Beautiful spring ideas for French nail extensions. Design of extended nails: photos of bright ideas. Fashionable length and shape

Many girls prefer extended nails, despite the fact that naturalness has remained in fashion for many seasons. It is believed that a beautiful manicure makes a woman more feminine and sexy. What are the types of extended nails? We will look at the 2017 design with photos (new items) in detail in this article.

This year, priorities in nail art trends have changed. If before the girls If they preferred a defiant length, then in 2017 moderate size marigolds are in fashion. This choice will help bring the length of the nail plate closer to its natural size.

What should the shape of the nails be?

This is not the first season that a popular shape remains close to natural: the edges of the nails should be slightly rounded. But, as practice shows, girls choose a square shape, since it is more convenient to apply all kinds of designs on it.

The design of extended nails in 2017 (see photos of new products below) also looks stylish on pointed nails. Pointed nails are no less popular, even though this shape is far from natural. This model is very popular with young girls with a “sharp” disposition, as it resembles the claws of a cat.

Square and pointed nail shapes are the most popular. But there are also other options that can be seen in the photo. For example, some representatives of the fair sex prefer to do unusual shape, where, moving from the base, the tips gradually decrease in size. The nails are not quite square, but at the same time, not sharp, maintaining a moderate middle.

What colors are in fashion?

Before extensions, each girl goes through in her head what shape she wants, what the pattern and its color will be. After all, sometimes thoughts run wild and it is impossible to stop at one option, since the color palette has many beautiful flowers and shades.

The latest in fashionable designs for extended nails in the summer of 2017 indicate that the following nail art palettes are at the peak of popularity:

  • Marsala
  • heavenly (ombre)
  • black.

Red color has long been a modern classic. Moreover, you can use both bright and dark shades. Drawings made in orange, red-crimson and scarlet colors look original.

All people are different and therefore their preferences are different. Some people like to use berry shades for their nail coating, while others would prefer colors such as:

  • chocolate,
  • coffee color,
  • dark green,
  • violet,
  • blue.

These shades are also on trend for 2017. A drawing made in dark colors, will look discreet but stylish.

U pastel colors also a lot of fans. Typically a palette of pink and blue shades is used. Thanks to these colors, a magnificent ombre pattern is created, where light transitions from one color to another occur.

Extended nails with a 2017 design (you can take note of photos of new products in our article) are “refreshing” and perfectly complement any look.

French hasn't sunk into oblivion either. In the classic version, this technique is performed using white. But today, jackets made in various colors have become popular.

In the summer you want to stand out from the crowd, so your nails should be bright and unusual. Green and turquoise shades remain at the peak of popularity. The coating can also be done in cream, lavender, lilac-gray tones. Rose quartz is more suitable for young girls; it indicates tenderness and nobility.

Girls choose colors very consciously. You need to think through everything, since the extension will take at least a month.

It is important that the pattern and color palette match the chosen outfit. That's why many people try to choose neutral combinations. Only in spring and summer can you make the design bright, floral, with rhinestones and add various decor.

What are the types of extended nails with the 2017 design, look at the photo. New items for summer include shades such as traditional red, orange, pink and yellow. A very beautiful and original drawing is made in combination bright colors. You can make a fashionable drawing in the form geometric shapes or floral patterns.

Girls from 18 to 25 years old prefer soft, pastel colors. This list includes pink, blue, yellow, beige colors. These shades are considered neutral, so they go well with any style of clothing.

Nail designs using various techniques

Sometimes it is impossible to depict anything on your own nail plate due to lack of space, while extensions give us the widest base for creativity.

The large area allows you to create amazing design options for the nail plate. We will tell you what extended nails should look like with a 2017 design, and provide photos of new products both without a jacket and using this nail art technique.

The graphic style is at the peak of popularity this year. Many people loved this non-standard design. The applied abstraction is mesmerizing.

