Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Professions. Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Professions” for children with special needs speech therapy session for children with special needs professions

Correctional educational goals:

Expanding ideas about the work of adults, expanding knowledge about the work of parents. Activation of knowledge. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions” (labor, profession, work, driver, cook, builder, postman, teacher, work, benefit, responsibility, necessity). Improving the grammatical structure of speech, the skill of syllabic analysis of structure.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech, general speech skills, visual attention, fine and gross motor skills, activity. Coordination of speech with movement, dexterity. Creative imagination.

Educational goals:

training in labor skills, bringing the job started to completion. Formation of skills of interaction, cooperation, activity, initiative, independence.


A card index of subject pictures - tools, an album "All sorts of mothers are needed", a card index of subject pictures of people of various professions, a magnetic board,

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about professions, looking at pictures of people in various professions, talking about professions and their benefits, what parents do.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.

What do crafts smell like?
Everyone has something to do
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Dough and baking.
Past the carpenter's shop
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.
Smells like a painter
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's Blouse –
Machine oil.
Smells like a pastry chef
Doctor in a robe -
A pleasant medicine.
loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Walking behind the plow.
Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness
Doesn't smell at all.
No matter how much you smell
Rich loafer, -
Very unimportant
It smells, guys!

Speech therapist:

Guys! Tell me what professions you heard about in the poem!


  • Baker
  • Farmer
  • Driver
  • Glazier
  • Painter

Speech therapist:

Guys! Select a picture and look at it and tell us who is in the picture and what they are doing:

Baker - bakes bread, buns, cakes;

Painter - paints floors, walls, windows;

Doctor - treats people;

Driver - drives a bus, trolleybus, taxi;

Seamstress - sews clothes;

Fisherman - catches fish;

Teacher - teaches children, etc.

Consideration of items that are necessary for people in the listed professions.

2. Children's stories about their parents' professions:

Photos of the child’s parents and a plan for the child’s story are displayed on a magnetic board:

  • What are the parents' names?
  • Who do they work for?
  • What do they do at work?
  • What benefits do they bring?
  • What will you become?

3. Finger gymnastics “Builders”

We are builders, we are building,

We will build a lot of houses,

Children knock fist on fist

Many roofs and ceilings,

Lots of walls, windows, floors

Many rooms and doors

Elevators, stairs, floors.

Bend the fingers on both hands in turn.

The residents will have fun

Housewarming in the new house!

They pronounce the words in a cheerful voice, They say the word “housewarming” loudly,Raising your hands up.

4. Looking at the illustrations “All sorts of mothers are needed” and writing stories about professions(development of coherent speech).

5. Game “Determine what objects are used”

Speech therapist:

Guys! Select items used by a doctor, painter, builder, driver, cook, glazier, etc. Well done!

If I break up with my mother The children hang their heads down and make a sad face.
I'll be a little sad. They pronounce the phrase in an intonation-colored voice.
If I fight with a friend, They put their hands on their belts, lower their heads a little, put their foreheads forward, and make an angry face.
Then I’ll get angry and grumble. Pronounce the phrase in an intonation-colored voice

If Santa Claus gives

I need a scooter for the holiday,

I'll be surprised from the beginning

They pronounce the phrase in an intonation-colored voice,They spread their arms to the sides and make surprised faces.They smile.

And then I'll smile

Because I will be glad. Hurray!

They shout “Hurray”, jump up, raise their hands up.

7. Ball game “One - many, what do they do”(replenishment of vocabulary) :

The speech therapist takes the ball and invites the children to go onto the carpet.

Fisherman - fishermen catching fish;

Doctor - doctors treat people;

Baker - bakers, bake;

Educator - educators educate:

Driver - drivers drive a bus, car, trolleybus, tram;

Veterinarian - veterinarians who treat animals, etc.

8. Making riddles about professions:

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And cures us of everything


Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...

Let's bring a glass eye,

Click once - and we remember you.


Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to get treatment;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Love nature

Respect old people.


Last time I was a teacher,
Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted.

We must fight fire with fire
We are partners with water.
People really need us,
Answer quickly, who are we?

The pilot flies, but the cook

The teacher teaches, and the driver -

The gardener plants and grows, and the fireman -

The seller sells, and the policeman sells

A veterinarian treats animals, and a builder treats

CHOU secondary school European school


Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Professions”

for children of senior preschool age.

