Corrective gymnastics after naps as a set of special exercises aimed at preventing developmental disorders in children. Gymnastics complexes after naps in the senior group

Corrective gymnastics for children

There are traditional ( morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games and physical education minutes) and additional (massage, individual work for the correction of postural disorders) types of work on organizing the motor activity of children, as well as additional sets of exercises: eye gymnastics, relaxation and tension exercises separate groups muscles, breathing exercises relaxation. These exercises have a positive effect on the physical condition of children and on the emotional atmosphere in the group.
When carrying out the complex, it is necessary to know which muscle groups work during each exercise, and to monitor the condition of the children during and after the lesson. ABOUT correct use relaxation techniques demonstrated appearance child: calm facial expression, even, rhythmic breathing, sluggish, obedient hands, drowsiness. Classes are only effective when they are enjoyable for children.
The child should be taught to distinguish not only the large muscles of the arms and legs, but also the state of relaxation and tension of certain muscle groups when performing each exercise. The instructions must be clearly formulated and figurative. This will help attract and maintain the child’s interest, and ensure that when performing exercises, he automatically includes certain muscle groups in the work. For example: “Hands hang like rags, arms are limp, heavy, etc.”
Things to remember:
- during one session it is recommended to train no more than three muscle groups;
- relaxation should be longer than tension;
- some instructions given individual characteristics And emotional condition child, it is necessary to repeat more or less times than indicated.
The room in which the exercises are carried out must be ventilated, the air temperature is 20–22 degrees.

Muscle relaxation before bed
Unfortunately, in kindergarten it is difficult to carry out this complex, but at home, taking into account future workloads at school, it is possible to fulfill them.
IP: lying on the bed on your back, arms extended along the body.
1. Exercise to relax the arm muscles.
All muscle relaxation exercises before bed begin with this exercise. The setting for a state of general peace is pronounced slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.
We can dance
Run, jump, draw,
But we don’t know everything yet
Relax, rest.
We have a game like this -
Very light, simple.
Movement slows down
The tension disappears...
And it becomes clear -
Relaxation is nice!
We straighten our arms with force -
(Raise your arms, stretch them behind your head, stretch.)
It's like we're growing up.
(Deep breath, pause.)
And now we relax them,
Smoothly, gently lower.
(As you exhale, lower your arms along your body, relax your muscles.)
2. Exercise to relax the leg muscles.
What are these strange springs?
Have our backs straightened?
(Pull your toes towards you, rest your heels on the headboard.)
Pull up your socks
And be careful, don’t let go!
Legs relax
(Relax your leg muscles.)
They are trying to rest.
3. Exercise to relax the abdominal muscles. (Put your palms on the diaphragm area.)
Inflate the balloon
(Inhale, inflate your stomach.)
We check it with our hands.
Our balloon is deflating
The muscles relax
(Exhale, pull in your stomach.)
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
4. Self-massage of the face and neck.
Let's rub our palms together
Let's warm them up a little
(Rub your palms together.)
And warm palms
Let's wash ourselves like cats.
(Run the palms of both hands over your face from top to bottom.)
Rake rakes up all the bad thoughts
(Run your fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.)
Fingers run up and down so fast.
(Lightly tap your cheeks with your fingers.)
5. General relaxation.
Eyelashes droop...
Eyes close...
We rest peacefully... (2 times.)
We fall asleep in a magical sleep...
Our hands are resting...
They get heavy, fall asleep... (2 times.)
The neck is not tense
And she's relaxed...
The lips part slightly...
It's so nice to relax. (2 times.)
Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...
We have a wonderful rest, fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Exercising after a nap
Corrective gymnastics is a type of therapeutic gymnastics and consists of general and special parts. The general part is general strengthening exercises, which are components of the activity of a child with visual impairment; they contribute to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. Special correction (active corrective exercises) involves solving the main problems:
- strengthening the muscle corset, mainly the back muscles;
- prevention and treatment of functional insufficiency of the feet;
- strengthening the abdominal muscles;
- prevention of secondary deviations.
Each corrective gymnastics exercise is performed 6 times.

Method of performing gymnastics after a nap.
Health is the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with environment and the absence of any painful changes, this is an opportunity to optimally perform age-appropriate biological and social functions.
In order to jointly strengthen the health of a child, it is necessary to clearly know: the age-related characteristics of the physiology of the child’s body at each stage of its development and the activities necessary to maintain and improve his health.
The main goal of gymnastics after a nap is to raise the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrasting colors. air baths And physical exercise.
General tasks gymnastics:
To develop in children vital motor skills and abilities that help maintain correct posture, feet and correct spinal curvatures.
Promote harmonious, proportional development of the body, the formation of beautiful posture, and grace.
Develop the child’s motor abilities, plasticity, endurance, awareness while maintaining correct posture.
The gymnastics complex consists of several parts:
1 Gymnastics in bed
2 Exercises for the prevention of poor posture and flat feet
3 Breathing exercises
4 Individual tasks
5 Water procedures
While the children are sleeping, the teacher prepares a “cold” room (playroom), where the temperature, with the help of ventilation, is initially reduced by 3-5 degrees, compared to the “warm” room. Awakening occurs to the sounds of smooth music with a gradual increase in volume.
Gymnastics in bed is aimed at gradually transitioning children from sleep to wakefulness. The teacher starts it with the children who have already woken up, the rest join as they wake up. Gymnastics in bed includes stretching, alternately raising arms and legs, and a set of exercises starting from head to toe. The main rule is to avoid sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation and, as a result, dizziness. The duration of gymnastics in bed is about 2-3 minutes.
Then the children move to the “cold” room.
In the “cold” room, children perform corrective gymnastics: walking on their toes, on their heels, with high knees, in a floor squat outside feet, with a roll from heel to toe. It is important to monitor not only the correct execution of the exercises, but also the posture of the children. Then the children perform exercises to prevent postural disorders. To interest children, you can use cubes, gymnastic sticks, balls, rattles, etc. The duration of this part is 2-3 minutes.
Then breathing exercises are performed. Breathing exercises are important for restoring heart rhythm, relieving anxiety, strengthening the immune system, and preventing upper respiratory tract diseases.
Performing the “Steam Locomotive” breathing exercise: arms bent at the elbows, walking game room making alternating movements with your hands and saying: CHUH-CHUH-CHUH... You need to increase their dosage gradually from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes.
Then individual work with children is carried out. The teacher organizes it as independent activity children. For example, give children the task of collecting acorns, pebbles, etc. alternately with the right and left foot.
The gymnastics ends with water procedures (washing).
Thus, this form of physical activity helps the child quickly enter an active state, evokes positive emotions in him, and strengthens muscle tone. Used throughout the year different variants gymnastics
The total duration of gymnastics after naps for babies is 7-10 minutes, for older preschoolers – 10-15 minutes.

Gymnastics for waking up after a nap for the first and second junior groups
"We woke up"
1. “Happy Hands” - i. p.: lying on your back. Raise your arms to the sides and lower them down. (4 times)
2. “Frisky legs” - i. p.: the same. Alternately lift one leg or the other. (4 times)
3. “Bugs” - i. p.: the same. Rolls to the right, then to the left side. (4-6 times)
4. “Kitsty” - i. p.: standing on all fours. Move back and forth, bend down, bending your elbows, returning to the standing position. (4 times)
Walking in place is normal; they leave the bedroom on their toes.
The flower I.p. was sleeping: squatting, together under the cheek, eyes closed, head bowed.
And suddenly I. p. woke up: the same thing. Slowly open your eyes, lower your arms to your sides, and stand up.
Didn’t want to sleep anymore I. p.: standing. Turning the head left and right, pointing the finger “I didn’t want to.”
Stretched, smiled,
Soared up and flew Children perform movements according to the text. (2-3 times)
"Waking the Sun" first part.
1. “The sun is waking up” - I. p.: lying on your back. Raise your head, turn your head left and right. (4 times)
2. “The sun is bathing” - i. p.: the same. Wrap your arms around your knees and roll from side to side. (4 times)
3. “Solar charging” - i. p.: the same, arms extended back. Raise your arms and legs up and forward at the same time. (4 times)
4. “The sun is rising” - i. p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows. Rise up onto straight arms without lifting your legs off the bed. (4-5 times)
5. “The sun is high” - i. p.: sitting on your knees, supporting yourself with your hands in front. Rise up onto your hands and straight legs. (4 times)
6. “I am a big sun” - I. p.: standing on your feet near the crib. Raise your arms up to your sides, stretch, stand on your toes. (4 times)
Normal walking barefoot.
"Waking the Sun" part two.
1. “That’s how the sun rises” - and. p.: squatting, arms down. Stand up slowly, arms forward and up for each word.
2. “Higher, higher, higher” - i. p.: standing at the top, separated to the sides. Bend your torso down, hands on your knees, return to i. P.
3. “By night the sun will go down” - and. p.: the same. Squat down, lower your arms.
4. “Lower, lower, lower” - i. p.: squatting, arms down. Head tilts down, up and down.
5. “Okay, okay” - and. p.: standing. Clap your hands.
6. “The sun laughs” - i.p.: standing, hands on the belt. Turns the body left and right.
7. “And life is more fun under the sun” - and. p.: the same. Spinning in place in one direction and then in the other direction. (Repeat 2 times)
"Zainka - little bunny"
1. “Little bunny, cheer up, little gray one, stretch.” I. p.: standing, arms along the body. Rise up on your toes, arms out to your sides.
2. “Little bunny, turn around, little gray one, turn around” I. p.: standing, hands on your belt. Turn the body left and right, then i. P.
3. “Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance” I. p.: the same. Soft spring.
4. “Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow.” I. p.: the same. Bend the torso forward.
5. “Little bunny, walk around, little gray one, walk around” I. p.: the same. Walking in place.
6. “The bunny walked along the bridge” Walking on a ribbed board.
7. “Yes, over bumps, yes over bumps.” Walking on rubber mats. 3 floods.
1. “Breeze” - i. p.: lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Turn your head to the right, lower your right cheek onto the pillow, then also to the left. Onomatopoeia "fu-u-u".
2. “Flight of the breeze” - i. p.: the same. Spread your arms to the sides.
3. “The breeze is playing” - i. p.: the same, resting your hands on your elbows.
4. “The wind drives the clouds” - I. p.: standing on all fours. Movement of the torso back and forth, without lifting the legs and arms from the crib.
5. "Big" gray clouds" - And. p.: the same. Get up onto all fours.
6. “The wind blows across the fields, over forests and gardens” - normal walking turns into easy running.
“Forest adventures” part one.
1. “Bear in the den” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Rolls from side to side.
2. “Bunnies are runners” - and. p.: the same. Alternately lifting legs at a fast pace.
3. “Bunnies are cowards” - and. p.: the same. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands - “hide”; return to i. p., move your hands back - “appeared.”
4. “Curious crows” - i. p.: sitting on your knees. Get on your knees, spread your arms to the sides and make waves, say “car-r.”
5. “Squirrels on branches” - i. p.: standing near the bed, hands on the belt. Turns with a spring.
6. “Noble Deer” - i. p.: the same. Walking in place, raising your knees high.
“Forest Adventures” part two.
1. “Bear in a den” - i.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Rolls from side to side.
2. “Little bunnies” - and. p.: the same. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands - “hide”, return to i. p., move your hands back - “appeared.”
3. “The top-gray barrel” - and. p.: standing on all fours. Alternately stretching your legs up.
4. “Fox sisters” - and. p.: standing near the bed. Imitation of the movements of a fox on the spot.
5. “Christmas trees big and small” - i. p.: the same, hands on the belt. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head; then straighten up, stand on your toes, stretch, arms up.
“The Journey of a Snowflake” part one.
1. “Snowflakes wake up” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head left and right.
2. “Snowflakes-fluffs” - and. p.: the same. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to standing position.
3. “Snowflakes-ballerinas” - and. p.: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Torso rotations with wrist rotation.
4. “Snowfall” - i. p.: the same. Slow squats with arms down.
5. “Dance of Snowflakes” - I. n. the same. Spinning in place on your toes.
“The Journey of a Snowflake” part two.
1. “Snowflakes wake up” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head left to right.
2. “Snowflakes-fluffs” - and. p.: the same. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to i. P.
3. “A ball of snowflakes” - i. p.: sitting on the bed. Bend your knees and clasp your hands, lower your head; then straighten up, arms back, legs extended, head up.
4. “Snowflakes-airplanes” - and. p.: sitting on your knees, arms down. Rise up on your knees, arms to the sides.
5. “The blizzard sweeps up the snowflakes” - and. p.: standing near the bed. Bend your torso forward, wave your arms – “blizzard”.
6. “Snowfall” - i. p.: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Small squats with arms down.
Walking on a fleecy rug, stamping and stroking the foot on the rug.

Corrective gymnastics in the middle group

Card No. 1

Exercises in the crib:
2. “Kitten” - I. p.: lying in the position of a sleeping cat, “ball”. The kitten kneels down and arches its back with the sound “sh-sh-sh” (3 times).
3. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, spread toes to the sides, etc. n. (3 times).
4. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, return to i. p. (3 times).
Health track
We clap our hands, clap, clap
(clapping overhead)
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
(raise our knees high)
Shaking our heads
(head forward back)
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
(hands up, hands down)
We squat low and stand up

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “sh-sh-sh” (mouth tightly closed). (2 times)
2. “Inflate the balloon.” Stand with your feet apart, holding an imaginary ball in your hands. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your mouth. On the count of “three, four,” exhale forcefully through the mouth, simulating an expanding ball with hand movements. Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace.
Card No. 2
"Cheerful kitten"
1. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.
2. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt of the knees to the left, in the i.p., tilt of the knees to the right, in the i.p.
3. I.P.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees
pull them to the chest, with the sound “f-f” - exhale, IP, inhale (through the nose).
4. I.P.: the same, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose,
drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.
5. I.p.: standing, legs apart, hands down. Clap your hands - exhale; spread your palms to the sides - inhale.
6. IP: Stretching: reached to the ceiling, returned to IP.
Card No. 3
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. Arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, and. p.(3-4 times)
3. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, shaking the head to the right side in i. p. also to the left. (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Leaf fall
Leaves are falling, falling,
It's leaf fall in our garden.
Wave your arms.
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Turn around yourself.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. "Ku-ka-re-ku." I. p. legs apart, arms down. They raise their arms to the sides, and then slap them on their thighs and, exhaling, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” (3-4 times)
2. "Breeze". Sit on the floor, legs apart. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long exhalation (alternately slowly - quickly, simulating wind. Repeat 3-4 times.
Card No. 4
"Walk on the Sea"
1. “Stretch”. IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching, IP.
2. "Slide". I.P.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, resting on the hands
arms and heels of straightened legs, raise the pelvis up, hold, return to the i.p.
3. "Boat". IP: lying on your stomach, arms up, bend over (raise
upper and lower parts of the body), hold, return to i.p.
4. "Wave". I.p.: kneeling, hands on your belt, sit to the right of your heels,
hands to the left, I.P., sit to the left of the heels, hands to the right, I.P.
5. "Ball". IP: o.s., jumping on two legs while throwing the ball in front of you.
6. “Let’s listen to our breathing.” I.p.: o.s., the muscles of the torso are relaxed.
In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine which part of the body moves when inhaling and exhaling.
(stomach, chest, shoulders in waves), quiet or noisy breathing.
Card No. 5
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: sitting, hands supported behind, tilt your head forward, touch your chin to your chest, and. n, move your head back, i. p. (3-4 times)
3.I. p.: sitting, arms resting behind, legs bent at the knees, clasp your knees with your hands, etc. P.
4. “Snake” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, emphasis on outstretched arms. The head proudly turns left - right and makes the sound “Sh... Sh... Sh...” (4 times).
Exercises on the mat:
There lived a parrot in the world.
Spread your wings wider.
(Arms to the sides, left, right.)
He loved to fly higher than everyone else
Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.
(Stretch on your toes, arms up.)
I flew to visit the children,
I rested with them,
(Do squats.)
Jumped, bowed, played pranks,
(Tilt the head or body forward.)
I talked to the kids.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “y-y-y” (mouth tightly closed). (2 times)
2. “Let’s grow big.” On the count of “one, two,” raise your arms up, inhale; on the count of “three, four,” raise your arms down, exhale. (4 times)
Card No. 6
"Walk in the Woods"
1. “Stretch”. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body, stretching.
2. “The forest dweller sleeps in a hanging cradle in the summer” (walnut). I.P.: lying on
back, arms along the body, inhale, sit with straight legs, hands to toes, exhale, inhale, etc.
3. “Here the Christmas tree bent over, green needles.” I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart,
hands below, inhale, exhale, tilt the torso forward, inhale, etc., exhale, tilt.
4. “Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.” I.p.: o.s. breath, hands
sides, exhale, tilt the body to the right, inhale, exhale, tilt the body to the left.
5. “The children in berets fell from a branch and lost their berets” (acorns). I.P.: o.s., hands
behind your head, inhale - rise on your toes, exhale - sit down.
6. “Alena is standing, green foliage, thin figure, white sundress” (birch).
7. I.p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, inhale, arms through the sides up, rise on your toes, exhale, i.p.
Card No. 7
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel” (3-4 times)
3. I. p.: sitting, hands on knees, head rotation to the right, left side (3-4 times)
4. “Log” and. p.: lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
White snow, fluffy.
Wave your arms.
Spinning in the air
Turn around yourself.
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
Squat down.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “o-o-o” (mouth tightly closed). (3 times)
2. "Steam locomotive". Walking in place or around the room with alternating movements with bent arms and simulating the sound of a departing or stopping train: “Wh-hoo! Whaaaah! » Repeat for 35-40 seconds.

Card No. 8
1. I.p. Sitting, cross your legs “Turkish style”. From above, use the finger of your right hand to show the trajectory of its movement, follow with your eyes. “The first drop fell - drop!”
2. Do the same with the other hand. “And the second one came running - drop!”
3. I.P. Same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.
"We looked at the sky,
The droplets sang “drip-drip”,
Faces got wet."
4. I.p. Same. Wipe your face with your hands and get to your feet. “We wiped them down.”
5. I.P.: o.s. Show with your hands, look down. “Look, your shoes are wet.”
6. I.P.: o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders.
“Let’s move our shoulders together
And we’ll shake off all the droplets.”
7. I.P.: o.s. Run in place. Repeat 3-4 times
“We’ll run away from the rain.”
8. I.P.: o.s. Squats. “We’ll sit under a bush.”

Card No. 9

Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind you, spread your toes to the sides, and. p. (3-4 times)
3. “The clock is ticking” I. p.: sitting, hands on your knees, shaking your head to the right and left. (3-4 times)
4. I. p.: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. Alternately place your head on your right and left shoulder. (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Winter evening in the blue sky
(get up from the table)
The blue stars are lit
The branches are pouring blue frost
(shaking your hands, sit down slowly)
On the snow-covered snow.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “uh-uh” (mouth tightly closed). (4 times)
2. “Blow away a snowflake.” Standing on the floor, legs apart, hand near your mouth, blow imaginary snowflakes from your hand. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long and slow exhalation, simulating blowing out a candle. Repeat 3-4 times.

Card number 10
I.P.: lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your arms up, stretch,
hands forward, etc.
IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, IP.
I.P.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported at the back, toes spread to the sides, etc.
"A pedestrian". I.P. the same, stepping with your toes, bending your knees, the same with straightening your legs.
"Hammers." I.p.: sitting, legs bent, arms supported behind the back, toes on the toes, hitting the floor with the left heel.
I.P.: hands on the belt, roll from toes to heels.

Card No. 11

Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3 times)
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to i. p. (3 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs apart, arms supported behind. Tilt the soles of your feet towards the center, return to i. p. (4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
It's cold and windy outside,
Children are walking in the yard.
Walk in place.
Hands warm
Hands are rubbed.
So that your feet don't get cold,
Let's stomp a little.
We are not afraid of frost,
We dance merrily.
Rub hand in hand, stomp, dance along the text.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “mm-mm” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. Bend forward – inhale with each bend. Run 4 times.
Card number 12
I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, etc.
IP: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), massage of the big toes, starting from the pad to the base.
I.P. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nails to the base with pressure (internal and external).
I.P. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking the hands - from the fingers to the shoulder.
I.P. the same, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open, repeat 5-6 times.
IP: walking in place with high knees.

Card number 13
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching, etc. p. (4 times)
2. “Bicycle” - I. p.: lying on your back, pedal with the sound “w-w-w” (3-4 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees, pull them towards your chest, and... p. (3 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, arms up, bend over, return to i. p. (3 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Let's harden ourselves
I'm tempering myself in the morning,
Flapping motion on water.
I douse myself with water.
Movement of throwing water on oneself.
Let the body be red,
Stroking hands.
And let his mouth be toothy.
Let your hands be clean
Imitation of soaping hands.
And your legs will be fast.
Run in place.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “oo-oo-oo” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “The ball inflated and burst.” Place your hands on your stomach, inhale, feeling that your stomach is inflated like a ball, and pronounce “sh-sh-sh” as you exhale. (2 times)

Card number 14
"I'm lying in the sun"
Who sleeps sweetly in bed? It's high time to get up. Hurry up to charge,
We won't wait for you! Breathe deeply through your nose, keep your back straight.
IP: lying on your back, arms along your body, tense your body, inhale, hold for a few seconds, relax, exhale.
IP: lying on your back, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in IP, inhale.
I.P.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, raise straight left leg, raise your right leg straight, keep them together, etc. (lower at the same time).
IP: lying on your back, hands resting on your elbows, bend over, lift your chest up, keep your head straight (3-5 sec.), return to IP.
IP: lying on your stomach, hands behind your head, bend over, hands to your shoulders, legs on the floor, hold, IP.
IP: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, placing emphasis on your forearms, neck stretched - inhale, exhale.

Card number 15
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. “Clock” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head right - left. (4 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, spread the toes to the sides, and. p. (4 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, arms along the body, raise his right leg, and. n. also left. (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
We are funny nesting dolls, okay, okay.
We have boots on our feet, little boots, little boots.
In our colorful sundresses, okay, okay,
We look alike, like sisters, ok, ok.
Children perform light dance movements. Breathing is free. Watch your posture. The adult sings along with the children.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “a-a-a” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “Hedgehogs” - I. p.: sitting on the mat, legs together, emphasis on the hands behind. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest, slowly exhale with the sound: “F-f-f.” Straighten your legs - inhale. (3-4 times).
Card number 16
I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), i.p., raise your left leg (straight), i.p.
I.P.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel”, “riding a bicycle”, etc.
I.P.: lying on your back, arms up, turn your torso to the right, without lifting your feet from the floor, i.p., turn the torso to the left, i.p.
IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front (elbows touching each other) - exhale, IP, elbows touching the floor - inhale.
I.P.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, arms through the sides up, inhale, exhale.
I.P.: o.s., take correct posture without visual control
(eyes closed), repeat 3-4 times.

Card number 17
Exercises in the crib:
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body, raise straight legs up, and. p. (2 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs together, hands supported behind, bend your knees, pull them to your chest with the sound “f-f” (3 times)
4. “Log” I. p. lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Daisies on the lawn
The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt. -
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm friends with daisies
I sway quietly in the wind,
I bend low and low.
Stand up, arms to the sides. Tilt to the left, stepping with your feet. The same - to the right. Repeat 2-4 times at an average pace. Stand up, legs apart. Bend forward, arms down. Simultaneous pendulum-like movements of the arms from left to right and from right to left. Repeat 2-3 times at a slow pace.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “z-z-z” (mouth tightly closed). (4 times)
2. “Blow on the candle.” Sit on the floor, legs apart, holding an imaginary candle in your hand. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long and slow exhalation, simulating blowing out a candle. Repeat 3-4 times.
Card number 18
IP: sitting, legs crossed. Look up without raising your head and move your finger behind the flying plane (following with your eyes).
A plane flies by, I was about to take off with it.
I.P. Same. Take away right hand to the side (follow with your gaze), the same is done to the left. He took the right wing away and looked.
He withdrew his left wing and took a look.
I.p. Same. Perform rotational movements in front of the chest and follow with your eyes. “I’m starting the engine. And I look closely."
I.P.: o.s. stand on your toes and perform flying movements.
I rise up, I fly. I don't want to go back.
I.P.: o.s., close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times).
I.P.: o.s., blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.

Card number 19
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. I. p. sitting, arms supported behind, head tilted to the right and left, 2 times in each direction.
3. I. p. sitting, hands supported behind, raise your legs, bent at the knees, swing them. (3 times)
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, hands in front, raise your right leg, then your left (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Bunny washes himself
The gray bunny washes himself,
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and wiped it dry!
Children perform appropriate movements. Then the children jump on two legs, moving forward - the bunnies come to visit. After this, the children return to their places.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “zh-zh-zh” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “The geese are hissing.” Stand with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. “One, two, three, four” - lean forward and, stretching your neck, say with an extended exhalation: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace.
Card number 20
“Two brothers live across the street...”
I.P.: sitting, legs crossed, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open
(repeat 8-10 times).
I.P. the same, blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.
I.P. the same, massage the eyes through closed eyelids in a circular motion index fingers within 1 min.
I.P. the same, lightly press the upper eyelid with three fingers of each hand,
in 1-2 seconds. Remove your fingers from the eyelid, repeat 3-7 times.
I.p. the same, look away to the right, to the left.
I.P. the same, look up and down.

Card number 21
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, left hand up, along the body (3 times).
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, and. p. (3-4 times)
3. I. p. legs straight, arms supported behind, spread toes to the sides, etc. p. (3-4 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. Place your head on your right shoulder, then your left shoulder (4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
Piglet Piglet
I rested myself in a barrel.
Got to my feet
And then he sat down and bent over
And he jumped a little
And he walked on the spot.
And then he lay down again,
But on the left side.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “o-o-o” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. "Dandelion". The adult suggests blowing on the flower so that all the fluff flies off. Take a deep breath through the nose and mouth and exhale sharply. Repeat (3-4 times).
Card number 22
IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise straight legs up, IP.
"Log." IP: lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back.
"Boat". I.P. lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, hands to your shoulders - inhale, etc. - exhale.
"Barrier". I.P.: lying on your stomach, arms along your body, raise your right leg, i.p., raise your left leg, i.p.
« Ladybug" IP: sitting on your heels, straighten up, stretch up, sit on your heels, bend forward, touch your knees with your nose, move your arms back, etc.
Walking in place.

Card number 23
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. “Wave” - I. p.: lying on your back. Bend your legs and pull your knees towards your stomach, straighten. Pause 3-5 seconds. and lower your legs (3-4 times).
3. I. p. sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, tilt your head forward, touch your chin to your chest and. p. also back. (4 times)
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, alternately placing your head on your right shoulder, then on your left shoulder. (3-4 times)
Exercises on the mat:
A goblin walked along the path,
walking in place
I found a mushroom in a clearing.
One is a fungus, two is a fungus
Here's the full box.
The goblin groans, tired,
From doing squats.
Leshy performed a warm-up
And he sat down on the path.
walking in place
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “s-s-s” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. "Divers". We spread our arms to the sides and inhale through our mouths. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (we lower ourselves under the water). Exhale through your mouth. (3-4 times)

Corrective gymnastics is a type of physical therapy. It is a system of simple exercises aimed at strengthening a specific muscle group. In this article we will tell you how corrective gymnastics after sleep affects the physical development of preschool children, and we will also offer several complexes for different age groups.

General information

Preserving and strengthening the health of a child is one of the important tasks of preschool education. That is why in kindergarten special attention is paid to physical education and health activities. In addition to compulsory classes, preschool institutions morning exercises are carried out daily, outdoor games are organized during walks, and physical education minutes and finger gymnastics are provided during classes. Corrective gymnastics occupies a special place in this system, since its goal is to strengthen various muscle groups, form correct posture and prevent flat feet in children. It is most convenient to carry out this useful exercise after a nap before an afternoon snack. Not difficult exercises will help children wake up and provide a supply of energy during the second half of the day. In addition, regular classes will help your child develop a caring attitude towards their health and prevent the occurrence of colds.

Features of the event

Every teacher and caring parent knows that the main activity in preschool age- It's a game. Therefore, it is recommended that all children’s activities be carried out in a playful way. And corrective gymnastics is no exception to the rule. Therefore, we recommend including surprise moments during a set of exercises, giving tasks in poetic form, ask children riddles. It is best to perform exercises with quiet but cheerful music. This approach will ensure that children become interested in physical education and will give them a lot of positive emotions.

Gymnastics in different age groups

It is important to remember that in each kindergarten group physical education poses different tasks. Exercises are developed based on knowledge about the age characteristics and health group of children. This approach not only helps strengthen muscles and improve posture, but also does not harm those children who need specific care or treatment. Therefore, before carrying out a set of exercises, it is necessary to find out whether there are contraindications in each specific case, and take into account the wishes of the attending physician. Each new complex should be introduced carefully, first learning it with children, and then improving each exercise. To keep children interested in gymnastics, you should change the complexes every two weeks.

Corrective gymnastics in the middle group

At this age, the teacher faces the following tasks:

  • Strengthen children's health.
  • Form motor skills.
  • Develop plasticity, the ability to listen to the teacher and repeat his actions.

Each complex consists of several parts:

  • Exercises in bed.
  • Exercises in a group on mats (with and without equipment) - gymnastics is carried out in a well-ventilated room.
  • Breathing exercises.

Sample exercises for the main part:

  • Walking along massage paths, on tiptoes and heels. At this time, you can place your hands on your belt or shoulders.
  • Walk by lifting your knees high and then swinging your legs back.
  • Crawling on all fours - "Cat" exercise.
  • Children stand in a circle at arm's length. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Perform body turns several times.
  • I.p.: standing, put your hands on your shoulders and start jumping - legs first apart, and then together. You should breathe through your nose.
  • Perform several squats, stretching your arms forward.
  • Breathing exercise “Blow a snowflake from your hand.”

After class, you can proceed to water procedures.

Corrective gymnastics in the senior group

In this age group Previously assigned tasks are saved and new ones are added. For example, a teacher tries to instill in children a love of physical activity and healthy image life. Explains why corrective gymnastics and hardening are needed. Exercises in bed after a nap are also preserved here. These are the familiar “Pulling”, pulling your toes forward and towards you. The basic set of exercises looks like this:

  • The warm-up takes place in a group - it is advisable that the temperature after ventilation be two or three degrees lower than usual. Children practice in socks and lightweight clothing. The first exercise, as usual, is walking, walking on your toes and heels, on the outside and inside of the foot.
  • Squatting movement " goose step", placing his hands on his knees.
  • Children stand straight around the teacher, clasping their fingers behind their backs. Bend forward and turn to the sides.
  • Steps in place.
  • Claps under the raised leg.
  • Jumping - arms rise and fall down. Alternate with walking.
  • Breathing exercise “Blow out the candle.”

When charging is complete, proceed to water procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group

At this age, children are offered to perform more complex exercises, are taught active movements and consolidate the skills of self-massage of arms, legs and biologically active points. Corrective gymnastics in preparatory group often includes a number of hardening procedures - walking barefoot, taking air baths, extensive washing (rinsing hands, face, neck and chest with water). An approximate set of basic exercises looks like this:

  • Exercising in bed: stretching, rotating the hands, warming up the neck muscles (turns and nods), warming up the feet (toes stretch towards you and forward).
  • In a group, children walk in circles on their toes and heels, on the outside and inside of the foot, crawl on all fours along a narrow path, perform the “broad step” exercise, and others.
  • Next, everyone moves to the group mats and lies on their backs. The task is to alternately raise your legs up and clap under the knee.
  • Exercise "Bicycle".
  • IP: lying on your stomach, arms extended. At the same time, lift your limbs up, bending at the lower back. You can stay in this position for five seconds.
  • Breathing exercises - exercise “Blowing up a balloon.”

Corrective gymnastics - important element physical development of children in preschool age. Therefore, it is important to perform it regularly at the same time.

Card No. 1

Exercises in the crib:

2. “Kitten” - I. p.: lying in the position of a sleeping cat, “ball”. The kitten kneels down and arches its back with the sound “sh-sh-sh” (3 times).
3. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, spread toes to the sides, etc. n. (3 times).
4. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, return to i. p. (3 times).

Health track
We clap our hands, clap, clap
(clapping overhead)
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
(raise our knees high)
Shaking our heads
(head forward back)
Author: Kudryavets Larisa Vasilievna
Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 7 combined type municipality Shcherbinovsky district, Staroshcherbinovskaya village
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
(hands up, hands down)
We squat low and stand up
Phys. just a minute
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “sh-sh-sh” (mouth tightly closed). (2 times)
2. “Inflate the balloon.” Stand with your feet apart, holding an imaginary ball in your hands. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your mouth. On the count of “three, four,” exhale forcefully through the mouth, simulating an expanding ball with hand movements. Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace.

Card No. 2
Corrective gymnastics after a nap
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. Arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, and. p.(3-4 times)
3. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, shaking the head to the right side in i. p. also to the left. (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Leaf fall
Leaves are falling, falling,
It's leaf fall in our garden.
Wave your arms.
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Turn around yourself.

Phys. just a minute
Breathing exercises:
1. "Ku-ka-re-ku." I. p. legs apart, arms down. They raise their arms to the sides, and then slap them on their thighs and, exhaling, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” (3-4 times)
2. "Breeze". Sit on the floor, legs apart. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long exhalation (alternately slowly - quickly, simulating wind. Repeat 3-4 times.

Card No. 3
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.

Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: sitting, hands supported behind, tilt your head forward, touch your chin to your chest, and. n, move your head back, i. p. (3-4 times)
3.I. p.: sitting, arms resting behind, legs bent at the knees, clasp your knees with your hands, etc. P.
4. “Snake” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, emphasis on outstretched arms. The head proudly turns left - right and makes the sound “Sh... Sh... Sh...” (4 times).
Exercises on the mat:
There lived a parrot in the world.
Spread your wings wider.
(Arms to the sides, left, right.)
He loved to fly higher than everyone else
Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.
(Stretch on your toes, arms up.)
I flew to visit the children,
I rested with them,
(Do squats.)
Jumped, bowed, played pranks,
(Tilt the head or body forward.)
I talked to the kids.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “y-y-y” (mouth tightly closed). (2 times)
2. “Let’s grow big.” On the count of “one, two,” raise your arms up, inhale; on the count of “three, four,” raise your arms down, exhale. (4 times)

Card No. 4
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel” (3-4 times)
3. I. p.: sitting, hands on knees, head rotation to the right, left side (3-4 times)
4. “Log” and. p.: lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
White snow, fluffy.
Wave your arms.
Spinning in the air
Turn around yourself.
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
Squat down.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “o-o-o” (mouth tightly closed). (3 times)
2. "Steam locomotive". Walking in place or around the room with alternating movements with bent arms and simulating the sound of a departing or stopping train: “Wh-hoo! Whaaaah! » Repeat for 35-40 seconds.

Card No. 5
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, etc. p. (3-4 times)
2. I. p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind you, spread your toes to the sides, and. p. (3-4 times)
3. “The clock is ticking” I. p.: sitting, hands on your knees, shaking your head to the right and left. (3-4 times)
4. I. p.: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. Alternately place your head on your right and left shoulder. (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Winter evening in the blue sky
(get up from the table)
The blue stars are lit
The branches are pouring blue frost
(shaking your hands, sit down slowly)
On the snow-covered snow.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “uh-uh” (mouth tightly closed). (4 times)
2. “Blow away a snowflake.” Standing on the floor, legs apart, hand near your mouth, blow imaginary snowflakes from your hand. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long and slow exhalation, simulating blowing out a candle. Repeat 3-4 times.

Card No. 6
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3 times)
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to i. p. (3 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs apart, arms supported behind. Tilt the soles of your feet towards the center, return to i. p. (4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
It's cold and windy outside,
Children are walking in the yard.
Walk in place.
Hands warm
Hands are rubbed.
So that your feet don't get cold,
Let's stomp a little.
We are not afraid of frost,
We dance merrily.
Rub hand in hand, stomp, dance along the text.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “mm-mm” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. Bend forward – inhale with each bend. Run 4 times.

Card No. 7
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching, etc. p. (4 times)
2. “Bicycle” - I. p.: lying on your back, pedal with the sound “w-w-w” (3-4 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees, pull them towards your chest, and... p. (3 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, arms up, bend over, return to i. p. (3 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Let's harden ourselves
I'm tempering myself in the morning,
Flapping motion on water.
I douse myself with water.
Movement of throwing water on oneself.
Let the body be red,
Stroking hands.
And let his mouth be toothy.
Let your hands be clean
Imitation of soaping hands.
And your legs will be fast.
Run in place.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “oo-oo-oo” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “The ball inflated and burst.” Place your hands on your stomach, inhale, feeling that your stomach is inflated like a ball, and pronounce “sh-sh-sh” as you exhale. (2 times)

Card No. 8
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. “Clock” - I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head right - left. (4 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, spread the toes to the sides, and. p. (4 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, arms along the body, raise his right leg, and. n. also left. (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
We are funny nesting dolls, okay, okay.
We have boots on our feet, little boots, little boots.
In our colorful sundresses, okay, okay,
We look alike, like sisters, ok, ok.
Children perform light dance movements. Breathing is free. Watch your posture. The adult sings along with the children.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “a-a-a” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “Hedgehogs” - I. p.: sitting on the mat, legs together, emphasis on the hands behind. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest, slowly exhale with the sound: “F-f-f.” Straighten your legs - inhale. (3-4 times).

Card No. 9
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body, raise straight legs up, and. p. (2 times)
3. I. p. sitting, legs together, hands supported behind, bend your knees, pull them to your chest with the sound “f-f” (3 times)
4. “Log” I. p. lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Daisies on the lawn
The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt. -
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm friends with daisies
I sway quietly in the wind,
I bend low and low.
Stand up, arms to the sides. Tilt to the left, stepping with your feet. The same - to the right. Repeat 2-4 times at an average pace. Stand up, legs apart. Bend forward, arms down. Simultaneous pendulum-like movements of the arms from left to right and from right to left. Repeat 2-3 times at a slow pace.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “z-z-z” (mouth tightly closed). (4 times)
2. “Blow on the candle.” Sit on the floor, legs apart, holding an imaginary candle in your hand. On the count of “one, two,” take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; “three, four” - long and slow exhalation, simulating blowing out a candle. Repeat 3-4 times.

Card number 10
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. I. p. sitting, arms supported behind, head tilted to the right and left, 2 times in each direction.
3. I. p. sitting, hands supported behind, raise your legs, bent at the knees, swing them. (3 times)
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, hands in front, raise your right leg, then your left (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Bunny washes himself
The gray bunny washes himself,
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and wiped it dry!
Children perform appropriate movements. Then the children jump on two legs, moving forward - the bunnies come to visit. After this, the children return to their places.
Walking along corrective paths.
Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “zh-zh-zh” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. “The geese are hissing.” Stand with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. “One, two, three, four” - lean forward and, stretching your neck, say with an extended exhalation: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat 3-4 times at a slow pace.

Card No. 11
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the left arm up, along the body (3 times).
2. I. p. lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, and. p. (3-4 times)
3. I. p. legs straight, arms supported behind, spread toes to the sides, etc. p. (3-4 times)
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. Place your head on your right shoulder, then your left shoulder (4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
Piglet Piglet
I rested myself in a barrel.
Got to my feet
And then he sat down and bent over
And he jumped a little
And he walked on the spot.
And then he lay down again,
But on the left side.
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose with the pronunciation of the sound: “o-o-o” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. "Dandelion". The adult suggests blowing on the flower so that all the fluff flies off. Take a deep breath through the nose and mouth and exhale sharply. Repeat (3-4 times).

Card number 12
Corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep.
Exercises in the crib:
1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back, while inhaling, stretch your arms up above your head. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, the child relaxes and says: “Fuuuu” (3-4 times)
2. “Wave” - I. p.: lying on your back. Bend your legs and pull your knees towards your stomach, straighten. Pause 3-5 seconds. and lower your legs (3-4 times).
3. I. p. sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, tilt your head forward, touch your chin to your chest and. p. also back. (4 times)
4. I.p. lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, alternately placing your head on your right shoulder, then on your left shoulder. (3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:
A goblin walked along the path,
walking in place
I found a mushroom in a clearing.
One is a fungus, two is a fungus
Here's the full box.
The goblin groans, tired,
From doing squats.
Leshy performed a warm-up
And he sat down on the path.
walking in place
Walking along corrective paths.

Breathing exercises:
1. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “s-s-s” (mouth tightly closed). (3-4 times)
2. "Divers". We spread our arms to the sides and inhale through our mouths. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (we lower ourselves under the water). Exhale through your mouth. (3-4 times)



Complex No. 1. First, second weeks
Gymnastics in bed.
1. “Stretching” .!I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.

Prevention of flat feet.
Corrective walking ("let's go to the forest") in alternation with normal walking: on the toes ("fox"), on the heels ("there is dew on the grass, don't get your feet wet"), on the outside of the foot ("bear"), with high lifting knees (“elk”), in a half-squat (“hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“we will walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).

Physical education lesson “My back is straight.” I.p. – narrow stance, hands behind the back, intertwined in a lock.
My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending (leaning forward):
I straighten up, bend over, turn around (actions in accordance with the text).
I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight (walking in place).
One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso turns)!
I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again (actions in accordance with the text). I'll lean here and there! Oh, straight back (torso bends)!
One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso turns)!

"Flight to the moon"

Water procedures.

Complex No. 2. Third, fourth weeks.
Gymnastics in bed.
1. “Stretching” I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.
2. "Let's rest." I.p. – lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees. Repeat 3-4 times.
3. Self-massage of the head (“let’s wash your head”). I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Sasha still had foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Prevention of flat feet.
Corrective walking on a rubber mat with spikes. I.p. - standing between the beds. Walking in place; rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel; squatting on toes; “bicycle” (press the pedals one by one). Repeat each exercise 10 times.

Prevention of postural disorders.
Physical education lesson “Hands to the sides.” I.p. - standing near the bed.
Hands to the sides, in a fist (arms to the sides, fingers in a fist, back straight),
Hands up, in a fist (hands up, fingers in a fist, back straight),
Let's open it to the side (hands on the belt).
Rise up on your toes (stand on your toes, back straight),
Squat and straighten up (sit down and stand, back straight). To grow faster (arms up, stretch),
Stretch harder (arms relaxed downwards).

Breathing and sound gymnastics.
"Flight to the moon"
When performing the exercises, inhale through the nose, mouth closed.
"Let's start the engine." I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands in front of your chest, clenched into fists. Inhale – i.p.; exhale – rotate your bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; At the same time, pronounce “R-r-r-r” with one breath. Repeat 4-6 times.
"We're flying on a rocket." I.p. – on your knees, arms up, palms together above your head. Inhale – i.p.; long exhale - sway from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to the other, pronounce drawn out: “U-u-u-u-u.” Repeat 4-6 times.
“We put on the spacesuit helmet.” I.p. – squatting, hands clasped above your head. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: “Chick.” Repeat 4-6 times.
"Let's get into the lunar rover." I.p. – narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - full squat, arms forward, say: “Wow!” Repeat 4-6 times.
"Lunatics." I.p. – stand on your knees, arms bent at the elbows and spread to the sides, fingers apart. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - tilt your torso to the side, say: “Hee-hee.” Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.
"Let's breathe in Fresh air on the ground". I.p. – legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale – raise your arms up through the sides; exhale – lower your arms smoothly, say: “Ah!” Repeat 4-6 times.
Water procedures.

Complex No. 3. First, second weeks.
1. “Autumn cloud” I.p. - lying on your back. Children frown like an autumn cloud, while the facial muscles first tense, then relax. Repeat 5 times.
2. “Leaves are falling” I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Raise your arms in front of your chest, move them to the sides, lower them. Raise, connect in front of the chest, lower. Repeat 6 times.
3. “Warm - cold” I.p. – lying on your back, arms to the sides. When they hear the word “cold,” children raise their legs, bent at the knees, and clasp them with their hands. On the word “heat” they return to i. n. Repeat 6 times.
4. “Frozen” I.p. – lying on your right side, your right arm raised up, your left arm along your body. Raise your left leg and left arm at the same time. Return to i. n. The same with the right foot and hand. Repeat 5 times.
5. “The sun came out” I.p. – sitting on the bed, legs bent at the knees. Smile like the sun.
6. “Woke up” IP - sitting on the bed, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-3 forward bends. 4-in i.p. Repeat 6 times.

Prevention of flat feet
Walking along the “paths of health.”
Prevention of postural disorders.
Physical education lesson “We checked our posture.” I.p. – hand stand on the belt or behind the back.
We checked posture (walking on toes in place)
And they pulled their shoulder blades together.
We walked on our toes
And then on your heels (walking on your heels).
We walk like all the guys (walking in place),
And like a bear with club feet (walking on the outer arch of the foot).
Then we'll go faster (running in place)
And then we’ll move on to running. (walking in place)

Breathing exercises.
1. Inflate 3-4 times balloon. Competition between children “Who has the bigger ball?”
2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostril exhaling through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.
3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale slowly.
4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or piece of paper from their palm and arrange a competition.
Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.
Collecting chestnuts with either the right or left foot.
Water procedures .

Complex No. 4. Third, fourth weeks.
Gymnastics for waking up in bed.
1. Inhale calmly and exhale with full breath.
2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.
3. Make fists with your fingers.
4. Bend your elbows and lift them above your head, locking them together.
5. Stretch your whole body well, causing an artificial yawn.
6. Put your hands down.
7. Rub your palms until warm.
8. “Wash” your face and neck with warm palms.
9. Pull your right leg with your heel, toes towards you.
10. Pull your left leg with your heel, toes towards you.
11. Pull both legs together.
12. Bend over.
13. Sat down.
14. Clasp your hands and stretch, turning your palms up.
15. Mentally wish all your family, friends, health, goodness and joy, Have a good mood.

Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)
Walking one after another (barefoot)
“We’ll go to our garden. We’ll pick vegetables there.”
(Walking on toes)
“The road is short and narrow, let’s walk on our toes! (Additional side step with a “spring”)
“We walk along the curb, we squat on it” (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping the body straight and looking forward)
“Tired legs walked along the path.” (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor. (6-8 times)
“We sat down on a pebble, sat down, sat.” (Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet) “Legs rest, muscles relax”

Prevention of postural disorders.
“Sunflower” - There is a golden head in the middle of the yard.
I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms up through your sides, stand on your toes; 2- return to the starting position.
“Carrot” - I drag it out of the hole by the curly braid. I.p. - kneeling. 1- bend forward, arms forward-down; 2 - return to i.p.
“Turnip” - “Round side, yellow side, Bun is sitting on the bed.” IP - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your arms up through the sides, 2 - return to IP.
“Potato” - The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed. Dig a little - there are potatoes under the bush. I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise your arms and legs at an angle of 45° upward; 2- return to IP.
“Cabbage” - patch on patch - green patch, 1 - bend your knees up, put your hands on your back; 2 - return to IP.
“Scarecrow” - Who stands on a stick With a beard made of a washcloth The wind blows - it makes noise, It jerks its legs, creaks"
Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.
Breathing exercises.
Healthy exercises for the throat.
1. "Horse". Remember how a horse's hooves clatter along the pavement. We click our tongue, now louder, now quieter. We either speed up or slow down the speed of the horse.
2. "Crow". A crow sat on the fence and decided to entertain everyone with its beautiful song. First he raises his head, then he turns to the side. And her cheerful croaking can be heard everywhere. Children pronounce “ka-a-a-aar” in a drawn-out manner. Repeat 5-6 times.
3. "Smiley." The laugh got into my mouth and it was impossible to get rid of it. The eyes narrowed, the lips parted joyfully, and the sounds of “ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, gee-gee-gee” were heard.
Water procedures.

Complex No. 5. First, second weeks.
Gymnastics in bed.
1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.
2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt of the knees to the left, in the i.p., tilt of the knees to the right, in the i.p.
3. I.p.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest, with the sound “f-f” - exhale (through the nose).
4. I.p.: the same, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.
5. I.p.: standing, legs apart, hands down. Clap your hands - exhale; spread your palms to the sides - exhale.
6. I.p.: o.s. Stretching: reached to the ceiling, returned to IP.

Prevention of flat feet.
Walking barefoot on a ribbed board.
Hand massage.
1. “Wash” your hands, actively rub your palms until you feel intense warmth.

4. Rub the “washcloth” all over your arm up to the shoulder, pressing firmly on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “Wash off the soap with water,” hold one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.”

Like pea eyes. (connect index and thumb both hands in a circle, put to the eyes (“glasses”),
turns to the sides) And she herself, like a helicopter, (rotates her forearms back and forth with a half-turn
Left, right, back, forward. (left-right; tilts to the sides)

Only the song remains. fold the mouthpiece and “sing”: “D-z-z

Water procedures.

Complex No. 6. Third, fourth weeks.
Gymnastics in bed.
"Stretching" I.p. – from the “lying on your back” position in bed.
1. As you inhale, the left leg stretches the heel forward along the bed, and the left arm stretches upward along the body. Breathing is held, legs and arms are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-da-a-a-a.”
2. The right leg stretches the heel forward along the bed, and the right arm goes up, along the body - inhale. After holding your breath, as you exhale, pronounce “pin-gal-la-a.”
3. Both legs stretch with their heels forward along the bed, both arms up along the body. Hold your breath and, as you exhale, slowly say “su-shum-m-m-na.”
4. Pulling bent knees to the chest and clasping them with your hands.
5. Cross movement of the arms and legs raised perpendicular to the body.
6. Rocking the bent knees to the right and left with the opposite movement of the arms.
Prevention of flat feet.
Walking barefoot on bags of river pebbles, alternating with walking on a cable car...
Hand massage.
1. “Wash” your hands, actively rub your palms until you feel intense warmth.
2. Pull out each finger and press on it.
3. Rub the phalanges of the fingers of one hand over the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.
4. Rub the “washcloth” all over your arm up to the shoulder, pressing firmly on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “wash off the soap with water”
lead one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.”

Prevention of posture disorders, breathing exercises.
Physical education lesson “Dragonfly”. I.p. - standing between the beds.
Here's a dragonfly (stand on your toes, arms up to your sides)
Like pea eyes. (join the index and thumb of both hands in a circle,
put to the eyes (“glasses”), turns to the sides) And she herself, like a helicopter, (rotates her forearms back and forth with a half-turn
Left, right, back, forward. left right; side bends)
And there is dew on the grass, (squat)
And there is dew on the bushes. (bending forward, bending over)
We shook off our palms (claps in front of us, hands alternately up and down)
The dragonfly flew away. (small frequent movements of the hands, arms to the sides)
The jumper was scared (hands behind head, tilts left and right, palms
Only the song remains.

Corrective gymnastics after sleep for older children

Promote awakening after a nap. Tonify the entire body, affecting biologically active points. Prevent colds. Strengthen the respiratory tract. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your body. Give a boost of energy for the second half of the day.

Card No. 1. September. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Bicycle” - I. p.: lying on your back, “turn the pedals with the sound “w-w-w” (6 times)

2. “Kitten” - I. p.: lying in the position of a sleeping cat, purr. The kitten kneels down and arches its back with the sound “sh-sh-sh” (6 times)

3. “Hand massage” - I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. Wash your hands, rub your palms vigorously until you feel intense heat, press down on each palm (6 times)

Breathing exercises:

1. "Growl." Growl for a long time as you exhale, baring your teeth, bending your tense fingers like claws.

2. "Angry Dog." Inhale sharply through the mouth, pronouncing “rr...”, with a simultaneous sharp blow of the hands overlapping the back (while standing, bending over). Exhale the same way through the nose.

3. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “mm-mm (mouth tightly closed).

Card No. 2. October. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Dance” - I. p.: lying on your back, hands under the back of your head, legs raised. Spread your legs apart and return to i. p. (6 times).

2. “Rock the baby” - I. p.: while sitting, press your foot to your chest. While rocking the “baby,” touch your forehead to your knee and foot (6 times)

3. “Cold - hot” - I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. A cold north wind blew and the children huddled together. The sun has come out - relax, fanning yourself with a handkerchief or palm (6 times)

Breathing exercises:

1. "Crow". I. p. legs apart, arms down. They raise their arms to the sides, and then slap them on their thighs and, exhaling, say “ku-ka-re-ku.”

2. "Full breath." They take an inhalation consisting of three stages: 1st - the stomach protrudes forward; 2nd – the lower ribs diverge to the sides; 3rd – the tops of the lungs fill (shoulders rise).

3. "Divers". We spread our arms to the sides and inhale through our mouths. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (we lower ourselves under the water). Exhale through your mouth.

Card number 3. November. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Wave” - I. p.: lying on your back. Bend your legs and pull your knees towards your stomach, straighten. Pause 3-5 seconds. and lower your legs (6 times).

2. “Fish” - I. p.: lying on your stomach. Raise your head and move your shoulders back. Raise your arms and legs: relaxation pause 6-8 seconds. (6 times) .

3. “Little Frog” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, palms under the chin. Bring your hands from under your chin to your shoulders, palms forward. Raise your head and spread your legs, slowly return to i. p. (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. “The ball inflated and burst.” Place your hands on your stomach, inhale, feeling that your stomach is inflated like a ball, and pronounce “sh-sh-sh” as you exhale.

2. "Sounds". Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. While exhaling for a long time, pronounce the sounds zh, z, m, n, v.

3. Inhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth tightly closed). Exhale alternately through the left and right nostril (the other is pressed tightly with a finger, the mouth is closed).

Card No. 4. December. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back. We stretch our heels forward and both hands up (6 times).

2. “Cheburashka” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke the ears (“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times).

3. “Pinocchio” - I. p.: sitting on my knees, We sculpt a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio draws “sun”, “carrot”, “house” with his nose (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. “Penknife” I. p.: lying on your back. As you exhale, bend your torso toward your legs, which do not lift off the floor. Pronounced while exhaling “Ha! " Repeat 3-4 times.

2. “Pump” I. p. - standing, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Leaning down with straight legs, exhale, saying [w]. As you straighten up, inhale through your nose. Repeat 6-8 times.

Card No. 5. January. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the left arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the right arm up, along the body (6 times).

2. “Abdominal massage” - I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking the tummy clockwise, pinching, patting with the edge of the palm and fist (6 times).

3. “Start the car” - I. p.: sitting. We place our fingers in the middle of the chest and with rotational movements clockwise, start the car with the sound “F... F... F...”. then do the same counterclockwise (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. " Balloon"(diaphragmatic breathing). I. p. - standing, palm on stomach. Exhalation. As you inhale, your stomach protrudes forward. Holding your breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips, pronouncing the sound [s]. Repeat 4 times.

2. “Accordion” (chest breathing). I. p. - standing, palms on the ribs. Full breath. Take a deep breath, the ribs move apart like the bellows of an accordion, the chest does not rise. Holding your breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips while pronouncing the sound [f]. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Skier” - I. p.: standing, legs half-bent and feet-width apart. We imitate skiing. Exhale through the nose. Repeat 4 times.

Card number 6. February. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Morozko” - I. p.: sitting, hands to shoulders. Pull your elbows back, bend over, bend over, take a deep breath (6 times).

2. “Catch a snowflake” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Arms to the sides, swing upward, clap your hands above your head (6 times).

3. “Winter Christmas tree” - I. p.: sitting on your heels, hands at the bottom, palms forward. Kneel with your arms up at your sides (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. “The Frog Singing.” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your stomach, and as you exhale, work vigorously with your diaphragm, saying “kwa.” Repeat 4 - 6 times.

2. "Locomotive". Children move in a circle with acceleration and deceleration, coordinating the movements of their arms and legs with their breathing, inhaling on a count of two, saying “choo-choo” as they exhale. The arms bent at the elbows move simultaneously. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

3. "Lumberjack". I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - exhale, pronouncing the word: “Uh-h-h.” Repeat 4-6 times.

Card No. 7. March. Exercises in the crib:

1. “Rocking chair” - I. p.: lying on your back. Pull your legs towards your stomach by your knees. Swing along the spine (6 times).

2. “Snake” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, emphasis on outstretched arms. The head proudly turns left - right and makes the sound “Sh... Sh... Sh...” (6 times).

3. “Swan neck” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Stroking the neck from the chest to the chin, stretching the neck (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. "Trumpeter". – I. p.: standing. The hands are clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound: “F-f-f.” "(4-5 times).

2. Bend forward and backward (according to the principle of a pendulum) - when tilting back, arms clasp shoulders, inhale; when bending forward – exhale.

3. Half squats with exhalation, inhalation is active, short, intense, through the nose.

Card No. 8. April.Exercises in the crib:

1. “Tiger cubs are playing” - I. p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. At the same time, raise your arms and touch your toes (6 times).

2. “The crocodile is swimming” - I. p.: lying on the stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head and arms up (6 times).

3. “Monkeys on a vine” - I. p.: sitting on their heels. Raise your right (left) hand up, lower your right (left) hand to your shoulder (6 times).

Breathing exercises:

1. “Let’s grow big.” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - slowly exhale while pronouncing the word: “Uh-h-h.” (5-6 times).

2. “The geese are cackling.” I. p.: sitting, hands bent arms pressed to the shoulders. Inhale quickly, then slowly tilt your torso down, move your elbows back - long exhale while saying the word: “Ga-ah.” Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. (5-6 times).

3. "Pendulum". I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale while pronouncing the word: “Tu-u-uk.” Straightening up - inhale. (5-6 times).

1. “Admiration” - I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking in the chest area with the words: “I am sweet, wonderful, beautiful.” (6 times).

2. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the left arm up, along the body (6 times).

3. “Dough mixer” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. The child strokes the belly clockwise, pats it with the edge of his palm, with his fist, strokes it again, pinches it, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading dough, strokes it again. (6 times)

Breathing exercises:

1. “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose. Perform 10 – 20 times.

2. “The nose is playing around” - when inhaling, press on the wings of the nose (prevent inhaling). Perform 10 – 20 times.

3. “The nose sniffs pleasant smells” - alternately close the nostrils with your fingers and take a deep breath. Perform 10 – 20 times.

4. “The nose sings a song” - while exhaling, tap on the wings of the nose and say ba, bo, bu. Perform 10 – 20 times.