Beautiful DIY candle holders for long candles. Making your own New Year candlesticks from fruits: aroma throughout the house. Making your own citrus candlesticks for the New Year

Today we invite you to make original New Year's candlesticks with your own hands. We have collected many photos and detailed instructions for each option of a decorative candlestick for the New Year. All candlestick crafts are divided into groups according to the materials from which they are made. Here you will find master classes for each group.

In this article you will learn how to do:

  • Decorative candlesticks-crafts in the form of angels.
  • New Year's candlestick made from roll sleeves from toilet paper.
  • Candlesticks with perforation and carvings on paper and cardboard.
  • Lacy candlesticks for the New Year using the quilling technique.
  • Crocheted candlesticks.
  • New Year's candlesticks made of natural materials.
  • New Year's candlesticks from a plastic bottle.
  • Candlesticks made from citrus peels.
  • Candlesticks made of sweets.
  • Candlesticks made from tall wine glasses and glasses.
  • Jars-candlesticks with decorative painting and appliqué.
  • Candlesticks with floating New Year's candles.
  • Compositions with candles for the New Year.

As you can see, we decided to complete this article with candlestick crafts for every taste – children’s and adults. Therefore, you can find here options for crafts for children and ideas for serious adult gifts-candlesticks for the New Year.

Candlestick made from bushingsfrom toilet paper

Here's our first gorgeous one New Year's candlestick, made in the shape of a star. It seems like something factory-made, bought in a store. But in fact, you can do this yourself at home with your children. This star candlestick is made from cardboard rolled into rolls. That is, we need to roll rolls from cardboard (or take ready-made toilet paper rolls). We will need 7 rolls and one paper round (a disposable paper plate will do).


STEP 1 - Each star ray is a roll that needs to be flattened from TOP-DOWN at one end, and LEFT-to-RIGHT at the other end. We fix the flattening area with a stapler or glue. As a result, we get a volumetric ray of the future star. We make 6 such rays.

STEP 2 – Take a circle of paper (or a paper plate), the diameter of the circle should be such that all the rays of the star fit in a circle on it. We place them with the flat, flattened side on the edge of the round (plate). Glue all the rays onto the edge of the plate.

STEP 3 - Now we take the 7th roll of cardboard and it must be glued to the center of the plate. To make it stick, cut the desired end of the roll into a short and wide fringe - move the rays of the fringe to the sides (into a sun-like spread) - and glue this spread to the center of the paper round with glue.

STEP 4 - Take a can of gold paint (or gold acrylic paint in a jar) and cover the entire surface of the craft with gold. You can buy paint at a car dealership or in the construction department of the market (costs 3-5 dollars). Acrylic gold paint a jar costs 3-4 dollars.

And if you want to get blurs, smudges and frozen drops on the surface of the craft, the same as in the photo, then before painting you need to apply it to the craft. hot glue from glue gun and allow him to chaotically cover the surface of the cardboard elements of the candlestick with zigzags and blots. And after hardening, paint it. In the absence of hot glue, you can try the usual silicate stationery glue-snot from our Soviet childhood - it is also thick and also hardens in shiny, voluminous droplets (you will just have to wait a little longer for drying).

STEP 5 - Next - we stuff the newspaper inside the central roll - so that it is not empty - but we don’t stuff it all the way to the edges, but leave a recess into which the candle-tablet will fit. And then we put a TABLET CANDLE on this compacted newspaper inside the roll.

STEP 6 - And all that remains is decorate the rest of the surface of the round (plate) pine cones, balls, beads, shiny garland and other New Year's tinsel.

As you can see simple photography– if you look at her carefully, she will tell you how to do the same with your own hands.

New Year's candlesticks ANGELS

We make these angels from plain white paper. And then we cover the entire craft with gold spray paint. Spray paint cans are sold at any hardware store or automotive supply store - they are not very expensive (about 3-5 dollars).

You and your children can make this angel craft. From a paper cone. To prevent the craft from catching fire from the flame of a candle, we will make this lamp without a living fire, and place a regular New Year's lamp inside the cone. glowing garland. This will make a children's gift-candlestick for a grandfather or grandmother - they will be happy to light it in the evenings on New Year's days for many years.

Paper candlesticks WITH SLOTS

You can make an elegant New Year's candlestick from an ordinary sheet of paper rolled into a tube. The paper won't light up because hot air from the candle it freely extends into the socket of such a paper lampshade-candlestick.

And if you are afraid for fire safety, then you can place a tall glass glass inside such a paper roll and lower a candle into it.

By the way, to light a low candle-tablet AT THE BOTTOM OF A TALL glass you can use regular spaghetti pasta. They are long and burn well - we light such a spaghetti torch and calmly lower it to the candle wick at the bottom of the candlestick. Very comfortably.

Below you will find a master class that shows step by step the process of making such candlesticks with slots - just in the New Year theme: with Christmas trees and stars.

First, cut a piece of paper- with a height equal to the height of the glass, and with a width sufficient to encircle the circumference of the glass and overlap the edges for gluing.

On a sheet of paper we draw the lines of the boundaries of the axial rod of the drawing. At the same distance from each other.

On both sides of the drawn borders we draw the outlines of Christmas trees and stars.

We make cuts along the drawn Christmas trees, but do not reach the center lines of the borders with scissors.

Paper candlesticksWITH PERFORATION

You can make punctures rather than slits on the same roll of paper. Such perforation can be filled with a regular nail - if you place a sheet of paper on a semi-hard surface (for example, a sheet of foam plastic) and simply drive the nail in with a hammer at the points drawn in advance. This is how a candlestick with a snowflake in the photo below was made with your own hands.

You can wrap the glass so that puncture marks are not visible from the outside. And make sure that the perforation has holes different sizes. For this we take nails different diameters in cross section. With thick nails we will get large holes, smaller thin ones.

The main thing is to think in advance and draw with a pencil our pattern of large and small dots on the future New Year's lamp.

And you don’t have to make just a pattern of snowflakes. You can use the same principle to pin the silhouette of a Christmas tree, deer, snowman, Santa Claus and other New Year's characters.

Can paper sheet fold it not into a round roll, but into a tetrahedral socket. And decorate each of the four edges with the same white New Year's appliqué.

The back side of each hole must be sealed with tissue paper (translucent tracing paper, or oiled white paper) - that is, the material that will transmit light. Very beautiful and delicate lamps for the New Year.

To prevent such a craft from igniting from a candle flame, the top must be left without a roof. Or, instead of a candle, put an LED Christmas tree garland inside. You will get a beautiful candlestick-gift - both a garland and a lampshade with delicate paper carvings.

You can cut paper blanks in the shape of a house. In the same way, use tracing paper or oiled paper to seal the openings of the cut out windows and doors of the houses.

New Year's candlesticksIN QUILING TECHNIQUE

You can make candlesticks from paper twists made using the quilling technique. Let's look at how to make such a candlestick with your own hands - using the example of a blue New Year's candlestick from the photo below.

STEP 1- To do this, colored double-sided paper is cut into narrow strips. Each strip is wound around a rod (or toothpick). You can also use special paper for quilling; it is sold in special stores. handicraft departments, this paper curls better and holds its shape.

Then this twist is removed from the toothpick and placed inside a round stencil-hole on a geometric ruler - and within the boundaries of this stencil the twist is allowed to unwind - to the size of the stencil hole.

STEP 2- Next, take the twist out of the stencil and glue its tail to the twist barrel. We make a lot of such modules - in two sizes, larger and smaller (that is, we adjust some to fit the small hole of the stencil, and others to fit the large hole of the stencil on a regular geometric ruler).

STEP 4- And now we make up and glue the candlestick - we take a round candle tablet and glue small round twists onto its side. Next, around this first round dance of round modules we place teardrop-shaped large twists - so that they are light in pairs, forming a heart shape.

You can give this New Year's quilling candlestick a shape with sides. If you place the modules on a small paper plate with raised edges, or a jar lid.

From quilling twist modules you can come up with any designs for New Year's candlesticks. In the form of a snowflake, a New Year's Christmas wreath.

You can also use an ordinary voluminous paper snowflake as a simple candlestick with your own hands. Cut out and place under a tablet candle.

Candlesticks for the New Year,crocheted

Here's a way to create a candle holder for those who know how to crochet. To do this, you can take any pattern of a knitted snowflake or a knitted star.

Use one or more of the patterns below to knit a wonderful snowflake candlestick:

Another option to decorate a candlestick with crochet is to make “Clothes” for candles. By the way, you don’t have to knit it, but use, for example, an old sweater.

New Year's candlesticks made from natural materials

Use shells, cinnamon sticks, nuts, coffee beans, tree branches, pebbles, dry moss, pine cones to create original New Year's candlesticks:

These apples with candles on the New Year's table will look especially charming:

Candlestick made from a plastic bottle

And the most free material for a New Year's candlestick is an ordinary plastic bottle. We throw them away anyway, so why not turn them into Christmas lights?


1. Cut off the straight central part of the bottle.

2. Cut pointed petals from one side of the pipe. And bend them to the sides.

3. Paint the lamp a light golden color.

4. Apply star stickers.

5. Spread the edges of the petals with glue and sprinkle with silver sprinkles - you can do it yourself if you finely trim the shiny pile from the fluffy Christmas garland, or cut a Christmas tree rain.

You can come up with your own candlesticks from a bottle - of any shape and complement them with any border decor - from bright ribbon, snowflakes, colored glass pebbles, etc.

And if you use mini-yogurt bottles, you can make these stylish candlesticks:

New Year's candlestick made of citrus peels

Oranges and cloves will fill your home with a fresh and spicy aroma, and this combination of orange and brown looks very beautiful. You can simply decorate the oranges with clove stars that can be easily stuck into the skin. Or you can make candlesticks, like in the bottom photo. They are not difficult to make - first you need to cut the orange peel in half and carefully remove both halves with a spoon.

Another option for a candlestick made from orange peel. You need to cut off the top of the fruit and carefully scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. Then fill the resulting bowl with any bulk material(any cereal will do) so that you can put a candle, and the orange can easily stand.

Candlesticks made of sweets

You will be surprised, but traditional Christmas sweets are perfect for decorating New Year's candles:

Warm up the sides of the candle a little and stick candy canes with a New Year's ornament on the sides along the entire perimeter, or collect decor for a candle from candy canes and secure with a festive ribbon.

New Year's candle holder made from a glass jar

The simplest candlestick from a jar is made quickly and easily with your own hands. From masking tape (which we use to cover windows for the winter), cut out a silhouette, such as a star. Stick it on the side of the jar, and paint the rest of the surface of the jar with gouache (white is best). To prevent the gouache from sticking to your hands after drying and staining your clothes, spray the top of the painted jar with hairspray. Next, remove our star sticker from the masking tape and get a finished New Year's candlestick made by yourself.

The silhouette sticker can be anything perfect - a snowman, a penguin, a snowflake, or a deer with branchy antlers.

You can also decorate the border of our design with sprinkles; to do this, apply glue along the edge of the silhouette and sprinkle shiny sprinkles on top of it (I described what to make it from in the previous candlestick).

For the pleasure of your child, make such a bright and simple candlestick with him using the same principle:

Or let your child make this simple design on frosted jars using toothpaste and cotton swabs:

You can buy gold-colored acrylic paint at the stationery store and use this brush to outline the edge of the silhouette-hole on the candlestick. And even make some kind of festive inscription on the silhouette itself. It turns out to be a bright jar-candle holder - and by the way, you can pour white beans into its bottom and drown the candle in it.

You can implement the principle of a silhouette hole on a candlestick jar not with paint - but with paper. That is, cut out the desired picture on a strip of paper in advance and wrap the candlestick jar with such paper. As in the photo with the New Year's craft below.

You can cover the entire surface of the jar with green pieces of napkin (buy green paper napkins, or green crepe paper); it is thin and fits well the smooth curves of the jar.
It’s easy to use glue - using PVA glue - and it’s better to buy not a small tube at an office supply store, but go to a hardware store and immediately buy a half-liter jar of PVA - you’ll get it 4 times cheaper. It lasts a long time and is always fresh, but in jars it constantly dries out.

So... we cover the jar with PVA glue and put chopped pieces of green paper on top of it - due to the fact that the pieces will be layered on top of each other, we will get such a chipped polygonal green pattern. And then, to give all this green chaos a New Year’s recognition, we’ll simply paint here and there (or add red paper) circles of holly berries.

The same red balls of berries will decorate our next New Year's candlestick. Here we cover all the walls of the jar with snow. We make it from regular salt or sugar (or from finely grated polystyrene foam).

Cover the sides of the jar with glue and roll them in white sprinkles on the table. When drying, we decorate with a string, under which a green twig (for example, a spruce foot) or a green string of textile ribbon is inserted. And in the middle we attach a bunch of berries. These can be beads strung on wire and painted with red gouache (or nail polish). You can mold beads from plasticine and cover them with nail polish for shine and color. Or you can take large foam balls.

By the way, even if you just pour coarse salt into a jar and put a tablet candle in it, you will get a very charming New Year’s candlestick:

If you know how to knit, we suggest making such an openwork napkin decoration for a candle holder jar. Looks very festive and elegant:

If you are good at drawing, you can simply draw a New Year's design on your side glass jar and you will get an elegant candlestick. You can not put a candle inside the jar, but put a New Year's LED garland - and then the jar will sparkle with several lights at once.

You can also simply APPLY a silhouette in a New Year’s theme to the surface of the jar - like a decorative applique decoration. This applique can be easily and quickly made at home - find suitable pictures on the Internet and cut out the desired silhouettes from colored paper.

you also can copy directly from this screen silhouette of a deer. Simply place a sheet of paper on the screen and use a pencil to trace the image that is visible on the sheet. To reduce or enlarge the image on the screen, simply roll the mouse wheel forward or backward, holding the cropCtrl on your keyboard.

Multi-layered applications on a glass candlestick look beautiful.

You can come up with a silhouette applique that will encircle the entire jar along its circumference.

Small details of the applique do not need to be cut out of paper, but can be completed with a black marker. The candlestick jar itself can be painted in Blue colour(with a foam sponge and blue gouache mixed with white).

Silhouettes can be cut out of white paper. It turns out light and delicate decorative candlestick from a tall glass.

Decorations made from burlap or other bright scraps of fabric also look very nice on jars-candlesticks.

New Year's candlesticks FROM GLASSES

They also make excellent candlesticks for the New Year. There is a separate article dedicated to this on our website, but we will list here the most interesting options.

The glass container itself can be decorated inside with branches of evergreen shrubs (for example fir). Instead of candles, you can put a New Year's garland with LED lanterns inside tall large glasses-vases and mix the garland with Christmas decorations, cones, glass beads.

The ideal candle holders for low tablet candles and thick barrel candles are INVERTED GLASSES. Their flat base of the legs serves convenient stand for long-lasting candles.

We place New Year's decorations under the dome of an inverted glass - these can be sprigs of holly, silver cones, pine needles or multi-colored bugle beads.

Small decor does not need to be painstakingly slipped under the glass - just pour the glass into the bowl, cover it with cardboard, turn the glass upside down with the bowl and remove the cardboard from under it.

The stem of the glass, like the metal walls of tablet candles, can be silvered or gilded with sprinkles. This is easy to do at home - spread it with glue and sprinkle it with glitter (if you use PVA glue, then it can be easily washed off hot water). Or use hairspray - quickly spray and quickly sprinkle with glitter, then sprinkle on top again.

You can buy ready-made glitter for sprinkling on your nails or cut the fringe of a shiny fluffy Christmas tree garland into small pieces yourself.

The sides of the candles can also be decorated with glitter sprinkles. To do this, pour the sprinkles onto paper. We heat the sides of the candle over a gas burner and quickly roll the candle, softened from the heat, over the glitter filling - the soft sticky wax absorbs the sparkles, and the candle becomes elegant and New Year's.

It is better to match the color of the sparkles for the candle to the color of the decorations under the dome of the glass (as in the photo below).

Under the dome of the glass you can arrange a real piece of a New Year's fairy tale (as in the photo with candlesticks below). It’s easy to do it yourself – just a round piece white cardboard(or polystyrene foam), glue on a Christmas tree craft (purchased or made from paper or plasticine) - place a snowman or a figurine of another New Year’s character next to it. Pour glue and sprinkle with white salt to imitate snow. Cover this round craft with an inverted glass. It turns out to be a magical New Year's candlestick.

You can paint New Year's glasses-candlesticks in winter shades of paint and decorate them with pine cones and snowflakes (paper or purchased).

To paint a glass at home as evenly as in the photo with candlesticks below, you need to use not a brush, but a foam sponge with small pores (preferably a sponge for applying foundation). With such a sponge you can convey a uniform flow of color from light to dark.

You can paint any New Year's character on the glass with paints - and we will get bright candlesticks in the form of snowmen, or Santa Clauses, or deer.

Or you don’t have to turn the glasses over. And lower tablet candles into them on special brackets.

You can twist such staples yourself at home from flexible copper or aluminum wire. This kind of DIY work is exactly what is shown in the photo below.

You can hang a candle-tablet on brackets inside a very high vessel - and then the bottom of the vessel can become a place for decorative composition(as in the photo of the New Year's candlestick below).

New Year's candlesticks WITH FLOATING CANDLES

Also, candles can not be hung inside the container, but lowered into the water. To do this, the shape of the candles should be cone-shaped or rounded at the bottom. This way they will float calmly on the water.

Such floating candles can be found on sale and purchased. Or do it yourself - break the candle, remove the wick thread from it. Place the pieces of wax in a saucepan over low heat (or in a water bath) and melt the wax until liquid. Place the wick in a mold with a round or cone-shaped bottom - pour in the wick liquid wax– cool until the wax hardens completely in the mold. Remove the candle from the mold, slightly heating the walls of the mold.

Or you don’t have to bother with liquid wax. And immediately cut a conical bottom from a solid thick candle with a regular knife(work as a sculptor).

New Year's compositions with candles

You can use a wide stand – a dish or a vase – as a candlestick and place several candles on such a candlestick at once, interspersing them with New Year’s decorations.

You can pour it into the stand artificial snow or plain white salt, sugar, powder.

As a New Year's candle stand, you can use a regular low wooden box for seedlings. And decorate it with natural materials (moss, cones, spruce paws).

The body of the candlestick can become an ordinary wooden log. We drill large holes in it, where we insert tablet candles (or sections of thick candles).

You can also bake a candlestick from edible gingerbread honey dough. That is, bake a round gingerbread with holes for tablet candles. And to go with it, bake smaller gingerbread cookies with the shape of houses, Christmas trees, and trees. We decorate the gingerbread houses with a pattern of sugar icing and dry them. We also pour the large gingerbread candlestick with sweet sugar icing and place the gingerbread Christmas tree houses on the sticky icing.

Gingerbread dough is distinguished by the fact that it does not go stale for a long time, and such a sweet gift-candlestick can be devoured by the whole family after death. New Year's holidays.

And finally, a few more ideas for New Year’s candlesticks:

These are the ideas with New Year's candlesticks you can now make with your own hands. It's nice when you can create a piece of the New Year's holiday around yourself.

Connect the kids- they will be very pleased to help you in such a serious matter as the New Year. Children should create crafts with their own hands - this mandatory conditions for the development of a personality confident in their strengths and abilities. Children must have an EVIDENCE BASE of their omnipotence and success. Let the children see in practice that they CAN make such beautiful and complex crafts THEMSELVES. Let them grow up realizing themselves as CREATORS of this world. And then one day you will be able to be proud of their ADULT achievements.

Happy New Year to you. Let happiness enter your family. The magic of happiness made with your own hands. And let the light of the candles transmit its radiance to your eyes.

Do you want to have a romantic dinner, but don't know how to create the right atmosphere? Do you like to take a bath in dim, relaxing light? Are you trying to hint to your husband about the desired massage? Well, you've come to the right place! Why rack your brain when you can fill it with a useful master class on making candlesticks with your own hands for long candles.

In this article you will find 5 master classes on how to make a candlestick like this. Wooden, clay, from blocks and even from cement!

Everything you have at hand can turn into an excellent home decoration! Don't believe me? Look at our photos of DIY candle holders for long candles and see that decorating your home yourself is bright, exciting and not at all expensive.

To make such a candle holder for long candles you will need:

Step 1

Use sandpaper to thoroughly sand the board, leaving no nicks or irregularities.

Step 2

Any shade spray paint paint the board and wooden coasters. Please note that the iron stands should be smaller in volume and fit into the wooden ones.

Step 3

We wait for the paint to dry and insert the iron stands into the wooden ones. Using wood glue, glue the double stands at equal distances from each other and leave to dry.

Ready! You can insert candles and admire the creation of your hands!

You can experiment and make stands of different sizes and colors at your discretion, choosing suitable candles for them.

Simple candlestick made of blocks

To make this candlestick take:

  • Round blocks of different sizes;
  • Saw;
  • Wood glue;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Candle holder – 3 pieces;
  • Drill with a thin drill bit;
  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Plate.

Step 1

If the blocks are long and not sawn, use a saw and cut pieces of slightly different heights. Sand the blocks so that there are no nicks or irregularities. Then attach the plate to a sheet of cardboard and trace and cut out the resulting circle.

TIP: Instead of wooden throws, you can use cork ones. wine corks, lay them out in a circle and glue them together!

Step 2

Using wood glue, start gluing the blocks in any order onto the cardboard circle - this is our template for the candlestick. Wait for the glue to dry and drill three holes into which to insert the candle holders.

You can give free rein to your imagination and cut out a template of a different shape, painting it in any shade of paint.

Want to make something different from wood? Check out this article!

DIY holiday candlesticks

Prepare the following tools:

  • 3 (or more) wooden blocks of different heights;
  • Drill with drill bit;
  • Acrylic paint (color of your choice);
  • Bucket/basin/other utensils for paint;
  • Sandpaper.

Step 1

We drill holes in each wooden block for candles. Measure the diameter of the spark plug in advance to select the exact drill bit. Use sandpaper to go over the bars, removing any irregularities.

Step 2

We dilute the paint with water in the container we have. If you want a rich color a short time- divorce a large number of paints in less water. Place the bars in the paint; if it is very saturated, then:

  • hold for a short time - about 7 minutes,
  • if weak - 15-20 minutes.

We wait for the paint to dry, insert the candles and enjoy the work done!

Beautiful candlestick in ombre style made of clay

To make candlesticks you need:

  • Multilayer mold for mini ice cream;
  • Cement or clay for crafts;
  • White and turquoise spray paints;
  • Copper candle stands;
  • Glue moment;
  • Newspaper/waste fabric.

Step 1

We dilute the cement (or clay) with a little more water than indicated on the package - this way it will fill the mold more evenly. Pour the cement into the mold and wait for it to harden. On a spread newspaper or fabric we paint the resulting figures in White color; To apply the paint evenly, keep the can at a distance from the figures. Paint in 3 thin layers.

Step 2

After the paint has dried, we begin to glue future candlesticks. We glue two figures together with their wide sides facing each other, the other two with their narrow sides. We glue the remaining 4 with the narrow sides, and then with the wide side. We get 3 candlesticks from 8 cement figures.

Step 3

Let's take turquoise paint and start applying it to the bottom layers of the candlesticks from a distance. Try to create an ombre effect by unevenly painting the bottom of the candlesticks. We wait until the paint dries.

Step 4

We glue copper candle stands on top of the candlesticks, insert the candles and place them on dinner table.

Very beautiful and simple candlesticks can be made from glasses or bottles. Watch master classes!

To make these long candle holders, prepare:

  • Small cardboard bags (shaped like for seeds);
  • Copper pipe;
  • Pipe cutter;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Decorative concrete;
  • Multi-colored thick threads.

Step 1

Let's take our cardboard bags and cut off a corner. Copper pipe cut into unequal parts (of course, you can also make even parts), and insert the resulting tubes into the holes in the bags. Use electrical tape to firmly secure the place where the tube and bag hit.

Step 2

Pour the concrete into cardboard bags and leave to harden. After the concrete has hardened, carefully remove insulating tape and cardboard, we get concrete cones with inserted copper tubes.

Tip: instead of concrete, you can use absolutely any mortar which, after hardening, holds its shape, for example, any finish or alabaster.

Step 3

We wrap threads around the joints between the tube and the concrete; You can wrap it in one layer, or alternatively, make several flowers on one candlestick. Also, if you want, concrete bases You can paint it in any shade or decorate it with beads - to your taste.

Do you want to decorate your home for the holidays or just create a cozy atmosphere in it? Then simply decorate the dining table, shelves and consoles with candles. And to save on buying a lot of candlesticks, we recommend making them yourself. In this material you will learn 7 ideas for making candlesticks from easily accessible, improvised and even waste materials in just one evening.

Idea 1. Candlestick made from wooden saw cuts

A cut of wood is an almost ready-made candlestick, beautiful, environmentally friendly and versatile. It will be appropriate in or interior design all year round, including on New Year's holidays.

How to do it: You can make saw cuts yourself, but it’s faster and easier to buy ready-made ones, which are sold in many online stores and craft stores. “Ready” cuts are good because they do not have splits or cracks, they are properly dried and can already be sanded. You can select saw cuts of different diameters, heights, different types of wood and create a whole set of candlesticks. You can make a cell for a candle in a cut using a drill with a Forstner drill (about 150 rubles) or another drill that can make a blind round hole of the diameter you need (for example, it can be a “ballerina”, a wood crown, a spiral or feather drill etc.).

Idea 2. Candlestick made from a wooden block

And here is another idea for making a candlestick out of wood with your own hands, although this time from a block. However, you can replace the block with a dried log or board of a suitable size.

How to do it: To make a large wooden candlestick with your own hands you will need:

  • Dry planed or unplaned wooden block(it’s better to be wider so that the candlestick is stable). In this master class, a 100x100 mm block was used.
  • A drill and Forstner drill of a suitable diameter (for your candles) or any other drill that can be used to cut a blind round hole of a small depth of 0.5-1 cm or more. A drill with a diameter of 50mm was used here.
  • Square.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Hammer.
  • Stain of the desired color, rags or brush.
  • Latex gloves.

Step 1. First of all, you need to cut a section from the block required length using a saw or jigsaw. IN this project the candlestick was made for decoration large table, so it is 90 cm long. Consider how many candles your candle holder will hold, and what spacing there will be between them. Then mark the cut line, cut the block and lightly sand its end sandpaper.

Step 2. Next, you need to draw markings on the block to place the candles. To do this, first decide on the length of the indents from the edges of the candlestick (this MK has 7 cm indents), then simply place the candles on the block at equal intervals, circle them and mark the center of each circle with a dot.

Step 3: Using a drill and Forstner bit, cut out the blinds round holes small depth. Don’t worry if the edges of the cells turn out rough, this is only a plus for our rustic style candlestick.

Step 4. Give the wood an aged and rustic look by tapping the ends of the candlestick with a hammer. You can make dents in just a few places or all of them. visible sides bar.

Step 5. Now you need to add color to the wood, while maintaining the appearance of its design and beautiful texture. To do this, simply rub the stain with a soft rag into the surface of the product in one layer, and then let it dry.

This is what you should get.

Idea 3. Candlestick from a bottle

Glass bottles make not only elegant or vintage candlesticks, but also caps. Here are some ideas that you might like and are very easy to implement.

These candlesticks, made with your own hands from cut bottles, can be beautifully packaged and gifted to loved ones.

How to do it: There is nothing easier than making a candle holder from a bottle with your own hands as in the photo above, because to do this you just need to cut it and fill it with wax and a wick, or just put a small candle. Trim glass bottle possible in two ways.

  • Method 1: Soak a thick cotton thread in alcohol (eg nail polish remover), then wrap it around the bottle. Light the thread with caution and immediately begin to rotate the bottle around its axis so that the fire spreads along the entire length of the thread. Now immerse the bottle in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then immediately transfer it to a container with cold water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the glass will crack where the burning thread was tied. However, if the glass is too thick, for example, like a bottle of champagne, then the procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times.
  • Method 2: If you have a glass cutter or glass drill, you can use them. Wrap a hair tie around the bottle and then use a glass cutter to draw a line along its outline. Burn the cut line, immerse the bottle in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then quickly transfer it to cold water.

When the bottle splits, sand the sharp edge with first coarse and then fine grit sandpaper.

Now that the candlestick is almost ready, you can insert the wick into it, fixing it in a vertical position (eg Chinese chopsticks as shown in the photo) and finally fill it with pre-melted paraffin.

Idea 4. Candlestick made from a glass or tin can

Jars are another available material from which you can quickly and easily make a candlestick. In this selection of photos you can get ideas for decorating Christmas candlesticks.

In this video you can see a master class on how to make a New Year's candlestick with your own hands from a glass jar.

And here is an example of candlesticks that you can make with your own hands from a tin can.

Detailed master class on making a candlestick from tin can you can see in the next video.

Idea 5. Candlestick made of plaster or concrete

Concrete or plaster poured into a container dries and takes the shape of the container. Thus, to make a candlestick with your own hands, you only need to find a suitable disposable container, for example, plastic bottle or a container of yogurt.

These cute concrete candle holders were poured into yogurt cups.

Concrete candlestick made using a plastic bottle

This candle holder was made from plaster in the shape of a balloon.

Plaster candlesticks are made using disposable cups

You can learn the principle of working with mounting mixtures from the following master classes.

Idea 6. Lantern candlestick made of polymer clay

Polymer clay (plastic) is excellent for making figured or openwork candlesticks, in which the light from a candle decorates the walls with fancy patterns or scenes. If you need to make a themed candle holder, say for Halloween or New Year or do you just have original idea, then we advise you to experiment with this material. Next, we present a selection of photo ideas for lanterns and candlesticks made of polymer clay.

In houses they often burn candles, and accordingly they adapt various objects for them, which they skillfully decorate to suit their interior. On this page I have collected various ideas for decorating candlesticks and posted some master classes on decorating them. I hope you can choose the idea that you use to decorate your candlestick to suit your interior, or you will have your own idea for decorating a candlestick.


3. These jars can be smeared with PVA glue, and while the glue is not high, sprinkle with coarse salt, glitter or any other bulk materials.

4. We wrap a string or randomly put on rubber bands and blow paint on top.


6.You can make dots with stained glass paints different shades or one. You decide:)

7.If you know how to knit, then I can imagine how beautiful your candlestick will look:))

8 This idea can be used to decorate a candlestick; for this you need to use plastic, which it is advisable to thicken closer to the edge of the outline of the stencil design by piercing a hot awl, which will leave these holes.

9. Cards can be used to decorate not only lamps, but also candlesticks. This set will decorate the interior of an office or schoolchild.

10.As you can see, you can combine candlesticks with different decorative techniques.


12. Wrap threads around the jar and voila! It turned out really nice :)


14. Perforated paper can perfectly decorate a candlestick.

15.Cinnamon sticks not only decorate the candlestick beautifully, but will also emit a wonderful aroma.

17. You can decorate candlesticks yourself with stained glass paints. Remember to do this in a ventilated area. For such stains, you can pre-spray with vodka, thanks to which the paints will spread in bizarre patterns.

18. The bottom of these bottles was cut off. To do this, you need to moisten the cord in alcohol, set it on fire, constantly turning it and holding the bottle horizontally to the surface, and then lower it evenly into a basin of cold water.

This idea is especially good for the street, since the wind will not be able to blow out the light.




22. Thinned photo paper with a photograph of family members printed on it is very interesting idea for decoration!


25.Candlesticks decorated with lace look very beautiful.





30. Bugles can be bought in many stores.


32. Anise, cloves, coffee, cinnamon can also serve as an air freshener, since under the influence of heat they will release their aroma.


34. Of course, you can use just beautiful glasses.



Let's look at some master classes in more detail :)) Basically, everything will be clear to you from the photos posted for the master classes.

The first candlestick is decorated with leaves. To do this, we spread acrylic varnish on the glass, onto which we glue the leaves, and after drying, scrape off any traces of the varnish that remains on the visible parts of the glass. We also fix the leaves on top with acrylic varnish.


















20. During the course of the play, I picked up another very interesting decor vase, which is also applicable for a candlestick. But this is already for the abilities of decoupage artists :)

21.This idea for decorating a vase can also be applied to a candlestick, you just need to spill it in between broken glass, which will transmit light.





33. Decorate with salt, which can be colored with powdered food coloring. The salt should be sprinkled with a little water.








Well, I hope from so many options you were able to choose one worthy of implementation? :))

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Who said that everything beautiful products For New Year's decor definitely need to be purchased at finished form? Let's take advantage of the numerous practical ideas registration festive interior, let's create a special and stylish New Year's candlestick with our own hands. Today the editors of the site decided to help their readers in this pleasant and not too troublesome task with useful tips.

Read in the article

Candles for the New Year: decorative and useful role

What does light give us? New Year's candles? This is a combination of magical twinkling with burning garlands and greenery of pine needles, with a beautifully decorated table and the rest of the interior. This is a truly festive dim light, perceived by us as something unshakable and traditional. Our task is to provide this fabulous radiance with a worthy frame.

Key areas of the interior are decorated with candles, so it makes sense to awaken the creator within you and create with your own hands such a useful and thematic item as a New Year’s candlestick.

How and from what materials you can make a New Year’s candlestick with your own hands: choosing the best way

It may very well be that to create a creative product you won’t even need to leave your home: depending on the chosen method, you probably already have everything you need at hand. But if a couple of some components are missing for a future miracle, this is not a reason to give up. Let's consider best options candlesticks and plunge headlong into work.

Making your own candlestick: using glass glasses

There are several glass glasses in any kitchen. During the New Year holidays they have a solemn role, so we prepare candles and suitable material- this evening a lovely glowing craft will appear in the house!

Candlestick made from glass

You can easily make a candlestick with your own hands from a glass. The height of the dishes is not important; you can make a memorable craft from any glass cup.

Decoupage is done on the glasses from napkins with a New Year's theme, the walls of the glass are covered with PVA glue and the dishes are sprinkled with glitter, grated soap and salt. Making a candlestick is a pleasant pastime that will bring a completely unique atmosphere to your home.

Glass jar as a New Year's candlestick

To make a New Year's candlestick with your own hands from a jar, you need, of course, a jar and Additional materials. There are many manufacturing methods, but there is also room for flight of fancy. The work is guided by the expected result: no one will say that a large jar is not suitable if its design fits into the design of the holiday room. The main condition is that the glass must be perfectly washed and dried for further manipulations.

Cans: from unnecessary to necessary

Working with cans is relatively easy. If you do not need to perforate them, then there is no need for a drill and attachments. These products are beautifully painted. water-based paints, facade, alkyd enamels.

Paper candlestick with perforation

A sheet of A4 paper will become an excellent screen for candle light: a soft flicker flows through the cut lines of the design, and the paper itself also becomes a large lamp.

Plastic and glass bottle as a candlestick for the New Year

When you need a candlestick for long candles, you should make it yourself from a durable and sustainable material - from a bottle.

How to cut a glass bottle - watch the video:

Magic and beauty with floating candles

To create your own New Year's candlesticks with floating candles, you don't need a master class, but impressive photos. A sight once is worth a thousand words. From a small number of ingredients a special charm is obtained.

Original products are made from artificial seaweed and long glasses or vases.

Forest gift for the New Year

There are a lot of cones under everything coniferous tree, and those who had ample supplies of pine cones during the winter were completely lucky. Cones can be used to decorate a holiday in eco-style, rustic style and rustic. Also this natural material easy to paint and thus fits into any style.

Several fir cones are glued onto a cardboard base and tied with tape. There will be a candle in the center.

Fir branches plus candles

A chic DIY New Year's candlestick is made from spruce branches. At the beginning of December it is too early to do such a craft - the needles quickly fall off, but closer to the holiday it is worth going for a spruce sprig. As an option, you can use artificial spruce branches, then the product will remain decorative for many years.

Making your own citrus candlesticks for the New Year

Orange and lemon can be used not only for food: they are a fragrant base for candles. To make it you will need a sharp knife-cutter and a template of decorative elements.