Beautiful flower beds with conifers and flowers. The use of coniferous plants in landscape design Schemes for planting conifers at a summer cottage

Weeding the numerous flower beds at the dacha takes up almost all of my weekends in the summer. The main problem is the weed “sniffing”. Nothing can calm it down, and there is no way to get rid of it. Digging up flower beds every time, destroying its creeping roots, is beyond my strength.

So the idea arose of minimizing my efforts, at least in one flower garden. I decided to create a “coniferous” flowerbed with my own hands. After growth, the plants will adhere more tightly to each other and will not allow weeds to gain the upper hand. Secondly, I will finally completely dig up my oldest and favorite flower bed.

This is what the flower bed looked like before planting the conifers:

Why a flowerbed and not a mixborder? It just happened that way historically. Once upon a time it was a mixborder and hid the beds. Then I cut it in half and it turned into a flower bed.

Dacha philosophy

Just recently, the flowerbed was the most popular flower garden in the country; no one had heard of all sorts of mixborders or knew the differences. They made it depending on their imagination - round, square, diamond-shaped. For me it was and remains oval, or crescent-shaped. Mostly astilbe grew on it different colors, phlox and chamomile. It was beautiful, but the same from year to year, and the flowers grew and merged with each other, interspersed with darkness.

The flowerbed is still serves as a kind of zone separator for me at the dacha- separates the lawn and the recreation area with a children's playground.

Once upon a time a long time ago I read it in a magazine that even small garden should be divided into zones in such a way that you want to move from one to another and carefully examine their details. It’s quite boring to be in a garden, where most of it is occupied by a lawn, and shrubs and flowers are planted around the perimeter. A second is enough to take in the entire dacha plot at one glance. Much more interesting walk through the “nooks and crannies”, admire each plant up close, understand and appreciate the “author’s” intention. This is my dacha philosophy.

Flowerbed or mixed border of conifers?

For those who are not yet familiar with the various concepts of flower beds, I will explain how a flower bed differs from a mixborder. Translated from English, mixborder means a mixed border, that is, a flower garden from different perennial plants made along the edge garden path or along the fence. Of course, professional landscape designers make beautiful and proper mixborders and flower beds from conifers. But what's done with my own hands, looks somehow homely and cozy. Therefore, go ahead, change the design of your site in order to discover the option that suits you through trial and error.

Main features, similarities and differences between a mixborder and a flower bed:

  • The mixborder has a view only from the front side, and the flowerbed can be walked around from all sides;
  • tiered placement of plants in mixborders - the tallest and most voluminous ones are planted in the background along the fence with a gradual decrease towards the front edge of the flower bed, where low ground cover flowers and annuals are located;
  • mixborders along paths and flower beds can be similar when plants are placed horizontally;
  • the flowerbed can have a different arrangement - in the form of a pyramid (with taller plants in the center) or with taller plants along the edges;
  • to visually represent both the flowerbed and the mixborder, in landscape design It is customary to draw up a preliminary plant placement plan;
  • The edging of the mixborder runs only along the front edge. If the mixborder is located next to the lawn, then you will need to trim the turf evenly (as we did with);
  • the main guideline when creating any flower garden in the country should be continuous flowering plants throughout the summer season.

Design options for a coniferous flower bed

Enough theory, let's move on to practice. The first question that arose before me during the rework flower bed: what will happen on the ground after planting conifers. There were several options:

  1. Plant grass around them, but then it will be difficult to mow, and I will make my life even more difficult.
  2. Cover it with decorative wood chips, but evil weeds will still grow through it.
  3. Plant annuals bright flowers or place them in pots between conifers.

Stopped at latest version, at the same time leaving some perennial flowers of low growth. As a result, I added more large stones in a creative mess and some favorite garden figurines. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn a flowerbed of conifers into an absurd exhibition of gnomes. A sense of proportion and taste will not hurt here.

The next stage was to compose the composition. Was it was decided to use vertical, horizontal and spherical seedlings different conifers color range. They will look beautiful even in winter.

I understood that the flowerbed should be quite low-growing and the plants should grow slowly.

One of the rules for creating coniferous mixborder or flower beds is the so-called the rhythm of the composition, those. its elements must be repeated at least 3 times. I tried to create something similar too. For the composition to become harmonious, it is necessary that the tops of the conifers differ in height and not be on a straight line.