Another trend is small landscapes. This painting looks very beautiful. It can be done by a real artist, since the work is small and painstaking. Mostly girls prefer landscapes that correspond to the current time of year. For example, in the spring it could be cherry blossoms, any spring flowers, greenery. In summer you can capture sea motifs or bright sunshine and berries. In autumn, these are, of course, fallen Maple leaves, sunset, birds. Well, in winter - a snow fairy tale.

The newest trend in 2017 is aquarium painting. To create it you will need Additional materials and tools. If desired, you can make a beautiful acrylic painting. To create an aquarium design you will need mica and foil, dried flowers, and glitter.

For a wedding, birthday or other celebration, you want to decorate your nails in a special way. For a festive manicure, additional materials are used:

  • rhinestones,
  • shells,
  • pebbles,
  • lace,
  • broths (tiny balls).

In fashionable manicure of 2017, rhinestones are increasingly used. They allow you to beautifully decorate your nails. Various patterns are laid out from rhinestones, thanks to different sizes. Glamorous ladies prefer to make rhinestone designs on all fingers. Some people only try to slightly embellish their manicure, so they place stones only on the middle and ring fingers.

There are some patterns that even an artist cannot complete. This is where special stickers or stamps come to the rescue. They will help convey all the beauty of painting with the help of manicure.

Our article presents best options extended nails with 2017 design. Photos of new products will help you choose the right design: white jacket with landscapes, manicure in the style of heavenly ombre, painted Japanese design, and much more…

French never ceases to amaze the fair sex. This technique indicates tenderness and femininity. French can be complemented with any decor. It can be all kinds of sparkles, foil, rhinestones and stones.

Another trend for 2017 is mirror manicure. It can be done not completely covering the nail plate, but filling only a wide “smile”.

The best fashion design ideas

The ombre style is gradually gaining momentum. Can be done fashionable manicure, combining classic colors: red and black. For example, make the base in a red tone, and make the “smile” black. Then draw an abstract design over the entire surface. Or cover all your nails with shiny varnish, and on top make an abstract design in the form of a fountain, decorated in a black palette.

Nail art with flowers looks beautiful. This manicure has been trending for years. For example, the nail plate is covered with plum varnish, and on top artistic painting flowers appear in a white-pink or yellow hue.

Making extensions is not difficult, the most difficult task is choosing a design.

What nail extensions with designs are in fashion in 2017? Photos of new products for the fall can be seen in this article. If in spring and summer they used bright patterns in the form of flowers, landscapes, geometric shapes, then in autumn the color scheme becomes scarce, but no less beautiful.

Girls prefer matte shades to acrylic tones. Black and beige colors go well together. For example, you can use a beige palette for the thumb and ring fingers, then decorate them with a pattern in the form of bows or gold-colored pebbles. Make the remaining fingers black.

To create a grandiose coating, you can use three colors: it will look very original. Paint the thumb, index and small fingers with blue acrylic. Decorate the ring finger with silver varnish, and cover the middle finger with white, but on top draw some abstract design in gold. And without additional decor, such a manicure will turn out bright.

A nail polish made in a turquoise tone looks summery. The ring fingers are decorated with rhinestones, and the little fingers are covered with a special powder in a shade one tone darker than the base color. This technique is suitable for extended nails with a sharp shape.

A special adhesive tape helps you create an original and unusual nail covering. The drawing must be made in different color scheme.

The colors combine beautifully: white, blue and blue. This palette allows you to create a gentle look for every day. Using blue polish with glitter, this coating is also suitable for a special holiday. The thumb, index and small fingers can be painted with blue varnish, the middle one with white, and the ring finger with dark blue with iridescent sparkles. After which you can start decorating. On forefinger glue 3 turquoise rhinestones in the shape of the plate, and on the middle one, make an abstract design with black varnish and glue one turquoise rhinestone.

Moon manicure remains at the peak of popularity in 2017. Here you can combine a wide variety of shades.

There is another very interesting option for creating nail art. First, the usual technique is performed - French manicure. Then a butterfly is drawn on the ring fingers in soft colors. Here you can combine two shades, for example, make the tips of the wings pink, and the base closer to the body of the butterfly in white tones. Finally, be sure to outline it in gold.

