Beautiful renovation in the hall photo. Design of a living room in an apartment (71 photos): how to combine presentability and functionality Examples of the interior of a living room in an apartment

Before you start arranging furniture, you need to determine the purpose of the room. The answer to the question: how to arrange furniture in the room depends on the functionality of the room. Not always in the most big room apartments or houses accept only guests. Very often the hall is at the same time a bedroom, a dining room and an office.

Having decided on the main function of the hall, you need to study the layout. The size of the room determines how much furniture will fit in the room and what parameters it should have. Where and how to arrange furniture in the room often depends on the location of windows and doors.

A private house

In terms of furniture arrangement, owners country houses one can envy. Private properties have large areas and differ in ceiling height, number and size of windows. Having a large room with large windows, it is easy to create a spacious and bright room. From bright light you need to protect yourself with translucent tulle. Ideally, a table is placed between two windows, on both sides of which they will look great soft chairs: sitting on them you can enjoy a beautiful view of the garden.

Lighting plays a big role in the living room. In a spacious room there will not be a superfluous chandelier, which will simultaneously illuminate and decorate the room. Don't forget about additional lighting: Wall lights, desk lamp. If the room is 18 square meters or more, then a large sofa can easily fit in it. It is recommended to place it near the longest wall. Closets and shelving are located next to the narrow sides. The main condition for arranging furniture in the hall is that the space in the center should be empty. At 18 square meters, photos of which can be viewed in magazines and on the Internet, you can equip a harmonious and cozy living room.

A large room

Those who have a large living room are in luck. In a spacious hall you can realize any idea, but you shouldn’t fill the room with everything that comes to hand. Perfect option filling the space in the hall - zoning. Large room For convenience, they are divided into several zones. Each part of the living room should perform a specific function: relaxation area, eating, work zone. You can delimit space using furniture:

  • Place the sofa across the room, dividing it into two parts;
  • Divide the room with a shelving unit or cabinet.

Or you can divide the living room into zones using a screen. If necessary, it can be folded, thereby combining the space.

Little Family

IN small apartment all rooms have small sizes, so you need to make every effort to properly furnish the room. In any case, the living room should be beautiful and cozy. To achieve this, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Choose furniture not large sizes;
  2. Do not place cabinets, sofas or floor lamps near windows;
  3. Leave the area near the door clear.

In small living rooms they usually put furniture in a classic style, but retro style and minimalism look just as good. Sofas and armchairs should have narrow armrests, and the color of the upholstery should not be too eye-catching. It is better to abandon corner and folding options in favor of miniature sofas and armchairs with legs. To save space, it is recommended to use transparent and translucent materials: glossy and glass surfaces tables and cabinets will look perfect in a classic living room.


In a studio apartment, there is no separate living room. IN common area You need to place beautiful furniture for cooking, relaxing and sleeping. When arranging an apartment with a combined living room and kitchen, you need to think through all the details. It is necessary to select furniture that will perform the maximum number of functions:

  • Chair-bed;
  • Table with cabinets;
  • Sofa with drawers.

Regardless of the size of the apartment, it is necessary to create several areas in the studio, not taking into account the cooking area. The living room should simultaneously be a place of relaxation and a work area. It is recommended to delimit the space using a sofa with a high back. If it is placed closer to the middle, then a desk and chair will be placed against a narrow wall. In the case when the area of ​​the room does not allow dividing it into several parts, you need to select the most functional furniture. As sleeping place It is more advisable to take a pull-out sofa with drawers for linen. During the daytime guests can relax on it, and after sunset it will become a place to sleep. If there are several family members, then it is recommended to place a chair-bed along with the sofa. During waking hours, household members will sit on it in front of the TV or computer, and during rest, the chair will turn into a full-fledged sleeping place.

It is recommended to move the workspace in a studio apartment to the kitchen area to free up space for a cabinet or shelving unit. Storage furniture should not be bulky. A studio apartment, regardless of functionality, should be spacious, at least during the daytime. But even at night, there should be space between the unfolded chair, sofa and other interior items. For visual increase it is recommended to use the hall in a studio apartment large mirror. You can attach it to any wall or ceiling. Arrangement of furniture in the hall of a studio apartment - complex issue, so if you doubt your design talents, choose a minimalist style. There is not enough space for other styles in a small room. The space should be filled with the most necessary things: a sofa, a table, an armchair, a closet.

In a narrow space

Narrow hall - " headache» many designers. The main condition is to furnish a narrow living room with furniture so that there is enough space for a person of any size to pass through. Don’t try to use the space to the maximum so that you don’t have to step over all sorts of tables and chairs.

One of the options for arrangement in an elongated space is to place chairs, a table, a sofa, or a wall along one wall. In this case, the passage will remain, but the hall will look more like a corridor than a living room. It's best to leave free space in the center of the room. To do this, you need to place large furniture near the walls with the smallest width. For example:

  • On one side there is a sofa and Coffee table ik, on the other side - a wall or cabinet;
  • If you put a soft corner in one corner, then you can create a dining area opposite.

If each corner of the hall has its own functionality, then you can hide one of the zones with a screen that matches the walls. Thus, you can round the corner, and visually the room will become more spacious.

Depending on the shape of the room

If you are looking for an answer to the question “how to properly arrange furniture in the living room,” first of all, pay attention to the shape of the room. This determines where furniture of certain sizes can be placed.


IN square room Almost any arrangement will do. It all depends on the area. If the room is small, then the largest furniture should be placed against the walls: on one side there is a sofa, on the second - a wardrobe, on the third - a table and armchairs. If the area of ​​the room is larger than average, then you can divide the room into functional areas: rest, work, eating.

If you are a supporter of gatherings and the area of ​​the hall allows it, then you can put dinner table right in the center. In this case, other large objects should be located near the walls so that the passage is always free. If you see a sofa as the center of your resting place, then feel free to place it in the middle of the living room. If the room is large and the doors are in the middle, then you can divide the room into two parts, each of which will serve its own purpose. In one part there can be a cozy sofa and a table, in the other there can be a work area with a table and a wardrobe.


The rectangular shape of the room is most often found in apartments. In such a room, you need to correctly define the functional zones. There are a few simple rules, in order for the furniture in Khrushchev to look harmonious:

  1. Don't place all your furniture along one wall. Try dividing the room into several zones. One area will serve as a place to relax with a TV or decorative fireplace, and let the other become a workspace;
  2. Do not use cabinets and racks as partitions. In a small Khrushchev-era building, such manipulations will not present the room in the best light. It is much more profitable to use lightweight and folding screens;
  3. Do not place interior items around the entire perimeter. It is best to focus on the seating area and place the sofa in the center, and place a work desk and shelving near one of the free walls. It is not recommended to place furniture in one place so that the room does not seem cluttered;
  4. Forget symmetry. Try experimenting. A coffee table can be placed between two armchairs. Take not an ordinary sofa, but a corner one. The chairs do not have to be placed next to each other: place them opposite each other diagonally;
  5. Do not place bulky objects on long distance from each other. To visually make the room square, place a wide shelving unit or wardrobe next to one of the most narrow walls. It will be great if the color of this furniture matches the color of the wallpaper as closely as possible. For the same effect and to add originality, you can build a small podium on which you can create a relaxation area with a sofa and a table;
  6. Don't overdo it with contrasts in the zoning process. Choose furniture of similar colors. When zoning a small living room, it is important that the parts of the room do not differ too much in color. The same applies to delimiting the living room with walls. It is not advisable to paint each wall a different color.

If you are in doubt about how to arrange furniture in the Khrushchev-era hall, then before work, sketch out several options on a piece of paper. Consult with friends who have done rearrangements or repairs in similar conditions.

Not standard

If you are the owner of a living room whose shape does not look like a square or rectangle, then you should not be upset. Perhaps you have a chance to create unique interior. In private homes and new buildings they are often found additional elements: niches, ledges, fifth corner. They can interfere with a harmonious arrangement, but with due diligence, a disadvantage will become an advantage.

A soft corner or armchairs with a table will look good in an extra corner. A cabinet or rack is suitable to fill a niche. A TV or a painting will look harmonious on the protruding part of the wall. If you don’t need a closet in the living room, you can build a seating area in a niche, filling it with a sofa. Shelves for small items and books will be conveniently placed next to the upholstered furniture.

When choosing the interior of a living room in an apartment based on photos of projects made by professional designers, you involuntarily want to own apartment the decor was equally harmonious, thoughtful and stylish. This is not surprising, because the hall, without exaggeration, can be called the main room in the house.

