Competitive and game program “Day of Russian Fun. Scenario for the children's game program "City of Miracles"

Track No. 1.
A musical introduction (phonogram) sounds.
The presenter comes out.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning.
Summer gives us a bright holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!

She is our friend - big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged:
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things!


Good afternoon to you guys! Both girls and boys! I see that the smiles are open, the eyes are shining, the mood is excellent, which means there WILL BE a holiday today!!! Today we invite you all to an amazing country - Igralia, to a festive parade of riddles, quizzes, and charades!

But first, let’s get to know you better. And we will do this with the help of a game. I will ask you to be attentive, listen to the poem, and fulfill all the requests that are mentioned in it. Agreed? So here I go!

Dating game

Sasha, Seryozha, Alyosha -
They clapped their hands together!
Masha, Natasha and Lenochka -
Everyone patted their knees!
Vovochki, naughty girls and pranksters -
They make faces at the celebration.
How many Oles do we have?
Say loudly: “We are here!”
Vasya, Dima, Romochka are cheerful boys,
Show off your ears as if you were bunnies!
Arina, Marina, Irina -
Bowed like ballerinas!
Vani, Grisha, Misha -
Silenced like mice!
Koli, Kostya and Antoshka -
Show your palms to everyone!
Nina, Dasha, Gali -
They rode a horse.
Kiryushechki and Lyovushki -
They puffed up like owls!
We did not name all the names,
You, friends, will not demand
Friendly, loud in this room
Shout your name!

Well done! So friendly, everyone got to know each other at once. Well, now it’s our turn to introduce ourselves. My name is _____________________

What about me ______________________________. Guys, tell me, do you want to become smarter and more resourceful, learn interesting things, solve difficult things? Do you want to spend your leisure time fun and usefully? We invite play.

- Just think, it's nonsense! I'll do it playfully! - they often talk about an easy, trivial matter. The game is truly unthinkable without lightness and ease. But does this mean that the game is a trivial, unpretentious matter?

No, the game is a serious matter. And at the same time, the game is always excitement and interest. Search, unexpected finds and discoveries. Play is a way of understanding the world around us. By playing, we learn to overcome failures and face defeats with dignity. In the game we grow and mature.

And you will see this for yourself today. Because today for you is the “Holiday parade of riddles, quizzes, charades”!
For participation in intellectual games For our parade we will need two teams.
(Participants of the holiday are being divided into two teams).
Our parade consists of several separate tours. For correct answers, points will be awarded to each team, the sum of which at the end of the program will help determine the winner. You will need to answer the questions posed by holding up the signal card. One team has it yellow color, the other team has red. We would like to make a warning right away - for shouting the answer from the spot, teams will be fined - that is, penalty points will be deducted from the points earned. Is the task clear? Then... We begin!

Track No. 2. Phonogram of solemn fanfare.

There are mysteries in our region,
So sophisticated...
Who will guess the riddle -
Will be considered a scientist!

Our first tour is called “MYSTERIOUS ASSORTED”.
This means that the teams will have to answer the riddle question. A point for each correct answer will be awarded to that team. Who will be the first to raise the signal card.
Are the teams ready? Attention! We listen to riddles - we find answers!

1. Mixed, pickled, dried, put on the table (BREAD)

2. One runs, the other lies, the third bows. (RIVER, STONE, GRASS)

4. You can easily lift it, but you can’t throw it over the mansion. (FEATHER)

5. Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (MOSS)

6. What kind of tree is there - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (ASPEN)

7. It is the cow that flies with milk, not the owl. (DANDELION)

8. She herself is cold, but she burns people. (NETTLE)

9. White peas on a green stem. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

10. He sits with his eyes bulging and doesn’t speak Russian.
Born in water, but lives on land. (FROG)

11. He prepares his nets like a fisherman,
But he never catches fish. (SPIDER)

12. Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox. (SQUIRREL)

So, based on the results of the first round, our team is in the lead: ________________________

Since childhood, we all love fairy tales,
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,
That there is a happy ending in it
Hearts already have a presentiment.