The jacket is very beautiful, made in a pink tone and with additional decor in the form of flowers in a contrasting shade.

The next manicure is suitable for girls 18-23 years old. A regular French manicure in a soft pink tone is performed. On the “smile”, polka dots are placed on all fingers with white varnish, and one rhinestone is attached below. We draw a pink bow on the ring finger. Finally, be sure to highlight it with a black outline.

In 2017, special stickers became popular. With their help you can make incredible drawings. Simply moisten the sticker in water and transfer it to the base. The design will remain for a long time if you cover it with a transparent gel.

There is also another one interesting way design creation - stamping. To work you will need a stamp and a stencil. The nail plate is completely covered with shiny varnish various shades: the varnish must contain holographic sprinkles of all colors. Then a stencil is placed on the base and filled with black.

For creating beautiful design Extended nails of 2017, the new items of which we reviewed above, use additional decor in the form of pebbles, powder, broths, rhinestones, lace, and stickers. All this perfectly complements a woman’s already beautiful manicure. But you shouldn’t apply everything at once, as the decor will become bulky and look tasteless...

Just a few years ago, only lazy white-handed women could boast of long nails. A beautiful manicure attracted admiring glances, but immediately told others that in front of them was a beautiful lady, not too burdened with household chores. Today the situation is different - neat nails have become a mandatory element of the image of every self-respecting woman, regardless of her type of activity. Thanks to modern materials and the skill of manicurists, the hands of housewives and TV stars look equally well-groomed. What is their secret? Best Design extended nails 2017, new photos (for summer and other seasons) will lift the veil of secrecy.

5 benefits of nail extensions

Extended nails 2017 (photo below) can hardly be called a new summer product. Fashionistas have been using the opportunity to add length to their natural nails using acrylic or gel for a long time. As soon as it appeared, this manicure option immediately gained a whole army of fans who talk about the following advantages.

1. Durability.

Every girl knows how much time it takes to get a perfect manicure. Sometimes you can spend the whole evening doing this activity, only to discover after your morning shower that all your efforts were in vain. Painting is especially vulnerable in summer: scorching rays and salty sea water are merciless to ordinary varnish. The same cannot be said about the fashionable summer 2017 manicure (photo below) on extended nails. A few hours of effort from the master will make you the owner of perfect nails for the next three weeks - that’s how long the color lasts on gel or acrylic. Now, when you go on vacation, you can take your manicure set out of your suitcase - there will be more important things to do on vacation!

2. The ability to hide the imperfections of your own nail.

Delaminations, chips, irregular shape or unattractive natural color - all this can be hidden under an extended nail. Good master will be able to hide any flaws from prying eyes and present to the public only one thing - a perfect manicure.

3. Extended nails can be of any shape and length.

Not all women have a beautiful long nail bed, and also a regular oval shape. Alas, short square nails are not uncommon among the fair sex. Such a cosmetic defect visually makes a woman’s fingers shorter, her hands appear masculine, and choosing jewelry becomes simply an unrealistically difficult task. Summer manicure 2017 will help solve the problem; photos of extended nails prove that with the help of gel or acrylic, the nail plate can be given any shape and length.

4. Unlimited scope for the master’s imagination.

A short nail plate significantly limits the number of design options. Only a single-color coating with some inconspicuous varnish would look more or less appropriate on it. pastel color. But is this an option for a bright and confident girl, especially in the middle of summer? This is the time for rich colors and complex designs, and you can create such a masterpiece only with extended nails.

5. Extensions have a beneficial effect on the health of the natural nail.

Until recently, this statement caused a lot of controversy, but today we can say for sure - modern materials absolutely safe for the nail plate. Of course, we're talking about about a high-quality certified gel, which includes additional healing and strengthening components. Such an artificial nail will protect its own plate from harmful effects. external environment and from contact with household chemicals.

