Boilers for the production of charcoal. Calculation of financial results. Total costs and payback

Charcoal is a product obtained from the thermal decomposition of wood without access to air. The feedstock does not burn, but undergoes gasification under the influence of heat, thanks to which its structure is preserved, and the final product contains a large number of capillaries and pores. This quality is the reason for its widespread use charcoal V various fields human activity (it is an excellent adsorbent). It is used in the food industry, metallurgy, medicine, agriculture and other sectors. In addition, it is a biologically clean and environmentally friendly fuel. And the production of charcoal can bring good income.

Product Description

Charcoal is a unique high-carbon material obtained by dry distillation (charring) of wood. The raw materials for its production can be both coniferous and deciduous wood. The type of wood processed determines the type of final product. It is customary to distinguish three types of such coal:

  • black - obtained from soft wood (aspen, linden, alder);
  • red – a product of distillation of hard wood (oak, birch, etc.);
  • white - made from coniferous tree(from spruce, pine, etc.).

Firewood is considered the best source for producing coal. They produce a high quality product. However, it is allowed to use waste from the woodworking and forestry industries (branches, twigs, stumps), as well as waste furniture production(offcuts of boards and slats) and even wood scrap (damaged and unusable pallets, boxes, etc.). It is useful to know why it is gaining more and more popularity among small businesses.

Important! Requirements for raw materials are determined by GOST 24260-80. Charcoal must be manufactured to meet the requirements GOST 7657-84. In accordance with this standard, the grade and belonging of coal to one of the grades is determined: A, B or C.

Charcoal is in great demand as a fuel. It is valued for its high heat transfer, the impossibility of spontaneous combustion, the lack of harmful substances. Such a product does not emit smoke or open flame during combustion. Therefore, it is often used for grilling, barbecuing, open fires, stoves, fireplaces.

This material is used to disinfect industrial wastewater and air emissions from factories and enterprises. It is used as a reducing agent in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. Charcoal has also found its application in animal husbandry and crop production: it is added to feed for birds and livestock, and it is used to fertilize upper layer land. It does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odors and is suitable for regenerating water and air in enclosed spaces.

In addition, during the decay of wood, by-products are formed - resins, which can later be used to make acetic acid, turpentine, methyl alcohol, etc.

All this suggests that charcoal production as a business is a very promising area. Next we will talk about what an entrepreneur will need to master it.

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Technology and equipment

The production is based on the process of thermal pyrolysis - decomposition organic compounds with limited or absent oxygen. Until recently, the installations used to ensure this process caused significant harm to the environment by emitting the resulting gases into the atmosphere.

Modern technologies are based on the use of retort-type charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal. Such furnaces solve the problem of pollution; moreover, they allow the use of gases formed during the pyrolysis process to maintain the required temperature, thereby reducing the entrepreneur’s energy costs and ensuring a continuous production cycle.

Raw materials are loaded into removable retorts (closed containers), which are placed on top of the combustion chamber. In these containers, wood decomposes under the influence of heat (temperature is 400–500 ° C). At the same time, in the oven, the raw materials are dried in the upper part, the wood is heated in the next retort, the wood is decomposed and the coal is calcined in the middle part, and the finished product is cooled in the lower part.

The vapor-gas mixture formed in this case is discharged through special pipes, after which the gas is separated from the liquid in a condensation device.

Equipment for the production of charcoal can be either stationary or mobile.

If your budget allows, you can immediately buy an expensive and high-performance installation. For example, you can purchase a frontal two-retort Russian furnace PF2RG-60 “Standard” with a capacity of up to 120 tons finished products per month. Its price is approximately 2.5 million rubles.

Such an installation will also make it possible to effectively use excess heat and energy from pyrolysis gases. To service it, only one employee and a loader for carrying retorts with a lifting capacity of 5 tons are required. Any piece of waste can be used as raw material.

It’s easier and cheaper to purchase a small-volume installation, consisting of a chamber with a built-in boiler and equipped with afterburning of pyrolysis gases, for example, the Zarya charcoal kiln. It has a simple design, does not require electricity, and is suitable for installation in logging areas.

