A short congratulations on your 80th birthday in prose. Funny anniversary greetings to brother from sister. Funny anniversary poems for brother from sister

I congratulate you on your 80th birthday, on your anniversary! From the bottom of my heart and with all my soul, I wish that love never leaves your heart! I wish you a full cup at home, I wish you the fulfillment of all previously unfulfilled desires! On this joyful and slightly sad day, may you leave all the bad things behind, behind your back, and may no one ever force you to look back and regret something! May all your favorite memories and events always live in your heart! Let there be many more such events, because you will have many more years to share happy moments with devoted and faithful friends! Without a doubt - you are the most happy woman in the world! Congratulations on the anniversary! Health to you and your loved ones!

Today is one of the most important days, as the most beautiful of women celebrates her anniversary! With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your eternal 16, despite the fact that today you turned 80. Maintain your beauty, always be healthy and cheerful. Long and happy years to you, joy and prosperity!

Eighty - what a solid number! And especially if it is an anniversary. Eighty years of a worthy life... How much good you have done! Now you are an example of a worthy person for everyone gathered here. We sincerely wish you the strongest health and good spirits. Let the warm attitude of your children and grandchildren warm your heart. May there still be room for various pleasant chores on your life path. Happy anniversary to you!

The years fly by, but it doesn’t affect you in any way. You are still cheerful, young at heart, kind and cheerful. Thank you for the wisdom, experience and advice that you so generously share with us. Let fate reward you with a kiss of good luck in the form of another couple of decades. Be healthy, and don’t let anything worry you from now on.

80 years is a part of life lived with dignity, it is the joy that you, our grandfather, have been walking side by side with us for so many years! I wish you not to bury your head in the sand at the sight of dangers, but, of course, ask for help from your family and friends! I wish you not to give up and not to despair, because life goes on! Happy anniversary!

Our beloved hero of the day! You are already 80 years old! This is a very significant date, and not everyone gets to meet it in life. May there be joy in life from every day you live, may your smile glow with warmth, and may happiness splash in your eyes from the realization that your loved ones are nearby, may your strength never leave you, and may your soul forever remain young and beautiful. On your anniversary, accept these words of congratulations from us.

I was always proud of my grandfather because I knew what a hard life he had. But he never gave up. He was able to achieve great success in his profession on his own, without outside help. I really hope that you are also proud of me, because everything that I have been able to achieve now is all your merit. I want everyone to know how much effort my grandfather put into raising me to be a real man. Don’t even doubt that I won’t let you down, because it’s very important to me that you are proud of me. I want to wish you good health. In my opinion, everything else is not that important, because if there is no health, then there will be nothing. And you still have so many plans, so you will definitely need your health. Happy holiday to you, my dear grandfather! Remember that we all, your grandchildren, look up to you. We are very proud of you and your successes.

We congratulate you on your 80th birthday and want to express our boundless respect and admiration! You look great and, despite your advanced age, your eyes still glow with a beautiful young fire! You are an example for us, we pay tribute to our sincere respect for your wisdom and life experience, hard work and love of life. We admire your energy, willpower and interest in life, your ability to enjoy every day and enjoy every moment. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary and wish you long and happy years with your family and friends. I wish you health, joy, care and family warmth.

Dear birthday girl! We are very glad to see you in good health and good mood. Believe me, it's very good sign and ironclad proof that our meetings will take place with enviable regularity. Of course: Your bright personality has long become for us a shining example of unprecedented strength of character and an optimistic outlook on life. We are also pleased that every year on your birthday we have the opportunity to try a larger and larger birthday cake. bigger size. We wish you that you will always have the courage to traditionally blow out all the candles the first time and make a wish, and that this wish will always come true! Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary! In French, the number 80 is pronounced “quatre-vingts,” meaning “four times twenty.” So may you be four times more cheerful and healthy today than you were when you were twenty, and may your life be four times more interesting and exciting than that of twenty!

Dear, beloved granny, happy anniversary to you! Your temples have already turned gray, wrinkles are visible in the corners of your eyes, but still you are beautiful and graceful, kind and gentle, wise and caring. May your precious health be as strong as a diamond, may your days be radiant and carefree. We promise to take care of you and cherish you, to provide you with a quiet and happy old age. We love you, dear!

Dear hero of the day! Today we congratulate you on your anniversary, we admire you, we give you our love, respect, and gratitude. The years are gone and they cannot be returned. Looking at you, we are happy to see that a strong, extraordinary nature is able to push back years by another ten years. After all, some people feel old at 40, others (and you are an example of this) feel young at 80. The secret of your youth is optimism and hard work, and today we admire your energy, resourcefulness, and endurance. With a feeling of recognition and respect, accept words of gratitude for your ability to work, take care of your home, and maintain warmth and comfort. Wishing you family well-being, health, human warmth and happiness!

Our dear hero of the day! During your long life there have been many trials, a lot has been lived and experienced. This wonderful anniversary is the result of your have a wonderful life, for those who are especially dear to you have gathered. Many relatives and people dear to you came to congratulate you, thank you for your worldly wisdom and wish you many, many more years of health. Your family and friends value you for your kindness of heart, sincere love and deep human wisdom. We wish you to be our support, support, because we sincerely appreciate what you share with us and what you teach us. I wish you health, our dear, for many years to come.

Our dear honorary hero of the day. An anniversary is a wonderful peak that allows you to appreciate the path you have traveled. And this path is a vivid example of service to science, country, loyalty and devotion to chosen ideals. On this day, I would like to sincerely wish you good health, strength of spirit, inspiration, new ideas and long, for long years fruitful work.

Dear sister, happy birthday to you. I wish you inexhaustible happiness, eternal luck and only joyful days. May you have no reasons for sadness and longing, be healthy, as always, beautiful and smart.

Dear sister, I wish you never to break your nails. Let the dress you like in the store always be on time and at a discount, and new ones fashionable shoes never press or rub. Always fit into your old jeans. Let your makeup never smudge, and let your hair never become disheveled. And let everything I listed be the only ones possible problems that may bother you. Happy birthday!

My dear little man, my little sister! I congratulate you on this important day in your life. Let everything be different from this day on, let there be no sorrows, anxieties, or worries in your life. Let miracles circle around you and pleasures fly. I want even your wildest dreams and desires to come true. Be always happy and radiant.

Today's date is very important to me, because on this day my beautiful and wonderful sister was born! You have always supported and protected me and I wish you to meet more kind people, incredibly happy memories and unforgettable adventures in your destiny! May you always be surrounded by care, attention and sincere admiration, because you shine like the brightest star!

Congratulations, my beloved sister! The brightest thoughts about you are born in my heart. Let there be more joy in life, and let those around you feel warm from your wonderful, charming smile! Always remain as kind, sympathetic, beautiful and bright!

Sister! I always worry about your fate and wish you all the best! Let life please you in all its manifestations, let the nights give you affection and tenderness, and the days give you prospects! Live the way that’s convenient for you and doesn’t bring you anything. negative emotions! Happy birthday!

My dear, happy birthday to you! I would like to wish you a bright future and bright events, faithful, true friends next to you, simple family and true female happiness, good luck in your studies, work and life. My little sister, always be cheerful, confident, sweet, kind, sociable and punchy.

Happy birthday greetings to your sister in your own words in verse

My bright sun, my beloved sister, who has a holiday today? Yes, yes, your day has finally come, your holiday. You know that for me you are the most beloved and best sister. I congratulate you on your holiday and want to wish you to be the luckiest and happiest. You give smiles, love and light to everyone around you. Remain so lively and bright forever. Let all bad things pass you by, and only truly devoted people will always be nearby.

My dear sister! Happy Birthday! I wish you, my dear, female happiness, beauty and success. Always remain so blooming, cheerful and irresistible. I also wish you good health, sincere and mutual love.

Happy birthday to you, sister! I would like to wish you all the best, wonderful and close, wonderful mood, many, many positive emotions and feelings in your small world and let it consist only of fairy tales and beautiful dreams. I wish you personal happiness, reliable support, the most devoted friends and never feel the need for anything. Prosperity and peace, sister. Love you! your sister.

My dear sister! On this holiday, I want to wish you peace and peace in your soul, because we so often lack this. Remember, no matter what happens in life, you have a sister. Know that I will always be there and help you in difficult times, and in happy times I will have fun with you!

Sister, today is your holiday - your birthday! And may every day, starting today and throughout your life, be clear and sunny, and may the night be starry and romantic! Be always happy and loved!

My soul mate! Sister, congratulations! Much, much joy to you, very happy days! Let love live in your home, let your loved ones support and understand you! And everything planned turns out! Be truly happy and loved! *** My sister, happy birthday! Once upon a time, you and I dreamed of future happiness. And there is happiness - we ourselves, people who love and support each other, sisters. May your life be rich, filled with exciting travels, exciting meetings, and new people!

My dear man! Rejoice at the world, make your friends and loved ones happy, glow with happiness! Let good things happen in life every day! Sometimes not everything goes smoothly, but we have each other, family people. Congratulations to you and I’m proud to have you!

This day has come again, sister, dear, again I want you to be happy and healthy. May a star shine for you throughout your life, guiding you on the right path, may good luck never bypass your home, and may your hearth at home always be in order.

Dear, over the years, you become more and more dear to me. I miss you and think about you often. On your birthday, I lovingly lay a bouquet of beautiful, frank words at your feet. May lilacs smell fragrant for you in the spring, may sunbeams tangle in your hair, and may playful sparrows sing hymns to you about all-encompassing love! Greet every new day with a smile! Beloved sister, I kiss you. May the Angel and the Lord protect you!

Happy birthday greetings to your sister in your own words in prose

Sister, happy birthday to you! I wish your life to be stormy, happy, fast-paced and filled with all sorts of amazing events, travel, laughter, great mood, sincere feelings, love and prosperity. Be yourself, charm with your beauty, smile and laughter!

My beloved, dear, dear sister, on your birthday, I really want to ask you - always remain young, not only in body, but also in soul and heart. Remain as feminine, as sweet and cheerful. May you succeed in everything you undertake. I wish you and all your loved ones prosperity and prosperity in everything. Be happy and healthy, may your heart always be full of love and kindness, and may your guardian angel not let misfortune into your home, and help you overcome difficulties with ease.

Dear sister, you are my dearest person and closest friend! On your birthday, I would like to wish you untold riches and a bright future! Let only loyal and true friends accompany you in your life. I wish you family joys and women's happiness!

My little, beloved sister. You are entering new life, but for me you will remain the most beautiful and kind little person whom you helped raise, taught to walk, talk and dream. Happiness to you. I am proud to be able to safely place you in my care. adult life and not be afraid for your fate. Happy birthday!

My beloved and only sister! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you health, attention, smiles and warmth. May you never be sad or discouraged, may all your cherished dreams come true! Know that I am very happy to have a sister like you!

My dear sister, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. And I want to wish you great success and personal happiness. We love you, we believe in your lucky star! A star that will lead you to the heights of success, happiness and prosperity in life!

Sister, on this beautiful day I wish you a lot of joy and fun! Let the dreams that you sincerely desire come true, and let everything that your enemies wish never come true to anyone! Love, smiles and good health to you!

You can’t escape anniversaries in life; they come as an inevitability. After all, the main thing is that you were able to carry the warmth and cordiality of your soul through the years. And your wonderful family, which you protect and cherish, is proof of this. Let me, sister, wish you health, happiness and joy.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved sister in your own words

Happy birthday, my dear sister. What can a sister wish for her sister? Of course, goodness and happiness, bright love and great success. My dear, may your angel never let trouble come to you, may your destiny please only with pleasant gifts, may your life provide you with a complete abundance of bright emotions and strong strength.

Beloved sister, dear, happy birthday! I am grateful to my parents for giving me you, and to you for helping me with smart advice and deeds, for always supporting me. I wish you not to know sadness, so that the rays of the sun always illuminate your path. May all your dreams, dreams and dreams come true! I love you!

On this bright, wonderful day, I have the honor to congratulate you on your birthday! And I am incredibly happy to be next to you on this wonderful holiday and share your joy! I wish your life was like a beautiful fairy tale! Let there be wizards, fairies and good sorcerers in this fairy tale to fulfill your most cherished desires every day! I wish you to achieve all your goals and objectives! Well-being and self-realization, great health, success and good mood! May everything work out for you, may yours blossom more and more every day, may your wildest wishes come true, and may life be a real holiday! I wish you that your life will be filled with those magical moments that you want to remember! I love you. This means - I wish you well!

Today the most beautiful sister on planet Earth celebrates her birthday! We congratulate the birthday girl on the advent of a new stage in her life’s journey, and wish to meet New Year life with a smile! After all, from year to year you only become more beautiful! Prosperity, independence, spiritual development, self-improvement, understanding relatives, mutual feelings with a loved one! Let luck itself come into your hands, and all you have to do is hold it tightly! Women's happiness to you to the fullest, may your every morning be like a fairy tale! Let the sun shine through your window even in cloudy weather! May it disperse all the storm clouds above you! Never forget about your loved ones, your girlfriends, your friends, your family! Let the taste of your life be sickly sweet and never get tired of this sweetness!

Please accept my congratulations, dear sister! On your birthday, I wish you inner harmony and a state of absolute happiness. Let your heartfelt light and warmth, as before, illuminate the whole family and warm your loved ones.

Happy Birthday Sister! Please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes of great happiness, gigantic love, great success, grandiose prospects, impressive wealth and colossal health.

Happy birthday greetings to your sister in your own words until you cry

Dear sister, happy birthday to you! I wish you health, blooming beauty, great success and financial heights. I wish you happiness, my dear, the clearest skies above your home, love and the right decisions.

My dear sister. You are my dearest, closest, beloved person. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you: not to get sick, not to grow old, to always remain as charming and cheerful. Warmth to you, joy, happiness and luck in everything!

My dear sister! Have fun through life! Play, smile, dance and laugh! After all, life is a theater, as one said great person. Be a prima in this theater, my friend! ***My angel is my beloved sister! I look at you and understand that you have everything - an amazing, sensitive soul, a charming face, intelligent eyes and skillful hands... A wonderful person, my sister, has everything. I wish you romantic moments, extraordinary adventures and flights of fancy! Live brightly and not boringly! And even when the whole world around you is on fire, you will win, I know for sure!

Dear sister, on your birthday I want to hug you tightly and wish you to always be happy, protected by fate, appreciated at home and at work, healthy, cheerful and radiant.

Dear, sweet, beloved sister! In that big world, where so much happens every day, there is a kind and bright man! This little man is you! You always support me, care and love me! Thank you to your kind heart for this! May happiness always sparkle in your eyes, may your loved ones be healthy! Let a small miracle happen in your life every day!

When we turn to God, we praise Him and express our requests. Thank God that I have you, my support and support in everything, my role model! I pray to God that you will always be the most beautiful, smartest and kindest woman in the world, my beloved sister!

80 light years
They rushed along like a bay horse,
Everything that never happened in life
Only now have I found the answer.
So, you don't have to be afraid:
It will be more interesting later.
Don't get tired of smiling,
Go through life boldly with a song!

You are eighty years old today -
An anniversary worthy of respect.
You have known many victories -
You are a leader in life, without a doubt.
We will wish you health
After all, perhaps this is the main thing,
We will always respect you
After all, for many you have become a hero.

Congratulations to an 80-year-old man in verse

Now you are already 80 years old.
Well, isn't this wonderful?
How beautiful is your age,
And it's so lovely.
Happy Anniversary,
I wish you a life without tears.
Let your health not go away
The sun comes to your house.

I heartily congratulate you on your anniversary!
And don’t say that you’re 80!
What you can do, even we can’t,
After all, you are vigorous beyond your years!

Boss, I wish you happiness
And endless shower warmth!
And even on a stormy day
Let life be beautiful and easy!

80 - long journey, not easy,
Time for grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children.
In this world you are not alone.
Smile on this anniversary.
May your health be strong,
Let the sun caress you with warmth,
May family, friends and children
Fill your home with joy!

The venerable age of 80 years,
But you won’t be given that much!
Courage and wisdom burn in the eyes,
And the joy of life and courage!
I wish you good health,
Warmth, care and attention.
You are young at heart
And you are worthy of adoration!

Round anniversary date
We gathered to celebrate today.
Birthday boy, not sparing words,
We will congratulate you on your 80th birthday.
Let your youth fly by like a bullet,
And maturity is left somewhere behind,
Wisdom looks at us with its eyes
And the endless ocean of love splashes.
We all wish you good health,
And also vigor and a lot of strength.
With all our hearts we wish today
May the light of the sun shine joyfully on you. (WITH)

Anniversary for a man 80 years old - poems

We ask you to accept congratulations:
We've already lived 80 years!
Even though they took away a lot of clothes,
You are back in hope and strength.
Love in your heart and mind
They live, endlessly, at once.
Judge by voice, skin -
Your children and grandchildren are younger!
You have the same amount of time to live again,
To make us happy again!!!

Congratulations to colleagues on a man's 80th birthday

Colleague, good luck to you and many years to come!
Your anniversary is very important today -
After all, 80 years
Maybe one day in our lives!

I wish you peace and goodness,
Long life and good health!
So that you will always be with us
And sadness did not touch my eyes!

Anniversary 80 years for a man

Today we celebrate your anniversary
We congratulate you on your 80th birthday.
You have left many difficult years behind,
But there are still many years ahead of you.
In honor of the dear and dear hero of the day
His whole huge family gathered
And each of us has only a couple of wishes
We wish you only vigor and health, loving you. (WITH)

80th anniversary - what a holiday!
Not everyone will celebrate such an anniversary!
Be happy, our dear granny!
You are probably not on earth, kinder!
You raised us, raised us, taught us,
She gave advice - what to do, what to do.
Health and happiness, fun and peace,
And of course, live another 200 years!

Congratulations to grandfather on his 80th birthday

Congratulations on such a young age, grandfather.
May no one ever upset you again.
After all, you are loved and dear to us, and we will always
We wish you, grandfather, happy years.
We wish our souls to soar high every day
You're only eighty-five!
We wish you more joy and smiles.
We, grandpa, adore you very much!

My dear grandfather,
Now you are already 80 years old.
But that doesn't make you grow old,
On the contrary, you just get younger.
So beautiful at heart
I love being with you.
Let your health not leave you,
And only good weather it happens to you.
Happy Birthday, my dear grandfather.
I have been doing this for many years.

Congratulations on the anniversary of a man 80 years old from relatives

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
Striving for sublime words,
We will say it simply as best we can:
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
For the nobility of your thoughts!
For your bright and big world!
For becoming a little older,
You are getting younger at heart!
For being in life's matters
You are our conscience, mind and honor!
And if just in terms of toast:
For the fact that you exist in the world!

Eighty is solid!
This is not a reason for old age!
It's just obvious -
The man is young at heart!

Life experience is priceless!
It only comes with age.
Behind, as in the arena -
There is so much to do between us!

Let your health not leave you.
Let life not be a burden.
Let love not perish in life,
Let the beautiful muse bloom!

We celebrate every year, but our anniversary is celebrated every five years. With each new five-year anniversary, experience is added to our lives, interesting events, dramatic changes. After 40 years, anniversaries begin to be celebrated in a special way. And how much honor goes to the hero of the day when exactly eighty candles light up on the cake baked in his honor. So, how significant and important is the date - 80 years.

Sincere and kind congratulations on the man’s 80th birthday

If beautiful ladies tend to hide their age, then men, on the contrary, are proud of every year they live. And the anniversary date for the stronger sex is comparable to the most important day in life, which, of course, each of us has. Everyone is preparing for the anniversary: ​​relatives, friends, work colleagues. On this day, the birthday person, or rather the hero of the day, is trying not just to give, but to find the warmest and most sincere wishes. And when a life has been lived behind one’s shoulders, when one’s whiskey is silvered with gray hair, and not a single generation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren has been raised in one’s hands, the anniversary takes on a completely different meaning. This date is often compared with hourglass: in shape it is the same figure eight, and in meaning it is very close - life, like sand, flows grain by grain of sand, forming an increasingly significant sand hill from below. That is why, when such a date is celebrated, guests of the holiday try to congratulate the hero of the day, without in any way hinting at his age. Although, men more often treat the age mark with undisguised irony.

Congratulations in prose

Not everyone can compose a beautiful poem to heartily congratulate the hero of the day. Therefore, people often select simple words, putting them into beautiful sentences. Congratulations on a man’s 80th birthday in prose may sound like this: “Our dear, beloved birthday boy, may your days be filled with happiness and peace, may there be more light and kindness in life, and may all sorrows and disappointments remain far behind. Let the ringing laughter of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren cheer your heart, and let the love of your family and friends warm you in the coldest frosts.” It is important to take into account that it will be difficult to listen to too long congratulations to the hero of the day at 80 years old: usually an elderly man will carefully listen to only the beginning of the congratulations - no more than one or two sentences. Therefore, if you want the hero of the day to understand what you wish for him, try not to write long poems, but limit yourself to a few, but significant sentences.

And I'll say it in poetry

It’s good to read congratulations on a man’s 80th birthday in prose directly to the hero of the day himself. But if you are giving a gift that comes with a card, you can do the formal decoration a little differently. Of course, everyone is pleased to hear something good about themselves. Especially when behind you whole life- in this case, you can choose exclusive words for the hero of the day related to his past years. Congratulating a man on his 80th birthday in verse will sound no less pleasant than in ordinary words. Plus, rhyming lines are much easier to understand. In poems you can not only wish health and happiness, but also express gratitude for the fact that the birthday person is in your life. For example: “Our beloved, dear, it’s not worth counting the years, even though they are all full of your care for us. Let every new day warm you with the rays of the sun, let lilac bloom in your soul, and let your heart melt with joy.”

Dear and beloved

Of course, the warmest should be congratulations on the man’s 80th birthday from his relatives. On this significant day, the hero of the day will be pleased to receive not just one congratulation from the whole family, but from everyone separately. Children should be the first to express their wishes, thank their father for everything he has done, and wish him all the best. Then the grandchildren say their wishes, and then the great-grandchildren. A special place is given to the wife of the hero of the day - she was the one who was nearby all the time, both in joy and in sorrow. And after the closest and dearest people, there may be congratulations on the man’s 80th birthday from the guests of the holiday. It will be much more pleasant if those who come do not limit themselves in simple words written on postcards, but will make the holiday a little brighter - they will come up with their own program so that for the hero of the day such a significant date will become truly unforgettable. This does not mean organizing a luxurious banquet. This means doing something that the hero of the occasion really likes. For example, act out a small family scene from his youth or come up with something else.

My years are my wealth

We all know these legendary lines. Indeed, congratulating a man on his 80th birthday is very different from a similar one. Representatives of the fair sex are more worried about their appearance and remember with nostalgia everything that happened. It is enough for a man to know that he is remembered, loved, and that he is not alone. You can find a great variety of words, both in prose and in poetry, for the hero of the day. And you don’t have to look for beautiful lines somewhere from friends, or on the pages of congratulatory books. It is enough to simply tell the person what you want to wish him, how much he is loved and dear to you.

Believe me best congratulations Happy 80th birthday to a man - not a luxurious banquet in an expensive restaurant, but a celebration in a close circle of family and loved ones, who on such an important day will once again have a unique opportunity to say what kind of person they have lived with for so many years and how dear he is to them. And yet, words written or spoken from the heart will be much more expensive than those offered by all kinds of congratulatory resources. 80 years is not just an anniversary, it is new status in a long life, which in our time only a few manage to achieve.

Our dear hero of the day celebrates his eightieth birthday today. I think everyone will agree with me that this is a significant date that deserves respect. I want to congratulate you and wish you probably the most important thing - good health. Over these long years of your life, you have already been able to make sure that this is what is important in life, this is what your success, and your whole life in general, depend on. Let your future life be calm and measured, because over the years you have already become tired, and now you can relax. I want to say that you look just great, you are in great physical fitness, which deserves special respect. We congratulate you all and wish you great happiness. You are a wonderful person from whom I always want to follow an example. So continue to please us with your endless energy, cheerfulness. Congratulations!

Today is my grandfather’s anniversary; he is already eighty years old. But it seems to me that over the past twenty years you have not changed much, you are still as young and fit. I want to congratulate you, saying that you are the most dear person in my life. You taught me a lot, you constantly helped me so that I did not give up. I will always thank you for this, because otherwise I simply would not have been able to succeed. You are a role model for me, and everyone knows about it. Be sure that I will never let you down. Dear grandfather, I wish you good health, long life and many, many more joyful events. You shouldn’t be sad because of your age or because of your birthday, because all these are little things, we know exactly what a young and cheerful grandfather we have, who will still give us a head start. Happy holiday to you, beloved grandfather! We are proud of you.

I was always proud of my grandfather because I knew what a hard life he had. But he never gave up. He was able to achieve great success in his profession on his own, without outside help. I really hope that you are also proud of me, because everything that I have been able to achieve now is all your merit. I want everyone to know how much effort my grandfather put into raising me to be a real man. Don’t even doubt that I won’t let you down, because it’s very important to me that you are proud of me. I want to wish you good health. In my opinion, everything else is not that important, because if there is no health, then there will be nothing. And you still have so many plans, so you will definitely need your health. Happy holiday to you, my dear grandfather! Remember that we all, your grandchildren, look up to you. We are very proud of you and your successes.

There is such a wonderful event in our house - our dear grandfather is celebrating his Anniversary. First of all, I would like to note that my grandfather does not look eighty years old, so I suggest that no one say out loud the age of our birthday boy. And now I’ll move on to congratulations. My grandfather is a role model; I will never tire of admiring him, his patience and love for life. I congratulate you, our oldest and wisest member of the family. We are all proud of you because we know how difficult it was for you in life, but you were able to withstand everything and achieve great success. I want to wish you great happiness and good health. We really want you to be happy, so we will try on our part to do everything for you, although you don’t like being taken care of. My grandfather, congratulations on your holiday! May everything in your life be wonderful.

My beloved grandmother, today is your real holiday - your anniversary! Let's not talk out loud about your age, because it doesn't correspond to reality. We are all used to seeing you smiling, always joyful and full of strength, a woman who always takes care of your appearance. You look great today, as always, but I can’t stress this enough. I congratulate you on this holiday and wish you good, good health, because that’s the only thing you really need. I am sure that you will remain as cheerful and optimistic as you are now, because I can only take an example from you. When I'm sad, I immediately remember you. At this moment everything seems to change. My beloved grandmother, I congratulate you and wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes. Our whole family loves you very much.

Finally, in our house there is a long-awaited holiday - the anniversary of my beloved grandmother! I love this day very much because I love my grandmother very much. It was she who raised me and raised me, because my parents had to work a lot. She taught me to be independent and serious, she believed in me, inspired me and supported me when I was bad. Grandma, you are simply wonderful! Know that your granddaughter simply adores you and your delicious jams. I want to congratulate you on your Anniversary! Eighty years is an age during which you have experienced a lot of things that have strengthened you, that have made you happy and sad. You're very strong man who is not afraid of difficulties. I want to become the same as you. I congratulate you and also wish you good health, which is more important than anything else. You are an example for me in everything! Congratulations!

Our dear and beloved birthday girl, today you have entered an age that is significant and requires respect. Rest assured that we respect not only your age, but also you. Over these many years of our acquaintance, I was able to make sure that you are the person you can trust with everything, who will not let you down and will not leave you in trouble. I would like to wish you only health, because you already have everything else. I just want you to keep all this, so that you continue to enjoy life. You taught us to enjoy every day, to appreciate every moment of life. We all congratulate you and wish you the fulfillment of all your desires and the realization of all your ideas, of which you have a great many. But this does not surprise anyone, because we know how purposeful and responsible you are. You still have a lot ahead of you, so feel free to continue to live in the same spirit.

I want to congratulate my dear father on his Anniversary! It is my father who is an example for me in everything, it was he who helped me become who I am now. I have never hidden the fact that I was very lucky with my parents, because they did everything for me. Today is my father’s such a significant anniversary, so I simply cannot help but say a few words. My dear and beloved dad, on this day I want to say thank you for everything that I have. You are simply an amazing person a real man who is not afraid of anything. You have had many turning points in your life, but you did a great job and survived everything. I wish you that your future life will be full of only joyful moments, only happy events. We will do everything to make sure this happens, so don’t even doubt it. Be healthy, dear father! And we will do the rest for you.

Today is the most cheerful and cheerful person in our family! My beloved dad is already eighty years old. Daddy, I want to say that even for your age you look just great, so you don’t have to worry. You are in good shape, looking fresh and rested. I want to wish you good health, as well as long life that will be filled with happy events and joyful moments. I always want to see you happy, so we will do everything to make it so. You have dedicated your entire life to us and our upbringing, so don’t even doubt that we will continue to take care of you. It is important for us that you do not change your attitude towards life, because you are so happy and cheerful with us. Happy holiday, dear father! May this day be one of the best for you.

I would like to congratulate our former boss on his Anniversary! Our dear you, you have not headed our company for several years, but we want to point out that we always and in everything adhere to your methods. We congratulate you on such a wonderful date, which simply cannot but arouse great respect. We congratulate you and wish you great health, which will last even until the next Anniversary, and then we again wish you a lot of health. you are very important person for each of us, because you were not just a leader, but our friend and mentor. You taught us a lot, you did everything so that we could succeed. We congratulate you once again and hope that we will remain as cheerful and kind person who is not afraid of any life situations. Happy holiday to you, our dear friend!

My beloved grandmother celebrates her Anniversary today! She asked that no one say her age out loud today, but I decided to go ahead, so I simply removed the candles from the birthday cake. My grandmother looks great, so it’s impossible to even tell from her that she’s already that many years old. Grandma, I wish you health and great happiness. You still have so many plans for life, so many events ahead that I would like to wish you success, as well as more energy and strength. You are a very strong and responsible person who has achieved a lot in his entire life. We are sure that you still have many victories ahead, but we still want you to take a little rest from the hustle and bustle. I want to say that you have always been a very close person to me, whom I love very much. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Happy holiday!

An anniversary is a day that not all birthday people love, but my grandmother is definitely an exception, because she waited for this day for so long and prepared with such inspiration that we did not even expect from her. You are very strong and wise woman, which is characterized by great optimism and faith in the future. You don't know how to be sad because you consider it a waste of time and energy. We will never tire of following your example, because you are the best grandmother you can ever dream of. I congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you good health and success in everything. May all your dreams come true and your plans come true. We are all proud of you, because, despite a difficult life, you were still able to remain such a kind and bright person. You love this life, and this is an excellent quality for a person. Happy holiday to you, my beloved grandmother! Everything will be just fine!

Congratulations on your 80th anniversary: ​​In verse | To a man | To a woman