Teacher speech therapist

Baturina N.A.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic “Professions”

teacher-speech therapist Baturina N.A.

Target: Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Professions”

Correctional educational tasks:

Expanding ideas about adult work. Activation of knowledge. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Correction and development tasks:

Development of coherent speech, general speech skills, visual attention, fine and gross motor skills, activity. Coordination of speech with movement, dexterity. Learning to write a story using a prompt diagram. Creative imagination.

Educational tasks:

Fostering respect for the work of different professions. Formation of skills of interaction, cooperation, activity, initiative, independence.


Interactive whiteboard, presentation, card index of subject pictures of people of various professions, magnetic board, ball.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems about professions, looking at pictures of people in various professions, talking about professions and their benefits, what parents do.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

What do crafts smell like?
Everyone has something to do
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Dough and baking.
Past the carpenter's shop
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.
Smells like a painter
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's Blouse -
Machine oil.
Smells like a pastry chef
Doctor in a robe -
A pleasant medicine.
loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Walking behind the plow.
Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness

Speech therapist:

Guys! Tell me what professions you heard about in the poem!








2. Speech therapist:

Guys! Look at the picture, listen to the poem and tell us what a person in this profession does:

Doctor - treats people;

Seller - sells goods;

Cook - prepares food;

Hairdresser - cuts people's hair;

Educator - teaches children;

Builder - builds houses;

Firefighter - puts out fires;

Driver - drives a bus, trolleybus, taxi;

Tailor - sews clothes;

Welder - connects metal structures;

Artist - paints pictures;

An astronaut flies into space.

3. Learning a poem about an astronaut using a hint diagram. Slide number 13.

4 . Finger gymnastics “Builders”

We are builders, we are building,

We will build a lot of houses,

Children knock fist on fist

Many roofs and ceilings,

Lots of walls, windows, floors

Many rooms and doors

Elevators, stairs, floors.

Bend the fingers on both hands in turn.

The residents will have fun

Housewarming in the new house!

5. Game “Name the profession” slide No. 14

Guys, look carefully at the picture and name the professions.

6. Game “What items do people of these professions need?” slide number 15

Speech therapist:

Guys! name the objects used by a doctor, baker, driver, cook, ballerina, artist. Well done!

7. Game exercise “Fourth odd”.

- I will name the tools that people of a certain profession use. One of these tools does not apply to this profession. Name this word.

Who needs these tools?

Scissors,scales, mirror, comb. (hairdresser)

Saw,pills, thermometer, syringe. (doctor)

Frying pan, knife, ladle,paints. (cook)

Can you identify the shortest word by ear?

How did you determine? We counted the number of syllables in each word.

8. Game exercise “Correct the mistake! »

Listen and correct the errors:

The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.

The pilot drives, and the driver flies.

A tailor builds, and a builder sews.

The seller cuts hair, and the hairdresser sells.

9. Ball game “One - many” (replenishment of vocabulary):

The speech therapist takes the ball and invites the children to go onto the carpet.

10. Task “Guess the riddle about the profession”:

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And cures us of everything



Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he...


Let's bring a glass eye,

Click once - and we remember you.


11. Solving puzzles about professions, slide No. 16.

Fisherman, carpenter, stove maker, diver.

12 . Write a story about your profession, slide number 17.

Guys, let's each choose a profession and write a story about it according to the scheme - a hint.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Children stand up holding hands and lightly shake hands with each other.

Today we talked about professions. What do you want to become when you grow up? Why?

Professions are all important

All professions are needed

You just need to get down to business

Very diligently and bravely.

Well done boys! Thanks for the work!


Arefieva L.N. Lexical topics for speech development for 4-8 years. Toolkit. M., 2005

Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. Steps to the school. Teaching literacy to children with speech impairments. M., 1999

Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly. St. Petersburg, 2005

Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. M., 2001

Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, M., Mosaic-synthesis, 2005.

Osmanova G.A., “Riddles and answers in pictures on all lexical topics.” St. Petersburg, Karo, 2008

Osmanova G.A. "New finger games for developing fine motor skills: a card index of finger games." St. Petersburg, KARO, 2008

Svetlana Kovalenko

Target: Development of coherent speech and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.


Expanding ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance.

Systematization of knowledge about professions of mothers.

Expansion and activation of words on the topic professions.

Strengthening the skill of word formation of nouns denoting female profession.

Development of coherent speech – composing a story about my mother’s professions using a diagram.

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers, phonemic hearing, facial expressions, imagination.

Cultivating respect for mother's work.

Continue to improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when staging a poem.

Equipment: Album “We need all kinds of mothers”, subject pictures depicting tools, tools, technical devices, representatives of different professions,ball.

Preliminary work: Preparation with mothers stories about their professions according to the proposed plan and sample.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit on the carpet in a room where object pictures with images of tools, tools, and technical devices are laid out. I suggest you talk

O women's professions, so at home you should have talked to your mothers about their professions and prepare stories. Look carefully at the pictures and choose one that is relevant and mother's profession.

2. Staging of a poem by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”.

3. Children's stories about professions of mothers.

4. Finger gymnastics "Our Mothers"

There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them all!

(spread their arms to the sides, then grab themselves tightly by the shoulders.)

Journalist and engineer

Cook, policeman,

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder -

(bend the fingers one by one, starting with the little finger, first on one hand, then on the other hand.)

We need different mothers.

(Both palms pressed together "lock".

Different mothers are important!

(Spread their arms, raise their palms up.)

5. Didactic game "Mom's professions»

Guys, I suggest you play a ball game. "Mom's profession» Everyone stood in a circle. There are many different ones in the world professions, some of them are more often performed by men (miner, some only by women (milkmaid). But most professions are common. I call daddy profession, and you should name the same mother’s profession.

Cook - cook,


Teacher - teacher

Athlete - sportswoman,

Figure skater, figure skater

Tailor - dressmaker,

Seller - saleswoman,


Pianist - pianist.

6. Didactic game “Who needs what for work”

Guys, you have cards that say professions, select the necessary tools for them.

7. Game-competition « Syllabic lotto»

Let's play syllabic lotto. I will show you pictures in turn with images of representatives of different professions. You will make names professions into syllables: honey -sister -ra, hundred-mo-to-log,

bib-li -o -te -kar, pro-do -vets, o -per-ra -tor, pa -rik -ma -her, u -chi -tel.


8. Reading poems about mom.

9 Development of fine motor skills.

Mom's guys come home from work very tired. How can you please them? (children's answers). Let's make some crafts for them from salt dough.

10. Our guys the lesson has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about professions of your mothers, take your crafts and give them to your moms.

Orlova O.L., teacher speech therapist.

Correctional educational objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about adult professions and tools; to practice the skills of forming nouns from verbs, to compose simple sentences with a conjunction, to practice the correct use of the preposition -v- in the composition of simple sentences, complex words; select appropriate definitions;

Correctional and developmental tasks: develop attention, abstract thinking, fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate respect for the work of adults.

Equipment: pictures with professions, pictures with transport, cards with objects.

Progress of the lesson.

1 . Organizing time. Dunno comes to visit and asks the children: “What is the name of your kindergarten? Who brings you here? What are your moms and dads doing at this time when you are in kindergarten? ”(children answer).
Dunno asks: “Do you know what your parents do?” (children answer).
Speech therapist teacher: Dunno, our children know the names of many professions, stay and play with us, and you will also learn a lot.

2. D/game “Name your profession?” "
Dunno plays with the children. Children stand in a circle and play with a ball. The speech therapist teacher asks questions, the children answer.
Teaches (who?) – teacher
Builds (who?) – builder
Drives (who?) – driver
Dunno cooks (who?) - Donut, and treats (who?) - Pilyulkin. (children tell Dunno).

3. The speech therapist asks riddles.

4. D/ game “Choose the word”.

The speech therapist teacher invites the children to take pictures from the table, name the person of what profession they depict, and choose words of definition for him.
What kind of pilot? - brave, courageous.
What teacher? - smart, kind.
What driver? - attentive, careful, . . .
Dunno what kind of doctor? - evil, scary. The children are corrected by a doctor who is kind and caring.

5. D/game “Who works on the machines?” ” (formation of word formation skills.)
The speech therapist teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and say: “What is drawn in the pictures? What types of transport did you see? (land, water, air).”
A tractor driver plows on a tractor.
The driver drives the train.
A pilot flies on an airplane.
The car is driven by a driver or chauffeur.
Do you, Dunno, know who flies on a rocket? - an astronaut, I flew myself. That's right, the children praise him.