In one cycle, such a plant can produce up to 5 tons of high-quality coal (the number of cycles per month is from 7 to 16). Its cost varies from 480 thousand to 1,180 thousand rubles, depending on the modification. Mobile pyrolysis plants of small volume, producing up to 8 tons of products per month, cost from 100 thousand to 360 thousand rubles.

The cheapest and simplest option for producing charcoal, which you can try even at home, is to use an ordinary two-hundred-liter metal barrel for this purpose. A description of the method and a diagram according to which you can design a stove yourself are in the following video:

Certainly, big money this method will not work. It is more suitable for those entrepreneurs who run their own cafes and kebab shops and need regular supplies of charcoal for cooking (see). Those who plan to produce coal for sale should consider the more productive options discussed above.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will need a device for splitting firewood, hand tool(axes, hacksaws), chainsaw, scales and packaging machine. According to the most conservative estimates, it will take about 800 thousand rubles to launch a mini-production.

Business Starting Plan

Before you start implementing an idea, you need to prepare a project. It is advisable to start with market research. We need to draw a circle potential clients, determine the existing level of supply, analyze your capabilities.

An important step in organizing such a business is the search for suppliers of raw materials. Ideally, if the production is located near logging or wood processing enterprises. The further away from the sources of raw materials, the higher the transportation costs and the cost of finished products.

The business plan for charcoal production must include calculations of capital and operating costs, as well as a forecast of income and profit. To one-time start-up costs include costs for preparing the territory, purchasing, delivering and launching equipment, processing documents, holding promotional events, etc.

Important! You can register such a business as a . Main type code entrepreneurial activity according to OKVED, which must be indicated when registering a charcoal production business – 20.14« Production of other basic organic chemicals» .

In small production (up to 15 tons per month), the cost of a ton of charcoal is approximately 20 thousand rubles. The average price for finished products is 25 thousand rubles per ton. Thus, by producing 15 tons of charcoal per month, you can receive about 75 thousand rubles of net profit.

It's useful to read about. Legal aspects, selection of premises, purchase of equipment and search for personnel.

Charcoal, in its essence, is a unique material. It has been known since ancient times, but it was only appreciated in the last century. Charcoal has many benefits. It doesn't pollute environment, it does not contain any harmful components - it is environmentally friendly pure product. How to obtain wood products by influencing them high temperatures, have been known since ancient times. Several varieties of charcoal are known. It all depends on the manufacturing technology and the raw materials from which it is made. The demand for this type of fuel is constantly growing, so many entrepreneurs are turning their attention to this type of business.

Charcoal and its benefits

Charcoal production in modern world great attention is paid. Production facilities are constantly modernized and improved, which allows us to achieve an even higher quality final product. If the charcoal production technology is developed according to all the rules, then it can be considered environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

The birthplace of charcoal production in industrial scale in our country the Urals are considered. On the African continent, many peoples still use this coal for cooking. It is prepared using a special method.

Today, two types of charcoal are used: pit and heap. They are used if the need for coal is one-time. None of these methods require additional costs. You need to have firewood, water and turf on hand. The best raw materials for charcoaling are hardwood trees. They produce the highest quality product.

Recently, aspen and waste have become increasingly used coniferous species. In this case, in order to produce high-quality coal, it is necessary to adhere to special production technology.

The yield of the final product will depend on what kind of wood you use. On a scale industrial production The coal yield is often much less than originally planned. The most common reason is oxygen entering the furnace and, as a result, complete burnout source material.

There are three types of charcoal:

  1. black - it is made from soft rocks wood (this could be: aspen, willow, linden, alder and poplar);
  2. white - it is obtained from hardwoods, such as oak, birch, hornbeam, acacia, ash, and so on;
  3. red - only coniferous species are used for its production. Charcoal is produced using soft charcoal, temperature regime it should be low.

The benefits of this product are very great. Its use can even be called universal. This alternative view The fuel is environmentally friendly and safe to use.

