Abstract of the educational activity "Let's plant a vegetable garden." Experimental activities in the middle group. Project on environmental education for middle group children “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” (planting onions) What vegetables do middle group children plant in winter?

Elena Kalinina

Abstract of GCD« Planting» V middle group

Meshcheryakova Elena Alekseevna, teacher


1. Clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about gardening and indoor plants;

2. Strengthen children’s knowledge of care and planting;

3. Reinforce knowledge about the conditions necessary for growth plants;

4. Foster a caring attitude and desire to grow plants.

Preliminary work. Conversations on the topic "Indoor and garden plants» , educational games "What changed", "Call me kindly", reading poems about flowers.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational aspects.

Guys, I invite you to flower meadow. Look how much beautiful flowers in the clearing. Feel the aroma of flowers, breathe in the air.

We all love flowers. Flowers that grow what are they called in flower beds? (garden flowers) .

What garden flowers do you know? (Iris, aster, rose, tulip)

But flowers grow not only in flower beds, but also in houses, on our windowsill.

What do we call them? (Indoor flowers)

What indoor flowers do you know? Well done, you know a lot about indoor flowers.

What conditions are needed for flowers to grow? (Water, heat, earth)

It’s right that for our flowers to grow, bloom, multiply and delight us, they need light, warmth, water, earth.

Indoor flowers will be beautiful and healthy if they are well cared for.

We all know how to care for flowers.

Let's remember.

How do you, Sofia, take care of the flowers (I water the flowers, loosen the soil, spray the leaves with a spray bottle, wipe the leaves).

How should you water flowers? (Water carefully, along the edge of the pot)

What kind of water should I use? (You need to water the flowers with warm, settled water)

We need to take care of flowers and then the flowers will benefit us.

What benefits can flowers bring to a person? (Flowers absorb bad air, heal wounds, calm the nervous system)

Yes, guys, flowers purify the air, heal wounds, so flowers need to be protected.


Let's be friends grow up

And choose a job.

We'll go astronauts

We will lead the ships.

Let's go to helicopter pilots

We'll fly the helicopters.

And we will become pilots, we will fly airplanes

We'll go to gardening

And we will all water the flowers.

Guys, we received a letter from the gardener, he asks you a riddle:

You see them everywhere:

And in the flowerbed, and in the pot,

And in the park and in the garden,

And even on the pond,

Green ones will cheer you up...


What beautiful flowers,

They are called marigolds.

You guys want marigolds to grow in our flowerbed in the summer. What is needed for this? (Necessary plant a plant)

Imagine how beautiful it will be on our site when the velvets bloom, but in order for the marigold seeds to germinate, grow, and bloom, we need to work hard.

Let's remember the rules landings.

What should we do first? (Dig up the soil, loosen it, make furrows, water it, plant seeds, cover with soil, water the grooves with water)

Let's go to work, put on your aprons, come to the table.

Everyone did a good job, we will now watch how seeds germinate.

Summary of the lesson.

What were we doing? What did you like about the lesson?

Publications on the topic:

GCD topic: “Planting onions” Age of children/group: 4 - 5 years, middle group Main educational area: research and education.

Abstract of GCD (ecology) “Planting onions” in the middle group. Prepared by: teacher Stepanova Elena Ivanovna. Purpose: To arouse cognitive awareness in children.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Planting onions” Lesson summary in the middle group “Planting onions” Prepared by teacher A. N. Bakholdina Purpose: To teach children to plant onions; consolidate knowledge.

Goal: To arouse children's cognitive interest in growing onions; develop observation skills, learn to connect cause and effect. Educational.

Summary of an open demonstration of joint activities between a teacher and children in the senior group “Planting indoor plants” Theme "Landing" indoor plants" Goal: Create conditions for the formation of social and communication skills through basic everyday life.

Purpose: 1. To introduce children to the process of planting onions. 2. Formation of skills in various activities in nature. 3. Give basic concepts.

Experimental activities in kindergarten. Middle group

Abstract of the educational activity "Let's plant a vegetable garden." Experimental activities in the middle group.

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna teacher of MBDOU "Rainbow" senior Tatsinskaya Rostov region.
Purpose of work: this summary is intended for preschool teachers, teachers primary classes, additional education teachers
Target: Formation of knowledge about vegetables.
- Learn to distinguish vegetables by their characteristic features
- Develop memory, examination actions.
- Create a feeling of emotional comfort.
- To develop the ability to engage in experimental activities
- Develop the ability to properly plant a seed in the ground and care for it.
- Foster respect for plants and love for nature.
Dictionary enrichment: Seed, plant, loosen, water, care.
Materials for the lesson: indoor potty with soil, a scoop, a watering can with water, a packet of seeds.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Introductory conversation with children about the time of year and the autumn harvest.
- What season? (autumn)
- By what signs did you guess that autumn had come? (children list)
2.Surprise moment:
There is a knock on the door, the doll Masha comes in and brings a beautiful bag.
The game “Wonderful Bag” is being played
The Masha doll invites those who wish to guess by touch what lies there.
3. Didactic game"Wonderful bag"
Children examine and pull out vegetables.
- I grow in the ground in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I...

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush...

Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry.
Green at the top
Red below
It has grown into the ground.

Little, bitter brother of Luke.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
They turn green in summer.
By autumn they turn red.

Lying between the beds
Green and sweet.

The garden bed is long and green,
And in the tub it’s yellow and salty.

5.Didactic game “Test the taste.” Vegetables are cut into pieces, a child is called, blindfolded and allowed to taste the vegetable. You need to determine which vegetable you got by its taste.
6.Didactic game “Tops - Roots” Children choose what grows in the ground and what on the surface.
Focus on the cucumber.
Green piglets grew up in our garden bed, sideways towards the sun, their tails are crocheted. Our piglets play hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers)
- What color is the cucumber? (green)
- What surface? (with pimples)
- What are the benefits of cucumber?

Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to our body. And also has healing propertiescucumber juice useful for skin diseases, has an antipyretic effect. Your mothers make salads and put them in jars; in winter you enjoy tasting cucumber from a jar.

Where does the cucumber grow? (in the garden)
- Can you grow it in the garden now and why? (because it's cold and he'll freeze)
- Let's plant it in a group on the windowsill and try to grow a cucumber.
7. Practical part.
- And now we’ll show Masha how to plant cucumbers.
- What do you need for landing? (seed, soil, water and flower pot)

- We poured soil into the pot in advance and kneaded it so that there were no lumps.
Let's take a seed and plant it in the ground, and then water it with water.
Let's put the pot on the window and watch what happens to our seed.
Our observations.
After some time, a sprout with two leaves appeared.

Then larger leaves appeared. The leaf is shaggy and soft to the touch. We water it all the time room temperature, we carry out loosening. Children enjoy caring for the little sprout.

Our stem is growing and more leaves have appeared

Small cucumber embryos and flowers appeared near the leaf.

We set up a ladder, with the help of its mustache the cucumber clings to it and climbs up.
Cucumber vines –
Bananas don't grow on them
Just a green cucumber
Clever, sweet daredevil!
Cucumber tightrope walker
It's important to walk along the ropes.
Higher, higher, closer to the sun,
The mustache-spring curls tenaciously...
Drinks dew at early dawn,
On a hot day, rain is more welcome!
I was saturated with warm light,
Blown by the clean wind,
The arrow became round-sided,
With a resounding crunch it is ripe!
Here are our flowers.
And here are the cucumbers.
Here are the green youths -
Young cucumbers!
One two three four five -
It’s impossible to count them all at once!
Strong, slender fellow,
Thin-skinned cucumber
Both salty and in sour cream -
Wonderful creator of taste!

The cucumber grew and grew and grew.

We picked it and washed it.

We cut it into circles and treated it to all the children.
The children did a great job and grew a magnificent harvest!

- I am a green cucumber,
Vitamin swashbuckler!
In the summer I ripen in the garden,
And in winter - in the greenhouse.
Everyone wants to be my friend
After all, they eat me with everything:
In a sandwich and with potatoes,
And in the salad - with a fork, spoon,
At breakfast, at dinner, and at lunch...
There is nothing more useful!

Experimental activities

“Planting vegetables in our garden”


1.Form an idea about appearance pea seeds (round, smooth, lumpy, yellow, green) and planting skills (make holes, place seeds in them, cover with soil, water)

2. Develop the ability to listen carefully, answer questions, recite nursery rhymes.

3.Teach children to plant seeds of different sizes.

4.Bring children to an understanding of the conditions necessary for the successful development of plants.

5.Teach children to be friendly towards each other.


1: Develop children's interest in natural objects.

2. Activate children's vocabulary.

3. Develop an understanding of the habitat6 garden-vegetable garden.

4.Form positive attitude to natural objects, careful handling skills.

5. Foster hard work, cooperation skills, and initiative.

6. Foster love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

Guessing riddles about vegetables, soaking seeds, observing them, looking at illustrations of vegetables and fruits, watching the fairy tale “Turnip”, “How mushrooms and peas fought.”

Material and equipment

Cups of water, 2 different cups of soil, wet cloths, pea seeds, pictures depicting the labor process, sticks, spatulas.

Progress of the lesson

Playback - Guess the riddle

Dad puts on his cap

And comes out of the hut4

On the right he plants a turnip

On the left beets and beans

There are rows of beds everywhere

The harvest will be fine. (Garden)

Playback - Let's remember what grows in the garden.

1. In the garden there is yellow and green, and in the tub yellow and salted (cucumber)

2. How the riddles grew in our garden bed - juicy, and large, so round. They turn green in summer, turn red in autumn (tomatoes)

3. A light green shiny barrel exposed to the sun by a robust (zucchini)

4.Growing in the ground in a garden bed, I am red, long, sweet (carrot)

5. How I put on a hundred shirts and crunched in my teeth (cabbage)

6.Whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow)

7. Green on top, red below, grown into the ground (beets)

8. A cool side, a yellow side, a bun sitting on a bed. Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this... (turnip)

Playback - Today we will go to the garden, amazing adventures await us there.

(To the music “Vegetable Garden”)

How to call in one word what grows in the garden?


Why do we plant them?

To eat.

What are the benefits of vegetables? What do they contain?


Listen to the poem and tell me what vitamins give us?

(Reading a poem)

Vitamins - valuable substances

We are nowhere without them.

To be healthy, strong, strong.

You need to be friends with vitamins.

There are many vitamins, you can’t count them.

But there are the most important ones among them.

Without them the body cannot exist,

Study, work, relax.

What do vitamins give us?

Beauty, health, strength, good mood.

That's right, to be healthy and strong you need to love vegetables. All without exception, there is no doubt about it.

Well guys, you are convinced that vegetables are healthy.


Game situation “How vegetables grow”

Now I’ll tell you how they appear in the garden beds delicious vegetables. I'll take this tomato.

(The teacher shows a real vegetable)

I put it on the garden bed and cover it with soil, some time passes and a lot of tomatoes grow in the garden bed.

Why are you looking at me like that? Am I doing or saying something wrong?

It doesn't happen that way. It is not true.

Who can tell me what happens?

Let's remember. What have you and I already planted in the garden?

Tomatoes cucumbers.

How did we do it?

They took the seed and planted it in the ground.

Where does the seed come from?

(Teacher demonstration: Cuts a tomato and takes out a seed).


    First, they take a seed and plant it in the ground.

    Water them and a sprout grows from the seeds.

    Then the sprout grows into a stem and fruits appear on the stem.

    The fruits grow, ripen, and can be eaten.

That's right, you're smart.

Guys, in Rus' they even wrote fairy tales about vegetables.

What fairy tale do you know?


Look at a fragment from a fairy tale and name what vegetable is found in it? (Fairy tale “How mushrooms and peas fought”)


That's right, peas. What peas?

Delicious, green, healthy.

Would you like to grow the same peas?


Let's play first.

Fizminutka (song “Merry Garden”)

Look, there are two peas in front of you: we soaked one in water, and the other did not. What is the difference?

(Review and comparison)

Which pea do you think will germinate faster?


Who can tell me what conditions we made for the pea to germinate?

Light, water, air, warmth.



We will conduct one more experiment. We will plant a pea soaked in water in a green glass, and not a soaked one in a transparent one. And let's see which pea will germinate faster.

Before we start planting peas, let’s stretch our fingers.

I'm holding peas in my hand

I hold it in my fist

I let go, I unclench

And I roll my palms.

We take a green glass and make a shallow hole in the ground with a stick. The most important thing is to plant the pea correctly, look how I do it. Gently sprinkle the peas with soil.

Our pea is warm and cozy there.

What other condition must be created for the pea to germinate?


What are we going to water with?


What kind of water?

Transparent, colorless, odorless.


Guys, to make the peas germinate faster, we will create a greenhouse effect and cover the tops of the cups with film.

Let's repeat in chorusgreenhouse.

In our observation table, let's note when we planted the peas, in which of the cups sprouts, flowers and fruits will appear faster.

Now let's say it together.

You are a pea, rise above the ground, with lush flowers, with large pods.

After landing, we need to wash our hands.

And now we are going to the group.

(To the music we return to the group on the chairs)

Where have we been?

In the garden.

What did you plant?


Did you complete the task?


Relevance of the problem:

Children in the middle group do not have enough understanding that plants and vegetables can be grown in room conditions, O necessary conditions growth, their interest is cognitive- research activities underdeveloped. Therefore, I set a goal for myself: to give children necessary knowledge that plants are alive, they are planted, watered and grown from seeds.

Expand children's knowledge and ideas about the beneficial properties of vegetables (onions, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), their structure and the conditions necessary for growth.

Duration: month (short term)

Project type: educational, research.

Project participants: children of the middle group, teacher, parents.

Project idea: create in group kindergarten garden for planting onions and watching them grow.

Goal: f fostering children's interest in experimental and research activities in growing onions indoors, instilling in children a love of nature, and creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group.


  • Expand children's knowledge about how useful onions are, especially in winter period; how to create a mini-garden;
  • To develop children’s ability to care for bulbs daily indoors;
  • Form children's ideas about the need for light, heat, moisture, soil for the growth of bulbs, and draw conclusions. To promote the development of the skill of planting bulbs on feathers;
  • Record children's ideas about changes in the growth of bulbs in a glass and in a container with soil, compare, analyze;
  • Develop communication skills;
  • Develop research skills and initiative;
  • Activate attention, memory, enrichment vocabulary, develop speech;
  • Develop creativity and imagination; to form an interest in the aesthetic side, satisfying the need of children to reflect knowledge about the world around them;

Expected results:

Children will develop the ability to plant and care for onions and become familiar with the conditions under which they are kept;

The skill of noticing the benefits and beauty of green onions will be formed;

Children will learn one of the ways to plant onions indoors, and will develop knowledge and ideas about the structure of onions.

Creating a diary of observations of onions on the windowsill.

All project participants (children, parents, teachers) will receive positive emotions from the results obtained.







Social - communicative


Cultivate a love of work and a desire to work.

Develop communication skills.

To develop children’s ability to care for bulbs daily indoors; record children's ideas about changes in the growth of bulbs in a glass and in a container with soil, compare, analyze.



Expand children's knowledge about how useful onions are, especially in winter; how to create a mini garden.

To form children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, moisture, soil for the growth of bulbs, to draw conclusions;

Develop research skills and initiative.

Speech development

Activate attention, memory, enrich vocabulary, develop speech.




Develop creativity and imagination; to form an interest in the aesthetic side, satisfying the need of children to reflect knowledge about the world around them.

Stages of work on the project:

1.Preparatory : determining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting information material, creating conditions for organizing work in the garden on the windowsill, drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities.

2.Basic: planned activities are carried out to implement the project (conversations, experiences, experiments, viewing illustrations, reading fiction, creative activity).

3.Final : the results are summed up, a presentation is prepared, and the scene “Dispute of Vegetables” is staged.

Stage 1 – preparatory.

1. Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.” Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

2. Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material, natural material, fiction, acquisition necessary equipment. Create conditions for the implementation of the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” project.

Stage 2 – the main one.

Looking at books and illustrations about plants. Arouse interest in plants and a desire to take care of them.

Practical activities:

LLC "Planting Onions" Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of onions (soil, moisture, heat and light). Give basic concepts about natural vitamins. Develop labor skills and abilities;

Experience - observing the growth of onions in the ground and in water. Teach children to notice the changes that occur in germinating bulbs and make sketches of onions from life according to the stages of growth in an observation diary.

Conversations: “Why onions make people cry,” “Conditions necessary for onions to grow.”

OOD on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) “Vitamins for health”

OOD for artistic and aesthetic development (applique) “Onion”

Didactic games: “Where does it grow?”, “What’s extra?”, “Magic bag”, “What vegetable is this part from”, “Find out by touch”.

Outdoor games: “Collect vegetables for soup”, “Grandma’s Helpers”.

Role-playing games: “Vegetable shop”, “Visiting grandma”.

Learning riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems about vegetables with children

Reading fiction: J. Rodari “The Adventure of Cipollino”, S. Mikhalkov “The Mistress Came from the Market One Day”, L. Serova “In the Garden Garden”. I. Review “The onion has grown”, “Tops and roots”, “Turnip”, “Vegetable dispute”

Speech development: “Compiling stories using cards-schemes “About vegetable crops ah”, a retelling of the fairy tale “The Three Onion Brothers”.

Social and communicative development: the development of friendship, the ability to work with each other, in a team, to cultivate hard work, diligence, accuracy, respect for the environment and the work of comrades.

Stage 3 – final.

1. Processing and design of project materials in the form of an album.

2. Performance analysis.

The following results were obtained from the implementation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill” project:

  • children gained knowledge that plants are alive, they were watered, planted, grown;
  • the group created a vegetable garden on the window;
  • kept a diary of observations of onion growth;
  • children have become more respectful of work;
  • All project participants (children, teachers, parents) received positive emotions from the results obtained.

3.Staging of the scene “Dispute of vegetables”

Working with parents:

1. Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the window”

2.Assistance to parents in purchasing equipment, seed material for a vegetable garden on the window. 3. Invite parents to plant their own “vegetable garden” with their child to consolidate knowledge about plants (vegetables).

The result of project activities.

The children learned that all plants are living and that certain conditions are necessary for their growth and development. In the process of implementing the project, the children learned from experience what conditions are necessary for the growth and development of plants.

To the best of their ability, they participated in caring for the plantings and watched the onions they planted with their own hands grow. Throughout the project, the children developed the responsibility and significance of their work; the children consumed green onions during lunch.

During the implementation of the project, the horizons and mental activity of children were expanded. Thanks to our project “Vegetable Garden on the Window Sill,” children learned to respect their own and other people’s work, take care of plants, and care for them. We learned what care and responsibility are.

One of the most effective methods Crop rotation is considered to increase yields and maintain soil fertility. This technique is used in natural organic plant growing. Unfortunately, not all summer residents pay due attention to this, some out of ignorance, and others because of their reluctance to pay a little more attention to the beds. Crop rotation requires keeping a special journal in which you need to draw a plan for placing the beds and mark each crop planted on them. Records should be kept constantly, and not everyone wants to do such accounting.

Crop rotation of vegetable crops

Crop rotation table at a summer cottage

Accommodation fruit and berry crops on dacha and personal plots should also be properly planned. Experts have developed a compatibility table for shrubs and trees. Chaotic plantings lead to reduced fruiting and, as a consequence, poor harvests in subsequent years. Since the specificity of tree planting is such that this can only become clear after a few years, correct this problem it gets difficult.
An example of this are cherries and sweet cherries. They cannot stand being close to others fruit trees. It is better to plant them away from the main garden. Vegetable crops also do not grow near those places where cherries dominate. Its powerful root system suppresses everything around it. And such a combination as a pear and an apple tree or an apricot and a plum help each other. The combination of raspberries and peach also brings good results.

So here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • If you organize proper crop rotation at your dacha (a table to help you organize it was given above), you can achieve an increase in yield by one and a half, or even two times;
  • In order to systematically organize on a personal or summer cottage crop rotation, a compatibility table for various vegetable crops will help plant all the inhabitants of the plantation without any damage or oppression. The right neighborhood is also the key to good productivity;
  • Trees and shrubs need to be planted taking into account all the features.

Attention, TODAY only!

Crop rotation in the garden - alternating vegetable crops taking into account their needs for various groups micro and macroelements, relationship to a specific family, as well as the degree of development of the root system. The last factor affects the ability of the plant to take from the soil chemical elements at a certain depth.

For normal development root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) take a lot of phosphorus from the soil, and nitrogen is required for good growth leaf crops (lettuce and cabbage). In this case, root crops can feed at a sufficiently great depth, and green plants take necessary microelements mainly from upper layers soil. If you do not alternate plantings, the area will quickly become depleted even with fertilization.

The advantage of using crop rotation is that it prevents the development of diseases and the proliferation of pests. Planting potatoes in the same place contributes to contamination of the soil with late blight, reproduction Colorado potato beetle. Of course, there are many insecticides and fungicides for control, but this worsens chemical composition vegetables And crop rotation allows for protection and improvement of fertility without reducing the quality of the crop and without requiring costs.

To achieve high efficiency in using your summer cottage, follow a few simple axioms of crop rotation:

  • Never plant a crop in the same area for two years in a row;
  • Return the crop to its old place no earlier than after 3 years;
  • Follow the sequence of planting vegetables.

Crop rotation rules for the vegetable garden

  • The most fertile beds are allocated for “gluttonous” crops (zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers) with the preliminary addition of organic matter and mineral fertilizers. After harvesting, to increase fertility, the area is sown with green manure, which, after plowing, improves fertility even better than manure;
  • Poorer soils are suitable for tomatoes, peppers, radishes, onions, and herbs (if they are not planned to be grown in a greenhouse);
  • Carrots, beets, parsley, turnips bear fruit well even in poor soils, while clay soils it is necessary to dilute it with sand to increase breathability;
  • The distribution of crops on the site takes into account the power and length of the roots. Alfalfa and corn have long roots (up to 2 m), tomatoes have a slightly shorter root system (about a meter), and cabbage, cucumbers and onions take nutrients from the surface layer. This factor is taken into account when alternating crops on the site;
  • When drawing up a planting scheme, alternating areas for crops that enrich the soil with nitrogen (beans, peas, beans). As green manure greatest benefit in this regard, clover, lupine, and alfalfa bring;
  • Perennial crops (rhubarb, lovage, perennial onions, sorrel, tarragon, asparagus) are placed along the edges of the site, near fences and buildings;
  • Crops with common diseases and pests are not placed not only one after another in time, but also next to each other on the ridge, since there is a high probability of mutual infection.

We invite you to read: Tomato Budenovka characteristics and description of the variety

When organizing plantings in the garden, it is necessary to take into account various factors.

If you plant identical plants in the same area every year and do not change the zones, then they will accumulate in the soil. harmful substances and microorganisms, insect larvae. They will severely damage crops in subsequent years.

Related plants use similar nutritional components. And if they are planted on the site every time without breaks, then there will not be enough nutrients, which will have a bad effect on the development of crops. Root system will release toxic substances, causing the quality of soil for similar plants in the same group to deteriorate sharply.

Such negative aspects gradually accumulate. Without proper crop rotation, the soil becomes poorer every year. Even timely application of appropriate fertilizers will not save this situation.

Crop rotation is one of the main parts of competent growing of plants in the garden. This measure has the following meaning:

  1. Economic. Helps to fulfill the harvest plan, and in excess. It is imperative to carry out rational site planning.
  2. Organizational. In this regard, it is assumed correct use equipment and work force to increase productivity and reduce financial and labor costs.
  3. Agrotechnical. It means proper use of the site and increased soil fertility.

Crop rotation is aimed at reducing the negative impact on the quality and quantity of the crop.

There are 4 main principles of crop rotation on one site:

In crop rotation, separate zones are used to replant crops, but taking into account that this should also lead to an increase in yield.

The first rule of alternating garden plantings is that the same crop is not planted in the garden for two or more years in a row. You can plant it in the same place in four to five years. Let us list what other rules are taken into account when compiling a crop rotation table for a site.

Root tops

It is necessary to alternate crops in which the above-ground part of the plant bears fruit and the underground part. For example, in order to have a good harvest, carrots should not be planted after potatoes. And tomatoes are not being planted to replace cabbage.

Alternation of species

Plants of the same family extract the same substances from the soil, secrete the same colins and suffer from the same pests. Therefore, according to the rules of plant turnover, plants are planted in the garden bed garden culture from another family.

For example, eggplants or tomatoes should not be planted after potatoes (they are representatives of the same group of nightshades), and radishes should not be sown after cabbage (both plants are cruciferous).

Based on the severity of soil depletion, plants are divided into three large groups:

  • Weakly depleting - during growth and fruiting they do not consume a large number of nutrients from the soil. These are spicy plants (onions, garlic, mustard) and cruciferous root vegetables (radishes, radishes, turnips).
  • Moderately depleting - consumes an average amount of soil nutrition. These are nightshade and pumpkin.
  • Severely depleting - they require a lot of nutrition for growth and wash out organic matter and minerals from the soil. These are carrots and cabbage. Corn and sunflowers especially deplete the soil. After them, it is necessary to restore soil fertility from 3 to 5 years.

Sowing planning

Such an event will help correct the problem with the content of useful components in the soil. The following rules must be taken into account:

  1. It is prohibited to plant the same crop for several years in a row in one place. Moreover, this rule also applies to related plants from the same group. This is explained by the fact that they common pests and similar reactions to toxic substances.
  2. Always take a break so that the area has time to rest after planting. The standard period is a couple of years, although many argue that 1 year is enough. But the latter applies only to light crops. For example, celery and lettuce fall under this definition. For some plants, the rest period may need to be longer. Cucumbers, parsley and carrots require 4 years, and cabbage requires 7 years.
  3. Plants not only absorb from the soil useful material, but also fertilize it due to the composition that is initially present in their root system. Thanks to this, if you alternate crops correctly, not only will the stock be preserved nutritional components in the soil, but its composition will also improve. For example, legumes help loosen the soil and add a mineral component to it. Buckwheat and melon are saturated with calcium, and datura grass is rich in phosphorus. If you plant tobacco instead of weeds, the level of calcium will increase, and if you plant nettles, then there will be more iron.
  4. Be sure to apply compost after harvesting. This will leave the soil fresher and healthier.
  5. Planting plants also helps against pests. For example, garlic and tobacco protect against aphids, and thyme protects against the Colorado potato beetle.
  6. After heavy crops, lighter crops should be planted.

If you violate such rules, this will lead to the soil becoming depleted.

Causes of soil fatigue

One of the main factors influencing the level of yield on any site is soil fertility. If the same crop is grown in the same place year after year, a soil condition known as “fatigue” inevitably occurs. Why does soil depletion occur in a certain area?

  • Toxic root secretions, or colins, released by plants from year to year, have a particularly detrimental effect on the plants themselves (parsley, beets). Leeks, legumes and corn are immune to colin;
  • The fertility of any soil is not infinite, and not all microelements can be replenished with organic matter and mineral supplements. Crops of the same family require a similar set of minerals, and growing plants, for example, pumpkin or cruciferous plants, in one area, is fraught with the disappearance of certain nutrients from the soil;
  • Fungal diseases and pest eggs inherent in the Solanaceae or Umbellaceae family will appear on the site even after careful treatments, if crop rotation rules are not used.

What can’t be planted after?

Remember incompatible crops that cannot be planted one after another:

Eggplant, pepper ≠ cucumber; Radishes, beets ≠ cabbage; Potatoes ≠ tomato, pepper, eggplant Carrots ≠ onions; Pepper, tomato ≠ eggplant; Carrots ≠ garlic; Beets ≠ carrots, turnips. Cruciferous, nightshade ≠ strawberries Corn ≠ peas, beans

Crop rotation is the key to the success of every gardener. Responsible and the right approach to planning and growing vegetables on a small plot of land is the key to the success of every gardener. As a result you get - good harvest, organic vegetables, minimum material costs.

Crop rotation table

Crop rotation is actively used by agricultural enterprises according to all the rules. In the process of many years of field experiments, good predecessors and favorable crop rotation were identified. Universal predecessors are considered legumes, in particular peas and beans.

Agronomists at agricultural enterprises prefer to grow wheat and other grain plants after legumes and vegetables. Since their productivity increases significantly. Potatoes are good predecessors, after which you can plant root vegetables, cabbage and tomatoes.

On next year After onions, root vegetables, potatoes and legumes are suitable. Greens are a good precursor for potatoes, legumes and pumpkins, and cucumbers are a good precursor for tomatoes, root vegetables, potatoes and cabbage. And after root vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes grow well.

Based on the favorable location of crops after their predecessors, a crop rotation table is compiled. The table consists of three columns - the first one notes the predecessor, and the subsequent ones record the crop that will grow in this place next year. The number of rows in the table depends on the number of crops that participate in crop rotation. Typically, crop rotation is for three years, but it can be done for five years.

By correctly creating a crop rotation for your garden, you can get a very good harvest, reduce the amount of mineral fertilizers that affect the composition of the soil, and allow the soil to restore its reserves of substances after growing each crop.

Now, using the knowledge we have gained, let’s try to create a crop rotation table for the site. To do this, we write a list of crops, then we select predecessors. Let's give an example.

Cabbage is a nutritionally demanding plant; it bears fruit in the above-ground part; it is a cruciferous plant. What is not suitable to replace it?

  • other cruciferous vegetables (radish or other types of cabbage);
  • bearing fruit in the aboveground part (watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squash);
  • vegetables that require nutrition (corn, carrots).

What's suitable? Root vegetables - from the nightshade family (potatoes) or from the amaranth family (beets).

Table - Predecessors of vegetables during planting

Developing the right scheme for a site begins with the distribution of vegetable crops into several groups, taking into account their requirements for soil, their relationship to a particular family, and their vulnerability to diseases and pests.

Representatives of the same group must get along well with each other, otherwise they will begin to oppress each other. The plot is divided into at least 4 parts, and each contains crops, divided according to the level of nutritional need:

  • The most demanding plants: cabbage, pumpkin, asteraceae (lettuce, pumpkin, melon, cabbage, cucumber);
  • Moderately demanding: potatoes, peppers, physalis, eggplant, tomatoes, nasturtium;
  • Undemanding crops: all types of onions, carrots, beets, greens;
  • Plants that are good for the soil: legumes or green manure.

Every year, a group of plants on the site changes to a more demanding one in terms of nutrition. Thus, a sufficient amount of nutrients remains for subsequent crops, and legumes and green manure, which fertilize the site, complete the 4-year crop rotation cycle.

Separation of vegetables into groups:

  1. Fruits: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin;
  2. Root vegetables: radishes, carrots, beets, potatoes;
  3. Legumes: peas, beans, beans;
  4. Leafy: greens, all types of cabbage.

In the first year, crops are planted in the specified order; in the second year, the groups move up according to the list: root crops in place of fruit crops, legumes in place of root crops, leaf crops in place of legumes, and fruit crops in place of leaf crops. In the second year, the crops again move up one place - and so on for all four years until they return to their place.

Another example of crop rotation is the division of crops into families. In this case, vegetables are planted in the following order:

  • Brassicas take the place of umbellifers, legumes take the place of cabbages, nightshades (except potatoes) take the place of legumes, umbellaceae take the place of nightshades. The next year, the location of the plot for each crop is shifted by one number, but the sequence remains the same;
  • Brassicas instead of goosefoot (spinach, beets), legumes instead of cabbage, pumpkin instead of legumes, goosefoot instead of pumpkin.

Crop rotation at the dacha is recommended to be done several years in advance. Such advice is offered by experienced gardeners and gardeners. This is one of the factors in obtaining an excellent harvest. Basic recommendations for obtaining the correct rotation of crops in crop rotation will be listed below. The first point that needs to be followed is the need to conditionally divide the garden into four squares, adhering to an arbitrary order.

  • In the first sector, potatoes and plants that are not resistant to frost are planted. It could be zucchini, cucumbers or tomatoes
  • In the second part you can place root vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips)
  • In the third sector you can plant cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables
  • The fourth area is left for legumes, onions and garlic; you can add grains.

Planting vegetables will alternate in a circle. In the second year, each species will move by neighboring plot. With this method, each vegetable will appear in the same place only after 4 years. Such crop rotation in the garden is very convenient; there is no need to draw up complex schemes.

We invite you to read: Horse manure as a fertilizer - benefits and how to use

The garden where I grew up formerly strawberry, must be fertilized with fertilizers, as this berry depletes the soil. In the fall, you need to dig up the soil and apply mineral fertilizers. Nothing better than humus has been invented from organic matter. Since strawberry and strawberry seedlings have a high nitrogen consumption, it is recommended to plant beans, peas or beans in this place. They are excellent green manures.

In order to properly organize crop rotation of vegetable crops at your summer cottage, the table below will help you understand which vegetable predecessors may be ideal for planting. There will also be undesirable or completely unacceptable options. With this alternation, the garden can be partially cleared of possible pests naturally, and summer residents can get rid of the need to spray plants with pesticides. The likelihood of obtaining environmentally friendly products increases.

This table of crop rotation of vegetable crops in the garden should be at hand when allocating places on the plot. Based on his own practical observations, each gardener can improve it and supplement it with new crops.

Ways to increase productivity

Vegetable plants of the same type consume the same nutrients from the soil, produce similar toxins, and have the same pests. When cultivating plants on permanent place the soil is greatly depleted. Pests multiply, diseases become infected, and weeds grow. The soil becomes fatigued and its fertility decreases. It accumulates toxins released by plants. We carry out crop rotation according to tables.

To increase vegetable yields, the following conditions must be met:

  • Alternate cultivation of crops in the garden.
  • Enrichment of the soil with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Choosing a planting site taking into account the need for lighting and watering.
  • Accounting for predecessors in the garden for each crop.

There is no standard and correct crop rotation scheme, since each summer resident grows different crops and different quantities. Some people plant a lot of potatoes, others grow greens and cucumbers. Therefore, an individual table of vegetable crop rotation in the beds is compiled. To do this, a diagram of the site and a description of the plants grown by summer residents are included in the dacha log. It is advisable to have permanent beds for better crop rotation.

A crop rotation table will make growing vegetables easier. Alternating plants allows the soil to rest, since each crop consumes certain mineral fertilizers. The table takes into account all the properties of plants.

Table 2. Crop rotation in relation to soil

The cycle is four-year: legumes move to the place of plants that require the maximum amount of nutrients and replace crops with an average need for mineral fertilizers. They move to third place, vegetables with low nutritional requirements take the place of legumes, and legumes take first place. The move occurs annually. This allows plants to have adequate nutrition.

Changing the place of cultivation of vegetables on the site makes it possible to reduce the use of mineral fertilizers and reduce the number of pests and diseases in the soil. Black steam is the best for all plants, as it allows the soil to rest. But summer cottages mostly have small sizes, therefore, it is quite difficult to increase soil fertility in this way.

Another way to increase yield is to add nutrients to the soil. The needs of plants are different and are divided into groups:

  • Application of manure. Types required: cabbage, pumpkin and potato.
  • Phosphorus fertilizers and ash. Improves the growth of root crops.
  • Adding humus, peat, sawdust. Used for onions and greens.
  • Potash fertilizers and ash. Necessary for root vegetables.

When choosing a place to plant vegetables, it is necessary to take into account the need for lighting. Light-loving plants include nightshade and pumpkin crops. Legumes and root vegetables tolerate partial shade. Shade-loving plants include greens, sorrel and zucchini.

Use of mixed plantings

You can increase the efficiency of crop rotation using techniques mixed plantings, it should be remembered that this term does not mean half a bed of carrots and half onions. Both crops should be mixed together on one ridge: a row of carrots, a row of onions. Then onion pests will be repelled by the smell of carrots, and vice versa.

If you want to protect your crops from pests, plant aromatic herbs and seasonings. medicinal plants with a strong odor: peppermint, tansy, garlic, catnip, marigold, mustard, coriander. The experience of some farmers suggests that when growing a monoculture, the soil is depleted and pests multiply.

The bottom line is that a certain vegetable cannot be grown in the same place. This depends on a number of reasons. Any plant absorbs from the soil essential microelements. If crop rotation at a summer cottage is disrupted or not fully observed, the land will be depleted and fertility will decrease, which will negatively affect the future harvest.

Another factor influencing the rotation of vegetable crops is the fact that pests and pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous specifically for this type of plant and will destroy the crops may appear in a given area. For example, the onion fly is not dangerous to carrots, and the root wireworm is not dangerous to onion wireworms. Therefore, carrots and onions are well interchangeable plants.

For onions and garlic, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, varieties can be considered good predecessors pumpkin crops, beans, peas, carrots.

Cucumbers and melons must be planted after cabbage or onions and garlic. It is not advisable to give them areas where cabbage or tomatoes grew a year earlier. They, in turn, cannot be planted in the same place for two years in a row.

When planting, the predecessors of vegetables should not be plants of the same family, since they are susceptible to the same diseases, and pests remaining in the soil will continue to infect the garden. For example, cruciferous flea beetle will destroy radishes if last year there was a bed of cabbage in this place.

Pleasant neighbors - great harvest

On my personal plot not only correct crop rotation, but also the plants have a pleasant neighborhood. I take into account the ability different cultures negatively or positively influence each other's development. I noticed that most often plants of the same family are at enmity with each other, but how experienced gardener I also take other factors into account.

Insect repellent

If the plants are chosen correctly, their proximity will help repel pests. The point is in biologically active substances - phytoncides, which are released by the green mass of the plant. The smell of onions is not tolerated by the carrot fly, and onion pests are not tolerated by carrot tops. Their beds can be placed nearby.

Another option is to plant in rows in one bed. In addition to the main garden bed, garlic grows in strawberry and strawberry plantings, driving away harmful insects of berry crops.

Low-growing marigolds and calendula will help ward off pests. 2-3 plants on the edge of the bed will play important role in allelopathy. Marigolds secrete thiophene, which not only people don't like harmful insects, but also to weeds. Bindweed cannot tolerate such a fragrant neighbor.

Different plant heights

Some plants need light shade, and direct sunlight is contraindicated. Corn can block from winds and sun rays, sometimes vines of peas or green beans cope with this task.

Attracting Beneficial Insects

Insects help pollinate plants, including fruit trees and shrubs. To attract them to the garden I plant flowers. Perennials and annuals grow not only in the recreation area near the house, but also along the edge of the beds. For example, I occupy 70 centimeters from the edge with gladioli, and add 1-2 petunias or marigold plants to them.

Using green manure in crop rotation

Some plants are able to leave behind rich and fertile soil that is suitable for all crops. The point is in the root system, which is equipped with special tubules. Planting oats will rid the soil of the source of fungal diseases. For this reason, the crop is called a soil health worker.

Green manure includes mustard and phacelia. Moreover, we plant phacelia next to potato plantings so that they do not allow wireworms and mole crickets to profit from the tubers.

After digging up the onions and garlic, I dig up and plant green manure. I give preference to legumes, the roots of which release nitrogen and transform it into a digestible state. I think that planting legumes three times is equivalent to adding a bucket of manure. In the second half of summer, peas have time to develop and produce a small harvest.

Most often I plant wheat and some plants in the fall before winter. In the spring they start to grow, and then I dig up with them.

The structure of the soil and the content of minerals in it improves, and earthworms receive nutrition. Any crops grow well in such beds, but according to the rules of crop rotation, preference should be given to leafy crops - different types cabbage

It is not easy to take into account many factors at the same time, and it is even more difficult to remember. Therefore, for the correct distribution of plants, a diary is kept where the following is entered:

  • How much and what kind of crop needs to be grown next year;
  • Separation of necessary crops according to a certain criterion;
  • Dividing the garden into plots according to the degree of fertility;
  • Distribution of plants among areas, taking into account the need for lighting, soil fertility, and the combination of plantings;
  • Accounting for applied fertilizers for each crop.

If possible, allocate a separate area for sowing green manure. If you have 4 parts in the scheme, then this will be the fifth, which will be “fallow”. Do not waste space; this scheme will more than pay for itself by increasing your yield.

After harvesting, note the amount of produce collected from each plot. This way you can analyze the success of the selected crop rotation scheme every year and make adjustments if necessary.

Tags: vegetable, garden, rule, crop rotation, table, alternation

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Organic farming

Organic farming is clean land, not contaminated with chemicals that are usually used as fertilizers. Due to proper planning of the sequence of sowing and planting of each crop in a specific place.

This will undoubtedly affect the quality of the future harvest. This task is precisely accomplished by the crop rotation method. In addition, using this method, you can avoid unnecessary financial costs and preserve soil fertility. This method cultivating the land will allow you to collect a large number of vegetables from each bed based on natural fertilizers.