Important! If you decide to get extensions, remember: naturalness is at the peak of popularity today in all its manifestations. Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away and make very long nails; 2-3 mm is enough.

New designs of extended nails

In the coming beach season, nail extensions are still at the peak of fashion, photos of new products for 2017 for the summer - bright that confirmation. Among the many current trends, we can highlight the most popular ones.

1. “Negative space” or empty, unfilled space.

An original design based on geometric shapes - circles, ovals, squares and triangles. Hearts are often used to create a romantic image. The point is to highlight the design by doing it in red, white or black on a transparent background.

2. Shards of broken glass.

It sounds, of course, threatening, but in reality ordinary transparent foil is used. It is cut into small pieces and pasted onto the top sticky layer in a chaotic manner, thus creating the effect of a broken mirror.

3. French and moon manicure are two sides of the same coin.

In its classic design, French manicure can hardly be called relevant, but if you decorate the smile line in fashionable colors 2017: for example, in peach or lilac, then no one can blame you for not conforming to fashion trends. For those who stubbornly want to move away from the eternal classics, designers offer the opposite option - to focus on the lunula and highlight the crescent line with a bright color.

Initially, this technique was adopted by hairdressers, but this year leading nail designers also picked up this trend. I must say that this manicure has a complex not only name, but also execution. Reproducing a smooth transition from one color to another on the nail plate without losing a single shade is not an easy task, but the result is worth it. Ombre looks most impressive in pink, red, blue, chocolate and peach tones.

5. Stamping.

This summer design extended nails (photo below) promises to remain at the peak of popularity until the end of the year. This technique will come to the aid of those who like to see complex designs and patterns on their own nails. With the help of stamps, it will be much easier for the master to realize the client’s fantasies, and the result will be much more accurate.

This is interesting! Another feature of 2017 is dots. Plain and multi-colored small circles on nails can become a stylish addition or the basis of any design. It’s not easy to draw them by hand - the work is too delicate, so it’s already on sale great amount dot pattern transfer stickers.

Summer 2017: fireworks of colors, patterns and textures

Designers recommend painting extended nails in the summer of 2017 (see photo) pastel colors. The most fashionable shades are lavender, peach, ivory, sand, milk and, of course, pink. All beige options will still be relevant.

For those who prefer to focus on manicure in their look, this year they cannot do without red. The brighter and more saturated the shade you choose, the better. The leaders of magazine photo shoots are blood red and crimson.

Designers have prepared another surprise for lovers of bold experiments - deep blue (aka electric blue), orange and bright yellow are at the peak of popularity in the spring-summer 2017 season. So neon manicure is a hit for the coming summer.

Extended nails: summer design designs

Among the drawings in the summer of 2017, three main favorites can be distinguished.

  • Geometry – smooth and broken lines, straight contours and circles. Geometric compositions will adorn the nails of the most demanding fashionistas.
  • Lace. Retro motifs will once again enter the fashion arena, so lovers of vintage and romance will not be bored.
  • Animal prints. We're not talking about leopard-print leggings - they just belong in grandma's attic, but 90s-style nail designs will be more relevant than ever. Tiger stripes, zebra patterns, leopard spots and reptile skin – black, silver, white and orange gels will help bring your animalistic fantasies to life.

Fashionable game of contrasts: soft velvet and cold metallic

Decorate your summer nail extensions with metallic glitter and you will be on top of fashion. At least this is the option that famous designers advise bold and extravagant girls. The cold shine of the metal goes well with geometric shapes– this is one of the most popular ideas for summer manicure on extended nails (photo).

Matte varnishes look no less impressive, creating the effect of a velvety surface. For this solution, rich dark shades - blue, black, burgundy - are best suited. If you really can’t wait to surprise others, you can go all-in and combine two fashion trends in one manicure – metallic and matte textures will create a spectacular combination.

And finally, a few words for lovers of rhinestones and sparkles. You can safely decorate your extended nails with them next summer, but it is better to combine such bright details with a transparent manicure - this is another hit of 2017. This way you can easily create a bright festive look, but you won’t give envious people a reason to reproach you for bad taste.

