Yucca root - beneficial properties and contraindications. Yucca - beneficial properties and uses

Knowing beneficial features Yucca can cure a number of diseases. This unique plant, which represents evergreen shrub tree-shaped. The leaves have sharp ends and are slightly curled at the top. During flowering, a panicle of fairly large white or cream flowers appears.

Beneficial properties of yucca and harm

IN folk medicine Not only leaves and flowers are used, but also the roots of the plant. Due to its many beneficial properties, yucca is widely used in industry, as well as in everyday life for the production of cosmetic products and strong fiber.

The flower is rich in:

  • enzymes;
  • antioxidants;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins A and C.

Due to this set of microelements, the flower is considered medicinal. In the medical field it is used to combat inflammatory processes such as arthritis and arthrosis. In addition, it helps get rid of prostatitis, diabetes, and diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with skin diseases and rashes, and also has good antiseptic properties.

The plant also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, has a calming effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

It can cause harm to the body if used for problems with the kidneys or gall bladder. The use of a medicinal plant without a doctor’s advice is also contraindicated for pregnant women, children, and during lactation.

A special extract is extracted from yucca flowers, which helps strengthen the immune system, and also prevents skin aging and eliminates wrinkles.

The plant is also widely used in cooking. The flowers are used as a substitute for green beans. Add to omelettes, vegetable and meat dishes.

Basically, when using the plant there are no side effects does not arise. But, despite the benefits of yucca, it can also cause harm. When swallowing a leaf in pure form, diarrhea or other stomach or digestive problems may occur.

Yucca roots

The root of this plant is considered a very good source of carbohydrates. It can be bitter and sweet. As for taste, it can most of all be compared with. To use, yucca root is ground into powder or flour, fried and boiled.

The benefits of using the underground part of yucca are as follows:

  1. Is a good antioxidant. Prevents oxidative processes occurring in the human body.
  2. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, as well as manganese, which has a beneficial effect on health.
  3. Strengthens the immune system by containing essential antioxidants and vitamin C.
  4. Gives strength and shine while caring for the skin. Yucca root is used to make cosmetics that help prevent the aging process. Has an exfoliating, soothing and moisturizing effect.
  5. Helps get rid of swelling, relieves pain from arthritis and arthrosis.

Yucca uses

Before using the plant, it is necessary to properly harvest it. This will allow you to preserve all the beneficial properties as much as possible. Collect yucca leaves, carefully examining them for various damage or diseases.

Yucca is used in the following areas:

  • ethnoscience;
  • cosmetology;
  • cooking.

For medicinal purposes, leaf plates are often used. After collection, they must be dried. It's better to do it on outdoors in the shade to avoid direct sunlight. In addition, special devices can be used. Yucca should be stored in cool, ventilated areas. The preparations do not lose their beneficial properties for five years.

In everyday life, yucca is added to cotton to produce denim, which makes it more wear-resistant. In addition, it is used to make paper and even ropes, due to its super strength.

Yucca does not cause allergies, but when consumed raw and in large quantities, rashes may occur.

In folk medicine, yucca has become widespread due to its unique capabilities. The plant is used for various decoctions, as well as creams and ointments. You can prepare them yourself at home. Manufactured medicines help with diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, prostatitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and many others.

In the field of cosmetology, yucca is widely used in mixtures that are used to rejuvenate the skin and moisturize the skin. Scrubs and masks are also prepared from this plant to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Dish made from plant roots

Since yucca is an edible flower, it is often added to various dishes. At correct use plants, the food turns out to be aromatic and very healthy.

Ready-made yucca roots taste like regular potatoes.

To prepare a popular yucca dish you need to take:

  • two small roots;
  • small

    Divide the yucca into small squares, put it in a saucepan, add salt, and then pour cold water. Cook over medium heat for about half an hour. At the end of the time, drain the liquid; it will no longer be needed.

    In a frying pan, with a little sunflower oil, fry the onion and sprinkle it on top of the cooked yucca.

    That's all, the dish is ready. Everything is fast, simple, tasty, and most importantly – healthy.

    As you can see, yucca is a very common medicinal plant, which has a lot of useful properties. Used for treatment various diseases, and does not cause allergic reactions. However, remember that there are also some contraindications, so we still recommend consulting a doctor before starting use.

    Using yucca for crafts - video

Indeed, the appearance of yucca is a bit like a palm tree. However, yuccas are not palm trees; they belong to the Agave family. Yuccas are deciduous tree-like plants, among which there are many species with a well-defined central stem. Yuccas grow in arid areas of the United States and Mexico, so they are quite hardy plants. There are more than 30 species in the genus Yucca. The most commonly sold plant is elephant yucca. Yucca is often grown as an original standard tree. At the same time, at the top of a fairly thick trunk, one or several plumes of broadly lanceolate, belt-shaped leaves rise. Their length can reach 30-75 cm, and their width can be 5-8 cm. At home, yucca can stretch up to 2 m in height. Unfortunately, root system It is not always able to provide moisture and nutrients to the rapidly growing crown; as a result, the plant may die. In the summer, you can safely take your yucca out onto the balcony and give it the opportunity to “breathe” fresh air. Better conditions for a quiet winter - a cool room in which diffused light reigns.
The cost of yucca is $10-400.
Temperature: 8-20C-
In summer, room temperature is suitable for yucca; wintering should be cool, and the temperature should fluctuate between 8-12C.

Lighting: bright
Yucca needs fairly intense lighting, although the plant does well in partial shade. Yucca can stand for some time even under straight lines. sun rays, however, it is clearly not worth abusing such sunbathing.
Watering: moderate-
Yucca is quite moisture-loving, but the plant should be watered carefully, allowing the soil to dry thoroughly. It is better to dry out the plant a little rather than flood it with water, because in the latter case both the roots and the stem of the yucca can rot.
Humidity: high-
In summer, yucca can withstand short dry periods, but if wintering occurs in a warm room, yucca leaves must be regularly sprayed during this period.
Soil: light, with good drainage -
for yucca, a mixture of equal parts of deciduous soil, turf soil, humus, peat and sand is suitable.
Feeding: in the spring-summer period -
Yucca is fed during the growth period once or twice a month with complex fertilizers.

Video: #Yucca filamentosa

Transplantation: overgrown plants -
if your yucca is too stretched upward, top part its stem can be cut off and divided into cuttings. On the remaining part of the stem, new plumes of leaves will soon appear from the lateral dormant buds.
Reproduction: stem cuttings -
the side stem of an overgrown yucca can be cut into pieces no less than 20 cm long. The cut on the mother plant is covered with garden varnish. The cuttings are immersed in a mixture of peat and sand and covered with plastic wrap.
Flowering: in room conditions rarely happens
old specimens of yucca sometimes bloom in greenhouses. The yucca inflorescence is a powerful spike with large white bell-shaped flowers. Problems Causes Solutions leaf tips are brown dry air or insufficient watering increase humidity and water more often; dry brown spots on the leaves; insufficient watering; keep the earthen ball constantly moderately moist; leaves are soft; curl too much; low temperature increase the temperature in the room, do not keep the pot with the plant near cold glass windows on the leaves; there are light spots on the leaves; there is excess light; put the plant in partial shade, cover it from the midday sun; only the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off; the natural process of plant growth does not require special measures.
Typical pests:
Yucca is rarely damaged by pests. If the yucca stem has rotted and the leaves have turned yellow, this means that the plant is over-watered. Such a specimen is difficult to save. Yellowing of leaves can be caused by lack of light. In this case, it is enough to move it to a place with intense lighting and remove yellow leaves. Gray spots that sometimes appear on the leaves indicate gray mold disease. vegetable crops. The most effective fungicide to control gray mold should be used. The scale insects are removed using a rag or cotton swab soaked in alcohol, after which the plant is treated with an anticoccidal drug. When attacked by mites on top of the leaves, specks appear that tend to connect with each other on the reverse side sheet plates cobwebs form. Treat with an appropriate acaricide and continue to maintain high humidity around the plant.

This is an evergreen tree plant belonging to the Asparagus family. The stem of the plant is tree-like, in some species it is tree-like and branched. Yucca leaves are pointed and curled at the edges. The flowers of the plant are large, white or cream-colored, grouped into a panicle. The fruit looks like a capsule or a fleshy berry.

About 20 species of yucca are known. The plant is distributed in the southern United States, Central America, and Mexico. And some species have taken root in southern Europe and are grown under open air. It can be eaten; yucca is edible. Is valuable product nutrition, is not demanding on growing conditions and produces a good harvest.

You can get flour from yucca roots; they are consumed baked and boiled. Heat treatment should be sufficient, this is important.

Yucca has beneficial properties for the human body. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Yucca contains antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll and many others. useful substances.

Did you know? Yucca can be grown at home. She is considered unpretentious plant, but it requires a lot of sunlight.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties of yucca

Chemical composition yucca next:

A large number of sapogenins and aglycones are found in yucca leaves. In addition, they contain steroidal saponin in an amount of 1-2%; it is a stereoisomer of sarsapogenin.

Yucca Flower Extract contains zinc and selenium, steroid sapogenins, carbohydrates.

plant root has many saponins, which stimulates the production of cortisone in the body and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory qualities of the plant. The root also contains folic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper.

Important! When grown indoors, yucca blooms extremely rarely. Therefore, when it becomes consistently very warm outside, it needs to be taken outside. Fresh air. Over five years of observing this condition, the plant will accumulate the necessary substances to bloom.

How to prepare and store medicinal raw materials from yucca

Yucca flower has medicinal properties, so its different parts are harvested to later be used as raw materials for medicines.

Yucca leaves have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. They must be harvested before and during the flowering of the plant. The cut leaves are laid out in a thin layer on the surface, leaving to dry in the sun. They need to be stored in a well-ventilated area.

IN industrial scale Yucca harvesting is done mechanically. The collected leaves are dried on currents and stored in well-ventilated areas for up to 5 years.

Yucca root It has many useful substances, which is why it is also harvested. The root of an adult plant should be used to prepare medicine. When digging up roots, you must remember that they go 50-70 cm into the ground. You need to dig them as deep as possible so that the yucca root system is not damaged.

Yucca blooms in the 3rd year of its life. This occurs between late June and August. At this time, you can collect the flowers of the plant to harvest raw materials for medicine. Dried yucca flowers are stored in a ventilated area.

Did you know? In order for yucca to overwinter and survive, when cold weather sets in, you need to tie its leaves into a bunch. With this technique, the top will not freeze, and the leaves will not break under the wet snow. The roots of the plant go deep, so they are not afraid of either cold or heat.

The use of yucca in folk medicine for diseases

The range of effects of yucca on the body is very wide. This plant is used for the treatment of a large number of diseases: arthritis, gout, intestinal polyps, prostatitis, flatulence, low blood pressure, etc.

In folk medicine Yucca is used to combat problems such as dry itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus. For viral rashes, the juice of yucca leaves is effective.

Important! People suffering from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are contraindicated to take medicines from yucca.

Inflammatory processes

Yucca is useful for inflammatory processes such as arthritis, arthrosis, gout, bursitis. For this purpose the following is used recipe:

  • crushed yucca roots - 1 tablespoon;
  • water – 500 ml.
The crushed roots are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The decoction should be left for an hour, after which you should drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Eczema and psoriasis

To treat psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis, yucca should be taken according to the following recipes:

The leaves are poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling, the decoction is applied in the form of lotions to the affected areas of the skin..

  • Fresh yucca leaves – 10 grams;
  • rendered lard – 100 grams.
Mix melted lard with leaves, heat the mixture in a water bath for 5-6 hours. Filter through cheesecloth and pour into a jar. After cooling, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Gastrointestinal tract

Yucca has a good effect on the body for peptic ulcers. For treatment apply leaves of the plant - 10 grams; they are filled with water - 500 ml. The mixture is brought to a boil. This decoction should be drunk 3 times a day.

In this way, peptic ulcers, gastritis, Crohn's disease, and intestinal inflammation can be cured.


With the help of yucca, diabetes is treated. Preparations containing extracts of this plant are sold in pharmacies. You can also prepare a decoction of yucca at home.

For the yucca decoction for diabetes mellitus you will need plant root and stem. You can also use flowers as they contain zinc.

Raw materials in the amount of 50 grams are poured with 3-4 liters of water, boiled and the broth is allowed to cool, after which it is taken orally.


To get rid of prostatitis with the help of yucca, you will need to prepare mixture, which includes:

  • crushed yucca roots;
  • burdock;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • hydrangea.
Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, and boil for 15 minutes. The decoction needs to be left for 1-1.5 hours and drunk 3 times a day, half a glass. Treatment lasts a month.

Use of yucca in cosmetology

Extracted from yucca extract, which has a healing, bactericidal effect. The flower extract of the plant is rich in zinc, selenium, and sapogenins, so it is added as an ingredient to some cosmetic products for skin and hair care.

How is yucca used in industry?

Yucca is used in light industry in the USA. Filamentous yucca is grown as a technical plant for the production of strong fibers. These fibers are added to cotton to make denim. Yucca fibers make jeans more durable.

The fibers of this plant are also used in the production of ropes, brushes, fishing gear, burlap and in paper production.

Yucca leaves contain steroidal sapogenins, due to which the plant is used in the manufacture of hormonal corticosteroid drugs.

Yucca belongs to the Agave subfamily. The homeland of this evergreen plant is the desert.

Therefore, the flower is kept indoors in a well-lit place. Yucca is grown indoors and outdoors.

In room conditions the plant blooms extremely rarely, there is not enough light.

But even without flowers, the plant perfectly performs a decorative function.

Benefits of the property

False palms used for landscaping large spaces: living rooms, offices. In indoor conditions it grows up to 4 m tall.

Among decorative leaves, yucca stands out for its unpretentiousness. Easy to care for, fits into any interior.

She's well purifies the air and reduces noise levels.

In addition, yucca has a number of useful properties. Even the first Americans made rope and paper from leaves, and made soap from the roots.

Scientists have studied the composition of the plant and found in leaves:

  • chlorophyll;
  • steroid sapogenins;
  • enzymes, antioxidants;
  • mucus, vitamins A and C;
  • zinc and selenium.

The rhizome additionally contains calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.

She used on an industrial scale for the production:

  • a variety of cosmetics: shampoos and creams;
  • durable fiber.

Yucca has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In folk medicine it is used to treat:

  • inflammatory processes in joints (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen);
  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Besides, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The use has almost no contraindications. Although any treatment It's better to check with your doctor. For example, if you have gallstones or kidney stones, this plant should not be used. Should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. Contraindicated for children.

Find application and flowers. An extract is obtained from them, which has the above properties, but also slows down the aging process and triggers cell renewal processes, strengthens the immune system.

In our country, yucca is not used in pharmacology, only in folk medicine. And in a number of countries, steroid saponins are extracted from the leaves, which are used for the synthesis of hormonal drugs.

Yucca is also used in cooking. The flowers of this plant are placed in soups, vegetable dishes, and omelettes. They taste similar to green beans. In its homeland, plants obtain sugar from its juice.


Poisonous or not? Is it an allergen? Yucca is quite harmless and well suited for growing at home. But there is a few points that owners of these plants need to know:

  • Yucca is a low-toxic plant.

    If it enters the stomach in its pure form (swallowed), indigestion, weakness, and tremors may occur. But there will be no serious consequences.

  • Allergy to yucca. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is an allergen.
  • Often allergies are caused not by indoor flowers themselves, but by bacteria and fungi that live in the soil of these plants. For prevention, you need to comply with watering conditions and monitor the condition of the soil.

    Another factor contributing to the development of allergies is the presence of a large number of indoor flowers in one room.

    But if yucca grows in a large, well-ventilated room, there should be no problems.

  • Should be kept out of reach of children also because some species have sharp spines along the edges of the leaves. If handled carelessly, you may get injured.
  • She is considered a plant with aggressive energy, that is, a vampire plant. But there is no need to get rid of the flower. It is enough not to place it in bedrooms and children's rooms.

We can conclude that yucca is beneficial. Individual intolerance to the plant is extremely rare.

The Indians also called it the “Tree of Life.” Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant has a lot of useful properties, is used in different areas and is accessible to everyone. Can be grown both indoors and in open ground. The plant is suitable for decorating any large room.

Subject to simple rules care, yucca will last a long time home or garden decoration.

Yucca flowers- flowers of an evergreen shrub, a representative of the Asparagus family. The shrub is a branched tree-like stem with sharp green leaves (see photo). The Indians called yucca the “tree of life.” plant blooms beautiful flowers white or cream-colored, which resemble bells. Yucca flowers are very fragrant, their aroma resembles the fragrance of expensive soap. Yucca blooms only at night, and bears fruit only in the wild. The fact is that this plant pollinates special kind butterflies, which is not found in temperate climates. The fruit of the tree is a fleshy berry. Most species of yucca are native to the United States and Mexico. Yucca has the reputation of being the most beautiful desert plant.

Yucca is also known as the "tree of happiness." It is common to think that the plant brings prosperity and good luck to the home. Decorative appearance(yucca is very similar to a palm tree) and the benefits of the plant allow it to be grown for different purposes. Some astrologers, on the contrary, do not recommend keeping yucca in the house, since its energy can cause conflicts among household members; they position yucca exclusively as a tub plant for the office. A tub of yucca at the entrance will protect the office space from evil forces.

Growing and care

Yucca is grown as a garden and indoor plant. Yucca is a heat-loving plant native to the tropics. A tree cannot grow without sufficient solar lighting and regular watering. When watering, it is important to pay attention to the leaves of the plant: if they curl, this means that the tree urgently needs watering, and if the leaves are straightened, it does not need to be watered. You should not overwater the flower, as this can cause the rhizome to rot. When there is insufficient light, the yucca sheds its leaves, optimal place A well-lit room is considered suitable for a plant.

Yucca can be grown from seeds if you are patient. It is better to sow seeds at the end of winter; seedlings can be grown in an average of 2 (!) years. Most often they buy an already grown plant. Yucca can be grown in an apartment and then transferred to the garden for the summer. The plant takes root well in well-drained soil. Yucca can also be planted in open ground for year-round cultivation. For the winter, the plant should be tied into a bundle and wrapped, in this form the yucca will safely overwinter in the garden.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of yucca flowers are used to prevent many diseases. Scientists have discovered enzymes, chlorophyll, and other biologically active substances in the plant. Thanks to its rich composition, yucca cleanses the body and increases blood pressure, which is important for hypotension. The plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and eliminates polyps in the intestines. Yucca is known as a plant that is good for joints: it relieves pain from arthritis and gout.

The highest concentration of nutrients is observed in the roots and leaves of the plant. Americans for a long time Yucca was used to make shampoos and aromatic soaps; paper and strong ropes were made from the leaves. Yucca is rich in steroidal saponins, which are necessary for the production of hormonal drugs, one of which is cortisone. The shrub's antifungal properties are also known. Chlorophyll, which the leaves contain, fights toxins and protects the body. Chlorophyll is necessary for hematopoiesis, since its molecule is similar to the molecule of human hemoglobin (this substance was even at one time called “green blood of plants”). Chlorophyll has antitumor activity, delays the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists who have studied chlorophyll have concluded that hemoglobin, which is the main respiratory pigment in the blood, is molecularly similar to chlorophyll. The only difference is that magnesium is at the center of these processes in plants, and iron in humans. Scientists have concluded that chlorophyll affects the blood in the same way as hemoglobin.

Green yucca leaves are rich in mucus, which coats the stomach and has a mild laxative effect. The presence of mucus makes yucca irreplaceable for peptic ulcers, gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases. Anthraquinones also have a laxative effect; in addition, they are known for their astringent properties and relieve inflammation.

The enzymes that yucca contains are similar to enzymes that are secreted in the human body. They have a beneficial effect on digestive system, participate in metabolism.

Antioxidants occupy an important place among beneficial substances; they prevent premature aging processes and protect cells from oxidative processes. Antioxidants have anti-cancer activity; they neutralize free radicals. Modern man is in a state of chronic stress, and if we add another factor such as smoking, it becomes clear that the need for antioxidants is increasing. In order to stay healthy, a person must consume foods that contain antioxidants.

Yucca flowers are rich in minerals such as zinc and selenium. Zinc activates immune reactions and normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetes. This mineral helps in the absorption of vitamin E. Zinc is one of the most important microelements, necessary for bone tissue, the satisfactory condition of the skin and teeth. Selenium protects nucleic acids that are essential for the circulatory system. Nucleic acids are the basis of all living organisms, as they participate in the transfer of genetic information.

Yucca root contains vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is also called the “beauty vitamin”; it is involved in the production of sex hormones and the synthesis of the main visual pigment in the retina. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin C is important for maintaining the immune system. The root of this plant has long been used to relieve inflammatory processes. It is rich in potassium, vitamin K, calcium, copper, magnesium and zinc. Extracts from yucca root help absorb nutrients and normalize metabolic processes. Saponins are very important in diseases such as arthrosis and gout, their action is similar to that of steroids, but saponins have no side effects.

Use in cooking

The Indians also used yucca flowers in cooking; they added the petals to soups and vegetable dishes. At home, the plant is grown as an industrial crop. Sugar is obtained from yucca juice. Flowers have pleasant taste, they are dense and crispy. If we compare yucca with known food products, then in taste it is closest to green beans and artichoke leaves. The flowers of the plant go well with eggs; they are often placed in omelettes. Crushed flowers can be added to tomato soups.

Benefits of yucca flowers and treatment

The benefits of yucca are associated with the presence in its flowers of many substances necessary for the body. At skin diseases prepare a decoction for lotions according to the following recipe. About 50 grams of leaves are brought to a boil in 3 liters of water, the resulting decoction is used for lotions. This remedy is effective for psoriasis and eczema. An ointment based on yucca is also prepared for psoriasis and eczema: 100 grams of unsalted lard and 10 grams of leaves are mixed in a water bath and filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting ointment is applied to areas where there are problems.

At stomach diseases, in the presence of inflammatory processes, prepare a decoction of 10 grams of yucca leaves per 500 ml of water. A third of the decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Patients with diabetes can purchase medications based on yucca or prepare decoctions from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

Harm of yucca flowers and contraindications

Yucca can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance.