GCD summary. Modeling. Preparatory group for school. Topic: "Insects." Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Insects. May beetle Lepka in the older group of insects in the spring. Abstract of OOD on modeling in the senior group on the topic “Insects. Ladybug L

Tatiana Morozova

Program content: Reveal in children the ability to plan their work, correctly create an image insect, convey their structure, size, independently choose the method sculpting, convey texture and relief using stacks and additional materials. Strengthen the ability to sculpt objects using tables - diagrams depicting the manufacturing order insect.

Enrich and activate the child’s vocabulary, enhance life experience on the topic insects.

Develop fine motor skills, imagination, compositional skills.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, use of literary words, display, examination, questions for children, practical activities of children, result.

Material and equipment: envelope, photos and illustrations insects(butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, ladybug, plasticine, stacks, boards for sculpting, tables - diagrams depicting the manufacturing order insect, tray with grass. Voice accompaniment insects.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations and photos insects, reading fiction O insects, solving riddles about insects, watching cartoons, watching insects on a walk, in a flowerbed, familiarization with models of existing traits insects.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher brings to the group an envelope with a letter from Queen Rose, who asks the children to populate the flower kingdom with inhabitants. But first you need to solve riddles to find out which residents Queen Rose is talking about.

A flying flower sat on a fragrant flower,

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, - it took off and flew away! (Butterfly) Show insect.

What does a butterfly eat? (Plant juice, nectar)

The butterfly drinks nectar with a long nose called the proboscis. Is it possible to catch butterflies? Why? (No, we might hurt the butterfly)

The wings of the butterfly are covered with small colored scales. If we grab a butterfly by the wings, the scales will fall off and the butterfly will not be able to fly. What will happen to her? (will die)


Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

How many wings does a bee have? (4) Where do bees live? (in the hives)

What benefits do bees bring to people? (they give honey)

The main benefit of bees is not even honey, but pollination of flowers. By smearing their legs with pollen, bees carry it from plant to plant and thereby pollinate. Without bees, many flowers simply would not be able to reproduce, and there would be no flowers left on Earth.

What happens to the bee after it stings? (Having stung, the bee dies)

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And the hunter is real.

The house is assembled from pine needles,

Saves the forest from caterpillars (ant) Show insect.

Ants live in large families. What is the name of their house? What are they built from? (Anthill. Built from twigs, leaves, straws, blades of grass).

They are very hardworking insects, can carry objects up to 10 times their mass. What benefit do they bring to us? (they eat harmful insects) . They are called forest orderlies.

Who has dots all over their back?

Who grazes on the leaves?

Who do we ask to take to the sky?

And bring us some bread from there? (ladybug). Show insect.

What benefits do they bring? "ladies"? (they eat harmful insects)

That's right, they're called aphids.

The last riddle.

The spring jumps -

Green back,

From grass to blade of grass,

From branch to path (Grasshopper) Show insect.

How can we find out whether there is a grasshopper in the clearing or not? (We'll hear him sing)

That's right, he rubs one wing against the other and it sounds like a grasshopper's song. We say that he does not sing, but chirps. The grasshopper eats pests, such as caterpillars.

We solved all the riddles of Queen Rose. How can we call them in one word the inhabitants who are needed in the flower kingdom? (insects)

What other insects you know?

What are flowers for? insects? (pollinate flowers).

Physical education minute

Stayed too long insects in the clearing, spread their wings and flew away: A bee is flying buzzes: w-w-w. A mosquito flies rings: z-z-z-z. The grasshoppers jumped. A butterfly flew in, whirled, and fluttered its wings. Suddenly the wind came and made noise. Run quickly to me, hide. Everyone ran away. Well done.

Do you remember what Queen Rose asked for? ( populate flower kingdom by residents - insects).

I suggest you make them, and the diagrams will help us.

The teacher invites the children to choose what they like insect. Children are seated at tables on which there is a diagram of this insect.

What parts does it consist of? insect? (head, chest and abdomen, 6 legs, two antennae, some have a proboscis and wings).

How to make wings?

How to make the paws?

To begin this responsible work, I suggest you prepare your fingers!

Finger gymnastics

Arrived to us yesterday

Striped bee. They wave their palms.

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee For each name the insect's finger is bent.

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like lantern eyes. Make circles from your fingers and bring them to your eyes.

They buzzed, they flew,

They fell from fatigue. They drop their palms on the table.

Now let's get down to responsible business: we blind the inhabitants for the flower kingdom. In your work you use techniques you know sculpting, and for the originality of your works, I have prepared material that lies on your trays. You can use it to design your works.

Practical activities for children

At the end classes recording of sounds produced insects.

Finished works Let's place it on our green meadow. Queen Rose will be very grateful to you!

What did we talk about today?

Which we made insects?

What techniques sculpting you used? (Rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pulling, pressing).

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues! I work as a teacher in a middle group (3-5 years old). Now we are having environmental project on the topic of.

Abstract of the GCD in the middle group on the topic: “In the clearing” (on the topic of insects) was compiled by Yusupova Patimat Magomedovna 05/05/18 Sertolovo Leningradskaya.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development “Dangerous insects” Municipal budget preschool educational institution municipality“city of Buguruslan” “Kindergarten No. 3” “Chulpan”.

Synopsis of an educational lesson in the preparatory group “Insects” Summary of an educational lesson in the preparatory group. Topic: "Insects." Petrozavodsk MDOU No. 98 “Fairy Tale” Lesson notes. Theme "Insects".

Ecological Education is relevant at any age, so in my work I pay due attention to this area. Preschool age characterized by increased curiosity about various fields, but children show special interest in the nature around them, which is fraught with many still unexplored mysteries.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten“Zhuravushka” village of Bizhbulyak municipal district

Bizhbulyaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Lesson notes

with older children.

Topic: "Insects."

Modeling " Ladybug».

Compiled by teacher: First qualification category

Kolesnik Ilzira Rifovna

April 2017

Activities: gaming, communicative, motor, productive.


  1. development of the articulatory apparatus, replenishment and activation of the dictionary (educational field - communication);
  2. strengthen children's understanding of insects;

3) continue to work on developing friendly relationships between children (in particular through games) (educational area - socialization);

4) develop interest in modeling, improve the ability to sculpt from plasticine (educational area - artistic creativity).

Expected Result:

Shows the ability to team up with children for joint games.

Knows how to find the right answers.

Uses all the diversity in the learned sculpting techniques.

Materials and equipment:image of a meadow, dummies and images of insects.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.
(Children say hello and stand in a circle).
I see a wide circle
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left.
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all return to our place
Let's all smile at each other.

Let us smile and give a smile to each other, smile and give our smiles to the guests. Sit down, guys, on the chairs.

2. Conversation about the diversity of insects

Listen carefully to the riddle:

A flying flower sat on a fragrant flower,

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, - it took off and flew away! (Butterfly)

That's right - a butterfly!

A butterfly “flies” into the group with a letter addressed to the children.

Guys, let's read the letter:Dear children, I ask you to help me solve the riddles that the old bumblebee told me. I also ask you to make me friends - ladybugs, with whom I will fly along flower meadows. Thank you in advance. Butterfly.

Guys, I invite you to take a trip to the world of insects. Imagine that we find ourselves in a green clearing. We will find out who we will meet here with the help of riddles.

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And the hunter is real.

The house is assembled from pine needles,

Saves the forest from caterpillars (ant)

What kind of insect is this? (ant)

Insect display.

Children, each of you has been in the forest and seen an ant’s house. What do we call it? (Anthill) They build it themselves.

They are very hardworking insects and can carry objects up to 10 times their weight. What benefit do they bring to us? (they eat harmful insects) They eat harmful insects correctly.

Which will be discussed in the next riddle:

What is this strange picture?

Here's a fluffy blade of grass

It creeps smoothly along the leaf.

Everything chews, chews, chews.

Not a bug, not a bird

This is...(caterpillar) Showing an insect.

Our caterpillar crawled towards the daisy, on which the next insect landed.

Listen to the riddle:

On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter landed.

Golden eyes

Who is this? (dragonfly)

Insect display. What does a dragonfly look like? (like a helicopter) How many wings does it have? (4) How many legs? (6)The dragonfly is a beneficial insect; it catches flies, mosquitoes and other insects in flight.

3. Physical exercise

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched,

Once she washed herself with dew,

The two twirled gracefully,

Three bent down and sat down,

At four - flew away

4. Work from a painting. Counting items.

Guys, look at the clearing, think and tell me what can be called unnecessary here and why? (A snail is a slow-moving mollusk of the gastropod family.)

Let's count how many butterflies are flying? (5)

How many ants?(5)

Maxim, count the bees. How many are there? (2) Which insects count 2? (bees)

Which insects one at a time? (spider, caterpillar)

5. Continuation of the conversation.

What kind of mesh is this?

On green branches?

Who is without threads and without hands

Did you weave that mesh? (spider).

Insect display. How many legs does a spider have? (8) Where do spiders usually live? (in the web). Right,Liquid is released from the spider's abdomen. In air it hardens quite quickly, and a silvery, barely noticeable fiber is obtained.The spider builds traps and its home from its web.

6. Didactic game“Call me kindly.”

Mosquito - mosquito Belly - abdomen

Beetle - bug Web - cobweb

Bee - bee Wing - wing

Mustache - mustache

Paws - paws

Head - head

Ant - little ant

Fly - fly

Spider - spider

Returning to the green lawn, someone suddenly jumped up to us:

A violinist lives in a meadow,

Wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper) image showing

Insect display. How many legs does a grasshopper have?() What are they?(long)

The following insect is hovering on a nearby flower:


Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

How many wings does a bee have? (4) Where do bees live? (in the hives)

What benefits do bees bring to people? (they provide honey and wax)What happens to the bee after it stings? (Having stung, the bee dies)

7. Game “Bees and Grasshoppers.”

Now you and I will turn into insects. I have a magic flower that will help us. The teacher takes magic flower and says the words with the children:

Close all your eyes and repeat after me: Help us, little flower, turn us into insects! So you and I have turned into insects and we will fly to a forest clearing.

Children perform actions when given a signal.

Here are some more interesting ones riddles about insects:

  1. You yourself cannot be seen, but the song can be heard;

It flies, squeaks, and does not miss an opportunity: it will sit down and bite. (Mosquito.) Show an image of a mosquito.

  1. She circles above me,

She's buzzing above me.

What a bastard

This clatter. (Fly.) Show an image of a fly.

Guys, what can you tell us about her? (A fly is a very harmful insect, because it carries diseases on its legs. A fly will land on bread and leave germs there. That’s why you should always protect food from flies, wash the table, plates, and hands.)

Among the insects there are both useful and harmful. But under no circumstances should you kill. Nature needs them all. Because birds feed on insects, including harmful ones.

Let's answer the following questions:

How do flies, butterflies, and dragonflies move? (fly)

How do ants and spiders move? (crawl)

How do grasshoppers move? (jumping)

What beneficial insects do you know and how are they useful?

8. Physical exercise.

We spun around on the spot and turned into ladybugs

We circled around on the spot and stopped watching the grasshoppers.

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, stop

They sat down, ate some grass, listened to the silence.

Higher, higher, higher

Jumping on your toes is easy.

We spun around on the spot and turned into butterflies.

Butterflies fly in the field

They flew, circled, and stopped on a flower.

9. Modeling “Ladybug”.

Listen to the riddle , what is the next insect we met on our way:

Who has dots all over their back?

Who grazes on the leaves?

Who do we ask to take to the sky?

And bring us some bread from there? (ladybug)

Insect display. What benefits do “cows” bring? (eat harmful insects) That's right, which we call aphids.

Do you remember that the butterfly asked to make her friends - “ladybugs”? Let's help our beautiful guest.

Sequence of work:

Roll a ball out of red plasticine, flatten it from below, and draw a line on top dividing the form into two parts. Roll out a smaller ball from black plasticine – the head – and attach it to the body. Roll small balls and flatten them - these are the eyes and spots on the body. Make a flat sheet of green plasticine and place a ladybug on it. We will attach the finished works to our green meadow. The butterfly is very grateful to you!

10. Reflection

What did we talk about today?

What insects did we meet on our way?

What did you sculpt? What games did you play?

Abstract of GCD for sculpting “Insects”

(senior group)

Goal: Develop skills unconventional method modeling from plasticine.

Tasks :

Teach children to sculpt insects of their choice, rolling plasticine into a thin flagellum (butterflies, beetles, bees, dragonflies), passing characteristics their structure and coloring;

Develop the skill of modeling, rolling plasticine between the palms, and develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate interest and respect for living nature.

Materials and equipment: plasticine, stacks, planks, napkins, butterfly (plastic), pictures with images of insects, diagrams for describing insects, coloring pages with images of insects, sample, sounds of nature and insects, puzzles.

Preliminary work: conversation, reading poems about insects, viewing presentations and slides with insects, drawing with pencils, looking at illustrations, observing insects in nature, working with the “Insects” lapbook.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, I suggest you go on a little trip. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in a meadow. (I include sounds of nature and insects). Listen to the sounds, who do we represent?

The beetle swayed on a blade of grass, its wings smooth on its back.

I know everyone in the meadow, I can introduce you.

So the grasshopper jumped, splashed all the dewdrops,

It is barely visible in the thickets - it is green, like grass.

Here are two butterflies flying, they want to tell

That yesterday there were two caterpillars living in the grass.

Here is a hard worker ant - the strongest and healthiest of all!

He is a builder and entertainer, building an anthill in a thicket.

Dragonfly next to the river: fidget, fidget.

Like a cheerful helicopter, it takes flight.

Good-naturedly hiding his sting, the bee buzzed on the flower,

Dressed in a warm fur coat. She's not hot, even though it's summer.

(turn off the sound)

Guys, where have we been now? Who did we hear there? What are insects for? Are all insects beneficial?

Look, guys, while you and I were in the meadow, a butterfly flew into our group! She told me in confidence that she was very unhappy. Do you know why? Because she has no friends. The butterfly really wants us to help her find friends. Shall we help?

D/i "Guess the insect"

Guys, I have a box with images of different insects, you will come up one by one, take out a card and use the diagram to describe the insect, when the insect is guessed, attach it next to our butterfly.

Well done, you completed this task easily, the next task is to show the butterfly how it spends its day.

Physical exercise: "Butterfly"

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She smiled and stretched!

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully,

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, it flew away.

Next task, you need to put together a few more friends for the butterfly (folding puzzles)

Now all we have to do is make friends for the butterfly with our own hands. Select any picture of the insect you would like to make for the butterfly.

Let's remember the structure of an insect. What kind of head, abdomen, how many antennae, legs, are there wings or not, the color of the insect?

We will sculpt insects using plasticine flagella. Let's remember how we make them. We pinch off a small piece of plasticine that you need, put it on the board and roll it out with your fingers, the smaller the flagellum, the more beautiful and neat your work will be. Then we press this flagellum to the picture and attach it; if the flagellum is missing, we supplement it with another one.

Finger gymnastics: "Spider"

A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
The spiders were washed to the ground.
The sun began to warm up,
The spider is crawling again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch

At the end of the work, I ask the children to tell who they made and why they chose this insect. We are making an exhibition of butterfly friends.

Every insect is busy, wants its own good and life

Master Class. Modeling insects.

Author: Chepeleva Tatyana Aleksandrovna
The material is intended for preschool and younger children school age, teachers and educators.

Quite recently, on occasion, I purchased a bundle of soft, fluffy wire called “chenille”. And they also gave me a whole package of film for paper based for laser printers (such as lamination film). So I started thinking, how to use this “wealth”?

Materials: chenille, transparencies paper-based for laser printers, plasticine, toothpicks, CD marker, scissors.

Target: making plasticine crafts and toys.
Show the possibilities of new materials (chenille, transparent film) in modeling.
Diversify the technique of working with non-traditional materials in modeling.
Improve your sculpting skills, manual labor, drawing.
Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about insects;
Form stable ideas about the color, shape, size of the insect proposed as a sample.
Introduce children to poems, riddles, and sayings about insects.
Develop eye, fine motor skills, speech, attention, thinking.
Cultivate interest in the world of insects and nature.

Spring the artist(abbreviated)
Vesna Krasna started work. She didn't get down to business right away. At first, I thought: what kind of picture should she draw?
Here the forest stands in front of her - still gloomy and gloomy like in winter.
“Let me decorate it in my own way, in spring!” She took thin, delicate brushes. I touched the birch branches with a little greenery, and hung pink and silver earrings on the aspens and poplars.
Day by day the picture of spring becomes more and more elegant.
Everything comes alive all around. Sensing the warmth, insects and spiders crawl out of various cracks. May beetles buzzed near the birch branches. The first bees and butterflies fly to the flowers.
And for each of them, Spring is Red, she came up with an important task.
(Georgy Skrebitsky)
Today we will sculpt insects. Which ones? Let's consider.
No. 1 Dragonfly
You see everything dragonfly -
Your eyes are big!
Your chirping flight
It's like a helicopter in the sky.
You're on an "emergency" landing -
You boldly show your paws.

