Beautiful decorative trees for the home: list of the best, photos and reviews. The best indoor trees for your home or apartment Plasticine tree indoor flower

In the midst of a noisy city and large high-rise buildings, I want to see more nature. Many try to compensate for the deficiency with the help ornamental plants. Small flowers on the windowsill certainly please the eye, but sometimes you want something more. That is why quite a large number of indoor trees have been bred.

The article will describe indoor ornamental trees that can be kept at home.

Indoor trees in the house

Growing trees at home is not as problematic as it seems at first glance. Each one is cared for individually, but they all need basic attention and care.

These trees are very popular because they can adapt remarkably well to different conditions. They do not need special care. Lemon and lime are the most flexible trees; they will forgive you any mistakes in maintenance.

Popular types

The following trees will decorate any room:

  • Ficus benjamina. In countries with a humid and hot climate, the tree grows of impressive size, up to 20 meters high. When kept at home, it barely grows to 3 meters. Ficus is very whimsical, it should be allocated a specific place and not moved. It is not even recommended to twist it, otherwise all the leaves will fall off. The place is chosen carefully. Ficus does not like:
  • Dark rooms.
  • Cold temperature.
  • Drafts.

To keep the plant from getting too hot, it is sprayed, and once every 30-35 days you can send the plant into the shower. In order for the ficus to please the owner for a long time, it is important to monitor the soil; it will not tolerate excessive amounts of moisture and dryness.

Ficus benjamina.

  • Laurel. An excellent choice for the home. Its height is about 1.5-2 meters. It can be easily decorated and given different shapes. The tree requires a lot of sunlight, so south side the room will be comfortable for him. Laurel leaves have a fairly dense structure, so even direct sunlight is not able to leave burns on them. In a shady area it will lose its beauty. Also, the laurel will enjoy spraying and showering. You need to water as often as possible, especially on hot days. The soil should not dry out.

  • Deffenbachia. This plant is very common in offices. Not surprisingly, it is very beautiful, and also absorbs harmful substances in the air. It must be handled with care, especially if there are animals and children in the house; the sap of the plant is poisonous. The height of Deffenbachia reaches 2 meters. To ensure that the color of the leaves is always saturated, the tree needs a lot of light at any time of the year. During the hot period, it should be slightly shaded, otherwise the sun will burn the foliage. Due to the presence of a draft, the tree may shed its lower leaves. In summer and spring, the plant needs abundant watering - up to 3 times in 7 days; in autumn and winter - once a week is enough. But Deffenbachia is happy to be sprayed all year round.

  • . The second name is indoor maple. The height of the tree reaches up to one and a half meters. It is not fussy about indoor conditions, it pleases with flowering from spring to autumn. If the room temperature does not rise above 15°C it will bloom in winter. Place the tree in a well-lit place. In summer it feels great on a balcony or loggia. In the hot season, maple is thoroughly watered; in winter, watering is moderate. If the room temperature is more than 20°C, spraying will be beneficial.

  • Hovea. Many flower growers have classified this particular tree as the best for indoor keeping. In a natural environment, the height can reach up to 15 meters; in a house it will not grow more than 2 meters. In the presence of high-quality and fertile soil, it develops and grows quickly. Khoveya is absolutely not whimsical in content. It grows equally well both on the sunny side of the house and in the shade. If you forget to water it and the soil dries out, nothing will happen to the plant. However, the ideal conditions for hovea are:
  • Lots of light.
  • Abundance of water.
  • High humidity with plenty of air.

  • Rapis. A palm plant that does not require special care. Mostly, low rapis, whose height is no more than one and a half meters, was grown at home. Today, tall rapis, whose height reaches 3 meters, is popular. The palm tree loves light very much, but the sun's rays should not hit it all the time; it gets along well in the shade. In order for the rapis to grow lush and evenly, the plant should be turned over. The plant does not have any special preferences, but it will be happy to be sprayed, especially on hot days. The soil needs to be kept moist, with abundant water in summer and moderate water in winter.

  • Dracaena. The plant can reach up to 3 meters in height. Its chaotic appearance will decorate any room. During the growth period, the lower foliage falls off and a unique pattern is formed on the trunk. Almost all types of dracaena love light, but they should not be placed in direct sunlight. The western or eastern side is perfect. Dracaena with dark leaves needs good lighting less than with variegated ones. The latter loses its bright color in the shade. The plant needs to be watered often, it loves water. The slightest dryness of the soil negatively affects dracaena. The leaves need to be sprayed and the dust carefully wiped off.

  • Boxwood. This tree is not afraid of any adversity. It can be planted in the garden, but not taken into the house during the cold season. It tolerates various weather. Watering is important for it, but if you accidentally forget to do it, nothing bad will happen. A small drawback of boxwood is that it grows slowly in room conditions.

  • Breadfruit. It is almost impossible to find such a plant in a regular flower shop; you should use the Internet and place an order there. The plant is quite finicky and needs careful care. It cannot tolerate heat above 20°C, it begins to hurt and withers before our eyes. If there is no air conditioning in the house, it is better to abandon such a plant.

  • Money Tree. Nicknamed the fat woman. In fact, this is not exactly a tree, the plant belongs to the genus of cacti. But it decorates the interior very nicely. The fat plant tolerates drought well, so lack of watering will not scare it. Loves light, but not direct rays. At home, the ex-tree grows slowly, but in its native conditions quickly, it can reach up to 8 meters.

  • Bonsai. Many plants can be used to create bonsai. Only Deffenbachia is not suitable for this action. The formation of a plant begins with the root system. If it is small and weakened, a beautiful, much less strong crown will not work. An ornamental tree will be stable only with a strong root system.

Bonsai can be formed when the tree is firmly rooted. The trunk of an indoor bonsai should have the following qualities:

  • By force.
  • Health.
  • No damage.
  • Excellent bark.
  • Unique curves.

In this case, an amazing and beautiful crown will be formed.

The basis of a bonsai is considered to be branches. In order to have something to form a crown from, the plant must have many branches for pruning. The growth of shoots is also important; they should grow in different directions from the trunk. To ensure they grow well, the tree is often unrolled. If you want to get a specific asymmetry, you do not need to rotate the plant.

You will get a healthy and beautiful bonsai:

  • With timely elimination of deformed and diseased shoots.
  • When removing unwanted weaves.
  • When cutting green vegetation in a timely manner.

Indoor trees, their replanting

For all ornamental trees there is one principle of care - correct and timely replanting. Indoor trees grow faster and better depending on the pot. The more space a plant has, the faster it will grow.

If you want to grow a tree small sizes, then when replanting, use a pot that is only a little larger. This rule applies only to young plants.

Tree replanting is carried out:

  • The first few years - no more than 2 times a year.
  • Subsequent years - every 3-5 years.

But it is advisable to update the soil annually. This is done this way:

  • Remove some of the soil from above.
  • Add new soil rich in useful components.

To prevent the tree from growing, it is enough just to change the soil, without changing the pot.

Placing plants in your home is not only about adding beauty and comfort to it. Greenery can improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide. Indoor trees perform this function perfectly.

Busy daily city life and urbanization have alienated people from nature. There are fewer and fewer green spaces in the city, they buildings take up space, roads and urban transport. But you can create your own green corner at home. Indoor plants that can grow in almost any living space are suitable for this purpose.

Designers and architects include more greenery in the interior. Currently, indoor trees are becoming important element design. But before buying an indoor tree, you need to get enough information about its living conditions, lighting and temperature. If you are aware of the room and place in the room where the plant will be grown, it will make choosing the right species much easier.

Rules for caring for plants

Growing and caring for house plants involves creating certain conditions for them. can be planted in ordinary, mobile containers. Containers for indoor plants Available in numerous styles, shapes and colors. The main thing is to understand that containers, as well as the trees in them, should always fit into the interior of the room, complementing and decorating it. The container must be proportionate to the plant for which it is intended. Therefore, the mature size of the tree should be considered, to select a container with enough space for both the growing tree and its roots.

Clay pots are heavier than plastic but more stable, especially with big trees. Terracotta pots provide weight for stability, while lightweight plastic pots are ideal if plants need to be moved around. Drainage is another important factor when choosing a container. Always check the bottoms of containers to ensure there are enough drainage holes for excess water.

Soil and nutrients

Soil is very important for tree health. She must maintain sufficient aeration and drainage while maintaining a suitable amount of moisture. Good soil the container maintains a sufficient water level without waterlogging. Do not use soil directly from the garden or surrounding landscape. It can be infested with weeds, insects and diseases. Instead, use soil compost.

Columnar apple trees: description of varieties, planting and care

The soil must be adapted to the specific type of plant you are growing. Seedlings should be grown in a light, moist-retentive, acid-free mixture. Good mix usually consists of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. These anhydrous mixtures absorb moisture well and resist compaction, but they are very dry quickly. Since they do not contain any nutrients, you must provide your plants with a constant supply of fertilizer. One of the advantages of countless mixture is that it is sterile.

Domestic trees are usually not too fussy about fertilizers. The main thing is not to overdo it. Follow the instructions on the package and you can't go wrong. Always water your plants thoroughly before applying any fertilizer.

Gallery: indoor trees (25 photos)

The most popular indoor trees

Home living trees, unlike other indoor flowers, have a central trunk and branches. Some of them bloom at home, in other cases the tree has a lush crown. Thanks to pruning, they can be shaped.

They are used for landscaping apartments, offices and commercial premises. Large, beautifully flowering, and deciduous trees can come in a variety of shapes. They also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Features of the most popular types that grow in flower pots, will allow you to turn the room into blooming garden.

  • Thanks to its long, slender green leaves that hang gracefully from its branches, it is one of the most popular indoor trees. This ficus tolerates a variety of light conditions. It fits perfectly into the interior of a living room, bedroom or office. Indoors, this nearly flawless plant can grow to a height of over 2 meters. Since it is a native of the tropics, it is better to water it with warm water.
  • Money Tree. This plant is believed to bring good luck, hence the name. The money tree has an interesting, textured trunk and shiny, sleek branches that add a tropical feel to any decor. This plant does not require a lot of attention and goes well with bright and medium lighting. Native of Mexico and South America, it can grow up to 20 meters tall outdoors, but stays within 1 meter indoors and prefers slightly moist soil.
  • Ficus benjamina. The graceful, slightly arching branches of the Ficus benjamina have made this magnificent plant very popular. It has bright green leaves that are teardrop-shaped and smooth. tree bark, prefers bright, indirect light and barely moist soil. Remember to keep it away from cold drafts and hot dry air. The plant may lose leaves in the fall due to decreased light levels.
  • Beaucarney. bottle tree . This plant won't make you feel guilty when you go on vacation. It stores moisture in its bulbous base and can for a long time do without water. This species is also prized for its cascading leaves that never wilt even in harsh conditions. Beaucarnea is a slow-growing plant, so if you need a sizeable tree, buy the largest plant you can find. Indoors they grow to almost 2 meters. The best place for him is a window facing east or west.
  • Madagascar dragon tree. This indoor plant matches any decor. It has grassy green leaves with red or pink edges. The Madagascar bush does best in bright light, but can survive in dark corners - it will simply lose some of its red color. This plant is relatively undemanding and can grow up to 2 meters in height.
  • Ficus lyreformes. This impressive tree can grow 3 meters in height and produces masses of giant, dark green, lyre-like wax leaves. It grows quickly, does not require much light or water, and is considered an ideal houseplant for large living rooms.
  • Howea Forster. Howea forsteriana Becc. This tree is very tolerant of a wide range of indoor conditions. You will love its broad, dark green leaves that will add elegance to any room in your home. In addition, howea grows slowly, so it will not require pruning or replanting and will live longer than other species.
  • Yucca. Yucca. Hot, dry conditions are only suitable for yucca. Native to the desert, Yucca is the ideal indoor tree for forgetful owners. This beautiful plant has bright green leaves on thick trunks up to two meters high. It grows slowly, so it's best to buy the most tall plant which can be found. Yucca prefers bright light.
  • Schefflera. Schefflera. Commonly called an umbrella plant, schefflera is a tree-like tropical shrub. Schefflera prefers bright light. This plant has beautiful, bright green or variegated foliage on graceful upright branches. Schefflera can be standard or dwarf. The standard individual grows up to 2 meters in height, and the dwarf one – up to 1 meter.
  • Rubber tree. Ficus elastica. With large, gorgeous green, bronze or variegated leaves, rubber trees can brighten up any room in your home. These beauties grow easily and don't require much attention. Rubber trees grow up to 2 meters tall with bright, indirect light and regular watering.
  • Araucaria heterophylla or Norfolk pine. Often sold as live Christmas trees in November and December, these pyramidal trees can brighten up a room any time of year. They grow best in bright light and slightly moist soil, developing soft, dark green needles along their horizontal branches. Indoors, this is a slow growing tree, growing up to 2 meters in height.

According to polls by sociologists, 99% of city residents cannot do without outdoor recreation. That is why city dwellers use every opportunity to communicate with her, going to the countryside, out of town, or growing indoor flowers. Indoor trees, which evoke associations with the inhabitants of shady forests, have earned special privileges. However, this type of greenery requires special care. Today on the agenda are types of trees in pots, features of maintenance and care for indoor trees.

Rating of popular indoor trees

Growing trees indoors is not as problematic as it might seem at first glance. And although the principles of caring for each type have their own, each of them needs basic attention. For you there is a catalog of indoor trees, which contains a list with photographs and recommendations for caring for them.

  • Only residents of large houses can afford a palm tree. This is due to the fact that it requires extensive space for rapid, intensive growth. It is better to install the tub in a place where there are no green neighbors, since palm trees are very unfriendly to them.

  • in its homeland it can reach enormous proportions, and bokarnia received its interesting name among the people because interesting looking trunk, thickened towards the bottom. As nature intended, this tree can survive for a long time without watering, so it does not require any special care.

  • The banana is attractive because it decorative look decorates any room, and can bear sweet fruits. quite simple, the only important thing is that the soil requires constant feeding due to the rapid and active growth of the trunk.

  • Citrus types of indoor trees are represented by the following options: lime, lemon, tangerine, orange. It is these options that are in great demand, as they can adapt to different environmental conditions. Lemon and lime can forgive you any mistakes in care, and tangerine will dry out only if the owner is careless. Citrus will delight not only with its appearance, but also with its subtle aroma in the apartment.

  • will not tolerate any green neighbors nearby, you will have to remove all other pots from this room. Coffee itself does not require much effort to grow, but you can’t hope for fruit. They can be achieved only in 1 case out of 1000 and only if you follow temperature regime and humidity levels.

  • popularly called Chinese rose. Even from a tiny sprout you can grow big flower, and with proper care, growth occurs at an accelerated pace. Tree flower is a frequent guest in offices, as it is different high level adaptation to different conditions environment.

  • - takes root well at home with proper care. Loves greens humid environment and hates direct sunlight. Water it abundantly and often, but do not fill it to the point of puddles. If the flower likes it, then in a couple of years you will have your own tea.
  • Monstera is a fairly large-sized type of greenery that does not require complex care. Its height can reach up to 5 meters, and the monstera itself is one of the. The growth is very interesting, because as the foliage matures, holes appear, which later turn into peculiar slits. Monstera does not like temperature changes, so you can only breed it at home, but doing it in the office is dangerous, since minimum temperature content +17 degrees. If you plan to install a flowerpot on a windowsill, then it is better to choose the sunny side, but avoid direct sunlight.

Remember! Monstera grows very quickly and goes up. Water until the soil has time to dry out a little.

  • grows to enormous sizes - 20 meters in countries with a humid climate. As indoor plants, ficus trees will barely reach 3 meters, but choose the right place with a reserve so as not to move the tub later. Moreover, it is not even recommended to twist the pot, otherwise the leaves may fall off. Avoid cold, dark and drafty rooms. To living tree not dry, it is periodically sprayed. Moderate watering is necessary: ​​without dryness, but also without flooding.

  • Laurel. Caring for this species at home requires compliance with certain conditions. Laurel, 1.5-2 meters high, loves light, so place the pots on the south side. Laurel foliage has a fairly dense structure, and therefore even bright sun cannot harm the greenery. In the shade it will immediately lose its attractiveness. Spraying and systematic (once a month) shower are indicated for the foliage. Watering is necessary frequently and abundantly, making sure that the soil does not dry out.

  • - a frequent visitor to offices up to 2 meters high. The choice is justified by its beauty and ability to absorb harmful substances in the air. Dieffenbachia sap is poisonous, so be careful if children or pets live in the house. Indoor flower-tree Dieffenbachia requires a lot of light all year round, but in summer heat foliage should be shaded. In spring and summer, water 3 times a week, and in winter and autumn - once a week.

  • represents flowering indoor trees, second name which is indoor maple, third - rope. Height is up to 1.5 meters, it is unpretentious in care, and blooms from spring to autumn, and at temperatures above +15 in winter. You can place it either in an apartment or on a balcony or loggia. Requires moderate watering and sprinkling.

  • Many gardeners consider Khoveya to be the most successful example for home maintenance. The height is no more than 2 meters. The location side is unimportant, and if you forget about it for a week, nothing will happen, the hovea will not die.

  • Crassula or money wood is good An idea for those who want to decorate the interior, but do not have much time to care for greenery. Crassula is popularly called the “tree of happiness” or “tree of love.” Its leaves are small, round and fleshy with a glossy shiny surface. They shine like gold coins, so many legends about the enrichment of their owners are associated with the fat woman. That is why the plant is called “money plant”, and is often found in offices and financial institutions. Wet soil can cause roots to rot. Do not plant sprouts in too large tubs; it is better to choose a wide and shallow vessel so that indoor money plant the tree was able to form a symmetrical crown. It does not need feeding, and replanting is required no more than once a year.

  • amazes with its unusual appearance. In the photo, the araucaria resembles a New Year tree, but looks great on the windowsill all year round. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters; araucaria requires moderate watering (2 times a week) and replanting once a year.

  • reaches a height of 3 meters, and during the growth period the lower leaves fall off, leaving a characteristic pattern on the trunk. The pot should be placed in the light, but not in direct rays. Water frequently, without allowing the soil to remain dry. Sweep away the dust from the leaves and spray them with water.

  • Boxwood will live well in the garden in the summer, and in winter you can take it home. This type home flora tolerates heat changes and lack of water and light well. The disadvantage is slow growth.

Interesting names and colorful photos beckon buyers to acquire one or another version of decorative flowering greenery.

Transplanting indoor trees

If you understand how to care for it correctly, then any decorative greenery will delight you for many years. All trees, like , need proper and timely replanting. The roots grow better depending on the pot; the more spacious the space, the more comfortable it is for the plant to develop. If you want the dimensions not to increase, then take only a slightly larger pot. The transplant is done as follows:

  • the first 1-3 years - no more than 2 times a year;
  • the rest of the time - every 3-5 years, depending on the situation.

But the soil changes every year. You need to make the replacement like this:

  • part of the earth from above is removed;
  • in its place a new soil, useful with nutrients, is filled up.

To prevent the crown from growing, it will be enough to simply change the soil, not the pot. Detailed instructions For information on transplantation, see the video below.

If you place green decor in your home, you will not only add beauty and coziness to your home, but also improve air quality due to absorption carbon dioxide and release of “fresh” oxygen. Such plants perform the function of decoration and health improvement “excellently”.

Video: Dieffenbachia transplant

Along with the decorative function, home flowers, trees and shrubs fulfill the aesthetic needs of a person and create psychological comfort in the home. To grow an exotic fruit or simply blooming garden on your windowsill, a person only needs to have a few seeds, a little land, the desire to constantly be in the center of nature, admire the beauty and harvest without leaving home.

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    Fruit trees in pots

    Nature in the house is not only the beauty of the interior. With the help of green plants, the atmosphere in the house is revitalized and purified, and the air is filled with a subtle aroma.

    It has now become popular to grow with my own hands or purchase indoor trees and shrubs in pots. Decorative features flower plants in the home are expressed in beautiful colors, in a unique shape, and in the originality of leaves and fruits.

    It is no coincidence that flower growers became interested in growing dwarf fruit-bearing trees. Here they have several interests: first the active flowering pleases the eye, then the green fruits.

    By the end of the harvest, it is impossible to take your eyes off the plant - ripe fruits are more colorful and appetizing. And most importantly, they are edible.

    Growing gladioli in pots - planting and care in outdoor conditions

    Avocado tree

    Avocado is an evergreen fruit plants and in natural conditions reaches a height of more than 10 m. However, it can be grown at home from a seed. The fruits will definitely grow, but first the gardener will be pleased with the yellowish-greenish flowers in the form of panicles.

    When planting using seeds, two options are used. In the first, they take the seed of a large and ripe avocado fruit and plant it in fertile soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After 30 days, with appropriate care: watering and providing light, you can see the first shoots. The speed at which sprouts appear depends on the maturity of the fruit.

    The second method of growing avocados is as exotic as the fruit itself:

    • a glass vessel in the form of a glass or wine glass is filled more than three quarters with settled water at 25–30°C;
    • the bone is thoroughly cleaned and washed;
    • several holes are drilled along the equator line;
    • inserted into them wooden sticks that will not allow the bone to fall into the glass;
    • lay the structure on the upper edge of the vessel.

    In this case, you need to make sure that the bone is always in contact with water. In a month, the first roots and sprouts will appear.

    In both cases, having grown the roots to 3–4 cm, the avocado is transplanted into a container with drainage holes. Use fertilized soil and do not compact it too much. The pots are left in the light, but avoid direct sunlight. Avocado also needs high humidity. Gardeners advise replanting the plant annually in a fresh, loose substrate (peat, soil and sand in equal parts) and periodically feeding it with fertilizers.

    Avocados begin to bear fruit after three years, but they should not be solitary as they require cross-pollination.


    Orange and tangerine in apartment conditions are small copies of real tropical trees. They have a woody trunk and a branched crown. The leaves are permeated with numerous veins that exude a pleasant citrus aroma into the atmosphere. Large white flowers with a fragrant scent bloom on the tree. The fruits have the same bright orange colors as real oranges and tangerines. Only their size is a little smaller, and the taste has a bitter taste.

    Lemon is a perennial evergreen with dense leathery leaves that exude a citrus aroma long before the fruit appears on it. The flowers are small, white, fragrant.

    The lemon tree is perfectly adapted to home conditions. The fruits are egg-shaped and are often close in size to lemons grown on open ground in the tropics.

    Citrus bushes can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. Growing a citrus tree using cuttings takes less time. But growing a lemon or orange from a seed is considered a prestigious matter.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    • the largest seeds are thoroughly cleaned;
    • wash with running water;
    • stand for up to 12 hours in an aqueous solution of fertilizer;
    • before planting, the seeds are treated with a natural growth stimulator;
    • planted in small containers with fertile soil and drainage holes.

    After planting to a depth of 3 cm, the container is covered with a plastic bag, which is periodically opened to supply oxygen to the seedlings and closed again to maintain the greenhouse effect. The first shoots can be observed after 30 days.

    During the flowering period, citrus fruits need the following temperatures: oranges and tangerines – 22–25°C, lemon – 16–18°C. In winter it needs to be reduced to 8–12°C. Compliance with the temperature regime tied to the season is an additional guarantee for obtaining a full harvest.

    All citrus fruits are moisture-loving; in summer they are watered daily; by winter, the amount of watering is gradually reduced and amounts to 1–2 times a week.

    Young citrus trees are replanted once every three years. The substrate consists of turf, leaf and humus soil (2:1:1), which is mixed with one share of sand.

    A coffee tree

    The coffee tree thanks to its beneficial properties cleanses the atmosphere of harmful substances. It is believed that it can put things in order and nervous system the owner, and improve his energy capabilities.

    Exotic a coffee tree native to tropical Africa. The Arabian variety, Arabica, is excellent for propagation at home. This is an evergreen shrub of small stature - up to 1 meter. Arabica leaves are leathery, glossy, and embossed. The white, fragrant flowers have a beautiful star-shaped shape. The fruits are real coffee beans: first green, then brown.

    Growing a tree from grains is not considered difficult, so the plant can increasingly be found in apartments and offices.

    In order for it to grow and bear fruit, the following needs are satisfied:

    • artificially increase daylight hours using artificial lighting;
    • the room is often ventilated, since wood requires a lot of fresh air;
    • in hot weather it is sprayed with water daily.

    The optimal summer temperature is 20–22°C, winter – 15–17°C.

    Important! At temperatures of 10–12°C and below, the plant may die.

    The coffee tree has one main quirk - it prefers to grow in soil with an acidic environment. Substrate for planting: loose peat with an acidic reaction, humus mixed with charcoal, and coarse sand (1:1:1). To increase humidity and acidity, you can add crushed sphagnum moss.

    Growing a coffee tree using beans follows the same scenario as when growing citrus fruits: the beans are pierced or sawed, soaked for a day in an aqueous solution with a growth stimulator, planted in loose soil in a container with drainage system and place in a sunny place (temperature should be at least 20°C).

    Place containers with seedlings on windows that face the sunny side, but during long hot periods the pots are periodically moved away from direct lines. sun rays.

    Until the bush reaches five years of age, it is necessary to change the soil annually to new one.

    Growing indoor pomegranate

    Dwarf pomegranate is increasingly used in home floriculture. It fits perfectly into any home interior.

    The height reaches one meter. The tree has many branches with brown bark and small (up to 3 cm), oval, slightly pointed leaves. Flowering lasts up to five months, starting in April. The color depends on the variety and can be red, yellow, white and pink.

    The pomegranate tree is light-loving. If it drops leaves, it means it does not have enough light.

    Pomegranate likes a warm environment in summer - 25°C. Winter period for wood is created artificially: it is kept at a temperature of 10°C, but not more than one month. Gardeners recommend watering it abundantly (2 times a week), feeding it monthly mineral fertilizers, and for regular spraying, use exclusively warm water.

    Landing pomegranate at home differs from planting other plants using seeds only in that they are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, thoroughly moistened and covered with glass. Sprouted seeds are transplanted into small containers with drainage.

    Fruiting usually occurs no earlier than after 5 years, although there is rare examples obtaining fruits in the third year of growth.

    How to grow indoor cherries?

    Indoor cherry on the windowsill has long been a reality. The best decision To breed it, use evergreen bush cherry (Barbados).

    By botanical descriptions homemade cherries are no different from garden cherries: the same leaves, flowers and edible fruits. It is completely unpretentious: it can grow both in bright light and in the shade. The desired temperature in summer is 18–22°C; in winter, 15°C is enough. She loves moisture (it is recommended to water with warm water), in winter time It’s better to do this twice as often.

    The soil is replaced once every three years. The tree feels comfortable in the following soil mixture: foliage, turf, peat (1:1:1), to which a little sand is added (20% of the total mass). Monthly feeding with mineral fertilizers will speed up fruiting.

    The cherry tree does not need a partner for cross-pollination - it will produce fruit even when completely alone. To grow cherries at home, you just need to stick the seeds into fertile, moist soil, place the pot on the windowsill, and that’s it.

    Exotic on the windowsill

    Domestic trees in pots may not bear fruit. However, due to their extravagant appearance, they perfectly perform decorative functions in the interior of a home.

    Growing boxwood

    Boxwood is an evergreen tree. It is slow growing, but those who are patient in this matter will never be disappointed. Using bonsai art techniques, you can get the most incredible shapes from it that will decorate any room.

    The boxwood tree is a representative of the myrtaceae and releases phytoncides into the atmosphere, which neutralize harmful bacteria and improve the microclimate in the house. Attention! This beautiful plant poisonous.

    Boxwood is grown using seeds or cuttings. He likes normal room conditions with bright, diffused light. In summer it can be taken out open air, and in winter move the pot to a cooler place with a temperature of at least 12°C. It is recommended to water it generously with settled warm water and spray it regularly.

    Active growth of the shrub lasts from spring to autumn and at this time it is necessary to feed the soil with fertilizers twice a month. It needs to be replanted annually. Soil composition: leaf, coniferous soil and sand (2:1:1). Drainage in containers is required.

    Cypress breeding

    The evergreen cypress tree attracts flower growers not only with its numerous legends - it increasingly decorates Russian apartments and offices.

    Everything about it is beautiful: the brown-brown bark of the trunk, the pyramidal crown, and the color of the foliage - from dark green to blue-green. At the same time, his essential oils widely used in traditional medicine.

    Important! Flowering time may aggravate allergic reactions. It is believed that this is how cypress indicates a problem.

    The capricious shrub loves a humid climate, so its crown is sprayed with soft water several times a day, watered abundantly in summer and moderately in winter. In summer, the soil is fed monthly. Cypress loves good lighting. The optimal amount of light in winter will prevent the branches from stretching and protect the crown from losing its shape. In the summer, the pot is taken out to Fresh air. The normal temperature in summer is 23–25°C; in winter it needs coolness, but not lower than 5°C.

    Cypress is easy to grow using freshly harvested seeds, performing the operations in the following order:

    • several ripe but unopened cones are placed in cardboard box and are stored until they are completely opened;
    • the cones are shaken out;
    • the seeds are laid on the surface of peat soil and covered with a layer of no more than 1 cm of the same soil;
    • water carefully from a watering can.

    In apartment conditions at a good level natural light and maintaining optimal humidity You can expect shoots in 14–20 days. When the growth reaches 5 cm, the cypress trees are transplanted into separate containers with drainage (do not bury the root collar).

    Chinese rose

    The most controversial plant in the category “house trees in pots” is precisely Chinese rose. There is a lot of controversy about this. According to some beliefs, a rose symbolizes happiness in the home; according to others, it can portend trouble. For this reason, only people who do not believe in omens grow Chinese roses in their apartments.

    Flower growers highlight Chinese hibiscus as an indoor option. It is a tall shrub with many branches. Flowers can have great amount shades: from white to burgundy and purple. The life of each flower individually lasts only one day. But the flowering period itself is long (from March to November), which means it is possible to observe the beauty for a long time.

    The rose adapts perfectly to indoor conditions: it feels good both in bright light and in insufficient light. Optimal temperature considered 20–25°C. In winter, 14–16°C is enough for her. But she doesn’t like drafts. Like many indoor flowers, the rose prefers high humidity: it is watered abundantly and sprayed daily with water at room temperature.

    During the first five years, the rose is transplanted into new ground annually, then once every four years. Feed with mineral fertilizers up to two times a month. Hibiscus is propagated mainly by cuttings, but there are also successful examples propagating it using seeds. Flower growers find this method productive and exciting:

    • the seeds are disinfected with a weak solution of manganese and washed;
    • soak in a solution of a growth stimulator for 24 hours (to avoid a lack of oxygen supply, the seeds should not be completely drowned in the liquid);
    • placed in well-moistened gauze and placed in plastic bag with perforation (periodically unrolled for ventilation);
    • after three to four days, the emerging shoots are laid on a mixture of peat ash and sand;
    • lightly sprinkle with the same mixture and cover with foil or paper, creating a greenhouse effect.

    When the shoots grow to 5 cm, they are transplanted into separate containers with a drainage system. Suitable substrate: three types of soil (leaf, humus and turf, 2:1:2) and sand (20% of the total mass).

    Growing any flowers at home is considered an exciting activity. But growing a tree in a pot is more of a fantasy, but it is this that often becomes a real gamble for the gardener.

Plants not only purify and humidify the indoor air, but also decorate the interior. Indoor trees cope especially well with these tasks. Among them there are both capricious and completely unpretentious ones, and the main thing in caring for both is timely transplantation. About 10 indoor trees that fit best into the interior - in our selection on Lady Mail.Ru.

Monstera. Large tropical plant, beautiful and quite unpretentious. As it matures, holes appear on its leaves, which later turn into cuts. The plant is very thermophilic; in winter the room temperature should not be allowed to drop below 17 degrees. Grows best in a sunny location, away from direct sunlight. Monsteras tend to grow quickly and grow very strongly. The height of the plant can reach 5 m. It is moisture-loving, requires abundant watering, but the soil should dry out between waterings.

Chinese rose (hibiscus). From a small shoot a whole tree can grow, which will delight you with its bright colors various shades. Because of its unpretentiousness, hibiscus often becomes a resident of various government agencies, for example, clinics and libraries. In summer, hibiscus should be watered at least twice a week. If the leaves begin to fade, the amount of watering needs to be increased. A Chinese rose will be lush if you periodically pinch the tops of the side branches. It is best to keep the flower in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

Ficus benjamina. The plant is native to countries with a hot, humid climate: the Philippines, China, Australia, India. In open ground, the plant can reach 20 m in height, but at home, ficus grows up to three meters. Ficus Benjamina is a true touch-me-not. First of all, he needs permanent place in the house. If a flower is rearranged, rotated and moved, it may become “offended” and drop all its leaves. The choice of location must be approached responsibly: Ficus Benjamin does not like cold, darkness, or drafts. The plant needs to be sprayed periodically, and a full shower should be given about once a month. The main task when caring for ficus is to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged or dry out.

Laurel. At home, laurel grows up to 1.5-2 meters, lends itself well to decorative processing - when pruned, it takes on any desired shape. Laurel laurel is most often grown in homes and offices. Laurel needs bright lighting; its dense leaves are not in danger of being burned. Direct sunlight is preferable to a shady location. In rooms with high humidity air, the laurel turns green and grows well. The laurel will be very happy with frequent spraying and soul. In the warm season, the plant requires abundant watering; the soil should not dry out.

Dieffenbachia. Dieffenbachia grows quickly, absorbs harmful substances from the air and pleases the eye with beautifully colored leaves. True, you need to be careful when handling it - Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous. This flower grows at home up to 2 meters. To maintain the variegated color of the leaves, the flower needs good level illumination, even in autumn and winter. In summer, the plant needs to be shaded so that direct sunlight does not burn the tender leaves. These indoor flowers do not like drafts and may even shed their lower leaves as a “sign of protest”. In spring and summer, Dieffenbachia requires abundant watering (2-3 times a week), in winter - no more than once every 7-8 days. You can spray the flower with settled water at least every day.

Indoor maple (abutilone). Indoor maple reaches a height of 1.5 m; at home it grows and blooms well from spring to autumn. If the room temperature does not exceed 15 degrees, then it can bloom all winter. Indoor maple prefers bright sunny places. In summer, it is better to move it to the balcony. In spring and summer, abundant watering is required; in winter, moderate watering is required. At temperatures above 20 degrees, the plant needs to be moistened more often by spraying.

Hovea. According to experienced flower growers, Howea is the best home palm. In the natural environment it grows up to 15 m in height, at home it reaches 1.5-2 m. In fertile soil it will grow quite quickly. It is undemanding to light and air humidity, quite resistant to drought and, if the soil is periodically dried, this does not affect appearance. But, of course, Khoveya will feel best when large quantities light, water, humidity and sufficient air.

Rapis. Rapis is another palm tree whose care is indecently simple. Until relatively recently, in indoor floriculture Low rapis was mainly cultivated (it grows up to 1.5 m), but today high rapis is also “gaining momentum” (it easily grows up to 3 m). The plant is quite light-loving and can even survive a small amount of direct sunlight, but it also feels great in partial shade. In order for the crown to be beautiful and uniform, you need to periodically turn the rapis. Rapis is absolutely undemanding to air humidity, but spraying, especially in summer, will not harm it. In summer, watering is plentiful, in winter - moderate, but the soil should always be moist.

A coffee tree. In indoor conditions, the coffee tree usually grows up to 1.5 m in height, but when proper care and in a spacious room, its height can reach 3 m. The coffee tree is very afraid of drafts, but prefers well-ventilated rooms. Does not tolerate proximity to any indoor plants. Loves bright diffused light and frequent spraying with warm water. Water the coffee tree sparingly, but without waiting until it dries out. upper layer soil.

Dracaena. The tree-like dracaena can reach a height of 3 m, crowned with a bunch of leaves resembling a disheveled hairstyle. The leaves are long and narrow. As the plant grows, the leaves fall off, forming a characteristic pattern of scars on the trunk. Most types of dracaenas should be placed in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. It is best to choose an east or west window for them. Species with dark leaves require less light than variegated ones. In the absence of sufficient light, variegated species may lose color. Suitable for dracaenas artificial lighting. This is a moisture-loving plant and needs abundant watering. Over-drying of the earthen coma is unacceptable; moreover, the earth should remain slightly moist all the time. Be sure to spray the plant and wipe the leaves from dust.