Gathers here after working day the whole family can relax, discuss the events that have happened, or simply go about their business while being nearby. Friendly gatherings most often take place in the hall, and guests and visitors are also invited here. Therefore, it is quite natural and understandable to want to make the room fully correspond to the taste of all residents of the apartment and present them in the best light.

Hiring a professional designer who can turn the smallest and darkest room into a masterpiece is not always possible. But even without this you can get a good result. The secret of success is in a carefully thought-out design project.

To get it, you need to decide which color scheme should prevail in the room, which style is preferable to use. When drawing up a project, it is important to take into account the parameters of the room itself: its area, location of windows, level natural lighting, the presence of complex architectural elements (bay windows, non-standard shaped rooms, etc.).

An important point to consider is the financial side. If funds do not allow you to create a luxurious hall design, you can look at the photo of the apartment budget option interior design and choose a suitable project among them.

Most importantly, the adopted design project must meet the requirements and preferences of each family member, so that everyone in the room feels comfortable and comfortable.

The large area of ​​the apartment offers many opportunities for creating an interesting and unusual room design project. In a spacious apartment you can implement different variants the interior of the living room in the apartment, as, for example, in the photos of interiors located on specialized design sites.

If the room is large, you usually want to make it more compact and cozy. To do this, you can purchase a set of furniture in any color variations, with dark shades being more preferable: chocolate, cherry, dark red, purple. It is advisable to avoid glossy surfaces.

In a spacious room, you need to highlight the compositional center, which, first of all, will attract attention. Absolutely any piece of furniture can serve as the center of the composition: unusual table with an openwork tabletop or twisted legs, a bright unusual rug, . Other interior items should be placed taking into account the center of the composition.

The abundance of free space encourages many to install more furniture and decorative items in order to visually get rid of unnecessary emptiness in the room. This approach is not correct, as it can lead to clutter in the room. When arranging a room, it is important to observe moderation and not load the interior beyond what is necessary.

An important point when planning an interior is separation spacious room to functional areas. When arranging zones, there should be enough free space so as not to impede movement between different parts of the room.

Zoning can be done in different ways. Most often, screens are used for this purpose, dense or with openwork pattern. It’s even easier to highlight zones using furniture, separating workplace from space for relaxation. Other most common ones are also used as separators. different ways: different zones are separated from each other by shelving and curtains. A modern fireplace or a large plant in a beautiful flowerpot can serve as a “separator.” Finally, you can separate one part of the room from another using lighting, installing different lamps in each of them. The main wish in this case is that the separator should correspond to the overall interior of the room.

Interior of a small hall

A spacious apartment is currently still the ultimate dream. The area of ​​the hall in a standard apartment is usually 18 m2, and the room serves as both a living room and a dining room. The size of the room is small, but still the room cannot be called too cramped. Therefore, in this case, you can also pick up several photos of the interior of an apartment with a hall of 18 square meters. m and try to repeat the idea you like.

The ideal shape of the room is square, with one door, two windows (or one large window). In such a room you can place a set upholstered furniture, shelves for books, chairs, and, if necessary, create a work area.

In general, it is not so important what the configuration of the hall is. The shape of the room, in addition to square, comes in other types:

  • L-shaped;
  • elongated rectangular;
  • with asymmetrical corners;
  • with several entrances to the room.

With a reasonable approach to the interior design of the hall in ordinary apartment and using a photo of a professionally designed design, you can turn any flaw in the room into its interesting feature which will be the envy of property owners correct form.

For example, niches that cause owners a lot of problems can actually become the highlight of the interior. You can put a cozy chair in them and floor lamp– it will make a wonderful corner for reading or relaxing. If a niche is made near the window, you can place an armchair and several flower pots in it - the result will be a mini-garden. But you can decorate niches in a more familiar way by installing cabinets or shelves for books, flowers or decorative items.

Some rooms in apartments are 18 m2. practically consist of doorways depending on the number of rooms, there can be from 2 to 4. This is also not a reason to be upset, you need to take a fresh look at the existing premises.

In the space between two doorways can be placed beautiful table with decorative items. Another option is to place a TV there or bookshelves. If you prefer the photo of the interior of a living room with a fireplace in an apartment, you can implement this particular option: install a fireplace in the space between the doorways.

Color scheme of the living room in the apartment

The color scheme in which the design of the room is designed has great value. Much has already been said about the fact that color affects a person’s mood and even well-being. Therefore, when creating a design project for a hall, it is worth taking this fact into account.

On the picture modern interior In the living room of an apartment, you can often see that many designers try to decorate this room in soothing colors, giving preference to white, beige or cream. This is not surprising, since light shades allow you to solve one of the typical problems small rooms: lack of light, and also help to visually enlarge the space and make the ceiling visually higher. In a room kept in light colors, the atmosphere is conducive to pleasant rest and relaxation.

If you decide to keep the room in this palette, then other interior elements should be light. It is better to choose curtains that are white or as light as possible. Then the composition will look harmonious.

The disadvantage of this design is that the rooms may look too dull and feel depressing. To prevent this from happening, add a little color to the interior: place a vase with bright flowers on the coffee table, add a few bright paintings or decorations. The spines of books placed on shelves will serve the same purpose. Please note that such decorative elements there should not be too many, and they should not stand out from the interior. Then the composition will look light, but at the same time not boring.

Dark colors for small apartments are not considered best choice, as they visually reduce the area of ​​the apartment and often have a depressing effect. Moreover, this applies not only to the color of the walls, but also to the color of the furniture upholstery. This doesn't mean you can't add some dark accents to your interior. The only requirement: they should be in moderation. Such shades must be used carefully and thoughtfully. If you follow this rule, the interior will turn out stylish and unusual, but not heavy. It’s worth looking at a photo of the interior of a small living room in an apartment with dark accents to see this.

Like dark colors, bright shades visually reduce space, and their use in large quantities will lead to a color “cacophony” that is incompatible with home comfort. To prevent this effect, you need to be very careful when choosing a color scheme, and also carefully select decorative elements.

Style solutions for the interior of the hall

The style of the room must be chosen in accordance with the wishes of all family members and, of course, the style of other rooms. It is largely determined by the area of ​​the room.

For a spacious hall, the classic style is best suited, characterized by light colors, an abundance of decorative items, strict but exquisite furniture. As you can see in the photo, the classic interior of the living room in the apartment does not lose its relevance even in the century high technology and is still popular.

Another good choice for owners of a spacious apartment is the luxurious Baroque style. The interior, designed in luxurious gold and brown shades, will look cozy, but at the same time solemn and expensive.

For those who value comfort and home comfort, an airy and light shabby chic style is suitable. "Shabby" means "shabby", which in this case implies the presence of old furniture and various vintage items. Another one characteristic- abundance of textiles and lace. The color scheme is all light shades of pink, as well as light gold.

Lovers of rigor will more like Art Nouveau with its strict lines and modern furniture in warm colors.

Before creating the interior of a small room in an apartment, it is recommended to look at the corresponding photos, since here the approach will be different. First of all, a small room should not suffer from excess furniture. The best option is minimalism style. It is characterized by the fact that only the most necessary furniture is present in the setting, and preference should be given multifunctional items interior Due to this, the room will appear visually larger.

The high-tech style helps to visually expand the space, allowing you to make it not only modern and stylish, but also functional interior. Those who are hesitant to furnish a room in this style can be advised to take a closer look at the Japanese style. This is, in essence, the same minimalism, but with the use natural materials, which provides him with greater comfort, and the few elements in Japanese style will give a special flavor.

One of the fashionable styles now is Provence. Warm natural tones predominate in such interiors. In the photo, the interior of the living room, in the apartment with wallpaper with floral patterns and floral prints on the furniture looks very cozy and modern. This style is well suited for both spacious and small rooms. IN small hall it will visually expand the space.

Lighting and decorative elements

IN small room lighting is of particular importance. Even in a small room it is necessary to divide it into functional zones, and for this task you can use different lamps. They can additionally visually increase the space.

It is not recommended to place a lot of furniture in the hall now. The space should not be cluttered with massive cabinets, chests of drawers, or walls. The maximum that should be placed in a small room is a sofa and two armchairs (but no more), a coffee table. This will also save money on the purchase of new furniture.

Can be mounted hanging shelves. Instead of a sofa and armchairs, a good solution is to purchase a soft corner, it will save free space. Coffee tables with a transparent tabletop, various transparent designs and minimalist furniture are suitable for the same purpose. Good decision there will be a corner sofa with movable modules. They will allow you to create several additional beds and, if desired, slightly modify the decor of the room.

It is advisable to choose furniture for a small apartment that is not bulky, giving preference to lighter designs.

In a standard apartment, it is not recommended to use heavy curtains with elaborate lambrequins; they are usually inappropriate. Light curtains and drapes look much better, especially those made of translucent material. And in order to protect the apartment from prying eyes, instead of curtains it is better to purchase thick curtains made of smooth material, preferably of a single color. Such curtains fit better into the interior and do not attract too much attention.

I like

In any apartment or house, the hall is the most significant and functional area. Since this is a frequently visited place, you need to make the design of the living room in the apartment special and original. Even though some of the designers’ techniques are considered original and promising, not all of them can be implemented in a small room. In addition, we must not forget that it is necessary to maintain a single style when decorating rooms.

If the apartment owners have at their disposal small hall where the work area, recreation area and bedroom are concentrated, it is recommended to use special transforming devices to decorate the room. This allows you to free up precious space if necessary and desired.

Attention is also paid to the color of the walls and wallpaper, as well as the window opening. This is important because when entering a room, attention is focused on the color scheme and window design. The chosen color in a small room should not overwhelm a person; on the contrary, it should visually expand the space and push the boundaries of the room.

The ceiling is always made a little lighter than the walls to create the illusion of a high ceiling. Special attention given to curtains and cornices. They should be in harmony with the overall design of the room. It is also recommended to place several pots of fresh flowers in a small room in order to bring natural colors and colors into the room.

Interior styles for the hall

Considering that the living room is the central zone, the interior design should be treated with special attention.


The stylistic direction is suitable for those who prefer rigor and sophistication. The design is based on decoration elements:

  • candlesticks,
  • antique clock,
  • fireplace.

Furniture materials are used from high-quality expensive red or dark wood. A folding chest of drawers and a table are a must-have in the interior.

So, light shades will make the space visually larger. Dark shades with large ornaments or flowers will make the room smaller, so they are chosen only for a large area where you need to visually narrow the space and make it comfortable.

If you plan to create a dining room in the hall, then it is recommended to use combined wallpaper. It's about about using several types of wallpaper to divide space into functional zones, as well as to highlight corners and niches in the room.

How to zone a living room

In frequent cases, in small areas it is impossible to do without optimal division into functional zones. Each corner of the room should have a specific function. The most rational decision, this is a room with two zones.

IN one-room apartment The living room is combined with the bedroom. This means that you need to divide the room into zones. Again, wallpaper or lamps can be used for this purpose.

If the room is elongated, it is necessary to divide the room into zones in a ratio of 1:2. The work area occupies 1 part of the room, the rest area – 2 parts.

The flooring is chosen in light colors. The same applies to the design of the ceiling and walls, as well as the window structure. A small room should be light and cozy.

Several of the most successful options that can be combined with the living room and zoning methods:

  • Dining area (corner, bar counter, color contrasts).
  • Children's room (curtains, screens, shelves, racks, cabinets, partitions).
  • Bedroom (curtains, glass partition, sliding door, wardrobe, screen, lighting, color palette).
  • Work office (plasterboard shelving, visual division of space, podium).

What should a small living room look like?

  1. This should include a double sofa and additional seating.
  2. If soft sofa placed along the wall and forming a passage of 0.5 m, the living room will seem wider. You can place a shelf between the back of the sofa and the wall.
  3. Where the sofa is located, you can create an individual area by adding a coffee table.
  4. A small sofa is suitable for decorating a living room.

How to choose furniture

In addition to the general interior design, the room should also differ in functionality. Therefore, furniture sets play an important role in the overall design.

Before you make your choice, you need to think about what this room will be used for. The first thing to remember is that the furniture should fully meet your needs.

If we talk about Polish manufacturers, they include in their living room sets:

  • Soft sofa.
  • Table.
  • Armchairs.
  • A wall or slide.

Note. Europeans also add a dining table and chairs to this set. Early on, the living room was used strictly for receiving guests. Therefore, there were luxury items, books, and various accessories. If you maintain the living room in the same traditions, then you need to purchase:

  1. Set of upholstered furniture.
  2. Decor items.
  3. Coffee table.
  4. A display cabinet where you can display, for example, a collection of figurines.

Many people save space in a small apartment and try to combine several functions in one room, for example, a bedroom and a living room. Such a room is zoned and separated dinner Zone from the reception area.

Suitable furniture:

  • closet;
  • sofa;
  • dinner table.

If the hall does not have sufficient area, it is recommended to adhere to classic style in the interior. The furniture for this room should be compact and not bulky. It is ideal if the owners install transformable furniture in the room.

It will be functional and compact, convenient and simple. Large wardrobes and sofas will need to be abandoned. It is best to use plain light parquet or laminate as flooring. Mirrors will help to visually expand the space.

Color solutions

Whatever style direction the room is decorated in, great importance color palette plays:

  • White color. You need to use it very carefully, it is better not to overdo it. Purely white interior will remind hospital ward. The interior can be built on contrasting colors, for example, white and black.
  • Beige. Great option to create an interior in warm colors. Perfect for this background wooden furniture. Combining this plan will create an excellent classic interior.

  • Brown shade. A somewhat risky option, as the walls can merge with the furniture. In this case, it is initially better to decorate the walls, and then select best option furniture.
  • Grey. This is a universal color palette, suitable for decorating any room and style direction.
  • Green. If your room faces north, then a green palette will give warm atmosphere room.

  • Red. It’s better not to get carried away here; there should be additional shades.
  • Yellow. Also think about moderation and do not oversaturate the interior. Don't use bright colors. Consider upholstered furniture so that it does not blend into the general background.

  • Orange palette. This shade better to use for any fragments, this concerns classic interior. For modern design Widely used and combined with chrome plated metal.
  • Lilac. If the room faces south side, then this palette will decorate the interior. For the northern part, it is better not to use or abuse it.
  • The blue shade is perfect for decorating a living room. It fits well into a small room, as the color scheme can visually enlarge the space.

General rules for decorating a living room

In order to big picture interior has become ideal, it is necessary to use some decorating rules and connect them with the overall interior:

  1. All compositions used for walls must match the style.
  2. If these are contrasting elements, then they should be associated with the general furnishings and other decorative elements.

Advice. If finishing pastel colors, then the decor can be made rich and vice versa.

A few design ideas

For dear ones luxury interiors a room in a brightly saturated room is suitable blue color. Lots of mirrors, velvet pillows and an interesting composition above the sofa will create a unique interior.

Color palette:

  • Beige.
  • Blue.
  • Lactic.
  • Black.
  • Bronze

For classic options A combination of several shades is suitable, which should be combined in one decorative detail on the wall surface. The highlight of the picture should be due to the mosaic structure of the color palette, which will combine all the colors used in the room.

Bottom line

Even a nondescript and inconspicuous room can be transformed beyond recognition if you use your imagination.

Watch the video, the interior of the hall in black and white at night:

The hall is the best room, where you can relax quietly, invite guests for tea or sit down in the evening near the fireplace with the whole family. The room is quite functional and versatile.

To create a modern hall design, you need to be well prepared. Since in the room there should be all objects exactly for their intended purpose.

By selecting suitable materials and furniture, you will be able to recognize the magnificent design image that your friends and relatives will definitely appreciate.

Style for the hall

To create a modern design for a room in an apartment or house, you need to not only pay attention to the size, but also to the style.

Usage different styles- This is an opportunity to get a comfortable and cozy environment. Each of them is diverse and beautiful in its own way. Here are a few of them:

Soft lines, delicate tones of finishing materials and very comfortable furniture– all this characterizes the classic style. This environment creates a cozy atmosphere filled with warmth and light.

Accessories are very important for creating a modern hall interior design. If you don’t choose them correctly, then the whole meaning of the classic style is lost.

To create a high-tech style, you need to know its special characteristic signs: clear lines, not many decoration details and delicate tones. It is also recommended to choose simple furniture. The main thing is that it is comfortable for you.

Creative people often choose the Art Nouveau style, as it allows their imagination to run wild and make the room especially bright and attractive. For this style you should choose unusual materials, their various shapes and sizes.

By combining several colors of the color scheme to decorate the room, you can enjoy a colorful design.

Lovers of a fireplace in the living room can turn their attention to the Scandinavian style. If you wish, you can not make a real fireplace, but simply choose an imitation one.

Huge furniture also suits this style, especially if you have a large family or like large groups.

Empire is a style with luxurious furniture and unusual decoration. Having a large hall, you can easily let your imagination run wild in this style. Well, if the room is not large, then it is worth placing in it only those items that will function well.

Ethnic style is chosen by people who like to travel countries or different cities.

Here they use more unusual items or decorations - corals, sea stones, homemade decorations, various figurines that will make the room elegant and original.

Avant-garde style is characterized by objects that do not go together. Furniture and other items should be chosen in large sizes, which will add a touch of exclusivity to the room. Furniture must be of the correct shape and strict appearance.

Color selection

In order to decorate a room and add a touch of originality and coziness, you need to remember a few principles that will help you create exactly the room you want:

  • For wall decoration, choose solid colors or shades, the furniture should be decorated with different accessories.
  • If you are experiencing oversaturation bright color in the hall, you can place several soft rugs in delicate shades on the floor.
  • Decorate your walls in neutral colors, this will help visual expansion rooms, if yours is not very large.
  • Bright accessories will go well with light-colored furniture.
  • Use small decorative pillows on the sofa and small LED lights on the ceiling, which will help brighten up the design of the room in a modern style.

Wallpaper for walls

Before choosing wallpaper, you need to understand the lighting. If there is enough of it, then you can choose wallpaper in dark tones, but if there is too little of it, then it is better to change your choice to light wallpaper. This way the room will be more elegant and will not seem gloomy.

Creating an original interior

There are many modern ideas hall, but to create an original and unique style You should dream up a little. So, make it beautiful and modern hall you can follow several recommendations:

  • Choose furniture of light shapes, but decorate them with bright various accessories.
  • Also choose shelves for books or magazines in non-standard shapes.
  • Use a minimum, but important and maximally functional items.
  • Hang curtains on the windows in an original way, choosing the right color for them to match the style of the room.
  • If you have a room without walls or partitions, then you can put sliding doors or open partitions. You can zoning the hall using materials different color and style.
  • When creating a design, do not forget about color combinations.

Photo of modern hall design

The living room is the very center of the house or apartment. Household members and guests gather in this room, spending family leisure time.

It is possible to furnish a living room in absolutely any style, this is influenced by the tastes and preferences of the owners and, of course, their financial well-being.

Living room interior materials

Professional designers offer a popular option for arranging a living room today - zoning the room.

It is not necessary to separate zones directly with a wall; you can break up the interior through different wall designs and lighting solutions.

We must not forget that all decorative elements should harmoniously complement each other, uniting the zones into a single whole.

The finishing of the wall surface is primarily responsible for the design of the room. There are many methods of wall treatment:

  • Traditional wallpapering. Fashionable original solution are canvases that replicate the texture of wood, reed and similar materials.
  • Wall treatment Venetian plaster. This is an effective way to achieve individual style.
  • Wall painting. The most exclusive way, but more financially expensive.

In a small living room, it is advantageous to decorate the walls without bright wallpaper without a large pattern, which will visually expand the room.

A living room is a living space in which people spend a lot of time, so the materials for its decoration must be completely safe and environmentally friendly, and not accumulate dust and unnecessary odors.

For flooring, it is best to use a covering made of natural wood(parquet floor), which perfectly retains heat and gives a decent appearance room. It does not require special care.

Also, a good substitute for wood is laminate, which is much cheaper and lasts quite a long time.

But, when using laminate in the dining area, we must not forget that this type of flooring does not tolerate long-term interaction with liquid!

Furniture arrangement in the living room

When arranging a living room with furniture main goal is - do not overload the space of the room. The distance between objects should be at least 80 centimeters.

If the living room area is large enough, it is advantageous to place the main pieces of furniture (chairs, sofa and coffee table) along the longest wall. This will make the room smaller and more comfortable.

The dining area should be located opposite the entrance opening.

In a small room it is advantageous to use sliding or folding furniture, which can be folded if necessary, saving free space.

Living room decoration

Modern stylish solution is a minimalist style that uses functional, practical pieces of furniture, with the greatest preference given to glass and plastic surfaces.

Textile materials give the room comfort and coziness: the presence of soft carpets, pillows various shapes, warm blanket. Will add sophistication bright colors and small accessories in the form of figurines, vases, photo frames with family photographs and paintings.

The classic style traditionally does not lose its relevance in the living room setting.

Black and white combination of colors, warm beige and milky shades, light colors - these are the attributes of a luxurious living room in a classic style.

The most effective way to add elegance to a living room with a high ceiling is to hang a large, luxurious chandelier that will be a great eye-catcher.

The traditional way to decorate a living room is to use fresh flowers. They can be placed:

  • in large floor vases;
  • small elegant pots on the window;
  • bouquets in a vase on a table, on a fireplace mantel or coffee table.

By using simple ways to furnish a living room, adhering to the individual preferences of the owner, it is possible to achieve maximum comfort for household members and to pleasantly surprise guests with a perfectly equipped room!