Cat fleas for humans. Fleas in cats. Flea protection

Fleas are not transmitted from cats to humans, they do not live in hair like lice, but they can bite people if they need food. Fleas can actively reproduce in the pet owner’s home if there is food for this purpose. suitable conditions. In the absence of cleaning, the presence of dirty upholstered furniture, carpet conditions for the growth of the number of individuals are good.

The danger of fleas to humans

Cat fleas are dangerous to humans because they carry infectious diseases, their bites can cause allergic reactions, the wounds hurt and there is a risk of their suppuration. If an insect has previously bitten a sick animal, there is a risk of transmitting the infection.

Bites are often accompanied by severe allergic reactions that may require medical intervention. When scratching a bite, there is a possibility of infection spreading and the wound becoming suppurated.

To determine whether your pet has insects, just comb the cat on white paper - black and brown dots are traces of insect activity. Another option is to take a fine-comb comb and part the fur. You can notice either the insects themselves or their feces.

Fleas can get into the house different ways– through outdoor shoes, after the pet has come into contact with infected animals. To protect yourself and your domestic cat from bites, you need to regularly clean, perform preventive treatment animal or put a special collar on the cat.

If fleas already live in the house, you should fight them. It is necessary to treat the animal - wash it with a special shampoo or use a collar or special drops. You can find out how to help your pet get rid of fleas from your veterinarian.

Chemicals for treating residential premises against harmful insects:

  • GET - allows you to get rid of fleas, as well as cockroaches and bedbugs. Available in the form of a concentrate.
  • Averfos - destroys fleas, bedbugs, ants, flies and cockroaches. Release form – concentrate.
  • Adamant is a powder (dust) against fleas, ants and bedbugs.
  • Alfatrin is a concentrate against ticks, fleas, bedbugs, flies, cockroaches.
  • Delta zone - concentrate against fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ants, flies, cockroaches.

Before working with drugs, you should read the instructions, prepare special clothing to protect your skin from chemicals, as well as a respirator and eye protection. Before treating a living space, you need to remove plants and food products, there should be no people or animals in the house.

After the first treatment, after some time it is advisable to repeat the procedure, since the insects could lay eggs, from which new individuals emerge.

Upholstered furniture should be treated especially carefully; all carpets must be cleaned and dust removed from surfaces. Mattress covers, bed linen, and pet beds must be washed at high temperature.

How to treat flea bites on humans

If bites are detected on a person, they must be treated with an antiseptic; you should not scratch the puncture site, otherwise you can get an infection and cause purulent inflammation. At severe itching It is recommended to apply ice or treat the area with a special ointment that relieves skin irritation.

Bites can cause allergies in humans. At the first sign of such a reaction, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the allergist prescribes therapy. Typically, antihistamines are used.

At the pharmacy you can buy lotions that dry and soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and disinfect the wound. There is a risk of anaphylactic shock - this condition occurs if a person is hypersensitive to the saliva of insects or their body parts. Another serious complication is Quincke's edema. If such manifestations occur, urgent medical attention is required.

Preventive measures against cat fleas:

  • Regular cleaning of residential premises.
  • Periodic washing of bed linen.
  • Cleaning mattresses, upholstered furniture, cat beds.

You can avoid insects in your home by keeping your house clean and providing proper care for your cat. If possible, contact of the cat with animals that can carry pests should be prevented - these are rats, mice, squirrels, street cats, etc.

“My cat is an indoor cat, she can’t have any fleas!”from the statement of the majority of owners

Alas, fleas don't think so. They can also easily become pets.

How? Fleas can live not only in the fur of other animals, but anywhere - in grass, soil, dust, bedding, floor cracks, etc. They live in attics and basements, where "non-domestic" animals frequent and throw up “stray” insects for their further transportation on the soles of shoes into the house. Well, if your kitty takes walks from time to time or relaxes in the country, fleas will generally do without an intermediary

Now your pet is worried, itching, biting, skin inflammation and scratching appear. Well, everyone, meet her - Ctenocerhalidis felis - cat flea. You can verify this by parting the fur and finding small reddish spots - its bites, and brownish-black grains - its excrement.

