prince still returns to his beloved Novgorod. And then another event occurs, which is the biography of Alexander Nevsky ( summary it should also include this fact) especially emphasizes. Despite the power of the Mongols and his own troubles, the prince does not accept help from the West in exchange for accepting catholic faith. Innocent IV makes such an offer to him, but receives a categorical refusal.

After internal turmoil in the Horde itself (the overthrow of Khansha Ogul by Hashim Khan Mongke), Alexander received in Novgorod in 1242. But he failed to reign in the city - his brother Andrei, having secured the support of the Galician prince Daniil Romanovich and the prince of Tver, refused to give up power. However, Alexander was soon able to get to Novgorod. Alexander Nevsky (his biography is full of glorious victories in the diplomatic field) during a trip to Golden Horde managed to get his soldiers the opportunity not to participate in the Mongol campaigns of conquest. However, on the way back, the prince fell ill and died in Gorodets, located on the Volga River, on November 14, 1263. There is a version that he was poisoned by the Mongols, but there is no way to prove it today.

Veneration of a saint

In Vladimir they began to venerate him back in the 1280s, but official canonization came later. The noble prince Alexander Nevsky became the patron saint not only of Rus', but subsequently of Russia as well, and his exploits were reflected not only in folklore and folk legends, but later also in literature and cinema.

The reign of Alexander Nevsky (briefly)

The reign of Alexander Nevsky (briefly)

Alexander Nevsky, born on May thirtieth, 1220 and died on November fourteenth, 1263, was the Grand Duke of Vladimir and was the son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander had to spend his youth in Novgorod, where he reigned together with his brother Fedor, first guided by the opinions and decisions of two boyars, and later (from 1236) on his own. Soon the prince marries the daughter of Bryachislav of Polotsk, Alexandra.

In 1240, the Swedes, who disputed Finland, gathered, prompted by the pope's bull on a crusade against Novgorod. However, Alexander manages to defeat their forces at the confluence of the Izhora River and the Neva.

It was this battle that gave the nickname to Prince Alexander. In the same year, Nevsky had a quarrel with the Novgorodians, who tried to limit his power, after which he left the city and went to Pereyaslavl. But the outbreak of war with the Sword Bearers, who united with the Teutonic Order, forced the Novgorodians to call on Alexander again.

The returning prince recaptured Koporye in 1241, a year later Pskov and, moving troops to Livonia, on April 5, 1242, defeated the Germans on the ice of Lake Peipsi. Given historical event historians are accustomed to calling it the “Battle of the Ice.” According to the concluded peace treaty, the Germans completely abandoned prisoners and conquered territories. Already in the same year (and in 1245) Alexander Nevsky managed to win battles with the Lithuanians, and in 1256 he devastated the Finnish Em to intimidate the Swedes.

After the death of his father in 1247, Nevsky and his brother went to Batu, and then to Mongolia, where Alexander received Novgorod and Kyiv, and Andrei received the Vladimir table. However, after Andrei's disobedience, the throne was transferred to Nevsky.

In 1258, Prince Alexander visited the Horde to pay respects to the dignitary Ulovchay, and a year later he was able to induce Novgorod to agree to the so-called Tatar census. In 1262, an uprising broke out in Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Pereyaslavl and Vladimir, but Nevsky, who went to the Horde, was able to reject pogroms for the disobedience of these Russian cities by the Tatar hordes.

On the way back home, Nevsky died in Gorodets Volzhsky. Alexander was considered at that time the largest and most reasonable ruler since the time of Vladimir Monomakh; the memory of this ruler is surrounded by poetic tales and many ancient literary sources.

Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is a prince who occupies a special place in Russian history. In ancient Russian history he is the most popular character. The description of Alexander Nevsky says that he was a defender of the Fatherland, a fearless knight who dedicated his life to his own homeland.

Alexander was born on May 30, 1219 in Pereyaslavl. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was a fair and believing prince. About Princess Feodosia Mstislavna - his mother - virtually nothing is clear. According to some chronicles, we can say that she was a quiet and devoted lady. These chronicles give a characteristic of Alexander Nevsky: he was dexterous, strong and strong, and he mastered the sciences very early. His character traits are also mentioned in the story “The Life of Alexander Nevsky.”

In N. S. Borisov’s book “Russian Military Leaders,” a trait of Alexander Nevsky is given from his early youth. The creator used great amount quotes from ancient historical sources, which makes it possible to feel the spirit of that era.

In 1228, the first information about Alexander appeared. Then Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was a prince in Novgorod. He had a conflict with the residents of the town, and he was obliged to move to his native Pereyaslavl. But in Novgorod he left two offspring, Fyodor and Alexander, in the care of trusted boyars. The son Fedor died, Alexander became the Prince of Novgorod in 1236, and in 1239 he married Alexandra Bryachislavna, the Polotsk princess.

