Structural unit of a flat roof. The flat roof is the main secret of the “fifth façade.” Technology for installing a flat roof made of monolithic concrete

This option for arranging the upper part of a building is used, as a rule, in the construction of “high-rise buildings”, as well as various administrative, industrial, warehouse and some other buildings: pavilions, showrooms and the like. Despite the fact that flat roof there are a number of disadvantages, this does not reduce the popularity of such a design, including in private housing construction.

Advantages of flat roofs

Firstly, the installation of a flat roof can be carried out independently, rather than inviting assistants or hiring professionals, as, for example, when constructing a roof with a complex configuration (hipped, etc.). Consequently, they will not have to be paid for their work (we are not talking about large areas, where it will be problematic to cope alone).

Secondly, the construction of such a roof provides significant savings both in materials (money) and in time (the covering area is much smaller than with a pitched roof). You won’t have to make numerous calculations or order a project (which will be expensive), assemble complex system rafters, installing jibs, spigots, and so on. In addition, there are no restrictions on the choice of type of roofing.

Third, a flat surface is much easier to maintain and repair, which also provides significant savings in the long term.

Fourth, the ability to choose arrangement options. A flat roof can either serve only as a traditional “cover” for a house, or be used (inverted). For example, greenhouses, summer gardens, solariums and the like are mounted on it. Even helipads are being built. This fully compensates for the inconvenience due to the lack of attic space.


  • Increased requirements for waterproofing. Since the roof is located horizontally, water falling in the form of precipitation will stagnate on it. You can use , for example.
  • Debris will constantly accumulate (for example, fallen leaves), so such a roof will have to be serviced more often.
  • Lack of attic (attic) space

What to consider

  • The maximum load that the roof will experience (for truss structure). This means the weight of the frame itself, roofing material, layers of insulation and insulation, as well as possible snow cover. In addition, you need to count on the fact that the roof must withstand the weight of people who will subsequently walk on it.
  • The purpose of the building and the possibility of further use of the surface (for example, equipping a terrace). Depending on this, the type of overlap is determined.

Work technology

The simplest version of a flat roof is when reinforced concrete slabs are laid (for example, a garage, shed). Everything here is extremely simple. On the surface a so-called “ layered cake»: vapor barrier, if necessary – insulation material, waterproofing layer. For the equipment of the latter, roll materials are most often used.

Insulation of a reinforced concrete slab can be done by pouring a layer of expanded clay and arranging it on top cement screed. Slag and some other materials are also used.

Traditionally, roofing felt is used for waterproofing, which is covered with bitumen mastics on top. It is necessary to take into account that this material will last no more than 5 years, and then you will have to do repairs. It is more expedient to lay it as a “waterproofing” polymer materials eg membranes. Liquid rubber is also great.

Since the installation of slabs requires the use of special equipment, when independent device A flat roof can be equipped with a simple rafter system made of wood.

First of all on the upper parts load-bearing walls supports are laid - Mauerlats. The most commonly used material is timber. It must be taken into account that these structural elements must be rigidly fixed to prevent the possibility of their horizontal displacement.

Therefore, metal pins are first embedded along the entire length of the walls into their upper end surfaces. Their length is calculated so that after installing the mauerlats they rise above the beam by about 5 cm. Threads must be cut at their ends.

If the masonry is old, then a “ribbon” of concrete mortar. After this, pre-designated holes with a diameter slightly larger than the cross-section of the metal “fingers” are drilled in each wooden blank. First, strips of roofing felt (or similar waterproofing material) are laid on the tape, and then Mauerlats. They are mounted on pins, and a washer is put on top of each and with the help of a nut the beam is securely fixed at the installation site.

Next, the floor beams are laid. It is necessary to take into account that the roof should protrude beyond the dimensions of the house by 50 - 60 cm (the required overhang). This will protect both the walls and the blind area from water flowing from it, as well as from raindrops.
Construction of a supporting frame. Depending on the type, it can be either solid (boards, slabs) or cellular (lathing).

  • Vapor barrier.
  • Insulation. For flat roofs there is a nuance. Absence attic space deprives such a building of an “air cushion” from above. Therefore, insulation is carried out both outside and inside. But at the same time, you need to take into account the weight of such material, since it is an additional load on the rafter system.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Roofing covering.
  • Finishing of overhangs.

This is just a general list necessary measures. The technology for performing work on each item depends on both local conditions and the selected materials.

  • Any “wood” used in construction must be well dried. The moisture in its structure gradually “leaves” (natural shrinkage of the material), which leads to a change not only in the volume of the workpiece, but also in its deformation (for example, twisting).
  • Wood has two significant drawbacks: it burns and is susceptible to rotting. Therefore, before using it, all wooden parts of the structure are pre-treated with fire retardants and antiseptics. It is better to spend money on these products than to suffer from frequent repairs later.
  • When installing mauerlats, you need to constantly monitor their horizontalness using a building level. Otherwise, the roof will be skewed. If necessary, either the tape is leveled or a rigid lining is made under the Mauerlat.
  • To prevent stagnation of water on the roof, it is advisable to make it with a certain slope (approximately 3 0 - 5 0). As a rule, the decline goes towards the rear side of the building. To do this, the height of the front mauerlats increases, so the floor beams will lie with a slope.

Minimizing costs and increasing the speed of work completion have long become current trends in the construction industry. The frantic pace of life and production processes forces developers to choose those designs that allow the project to be completed as quickly and cheaply as possible. Therefore, for multi-storey residential buildings of standard construction, industrial facilities, and office buildings, flat roofing based on roll waterproofing materials is increasingly being chosen.

Flat roof, which replaced the intricate designs of gable, tri-gable and hip roofs, completely utilitarian. Its roofing cake protects the building from moisture penetration and maintains optimal temperature regime inside.

Technology of using modern roofing roll materials and installation methods are guaranteed highest level waterproofing and thermal insulation. In this article we will tell you in what conditions and for which structures a flat roof is appropriate.

Performance Features and Benefits

The name “flat” has a figurative meaning, because even though such a flat roofing pie does not have slopes, a slight slope still exists in it. After all, completely flat, even structures will not allow melt water and rain to flow into the designated areas.

Without at least a slight slope of 2-3 degrees, excess moisture accumulates on the roof, forms puddles, and causes leaks. Unlike other varieties, the technology for installing a flat roof made of rolled materials has the following advantages:

  • Economical. Comparing construction costs of even the simplest gable design and flat, it is obvious that pitched options lose in terms of saving material resources. On this cost item, you can save up to half the money included in the estimate for the construction of the roof thanks to the use of inexpensive rolled materials.
  • Speed ​​and ease of installation. Due to the lack of need for rafter system, work on laying flat roofs is carried out very quickly, despite their significant area requiring overlapping. In addition, the workers performing the installation may not be highly qualified.
  • High degree of protection from wind and precipitation. This point is especially important for the construction of high-rise buildings. Imagine a skyscraper with gable roof, the picture that pops up in your imagination will surely cause laughter. But, without taking into account the appearance of such a roof, its installation is impossible due to unsafety. The higher the structures being covered, the stronger the wind load on it, the more flat their roof should be.
  • Efficient use of space. The flat multilayer pie of the roof in use makes it possible to compensate for the entire area occupied by the building. Since on it you can arrange a parking lot, a swimming pool, a recreation area, a cafe, even a garden, or install solar panels. At a time when there is not enough living space in megacities, everyone square meter The available space must be used as efficiently as possible.

Flat roof installation

The structure in the form of layers of rolled materials is called a roofing pie. This pie consists of three types of layers:

  1. Base. Depending on the method of using the roof, this role is played by either concrete plates, or sheets of profiled metal. the main objective This layer gives rigidity to the structure. Since one of the features of a flat roof is that it can be used not only for temporary occupancy of people, but even for parking cars or arranging a swimming pool.
  2. Screed. Its task is to set the slope of the roof surface so that melting and rainwater were canalized in . For this they use concrete mixture or cement-sand mortar. It is recommended to lay a slope of 2-3 degrees in roofs under construction, and 1 degree in those being restored or repaired.
  3. Waterproofing. A layer that prevents moisture from penetrating into the roofing pie. For its production, bitumen, polymer and bitumen-polymer roll materials are used.

Important! The nature of use makes adjustments to the structure of the roofing pie, special layers are added, but the base, screed and roll waterproofing materials are present in any type of flat roof.

Types by nature of use

The design of a flat roof varies significantly depending on how it will be used. The following types are distinguished:

Simple exploitable roof

Roofing pie of an exploited flat roof

If the building design involves the installation of a serviceable flat roof, a drawing is drawn up showing the sequence of layers of the pie. They are usually arranged in the following order:

  1. Reinforced concrete base;
  2. Concrete slope screed;
  3. Waterproofing film or membrane in the form of a roll material;
  4. Drainage metal grate;
  5. Thermal insulation material;
  6. Sand-cement mortar;
  7. Terrace covering.

Extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool in the form of solid slabs is used as thermal insulation. Most often, used flat roofs are covered with paving slabs intended for paths and parking lots.

The main disadvantage of this method of arrangement is that the insulation is located quite close to the surface, which is why it can deform, sag, get wet, and therefore loses more than 50% of its peat-insulating properties.

Inversion exploitable roofing

Before the invention of membrane elastic materials, builders noted significant drawback– rapid wear of the waterproofing layer, which was made from rolled bitumen derivatives based on cardboard.

Since it was located at the top of the pie, its condition quickly deteriorates due to exposure to temperature changes, UV rays, and mechanical damage. The way out of this situation was the invention of an inversion flat roof, the arrangement of layers of which is different.

It looks like someone turned the roof pie upside down. Waterproofing from roll materials, bitumen or bitumen-polymer material is laid on concrete slabs.

This is followed by a layer of moisture-resistant insulation; extruded polystyrene foam covered with geotextile is ideal. Upper layer, necessary for protection, is made by pouring gravel. This technology and placement of roll materials has three advantages:

  • The waterproofing layer of the roof, securely hidden in the thickness of the roofing pie, lasts longer, as it is not exposed to external influences.
  • Condensation does not form on the insulation located in the upper part of the roof, it does not get wet, and retains high thermal insulation qualities for 20-25 years.
  • The thermal insulation layer is close to the surface of the slabs, making it easy to replace them and repair the roof.

Green roof

This type of exploitable roof turns the top of the building into a blooming oasis, with lawns, flower beds or small beds with kitchen herbs and vegetables. In conditions of high gas pollution in cities, a green roof is not only a decoration, but a means of their improvement and relaxation.

The peculiarity of this type of roof is that on top of the insulation, a layer of geotextile is laid to retain the soil layer and the ground itself, which is subsequently sown with cereals lawn mixture. It is important to choose high-quality, reliable waterproofing and moisture-resistant insulation, for example, polystyrene foam.

Ventilated roof

The invention of a ventilated roof solves the problem of moisture accumulation in the thickness of the roofing pie. It penetrates there in various ways: it settles in the form of condensation on the insulation, accumulates in the concrete screed, and remains in the layers of the old roof. A breathable roof gives excess water an outlet - aerators, installed at the rate of 1 piece per 50 square meters. m.

Ventilated roof

Advantages of ventilated roofs:

  1. Installation does not require removal of the previous roof covering.
  2. Aerators guarantee effective evaporation of moisture, and a new layer of screed effectively channels it through the drainage system.
  3. A method that can be used both during repairs and during the initial installation of the roof

Flat roofs different types opens up many opportunities for implementing bold design projects. This is the future of house building, modern technology for careful use of free space, because the arrangement of greenhouses, gardens on the roofs, placement solar panels will make the life of city residents more convenient and comfortable.

Video instruction

Today, a flat roof is not the most obvious solution to the roofing issue. But in Switzerland and Germany, this particular type of roof began to gain increasing popularity. It is possible that in the near future European fashion will come to us.

The following factors contribute to the increasing popularity of flat roofing:

  • Ease of installation of the roofing pie. All materials are laid on a flat surface directly under your feet.
  • A flat roof has better heat transfer. The roof area is evenly heated throughout the sunny day.
  • Opportunity beneficial use space. You can make a summer terrace on the roof, install a small pool, etc.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • A flat roof wears out faster. It will have to be repaired more often, although this is not difficult.
  • On a flat roof winter period accumulates a large number of snow. Firstly, it creates unnecessary power load. Secondly, if it is not removed, over time it will begin to melt, and there may be so much water that it will somehow find its way through the roof.
  • There is an opinion that a flat roof is cheaper than a pitched roof. This is not so, and if you calculate all the costs, which include: floor slabs; slope-forming screed; insulation that experiences high compressive loads, and is therefore more expensive than pitched roof; waterproofing; installation of parapets - it becomes clear that a flat roof will cost more.

Traditional or inversion roofing

Before you make a flat roof with your own hands, you need to choose the type of roofing pie. It can be traditional or inversion.

The fundamental difference lies only in the order in which the flat roof elements are laid.

The traditional type involves first installing a vapor barrier, then thermal insulation, and only then waterproofing. This allows you to protect the insulation, but puts the waterproofing material at risk. The inversion type involves the installation of waterproofing, followed by thermal insulation. Thus, the waterproofing material is protected from temperature changes and excessive pressure.

The installation of a flat roof in a private house most often involves the use of a traditional type, and that is what we will consider in this article.

Preparing the base

Preparation of the foundation begins immediately after the construction of load-bearing walls. It directly depends on whether the roof will be used or not. Can be made from:

  • Reinforced concrete slabs, subject to the construction of walls made of bricks, blocks or concrete panels.
  • If the roof is not in use, it is possible to install a base made of corrugated sheets on iron beams. Profiled sheets must have sufficient wave height, type N-153.
  • A flat roof in a private house allows the installation of wooden floor slabs on wooden beams. For use only on unused roofs small area. They are laid with a gap of two millimeters, which is subsequently compensated by thermal expansion.
  • Can be used wooden planks minimum thickness 40 mm and a maximum width of 180 mm. They are also laid with a small gap. Suitable for used roofs.

When using wood, do not forget to treat it with antiseptics and fire retardants to increase durability and fire resistance.

Deflection device

The next stage is the deflection device. Necessary for draining water to gutters.

  • A screed is poured over reinforced concrete slabs with an approximate slope of 2-5 degrees. This is approximately 2 centimeters of slope per 1 meter. It is possible that the screed will be preceded by a backfill of expanded clay. Also, a slope can be created using a special wedge-shaped insulation.
  • The construction of a flat roof using corrugated sheets involves the implementation of a slope at the stage of installation of the base. That is, profiled sheets are initially laid with a slope of 2 centimeters per meter. If this was not done, it was permissible to use wedge-shaped insulation or make a slope-forming screed made of polystyrene concrete.
  • Wooden slabs are also initially laid with a slope. In its absence, wedge-shaped insulation is used.

When constructing a roof base from corrugated sheets or wooden slabs, the box walls are initially made with a slope in the desired direction to facilitate the subsequent installation of floor slabs.

Let us note that using wedge-shaped insulation will cost you more than arranging a slope using a screed, and even more expensive than installing a slope at the stage of installing floor slabs.

Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is used only in the construction of a traditional type of flat roof. It is necessary to prevent the penetration of vapors from the room to the insulation. For vapor barrier, specialized films are used. They are laid with an overlap of 10 cm. The joints are carefully taped with adhesive tape. The film is no less carefully glued in places where it adjoins various kinds of protrusions (parapet, steps, etc.). It is attached to the base using a construction stapler or special galvanized nails.

Bitumen-containing materials, such as roofing felt, can be used as a vapor barrier. They are attached to the base using gas burner, the joints are glued in the same way. Also, modern market offers construction materials self-adhesive films, for installation of which no additional materials are required.

Please note that ballast roofing does not require mechanical fastening of the vapor barrier to the base.

In turn, ballast roofing is a roof for the finishing coating of which weighting materials are used - paving slabs or loose washed gravel.

Thermal insulation

Do not forget that before making a flat roof for a house, you need to decide on the slope-forming layer. The type of insulation will depend on this.

The insulation is laid in several layers. To prevent the formation of cold bridges, each subsequent layer must overlap the joints of the lower one. Polyurethane glue is used to glue the layers one to one. In its absence, the use of polyurethane foam is allowed. Also, polyurethane foam All possible holes and cavities are sealed.

Before installing the thermal insulation layer, you must ensure that there is no moisture on the vapor barrier. It is better to carry out the installation itself in parts. That is, lay several squares of thermal insulation, followed immediately by waterproofing on top. This is necessary so that in case of rain the insulation does not get wet.


One of the most important stages of installing a flat roof with your own hands is waterproofing. Can be made from:

  • Bituminous materials, roofing felt.
  • Bitumen-polymer materials, euroroofing felt.
  • PVC films.
  • Liquid rubber.

Let's take a closer look at each of the materials.

Ruberoid is the simplest, cheapest, but also the most short-lived of all. Placed on a concrete base or insulation resistant to impact high temperatures. Its service life is only 5-10 years. To install it you will need: a gas burner, a painting knife, a spatula, a brush and a primer for roofing felt. The work order is as follows:

  1. Primer treatment.
  2. After it has completely dried, the roofing material is rolled out and allowed to rest for 24 hours.
  3. They glue it with mastic. Don’t forget to carefully apply the waterproofing to the protrusions.
  4. The joints (minimum overlap of 7 cm) are processed with a torch.
  5. After the first layer, lay the second one. The sequence of actions is the same, with the exception of primer treatment. The lower the slope, the more layers, up to four.

Bitumen-polymer waterproofing will last an order of magnitude longer. The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the base from dust, dirt and moisture.
  2. Primer treatment.
  3. Installation of material using a gas burner. If the roofing felt was glued with mastic, then there is no need to do this here. The burner heats the entire width of the roll, but it is very important not to overmelt the material, otherwise it will become too brittle. Especially for this purpose, a pattern is applied to the rolls; as soon as it begins to deform, it can be rolled out further. The waterproofing is attached to the base using a wooden mop. Minimum overlap 8 mm.
  4. In some cases, when installing a flat roof with your own hands, installing the first layer using a burner is difficult to accomplish. Then use mechanical fastening in increments of 50 cm.

Due to the need to use highly specialized tools PVC installation membranes and liquid rubber becomes almost impossible without the involvement of specialists. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider these materials in detail. We only note that both types of waterproofing are quite durable.

Drainage system

A flat roof in a private house can have several types of drainage systems:

  • Interior.
  • External controlled.
  • External uncontrolled.

We’ll immediately discard the last option, since it is used mainly for outbuildings.

External controlled drainage involves collecting and draining water using gutters located with outside. To drain water, special holes are made in the parapet.

The internal one is mounted directly into roofing system, even before the roofing pie was assembled. Due to this, its installation is more complicated, but in this case the drain can be hidden inside the building. In this regard, the issue of water drainage must be resolved before making a flat roof.

Flat roofs, their types and designs can be classified:

  • According to the purpose of the surface. Can be exploited or unexploited.
  • According to the method of laying the roofing pie. It can be traditional and inversion.
  • By type of construction. It can be attic or non-attic.
  • Ventilated and non-ventilated structures are distinguished separately.

Operable roof

A usable flat roof can be used as a parking lot, helipad, tennis court, swimming pool, green roof or just a terrace. In any case, it is necessary to calculate the possible load on the roof.

  • Load from operation (weight of a person, car, water in a swimming pool, etc.).

In some cases, the roof is subjected to a pressure of 20 tons per square meter.

Also, due to the design of a flat roof, it is highly susceptible to ultraviolet rays.

Together, these factors mean that the choice of building materials for such a roof must be approached with particular care.

The structure of the roofing pie of the roof in use is as follows:

  • Reinforced concrete floor slab.
  • Sloping layer. Made from slag, concrete, expanded clay, wedge-shaped mineral insulation and other similar materials. The top is secured with a concrete screed. Slope angle up to 3%. Necessary for high-quality drainage of water in the required direction. Sloping is always installed in front of the waterproofing to ensure water flow through it.
  • Leveling concrete screed .
  • Waterproofing. Made from bitumen, polymer, PVC materials and sealants. Roofing felt is often used, laid in two layers, and it is important that the joints of the upper and lower rows do not coincide.
  • Thermal insulation. Keeps the room warm in winter and cool in summer. Requires a careful approach to calculating thickness. In case of an error, condensation may form inside the room. If not an inversion type of roofing is used, but a traditional one, the insulation must be resistant to steam. If on the contrary, there must be resistance to water absorption.
  • Drainage layer. Given the flat roof technology, water should flow along the surface into drainage trays. But in other cases, moisture can get into the joints between tiles used as finishing paving elements, or be absorbed into the ground when using a green roof. To prevent the elements of the roofing pie from getting wet, a drainage layer is installed that drains water in the right direction.
  • Then everything depends on the type of roof being used. If it is a green roof, geotextiles are laid, which will prevent plant roots from destroying the roofing pie. If it is a roof terrace, or a parking lot - for drainage layer there is a concrete screed under the tiles or other finishing material.

Please note that when using traditional roofing, the order of the elements of the roofing pie changes. A vapor barrier is laid over the slope-forming layer, then insulation, and only then waterproofing.

The advantages and disadvantages of this method are discussed below.

Unused roof

An unused flat roof is distinguished by its efficiency. It is not designed to withstand any loads other than snow. This allows for a less careful approach to the selection of building materials.

The structure of a roofing pie of this type of roof is as follows:

  • Reinforced concrete floor slab. Instead, it is allowed to use profiled sheets with a high wave height, such as N-153 and N-158.
  • Slope formation layer.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Ballast layer of gravel. The thickness of such a layer should be from 10 to 20 centimeters. Necessary to protect waterproofing from exposure to ultraviolet rays and prevent fires.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the layers of steam, heat and waterproofing can change places depending on the type of roof used.

Traditional roof

The traditional type of flat roofing has been used for a very long time. In this case, the roofing pie will look like this:

  • Slope formation layer.
  • Vapor barrier. Necessary to protect the insulation from steam emanating from the room. Otherwise, even in the case of one percent moistening of the thermal insulation layer, a significant increase in thermal conductivity occurs. Made from specialized vapor barrier membranes and films.
  • Thermal insulation. Almost all types of insulation can be used, even with a low percentage of moisture resistance.
  • Next, according to the traditional roofing drawing of a flat roof, a layer of waterproofing should be laid. Please note that it must be of high quality, since it is absolutely not protected from temperature changes.

The advantages of a traditional roof are that it guarantees protection of the thermal insulation layer from getting wet. Firstly, this allows you to use the entire range of roof insulation materials. Secondly, the insulation will not lose its thermal conductivity characteristics, which means that a comfortable temperature regime will always be maintained in the room.

At the same time, this flat roof design compromises waterproofing. It is maximally susceptible to temperature changes, which leads to its accelerated aging. Also, the insulation does not protect the waterproofing from external force loads, which again negatively affects its service life. In general, this type of roofing is less durable and requires fairly frequent repair work.

Inversion roof

It is a more progressive type of flat roof device. It assumes the installation of the following roofing pie:

  • Reinforced concrete floor slab or corrugated sheet.
  • Slope formation layer.
  • Leveling concrete screed.
  • Primer for waterproofing, for better adhesion. During this process, the screed is carefully inspected for cracks and water bubbles. The cracks are covered with solution, water bubbles are removed.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Next is either a drainage or ballast layer, depending on whether the roof will be used or not.

Inversion roofing has the following advantages:

  • Protection of waterproofing film from temperature changes. As a result, this extends the service life of the film in particular, and the service life of the roof in general.
  • The insulation redistributes force loads across the waterproofing in such a way that this does not affect it.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam, which is usually used as thermal insulation for this type of roofing, is cheaper mineral wool used for traditional roofing.
  • The inversion design of a flat roof allows for more repairs, if it is necessary to replace or add insulation.

There are also disadvantages, which include:

  • It is permissible to use insulation materials only with closed cells to prevent them from getting excessively wet.
  • The need to install more complex design gutters.

Attic roof

The technology for installing a flat roof with an attic implies the possibility of using two types:

  1. The attic roof is a lightweight superstructure, and attic floor acts as the main supporting structure.
  2. The attic floor and the attic roof are independent of each other and are able to withstand force loads equally well.

The advantages of a roof with an attic are:

  • Possibility of constant monitoring of the tightness of the waterproofing layer.
  • The ability to regularly monitor the condition of the insulation.
  • The insulation can be laid after the roof has been installed.
  • The attic itself performs the functions of thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include:

  • Impossibility of mechanical snow removal, provided that the attic roof is used as a light superstructure. Instead, the attic is blown with hot, dry air, which ensures that the snow from above melts and gradually melts away.
  • This type of roof is more expensive.

Roofless roof

More popular is the roofless roof. She:

  • It costs less than an attic.
  • Easier to install.
  • Provides snow melting by conducting heat from the room.

A roofless flat roof also has a significant disadvantage:

  • There is no way to timely detect a violation of the waterproofing layer. This damage appears as a wet spot on the ceiling, making it impossible to determine the exact location of the leak.

Ventilated and non-ventilated roof

Roof ventilation is arranged between the insulation and the waterproofing layer. Thus, constant air circulation is achieved, which ensures constant dryness of the insulation. Used with the traditional type of roofing pie.

When installing ventilation, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The height of the ventilation opening is at least 1/30 of the width of the building.
  • Hole diameter not less than 1/150 total area roofs.
  • Air inlets should be located lower than the outlets.
  • The holes are evenly distributed across the width of the entire building.

In turn, a non-ventilated roof does not require the creation additional elements roofs of flat roofs. But this somewhat shortens the service life of the thermal insulation material.