Applications of charcoal

It is worth noting that mass use charcoal has led to a significant reduction in the emission of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Thus, humanity has a chance to maintain the precarious ecological balance on the planet.

Technology and equipment for charcoal production

Despite the fact that the technology for producing charcoal is simple, it requires certain knowledge and skills. Otherwise, the yield percentage will be small, and the quality of the product will not be at the proper level.

Any of the known technologies for producing charcoal consists of four stages:

  1. Drying. As you know, damp wood will not smolder well.
  2. Pyrolysis. This stage is considered the most important in the entire production process.
  3. Calcination. At this stage, tars and excess gases are separated from the coal.
  4. Cooling down.

Until recently, coal production caused irreparable harm to the environment. The gases released into the atmosphere polluted it. Scientists have developed new technologies that solved this problem.

The equipment for the production of our product is special charcoal kilns in which there is no free access to oxygen.

Modern furnaces for the production of charcoal are designed in such a way that the gases formed during oxidation are fed into the firebox, where they burn out and are used to maintain the required temperature required to burn the starting material. If the wood is not very wet, then these gases are quite enough to complete the process, which in turn allows you to significantly save energy resources.

If we're talking about If it is possible to use only one container, then in this case there can be no question of continuity of the process: first, wood is loaded into the oven and melted. The next step is drying the wood. They are allowed to burn out, and the stove is extinguished. Wait until the coal cools down. The product is taken out and the process is repeated.

The use of removable containers into which firewood is loaded allows you to solve the problem in the following way: in one of the containers the firewood is dried, in another it is oxidized, in the third it burns out. The container in which the process has completed is removed and allowed to cool, and another with new material is installed in its place.

On this moment There are many different devices for heat treatment wood. Now the greatest attention those use technical solutions, which can be used at forestry enterprises and allow the processing of waste from this production.

Such installations are usually easy to use and manage.

Video: charcoal production technology

Sequence of actions in the production of charcoal

The procedure is as follows: the prepared wood is placed in a special loading chamber. Sensors are installed on it, from which a signal is received about the combustion of material and drying of coal.

The next step is to unload the coal to cool. This is a single chamber charcoal kiln process.

The finished products are crushed and packaged in paper bags and packages. For industrial use, coal is crushed into large pieces, and for household needs- into small ones.

There can be from 7–9 to 25–30 cycles per month. Everything will depend on the volume of loaded raw materials. Performance does not depend on cycle length.

Raw materials – there shouldn’t be any problems with them. Sawdust, paper and furniture industry waste can be used as starting material. But in this case, the quality of the coal may not be at the highest level.

The optimal solution to the issue of supplying raw materials would be to conclude an agreement with a company that specializes in the procurement and processing of timber. Twigs, stumps, branches, etc. will be used - this is one of the most economical options. More expensive is buying chopped firewood.

In order to get 1 ton of charcoal, you will need at least 7 cubic meters of wood. This ratio is applicable for single-chamber ovens. In three-chamber ones, the output will be much greater.

Sales of products

Unfortunately, in our country the consumption of these products is not at the proper level.

The ideal sales option is a foreign partnership. In European countries, these products have long been appreciated; they are in great demand there. But, if it is not possible to organize a business in this way, then you can find buyers in our country.

For example, you can organize the sale of charcoal in bulk: you can offer your products to energy companies and individuals who use individual heating. Coal is used not only in closed furnaces. It is used for cooking barbecue and shish kebab. Owners of forging shops and smelting plants can become buyers of your products. Pharmaceutical companies may also be interested in your proposal.

Do not discount large stores where goods for country holiday, gas stations, restaurants and kebab shops. It is possible that demand will be seasonal. In the summer, your products may sell out much faster.

If you are planning to grow your business, try to come up with some kind of logo to put on the bags and register trademark. This is necessary for the product to be recognizable.

To avoid unwanted excesses, sales routes need to be thought out in advance (describing each of them in detail in the charcoal production business plan).

Profitability of charcoal production

The profitability of production will largely depend on what strategy you choose in the market. This business is profitable and quite promising. The transition to biological fuels encourages many to use charcoal.

The demand for these products is growing steadily. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but if you want to occupy a still open niche in this area economic activity- hurry up. The market may soon become oversaturated with supply, and the struggle for survival will become even more serious.

In order to start working in this area, you will not need to spend a lot of money. So, you will not need to build large technological premises. Buying a large amount of equipment will also be unnecessary.

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To set the minimum required amount equipment to produce 30 tons of charcoal per month, you will need about 500 thousand rubles. What does this cost include?


  • oven - from 20 to 100,000 rubles;
  • scales - from 3 to 5,000 rubles;
  • electric generator - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • chainsaws - from 7 thousand rubles;
  • hydraulic splitters;
  • packing machine.

Raw materials: based on 30 tons/month:

  • chopped firewood - from 1300 to 1700 rubles. /m3;
  • bags for packaging finished products - 10 12 rub./piece.

Staff salaries in the amount of 5 people – 80–100 thousand rubles. per month.

Monthly income will be about 70 thousand rubles. Cost 1 kg. charcoal – 18–22 rubles/kg.

The undoubted advantage of technology, equipment, and charcoal production is the small initial investment, as well as the absence of problems that you may encounter when starting your own business. The downside is quite a lot of competition. If problems arise with sales, the payback of the project may be at least 2 years. But if you manage to set up implementation on top level, then the investment can pay off in just 3–4 months.


If you listen to the opinions of experts, you can draw the following conclusions: Russian market not completely saturated with charcoal. Therefore, anyone who wants to try their hand at this field has a good chance of becoming a successful businessman. Opening a business like this will take a lot the easier it is, who are in any way connected with the forestry and woodworking industry. This will help significantly reduce the level of initial capital investment.

In conclusion, I would like to note that charcoal is considered an elite fuel, a fuel of convenience and comfort. IN modern society There are more and more people wanting to use this type of biologically clean fuel. Don't miss your chance, draw the appropriate conclusions.

Charcoal is a natural biofuel that you can make yourself.

Making charcoal in a pit

You can make it yourself in a pit. Used this method a long time ago. This way you can make coal quite simply. To do this, it will be necessary to prepare a small pit, which should have the shape of a cylinder, while the walls should remain vertical. Its diameter should be 80 cm, while the depth should be 50 cm. Using this technology, you can get two bags of biofuel.

Features of making a pit for producing coal

If you decide to make it yourself, you first need to prepare a hole. After its bottom is thoroughly compacted, you can use the method of pressing with your feet. This is necessary in order to prevent mixing of the finished product with the soil. After this, you need to make a fire using birch bark and small branches. Gradually you need to start adding wood and thin branches to the fire. You need to ensure that everything is covered with burning wood. Once the fire is burning, you can start making coal. To do this you will need to prepare firewood.

Requirements for raw materials for the production of coal

Do-it-yourself charcoal will turn out to be of high quality if you throw firewood that does not have bark into the pit. This is due to the fact that it smokes a lot. Whereas coal using such firewood is of very low quality. In order to use fuel more comfortably, the raw materials must first be cut into individual elements.

You can choose the dimensions of the workpieces yourself, but the size of one element should not exceed 30 cm. New firewood must be laid on top, and the mass must be moved with the help of a long pole. The beams should be laid in layers as densely as possible. Thus, the hole should be filled to the top. The duration of burning will also depend on air humidity.

When you make charcoal with your own hands, it will be possible to fill a pit of the size mentioned in about 3 hours.

Final works

After the hole is filled, it needs to be covered with grass and also leaves. Everything is sprinkled with a layer of soil on top and compacted. In such conditions, charcoal should remain for two days, after which it can be sifted and then packaged. As soon as this work can be completed, it can be considered ready for use.

Making charcoal in a barrel

You can use equipment for the production of charcoal according to the type of container. To do this, it will be necessary to prepare a thick-walled steel barrel. Its dimensions should be selected depending on the amount of coal expected to be received.

If the barrel is large, it will take much longer to fill it. If the container has ever been filled with chemicals, such containers cannot be used. If petroleum products were stored in a barrel, it must first be prepared by burning, and then used, but only in its pure form.

Options for making coal in a barrel

Pyrolysis of wood will make it possible to obtain coal using one of the technologies, each of which involves the use of a barrel. The first method involves lighting a fire inside the container. In this case, the process will not differ from the production of coal in a pit. The container must have large capacity(about 200 liters) - this is necessary so that the wood does not clog the fire.

It is also necessary to install 6 bricks; it is advisable to use fire-resistant products. A fire will have to be lit between them. If you use such equipment for the production of charcoal, then the firewood must be immersed carefully until it covers the bricks. Afterwards, a grate must be installed on the product so that the next batch of firewood can be placed on it.

The wood should be laid in rows fairly tightly. After the barrel is filled to the top, you need to wait until the flame appears from above. Afterwards, you need to cover everything with a steel sheet and leave a small gap. In order to speed up this process, in the lower part of the container you need to make a hole through which air will flow. While the wood is burning, you will need to monitor the color of the smoke. As soon as it acquires a bluish tint, the barrel will need to be closed as tightly as possible and left until it cools completely. Afterwards, the lid is removed from the container, and the finished coals are removed from the inside.

An alternative option for making coals in a barrel

Pyrolysis of wood can make it possible to obtain coal using a slightly different technology. To do this, it will be necessary to fill the container to the top with wood. Afterwards everything should be covered with a non-flammable lid. The barrel must be closed almost hermetically. It is necessary to leave a hole for the gases to escape (it must be large), the temperature inside will need to be brought to 350 degrees.

In order for the production of charcoal to become possible, the container must be installed on a platform. This way it will be possible to isolate it from the soil. The easiest way to implement this is with the help of bricks, which must be laid on a sheet of steel. A fire should be lit between them, which will warm the barrel.

After a certain time, the process of oxidation of the wood will begin and gas will begin to escape. As soon as the gas output stops, the barrel will need to be left on the fire for some time. Thus, it will take about 2.5 hours to burn a 200-liter container. After this, the barrel must be removed from the heat and the remaining holes in the lid must be sealed. In this condition, the container must be stopped until it cools down. Charcoal at home will be ready after the barrel is opened. The coal can be used immediately.

Making charcoal using a stove

If you're wondering how charcoal is made, another method you can consider is using a stove. After the firewood burns out, you will need to select the burned, but not yet collapsed, coals. They should be red. They will need to be placed in a container with a well-sealed lid. It is preferable to use a ceramic container, but you can also use a small bucket or barrel. It is worth remembering that the use of steel containers must involve compliance with fire safety. The lid must be kept closed until the coal cools completely. Once it is cold, it can be considered ready for use.

Today, charcoal is quite in demand - it is bought by restaurants and cafes for cooking, chemical and metallurgical plants for production processes, and people for barbecuing and grilling. Charcoal production as a business - a great solution if you live in wooded areas. The procedure does not require major investments and quickly pays for itself. the right approach. In this article we will look at how to open your own charcoal making business and give an example of calculation.


Charcoal is a high-carbon material that is obtained by pyrolysis of wood. different varieties with limited air flow. To produce it, you need a special oven, which can be placed either in your own garage, in the open air, or in a specially equipped workshop.

Charcoal is a profitable business

As of 2017, in Russia there is an average saturation of the market with these products, so any businessman can easily start production and find points of sale for finished products. The main thing is to calculate and think through everything correctly, analyze the consumer market, and think about where it is more profitable to sell products in bulk. Compose detailed business plan

and stick to it when implementing your idea.

Types of coal

  1. Many people think that all charcoal sold in supermarkets and gas stations is the same, but in fact there are many varieties. It can be divided into:
  2. Red. It is made from coniferous trees using a special technology by soft charcoaling.
  3. White. To create it, hardwood is used, such as oak, birch, elm, hornbeam, etc.

Black. To create it, soft wood is used: linden, aspen, poplar, alder, willow, etc.

Many entrepreneurs produce only classic black coal, but if you want to capture the market, the range should be expanded. You should focus on what kind of raw materials you can get: if oak forests grow in your area, then you will have to use this particular material, etc. You should also know that there are three grades according to GOST 7657-84 A, B and C. The higher the grade , the higher the quality of the coal and the more willingly they will purchase it, so try to make only a high-quality product. Note: a large number of

Entrepreneurs use various production waste from woodworking and furniture companies, as well as rotten logs and bars as raw materials. This is not recommended, since the quality of coal from such raw materials will be extremely low.

Of course, you can earn more this way. But customers will not like your products and in the end this will damage the image of the young business. You should also consider in what packaging to sell the product. It is usually packaged in paper bags and plastic bags

capacity from 2 to 50 kg. The most popular among the population are bags weighing 5-10 kg, while restaurants and enterprises buy it in 50 kg bags to reduce the cost of raw materials.

Dryer to improve the quality of raw materials

How to make charcoal Next, we will analyze the technology for producing charcoal.

  1. There is nothing complicated about it - the process is based on the principle of pyrolysis. The finished raw material is burned at a given temperature without access to air and turns into coal. The production algorithm is as follows:
  2. Raw materials are manually loaded into the oven.
  3. The coal is unloaded, cooled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but during production you should strictly monitor safety precautions. Be sure to follow fire safety, install an alarm and have several fire extinguishers on hand so that if a fire occurs, it can be quickly extinguished.

The best raw material for making coal is wood in lumps, cut into pieces of 40-60 cm. If you plan to purchase logs, you will have to hire a special person who will grind them to a given size. The cheapest way to buy raw materials is from a supplier or at woodworking plants - they are available in almost all regions of Russia. Agree with them about wholesale supplies - The cheaper you can buy raw materials, the greater your profit will be.


Let's consider whatmust be purchased. Today the market offers entrepreneurs a wide range of specialized equipment, ranging from inexpensive stoves with manual loading and ending with automated lines capable of producing tens of cubic meters of finished product per shift. The main equipment for production is a pyrolysis oven. We do not recommend starting a business with professional stoves - first, purchase a small one, master the process, find clients, and then calculate how much coal you can sell, and based on this, select a new device. When choosing, consider the following factors:

  1. Available area. Entry-to-mid-level ovens take up about 40 m2, so consider whether you can place it on your site or in a workshop.
  2. How much raw material can you load at one time? Keep in mind that to produce 1 ton of coal you need 7-9 tons. The higher quality the loaded wood is, the better the product will come out.
  3. Duration of pyrolysis. On average, one cycle lasts about 50 hours, but it all depends on the type of wood, the selected equipment and the volume of the furnace.
  4. Power of the pyrolysis furnace. Power is how much coal can be created in one cycle. There are models on the market with a capacity from 100 to 2000 kilograms of finished products.

Pyrolysis oven for manufacturing

What you need to get started

Next we will consider charcoal production technology and equipment , which is needed to start. The main thing in this matter is the oven. The price depends on its power - in 2017, a small 100-kilogram stove can be bought for 50,000, a full-fledged 2-ton stove for 1,000,000 rubles. Thanks to this division, you can choose the option that suits you both in terms of price and performance. Many entrepreneurs start their journey with a 300-500 kg stove, after which, if necessary, they buy a second one or exchange it for a more powerful one. Note that not only pyrolysis, but also retort furnaces are available on the market, but they are of worse quality, so they should not be considered as an alternative.

  1. To get started you will also need:
  2. Electronic scales 5-7,000 rubles.
  3. Packaging device - 100-150,000 rubles.

Chainsaw - 10,000 rubles. This minimum set equipment to get started - it is quite enough for beginners and for small workshops. In the future, you may need separators for grinding, dryers to improve the quality of raw materials, dispensers to automate the process, special supply lines, etc., but usually this equipment is used for large enterprises

, so you shouldn’t think about it just yet. You can save even more by purchasing not a ready-made stove, but by ordering the manufacture of a barrel for pyrolysis from local craftsmen, but this is an option for those who have a seriously limited budget - it is better to immediately buy a high-quality and specialized stove.