Selection of conifers

Here are the types coniferous plants I chose for decoration:

    • Konica- This is a nice decorative dwarf spruce. It has a very dense conical crown. Its advantage for a flower bed is that it grows very slowly. In ten years its height will not be higher than 80 cm, and by the age of 20 it will reach one and a half meters. Grows well in light loamy soil.

    • Dwarf pine (slow growing species). In 4 years she has grown only 10 cm. She will be about a meter in height.
    • I bought a cone-shaped juniper. They promised that the height would be no more than 1.5 m.

I couldn’t resist and bought a creeping one too. It is very beautiful, but too spreading. Therefore, I planted it by the porch as a tapeworm - separately standing plant. Here he is in the photo surrounded by red coleus, which perfectly sets off his greenery.

    • Thuja occidentalis- my favorite thuja, which I have been growing for many years. I planted it at the beginning of the flower bed and formed a cone shape. I don’t let it grow tall, I constantly trim it. It casts a pleasant shadow over the recreation area.
    • Globular thuja- sometimes after winter it loses its shape. To restore it, you need to tie up the crown and trim it. I have one yellow, the other green.

    • Cushion spruce- very petite and beautiful. Its annual growth is only 2 cm in height and 3 cm in width. I expect it to grow no more than half a meter in height. The same width. Easy to cut. But I haven’t cut my hair yet.

  • Cypress- suitable for larger mixborders near the fence, as it grows quickly both in width and height. But I bought it anyway.


Practice shows that Conifers do not “respect” fertile soils too much. Therefore, when I plant them, be sure to I put crushed stone as the first layer(for drainage so that water does not stagnate: otherwise conifers may develop root rot) and sand.

Recently transplanted conifers or very young ones do not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. That's why It is best to make a flower bed in partial shade. My apple tree provides just such partial shade.


All the conifers I have at the dacha are quite unpretentious and winter-hardy. You don't need to take special care of them. As a rule, I I cover only the first year of planting, and then, having grown stronger, they set off on a “free swim.” Although some experienced gardeners still cover them with spruce branches for the winter, which in the spring also protects them from the bright sun.

After the snow melts on the site in the spring, the conifers must be shed generously, to prevent spring dehydration. At my dacha they are close groundwater, so I don't do it. The water stays for almost the entire month of May.

In summer you need to water as needed. But I noticed that conifers really love water and become grateful if you water them not only at the root, but also sprinkle them. In return you get succulent, beautiful plants.

I use fertilizer special for conifers strictly according to the instructions and I don’t particularly bother about this. Sometimes I’m afraid to overdo it, because I know for sure that a plant can take out from the soil as much as it is supposed to and no more. Otherwise, you can “burn” it.

So, the flowerbed is formed and has begun an independent life.

But this is not the final version. Life constantly makes adjustments. The cypress tree has dried up. The spherical yellow thuja has grown and lost its shape. I’ll probably cut it, although such an incomprehensible form also has its own attractiveness and dissimilarity. And the dream comes again...

Massive passion for landscape design has contributed to a noticeable transformation country houses, cottages and dachas. Vegetable and fruit gardens, popular in the recent past, have replaced flower beds and other decorative plant arrangements.

A special place in landscape design is occupied by coniferous trees, some species of which appeared in the vastness of our country relatively recently.

Representatives of the coniferous group of plants gained their popularity thanks to unique properties, allowing them to look great both in single (solitary plantings) and in group plantings 365 days a year. Coniferous plantations are not picky about soil types, rarely get sick and tolerate any weather changes well.

The importance of conifers for the garden

In addition to the aesthetic effect, evergreen coniferous plants can benefit humans and nature:

  • absorb dust and noise efficiently;
  • hold back gusts of wind;
  • soften the microclimate around the house or cottage;
  • stop the reproduction of certain viruses, bacteria and insects;
  • provide the air with a colossal amount of oxygen and phytoncides (the undisputed champion among healing trees is juniper).

Therefore, if you dream of a beautiful, well-kept garden with a favorable microclimate, turn your attention to compositions of coniferous plants. Their charming view, exquisite shape and medium-sized crowns, reveal unique opportunities for creating the most daring compositions in landscape design, as in large areas, and on small ones.

How to create coniferous compositions in landscape design?

  • Spruces, pines, junipers, cypresses, firs, thujas and many other evergreens are usually located in the very center personal plot, for the formation of coniferous sculptures, or at the borders of the territory.

  • The ensemble of pine needles looks very picturesque surrounded by heather, roses, erik, rhododendrons and deciduous plants. They bring some brightness and contrast to the design and allow you to change the garden design seasonally. (The exceptions are bird cherry and birch trees - they have a bad effect on plants with needles).

  • Pyramid-shaped conifers look great. Landscape designers based on them they create complex geometric figures, spiral columns, tiers and intricate front alleys. Figuratively trimmed conifers divide the space of the site into so-called “rooms”, decorate stone slides, small ponds, colorfully complement rock gardens and relief changes.

  • In order for landscape design with coniferous plants to please the eye with its volumetric structures and color pictures not only in summer, but also in winter, it is necessary to pay attention when creating compositions increased attention combinations in the coniferous group different forms, textures and colors.

  • Experts recommend choosing winter-hardy species that are stable all year round as accent trees and shrubs. In the background, as a rule, plants with a spreading crown are placed. And the coniferous composition of the landscape design is completed by properly creeping, low plants.

  • The decorative capabilities of conifers (they are easy to trim) are perfect for creating hedges and disguising unsightly areas in the fence.

When choosing conifers for home garden compositions, one should not forget that many plants change the color of their needles in winter.

Conifers in landscape design: planting rules

  1. It is best to plant conifers in early autumn.

  2. The depth of each hole for seedlings should not exceed 85 cm, and the junction of the stem with the root (necessarily with an earthen lump) should exactly correspond to the earthen level.

  3. The distance between neighboring plants ideally ranges from 90 to 160 cm.

  4. For better growth young plantings, you need to add sand and clay to the ground.

  5. Within six months after planting conifers, the soil needs to be nourished mineral fertilizers.

  6. During dry summers, watering is important for plants. During the season, it is enough to make 5-6 waterings of 20 liters per plant.

  7. To make the crown thicker, annual shoots need to be cut off by a third every spring.

  8. It is recommended to cover young trees that have not reached a meter in height by winter with spruce branches or kraft paper to avoid winter burns.

  9. Regular loosening of the soil around the trunk helps rapid growth coniferous plants.

Conifers in landscape design - planting video

Coniferous trees and plants for landscape design - how to choose the right one?

Plants for the garden must be purchased from specialized, trusted nurseries, and not from mass supermarkets, long before the start of the planting season. Before you go for seedlings, you need to have at hand a clear plan for the future garden and a list of the necessary plants.

Consider what older plant, the more difficult it will be for him to settle down in a new place.

In case of purchasing large-sized conifers, the best option would be trees and shrubs 5-6 years old.

When choosing coniferous trees and plants, you should consider what shapes and forms they will take in the near future. Owners of spacious plots can safely plant big trees with a spreading, oval-shaped crown. But the giants small garden will look rather ridiculous, drowning out the rest of the “tenants” with their size.

Modern landscape design is rich in a variety of types of coniferous plants. The aroma of country air, saturated with pine needles, is a pleasant and healthy frame for relaxation in the countryside and in the garden. Plants are used in the landscape to create beautiful compositions, flower beds, rockeries and topiary, as well as in the form of fences. Coniferous trees in landscape design get along well with deciduous trees and look great on lawns framed by stones and flowers. Plants come in a variety of species different shades, shape and size, plus - unique decor all year round.

Options for using conifers in the landscape.

Decorative types of conifers are popular in design solutions landscape due to its unique properties:

  • Coniferous trees and shrubs are frost-resistant, easily survive severe cold, adding decor to the winter landscape;
  • thanks to their powerful roots, coniferous plants provide themselves with moisture even in dry summers, and therefore do not require frequent watering;
  • conifers develop well in low light conditions and grow in shade and partial shade;
  • trees are attractive at any stage of their life. As they grow, the beauty and density of their crown only intensifies;
  • The diversity of conifer species implies the presence of compact forms that do not require special care.

Coniferous plant cultures can be used when planning landscape compositions in any style. Miniature trees are appropriate in green fences, flower beds and rockeries.

Coniferous rock garden design

An ornamental garden on a gentle slope with scattered stones, a variety of unpretentious flowers, shrubs and miniature conifers is a rockery. When creating a semi-wild coniferous landscape, you need to follow some principles:

  • dwarf representatives of coniferous species are chosen as the basis for compositional vegetation;
  • when choosing types of coniferous plants, their unpretentiousness is taken into account;
  • when forming a rock garden there should be no pronounced differences in terrain;
  • the plot pattern is created by a combination of large stone and gravel backfill.