- Let's look at her body parts. How many are there, what do they look like?

1. We sculpt the same ones - head, torso, tail.
2. We connect them, for strength, using a toothpick and smearing.
3. Cut the chenille wire into equal parts, according to the number of legs. Draw wings on film.
4. Bend the wire for the legs and cut out the wings.
5. We connect all the parts.
6. Add eyes (ready). But my daughter doesn’t like them: “It doesn’t look like it!”
7. Add plasticine green balls - great eyes!

No. 2 Green beetle(unfortunately, I didn’t see the name)
I'll put a bug in my palm -
Let him sit there for a while.
Oh oh oh! How he tickles!
He wants to get out quickly! (Svetlana Bogdan)

1. Consider a green beetle.
2. Roll 2 balls, a small one for the head, a larger one for the body. We select chenille. The green one is missing, take the blue one.
3. Flatten the ball for the body, forming a similarity. We string the head and body onto a toothpick. Bend the chenille into 6 equal parts and cut.
4. We bend the “legs” like a ladder and stick them into the body. Adding eyes. Ready!

No. 3 Spider – tarantula.
There's a spider in the corner,
He wove both the house and the net.
Now he's resting
The fly is waiting.

- We are considering. We count the number of legs, there are 8 of them. 2 more antennae.

1. Roll large, medium, small balls.
2. We put all 3 on a toothpick sequentially. 3. We cut the smallest one with a knife - we get eyes.
3. We measure, chenille into 8 equal legs and 2 small antennae, cut.
4. We stick the legs into the body. Wow, so similar!
No. 4 Fly

Annoying fly. Yuri Entin

Annoying Fly
A circle buzzes in my ear.
A circle buzzes in your ear
Annoying Fly.
Annoying Fly -
No voice, no hearing.
No voice, no hearing -
Annoying Fly.

1. Daughter Yulia categorically does not want to sculpt a green fly. We agree that there are yellow ones too. We sculpt 3 balls - for the body, head, eyes. We select chenille.
2. Roll out the larger ball into a “dumbbell”, shape the ball-head like a barrel. Secure with a toothpick. Adding eyes. We cut the chenille and bend it.
3. On the film we draw, as similar as possible, wings. Let's cut them out.
4. We connect all the parts into a single fly.

When the modeling is finished, it is necessary to remember the story of Georgy Skrebitsky
"Spring the Artist". Ask the question: “What important thing did Vesna Krasna come up with for insects?” Let the guys think and express their assumptions.

(They get up and look around.)

Ecological Education is relevant at any age, so in my work I pay due attention to this area. Preschool age is characterized by increased curiosity in various areas, but children show special interest in the nature around them, which is fraught with many still unexplored mysteries.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Zhuravushka" in the village of Bizhbulyak municipal district

Bizhbulyaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Lesson notes

with older children.

Topic: "Insects."

Modeling "Ladybug".

Compiled by teacher: First qualification category

Kolesnik Ilzira Rifovna

April 2017

Activities: gaming, communicative, motor, productive.

  1. development of the articulatory apparatus, replenishment and activation of the dictionary (educational field - communication);
  2. strengthen children's understanding of insects;

3) continue to work on developing friendly relationships between children (in particular through games) (educational area - socialization);

4) develop an interest in modeling, improve the ability to sculpt from plasticine (educational field - artistic creativity).

Expected Result:

Shows the ability to team up with children for joint games.

Knows how to find the right answers.

Uses all the diversity in the learned sculpting techniques.

Materials and equipment: image of a meadow, dummies and images of insects.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.
(Children say hello and stand in a circle).
I see a wide circle
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left.
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all return to our place
Let's all smile at each other.

Let us smile and give a smile to each other, smile and give our smiles to the guests. Sit down, guys, on the chairs.

2. Conversation about the diversity of insects

Listen carefully to the riddle:

A flying flower sat on a fragrant flower,

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, - it took off and flew away! (Butterfly)

That's right - a butterfly!

A butterfly “flies” into the group with a letter addressed to the children.

Guys, let's read the letter: Dear children, I ask you to help me solve the riddles that the old bumblebee told me. I also ask you to make me friends - ladybugs, with whom I will fly together through the flower meadows. Thank you in advance. Butterfly.

Guys, I invite you to take a trip to the world of insects. Imagine that we find ourselves in a green clearing. We will find out who we will meet here with the help of riddles.

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And the hunter is real.

The house is assembled from pine needles,

Saves the forest from caterpillars (ant)

What kind of insect is this? (ant)

Insect display.

Children, each of you has been in the forest and seen an ant’s house. What do we call it? (Anthill) They build it themselves.

They are very hardworking insects and can carry objects up to 10 times their weight. What benefit do they bring to us? (they eat harmful insects) They eat harmful insects correctly.

Which will be discussed in the next riddle:

What is this strange picture?

Here's a fluffy blade of grass

It creeps smoothly along the leaf.

Everything chews, chews, chews.

Not a bug, not a bird

This is...(caterpillar) Showing an insect.

Our caterpillar crawled towards the daisy, on which the next insect landed.

Listen to the riddle:

On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter landed.

Golden eyes

Who is this? (dragonfly)

Insect display. What does a dragonfly look like? (like a helicopter) How many wings does it have? (4) How many legs? (6) The dragonfly is a beneficial insect; it catches flies, mosquitoes and other insects in flight.

3. Physical exercise

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched,

Once she washed herself with dew,

The two twirled gracefully,

Three bent down and sat down,

At four - flew away

4. Work from a painting. Counting items.

Guys, look at the clearing, think and tell me what can be called unnecessary here and why? (A snail is a slow-moving mollusk of the gastropod family.)

Let's count how many butterflies are flying? (5)

How many ants?(5)

Maxim, count the bees. How many are there? (2) Which insects count 2? (bees)

Which insects one at a time? (spider, caterpillar)

5. Continuation of the conversation.

What kind of mesh is this?

On green branches?

Who is without threads and without hands

Did you weave that mesh? (spider).

Insect display. How many legs does a spider have? (8) Where do spiders usually live? (in the web). Right, Liquid is released from the spider's abdomen. In air it hardens quite quickly, and a silvery, barely noticeable fiber is obtained.The spider builds traps and its home from its web.

6. Didactic game “Call me kindly.”

Mosquito - mosquito Belly - abdomen

Beetle - bug Web - cobweb

Bee - bee Wing - wing

Mustache - mustache

Paws - paws

Head - head

Ant - little ant

Fly - fly

Spider - spider

Returning to the green lawn, someone suddenly jumped up to us:

A violinist lives in a meadow,

Wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper) image showing

Insect display. How many legs does a grasshopper have?() What are they?(long)

The following insect is hovering on a nearby flower:


Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

How many wings does a bee have? (4) Where do bees live? (in the hives)

What benefits do bees bring to people? (they provide honey and wax) What happens to the bee after it stings? (Having stung, the bee dies)

7. Game “Bees and Grasshoppers.”

Now you and I will turn into insects. I have a magic flower that will help us. The teacher takes a magic flower and says the words with the children:

Close all your eyes and repeat after me: Help us, little flower, turn us into insects! So you and I have turned into insects and we will fly to a forest clearing.

Children perform actions when given a signal.

Here are some more interesting riddles about insects:

  1. You yourself cannot be seen, but the song can be heard;

It flies, squeaks, and does not miss an opportunity: it will sit down and bite. (Mosquito.) Show an image of a mosquito.

  1. She circles above me,

She's buzzing above me.

What a bastard

This clatter. (Fly.) Show an image of a fly.

Guys, what can you tell us about her? (A fly is a very harmful insect, because it carries diseases on its legs. A fly will land on bread and leave germs there. That’s why you should always protect food from flies, wash the table, plates, and hands.)

Among the insects there are both useful and harmful. But under no circumstances should you kill. Nature needs them all. Because birds feed on insects, including harmful ones.

Let's answer the following questions:

How do flies, butterflies, and dragonflies move? (fly)

How do ants and spiders move? (crawl)

How do grasshoppers move? (jumping)

What beneficial insects do you know and how are they useful?

8. Physical exercise.

We spun around on the spot and turned into ladybugs

We circled around on the spot and stopped watching the grasshoppers.

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, stop

They sat down, ate some grass, listened to the silence.

Higher, higher, higher

Jumping on your toes is easy.

We spun around on the spot and turned into butterflies.

Butterflies fly in the field

They flew, circled, and stopped on a flower.

9. Modeling “Ladybug”.

Listen to the riddle , what is the next insect we met on our way:

Who has dots all over their back?

Who grazes on the leaves?

Who do we ask to take to the sky?

And bring us some bread from there? (ladybug)

Insect display. What benefits do “cows” bring? (eat harmful insects) That's right, which we call aphids.

Do you remember that the butterfly asked to make her friends - “ladybugs”? Let's help our beautiful guest.

Sequence of work:

Roll a ball out of red plasticine, flatten it from below, and draw a line on top dividing the form into two parts. Roll out a smaller ball from black plasticine – the head – and attach it to the body. Roll small balls and flatten them - these are the eyes and spots on the body. Make a flat sheet of green plasticine and place a ladybug on it. We will attach the finished works to our green meadow. The butterfly is very grateful to you!

10. Reflection

What did we talk about today?

What insects did we meet on our way?

What did you sculpt? What games did you play?

Ladybug is a simple and bright model for modeling with children from plasticine. This insect enjoys good fame among all nations. Our closest neighbors - Belarusians, Ukrainians, Slovaks - affectionately call her “Sun”. Tajiks call her “Redbeard Grandfather”. In English-speaking countries - England, USA, South Africa - the name of this bright beetle is “Lady Bird”. IN South America it is called "St. Anthony's Cow", and in Germany and Switzerland "St. Mary's Beetle". Such respectful or affectionate names were given to the ladybug for a reason. People have long noticed that where there are a lot of these beetles, there good harvest. The fact is that the ladybug is not only a beautiful, but also a very useful insect. Both the adult beetle and its larvae destroy the crop pest - aphids. To combat this field pest, it was even brought from Europe to America. Ladybug was not found there before.
We offer you two options for modeling a Ladybug from plasticine. The first - simple - option is suitable for working with preschool children in the senior or preparatory group of a kindergarten. The second option is for older guys.

A simple ladybug made of plasticine - modeling insects with children from 5 years old

For work we will need black and red plasticine. You will need a very small piece of white plasticine.
We roll a ball out of red plasticine and, pressing it firmly against the table, give it the shape of a hemisphere (gingerbread).

Roll a ball out of black plasticine and apply it to the body. Using a stack, draw a line on the shell, dividing it in half and forming two wings.

Let's roll a sausage out of black plasticine, divide it into six segments and make the legs of a ladybug out of them.

Roll six small balls from black plasticine and stick them onto the wings, slightly flattening them. Let's mold the antennae and eyes. The plasticine ladybug is ready!

Ladybug from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 5 years old.

Ladybug from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 7 years old

This model is a little more complicated than the previous one. Here the Ladybug “opened” its wings. For work we will need red, black and white (a little) plasticine.
Roll a ball out of black plasticine and flatten it into a cake.

From a piece of black plasticine we roll a long thin sausage-flagellum and, dividing it into three parts, stick it to the black pancake base.

Let's turn the figure over and “put” it on the legs we just sculpted. Roll a ball out of black plasticine and apply it to the body. This is the head of a ladybug.

Roll a ball out of red plasticine and, pressing it from below with your fingers, form a hat, as when sculpting mushrooms from plasticine. The diameter of the “hat” should approximately correspond to the base of the ladybug’s body. Cut the resulting “hat” into a stack in the middle.
Let's stick the red wings to the base of the ladybug.

All that remains is to revive and decorate our ladybug. Let's roll up the flagellum, “curl” it and make antennae. Roll six small black balls, flatten them and stick them on the wings. From two pieces of white plasticine we will make two false eyes. Here is another Ladybug made of plasticine!

Ladybug made of plasticine - modeling insects from plasticine with children from 7 years old.

Ant from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 6 years old

You can make ants from plasticine with children aged 6 years and older. As you know, ants do not live alone - they are social animals and form entire colonies - anthills. Strict order reigns in anthills. Each ant knows exactly its duties and fulfills them. No matter how small the ant is, it is one of the most powerful inhabitants of our planet. After all, he can lift ten times his own weight! If people had such strength, then two not very large men could easily carry from place to place a car. And a preschool child could carry his tired mom and dad home from a walk without any problems. Ants are also great builders. After all, compared to their size, an anthill is a real skyscraper.
When working on this craft, you can use natural material. And not only to make legs for ants from twigs, and not from plasticine. Create your own small anthill by sketching sticks and straws. And then “populate” it with cheerful and hardworking ants.

Stages of modeling an ant from plasticine

Divide the plasticine block in half. Make an elongated ellipsoidal egg from the half. You can even make one end pointed. Divide the remaining piece in half and form a ball and a short carrot cone.

Connect all three parts to each other.

Roll long black sausages from black plasticine. Make six legs out of them: four short ones and two longer ones. And two short and thin mustaches. Both legs and antennae can be made not only from plasticine, but also from wires or twigs.

Stick the legs to the ant's chest and the antennae to the head.

Make eyes. Cut through the mouth with a stack.

Ant from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 6 years old.
Our plasticine ant is ready to hit the road or start working for the benefit of his native anthill! If you mold a dragonfly from plasticine, you can act out Grandfather Krylov’s famous fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.”

Caterpillars made of plasticine - modeling from plasticine with children from three years old

Plasticine caterpillars are simple craft with kids. Funny caterpillars can become one of your baby's first sculptural masterpieces. We present two different models. Both of them are created using the most simple techniques modeling from plasticine. Even if the balls for the first or the “sausage” for the second caterpillar turn out to be uneven, the work will still be successful and will be decorative. And for kids this will serve as an excellent exercise in working with plasticine. You can make small details - eyes, antennae yourself or use ready-made options. For example, plastic eyes for soft toys and wires - regular or chenille - for the antennae. All caterpillar decorations can be made from plasticine, but this is difficult for small children. Therefore, we recommend using ready-made beads and seed beads.

Plasticine caterpillar - modeling with children from three years old

Let's roll six or more multi-colored balls.

Let's connect the balls together. For convenience, you can use a cardboard base.

We decorate the caterpillar with ready-made beads or seed beads. We make antennae from pieces of wire or toothpicks. The plasticine caterpillar is ready!

Plasticine caterpillar - modeling with children from three years old.

Caterpillar-worm made of plasticine - a craft for children from three years old

Let's make a long carrot cone. With kids, just make a sausage cylinder. If it turns out lumpy, it’s not a problem.

We decorate the caterpillar with ready-made beads. You can make the eyes yourself or use industrial ones. Let's cut the mouth with the stack.

Let's turn the worm into a centipede caterpillar. Cut the cocktail stick into pieces and stick these pieces into the abdomen. From the same sections we will make antennae-horns. The plasticine worm caterpillar is ready! Now you can turn it into a plasticine butterfly!

A caterpillar made from plasticine and cocktail sticks - a craft for children aged three years and older.

Butterflies from plasticine - modeling insects with children from three years old.

Plasticine butterfly - interesting craft with preschool children. The main difficulty children may have when depicting a butterfly is sculpting the wings. But if you use it to create wings additional material- cardboard - then this problem will be solved immediately. In this form, the craft immediately becomes so simple that it is suitable even for three-year-old children. This is exactly the kind of butterfly we propose to make in the first version.
And for children 5-6 years old (older and preparatory group kindergarten) and older butterflies can be made more complex and interesting. All other options are suitable for this age.
We provide templates for cutting out wings from cardboard, but, of course, you can easily draw the wings yourself.

A plasticine butterfly with cardboard wings is a simple craft for children aged three years and older.

Let's make a sausage-cylinder.

Cut out the wings from cardboard in advance. This needs to be done by an adult.

Wings template for a simple craft with children - plasticine butterfly with cardboard wings.
Let's decorate the wings with a simple plasticine molding. For example, let's roll colorful balls and press them, flattening them to the wings.

Stick the cardboard wings into the plasticine sausage body. In principle, the work can be completed here.

If you want, you can make butterfly antennae from straws, twigs, or chenille wire. The plasticine butterfly is ready.

A plasticine butterfly with cardboard wings is a simple craft for children aged three years and older.

A plasticine butterfly with cardboard wings is a simple craft for children aged five years and older.

This model is very similar to the previous one, but we will sculpt the body in more detail. In addition, children will be able to show their imagination and artistic taste by designing wings.
Shape the sausage into a cylinder. Roll it in the middle with your finger to make a butterfly “waist”.

Let's roll a round ball. Using your fingers, pull out two small horns - antennae - from plasticine. This is the head of a butterfly.

Let's press the parts together.

Let's take cardboard wing blanks (the template in the previous model) and decorate them with plasticine molding as your imagination dictates.

We stick the finished wings into the plasticine body.

If you want, you can make beautiful antennae from thin plasticine flagella.

A molded plasticine butterfly - a craft for children aged 5 years and older.

This option is primarily decorative. We do not sculpt, but rather draw with plasticine. This butterfly is convenient because it can be hung on a ribbon or glued to a group composition.
Cut out a silhouette from cardboard.

A molded template for a butterfly made of plasticine - crafts for children aged 5 years and older.
We start by creating the body. We make a head from the ball. The two sausages make up the body, and their thin flagella make up the antennae.

Let's decorate the butterfly as your imagination suggests.

We attach a ribbon to the back side with tape - now the plasticine butterfly can be hung.

A molded plasticine butterfly - a craft for children aged 5 years and older.

Plasticine butterfly - sculpting insects with children

You can make a butterfly entirely from plasticine. Below we provide diagrams for sculpting two butterflies.

Sculpting patterns with children using butterflies in their plasticine.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kiyatsky kindergarten of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Open lesson directly- educational activities on modeling on the topic:

"Butterfly on a leaf"

Educator: Zakharova N.N.

Notes on sculpting "Butterfly on a leaf" (senior group)

Summary of GCD in senior group

Modeling “Butterfly on a leaf”.

Goal, objectives

artistic creativity (modeling)

Develop the ability to sculpt an insect (butterfly) from an idea;

Strengthen the ability to sculpt using combined methods;

Develop the ability to decorate crafts symmetrically

Preliminary work: conversation, reading poems about insects, viewing presentations and slides with butterflies, drawing with pencils, looking at illustrations, observing butterflies in nature.

Materials: poster with butterflies, sample - diagram, plasticine, stacks, boards, napkins, green paper, scissors.

Progress of the Lesson

Q: Guys, what time of year is it now? :

Q: In warm weather, everything comes to life, animals and insects wake up. Flowers are blooming and reaching for the sun. The insects also woke up. Look at the pictures to see how different they are (showing pictures of insects).

Let's listen to poems about them:

The beetle swayed on a blade of grass, its wings smooth on its back.

I know everyone in the meadow, I can introduce you.

So the grasshopper jumped, splashed all the dewdrops,

It is barely visible in the thickets - it is green, like grass.

Here are two butterflies flying, they want to tell

That yesterday there were two caterpillars living in the grass.

Here is a hard worker ant - the strongest and healthiest of all!

He is a builder and entertainer, building an anthill in a thicket.

Near the river there is a dragonfly: a fidget, a fidget.

Like a cheerful helicopter, it takes flight.

Good-naturedly hiding his sting, the bee buzzed on the flower,

Dressed in a warm fur coat. She's not hot, even though it's summer.

Q: Shows pictures of insects that are mentioned in the poems.

Questions for children:

What insects is this verse about?

How are bees and dragonflies different and similar? beetle and ant; grasshopper and ladybug; butterfly and dragonfly?

Physical education lesson (taken from the Internet)

See, the butterfly is flying (Waving our arms)

Counting flowers in the meadow. (Count with your finger)

One two three four five. (Clap our hands)

In a day, in two and in a month. (We walk in place)

Six seven eight nine ten. (Clap your hands)

Even the wise bee (Again we wave our arms like wings)

Modeling a butterfly

Q: Gives instructions on how to work with plasticine, shows illustrations with beautiful butterflies, invites children to make the butterfly of their dreams and give it a name.”

And then each child presented his butterfly and told what name he gave and why, and then everyone together made up a short story. Once upon a time there lived a butterfly. Her name was Clown Butterfly. She flew, played, and had many friends. I ate. I enjoyed life and the sun.

Exhibition of crafts “Beautiful Butterflies” With the names “Butterfly - Clown” “Butterfly - Pea”, “Butterfly - Lemon”, etc.

Exhibition about the work done.

Program content: teach children to compose descriptive stories about insects using pictures, continue to teach coherence, development, continuity of statements; strengthen the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech; consolidate the use of nouns in the genitive case; activate the vocabulary on the topic “Insects”; develop memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking; cultivate a sustainable interest in the life of insects.

Materials for the lesson: an envelope with a letter from insects, pictures of insects or toys - insects, a picture of a daisy with a set of insects. Demo material“Chamomile” from the “Play and Count” series.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures, toys, children's magazines, encyclopedias, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Cockroach”, “Forest Mansions” by M. Mikhailov, “How the Ant Hurried Home” by V. Bianki “The Happy Bug” by G. Skrebitsky, watching cartoons, applique “Butterfly”, sculpting decorative plates with images of insects.

Methods and techniques: game moment - a letter arrived, examination of the diagram, games: “Who is missing”, “Finish the sentence”, “The fourth odd one”, explanation from the teacher, independent stories of children, result.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello, dear guests, we are glad to welcome you as our guest.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what seasons of the year you know?

Children: Winter. Spring. Summer. Autumn.

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring.

Educator: Let's show with an arrow on our calendar what time of year it is now. Tell me, by what signs in nature do we know that spring has come?

Children's answers: The snow is melting. Streams are running. The sun shines brightly. The buds on the trees are swelling. The first leaves are blooming. Birds are flying in. The grass is turning green. The first flowers appear. Insects appear.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a trip to the world of insects. Imagine that we find ourselves in a green clearing. We will find out who we will meet here with the help of riddles.

1.We are forest dwellers,

Wise builders.

From needles with the whole team

We are building a house under a spruce tree. (Ants)

2. The bear found honey in the forest,

Not enough honey, a lot. (Bees)

3.Flies all day long

Everyone gets bored

The night is coming

Then it stops. (Fly)

4. I wanted to pick a flower,

But the flower flew away.

What kind of insect is this? (butterfly)

What are butterfly wings compared to? (with a flower). What wings does a butterfly have? (bright, light, large). How many wings does a butterfly have? (four). Having guessed the riddle, you will find out who flew to visit the butterfly:

It flies and buzzes,

He sits down and is silent. (Bug)

Educator: Guess another riddle:


Flew over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

Educator: Look at the bee in the picture. Does it have wings, what are they like, how many legs does it have? Do the math. Guys, why can insects fly? They have wings. Let's choose insects in the pictures that can fly and have wings. Name them.

Educator: Our journey continues. We meet a new insect. Spider.

Spiders live in the grass, but where else can you find them, where do they live, what kind of house do they have? (in the web). Do spiders fly? Why not? This is a crawling insect.

Educator: And now I suggest you play a game.

Game “The Fourth Extra” (The teacher names four words, the children must identify the extra word by ear and explain their choice).

– Beetle, bee, ant, cat;

– elephant, butterfly, bumblebee, caterpillar;

– ladybug, mosquito, plate, dragonfly;

– Christmas tree, cockroach, fly, grasshopper;

– bee, butterfly, mosquito, bed.

The child to whom the teacher throws the ball answers.

After the game there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, let's see who came to us. (The teacher's assistant dressed as postman Pechkin brings a letter from insects). The teacher reads the letter and tells the children:

An accident happened. It turns out that Winter does not want to release the insects into the wild. So the insects are asking for your help. And in order to help them, you need to tell Winter about insects and solve riddles, because she has never seen them. Guys, why do you think? (There are no insects in winter). If Winter likes your answers, she will definitely release the insects. So we need to try.

But first, let's stretch our fingers.

The finger game “Bee” is being played:

Arrived to us yesterday

Striped bee.

(make swinging movements with their hands)

And behind her is a bumblebee

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb).

Like lantern eyes. (We make circles from our fingers and bring them to our eyes),

They buzzed, they flew (we wave our palms),

They fell from fatigue (we drop our palms on the table).

Educator: To make it easier for you to tell, I have prepared pictures - tips. Let's look at them (children look at the pictures and determine what and how to tell).

A violinist lives in the meadow,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Guess who this violinist is. (Grasshopper)

Not a beast, not a bird,

The nose is like a knitting needle.

Flies, squeaks, sits, is silent (mosquito)

On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter descended.

Golden eyes

Who is this? (dragonfly).

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And the hunter is real.

The house is assembled from pine needles,

Saves the forest from caterpillars. (Ant).

Here's another riddle:

Dot, dot, two hooks - these are the legs of a beetle,
two shiny petals move apart slightly,
on the right is a dot, on the left is a dot, with black speckles on the sides.

Did you guess it?

Yes, it's a ladybug. How is it different from a bee, wasp, bumblebee? (answers)

She has hard wings, they are called hard elytra and cover the flying wings. The ladybug is a little orderly; it saves gardens and vegetable gardens from destruction by eating smaller insects - aphids.

The ladybug must be protected.

Educator: Guys, butterflies, bees, beetles, ants, spiders, grasshoppers - these are all insects. You and I will now also turn into insects.

Physical education minute:

I'm a big dragonfly

Very round eyes

I'm spinning like a helicopter

Right, left, back, forward.

I flew and flew

And a little tired.

She sat on a daisy and flew off again.

(Children perform movements according to the text)

Educator: A dragonfly was flying, flapping its wings, and suddenly a light breeze blew. (Children blow, lips like a tube). And then the insects appeared, were glad that you freed them, and let’s have fun. We saw a chamomile in the meadow and were surprised. What kind of chamomile was it? (big, white, beautiful, elegant). The insects were having fun, flying, fluttering, and were so tired that they decided to rest on a chamomile. They settled down, there was enough space for everyone, the chamomile was big.

What insects settled on the chamomile (children's answers)

Educator: Let's play the game “Finish the sentence” and tell us who is where?

  • An ant sits near (a flower)
  • Ladybug crawls on... (leaf)
  • The bumblebee hid under (the leaf)
  • The caterpillar sits on... (flower)
  • A butterfly flutters over (a flower)
  • A beetle sits under (a flower)
  • A dragonfly flies near (a flower)

Educator: The insects were resting on the chamomile, they got tired of sitting and decided to play hide and seek. First one will hide, then the other. Let us also play and try to guess who is hiding?

The game “Who is missing? "(for the development of attention, memory).

Educator: Today you learned about some insects, some of them are useful and some are harmful, so when meeting them you must always be careful, because when meeting a person they defend themselves.

Rules of conduct when encountering insects:

1.Seeing vespiary, do not touch him. Observe its inhabitants from afar, otherwise the wasps will sting anywhere.

2.If a bee is flying near you, try to be calm and do not wave your arms. If she bites, you need to remove the sting and rub the stung area with soda solution.

3. If you meet an ant on the way, do not touch it, then it will not bite you.

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