Video on the topic

You can make various designs on extended nails, since the length and shape of the nail plate allows you to create any design. It is equally important not only to choose a suitable design, but also to correctly determine the technique of performing a manicure, as well as choose a good modeling material.

You can create various decorations on your extended nails. All kinds of designs, decorations made of stones, beads, rhinestones and foil allow you to get a beautiful ceremonial manicure that will become a real decoration of your image.

Features of extended marigolds

Professional nail extensions in a salon in Moscow involve the use various materials. The designs on such nails look especially impressive. So, gel, biogel or acrylic can be used for nail extensions. Tips or forms can be used as the basis for extensions.

Extensions using acrylic are the most inexpensive of all types of extensions. But acrylic produces a harsh sound bad smell, which persists in the first days of wearing a manicure. This material is very dense, so air access to your nails is completely blocked, which does not have the best effect on them. This is why acrylic nails are not recommended to be worn for more than three weeks in a row. Acrylic hardens very quickly in air. In addition, over time, acrylic manicure loses its shine. The main advantages of acrylic are the strength of nails, the ability to repair them, and easy removal of manicure without the risk of damaging your nails.

Gel manicure is more expensive, but also more effective. Using a pattern on gel nails, you can create an aquarium design. The extension gel is odorless, it is very flexible and easy to use. To harden the gel, it must be placed under an ultraviolet lamp. Gel nail extensions and designs on them look especially impressive due to the glossy shine of the material, which lasts for the entire duration of the manicure.

Manicure using biogel is the most expensive, since it uses a special material based on natural ingredients. Biogel is used not only for extending artificial nails, but also for strengthening your own nail plates. If you want to know how much nail extensions with a pattern cost, then keep in mind that the most expensive material is biogel, and the most affordable is acrylic.

Technology of drawing on extended nails

Drawings on extended nails can be done in different ways depending on the chosen design, but most often the following technology is used to make a design using 3D gel:

The cost of nail extensions is directly related to the chosen extension technique and the modeling material used. In addition, the price depends on what kind of nail designs you want to do. More complex designs with decoration and modeling are more expensive. So, for example, the price for a fashionable and spectacular aquarium manicure will be quite high, because it uses a special transparent gel, which allows you to achieve the feeling that the design is located behind the aquarium convex glass. In this case, the volume of the drawing is achieved due to the fact that on each layer of gel its individual parts and covered with a transparent coating. As a result, the entire manicure looks not only like behind glass, but also with the feeling of its voluminous design.

The cost of nail extensions and the design on them are also interconnected. But when choosing a design, you should be guided not only by the price of the manicure, your preferences and fashion trends, but also by the theme of the design. So, depending on the ceremonial purpose of the manicure and fashion trends, you can use the following designs on extended nails:

  • For New Year's manicure, you can choose themed designs with Christmas trees, snowflakes, New Year's Christmas tree toys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. For a very long manicure, pictures of snow-covered huts, Christmas trees in the snow, and blizzards are suitable. In this manicure, you can generously use shiny decor.
  • Wedding manicure is usually decorated with delicate flower arrangements, images of hearts, doves or wedding rings. In such a design, it is very important to choose the right colors so that the entire composition looks gentle and feminine, in harmony with the image of the bride.

In the Manicurof salon chain you can order extended manicures with a pattern. To sign up for the procedure, you need to call us at the phone number listed on the website.

A proper and beautiful manicure is the key to health, self-confidence, respect from others and a great addition to a stylish look. For the spring-summer season, stylists offer a large number of manicure options. Nail design spring-summer 2017 is suitable for fashionistas with different tastes and preferences, so that everyone can be beautiful in the coming season. The most fashionable painting is lace. They emphasize your femininity and elegance. Compared to previous seasons, in the new one, there should not be any flowers, leaves or butterflies on your nails, but there should be lace. Another fashion trend of the coming season is manicure in the Caviar style. Instead of sculpting, small pebbles will appear on the nails, which are applied tightly to each other throughout the entire nail or on part of the nail. But it is better to do such a manicure not on all fingers, but only on some, otherwise it will look bad. Presented to your attention in the photo are fashion trends in manicure and nail design techniques of the 2017 season, and in 3 videos, manicurists will share with you the secrets and subtleties of their skills.

The best photos of extended nails 2017 design ideas

The fashion of nail design has presented many options this year, including a lunar manicure, which is applied at least once a day by any nail technician. This option is simple, but looks rich if you choose beautiful shades– turquoise, deep blue, delicate pink, gold, black. The effect of steel is not far behind on this list; brave, fatal girls decide to try it. A voluminous manicure with raised flowers, bows, and animals looks festive. Contrasting zigzags and triangles are becoming increasingly common among celebrities. What will you choose?

Fashion trends for extended nails 2017

The main trend this season is elegant luxury. The length of the extended nails allows you to create incredible designs using various additional decorative elements. Fashion designs extended manicure 2017:

  • Plain.
  • The main palette is from bright red to burgundy.
  • Golden.
  • Metallic shades.
  • Nude style.
  • Matte nail art.
  • Bright acid colors.
  • French.
  • Classical.
  • Color.
  • With sculpting.
  • Crystal.
  • Openwork.
  • Fan French.
  • Pajama style - monotonous coating in pastel colors using openwork and mesh on several nails.
  • Ombre – the area of ​​extended nails allows you to create an interesting and multifaceted transition of shades.
  • Tights - drawing on a transparent background, creating the effect of lace, intricate patterns or just stripes.
  • Volumetric design – design of all nails is allowed, and ideally one on each hand. For this purpose, three-dimensional drawings, massive stones and fimo are used.
  • With an image.
  • Geometric.
  • Lace.
  • Lunar.
  • Sand.
  • Floral prints.

Fashionable floral nail extensions 2017 photo ideas options

Flowers are beautiful, romantic and beautiful again! In 2017, get your nails done regularly with floral motifs. Patterns drawn from simple shapes and childish strokes will look beautiful and fashionable. Geometric patterns, original lines that form symbolic drawings. A short nail plate allows you to make only small patterns, while long nails provide a wide field for activity.

Stylish pink nail extensions 2017 photo ideas

Extended nails look bright and fun pink color. In the summer, these are vibrant shades, in other seasons – muted, delicate tones, complemented by patterns. How to make your own pink design original? Add painted lace, voluminous acrylic bows or polymer clay, rhinestones, hearts, geometric contrasting motifs, glue sliders in a monochrome version. Make a gradient on eight nails - a stretch from pink to white, and on the remaining two - large butterflies. Bright, rich shades of yellow, turquoise, lilac will make an excellent company.

Current matte design of new-grown nails 2017 photo ideas options

If you want your extended nails to look royal, a matte finish is what you need. It is difficult to find such varnish in regular cosmetics stores, so an appointment with a specialist is mandatory. The matte finish looks luxurious if it is made in one color scheme - royal blue, Tiffany blue, in a gradient variation (Marsala + black), in combination with casting silver on the rims of the nails on top of the same shade. It looks impressive when a mosaic is made on one finger or geometric motifs are drawn with mother-of-pearl varnish.

French on extended nails 2017 photo ideas options

An inexhaustible theme for creativity is French manicure. Be sure to experiment with other colors, textures (matte and glossy), highlight several nails (with rhinestones, flowers, lace or any other decorations at your discretion). The fashion for shading - and this is how ombre is translated from French - will also be relevant for extended nails in 2017. The effect is created using varnishes different colors or glitter. The classic type of French manicure looks like this: the nail plastic is covered with light pink or beige tone, and white varnish is applied to the free edge, in the shape of a crescent. Of course, it is believed that even today, in addition to classic version There are a number of other varieties of French manicure, namely:

  • classic, light base, and white free edge,
  • wedding, very beautiful view manicure, with designs to match the dress or the bride’s bouquet,
  • colored, differs from the classic one in that its free edge is coated with any varnish,
  • stylized, a drawing is made on the free edge, or decorated with rhinestones,
  • decorative, as well as stylized, is performed with various types decor (rhinestones, foil),
  • Hollywood, the free edge is not in the form of a crescent, but in the form of a zigzag,
  • French millennium, the free edge is decorated with sparkles, shiny dust,
  • twist-french, free edges of the nail plate, can be made in different colors,
  • non-standard French manicure, a combination of all types of manicure, including non-standard shape nail

The most common type of manicure is French. It is considered a classic, it can be worn both for special occasions and worn daily. Interesting fact that the name does not correspond to the country in which this design was invented. This classic look manicure was invented in the USA, in order to reduce the time for manicure, but at the same time maintain a beautiful appearance nail For the correct shape of the so-called smile on the nail, special stencils are used. Of course, masters and specialists whose hands are already “stuffed” can draw a white stripe without auxiliary templates. There is also a technique where the free edge of the nail, its inner part, is whitened using a special pencil. Whatever shape you choose, doing one of the French manicure options on it will be a very successful move. For interesting ideas for a beautiful manicure, read here: fashionable manicure.

Extended nails, unlike other coatings, last longer, look bright and individual thanks to the variety of designs and patterns proposed by nail art masters in 2019.

Extended French

The classic version of the design of extended nails is French. In the coming year, oval and almond-shaped nail shapes, natural colors, multi-colored geometric patterns, voluminous lace made with sand powder and other equally bright additions to the design will be popular.

Drawings on extended nails

If you look at the latest trends, you can only say one thing - most design options include complex and intricate designs, landscapes and still life, geometric and floral prints and cartoon faces. There are a huge variety of painting ideas - from simple minimalism to real artistic paintings, with a bold and very bright design.

In the photo below, look at the design variations of extended nails:

Extended nails with studs and rhinestones

Bright and shining studs and rhinestones in the design of extended nails are used not only for festive nail art, but also for everyday manicure. There are many design ideas, the main thing is to choose the right one and not to overdo it with the decor.

Shape of extended nails, 2019 rating

Before reproducing a manicure on extended nails, it is very important to choose correct form, suitable for the hands of its owner and in line with fashion trends. This is why you need to know about the rating of a specific form (see the list below):

Round form

Neat and soft form nails in the form of a circle - it looks as natural as possible, natural, and most importantly - feminine. Sophisticated nail art with individual design will add a “zest” to any image.

Square shape

A classic that goes perfectly with French manicure - in 2019 it is relevant on extended nails, although less than a circle and an almond.

There are many variations of the square shape, but the most trendy and suitable for extended nails will be the “duck” shape. Although she looks unusual, she is extremely gentle and stylish.

Stiletto and almonds

Pointed sharp and soft almond-shaped nails are in fashion, but they are not suitable for every woman, but only for those who prefer to be the center of attention and know how to walk with this shape. After all, not everyone is comfortable doing housework with long nails of an impractical shape.

Ballerina nails (coffin)

The shape of extended nails is reminiscent of ballet punts - although not new, it is gaining popularity among fashionistas. Thanks to the almond shape with a square tip, the manicure looks great on any length and fingers. In addition, any design and pattern is suitable for the coffin.

Gel or acrylic?

The choice of material for nail extensions depends on the preferences and artist chosen by the woman, as well as the pros and cons of gel and acrylic.

Pros of the gel:

long wearing;
no yellowness;
smooth surface and shine;
durable coating;
natural material that allows nails to breathe;
compatible with types and forms;


impossible correction if broken, only secondary build-up.

Pros of acrylic:

compatible with decorative elements and artistic painting;
no secondary extensions and the possibility of correcting a broken nail.


yellowness when worn for a long time;
dullness of the coating;
long alignment of the nail plate;
does not allow nails to breathe.

Extended nails 2019, photo: