Cold smoked brick smokehouse. Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse - practical recommendations. Laying the bottom of a brick smokehouse

A brick smokehouse built with your own hands is a great opportunity regularly pamper yourself and your family with natural smoked products, the quality of which you can be sure of. Juicy meat, crispy bacon or aromatic mackerel for beer, cooked in a smokehouse, have a unique aroma and taste that cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts. However, before enjoying natural smoked meats on outdoors, you need to build a smokehouse correctly, taking into account the smallest nuances. This is a rather complex and time-consuming process, but the result is really worth it.

Before you start working directly, you need to consider the following points:

  • Location. It is best to place the smokehouse so that its smoke does not disturb either you or your neighbors. The smell of smoked meats is quite persistent and can be strongly felt for a long time.
  • Materials. Today, a smokehouse can be made from anything, even an old refrigerator. However best material for construction - fire-resistant bricks. Such a structure is durable and has an aesthetic appearance.
  • Types of smoking. Decide what type of smoking you want to use, since each of them requires a special building design.
  • Products. The design of the system depends on what you are going to smoke. Please also note that under individual species smokehouse products need to be adapted.

Cold or hot?

Smoking is one of the oldest and known methods cooking. With its help, you can effectively reveal the taste of meat and fish using the process of burning wood. Smoking itself can be done hot or cold. This gives the dish a richer taste and aroma, but is more expensive, but allows the food to be stored longer.

The main difference between smokehouses for cold and hot smoking is the type of construction brick oven. During hot smoking, the ignition center is placed directly under the chamber, and during cold smoking it should be placed to the side, while the smoke is supplied into the chamber through a special inlet.

A more complex design is the universal smokehouse oven, which can be used for both cold and hot smoking. It is often installed at 27 brick rows. If you like smoked fish and other seafood, the cold smoking method will make the finished product firmer and will last longer.

What you should know during construction

Regardless of the size and type of smoking, almost all brick smokehouses built by yourself have the following elements: a firebox, a fireplace, a grate and a metal grate for food with hooks and a lid. When building a smokehouse, it is necessary to use not only brick, but also clay, which is completely natural product and does not impart any foreign odors to food. If clay is not found, it can be replaced with ordinary soil, but cement mortar should not be used.

Although many people use metal chimneys because they are cheaper, it is best to build this element from brick. To protect food from precipitation, install a metal cap over the pipe.

When constructing, do not forget to install such important element, like a metal tray in the smoking compartment. During the smoking process, residual fat will drain into it, which will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor and taste. Instead of hooks for hanging food, you can install protrusions for mounting removable grids.

How to build a brick smokehouse: stages of work

Before proceeding directly to construction, you need to accurately calculate all the details, prepare a work plan and drawings. Pay enough attention to preparation so that you don’t miss any important details later.

The construction of a smokehouse consists of several important steps:

  1. Preparing a place for a smokehouse.
  2. Purchase of materials and tools.
  3. Installation of the foundation.
  4. Installation of brickwork.
  5. Construction of a smoke inlet (for cold smoking).
  6. Checking the operation of the finished structure.

After choosing a location, proceed to the work plan and drawings of your future smokehouse with the necessary parameters. Check out several typical options for ready-made hot and cold smokehouses and choose the most optimal one for yourself. Write step by step plan actions, after which you can move on to the next stage, namely, collecting material and the necessary tools.

What will be needed for construction?

To install a smokehouse with your own hands you will need:

  • Brick (ceramic or refractory type, silicate is not recommended).
  • Clay (can be replaced with dry mixtures).
  • Common construction tools.
  • Container for mixing the solution.
  • Door made of wood.
  • Metal grate and rods for food.
  • Metal lid.
  • Level.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Spatula and trowel.
  • Components of the foundation.

Installing a foundation for a smokehouse

Stage one - building the foundation. For it, prepare components such as crushed stone, sand, concrete and steel mesh. Ready-made may be suitable concrete slab. When making a concrete pad, you must do the following:

  • Prepare a hole of the required size.
  • At the bottom of the pit, lay and level a mixture of crushed stone and sand.
  • Place on the bottom metal mesh, then pour concrete on top.

After the concrete has completely hardened, you can proceed to the next stage - installation of brickwork.

After preparing the foundation, you can begin building the brickwork.

  1. Apply concrete mortar onto the surface of the foundation with a trowel. After this, attach a brick, which should not reach the joint a little.
  2. Coat the brick poke with mortar to fill the vertical joints. Each of the bricks needs to be pressed down a little and pressed tightly against each other to prevent the appearance of cavities.
  3. Remove excess mortar that protrudes above the seams using a trowel. To install the brick correctly, you can lightly tap it with a rubber hammer. When installing each row, check the row with a level to prevent the corner of the masonry from shifting.
  4. The ideal thickness of vertical and horizontal seams is 12 mm. Minor deviations from this standard are acceptable.
  5. To make the structure stronger, dressing is necessary. In each corner, the bricks should completely cover the seams of the previous row. For this reason, it is better to start arranging the bricks from the corner. The most important thing in bricklaying is to correctly install the first rows, which need to be given special attention.
  6. After installing the masonry, it is necessary to grout the joints so that the structure acquires a more aesthetic appearance.
  7. In general, brickwork not such a simple matter. If you doubt your skills, it is better to invite a specialist.

Installation of smoke inlet

For a cold smoked smokehouse, be sure to consider a smoke inlet. To build such a structure, it is necessary to dig a trench about 2 m long, approximately 50 cm wide and 30 cm deep. Near the walls of the trench, bricks must be laid on the edges, and when making the mortar, clay and sand must be mixed in a ratio of 3 to 1. The finished structure must be filled with asbestos or cover with a metal covering.

After laying the walls, it is necessary to complete such a stage of work as covering the top of the smokehouse. This can be done using ordinary red brick. The installation of the smoking chamber itself should be carried out quite carefully, and the depth of the chamber should not exceed 30 cm for greater convenience.

The chimney channel in the smokehouse should be located between the firebox and the smoking chamber, which is located slightly above the firebox. The optimal rate of ascent is about 9 degrees.

If desired, you can place a filter in the smokehouse oven. It is quite simple to make - a metal circle covered with burlap is installed under the wire rods at the very bottom. A place for the filter must be provided initially, since four metal rods must be prepared to attach it. After installing the system and immediately before use, the filter must be moistened with distilled water.

If you want to build simple design, the installation of which will not take much time, then the ideal option for you is a four-wall smokehouse with one door and holes for mounting metal poles. Under the slate roof, it is necessary to provide space for gaps where the draft will be installed. Don't forget to install a blower or leave a space of 1 brick at the bottom of the smokehouse to increase the draft force during smoking.

After completing the installation of the chimney and smoke channel, you need to let them dry, and then cover everything with earth up to the place where the smoking chamber begins (the height of this layer should be around 15 cm).


Once the smoker is ready, it's time to test it. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Place the sawdust in the special compartment. The ideal option is alder, a wood traditionally used for smoking foods. Fruit tree species are also good - apricot or cherry, for example.
  • Light the firebox.
  • Place the products to be smoked - fish or meat - on the grill or on the hooks.
  • Close outlet pipe on the lid and wait until the device warms up. The oven should fill with smoke from inside. To keep the process under control, include a thermometer in the design.
  • When the temperature rises to 60 degrees, you need to open the outlet at the top of the smokehouse.
  • Wait half an hour so that the food is thoroughly saturated with smoke. After this time, you can open the door and carefully remove the contents. The meat or fish should be hot and acquire a characteristic golden color.
  • If during the test of the smokehouse you see smoke coming out of the walls, it means that the bricks in the masonry were not covered tightly enough. This way, you can see the weak points of the structure and fix problems in time.

How to make a large brick smokehouse?

If you are planning to make a brick smokehouse big size, it must be built as if small house. This design may include not only the main elements, but also additional space for firewood, as well as a tray for grease. Often, large smokehouses are supplemented with a barbecue, which makes the building not only beautiful, but also allows you to cook more options delicious dishes Outdoors.

At the top of the smokehouse it is necessary to install a chimney equipped with a valve to regulate the temperature and speed of the smoke flow. Do not forget to lubricate the doors and other wooden elements to avoid fire during cooking.

Large smokehouses can be made with one or two tiers, horizontal and vertical type. On the Internet you can find many drawings of various smoking ovens, with the help of which you can delight yourself and your friends with real home-made smoked meats with a unique taste.


As you can see, building a smokehouse with your own hands from brick is not easy, but it is quite possible. If you carefully work out the design plan and strictly carry out all stages of work, you can build a reliable and convenient stove that will serve you for many years. If you encounter any difficulties during the work, you can always carefully watch the video about installing the smokehouse or seek help or advice from professional builders and installers.

This brick smokehouse will decorate the site

It is worth saying that for a person who is familiar with a hammer, brick and other building materials, building a smokehouse of any type will not be very difficult. The main thing is to have the desire, buy some materials and working tools, and you can get to work. You will also need a little free time and a couple of assistants, you can ask relatives or neighbors, because they will sometimes drop by to visit to smoke fish or sausage, so why not take them as assistants?

Before you build a brick smokehouse, it’s worth saying why it’s good. Remember that such structures have been popular since the times of our ancestors. True, in those days they were somewhat antediluvian and primitive, but despite this, they performed their function no worse than modern ones. Products prepared by smoking are used both for immediate consumption and for long-term storage. They are specially distinguished pleasant taste, because they are prepared according to our own recipe with the addition of spices and other seasonings to taste. This way you can prepare amazing delicacies with a unique aroma and taste.

The most common are cold and hot smoked smokehouses, although a stationary smokehouse copes well with the functions of the first and second models.

Important points

Before building a smokehouse of any kind, you need to think through everything carefully and draw up a plan that will make it much easier to make the structure without missing anything. So, you will need to think about the place where the brick smokehouse will be located. Remember: it should not interfere in the garden area and cause discomfort either to you or to the neighbors behind the fence. Next, think about the choice of material. Of course, today many can build a smokehouse from the same tin barrel. But if you want to use the smokehouse for a long time, then a brick smokehouse is the best option.

Let's figure out what kind of smoking you want in your smoker: cold or hot. Depending on this, the drawings will be drawn up, so think carefully about which type you prefer. Also think about what products you will smoke, because it is for them that the structure will be built. As a rule, some products are quite demanding and have smoking characteristics.

As for the design of smokehouses, there are also differences and features. For a hot-mode smokehouse, you will need to install an ignition center directly under the chamber. In designs for cold smoking, the ignition center is built to the side, and an elongated chimney is led directly to the chamber.

Diagram of a brick smokehouse

An important point for building a good smokehouse is the use of clay, not cement mortar for coating wooden parts. This is due to the fact that clay is a natural material, which affects the smell of products cooked in a smokehouse.

It is best to build a chimney from brick, although the metal version will be cheaper. To protect against precipitation, it is worth placing a metal cap over the pipe. This will also affect the smell and taste of the meat or fish.

A good solution would be to install a removable tray in the smoking compartment. This will make it possible to remove residual fat that drains from the food during the cooking process. If this is not done, then over time they will be added unpleasant tastes and smells of old burnt fat. You can make ledges to install removable racks where food pieces will be placed, instead of hanging them on hooks.

Let's start construction

Since it will not be possible to move the smokehouse in the future, its location will need to be chosen carefully. The site for its construction should be convenient, located away from the house and growing garden, so that the smoke from smoking does not harm it. The area will also need to be cleared of debris and vegetation, as you will need to build a foundation for the structure.

As you already know, you can build a smokehouse from any available materials, but brick is still considered the best option. Therefore, we will build a smokehouse from this material.

Despite the varieties of smokehouses, and they are available for hot and cold methods of processing products, their design is almost the same and consists of the following elements:

  • fireplace;
  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • grate or food holder;
  • lid.

The combined version consists of two chambers. One of them is located above the hearth, which provides hot smoking, and the other is located behind the partition and is connected by a chimney channel. This solution makes it possible to implement cold smoking.

Universal two-chamber smokehouse

Before starting construction, it is necessary to draw up drawings and a work plan. It is advisable to break them down into stages so that you don’t get confused later. This way, you will be prepared and will know exactly what to do, follow all the nuances and not make mistakes.

Stages of work:

  1. site preparation;
  2. purchase of building materials and tools;
  3. foundation construction;
  4. bricklaying;
  5. construction of a smoke inlet (of course, if a cold smoking device is planned);
  6. checking the design for proper operation.

So, to build a standing smokehouse with your own hands, you will need to first prepare:

  • bricks: you can take ceramic or fire-resistant ones, avoid silicate bricks, they are not suitable for the construction of such structures;
  • clay;
  • shovel and container for preparing the solution;
  • doors for your smokehouse;
  • a metal grate or rods so that there is somewhere to place the products for smoking;
  • metal cover;
  • construction level;
  • spatula and trowel;
  • foundation components.

Construction of a foundation for a smokehouse

To build the foundation you will need: steel mesh, concrete, crushed stone and sand, a concrete slab is also quite suitable. You can create a concrete pillow with your own hands as follows:

It is advisable to cover the top of the foundation with roofing felt to ensure waterproofing.

Lay out the smokehouse

Before laying a brick, you should know that the names of its sides are:

  1. poke:
  2. pastel;
  3. spoon.

We have built the foundation, we begin laying bricks with our own hands:

This video lesson will help you learn more about the brick laying process:

At the end of construction work, the joints are grouted to give the structure an aesthetic appearance.

Ordering a brick smokehouse

Detailed diagram masonry

From the third row we begin to lay out the exhaust duct of the future smokehouse.

It is necessary to secure the door of the ash pan and stove. We continue to lay out the exhaust duct.

When laying out the twentieth row, place the jumpers from the corner with the shelves facing each other.

We close the front part of the brick smokehouse with a lid to retain the smoke during the smoking process. To make it easier to place products in the chamber, we provide iron brackets in the side walls. You just need to drill a hole slightly smaller in diameter than the bracket itself and hammer it in with a hammer. The food can now be placed on the grill.

Possible modifications of smokehouses

As has already been said, smokehouses come in a wide variety of varieties, making them with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is not to be lazy and have a great desire. You most likely understand how to make structures for smoking. Moreover, today, thanks to Internet resources, you can get enough information to draw up a correct picture of the construction of smokehouses.

True, it is worth saying that you can always make a single-tier or multi-tier smokehouse in your garden plot, which allows you to smoke different products with your own hands, rather than buying them in the supermarket.

There are also horizontal and vertical views, which will not be difficult to build. You can build a smokehouse with a barbecue; this design doesn’t just look aesthetically pleasing, it’s quite practical to use. Moreover, it is quite easy to build it with your own hands; the main thing is to draw up a work plan and have drawings, simple tools and building materials on hand.

You must remember that after the smokehouse structure is built, it will need to be tested. If, when you first use it, you notice that smoke is coming from the device, it means that somewhere there are gaps of insufficient sealing. After the malfunctions have been eliminated and the smokehouse is working correctly, you can please your family with delicious and aromatic smoked meats or fish.

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses for a summer house or private home on the market. But it is much safer to build a brick smokehouse on a garden plot with your own hands. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

What types of smokehouses are there?

You can smoke chicken legs, lard, fish, homemade sausage, and meat. When smoked, products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-burning smokehouse, you won’t be able to achieve this result. No liquid smoke, tea leaves or other industrial inventions or resourceful housewives will not replace real smoking with smoke.

Shelves for food in a brick smokehouse

On your personal plot, you can install either a purchased smokehouse or build it with your own hands from scrap materials. A homemade smokehouse can be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from a bucket;
  • from metal sheets welded together;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke food in a chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous from the point of view of anti-aircraft technology. fire safety.

Smokehouse for cold and hot smoking

Most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, laid out with skillful hands the design can be a real highlight landscape design plot. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish structure.

Brick smokehouses vary:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site you can build both a very small and quite impressive smokehouse. It is recommended to design large smokehouses in the form decorative houses.

Smokehouse for large volumes of products

Smokehouses of various designs can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, exposing the food to hot smoke. Cold smoking involves a fire center slightly removed from the chamber so that the smoke can cool before reaching the food. Hot smoking products take an average of 2.5 hours to prepare, but cold smoking will take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the design of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue or grill.

Diagram: smokehouse structure for hot (left) and cold (right) smoking

What does the smokehouse consist of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • fireboxes;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal gratings and horizontal bars with hooks;
  • tray for collecting fat.

Detailed diagram of a hot smoked smokehouse

The wood chips placed in the firebox generate thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in the ash pit located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. To collect the resulting fat, it is necessary to install a removable tray.

Preparatory work

The correct choice of location for a stationary smokehouse has great importance, since the smoking process involves fire, smoke and soot. The main fire safety requirement is distance from residential and outbuildings Location on. The same rule applies to green spaces. You also need to take into account that the area of ​​the selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

Choose a place for the smokehouse away from living quarters and recreation areas

The site chosen for construction must be cleared of foreign objects, debris and grass in advance. It is also worth taking care of the necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • fire brick;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • roof materials;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

For construction, use only refractory bricks

For high-quality work, experts recommend that beginners prepare a drawing of the structure in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that should be followed when building a smokehouse with their own hands. It would be a good idea to study the theory and get acquainted with photos and videos of upcoming work.

Laying the foundation

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to make markings according to the dimensions of the future smokehouse. To do this, use wooden stakes and cord. For small smokehouses, a foundation 40 cm deep will be sufficient. If a more voluminous structure is being built, the foundation should be deepened further and reinforced when pouring.

Using construction waste to lay a foundation

To fill the foundation, use a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, a foundation trench can be laid construction waste, and pour concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Advice. To ensure waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing felt.

It would be useful to arrange a basement. To do this it is necessary to build wooden formwork, in width exceeding the laid foundation.

Laying out the chimney

The principle of building any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal structure. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

A trench of the following dimensions is dug in the ground under the chimney:

  • width – 50 cm;
  • depth – 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully compacted and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that along the length of the chimney there are two bricks located end to end. The chimney channel is limited on one side by the firebox, and on the other by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The chamber location rule implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying a chimney, the brick is installed on its edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of brick. For convenience, it is recommended to do it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, you need to let the solution used dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber more than 25-30 cm. The layer of earth poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

Lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can begin building the smoking section. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular chamber. Drawings, photos, videos and step by step instructions, widely available on the Internet. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out the brick with high quality. For home smokehouse a chamber measuring 1 x 1 m and a height of 1.5 m will be quite sufficient.

It is advisable to carry out the masonry using clay mortar, laying the brick on the edge. Clay - natural material, and when exposed to high temperatures doesn't highlight harmful substances.

Construction of the smoking chamber

IN top part the cameras drill into metal pins on which a grill or rods with hooks for food will be mounted. At the bottom, you need to provide fastenings for burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle are fastenings for a removable grease tray.

The top of the chamber is covered with a special lid that regulates the density of the smoke. If the design of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about ventilated openings. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install the doors and mount devices for laying out products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is installed at the end of the chimney opposite from the chamber. Its design is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small ash pit is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. The firebox is connected to the chimney at the back or side.

It is recommended to line the firebox with bricks on the outside. This will protect it from exposure to precipitation and give a complete appearance to the entire structure. The entire process of constructing a smokehouse on a personal plot can be viewed in detail in the video.

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse with your own hands

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. We dig a trench under the chimney.
  3. We lay out the chimney from bricks.
  4. We are building a smoking chamber.
  5. We are setting up a firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Building a brick smokehouse requires effort, but the structure will serve you well long years

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient and slowly, step by step, complete this painstaking work. As a result, a brick smokehouse will serve you well and for a long time.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands: video

Brick smokehouse: photo

DIY brick smokehouse: drawings of the structure being built

Having decided to set up a corner in your dacha where you can prepare aromatic food, you do not have to purchase small smokehouses presented in specialized stores. You can build a smokehouse with your own hands from brick - a reliable structure that can also become a garden decoration. Drawings and simple step-by-step instructions for performing the work will help you create a model yourself.

Since it is possible to make a smokehouse out of brick only in a stationary version, several points should be foreseen in advance:

  • Determine the location. For safe operation, you should choose areas remote from your home. However, it is worth remembering that you will have to take the dishes and food to the cooking area, so it is too long distance There is no need to do this between buildings. In addition, planning the location should take into account the peculiarity of the smokehouse, namely the constantly emitted smoke. It should not enter the premises.

The smoke from the smokehouse should not cause discomfort not only to the owners and guests of the summer cottage, but also to the neighbors.

  • Prepare the site. The basis of the smokehouse will be a solid foundation, and to increase its durability you need to resort to clearing the area of ​​debris, leaves and grass.
  • Determine the purpose. Conventional DIY devices offer two types of smoking - cold and hot. The design can provide either one of these modes or both simultaneously.

TIP: It is necessary to decide in advance what types of smoking will be used when operating the smokehouse, as this will directly affect the features of its organization.

An approximate diagram of the operation of a similar smokehouse shown in the photo above

Dependence on the type of smoking

The structure of a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse varies depending on whether cold or hot smoking is chosen. Each of them has its own advantages:

  • Food prepared using the cold smoking method is stored longer, but is more expensive compared to the second method.
  • Hot smoking is more profitable, but products prepared this way will spoil faster than those created using the cold method.

Hot smoked food is usually more aromatic and tasty.

Whether one or both methods are chosen for building a brick smokehouse with your own hands, it is important to consider the following: for hot cooking it is necessary to organize a fireplace under the chamber, and for cold cooking - to the side with a supply device for supplying smoke.

Design Features

Various sizes and types of designs allow for a variety of elements in DIY smokehouses. However, the main parts are the fireplace itself, the grate and firebox, a grate for food with hooks and a lid, as well as the main element of construction - brick.

The simplest diagram of a stationary brick smokehouse. In more complex structures additional elements are possible

Readers found these materials useful:
  • How to make a smokehouse from a bucket or pan with your own hands
  • Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder: design, assembly and operation

The best option is to create a smokehouse with two chambers, which will allow you to resort to different types of smoking. Therefore, after selecting and preparing the site for the construction of the device, you can begin to draw up a work plan. The painted stages and drawings of a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse should include:

  • List necessary tools. These include both the parts of the smokehouse - bricks, doors, grate and metal lid, and the means for doing the work - clay and components for the foundation, a spatula, a shovel and a container for the mixture.

IMPORTANT: To build a smokehouse with your own hands from brick, only fireproof brick is suitable.

The design will be reliable and last a long time only if it is done correctly. Therefore, at each stage, the brickwork must be checked using a building level.

  • Sequence of work: first of all, when building a smokehouse with your own hands from brick, you need to prepare the foundation, then choose a scheme for laying bricks and constructing a smoke inlet.

Formation of the foundation

A good base would be a kind of concrete pad with a steel mesh inside. Creation comes down to a few simple steps:

  • A hole is dug slightly larger than the future smokehouse with a depth of about 40 cm.
  • The bottom of the pit is filled with a layer of sand and crushed stone.
  • A steel mesh is placed on top.

Before installing the reinforcement, the layer formed below should be compacted and leveled.

  • The dug hole is completely filled with concrete and left to harden.
  • A waterproofing layer of roofing material is placed on top.

Creating a smokehouse base from bricks

Since the device is a three-dimensional structure, you should approach the laying of bricks thoroughly. The best option would be to choose one of the existing schemes and sequential construction rows.

One of possible schemes masonry for creating a brick smokehouse with your own hands.

Once the drawing has been selected, you can begin to work:

  • Using a trowel, concrete mortar is applied to the foundation.

TIP: For the mixture, you can use cement and fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 4. The mixed homogeneous mass should be gradually filled with water, remembering to stir, until a thick consistency is formed.

  • The brick poke is covered with mortar, then applied vertically to the already laid mortar. The next brick must be laid with a shift towards the joint.

Name of the sides of the brick

  • The order is being carried out. Each row must be cleaned with a trowel from excess mortar that is formed when the elements are shifted. At the same time, to increase the stability of the future brick smokehouse, the seams of the lower rows should be covered with a solid brick on top. In other words, observe the dressing.

Seams of at least 12 mm are left between rows of bricks. They are filled with a bonding solution.

Forming a smoke inlet

This element is an essential part of a smokehouse with the ability to cook food using the cold smoking method. It is created as follows:

  • The trench is being prepared. Standard size- 0.5 m wide, 0.3 m deep and long. The bottom is compacted.
  • A series of bricks are laid out, secured with mortar. The height of the vertical wall should be about 25 cm.

The channel of such a chimney has restrictions on two sides. On one side there is a firebox, on the other there is a smoking chamber, which should be higher than the firebox. The ascension angle is about 9 degrees.

  • A ceiling is created on top in the shape of a house.
  • The solution is left to harden. After this, you need to pour a layer of earth about 14 cm from above to the smoking chamber.

TIP: The chimney channel should go no more than 0.3 m deep into the smokehouse.

The upper part of the firebox is made of metal sheet with mortar

Check before launch

Before using the smokehouse at full capacity for its intended purpose, you should check that it is operating correctly in test mode. This will allow you to identify and eliminate deficiencies. You can do this as follows:

  • Fill the corresponding compartment with sawdust. In this case, the most preferable option would be cherry and apricot.
  • Light the firebox.
  • Place meat or fish in the smokehouse.
  • Close the outlet pipe and wait until the inside of the smokehouse fills with smoke.
  • Wait until the temperature in the smokehouse reaches 60 degrees, then open the smoke hole.

Checking the smokehouse will help determine whether cracks have formed during operation, which will release smoke and impair the operation of the unit. For more accurate measurements, you can check the operating temperature with a special thermometer.

  • Wait about half an hour in operating mode.
  • Get groceries. If the brick smoker is working correctly, the meat will be golden and hot.

Brick smokehouse

Well, who among us does not like to gather with the whole family at the dining table and have a delicious meal, especially if you are relaxing outdoors.

brick smokehouse

But what to put on the table to surprise your family and friends? The answer is quite simple - you can treat your guests to ham, balyk or juicy homemade sausage. But, unfortunately, prices in stores are very steep, and smoking in factories is not the healthiest and the right way. And it is then that a smokehouse will come to your aid, which you can easily build with your own hands from ordinary building bricks, and most importantly, it will not take up much space in the backyard of your house or country house.

Let's take a look at the whole process of laying a brick smokehouse stove in order.

How to properly lay a brick smokehouse?

tools and materials for smokehouse

Before you start building a smokehouse, you need to learn the basic basics of brickwork itself, and then the process of building a smokehouse itself will not take you much time and effort, and most importantly, you can easily build a smokehouse of any shape, type, and even color.

What are necessary Construction Materials for the construction and laying of a smokehouse from ordinary or special building bricks:

  1. Brick (it is best to use special brick, as it has better performance properties);
  2. Ordinary natural clay or clay mass with various additives and impurities;
  3. Shovel for digging a hole;
  4. A grate and ladder made of special or ordinary bricks, which you can make with your own hands for smoking meat and other products;
  5. Wooden door for storing products or combustion elements;
  6. Eight thick metal rods;
  7. Cover made of durable metal;
  8. Tape measure for measuring length;
  9. Level measuring device;
  10. Base or plumb line:
  11. Construction shovel for grinding - trowel;
  12. Regular spatula;
  13. Construction hammer;
  14. Container for pouring and mixing mortar.
  15. Conclusion.

Where is the best place to place a brick smokehouse?

location of the smokehouse on the site

When choosing a location for the stove, you need to think through everything and take into account down to the smallest detail. Since in this article we are considering exclusively brick smokehouses, the oval shape of this structure will be capital and permanent, which means that at the slightest desire it will not be possible to move or place it in another place (if you need to change the location of the smokehouse, it will have to be disassembled and build virtually from scratch).

And that is why the location of the smoking oven must be ideal. Such a place should be: large, comfortable, located at the same time close to your home, but also at some distance so that you do not breathe smoke and combustion elements during the smoking process. It is also important to remember that smoke smoke can harm not only your health, but also the buildings and living plants that are located on the site. Therefore, the place for the stove should be quite remote. I repeat once again - the place for the smokehouse must be chosen carefully and all possible nuances taken into account.

How to prepare the site for future construction work?

the place for the smokehouse needs to be prepared

The place where the construction process will take place must be thoroughly cleared of grass, dirt, debris and anything unnecessary. If you decide to build a mini smokehouse, then you need to pour a foundation measuring thirty by forty centimeters (depending on the size of the smokehouse, the area of ​​the foundation will increase).

If you want to build a large smoking apparatus on the site where it will be located, you should dig a large pit and pour a foundation into it with the addition of reinforced concrete (for the strength and reliability of the structure).


  • Regardless of its size and shape, any masonry structure will start from the geometric plane where the unit being laid will be located. In order to determine that very plane, it is very important to know all sides of such building element: spoon, pastel and poke. And the forming stone itself of the same type can be absolutely different forms and sizes.

Smokehouse masonry diagram

It is important to know: there are three standard types of bricks: double, one-and-a-half and single.

smokehouse diagram

Also, during construction, bricks of standard M one hundred and fifty are often used. Its dimensions are almost identically close to a double brick. You can read how to fire bricks at home here.

Brick thickness

  1. Half-brick masonry;
  2. Single brick masonry;
  3. Laying one and a half bricks;
  4. Two brick masonry;
  5. Laying in two and a half bricks.

stationary smokehouse diagram

As a rule, the thickness of brickwork with your own hands is determined using a special metric system.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of brickwork (whether it is made with your own hands and at home or produced at big factory- manufacturer), occurs according to a certain construction scheme, which must be adhered to without deviating. According to these rules, the joint of two bricks of a separate, lower row must always be covered upon completion of the masonry. This is done so that there are no unnecessary seams in the future.

This technology is called suture ligation and so that as a result you get the right grill with a brick smokehouse, you need to make only three dressings of the smokehouse seams - spoon dressing, chain dressing and cross dressing.

It is important to know: before starting the construction of the smokehouse, it is necessary to lay a foundation for it and a base for the walls of the barbecue. The foundation should be no more than thirty to forty centimeters in size, but if the soil on your site is very damp, then the foundation can be made several times larger.

It is best to pour the foundation from a mixture of cement and sand purified from impurities with construction additives (crushed stone and so on).

It is important to know: also based on the complexity of the construction, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to make a poured floor screed or whether you can leave the floor made of soil. In addition, you can build a small plinth to protect the smokehouse.

The process of laying a plinth

smokehouse plinth masonry

To do this, you will need to use a trowel to apply a solution on the base of the smokehouse (foundation) onto a pre-constructed formwork, which should be slightly larger than the size of a spoon and a poke. Next, apply the brick so that it fills all vertical seams.

If the applied mortar has come out a little from the seam, it must be carefully removed with a trowel so that the brick takes the correct position; it can be slightly knocked down with a hammer or the same trowel.

What options exist for sealing seams when constructing structures made of strong building bricks:

  1. Sealing a seam into an empty space;
  2. Seal the visible seam by trimming it slightly;
  3. Extended sealing of the seam with its bending inward;
  4. Extended sealing of seams with convex elements.

If you decide to put an ordinary, stationary stove, smokehouse made of building bricks in the backyard of your house or country house, then you naturally want to decorate it properly (beautiful, neat and unusual), but before you start decorating and decorating it is very important to seal and unstitch all visible seams.

What does a standard smokehouse consist of?

smoking process diagram

Any smoking oven consists of:

  • Valves;
  • Hook for hanging and fixing meat above the smoking apparatus;
  • Container for storing food.
  • Cold smoking chamber meat products(such a chamber is available only in universal and cold smoking apparatus);
  • Chamber for hot smoking of meat products (such a chamber is only available in a universal hot smoking apparatus);
  • Compartment for loading sawdust;
  • “Bunker” used to collect ash, slag and other remaining harmful products after the smoking process. It is also called an ash pan:;
  • Compartment for loading dry firewood;
  • A small chimney for the correct direction of smoke onto the meat;
  • Special brands or corners for overlap.

order for building a smokehouse

Depending on the type of smokehouse, the construction period and the amount of materials that need to be spent during laying vary significantly. For example, if you are building a cold-smoked smokehouse, then its laying time will take from two to three days(depending on the skills of the master and how quickly the work process itself is performed).

It is important to know: if you like not only well-smoked fish, but also very juicy fish, then it is better not to use a cold smoker for seafood, since due to the fact that fat will not get directly onto the meat, the final product will be much harder, although they will last longer from the moment of preparation.

There is also a universal barbecue with a brick smokehouse, which, thanks to the laying in several rows (namely twenty-seven brick rows), can combine both cold and hot smoking. But such masonry is more complex and will take much longer to construct.

It is important to know: the most important thing in laying a brick smokehouse for a novice builder is to correctly and accurately with the number of rows required and not to lose count during the construction process.

How to build a small smoking oven? A few simple but effective tips.

small smokehouse

If you want to save your time, effort, energy, cash or you simply do not have the space to place a large apparatus for cold or hot smoking, and the desire to have your own home smokers is irresistible, then the best option for you would be a small home smokehouse. Its construction, as has already become clear, will not take much time, but it is also necessary to follow the sequence of all actions and the main building regulations.

So let's get started:

  • First, you need to lay out a place for installing a special chimney in the ground of your site. Length general cross section the entire part should initially be approximately two hundred and fifty to three hundred centimeters, the width should be thirty-five centimeters, and its height should be about twenty-five centimeters. It is best to use standard red to build a chimney, building brick, since cheaper sand-lime bricks can emit very harmful substances and fumes when heated.
  • The smoking chamber must be located at the very end of the common channel. The height of the chamber should not be more than one hundred and fifty centimeters. To build such a structure, you can use ribbed brickwork.
  • Before you start laying the channel you need to dig a small trench. Its depth should be exactly thirty-five centimeters, and its total width should be fifty-five. Also, we must not forget to take into account that the firebox should be located slightly above the smoking chamber.
  • Next, you need to lay the walls for the future chimney. All walls must be neatly and correctly laid on brick foundation. In this case, the brickwork is also done on edge, and the dressing of all visible wall seams must be the same (for the stability and reliability of the entire structure). As a final result, the entire wall should be exactly twenty-five centimeters high, and stand slightly on the edge.
  • Next, you need to block the very top of the channel (it can be blocked without difficulty with ordinary red brick).
  • After you have blocked the chimney channel, you need to install the smoking chamber itself at its end. This must be done very carefully and so that the channel does not go very deep into the chamber itself (no more than thirty centimeters).
  • After the chimney and smoke channel have dried, it is necessary to cover everything tightly with ordinary soil to the level of the smoking chamber (this layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters in height).

don't forget about the rules

The most important rules and points during construction and masonry brick stove– smokehouses:

  1. The most important thing when building a good smokehouse, which will serve you for many, many years and will delight not only you, but also your family and friends, must be used for coating everyone wooden parts not cement, but exclusively clay and clay mortar with various natural additives (sand and so on). Also, we should not forget that clay is a natural material that has excellent operational properties and during the smoking process it emits an incredibly pleasant, natural smell, which is also transferred to meat and other products during smoking.
  2. What to do if not natural clay? Ways and methods of replacing it.

If you don’t have clay or the ability to get it, and you’re in a hurry to build a brick smokehouse, then clay can be replaced with ordinary soil. As already written above, it is better not to use cement mortar.

  • During laying brick walls For the smokehouse, we must not forget about strengthening it with thick rods made of durable metal (exactly eight pieces are needed, a special grill will be placed on these rods). Since the first four metal rods must be installed so that they do not reach exactly twenty-five centimeters to the very top edge (twenty-five centimeters is for a smoking oven with a cold smoking function, but for warm smoking a little more is possible).
  • If you have the desire and time, you can install a special filter in a smoking oven (of any type). To do this, you need to pull regular burlap on top of the wire circle (which is located under the lowest rods). The installation of this filter needs to be considered before starting construction of the smokehouse, since to place it you will need four additional metal rods. We also must not forget that after installation and during use, the filter must be slightly softened with filtered water.
  1. No matter how praised metal chimney and did not attract you with its cheapness, reliability and durability, it is best to build according to the old tradition brick chimney. Not only will it be easier to clean it from combustion residues after smoking, but a brick chimney will also last you much longer.
  2. In the smoking compartment, it is imperative to provide and make a light, removable tray so that fat and other residual products do not fall on the food, but drain. Also, in addition to the fact that without such a tray the meat will be fattier, harmful impurities and toxins will accumulate, which after several years will cause unpleasant odors during smoking, which will certainly transfer to meat and other products.
  3. If you are not particularly eager and do not want to waste energy and precious time on building complex and powdery structures, then perfect options you will have to build a structure that consists of four walls, one door and several holes for installing poles in a horizontal position, and under slate roof it is necessary to leave space for the gaps into which the rod will be installed. Next, you need to build a small ash pit, or you can simply leave one small removable brick at the bottom of the finished structure so that the draft itself increases several times.


As has already become clear, building a brick smokehouse with your own hands is not the easiest thing, but it is worth it. If you follow all the advice and do all the work step by step, slowly and following all the instructions and construction rules, then building a smoking oven will be easy for you, and in extreme cases you can always seek advice or help from professional builders and installers. If you have any questions, we recommend watching the video instructions presented in the article.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands – Smoked

For lovers of smoked delicacies from fish and meat, the smokehouse has occupied first place since the Middle Ages. Today, the advantages of a do-it-yourself smokehouse on a summer cottage or next to a private house are obvious - fish and meat acquire an original taste, and in comparison with store-bought counterparts, you can always vouch for the quality and freshness of the products.

It is not difficult to find information on how to build a smokehouse from scrap materials, but the brick version will last a longer time; building such a structure does not require special skills and funds, the main thing is diligence and patience. If you follow the instructions, you will soon be able to delight your loved ones and friends with aromatic smoked meats.

Preparing for construction

It is worth paying attention to the place where you plan to make your own brick smokehouse, because this is a stationary structure that cannot be moved. It is worth choosing a site away from housing and gardens, so that smoke does not disturb people with plants; after clearing it of debris and plants, you can begin laying the foundation.

Next, you need to determine what type of brick smokehouse will be: for hot smoking, cold smoking, or a combined version consisting of two sections. Regardless of which option is chosen, the future structure will consist of the following parts:

  • Fireplace.
  • Firebox.
  • Grate.
  • Grill for food.
  • Lid.

If you have already decided to build a smokehouse with your own hands, regardless of its size, thoughtful drawings and plans are a necessary step. It’s easier to plan the work step by step; a rough plan would look like this:

  1. Preparing the site for pouring the foundation.
  2. Purchase of tools and building materials.
  3. Installation of the foundation.
  4. Brickwork.
  5. If you choose a cold smoked brick smokehouse, it is necessary to construct a smoke inlet.
  6. Testing of the finished design.

Materials needed to build a brick smokehouse.

When choosing bricks, it is better to give preference to fireproof or ceramic products. Sand-lime brick not suitable for buildings of this type. You will also need:

  • Doors and lid made of stainless metal.
  • Cement.
  • Shovel, level, spatula and container for mixing the solution.
  • Grid for metal products (rods can be used).

Artem Shavelsky


Many owners of dachas and private houses acquire smoking installations. They can be different designs and size and made from various materials. For a stationary smokehouse, the best option is a brick smokehouse. You can build it with your own hands on any plot of land.

This structure has many advantages over smokehouses made of other materials:

  • brick is a durable material that ensures a device service life of tens of years;
  • such an installation will decorate any gazebo and recreation area;
  • Most brick smokers are multifunctional units that allow you to process food in a variety of ways.

However, in addition to its advantages, a brick smokehouse has disadvantages:

  • construction requires skills in bricklaying and working with concrete;
  • a brick smokehouse cannot be moved to another place;
  • most of these devices have big sizes and need free territory for comfortable operation.

Design Features

A brick smoking device can be of any model and functionality, but they all consist of the same elements:

  • the furnace in which the combustion process occurs;
  • a grate on which firewood is placed;
  • smoking chamber;
  • grates or hooks for food;
  • a chimney that removes smoke from the firebox and provides draft in it.

Depending on the design, these units are supplemented with stands for skewers, a barbecue grill, a stand for the boiler and other elements.

Information! In cold smoked smokehouses, the firebox and chimney are separate from the main structure and are located below the smoking chamber.

If you want to build a brick smokehouse with your own hands, then you need to consider the following factors:

  • Performance. Depends on the number of family members. The simplest models have a smoking chamber of 1x1x1.5 m.
  • Installation location. Such a building should be located at a distance from other buildings and trees.
  • Required functionality cold or hot smoking, grill, oven or drying chamber. When preparing food near the smokehouse, it is necessary to provide a water supply and a place for a cutting table.

Smokehouse design

Brick smokehouses for different types of smoking

The design of a brick smokehouse depends on the expected processing temperature of the products. You can build any of these installations yourself.

Hot smoked brick smokehouse

In these structures, the firebox is located directly under the smoking chamber. The simplest option The installation consists of a brick box with a door. It is covered with a sheet of metal on top. The walls contain guides or fastenings for installing grates with food and a tray for collecting fat.

When smoking, a saucepan or frying pan with smoldering coals is placed at the bottom of the chamber, onto which wet sawdust and wood chips are poured. They heat up, smoke is released and reaches the food.

In more complex structures, the firebox is separated from the chamber and located under it. The fire heats the bottom of the smokehouse filled with sawdust, and the smoke from the combustion of wood comes out through a separate chimney.

It is made not only of brick, but also of metal, preferably stainless steel.

Hot smoked brick smokehouse diagram

Cold smoked brick smokehouse

is built separately from the smoke generator. The smoke, passing through the chimney, cools and enters the chamber cold. There are several options for constructing such structures:
  • a hole is made in the wall of the brick box with a door through which a chimney and a smoke generator with an ejector are connected;
  • the firebox is built separately and connected to the chamber by a horizontal brick channel;
  • the smoking chamber is built above the chimney outlet.

Smoking installations with a chimney in the ground are built at the top of the slope of a hill or ravine:

  1. below, at a distance of 10 m, a firebox with grates and a ash pit measuring 50x50x50 cm is built;
  2. a 15x15cm ditch is dug in the ground, one of the ends of which is adjacent to the firebox chimney, and the other is located under the smokehouse;
  3. the ditch is covered from above with sheets of metal, slate or boards, leaving the upper end uncovered at a distance of 15 cm;
  4. When wood burns in the firebox, the smoke passes through the ditch, cooling down, and enters the chamber with the products.
It is made not only from brick, but also from other materials, including boards and plywood.

Important! Firewood must be used only from deciduous trees, except birch.

Scheme of a cold smoked brick smokehouse

Simple and small DIY brick smokehouse

In order to quickly and easily build a smokehouse you need:

  • 400-500 pieces (depending on the height of the smoking chamber) ceramic (red) or refractory bricks;
  • clay;
  • firebox door;
  • smoking chamber door;
  • brackets for gratings and the gratings themselves;
  • valves;
  • metal sheets for the lid and for the cooking chamber;
  • roofing felt for foundation waterproofing, steel mesh, cement, crushed stone and sand.

Simple brick smokehouse

Optimal sizes

The dimensions of the smokehouse are determined by the size of the smoking chamber. In devices whose size exceeds 1x1 m, the grilles are too large, so they have to be made of thick metal, which makes the entire structure heavier.

It needs to be of such a height that it is easy to reach upper tier products from the chamber. For people of average height, the top grill should be at a height of 1.8 m from the ground, and the ceiling of the chamber itself should be at a height of 2 m. To increase the height and volume of the smokehouse, it is allowed to install a wooden platform in front of the device.

Preparatory work

Preparing for the construction of a brick smokehouse includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting a model drawing. It depends on the required functions of the device.
  2. Determining the installation location. It should be located at a distance from buildings and trees; it is advisable to place the structure next to the gazebo and provide a water supply.
  3. Purchase of necessary materials. Their number is calculated according to the project’s serial scheme.

Laying the foundation

The foundation of this structure is a concrete slab. There is no need to be a pro to build it:

  1. dig a hole 10cm deep and 10cm larger than the first row of brickwork;
  2. Concrete is mixed from crushed stone, sand and cement in an old trough;
  3. the solution is poured into the hole to half the depth;
  4. steel mesh is laid;
  5. the pit is filled with concrete;
  6. A few days after the foundation has dried, it is covered with roofing felt to waterproof the brickwork.

Laying the foundation of a brick smokehouse

Ordinal bricklaying

After the construction of the foundation is completed, the bricks are laid according to a sequential masonry pattern.

Layout of bricks for the smokehouse

The step-by-step instructions for laying bricks are as follows:

  1. Row 1 is laid twice. The first time without mortar, for marking, and the second time with clay mortar.
  2. The 2nd row is placed in the same way as the first. To bandage the seams, the bricks are placed in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. In the 3rd and 4th rows there is space left for the ash chamber. The ash pan door is inserted into the wall and secured with wire. The gaps around the door are sealed with asbestos cord soaked in clay mortar.
  4. Row 5 completes the ash chamber. The masonry above the door is reinforced with steel corners or a metal plate.
  5. A grate is installed above the ash pit. To do this, a groove is cut out in the brick along its contour, 2 cm wider than the lattice.
  6. The 6th row is laid in the same way as 5. For the strength of the masonry, the bricks are placed in a checkerboard pattern.
  7. In row 7 there remains a gap for installing the firebox door. This gap also exists in rows 8 and 9.
  8. In the 8th and subsequent rows, a chimney is formed. Its inner walls must be cleaned of solution.
  9. The 9th row is laid in the same way as the 8th row. The bricks are laid in a checkerboard pattern.
  10. The combustion chamber door is inserted. The gaps are sealed with asbestos cord and clay mortar. The firebox is covered with a steel sheet with a Ø100mm hole in the middle to allow smoke to escape into the smoking chamber. It is allowed to install a cooking pot or cast iron frying pan with sawdust and wood chips on this hole.
  11. In the 10th row, the firebox door is blocked. In the same row, the chimney is separated from the smoking chamber.
  12. 11 and subsequent rows form the smokehouse. The number of rows depends on the required height of the smoking chamber.
  13. After installation required quantity rows, the door of the smoking chamber is installed. It is also sealed with asbestos cord.
  14. The penultimate row overlaps the door. The masonry above it is reinforced with corners.
  15. The ceiling is made of metal sheets. He is pressed against the last row of bricks.

The top of the dacha stove is covered with a lid made of galvanized metal sheet or corrugated sheet. The edges of the sheet are folded to form a trough.

Examples of row laying of smokehouse bricks


After the brick smokehouse is built with your own hands, the chimney pipe is installed. It can be made of galvanized metal or asbestos-cement pipe Ø160mm. To install it to a depth of several rows, a round hole is cut out in a square chimney.

The pipe ends with a spark arrestor made of galvanized steel. It also protects the firebox from rain.

Smokehouse chimney

Smoking chamber

Every 2 rows, steel brackets are placed in the walls. They are equipped with grates with food and a tray for collecting fat. For more durable fastening, the staples are driven into holes drilled in the bricks.

Brick smoking chamber


The firebox is made of ordinary, or better yet, refractory bricks with clay or fireclay mortar. The bottom of the ash pan is made with a slight outward slope to facilitate the removal of ash.

Advice! Instead of brick, it is allowed to use a cast iron firebox from an old stove.

Brick smokehouse firebox

Smoking installations of other models

Except simple devices for smoking there are models with greater functionality. They allow you not only to smoke food, but also to cook. You can build any of these installations yourself.

Brazier - brick smokehouse

In these devices, firewood and coals burn in a firebox or directly in a barbecue, under skewers with meat, and the smoke from them enters the smoking chamber. This allows you to cook food in two ways at the same time.

Advice! For more effective smoking It is advisable to cover the grill hole with a steel sheet.

Brick smokehouse

Barbecue with brick smokehouse

The operating principle of this installation is similar to a grill-smokehouse. The difference is that the meat is cooked not on skewers, but on a grill and covered with a lid. This makes them juicier and allows you to do without pre-marinating.

Installing a hinged lid and a removable grate in the grill-smokehouse allows you to cook in any of the ways - grill, barbecue or barbecue of your choice. Assembly is carried out after the construction of the structure. The part of the installation in which smoking is carried out remains unchanged.

Refinement of the smokehouse in the barbecue

Smokehouse - grill - barbecue with brick cauldron

For comfortable rest and food preparations are under construction multifunctional devices. You can use a ready-made project or develop it individually, based on the characteristics of the territory and the needs of the home owners.

Scheme of a barbecue smokehouse with a brick cauldron

Cold-hot smoked smokehouse made of brick in the garage

A small smoking installation can be built not only on a personal plot, but also at home, in the garage. She will cook food and heat the room.

For fire safety, this structure is built near the wall so that the firebox door is on the street. The chimney is located on the side of the firebox and exits through the roof or wall of the garage. In cold mode, smoke is produced by a separate smoke generator.

Diagram of a cold and hot smoked brick smokehouse for a garage

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses for a summer house or private home on the market. But it is much safer to build a brick smokehouse on a garden plot with your own hands. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

You can smoke chicken legs, lard, fish, homemade sausage, and meat. When smoked, products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-burning smokehouse, you won’t be able to achieve this result. No liquid smoke, tea leaves and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

Shelves for food in a brick smokehouse

On your personal plot, you can install either a purchased smokehouse or build it with your own hands from scrap materials. A homemade smokehouse can be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from a bucket;
  • from metal sheets welded together;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke food in a chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous from the point of view of fire safety equipment.

Smokehouse for cold and hot smoking

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, a structure laid out by skillful hands can become a real highlight of the landscape design of the site. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish structure.

Brick smokehouses vary:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site you can build both a very small and quite impressive smokehouse. It is recommended to design large smokehouses in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouse for large volumes of products

Smokehouses of various designs can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, exposing the food to hot smoke. Cold smoking involves a fire center slightly removed from the chamber so that the smoke can cool before reaching the food. Hot smoking products take an average of 2.5 hours to prepare, but cold smoking will take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the design of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue.

Diagram: smokehouse structure for hot (left) and cold (right) smoking

What does the smokehouse consist of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • fireboxes;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal gratings and horizontal bars with hooks;
  • tray for collecting fat.
Detailed diagram of a hot smoked smokehouse

The wood chips placed in the firebox generate thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in the ash pit located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. To collect the resulting fat, it is necessary to install a removable tray.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right location for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process involves fire, smoke and soot. The main fire safety requirement is distance from residential and commercial buildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. You also need to take into account that the area of ​​the selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

Choose a place for the smokehouse away from living quarters and recreation areas

The site chosen for construction must be cleared of foreign objects, debris and grass in advance. It is also worth taking care of the necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • fire brick;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • roof materials;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

For construction, use only refractory bricks

For high-quality work, experts recommend that beginners prepare a drawing of the structure in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that should be followed when building a smokehouse with their own hands. It would be a good idea to study the theory and get acquainted with photos and videos of upcoming work.

Laying the foundation

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to make markings according to the dimensions of the future smokehouse. To do this, use wooden stakes and cord. For small smokehouses, a foundation 40 cm deep will be sufficient. If a more voluminous structure is being built, the foundation should be deepened further and reinforced when pouring.

Using construction waste to lay a foundation

To fill the foundation, use a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, the foundation trench can be filled with construction waste and poured concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Advice. To ensure waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing felt.

It would be useful to arrange a basement. To do this, it is necessary to build wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

Ready foundation

Laying out the chimney

The principle of building any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal structure. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

A trench of the following dimensions is dug in the ground under the chimney:

  • width – 50 cm;
  • depth – 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully compacted and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that along the length of the chimney there are two bricks located end to end. The chimney channel is limited on one side by the firebox, and on the other by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The chamber location rule implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying a chimney, the brick is installed on its edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of brick. For convenience, it is recommended to do it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, you need to let the solution used dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber more than 25-30 cm. The layer of earth poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

Lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can begin building the smoking section. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular chamber. Drawings, photos, videos and step-by-step instructions, widely available on the Internet, will come to the rescue. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out the brick with high quality. For a home smokehouse, a chamber measuring 1 x 1 m and 1.5 m high will be quite sufficient.

It is advisable to carry out the masonry using clay mortar, laying the brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material and does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Construction of the smoking chamber

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, onto which a grate or rods with hooks for food will be mounted. At the bottom, you need to provide fastenings for burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle are fastenings for a removable grease tray.

The top of the chamber is covered with a special lid that regulates the density of the smoke. If the design of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about ventilated openings. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install the doors and mount devices for laying out products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is installed at the end of the chimney opposite from the chamber. Its design is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small ash pit is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. The firebox is connected to the chimney at the back or side.

It is recommended to line the firebox with bricks on the outside. This will protect it from exposure to precipitation and give a complete appearance to the entire structure. The entire process of constructing a smokehouse on a personal plot can be viewed in detail in the video.

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse with your own hands

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. We dig a trench under the chimney.
  3. We lay out the chimney from bricks.
  4. We are building a smoking chamber.
  5. We are setting up a firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Building a brick smokehouse requires effort, but the structure will serve you for many years

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient and slowly, step by step, complete this painstaking work. As a result, a brick smokehouse will serve you well and for a long time.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands: video