Capricorn and Aquarius compatibility of signs in love, friendship and business relationships. Capricorn and Aquarius: compatibility of men and women in love relationships, marriage and friendship Relationships between Capricorn and Aquarius

The union of Capricorn and Aquarius is very ambiguous. It is sometimes difficult for representatives of these signs to make concessions. Everyone tries to defend their point of view, not admitting that it may be wrong.

Both signs have persistence and determination, which makes it possible to achieve any goals they set for themselves. The complexity of interaction lies in different visions of the world.

For Capricorn, the only right decision is a permanent way of life, and changeable Aquarius is eager to comprehend new horizons.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Capricorn man – Aquarius woman

Quite an eccentric couple attracts Special attention from the immediate environment. The combination of the man’s strict character with the mysterious softness of his companion makes their seemingly ideal couple stand out. However, only the two of them know how different their views on the world are.

Capricorn and Aquarius signs are subject to intuitive attraction. Even in a crowd, they will feel each other and will definitely want to continue communication. The first months of idyll in a relationship will strengthen the union, but after a short period of time, conflicts will begin to arise due to the woman’s excessive passion for the outside world.

A man with a strong inner world will not be able to silently accept the hobbies of his wife, who, moreover, will actively subordinate his living space to her own routine. It is quite natural that such discontent will initially pass peacefully and simply accumulate in the soul in the form of minor grievances.

But after a certain amount of time, the cup of grievances will fill and result in a huge scandal, which will be the first signal of an imminent separation. Capricorn does not see the point in providing all the requests of his adored companion and indulging her desires, and in return receiving only particles of attention to family life and to my own husband.

Only a sincere desire to be together will allow the couple to find a compromise that can save the family. In this case, their life together will improve and bring joy and happiness to both of them. In the case where a woman defends her interests to the last, the marriage will fall apart quite quickly.

Capricorn will in no way take for granted the constant absence of his wife from within the walls of the house. and her complete indifference to the arrangement of common life.

Aquarius man – Capricorn woman

Initially, such a combination of signs does not inspire trust on the part of others. Despite the solidarity of the partners, they are completely alien to each other. Marriage in this case unites completely different people who feel lonely when they are in a couple.

Usually a couple connects almost immediately due to unbridled passion in the early stages of a relationship. However, the rapid flame of fire soon fades and an epiphany sets in, which will shock both partners.

Aquarius, who is striving to find stability and comfort, will understand that his companion does not satisfy his needs at all. The woman, in turn, will become furious when she realizes how wild her husband leads a lifestyle. A representative of the Capricorn sign will unsuccessfully involve Aquarius in household chores and children. On this basis, conflicts will arise that have a detrimental effect on relationships.

However, having worked on themselves, a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man can make a very promising couple. It is very important to let your spouse know that his constant drinking bouts are very hurtful. inner world his ladies.

If a woman begins to achieve her goal of re-educating her husband by any means, the effect will be very ambiguous. Frank pressure from her and constant reproaches will only worsen the situation. Any quarrel can be the last straw of patience in their married life.

United efforts to eliminate personal problems will avoid the collapse of the family. Achieving the desired idyll will be possible due to the ingenuity of Aquarius and the sensible perseverance of Capricorn. Finding compromises and fully accepting each other will bring success and happiness to the family.

Negative sides of the union

The combination of similar zodiac signs causes bewilderment among others. Very often the union turns out to be so empty that it brings absolutely no content to either partner. Aquarius's desire for freedom finds no justification in the eyes of skeptical Capricorn.

Aquarius and Capricorn - sexual compatibility

Capricorn is a clear supporter of traditional sex life. Aquarius, in turn, strives for new sensations and experiments. That is why the sexual side of the relationship will always be not up to par.

The lack of emotional and sexual satisfaction will sooner or later begin to weigh on both partners. The only salvation will be the complete emancipation of Capricorn, which will significantly increase the chances of finding harmony in sex.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in work and business

The business sphere of life of signs is also filled with ambiguity. Great success is guaranteed to a couple who is able to achieve their goal without giving in to difficulties. It is very important for both partners to show flexibility and be loyal to Aquarius’ attempts to make new amendments to business development.

In the event of an accidental merger of a pair, maintaining common project ends in failure, since resentment and mutual dissatisfaction with each other come first. Aquarians consider Capricorns to be unpromising and creatively deprived, incapable of making creative decisions.

Capricorn, in turn, makes claims to the business qualities of Aquarius. One way or another, failure in business relationships will haunt only a random couple. Other tandems who are passionate about one goal can achieve great success in any industry thanks to the presence creative ideas and business acumen of both partners.

Compatibility in friendship

Capricorn usually chooses as friends only people who are beneficial to him, who are able to support his goals and interests. Aquarius in this case rarely becomes a suitable candidate. Usually their communication resembles a fierce struggle to admit that they are right in any dispute.

If life brings together signs to unite in friendship, then the further development of events can be easily predicted. Quite often, friends get into arguments and sarcastically ridicule each other’s desires. Aquarius becomes a particularly fierce opponent in this case.

Compatibility percentage

Capricorn and Aquarius percentage: 85%.

A couple consisting of a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman rarely expresses their feelings and predispositions towards the person. Reserved Capricorn keeps his emotions deep in his soul. Aquarius, in turn, refers to his own sanity and tries not to commit rash acts.

In his understanding, romance in a relationship is a completely stupid attribute. Due to the absence of ardent passions, the exchange of feelings occurs on an intuitive level in the form of sensations. Periodically (with enviable regularity) a couple moves from a calm relationship to a conflict period.

Unfortunately, such a tandem cannot exist without expressing one’s own feelings(especially attacks of rage and anger). The emotionality of the signs always spills out in the home environment, preserving the ideality of the family for prying eyes.

Capricorn and Aquarius are under the protection of the elements of Earth and Air, which do not combine well. Such incompatibilities suggest that representatives of these zodiac signs will not be able to find a common language. But practice shows that a normal union is quite possible between people. Aquarius is an innovator, he is ahead of his time and has an original outlook on life. Capricorn is constantly trying to become part of the progressive world, to join society unusual people. He is burdened by his earthiness and tries to get rid of it. The natural state of an air sign and the desire for an earthly sign makes people interesting to each other. They find common topics for conversation and help in difficult periods of life. Despite the low percentage of compatibility, they have many chances to live a long life together.

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    Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

    Compatibilitythis pair is 44%. Capricorn and Aquarius have different worldviews, they perceive the surrounding reality differently. A woman is prone to melancholy and reflection; she delves into problems and strives for stability. A man looks at life superficially; he does not tend to analyze the situation for a long time. He prefers to live in the future, not waste energy on memories of the past and not concentrate on the present for a long time.

    Such different people can unite in the pursuit of material well-being. Between them there is that spark that can ignite the fire of love. Each of the partners will be interested in plunging into the inner world of their other half and benefiting from it for themselves.

    Features of relationships

    To win an Aquarius man, a girl will not have to spend a lot of energy. The representative of the air element is ready to make friends with everyone who comes into contact with him. This guy is sociable, loves novelty, and enjoys meeting people whose worldview does not coincide with his views. He loves everything unusual and original. The Capricorn girl will seem serious and reasonable to him. She will be carried away by his stories with pleasure and will perceive the guy’s originality with interest. This is exactly what Aquarius lacks: practicality and admiration for his talents.

    A Capricorn woman will immediately become interested in a friendly intellectual who knows a lot interesting facts. She's tired of looking for human recognition Full time job and solving everyday problems take up all her time. Commitment, prudence and discipline do not give her the opportunity to enjoy life. A guy with an easy character who will give her as much information as possible in a short conversation will seem like the knight she dreamed of. A man needs to use his sense of humor and ingenuity, then the girl will be conquered.

    Pros and cons of relationships:

    To achieve mutual understanding, partners need to constantly work on their relationship. It should be remembered that re-education has no meaning. Both representatives are stubborn (the man is more so), so it is recommended to perceive your soulmate as she is.


    On initial stages The man sets the tone for everything in a relationship. The guy comes up with unusual events, organizes unforgettable vacation. Aquarius feels great in any conditions, even if they are devoid of comfort. This includes traveling, hiking, fishing, and working in a summer cottage. The girl gladly supports the initiatives of her chosen one. She sincerely shares his hobbies. After some time, the couple’s favorite pastime becomes traditional family holidays, in which the guy also likes to take part.

    IN love relationships There is a lot that is unexplained about this couple. These people live together, but everyone sees their own priorities. The girl prefers a real, stable life, in which everything is planned and calculated. The guy lives in a virtual world where everything is built on dreams of the future. He is interested in global problems; he is not inclined to stop and look back at the past. Capricorn is concerned with local issues that are related to everyday tasks. So each of them perceives love in their own way.

    People experience either mutual attraction or complete cooling for an indefinite period of time. Aquarius is the master of keeping distance. The guy just continues to live his life, not paying attention to the girl. Most often, she is the first to break the silence, after which the lovers do not remember the quarrel. Their truce ends in bed, in which they experience even more pleasure than before the scandal.


    Both representatives of the signs are characterized by some coldness in sexual terms. This has a positive effect on relationships, since people do not get offended and do not blame each other in case of some discrepancies. The girl prefers a conservative, traditional and high-quality approach. The guy loves experiments and is a supporter of destroying stereotypes.

    If partners are able to combine their preferences and are able to reach an agreement, they will be welcomed unforgettable experience. Sex will bring them real pleasure, increasing every year until old age.


    Success in the family life of this couple depends on the ability to articulate their desires, the ability to perceive their spouse and the correct distribution of responsibilities. A Capricorn woman needs a reliable man whom she can rely on. In a marriage with Aquarius, she will feel like an eternally young girl who, under any circumstances, can count on the help of her husband. Her periodic mood swings and self-doubt can lead to melancholy and depression. But in this union the girl will be reliably insured against such manifestations.

    Aquarius will always calm and cheer up the chosen one. He sees a clear advantage of this marriage, since a man does not have to fear the future. Characteristic feature The representative of the air sign is a tendency to leave started tasks unfinished (if they do not bring pleasure) and not think about everyday problems. Capricorn will provide the family with excellent conditions, will do all the landscaping work, and will spend the budget wisely. Being together, representatives of the zodiac signs rise to a fairly high level in all aspects.

    People gain prosperity thanks to the innovative ideas of a man and their practical implementation by a woman. They have excellent relationships with relatives on both sides (this is also the merit of the Capricorn woman), there are loyal family friends (the merit of the Aquarius man), and the children grow up in democracy.


    There will always be warmth between friends a good relationship. The Capricorn woman needs a release, nice talking and the ease that an Aquarius man can provide her. He will come to the rescue at any time of the day or night, and will not demand anything in return, since participation itself gives him pleasure. Capricorn will help his friend practical advice, will be able to defend his interests, and, if necessary, look after the guy or his relatives.

    The reason for the separation could be the marriage of a girl or the marriage of a guy (the girl considers further communication a violation of generally accepted norms of behavior). The other halves of your friends don’t need to worry. Aquarius will never exchange friendship for love, and Capricorn will not allow himself anything unnecessary.

    Business sphere

    This tandem will only become successful if they have been working together for a long time. Colleagues have completely different specific approaches to the work process. Capricorn prefers standardized, proven and high-quality methods. Aquarius is ready to constantly experiment, he is not afraid to make mistakes. Even the rhythms and speed of information perception among employees are different: a man catches everything on the fly, a woman needs to think for some time.


    • The boss is a Capricorn Woman. A very unfortunate distribution of roles, when each of their employees experiences a certain discomfort. The subordinate does not agree with this status, since the Capricorn boss is not an authority for him. The woman is not satisfied with the work of her ward, because he does not want to obey her. The girl is used to giving instructions and controlling everything down to the smallest detail, the guy does not want to follow the rules. The work will become constructive if the boss allows the subordinate to work freely.
    • Leader - Aquarius Man. This is an excellent union, where an innovative boss voices to his subordinate the most original ideas, and she performs them efficiently. But such mutual understanding will take a lot of time. Employees will have to overcome many obstacles. An earthly girl cannot quickly understand and perceive the information that her boss is trying to convey to her.

    Relationship problems and ways to solve them

    The difference in views and temperaments definitely leads to quarrels and scandals. Everything is complicated by stubbornness on the part of both partners and reluctance to sort things out. A woman will try to force a man to be frank, but in a situation with Aquarius this will be problematic. He rarely reveals his soul completely even to those closest to him.

    Being a conflict-free person, the guy prefers to keep his opinion to himself. A woman cannot consistently state her complaints. In some cases, there is a manifestation of authoritarianism on her part. Resentment accumulates and leads to irreparable consequences.

    The most common problems:

    Aquarius Leadership

    You should not defend your leadership; stubborn Aquarius will not agree with this distribution of roles

    Despite your wife's resistance, you need to take the initiative into your own hands


    The more you control your husband, the harder he will try to break out from under him.

    In some cases it is worth giving in to your wife

    Communication with others

    The more communication there is, the more fun life will become.

    It is necessary to allow the wife to relax alone sometimes

    Capricorn's receptivity

    You shouldn’t take your spouse’s words painfully; he didn’t want to offend anyone

    You should not argue and provoke your wife, this lowers her self-esteem

    Financial distribution

    It is necessary to provide a certain amount for the personal use of the husband without control

    If you are wasteful with money, you risk being broke

    Aquarius cannot be limited in freedom; he will immediately go to a more comfortable place

    Living in a family, you can’t do only what you want

    Aquarius woman and Capricorn man

    The compatibility of this pair is 37%. The only aspect that can put them in the same position is the material sphere. In other matters, people will constantly face problems. Their horoscopes are radically different from each other, so achieving mutual understanding will be extremely problematic. It is not easy for the serious, pragmatic Capricorn to understand the airy Aquarius woman, since she seems unpredictable and frivolous to the guy.

    The girl is not satisfied with the detailed daily routine that Capricorn imposes on her. Her love for freedom knows no bounds. This is the only thing she does not agree to sacrifice without her personal desire. But such different people still have a chance for happy life. This will require a long time and mutual desire. If partners overcome misunderstandings and hear each other, their stay together will bring mutual benefits.

    Features of relationships

    It is not easy to win the heart of Capricorn, but the Aquarius girl has every chance of success. She is gentle and attractive, she always has a sense of style. This is very impressive to a man who knows how to appreciate female beauty. Capricorn is attracted to well-mannered and intelligent women; Aquarius fully meets these criteria. The girl is non-mercantile, kind and selfless. The guy is not inclined to quickly make decisions regarding his personal life, so you'll have to wait. But a pragmatic young man will not be able to deny himself the pleasure of communicating with such a sweet young lady.

    It is not easy to win the heart of Aquarius, since the girl always has fans and friends among the stronger sex. An impressive, tastefully dressed, calm and confident Capricorn will not go unnoticed by a woman. She dreams of a reliable man's shoulder, on which she can lean at any time. The representative of the earth sign fully meets the lady’s requirements, since he has the reliability and stability she needs. During the conversation, she will be able to fully verify this.

    Pros and cons of relationships:

    Aquarius and Capricorn are very helpful to each other because they can give their other half what she lacks. If partners manage to overcome the difficult period of “grinding in”, they will understand the benefits of this relationship. Partners have a choice: either break up immediately, or never break up.


    This couple has a very difficult relationship in love. People are incredibly attractive to each other, but stubbornness and adherence to principles sometimes prevent them from fully enjoying their feelings. If you discard all stereotypes, you can achieve harmony in your relationships. But Capricorn finds it difficult to cope with his integrity, and Aquarius does not want to obey what is imposed on him. Partners need to agree to leave all prejudices behind and try to enjoy today’s feelings. A girl should not think about what will happen tomorrow, and a guy should not remember what happened yesterday.

    A sociable girl will insist on actively spending time with friends and acquaintances. The guy is more impressed by joint leisure time or traditional events with the participation of relatives. He feels uncomfortable in a big company; he prefers family values. A man is not burdened by monotony and loneliness, but for a girl they are unbearable. They need to find a middle ground when everyone's interests are satisfied. This could be visiting cultural institutions or traveling.


    Sexual relationships are also not without problems, since there are conflicts of temperament. A woman prefers romance and tenderness to physical intimacy. A guy needs quality sex. Partners need to hear the desires of the other person, since focusing on their feelings will be detrimental to their relationship. It is recommended to combine two styles; this will make the sensations brighter.