What to do? Of course, fight! The battle will be in the action genre: on the one hand, an enemy with a 140-million-year history of evolution, on the other, modern achievements of veterinary pharmacology.

Let's first appreciate the enemy.

Cat flea

A wingless insect that feeds on blood. Its jagged jaws easily bite through skin. The flea's body is strongly flattened on the sides, there are ridges of bristles and spines on its surface, and the head is small and rounded - all this allows it to easily penetrate the fur and move quickly among the hair. The flea has six legs, the two back ones are more developed, thanks to which it can make large jumps up to 1.5 meters in length (300 times the length of its body).

When filled with blood, a flea's stomach can swell greatly, although fleas can go without food for up to a year and a half while hibernating.

Having found itself in a new “habitat”, after two days the flea is ready to lay dozens of eggs every day, from which larvae hatch within a week. Children feed on the excrement of adult fleas, which contains undigested blood, but do not disdain cestodes of worms, contributing to their spread. In the next phase of their development, the larvae weave a cocoon, then pupate, and after a couple of weeks, adult fleas emerge from the pupae.

Flea eggs are oval-shaped and non-sticky, they are made from animal fur can fall anywhere. The most favorite places for the development of larvae are bedding, carpet, upholstery, etc. Living in dust and lint, the larvae feed on the remains and waste of adult fleas. The flea can remain in the cocoon until its senses tell it that an animal has appeared nearby, and it immediately gets out of it. Thus, fleas living directly on a cat make up no more than 5% of the entire flea population, while the remaining 95% - eggs, larvae and pupae - are distributed throughout the house. How lovely!

A flea is not at all ha-ha!

Fleas can cause a number of serious problems in pets. diseases:

Moving through the fur and biting through the animal's skin, fleas cause the cat unbearable itching and quite severe pain. Flea saliva prevents blood clotting and contains about 15 different substances that irritate the skin and can cause flea allergic dermatitis . A serious allergic reaction can be caused by the bite of even one flea(!).

A great video about flea dermatitis (“we replace the dog with a cat”):

Feline infectious anemia can be transmitted through flea bites containing infected blood. hemobartonellosis . Its pathogen causes damage to red blood cells, damaging their membrane.

Fleas pose a particular threat to a pregnant cat, since after the birth of kittens they immediately pass on to them. Newborns are not able to fight fleas on their own, they develop anemia - anemia, and lose weight.

A large flea colony can cause death of an animal(!).

So, the enemy has been identified. Let's now look at what weapons give us modern science to fight him.

Fleas are very tenacious, but the devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Currently, veterinary pharmacies offer a huge selection anti-flea products. These include shampoos, collars, drops on the withers, and all kinds of sprays from various manufacturers, both Russian and foreign. It should be remembered that they all contain chemical substances. Therefore, when choosing a product, you must first carefully read the instructions: for which animal it is intended, at what age it can be used, for what weight the dose is calculated, methods of processing. Particular care should be taken if your pet is a sick or elderly animal, little kitty or a cat expecting offspring. You should not mix or combine different drugs, since even if these drugs are safe individually, if they are used simultaneously, the level of toxicity may increase. If any negative reaction occurs after treating your pet, it is better to bathe it in clean water and show it to the vet.

The most effective are drugs based on selamectin (Stronghold, manufactured by Pfizer Animal Health, USA), fipronil (Frontline, manufactured by MERIAL S.A.S., France) and imidacloprid (Advantage, manufactured by Bayer, Germany). These three drugs are probably the ones you should choose.

These drugs are in the form of “spot-on” - small disposable pipettes, drops on the withers - very convenient to use. The contents of the pipette are squeezed onto the skin (the fur is previously spread apart) into a place inaccessible to licking by the cat’s tongue - from the back of the head to the shoulder blades (if you have several animals, you should isolate them from each other for a while to avoid licking). There is no need to rub it in. The products provide cat protection from fleas, lice and lice for about 4 weeks. In addition, monthly use of drugs not only protects animals from infection, but also destroys the residual population of fleas, their eggs and larvae in the room.

The drug can also be used as one of the components of the treatment of flea allergic dermatitis.

Stronghold should not be used by kittens under 6 weeks of age, sick infectious diseases and convalescent animals.

Frontline Spot-On is not suitable for use on kittens under 8 weeks of age. The drug is recommended for treating lactating (nursing) and pregnant cats (avoiding licking).

Advantage The drug acts by contact (fleas die from contact with the treated surface). Advantage also kills larvae in the animal's habitat, which allows you to completely destroy the flea population indoors. The drug is waterproof. Its protective effect lasts for 4 weeks. It can be used in the treatment of flea allergy dermatitis.

Advantage can be used in kittens from 8 weeks of age, pregnant and lactating females, sick, weakened and old animals.

The drug has umbrella effect– it is enough to treat a nursing cat with the drug, this will protect the entire litter (kittens do not need to be treated!).

So, the fleas are defeated, the pet is safe.

And although the manufacturers of the above products guarantee the widespread destruction of fleas, just in case it’s worth doing cultivating the area . A vacuum cleaner will help with this, wet cleaning and the use of insecticidal preparations in solutions (Neostomozan, Butox) sprayed from a spray bottle, or special sprays.

A common problem with cats is fleas. Small insects can bring great harm for a pet: they cause discomfort to the cat and are carriers of various diseases. How to rid a cat of them?

How and with what to remove fleas from cats and kittens at home

Currently, there are many means to combat these insects: shampoos, drops, sprays, insecticidal collars.

Shampoo treatment

Shampoos are one of the common solutions. They can be used for both adult cats and small kittens.

The composition includes special insecticides, which eliminate not only fleas and deposited insect larvae. The advantage of shampoos is that they contain beneficial extracts medicinal plants, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Most shampoos are hypoallergenic.

You should not use shampoos frequently because toxic substances can accumulate in your pet's body.

Famous brands are “”, “Lugovoy”, “”, “Fitoelita”.

Quick drops

Drops – effective remedy. They are based on substances such as ivermectin, fipronil, permethrin and others.

The drug is applied to the cat’s withers to prevent the pet from licking it off. The mechanism is that the product accumulates in the animal’s skin and protects against harmful insects.

The drops must be used strictly according to the instructions!

Follow the rules:

  • the animal must be weighed to calculate the correct dose;
  • comb the coat thoroughly;
  • drops are applied to dry skin, the fur must be parted;
  • After using the drops, protect your pet from children and water procedures for two days.

Choose the drops carefully: not all are suitable for pregnant cats or small kittens, and can also cause an allergic reaction.

Treatment with collars

You cannot use a collar and other insect repellents at the same time: an overdose may occur in the body!

Effective sprays

Sprays - the product is sprayed onto the animal fresh air or in a well-ventilated area, at a distance of 30 cm from the cat. After twenty minutes, wash off. It is necessary to treat the place where the pet rests, plays and hangs out.

Sprays act quickly and protect even against ticks.


Injections – used for severely affected pets. The drugs Ivermectin, Lufenuron and others are used. This method protects the cat for up to six months.

Injections should only be given at a veterinary clinic.


Tablets - mainly used when external means cannot be used, for example, for dermatitis. The tablets contain the same insecticides that kill fleas.

This method should be used in consultation with a doctor, as the tablets can cause an allergic reaction.

Treatment for kittens differs from treatment for adult cats:

  • for kittens in the first month of life can only be used mechanical method– combing;
  • Pets older than 1 month can be treated with a special shampoo;
  • from 2 months it is possible to use drops, special sprays and shampoos;
  • from 3 months, special drops are used, for example, from the company “Bars”.

All medications must be used strictly according to the instructions!

Traditional methods for treating fleas on cats forever

Except medicines there are effective traditional methods fight against blood-sucking insects:

Unfortunately, after ridding the cat of fleas, it is necessary to disinfect the apartment in order to destroy them on the carpet, furniture and places where the cat hangs out.

To clean the carpet, you can use a vacuum cleaner, anti-flea powder or spray.

Furniture must be vacuumed and treated with special aerosols. Crevices and front door also a patron of protective and repellent means.

Carefully beat soft toys, blankets, pillows and dry them in the sun. For the prevention of an apartment or house, use wormwood. Place some grass leaves around the house.

You can use the services of disinfectants.

Are cat fleas dangerous for humans in an apartment?

Fleas pose a danger to adults and children. They can easily be transmitted from a pet to its owner. Insects leave bite marks on the body, cause itching and an allergic reaction, and are also carriers of various diseases:

  • salmonellosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • typhus;
  • listeriosis;
  • plague;
  • anthrax and many others.

Insects are also dangerous for people with sensitive skin: they cause an allergic reaction and severe itching.

Fleas cause harm to children: in addition to allergies and itching, they can cause difficulty breathing, runny nose and fever. Therefore, it is so important to treat your pet and home from them in a timely manner.

Blood-sucking insects - fleas, despite their small size, cause great harm to pets and people. Be sure to carry out preventive maintenance for cats and carefully monitor their health!

Fleas are Lilliputian insects. A person with poor eyesight is unlikely to see them, because the color of their body is inconspicuous brown tint, and the length does not exceed 2 mm. Microscopic external parameters allow these creatures to jump from place to place without much effort.

Exist different types fleas, but they are all identical at first glance. Cat fleas are very similar to human fleas and the differences between them can only be seen by a specialist using a special magnifying device.

To understand how to deal with fleas in cats, it is important to be able to distinguish them from ticks; the latter has 8 legs, while fleas have 6.

Sources of infection

Bloodsuckers can be transmitted to pets that go for walks from various sources:

Fleas on a cat cause him discomfort. The animal, with its restless behavior and constant scratching, will make it clear that it needs help. By spreading the hairs of the fur with your hands, you can see the presence of “guests”.

Other signs:

Also, ulcers may appear because the animal endlessly scratches the irritated areas - open wounds are formed that are accessible to various microbes.

There are studies that confirm the ability of bloodsuckers to transmit viruses of serious diseases, for example, salmonellosis.

How to remove fleas from a cat and from the premises?

How to get rid of fleas on a cat and eliminate them from your living space? In order for the liquidation to be successful, all actions must be performed comprehensively from the very beginning and possibly repeated more than once.

The fight includes the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to close all windows and doors in order to treat the home with the intended products. All corners and hidden places under the furniture (the furniture itself too) should be treated with anti-flea aerosols, and carpets and bedspreads should be cleaned and preferably fried in the sun.
  2. It is necessary to use flea products for cats to treat the cat's bedding and all places that the pet has chosen. In a private home, do not forget about the grass and the yard.
  3. Apply an effective remedy for fleas on cats to the mustache.
  4. Conduct general cleaning housing using insecticides.

The next method by which you can remove fleas is injections, which should be done once every six months.

For a short period, which is very convenient when moving, an anti-flea tablet will protect the animal (it is valid for 1 month).

Flea shampoo for cats and other additional measures

This economical option, in most cases, 1 ml of shampoo is designed for 4 kg of pet weight, so you can use it for more than 1 year.

Before water treatments, you should check the temperature of the water, then wet the fur of the mustachioed creature and apply the drug evenly over it. Then comes the most crucial moment - you need to wait 10 minutes and at the same time make sure that the shampoo does not flow into the eyes of the purr. Afterwards, rinse everything off carefully.

If the procedure does not work and after 2 days the bloodsuckers are observed in the pet again, then you need to change the brand of the product, or resort to other methods, for example, purchase drops for cats containing celandine in combination with active insecticides.

How to remove fleas from a kitten?

It is desirable that fleas do not appear on kittens at all, because for small, fragile creatures, such “cohabitation” (especially in newborn kittens) can be disastrous.

To understand how to get rid of fleas on a kitten, just read the information presented earlier. It is necessary to use anti-flea drugs, the main thing is that they are suitable for the kitten’s age.

There are very few products that can be used for up to 1 month; usually there is a limit of 3 months.

Most in a convenient way To free a kitten from fleas, droplets are used, because bathing is a lot of stress for the fluffy, and the sprays are distributed throughout the fur, which the animal will then begin to lick, which can harm itself.

Is a flea collar effective for cats?

Flea collars for cats are also beneficial, but they cannot always cure an animal of bloodsuckers that have already appeared. They are very convenient to use when walking to protect your pet and as a preventive tool.

For little fluffies, you can buy a collar for kittens, but there is a limitation - use from 2 months. You should protect your baby from flea scourge as best as possible, because not every medicine is approved for use for young children.

A flea collar for cats has some disadvantages - if worn for a long time, it can irritate your pet's skin and cause allergic reactions. But there are safer cat flea collars on the market, impregnated essential oils, such as celandine, wormwood, etc.

Folk remedies for fleas

Opponents chemicals can rid a cat of fleas using folk remedies. It is important to understand that the first time will not have the desired effect; it will take at least a week of patiently treating your pet with the following remedies.

What to do?

  1. Use decoctions for baths and external compresses (celandine, tansy, wormwood in equal proportions - take a mixture of dry herbs - 20 g for 2 glasses of water).
  2. Use salt solutions as compresses (it is good to dilute the salt in the decoction where the celandine was cooked).
  3. Crush 3 cloves of garlic, pour in 3 glasses of water and leave to brew overnight. Use as drops, distributing the liquid along the animal’s withers.

Many people, especially those with small children, are afraid of the composition of insecticidal preparations, so rather than using chemicals to remove fleas from a cat, it is better to use a folk alternative.

Are fleas transmitted from cats to humans?

As you know, fleas first feed on the blood of an animal, and then jump off the cat and find food for themselves. discreet place to lay eggs. Until hunger occurs, insects will live in piles of garbage, dust, litter and similar locations. Having become hungry, they again go in search of a food source, and it may turn out to be not only the pet, but also the owner.

Can cat fleas live on humans?

Considering how nasty the little bloodsuckers are, people are worried about their health. As you can already understand, it is unusual for fleas to live on the body of a host, so they jump on it only when hunger appears. The rest of the time, insects live in furniture, near baseboards, in bedding, and carpets.

Now we can return to the question of whether cat fleas can live permanently on humans. From the above we can conclude that bloodsuckers will not linger in public for long. Human skin lacks thick hair, so insects have nowhere to hide. Consequently, they will try to quickly drink the required amount of blood and go to shelter. They won't stay in public, so you don't have to worry about it.

The danger of fleas to humans

  1. It is necessary to treat all furniture and even floors with special solutions, because insects often hide there. It is recommended to shake out bedding, clothing, towels and similar items. It is advisable to wash them at a high temperature to ensure that they get rid of fleas.
  2. If people live in a private house, then the land will need to be further processed.
  3. It is necessary to process all the cat's belongings. You must not forget about the carrier, scratching post, bedding and other items.
  4. If the animal travels to vehicle, then it will also need to be processed.
  5. The room itself will need to be thoroughly cleaned using disinfectants. Need to rinse thoroughly hard to reach places- behind the closet, sofa, bed. This is where insects most often hide.
  6. It will be necessary to treat the animal by treating special means. Possible in veterinary pharmacy buy drops, spray and a special collar to scare away bloodsuckers. Additionally, it is recommended to use pet shampoo, which will remove not only adult animals, but also laid eggs.

If your pet's hair is falling out, then you need to see a veterinarian immediately. The doctor will prescribe restorative treatment in order to return your pet to a full life.

A person should treat any bites they find on their skin. This is necessary in order to prevent infection and quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. You will immediately need to wash the affected area with soap, and it is desirable that the product has a disinfecting effect. Next, you need to lubricate the area with vodka or alcohol. To eliminate itching and pain, you can apply ice by wrapping it in cotton cloth. If the itching does not go away, then it is recommended to use a weak soda solution or sulfur ointment.