6. D/ game “Answer the question” (use of the preposition -v-).
The speech therapist teacher invites the children to answer questions.
Where will you go to learn to swim? - I'll go to the pool.
Where will you go to watch a movie? – I’ll go watch it at the cinema.
Where do you go to get a book to learn a lot? - I'll get it from the library.
Where will mom go if she needs a doctor? - Mom will go to the hospital.
Where will your sister go if she needs to sew a dress? - My sister will go to the studio.

7. D/ game “Guess the word”. The speech therapist teacher offers children pictures with: fisherman, beekeeper, lumberjack, chimney sweep. And asks to explain why they are named that way.
Fisherman - catches fish.
Beekeeper - breeds bees.
Lumberjack - cuts down the forest.
Gardener - plants a garden.
Chimney sweep - cleans pipes.
After the game, the children conclude that two small words live in one big word.

8. D/game “Who do you want to be?” ”
Children tell who they want to be and make simple sentences with the conjunction -or-.
I want to be a teacher or a doctor.
I want to be a salesman or a cook.

9. Lesson analysis.
D/ game “Circle the object around the office and name it.”
Children guess the person what profession needs this item.
Dunno, thank you guys, now I know that there are many professions in the world and they are all necessary and useful. And I will tell my friends about this. Goodbye!
Speech therapist teacher: Dunno, come visit us again, the guys will teach you a lot.

Alla Avdeeva
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Target: Development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech.


1. Correctional and educational:

Activate and develop children's vocabulary on the topic « Professions» ;

Improve children's grammatical structure of speech;

Develop coherent speech, teach children to compose descriptive stories based on a plan;

Exercise children in agreeing nouns with numerals.

Exercise children in reading words.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech and movement;

Develop auditory attention, memory, thinking.

3. Correctional and educational:

Continue to develop in children the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, and initiative;

Cultivate in children respect for professional and work activity.

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

Speech development,

Cognitive development.

Types of children's activities:




Cognitive and research.

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures, illustrations with images professions, tools;

Reading fiction, memorizing poems;

Tour of the kindergarten, introduction to professions in kindergarten - cook, nurse, janitor, psychologist, teacher's assistant, teacher, speech therapist;

- didactic games: "To whom what needed for work» , "Guess by the description", "The Fourth Wheel", "One is many", "Call me kindly", "Count to Five", "In the city - in the village";

- role-playing games: "Shop", "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Mail", "Studio", « School» , "Cafe", "Kindergarten", "Library", "Salon" and etc. ;

- productive activity: drawing different people professions, design"Different Houses", baking puff pastry cookies, etc.;

- work with parents: recommendations to visit a store, pharmacy, clinic, post office, hairdresser, library, cafe, school, atelier, etc., see how different people work professions; tell about your professions what they do at work; creating a presentation « Our parents' professions» .

Equipment and materials:

Magnetic board;


Three tables for tasks;

Chairs for children;

Envelope with a letter;

Pictures representing professions;

Lotto game « Professions» ;

Presentation « Professions» .

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. In front of them there is a table on which subject pictures depicting professions.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - Hello guys! Today I was going to kindergarten and met the postman who gave us a letter. Now I will open it, and we will find out who it is from.

(Speech therapist opens the envelope and reads the poem).

All professions are needed,

All professions are important.

A doctor treats sick people,

And the veterinarian - animals.

Build building builder,

So that we have a place to live.

The dressmaker sews clothes for us,

To have something to wear.

And the teacher in goes to school,

To teach our children.

The cook cooks, fries, stews,

To feed everyone.

Everyone serves the cause faithfully,

So that people can live better.

Speech therapist: Children, what is this poem talking about? How can you call all this in one word?

Children: ABOUT professions.

Speech therapist: What is it profession?

Children: Profession is work which a person is engaged in.

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, that's right. And this is a letter from the city of Masters from different people professions.

II. Main part.

Speech therapist: - Today we will go on an excursion to the city of Masters. But first, guess the riddles sent by the city residents.

A game "Guess and name"

Speech therapist takes out a letter with riddles from the envelope.

I'm busy with the kids,

I spend all my days with them,

I go for walks with them.

I put them to bed

And, of course, I love

I your profession. (Teacher)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

He's in a hurry to fight the fire. (Firefighter)

He's been in our dining room since morning

Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,

Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

He has mountains of goods -

Cucumbers and tomatoes.