    Many Aquarians and Capricorns benefit after marriage. Since childhood, a girl has been dreaming of a knight who will come and save her from all her problems. Capricorn can become this guy. The woman will feel confident in tomorrow, she will not have to worry about her daily bread. If a girl falls in love, she will sacrifice her professional career, learn to lead household and will be involved in raising children. You should never expect cheating from her, since the representative of an air sign is very decent in relationships.

    She appreciates the comfort that Capricorn provided her; the girl is conflict-free and kind. The guy gets from his wife what money can’t buy: emotional pleasure. A woman always knows how to cheer you up and support you in any situation. The girl is not mercantile, knows how to live within her means and will never blame her husband for his insolvency. If a man wants to make a career or improve his intellectual level, Aquarius will be the first to come to his aid. She will give him all her knowledge, give the last family money for his studies.

    IN ideal family Aquarius and Capricorn have a healthy atmosphere that improves every day. Soon the couple will have no reason to quarrel, since each of them got what they dreamed of.


    These relationships can be called friendly, but they cannot be called friendship in the classical view of this concept. They can last for years, with periodic meetings or telephone communication. This mainly happens if friends are united by a mutually beneficial business or family relationship (as well as former classmates or colleagues).

    Capricorn will not resist making sarcastic remarks about his airy friend, which will cause her indignation. The guy will not like constant visits or noisy companies to which the girl will constantly invite him. Friends have different attitudes towards money and leisure time. There is little that connects them, so the other halves can sleep peacefully. Friends have no sexual desire, romance is a priori impossible.

    Business sphere

    This tandem depends on the intellectual and cultural level of colleagues. If these are highly moral people, their joint work will be successful. Aquarius will be able to provide many interesting ideas, which Capricorn will be able to translate into production. If it's easy collaboration two mediocre employees, her productivity will be in question. For a girl, a guy’s pace and approaches seem slow and irrelevant. The man does not trust the professionalism of his colleague, considering her frivolous and impractical.


    • The boss is an Aquarius Woman. This is not a very good union in which colleagues feel uncomfortable. A woman appreciates her subordinate for his professional qualities, but does not feel his good disposition. Even if she tries to find a common language, the guy will never become her like-minded person. He does not respect his boss and strives to quickly take her place. Their cooperation will be short-lived, as the man will find a way to retrain as a boss, even in a different place.
    • The leader is a Capricorn man. This is a complex tandem that will only be successful under certain circumstances. The girl must be an inventor, engaged in advertising or information (any business that involves free attendance). If she has to work directly in the office, her boss will seem like a real dictator who slows down the production process. The subordinate also does not suit the man, because he considers her irresponsible and frivolous.

    Problems in relationships and ways to solve them

    The main problem in relationships is different perceptions of the world and moral principles. The road to harmony will be long, the work will be painstaking. The behavior of the chosen one is beyond the understanding of a serious Capricorn. He is used to living according to stereotypes, does not tolerate deviations from the rules, and tries to calculate events and their consequences in advance. He devotes himself completely to his work, does not like unnecessary words (especially when it comes to declarations of love), and approaches everything from a practical point of view.

    Aquarius is very original, she does not want to live in the insipid world of discipline and restrictions. She is impressed by freedom of thoughts and actions; the girl prefers to do what she wants and do what she likes. For this reason, lovers cannot immediately understand each other. Each of them is satisfied with the life he lives, and the partners perceive the comments of the other half as a personal insult. People need to deviate from their principles, try to accept a different point of view. Over time, they will get used to it, everything will fall into place.

    The most common problems encountered in the relationship between Aquarius and Capricorn are:

    Opinions of others

    For the sake of your man, you need to behave more restrained so that he can be proud of his wife

    You should first of all live for yourself and your chosen one, and then think about the opinions of others

    Demandingness and control on the part of the husband

    Your husband’s comments should be approached with the typical Aquarius humor

    If a woman constantly feels pressure, she will definitely end the relationship

    Loneliness together

    A husband who is tired after work needs to be entertained and cheered up

    Stinginess on good words and compliments will lead to separation

    Wife's mismanagement

    In order for Capricorn to stay close, you need to become a good housewife

    You shouldn’t judge your wife harshly, she will definitely learn everything, you just need to help her

    Financial control

    A wise Aquarius girl knows that Capricorn does not like wastefulness

    Don’t skimp on entertainment and gifts for your wife, she’s really looking forward to it

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4.29 /5 (7 )

Relationships between air and earth signs rarely lead to the creation of a family, because their compatibility is not ideal. Capricorn is too impatient for his other half, and Aquarius periodically has to listen to criticism and comments. This state of affairs causes a lot of troubles for lovers, but such a couple still has a chance of existence, therefore Compatibility of Capricorn and Aquarius may be above average.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

When Capricorn and Aquarius are not in a relationship, they can communicate well, because in this case there are no resentments and mutual reproaches. In other circumstances, the couple needs hard work and a mutual desire to achieve mutual understanding. We can say that their compatibility in the absence of mutual work on relationships is not high enough to build long-term close communication, but with mutual interest such an alliance may well develop.

Watch the video. Compatibility Capricorn and Aquarius.

In love

Usually, the earth and air signs enter into a relationship on the initiative of the Capricorn representative, but she knows how to unobtrusively attract attention to herself. The woman will make every effort to charm Uranus’s ward. Those born under the constellation Aquarius are attracted to everything mysterious, and this also applies to people. The earthly lady is endowed with charm, she is charming and mysterious. Capricorn does not fully open up to her lover, so the woman attracts an airy chosen one.

5 out of 7 couples will be disappointed in each other

Some time after communicating with Saturn’s ward, the romantic Aquarius man sadly realizes that the other half is pragmatic and cold. Capricorn's sublime emotions will also not last long - the inconstancy of the air sign will upset her. Having realized their differences, lovers will have to make a decision: come to terms with the character of their partner or end the relationship.

In a relationship

Those born under the constellation Aquarius are extravagant and original. Freedom is dear to any representative of this sign. The Earth Lady will make an excellent wife. Capricorn is characterized by devotion and idealization of the other half, but even to her the airy man seems strange.

In such a couple it will be more difficult for the fair sex. The ward of Uranus loves communication, he often changes friends, but many have a positive attitude towards Aquarius. His chosen one does not understand such trust in unfamiliar people; she is often jealous of her lover, but carefully hides this fact. The life positions of these signs are completely different. Capricorn is guided by common sense and looks at the world realistically, a woman understands what she needs, so her social circle develops over time.

An airy man exists in a fantasy world and looks at life through rose-colored glasses; not every person is able to understand such a man. Therefore, Aquarius cannot give someone born under the constellation Capricorn what she dreams of - a strong family and home comfort.


An earthly lady, unlike her husband, is reliable and pragmatic; if she is ready to take the reins of power into her own hands, the union can exist peacefully and comfortably, but only if the woman does not make constant complaints about her lover’s frivolity. The ward of Uranus does not accept when they try to limit his freedom, and if he sees his beloved desire to guide his actions, he will begin to fight for freedom, and this will cause Capricorn’s indignation.

Continuous confrontation makes it difficult to create harmony in relationships, and everything is not easy in bed for Capricorn and Aquarius. The air sign is more sensual and romantic than the spouse, whose character is calm and restrained. An earthly woman cannot relax with such a partner, so Aquarius is often dissatisfied.

The married life of these signs can be successful if the husband and wife had previously bad experience in a relationship.

If Aquarius and Capricorn are married for the first time, they need to learn to value their relationship, and this process is complex and lengthy.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the Capricorn woman’s compatibility.

In friendship

Representatives of these zodiacs do not trust each other, so friendship will not arise between them. The ward of Uranus seems frivolous and impractical to the earthly lady, and he considers his companion too cold and cannot fully understand Capricorn. If these signs are relatives, then the earthly lady will surround Aquarius with care, trying to take care of the man, but they will not find a spiritual connection.

In sex

The sex life in this couple is unpredictable, just like the airy man. Those born under the constellation Aquarius can approach sex with different positions: as a marital duty that must be fulfilled with interest, enjoy intimacy, or demonstrate absolute calm.

90% of Capricorns are uninitiative in sex

A lady born under the constellation Capricorn also does not perceive intimate life as something important; she believes that sex is not the most important component of a relationship, so she does it without much enthusiasm.

In general, everything is harmonious in bed for an air-earth couple, because neither partner demands much from the other half, but the air sign periodically diversifies intimate relationships. The main thing is that lovers are quite happy with this situation.

In progress

Saturn's ward is an excellent worker, because the meaning of her existence is career growth. An earthly woman can organize conditions for the successful work of an airy man. The Capricorn representative is tactful and enterprising. She knows how to behave when working with Aquarius so that his activities are productive. The friendship between Capricorn and Aquarius will add success to such a tandem.

If the air-terrestrial union is connected not only by working relationships, the ward of Uranus works with complete dedication. Aquarius even accepts criticism and complaints from an earthly lady with equanimity, because he realizes that the result is important to Capricorn, and all the ideas of this sign lead to a successful outcome of the matter.

In percentages

Compatibility of the Aquarius-Capricorn couple is 65%.

In order for such a union to become harmonious and successful, both partners need to make every effort to gain mutual understanding and trust. Capricorn should remember that the ward of Uranus does not tolerate control and restrictions, and Aquarius must understand that his companion is pragmatic and restrained due to her character, so there is no need to expect bright emotions from her.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with an Aquarius man.

Psychological compatibility

The relationship of this couple is not easy. Those born under the constellation Aquarius value freedom and independence; this sign loves variety and new experiences. The Earth woman is afraid of uncertainty; confidence in the future and the presence of clear goals are important to her. At the same time, a relationship with an airy man can brighten up the existence of Saturn’s ward and add new colors to her life.

Both signs take career growth and self-development seriously; misunderstanding is possible only in the choice of methods of achievement. Earth women are supporters of the classical approach, while air men love a non-standard approach to resolving issues. Both signs do not like to be frank.

Ladies born under the constellation Capricorn are restrained and balanced, unlike representatives of Aquarius, but the prudence of the latter does not allow them to fully open up to their other half. For a while, the relationship between Aquarius and Capricorn is almost ideal, but then their feelings cool down due to constant misunderstandings. Uranus’s ward loves communication, and his companion is offended by this. The Air man does not strive for quiet evenings at home; he likes to spend his free time in companies.

It is difficult for an earthly companion to come to terms with the fact that her lover is always away from home; she prefers a quiet holiday with her husband, but she cannot always be alone. However, the lady does not want to accompany her chosen one at events. This situation leads to lovers getting tired of such relationships.

Compatibility of Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

A pair of Capricorn man and Aquarius woman is not perfect option, because in such relationships both signs are strong natures, incapable of concessions. Saturn's ward perceives a woman as a frivolous person, and an airy lady considers her satellite a dictator. There will be no constant quarrels, but psychological tension can lead to a break in the relationship.

In love

The relationship between the air-terrestrial couple is calm and comfortable until Capricorn and Aquarius began living together. At the first meeting, Uranus’s ward seems attractive to Capricorn. The Earth man does not like impulsive and overly active ladies; he will like the restraint and practicality of Aquarius. The airy lady perceives Capricorn as a reliable, permanent partner.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological portrait of a Capricorn man.

Some time after communication, the lovers will inevitably be overtaken by disappointment. Saturn's ward will understand that his calm companion is often absent from home, and this will give reason to think about her frivolity. By expressing his claims, an earthly man will discourage his chosen one, because she values ​​​​freedom and does not accept when they try to limit and control her. These signs will probably not find a mutually beneficial solution, and this will lead to separation.

In a relationship

Those born under the constellation Capricorn are sensitive to family traditions, respect for which has been instilled in him since childhood. The ward of Uranus is not able to adapt to other people's rules; she likes to establish her own. At the same time, the Aquarius lady may speak unflatteringly towards her lover’s family and friends. Such behavior will infuriate an earthly man, but he will try to hide his emotions.

Relationships between an air-terrestrial couple are not often based on sublime feelings. As a rule, such an alliance is based on running a joint business and the desire for personal growth. The life positions of Capricorn and Aquarius are different, so mutual love between these signs is a rare phenomenon. If this happens, then temperament will interfere with maintaining the relationship air woman, and fear of the ward Saturn for the behavior of his beloved, capable of extravagant acts. In such a union, Capricorn does not feel peace and constancy and does not see respectful attitude towards his life values ​​on the part of the chosen one. The determination and ability to overcome obstacles inherent in an earthly man delight Aquarius, but she does not understand his practicality and conservatism; the Lady of Air believes that such traits of her lover destroy feelings and passion.

5 out of 7 Capricorns control their partner

Those born under the constellation Capricorn try to control the other half, depriving Aquarius of the right to build their own career. There is misunderstanding in such a couple, so lovers need to put a lot of effort into maintaining a warm relationship and creating a strong and reliable union.


In family life, the relationship between Capricorn and Aquarius is calm, there are no conflicts or scandals between them, but only on condition that the spouses make an effort to do so. These signs cannot understand each other, because their characters are too different. Those born under the constellation Capricorn take care of home comfort and expects the same from his beloved. Ward of Uranus does not strive for noisy companies, but being at home all the time doesn’t suit her. The woman will regard the husband’s request to spend evenings together as harmful, but the husband is not in the mood to give up, and will probably demand a choice. The spouses will not want to find a compromise, which will likely cause a protracted conflict.

Even with great efforts of husband and wife to find warmth and mutual understanding, this will not happen. In the area of ​​domestic issues, the spouses will remain dissatisfied. The representative of the stronger sex wants his beloved to take care of the home, and Aquarius perceives this as a routine.

The ward of Uranus does not save on herself and her desires, she easily wastes her finances on entertainment and recreation, and the earthly man considers this a pointless expense, and constantly points out this fact to his other half.

Your spouse will receive greater satisfaction in bed. His chosen one loves to diversify her intimate life and experiment, but Capricorn is conservative and reacts negatively to his wife’s impulses. If these signs tied the knot under the influence of a flared passion, then it will quickly fade away.

In friendship

Communication between Capricorn and Aquarius does not arouse mutual interest, so these signs do not strive to spend time together. In this case, true friendship between a man and a woman will not arise. Earth and Air signs are able to communicate normally only on work issues or in the event of meeting with mutual friends.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Capricorn man.

In sex

Those born under the constellation Capricorn are often underestimated in their sexual capabilities, but in fact such men are capable of sensuality and passion. The earth sign is impressed by the appearance of Uranus’s ward and her unconventional thinking. But intimate relationships between them are not always possible. A representative of the stronger half needs to know why it is worth entering into such a relationship. Sex is an integral part of life, but Capricorn strives to understand why it should be done with a specific person.

75% – sexual compatibility

Representatives of the fair sex, born under the constellation Aquarius, want such relationships to be consistent with their moral principles and meet their position in life. If such conditions are met by partners, both signs can receive pleasure and complete satisfaction from intimate relationships.

In progress

In work activities, the air-terrestrial union is fruitful and successful. Emotional difficulties between Capricorn and Aquarius are not excluded, but they occur infrequently. Usually both signs are completely devoted to developing new non-standard ideas, so they push emotions into the background. Such a tandem will prove to be excellent in developing projects; Capricorn and Aquarius have the tenacity to achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

In percentages

The compatibility of a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman is 50%.

These signs have too different temperaments, so they often do not understand each other. They can build strong and long-term relationships only by learning to listen to their partner and make concessions.

Psychological compatibility

The relationship between a rebel and a conservative initially attracts attention, because the characters of Aquarius and Capricorn are opposite. Ladies born under the constellation Aquarius do not like restrictions, they like everything new and unusual, and those under Saturn choose constancy, stability and comfort.

Mutual interest between these signs occurs for several reasons: Capricorn is attracted by the unconventional thinking of Aquarius, and the airy lady is impressed by the earthly man’s ability to lead and easily resolve material issues, even those that other signs cannot resolve.

The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is the most exciting section of the book of life. How do you know which person is right for you? What steps should you take to reciprocate your sympathy? Horoscopes answer these questions and advise how to behave in certain relationships. Maybe, practical advice will help you find your ideal soul mate.

Compatibility in love relationships for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

The elements of these signs do not combine. This means that for both Capricorn, born under the auspices of the Earth, and Aquarius, born under the auspices of Air, the path of love relationships will not be easy. But not everything is so sad. Capricorn, reserved in his judgment, is in no hurry to part with the person he likes. Dreamy Aquarians try to find positive aspects in every situation. A couple who is willing to work on their relationship invariably comes to an understanding. And who knows, perhaps the natural curiosity of both partners will help them correct such disappointing star forecasts.

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman compatibility in love is called unexpected rather than predictable. A man spends a long time just trying to understand an Aquarius woman. So this couple’s first date may occur several years after they met. A woman’s desires change so quickly and unpredictably that the Capricorn man has difficulty understanding what is happening. And at this moment a crisis comes. Couples who dare to have a love relationship at a conscious age will communicate and try to correct the situation. Very young people with youthful maximalism break off difficult relationships.

The Aquarius man is not as simple as he seems. Under the mask of a cheerful person, a vulnerable and sensitive nature is often hidden. He charms, but does not let a person get close to him even after a long acquaintance. Capricorn Woman I am initially committed to a serious relationship. And such a man’s defense at first causes bewilderment, and then irritation. But beautiful courtship and attentive attitude towards women are undoubtedly captivating. And if the lady has patience, she will open many interesting pages in the character of her chosen one. Aquarius, in turn, will understand that they accept him with his difficult character and do not try to change him. And then the couple can breathe a sigh of relief - the first compatibility exams have been passed.

Sexual compatibility for Capricorn and Aquarius

The sexual compatibility of this couple is quite high. But a different approach to issues of an intimate nature will undoubtedly affect the quality of relationships. Capricorn can be called a follower of the traditional development of events. Flowers, dates, walks in the moonlight and sex as a logical continuation of a relationship. For Aquarius, this approach seems boring, which he does not hesitate to declare to his partner. Aquarius not only does not recognize conventions in sex, but also enthusiastically discusses their relationships with friends and even casual acquaintances. However, communication is easy and interesting for them. Both of them have a sense of humor that helps them get around awkward situations.

The couple does not immediately feel compatibility in sex and in bed, because for a Capricorn man Aquarius woman is a real mystery. The difference in the worldview of these people is reflected. On an intuitive level, a man and a woman are attracted like a magnet. The Aquarius woman is a loner in love. And not because he doesn’t want a relationship. She wants to get to know a person well before sharing his bed. A woman chooses not just a lover, but an ally and partner. The Capricorn man quickly becomes bored with long and intimate conversations, and he hurries to get down to business. He seeks to take over the mind, soul, heart and body of his partner. But complete spiritual intimacy is impossible to achieve.

The Aquarius man sees a secret in every stranger, Capricorn woman so erotic and attractive that sexual compatibility is predetermined from the first minutes of acquaintance. They quickly become attracted to each other and just as quickly become disappointed. A woman is unpredictable, her behavior changes dramatically in different situations. Her extravagance, which is so attractive in appearance, sometimes frightens a man. Only the woman next to whom he will feel like a deity can win the heart of an Aquarius.

Marriage compatibility for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

Accidents in our lives are not accidental. And if Capricorn and Aquarius came to the decision to live together, it means they have done a tremendous amount of work on themselves and their relationship. But the stars do not advise stopping there. People who perceive the world differently constantly have topics for discussion. Mature couples go to a psychologist. Young people ask their friends for advice. Aquarius's sociability will help conservative Capricorn change his worldview.

The Capricorn man strives for stability, Aquarius girl seeks entertainment and fun, so the couple finds compatibility in marriage through long-term transformations. Such frivolity irritates the practical Capricorn. He is ready to bring everything to the family and expects a similar attitude from his wife. The girl is looking for a source of inspiration in her partner. She herself is talented and full of enthusiasm, which is enough for several people. A strong marriage for a couple is possible for two, where the Muse woman generates ideas, and the hardworking Capricorn man implements them.

Is compatibility possible for zodiac signs where the Aquarius man is looking for warmth of the soul, and Capricorn woman independent and freedom-loving? It is quite possible, say the stars, because for loving hearts there are no barriers. That’s why people live together for a long time, test relationships, quarrel, make peace, but do not legitimize the relationship. The rational wisdom of the Capricorn woman commands respect from her husband. Sociable Aquarius finds in his wife a grateful listener and an interesting interlocutor. A woman understands that only in her husband will she find real support.

Compatibility in friendship for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn and Aquarius take friendship seriously. They don't play with each other's feelings and don't try to play at love. They turn their differences and visible differences in character to mutual advantage. Capricorn's restraint and equanimity helps to perceive any situation from a rational point of view. Capricorns often make friends with people who can become useful to them. Sociable Aquarians strive to solve problems at the peak of emotions. They are in no hurry to commit themselves. But together Capricorn and Aquarius are capable of moving mountains. And those friends who understand this achieve great heights in life.

Compatibility of zodiac signs Aquarius woman and Capricorn man confirmed by long-term friendly relations. Although at the beginning of a relationship they don’t even think about possible friendship. A woman's daydreaming is often ridiculed by a sarcastic man. Stinging remarks hurt the sensitive nature of Aquarius. But such training helps a woman gain the thick skin that is so necessary in modern life. Friendships go through ups and downs, but these two always maintain a connection.

Possibility of friendly compatibility Capricorn woman and Aquarius man They don't even consider it. They find too many differences in another person. Even among mutual friends, they do not stop sorting things out. If, by the will of fate, they cross paths, they are more likely to call each other friends. The spontaneity of Aquarius irritates the calm Capricorn woman. Her predictability is perceived by a man as boring.

Work compatibility for Capricorn and Aquarius

If Aquarius and Capricorn have common goal, they are capable of a lot. The desire for new knowledge and love for the profession can unite even people who are unlike each other. Aquarians are executive employees. Capricorns have sufficient stubbornness and assertiveness. Both go to the goal the hard way, but in tandem they are ready to share not only the responsibility, but also the rewards for victory.