How profitable is it? Universal business plan for charcoal production no - it all depends on where exactly you will purchase raw materials, what the price will be for it, how you will organize sales, etc., but on average, the industry figures are known. We recommend that you do not contact retail sales

, as a last resort, you can simply sell bags in the workshop without organizing your own retail outlets.

Quality charcoal

  1. Look for those who will purchase products in bulk:
  2. Supermarkets or local retail chains.
  3. Gas stations.
  4. Restaurants and cafes.
  5. Wholesale stores and bases. Various industrial enterprises

who need coal for technical processes.

  1. Registration with the tax authorities - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a set of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Renting premises, renovation work- 400,000 rubles per year.
  4. Purchase of wood for processing - 300,000 rubles.

In total, to open a business you will need approximately 1,700,000 rubles. Note that in this case we are talking about professional equipment and a medium-sized workshop producing about 20 tons of coal per month. If there is no such budget, then you can get by with a cheaper set of equipment and a garage - this will require an investment of approximately 300,000 rubles with a productivity of 2 tons per month. Also, for the delivery of finished products, it is advisable to have a car - even an inexpensive GAZelle, capable of carrying about a ton of cargo, will do.

Next, let's calculate the profit. The selling wholesale price of birch charcoal in 2017 is 100 rubles per kilogram, while its cost is approximately 60, taking into account all expenses. On 1 kilogram you earn 40 rubles, on 2 tons of sold products (home workshop) - 80 thousand rubles, for a full-fledged enterprise producing 20 tons per month - 800,000 rubles. Thus, the investments made pay off in 2-4 months, although in practice the full payback occurs in 4-6 months (additional costs inevitably arise).

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How to start a charcoal production business?

It is perhaps difficult to imagine a business more necessary and efficient than the production of charcoal. This way you can solve the energy problems that exist in all countries due to the small amount of energy raw materials.

Every day a person uses heat and electricity, and every day its consumption increases, and, consequently, the need for fuel also increases. In addition, such fuel is a renewable resource, since trees have the ability to grow. This fuel also belongs to biological species, which is environmentally friendly and safer for general condition atmosphere.

Charcoal production is an old Russian occupation. In ancient times, charcoal was used for furnaces in forges. Therefore, you will not just open a business, but will engage in a truly Russian business.

Before you consider starting a business in this area, you need to understand what it is. Charcoal is a high-carbon substance obtained by pyrolysis of wood in a vacuum environment, that is, without access to air. That is, to open such a business you will need to engage in pyrolysis, which involves the primary combustion of wood. The flame is created as a result of the combustion of gases (volatile pyrolysis products), and not due to the combustion of wood.

In simple words the wood is charred at three temperatures of 450-500 degrees Celsius. In addition to charcoal, pyrolysis also produces acetic acid, acetone, methanol, resins and other products. Therefore, you can additionally engage in the production or sale of other combustion products. But if liquid products are produced in small quantities, it is not profitable to process them, so it is better to use it to generate heat, thereby reducing costs in this area.

The world produces 9 million tons of coal per year. Brazil holds the first place in the world in charcoal production. In Russia, despite the abundance of forests, only 100 thousand tons are produced per year, so the country lacks this type of fuel. This product is imported to us from Ukraine, Belarus and China. You can take your place in this niche, since domestic products are more popular, especially if they are of proper quality.

Charcoal production technology

First, you need to decide on the charcoal production technology and the structure of the raw materials. If you decide to produce “white” coal, you can export it to Japan, where there is great demand for it. For private homes with fireplaces, people buy “red” coal. It is produced at low temperature and soft charcoaling. For production you will need wood or wood waste. It is preferable to use hardwood. Recently, conifers, shrubby trees and aspen have been collecting waste.