Before purchasing seedlings for a rock garden, you need to think through the composition of your landscape design; miniature conifers are not cheap. You can achieve the best effect in the compositional design of the landscape by choosing a vertical coniferous dwarf for the dominant plant, with a crown in the form of a cone or oval. The dominant plant is planted at the beginning or middle of the composition; small seedlings with a spherical crown are placed around it. Planting creeping ground cover conifers will serve as a background.

An alpine slide differs from a rock garden in requiring more sunlight. A gently sloping garden of conifers is unpretentious in this regard and looks wonderful in landscape solution under the windows of the estate, in the shade of the gazebo, on the shore of an artificial pond.

When creating a rock garden, you should not overload it with variety coniferous species, you can lose the beauty and uniqueness of everyone. When composing groups, it is better to use contrasts in the shape and color of trees or apply the aesthetics of a smooth transition.

Wild stones, as elements of landscape design, should be organically included in the composition and not hidden in coniferous thickets, but harmoniously placed among dwarfs of spruce, pine, thuja and juniper. The result should be a complete illusion of a natural landscape in miniature. Slow growth of conifers (up to 3 cm per year) will preserve the composition for a long time.

Design of flower beds from conifers

In the landscape design of a summer cottage, coniferous species look great in flower beds. Their size and design depend on the size of the plot and the talent of the gardener.

There are several main types:

Attention! When designing a flower bed, the amount of free space for the growth and development of green perennials is taken into account.

Arrangement coniferous flower bed is not particularly difficult. At correct selection species range of evergreens and their proper placement will turn out beautiful view adjoining plot with minimal waste of time and effort.

Coniferous fencing

Conifers in the landscape design of a summer cottage add a certain majesty to the landscape composition, especially evergreen plantings in hedges. A fence made of coniferous trees can be of different heights and has strict beauty and harmony. In addition to decoration, a plant fence also provides useful functionality:

It is better to buy types of trees and shrubs for living fencing in a special nursery, but can be found in ordinary flower shop. Some coniferous species are suitable for propagation by cuttings or seeds.

Mastery of complex design

Conifers in landscape design open up space for the flight of imagination. The art of topiary can give a plant any fantasy shape. The main way to obtain a shaped variety of plants is pruning; types of yew, spruce and juniper are used. When creating simple shapes - cylindrical, spherical, cone-shaped, it is better to choose those types of conifers whose crown will suffer minimal damage.

Experienced gardeners trim trees by eye; for beginners, there are stencils and various devices in the form of driven pegs and taut ropes. A novice amateur gardener can give the crown of an ephedra a beautiful, spiral shape. Using a wide ribbon you need to wrap young tree with a conical crown and cut off all branches from free areas. After a year, the clipped areas are already clearly visible, you can correct them a little and the end result is a beautiful sea shell.

Choosing a garden plot design

The high decorative value of conifers opens up a wide range of applications in landscape design. It is necessary to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of everyone coniferous tree, so there is no need to plant a whole forest.

Before planting plants, be sure to consider:

  • climatic conditions;
  • terrain;
  • dimensions of the plot and yard buildings;
  • the presence of ponds and bridges.

All this must be linked with each other and coniferous perennials. Need to think carefully compositional solution design country garden, when replanting grown trees, the root system can be damaged.

Combination of plants in a coniferous garden

When developing garden landscape design Special attention is paid to the compatibility of plant crops:

  • Fir and spruce are not planted near cedar and pine;
  • spruce and thuja are unwanted neighbors;
  • larch needs to be planted separately; the presence of any conifers is intolerable for it;
  • the location of birch and bird cherry trees next to coniferous plants negatively affects the latter due to the lack of nutrients in the soil absorbed by deciduous plants;
  • bushes blooming roses are spectacular with a background of fir and spruce trees, but this neighborhood is dangerous for delicate flowers due to soil acidification by conifers.

Coniferous plants good neighbors deciduous shrubs, cereals, flower perennials (especially lilies). Shrub species conifers look colorful in the company of weeping willows near a pond. Thujas with bright greenery and bluish tinted needles will be an excellent background for junipers.

For a spectacular and harmonious look coniferous composition in the landscape, you need to follow some rules:

  • conifers look perfect against the backdrop of a smooth and well-groomed lawn;
  • for the most advantageous view, the composition of coniferous plants should be removed from the main viewing location by a length of 2 - 3 times its height;
  • the compositional solution should be oriented towards the eastern or western direction;
  • a contrasting combination of height and color of coniferous species is selected, for example, low, spherical types of thuja against the background of pyramidal conifers. By playing with the height of the trees, you can achieve a visual effect - a medium-sized thuja or fir next to a low-growing mountain pine will look very significant.

It is quite practical and very beautiful element, which is a combined long-term continuous flowering.

Such properly selected and well-groomed ones are becoming more and more popular and are able to give beauty all year round.

They begin to understand their special value in late autumn, when everything around becomes gray and dull, and only a colorful island can bring joy. Everyone can comprehend the science of creating mixborders, and ready-made diagrams will help with this.

Where to start?

Indeed, the art of creating combined flower beds is not at all difficult to master and practical application, But the main thing is to know how to approach this issue correctly at the initial stages.

Before you decide to acquire such a grandiose one, you need to clearly understand that planting everything beautifully, harmoniously and successfully is one side of the issue, but then caring for such beauty is the second side, and, as experience shows, it can be much more difficult than the first.

If you understand that you can handle it, then you can start. First, you need to create schemes for planting mixborders from and crops, taking into account all the nuances of their successful placement.
With such planning, it is necessary to take into account the composition, its type, humidity of the earth and air, sunny or shady place, accessibility to wind and drafts.

Only after taking into account all the factors and drawing up a crop placement project can you buy seeds, seedlings and seedlings.

Selecting a location

Mixborders are best placed outdoors with unobstructed access to sunlight. Some mixborders do well in slightly shaded areas.

In order for crops to develop and grow well, to look beautiful and fresh, they must be planted in fertilized, not depleted soil.

Before planting, it is necessary to dig up, loosen and fluff, fertilize, and finish with everything.

Selection of plants

Ready-made colorful, rich and harmonious mixborders are the result of a fascinating, but very labor-intensive process, and the result of such efforts directly depends on the correct selection of crops for the compositions.

It is only out of ignorance that all the plants on the mixborder seem to be planted haphazardly, chaotically. This is not so, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

Important! The basic principle of the mixborder: the height of the plants gradually decreases.It is not recommended to plant crops that differ greatly in height next to each other, and near a flower garden- tall plants, blocking his view. Among conifers, it is better to use dwarf species, deciduous ones should be non-aggressive.

Evergreens look great in composition with them. Crops with a ground cover effect: carpet, also look good in a mixborder.

To fill the resulting voids, you can use perennial,.

After creating a plan for placing plants on the site and preparing, you can place the crops according to the diagram on the flowerbed itself, this will help to visualize the entire future mixborder and understand any errors in order to eliminate them before planting the plants in a permanent place.
When planting plants, you definitely need to think about how much space each of them will take up after it has fully grown, and take this important point into account.

If crops are placed on long distance from each other, then the mixborder will look empty, and the free areas will quickly be “occupied”, but if they are planted very close, they will not be able to develop to their full potential, and those that grow faster will choke out the “slower” crops.

It is best to start planting crops from the center or from the tallest plant.

Important! Continuity of flowering of mixborders can be achieved with the help of flowers that can bloom for a long time. If for some time it has become not very attractive, then you can get out of the situation with help in pots, placing them for some period in the flowerbed.

Benefits of using conifers

Each mixborder should involve the so-called “skeletal” plants, which are the main elements in the composition, creating the evergreen presence of winter and giving the fragrant and variegated flower garden a slightly “elevated” shape.

They look beautiful all year round, while other cultures boast of their beauty only for a certain limited and not very long time. Compositions made from conifers look especially attractive.
IN warm period conifers, becoming a decorative backdrop for summer trees that have lost their short-lived charm, attract attention, and in cold weather winter period They, when solo, are themselves capable of being perceived as a complete design solution.

Important! Use different ones in a mixborder decorative elements you need to be careful not to overdo it and not give it a ridiculous look. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to add large stones to the mixborder with conifers so that they are chaotically visible between the plantings.

Conifers for mixborders

There are many options you can organize with coniferous plants decorative compositions, flower beds made of conifers and using and annual crops very diverse. For this purpose, different conifers are used.

Did you know? The alkaloid paclitaxel, found in yew wood, is effective remedy to fight certain types of cancer.

In mixborders, conifers are best combined with, and supplemented with perennial and annual flowering crops.

The success of this combination will, first of all, depend on the thoughtfulness of such a composition: It will be impossible to admire even inconspicuous plantings if they are planted correctly in color, shape and growth.

For example, against the background of beautiful pine needles, they look great. Compositions from dwarf varieties conifers look impressive.

Spiral-shaped tall thujas surrounded by columnar thujas of smaller sizes and shrubs in spherical shapes look attractive, if free space covers creeping and stones, in addition to decorative purposes, serving original track, along which you can approach any planting.

Conifers have many forms that can become the highlight of any composition.

Important! Conifers, like many other expensive plants, are sold with a lump of earth in which is hidden root system. Before planting, the container must be immersed in water so that the earthen ball is saturated with it. The main thing: when planting, the root ball should be at the same level relative to the surface of the earth as in the pot. If a coniferous plant is planted higher, it will dry out; if it is buried in the ground, it may rot. Planted coniferous plants need sufficient air humidity, so in the evening they must not only be watered, but also sprayed. At first, it is recommended to slightly shade the landing site.

Rules for combining plants

Experienced people think through everything when designing a mixborder and know that you can’t plant plants “at random, as long as it’s beautiful.”

For example, there is no need to plant here with creeping rhizomes that can suppress growth, because they also negatively affect some decorative ones. For example, it suppresses such cultures as others.
Novice amateurs design design flower beds are planted nearby, without knowing all the requirements and nuances of growing certain types of crops, many incompatible types of them, turning the mixborder into something vague, unaesthetic and neglected.

After all, some types of cultures feel great next to each other, but there are those that cannot tolerate each other’s proximity or simply cannot develop to the fullest.

It turns out that it’s not very comfortable near , but roses do well near and .


The warm season is ideal for the garden to bloom. But I really want him to be able to please even in winter. And this is where a flower bed of conifers will help you - it can inspire with greenery throughout the year. Arborvitae, junipers and other species will fit perfectly into general style your garden, and in summer the flower beds can be supplemented with other flowers and shrubs.

Flowerbed of coniferous plants - diagram and stages of creation

There is nothing difficult in creating such a flower bed. It is important to know exactly the stages of work, as well as study the recommendations experienced gardeners on choosing and caring for plants in the future.

Making a flowerbed with your own hands:

  1. Soil preparation. Despite the fact that evergreen conifers can grow in almost any soil, it is best to mix turf or leaf soil with peat and sand. Don't forget to add to be safe special compounds for these types of trees, which can be purchased at a regular gardening store.
  2. After this, we begin planting. It is best to plant in the center of the flower bed tall species. For example, you can choose junipers, which we install at a distance of about a meter from each other. The depth of the dug holes should be approximately 50-70 cm; we lay soil mixtures on the bottom. You can’t do without drainage, which can be sand or pebbles. We plant lower plants around in the same way.
  3. We compact, mulch and decorate the flowerbed. After planting the plants, the soil must be thoroughly watered and compacted, adding a layer of soil if necessary. Next, we carry out mulching using peat or pine chips, and the layer should be at least 10 cm. Pebbles or marble chips are suitable for decoration.
  4. We are improving the area. Undoubtedly, not only planting is important, but also the creation of a decent ambiance. We need to dig a ditch around our evergreen flower bed, where we will plant lower flowers and plants. The soil should be neutral, “flavored” with mineral fertilizers - this will allow you to grow lush and healthy shrubs. When choosing plants, monitor their flowering period and select according to the same principle - this will allow you to get beautiful flower beds from conifers.

A flowerbed of conifers - ensuring proper care

Using a small example, we will show how best to design an evergreen flower bed. Before you begin the task, determine the future type of composition, taking into account size, style, relative position, and then, based on these factors, select plants. The main thing is that they look good and can sit side by side. The simplest option is to create a flower bed with a symmetrical arrangement of shrubs and trees. A pyramidal, “funnel-shaped” plant should be taken as the main (central) element. For example, it could become Chinese juniper– the tree grows up to 2.5 m. After this, we plant “second order” shrubs symmetrically. These include mountain pine, western thuja, Norway spruce are those types of evergreens that reach 1.5 m in height.