Short line of Alexander Nevsky

During the first years of his reign, Nevsky strengthened Novgorod, as it was threatened by the Mongol-Tatars from the east. Several fortresses were built on the Sheloni River.

The victory on the banks of the Neva at the mouth of the Izhora River on July 15, 1240 over the Swedish detachment brought Alexander great glory. He personally participated in this battle. It is believed that it was precisely because of this victory that the great prince began to be called Nevsky.

When Alexander Nevsky returned from the banks of the Neva due to the conflict, he had to leave Novgorod and return to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. At that time, Novgorod was in danger from the west. The Livonian Order gathered German crusaders from the Baltic states, and Danish knights from Revel, and attacked the lands of Novgorod.

Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received an embassy from Novgorod asking for help. He sent an armed detachment to Novgorod led by his son Andrei Yaroslavovich, who was later replaced by Alexander. He liberated Koporye and Vodskaya land, occupied by the knights, and later drove the German garrison out of Pskov. The Novgorodians, inspired by these successes, burst into the territory of the Livonian Order and ravaged the settlement of the Estonians and tributary crusaders. After which knights came out of Riga, killed the Russian regiment of Doman Tverdoslavich and forced Alexander Nevsky to withdraw troops to the border of the Livonian Order. The two sides began to prepare for the decisive battle.

On April 5, 1242, the decisive battle began, which took place near the Crow Stone on the ice of Lake Peipsi. This battle in history is called the Battle of the Ice. As a result, the battles defeated the German knights. The Livonian Order had to make peace: the crusaders refused Russian land and transferred part of Latgale.

In 1246, Alexander and his brother Andrei visited the Horde at the insistence of Batu. Then they headed to Mongolia, where the new Khansha Ogul Gamish declared Andrei a great prince and gave Alexandra Southern Rus', but he refused and left for Novgorod.

In 1252, he visited Khan Mongke in Mongolia and received permission to reign majestically. All subsequent years he fights to maintain conciliatory relations with the Horde.

In 1262, Alexander made his fourth trip to the Horde, during which he managed to “beg” the Russians not to participate in the Tatar campaigns of conquest. But during the return journey he fell ill and died on November 14, 1268 in Gorodets.

In honor of Alexander Nevsky, Peter I founded a monastery in St. Petersburg in 1724 (now it is the Alexander Nevsky Lavra). And during the Great Russian War, the Russian Order of Alexander Nevsky was organized: it was awarded to brave commanders.

A brilliant military leader, a talented diplomat and a quality politician - all this is the trait of Alexander Nevsky, who will forever remain immortal in the hearts of the Russian people.

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Alexander Nevskiy

Alexander Yaroslavovich was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky in 1221 in the family of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Princess Feodosia. From the age of four, the child was separated from his mother and given to be raised by princely soldiers. They began to teach the baby military science and literacy. He grew up into an agile, strong young man who loved to read and wrote beautifully.

Already in 1228, young Alexander began to reign in Novgorod with his older brother Fedor under the supervision of the boyars, and in 1236 Alexander reigned independently in Kyiv and Vladimir. The people admired their prince - smart, handsome, tall, with a strong voice that thundered like a trumpet.

In 1240, the Swedes declared war on Novgorod. Their army was led by Birger. Prince Alexander with the army, having prayed in St. Sophia Cathedral, set out to meet the enemy. On the morning of July 15, 1240, the army of Prince Alexander quietly approached the enemy camp and suddenly attacked the enemies, hitting them with axes and swords. A battle ensued. This battle took place on the Neva River. The Swedes fled, the Novgorodians pursued them. Prince Alexander caught up with Birger and hit him in the face with a spear, leaving scars.

The Russian army returned to Novgorod with victory, and Prince Alexander received an honorary nickname for his name - Nevsky.

Time passed, and enemies from the west again moved towards Novgorod. In 1242, Alexander set out to meet the enemy. The famous battle, known in history as the Battle of the Ice, took place on the ice of Lake Peipsi, near a rock called the Crow Stone. The Russian regiments struck the enemy wedge from the sides and crushed it.

Under the weight of the knight's armor, the ice began to crack and fall through, the defeated knights sank under the water, to the bottom of Lake Peipsi. And again victory over the enemy. The victory in the Battle of the Ice glorified Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky as a great commander of Rus'.

At that time, Rus' was under the rule of the Golden Horde. Russian princes had to confirm their right to reign in the Horde. Batu Khan gave Alexander Kyiv, which had been ravaged by the Mongol-Tatars. The wise reign of Grand Duke Alexander continued, Rus' preserved its faith, its traditions, although it groaned under the Tatar yoke.

In 1263, Alexander again had to visit the Horde. He lived all winter and summer in the Horde. At the same time, Alexander became seriously ill. He returned to Rus' mortally ill. The prince wanted to return home at all costs, but only got as far as Gorodets. There he finally fell ill and felt the approach of death. Before his death, he took monastic vows.

Prince Alexander was buried with honors in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. The prince was elevated to the rank of saints. in 1724, the relics of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, whom the Russian people loved and revered, were transferred from Vladimir to Saint Petersburg. The relics were placed in a newly built monastery dedicated to Saint Prince Alexander. Here, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in the Trinity Cathedral, at the shrine with holy relics, today you can kneel and pray to the blessed Prince Alexander, our faithful, reliable defender and patron of the Russian land. And ask him for courage, clear mind, strength and humility, so that we too can preserve and beautify Russia.

The history of our country contains many glorious battles. Some of them have gained particular fame. For example, almost any person in a conversation about famous battles will mention Battle of the Neva And Battle on the Ice. It is not surprising, because thanks to these events, Rus' was once able to maintain and protect its borders. But both the Battle of the Neva and Battle on the Ice could have ended more disastrously if not for great commander, who led our troops - Alexander Nevskiy.

short biography

began on May 13, 1221. His father was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, and his mother was Rostislava Mstislavna. The boy spent his childhood in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, but it did not last long. Already at the age of nine, Alexander was sent to rule Novgorod along with his brother Fedor. In 1233, Fedor died, and three years later Yaroslav Vsevolodovich left for Kyiv.

Thus, Alexander already at the age of 15 became sole ruler Novgorod.

Personal life

In 1239, the prince found family happiness in Toropets with Princess Alexandra of Polotsk. The wedding took place in the Church of St. George. This marriage resulted in the birth of several children:

  • Vasily - 1240;
  • Dmitry - 1250;
  • Andrey - 1255;
  • Daniel - 1261;
  • Evdokia.

Battle of Neva

Alexander began to be called Nevsky, thanks to battle on the Neva. This battle brought the prince worldwide fame. The Battle of the Neva took place in 1240 on the banks of the Neva River. The battle was fought against the Swedes, who wanted to capture Pskov and Novgorod. It is noteworthy that Alexander’s army, without the support of the main army, was able to defeat the enemy. Before the battle, the prince came out to the troops with words of support, which have survived to this day thanks to chronicles.

These words inspired the warriors, and they were able to win a confident and crushing victory. The Swedes suffered huge losses and were forced to retreat.

Despite successful outcome of the Battle of the Neva, Alexander had a conflict with the Novgorodians, and the prince was forced to leave the city. But in 1241, the Livonian Order, consisting of German and Danish troops, invaded the territory of Novgorod. Novgorodians were forced to turn to the prince for help. Alexander did not disappoint - having arrived with his army, he liberated the cities captured by the Livonian Order, and then led his troops to the enemy border. There, on Lake Peipsi, the decisive battle took place.

Battle on the Ice

April 5, 1242 on the ice of Lake Peipus The troops of Alexander Nevsky and the Livonian Order met. Thanks to the prince's cunning tactics, the enemy troops were surrounded on the flanks and defeated. The remnants of the troops tried to escape from the battlefield, running away across the frozen lake. They were pursued by princely troops for 7.4 km.

There are several versions about this chase. There is very popular information that the warriors of the Livonian Order were dressed in heavy armor. The thin ice of Lake Peipsi could not support their weight and cracked. Therefore, most of those enemies who survived drowned. However, Wikipedia mentions that this information only appeared in later sources. But in the records made in the coming years after the battle, nothing is said about this.

Anyway, The Battle of the Ice Was Decisive. After it, a truce was concluded and there was no longer a threat to the cities of Rus' from the Order.

Years of reign

Alexander became famous not only for his victories in famous battles. He understood that battles alone were not enough to protect the country. Therefore, in 1247, after the death of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Alexander went on a visit to the Horde Khan Batu. The negotiations were successful, so the prince received control of the Kiev principality, and his brother Andrei - Vladimir.

In 1252, Andrei renounced the Vladimir principality and fled. This almost provoked a new conflict with the Tatar-Mongols, but Alexander again paid a visit to the Horde. Thus, he achieved the opportunity to govern the Vladimir principality.

Subsequently, Alexander continued to adhere to the same line of behavior. This policy is perceived in two ways by society. Many considered and consider Nevsky practically a traitor, not understanding why he was constantly in contact with the Horde. In addition, Nevsky not only visited the khans, but also contributed in every possible way to the implementation of their plans. For example, in 1257, Alexander helped the Horde conduct a census of the population of Rus', which the entire people were against. And in general, in relations with the Tatar-Mongols, he showed humility and paid tribute without stint.

On the other hand, thanks to this policy, he was able to free Rus' from the obligation to provide troops to the Horde for military campaigns and saved the country from Tatar-Mongol raids. The main thing for him was survival, both his own and that of the entire people. And he successfully coped with this task.


During his next visit to the Tatar-Mongols, which took place in 1262, Prince Alexander Nevsky became very ill. By the time he returned home, his condition was very serious. Before his death, the prince managed to convert to Orthodoxy under the name Alexy. His life ended on November 14, 1263, the funeral took place in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery.

Curious facts