When making preliminary calculations and calculating the payback, remember that in reality the coal yield may turn out to be much less than you thought. This occurs due to the fact that oxygen enters the apparatus and promotes direct combustion of the wood. You must organize a clear production structure and technology that will reduce losses and also avoid defects: unburnt coal, smelling of tar, with cracks.

To start production you will need to purchase special charcoaling equipment. There are a lot of equipment for the production of charcoal, but you should choose one that can be used on an industrial scale and with the ability to process forest waste. Your factory should be close wood production and equipment to match the scale of waste generated.

You can also build your factory near a logging site. The proximity of raw materials is the main condition for production, which reduces transportation costs. Therefore, the purchased equipment must be transportable and follow the logging production. Environmental friendliness of production is also important in order to reduce emissions into the environment. Simple design and the operating method will make it easy to use and repair in case of malfunctions.

Stages of charcoal production

The entire production consists of three stages. The first is to dry the wood for subsequent work with it. As you know, wet wood will not smolder. The second stage includes pyrolysis. This stage is the most important in the entire production. The third stage includes calcination, during which tars and excess gases are separated from the prepared coal. You can watch the video to see how charcoal is produced.

The furnace in which oxygen-free pyrolysis is carried out is equipped with a retor - a closed vessel that is heated from the outside, and the combustion process under the influence of gases begins in a chamber from which air has been previously pumped out. Vapor gases are separated through the pipe, which are separated with the liquid in the condensation device. Charcoal stoves are simple to make but very effective. The production process is manual and quite labor-intensive, and therefore requires special physical training.

There are two production technologies: pit and heap. Heap burning requires only wood, water and turf, and the heaps can be made standing or lying down. But the main thing is to process the wood in a pile of equal density.

In addition to special equipment, space and raw materials, you will need a highly qualified professional who, by external signs, will be able to determine the progress of production and its completion, since there are no specific parameters and instruments that determine the readiness of coal. Therefore, we need a person who has a good eye for this matter and who will follow safety rules to prevent a gas explosion or spontaneous combustion of the produced coal.

Sales of charcoal

Charcoal consumption in Russia is extremely low, so you need to focus your efforts on exporting finished products abroad, where its consumption is high, for example, Japan or Europe. But, despite the small specific gravity consumption of charcoal in our country, we must not forget about domestic sales, since there is still a shortage of it in the country. It is worth looking for buyers among energy companies and individuals who heat themselves.

In his advertising campaign you should focus specifically on the environmental performance of this type of fuel, since this problem is now acute in the world. At the same time, charcoal corresponds to the characteristics of known types of fuel, such as boiled coal and peat. Also, the combustion of this type of coal is smokeless, but it produces an appropriate temperature. Its heat transfer is 31,000 kJ/kg, and it retains heat for a long time. Charcoal compressed into briquettes produces 1.5 times the number and burns even longer.

Also, charcoal meets all safety requirements, as it is not capable of spontaneous combustion. There is practically no waste from combustion, since it does not contain any harmful impurities.

Charcoal is used not only in closed stoves, but also in barbecues, open fireplaces and fires. Another unusual but pleasant property of coal: it absorbs unpleasant odors, so if you heat your fireplace with such fuel, your room will always have a pleasant smell and you will feel better.

If your production will be sent for sale not to private hands, but to large manufacturing companies, then you also need to indicate how safe and environmentally friendly the production will be, if to obtain the necessary thermal or electrical energy use charcoal.

You can find partners among smelters, forges, and pharmaceutical companies. In production, this fuel is used as a reducing agent. For example, in the production of cast iron, which, thanks to charcoal, becomes more durable and indestructible. In addition, it is used for melting valuable non-ferrous metals.

With the right approach, you can promote this type of business well and make a profit fairly quickly if you take into account all the requirements that are required for production and cost reduction. You are able to win fans all over the world, since charcoal is a versatile fuel that solves many everyday problems.

Video showing the charcoal production process:

The whole production is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, so anyone can do this business. In addition, this production niche is new, there are many empty seats and you can take the best among them in the front row.