Zucchini, cabbage, honey -

He sells everything to people. (Salesman)

We work as a team

They are bringing us sand and concrete.

We need to work together,

To build a new house. (Builder)

Hairdryer, brush and comb

He will deftly do his hair. (Hairdresser)

Drives out onto the road

He is usually early

Putting your foot on the pedal

And turning the steering wheel with my hand. (Driver)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

He waves his staff. (Guard)

The bell rang loudly

The lesson began in the classroom.

Knows student and parent -

Will teach a lesson. (Teacher)

An elephant or a mouse has a fever -

He will save them. (Vet)

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

I sew deftly with my needle -

It’s not for nothing that I (Tailor)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod -

Paints a picture from life. (Artist.)

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he (Artist)

Speech therapist: Well, it's time to go on an excursion. The city of Masters is far away and we will have to go by bus. And in order not to get lost, the city residents sent us a map, which indicates the places where we should visit and tasks for you. Let's choose a driver and take seats on the bus.

(children stand in pairs behind "driver" and go in a circle to the first table)

Speech therapist: Here we are. Get off the bus. The first building awaits us here "Tools". Residents of the city masterfully use various tools and mechanisms. Let's try to figure out who needs what tools for work.

A game "Name the tools"

Lotto cards laid out on the table « Professions» and pictures with objects of labor. Children need to choose necessary picture with objects of labor and put it on the card, explaining your choice:

I take the scales because they seller needs;

I take the scissors because they hairdresser needs;

I take medications because they needed by a doctor, etc.. d.

Speech therapist: We continue our excursion. Look at this house, many different people work here professions. Let's count them.

Children approach the flannelgraph, where the numbers 2 and 5 are placed. Speech therapist shows a card with the name professions, and children read and consider:

A game "Count"

Two doctors, five doctors;

Two builders, five builders;

Two teachers, five teachers; etc.

Speech therapist: Guys, our tour continues. Let's go further along the map, to the third building with the name "Case". There is a ball here, so we can play a game where you name the actions that the representatives perform professions.

Ball game "Who's doing what"

Children line up in a semicircle speech therapist throws the ball to the child and calls profession, and he says what the representative of this professions:

Teacher - teaches; doctor - treats; seller - sells; builder - builds; hairdresser - cuts; cook - cooks; painter - paints; cleaner - cleans the room; dentist - treats teeth; janitor - sweeps; driver - steers, drives the car.

Speech therapist: Every job has a break. So you and I will have a rest.

Physical education minute

One two three four five.

Let's build and play.

We are building a big, tall house.

We are installing windows and roofing.

What a beautiful house!

An old gnome will live in it.

Speech therapist: Let's continue the tour. This is home "Dream". Here you should tell what you dream of becoming when you grow up.

Children take turns talking about what they want to become in the future. plan:

Name professions;

What to do at work;

What tools to use.

Speech therapist: Well, guys, our tour of the city of Masters is over and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Get on the bus and let's go.

Children stand in pairs and walk around the circle group and sit on chairs in front of a computer screen.

III. Bottom line classes.

Speech therapist: - What great fellows you are! Let's remember what we did today.

Children's answers.

Speech therapist: Look at the screen and tell me which ones we talked about professions.

Children watching a presentation « Professions» and call them.

Speech therapist: What did you like most?

Children's answers

Speech therapist: Residents of the city of Masters are very glad that you know a lot about professions, about tools.


1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in children preschool age. – M.: Iris Press, 2004 -206 p.

2. Filicheva T. B., Tumanova T. V. Children with general speech underdevelopment. – M.: Gnom i D, 2000 -198 p.

3. Tkachenko T. A. Learning to speak correctly. System for correcting general speech underdevelopment in 6-year-old children. M. Gnom-press, 2002. -140 s.

4. Filicheva T. B. Chirkina G. V. Preparation for school children with general speech underdevelopment in a special kindergarten. M. Education, 1982 -209 p.

5. Gomzyak O. S. Class notes on the development of coherent speech in school preparatory group. M. Gnom-press, 2007 -126 s.

6. Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 5-6 years old with OHP. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007 - 94 s.

7. Kuznetsova E. V., Tikhonova I. A. Development and correction of speech in children 5-6 years old. T. Ts. Sfera, 2005 - 95 p.

8. Internet resources.