The Capricorn man is too focused on his responsibilities to pay attention to conversations in the smoking room. Aquarius Woman strives to apply a creative approach to any issue. She considers a male colleague an obstacle to progress. He doubts his colleague's qualifications. But if they voluntarily decide to team up as a couple, they will reach certain heights in business.

Capricorn girl He constantly tests himself for professional suitability, and the Aquarius guy at first doubts their compatibility in the workplace. But life will put everything in its place. For some reason, the girl doesn’t lack a sense of responsibility. And if the guy manages to refrain from criticism, he will receive a devoted friend and qualified employee as an ally.

Do you believe in the power of love to change star predictions? Perhaps you are familiar with such relationships? Write in the comments, we will be grateful.

There is a category of Capricorns who do not just go through life their own way. the hard way labor and victories over oneself, but also wanting to somehow express themselves, to be original, going against society. But it’s one thing to seem original and quite another to be one by nature, which Aquarius is. His extraordinary personality can be extremely interesting to the described type of Capricorn. And Aquarius is able to become his “best friend”, setting the right example. But the sign of Capricorn, located next door to Aquarius, in an attempt to understand both the chaos and the genius of a partner, becomes his “best enemy.”

Mutual sympathy can quickly arise between Capricorn and Aquarius, which often begins with a seemingly ordinary conversation about common interests or problems. From the first phrases, Aquarius is able to reveal to Capricorn something completely new that will completely discourage him, present some kind of hypothesis that will turn his entire earthly world upside down, or show an example of some action that is common for Capricorn, but brings a much greater effect performed by Aquarius. Capricorn will envy such extraordinary intellectual and creative potential in his soul. But Aquarius will also show respect for the rationality and wisdom of Capricorn. By the way, this is a rather funny moment of manifestation of the eternal youthful nature of Aquarius and, from birth, the senile and sophisticated nature of Capricorn.

It will be a rather difficult decision for Capricorn to enter into a relationship with Aquarius, going beyond friendly compatibility. After all, this means to some extent bending under it. In addition, without completely understanding what is in Aquarius’s head and soul, it is difficult to predict his behavior. And Capricorn, like any earth sign, needs stability. How to find it with an initially changeable air representative? After all, Capricorn will inevitably have reasons to doubt the reliability of the freedom-loving Aquarius, although for this purpose loyalty to a partner is an indicator of the nobility of his personality.

However, communication will be easy and interesting for them. At least for Capricorn. Aquarius, of course, would not mind finding a more elevated and versatile interlocutor, but Capricorn, who is nearby, listens to everything with such interest, tries to realize, and then even try to realize that this “friendship” looks very useful. The secret of ease is also in Aquarius’s sociability and the breadth of his interests. Those. he can communicate without problems with almost anyone and find at least some overlap in interests with anyone. For Capricorn this seems like incredible compatibility, while for Aquarius it’s a completely familiar moment.

Both partners have a good sense of humor and can smooth out rough edges in communication with irony. Although this will not eliminate all disagreements. Self-confident and forward-thinking, Aquarius will always look down on the down-to-earth Capricorn, unwilling to accept his position if their argument goes too far. And the tactics of force and psychological pressure typical of Capricorn will fail with Aquarius, who easily parries any of Capricorn’s arguments. How can one imagine what such scenes will lead to in family life?

The main conflicts in a pair of Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn will never be able to accept the fact that Aquarius is trying in every possible way to avoid specific responsibilities and rules, but prefers open relationships without regulations. And I am ready to accept restrictions just for the sake of formality. For Capricorn, such a lack of framework undermines the whole essence of relationships and understanding of family values. But in fact, Aquarius is only like this with him. Perhaps because his strong intuition tells him that Capricorn is not his hero.

Here Capricorn should think: what is important to each of them in a relationship? Capricorn knows the answer to this: he needs stability, confidence in the future, material security, fidelity, honesty and predictability. Which of these does Aquarius have? Perhaps not so much. And for Aquarius himself, the best partner is the one who will share with him freedom, experiments, flights of thought, give new reasons for inspiration, and become a fan of his ideas, in the end. Which, except for the latter, is also weakly traced in the earthly partner.

Another reason for the development of the “best enemy” in Capricorn will be envy of the successes of Aquarius, which are not rightfully deserved, as Capricorn believes. Much in the eyes of Capricorn comes too easily to Aquarius. And the way he throws around ideas without bothering to evaluate them and test them for viability is complete irresponsibility.
The compatibility of the couple in the sensual and emotional spheres is a big question. There is a high probability that it will be completely cold there. Capricorn is too closed, and airy Aquarius is not too hot by nature. It will be difficult for them to truly open up to each other.

Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

The Capricorn woman is looking for a stable and long-term relationship. The quickly emerging interest in the owner of a bright head - the Aquarius man - soon gives way to disappointment from the realization that he has turned the heads of many more people, and his reliability is in great doubt. And, probably, it would be worth checking better how well off he is. Otherwise, the stories about his brilliant prospects were too beautiful.

The Aquarius man, despite such mistrust, is able to prove himself with the best side for the Capricorn woman. But for how long? Will he be able to be the male breadwinner and exemplary family man that the Capricorn woman is counting on?

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

The Capricorn man is pragmatic and it seems to him that the Aquarius woman complicates the relationship too much with her baseless claims. And her desires and moods change unpredictably and too often even for a girl. Capricorn simply cannot keep up with her.

But she is able to experience the true charm of him strong spirit and stubbornness in achieving goals. Perhaps she will become a muse for him, and he will become a hardworking embodiment of her ideas?