And we move on to the 2nd round of our parade, which is called “FAIRY-TALE EXPLAINERS”
Now I will ask questions about fairy-tale characters. To make it easier for you to solve the problem, you will be given three hints for each question. And now, ATTENTION!

TOUR Rules:
If you guessed the answer
- from the first explanation - 3 points
- from the second explanation - 2 points
- from the third explanation - 1 point

1. He is always very sad
2. It was his birthday
3. The owl gave him a tail (Eeyore)
4. He lived in the jungle
5. He taught the wolves the laws of the jungle.
6. Mowgli was also his student (BALU BEAR)
7. He kept falling.
8. At first he didn’t know his own name
9. His friend the crocodile (CHEBURASHKA)
10. It had very narrow doors
11. He was very well-mannered.
12. Winnie the Pooh ate all his sweets (RABBIT)
13. He traveled to Africa
14. He loved all animals
15. He even cured Barmaley (DOCTOR AIBOLIT)
16. She was very kind and hardworking
17. She sewed three whole ball gowns in one night.
18. Her godmother was a fairy (CINDERELLA)
19. He runs - the earth trembles
20. He could jump to the princess’s window
21. His name was Prophetic Kaurka (SIVKA BURKA)
22. She is a brave and smart girl
23. She lived with the Bear
24. She baked pies and sent them to her grandparents (MASHENKA)
25. He argued that boys should be vacuumed too
26. He loved to play pranks
27. He wanted 8 cakes and one small candle (CARLSON)
28. He was constantly harmed by rodents
29. He didn't know how to get angry
30. He wanted to live together (LEOPOLD THE CAT)

Your knowledge of the fairy-tale world is impressive and deserves applause.
Give each other a round of applause! And now the applause should be twice as loud, because it is addressed to the team ______________________________, which is leading in THIS round!

And the overall score for the two rounds is as follows:
The team has __________ __________ points,
and the team has __________ on its account __________ points!

It is unlikely that there will be people in our country who have never heard of the Guinness Book of Records. It contains facts about the very, very, very, worthy of attention and admiration! We are also ready to talk to you about this now. That is, about the most interesting and impressive.
And we will do this with the help of the next, third round of our parade - the quiz “MOST, MOST, MOST”
The conditions of this competition are simple: after hearing a question and deciding to answer it, you also raise a signal card. The first team to pick up the card and give the correct answer receives 1 point in its competition account. Are you ready for the next challenge? Then attention, the questions of the quiz “MOST, MOST, MOST!”

 Biggest bear?
(Polar bear.)
 The most toothy cutlery?
 Most travel bag?

 Best swimming shoes?
 The most heavenly color?
 The most children's theater?
(Puppet show.)
 The most children's swimming device?
(Inflatable ring.)
 The very first school textbook?

 Biggest waves?
 The tallest fairytale policeman?
(Uncle Styopa.)
 The kindest fairy tale doctor?
(Dr. Aibolit.)
 The most loyal animal to humans?

 The most vegetable fairy tale.
(“The Adventures of Cipollino”, Gianni Rodari.)
 The most beautiful bird in the world?

 The most camp musical instrument?
 The most Russian musical instrument?
 The best crocodile in the world?
(Gena, Cheburashka's friend.)

It's time to sum up the last tour. The ____________________________________ team captivated us with their erudition, gaining _______ points in this competition and becoming the leader! Well done! Keep it up!

Time moves forward, and tells us that it’s time to move on to the next round of our parade - the fourth, which is called “CHARADES”.
By the way, can anyone give me a clear answer to what charades are? (Answers)
To know the clear definition of this word, I suggest you listen to a short reference:
“The components of a charade are individual small words that add up to a larger word. For a charade riddle, a description of each part is given, and then the meaning of the whole word.” Now that you are familiar with the decoding of this unusual word, I think you can move on to the competition itself. Its conditions, as in previous rounds, are simple - for each correctly guessed word, the team receives one point, having first raised the signal card and given the answer.
So, I announce the fourth round - “CHARADES”


I played roles on stage,
I performed in the arena
The letters, apparently, were playing a joke -
They took it and turned it into utensils,
And now it’s smart in the kitchen
I'm grating carrots.

S D I'm used to liquids,
From the west there is a huge wild bull.

With B I can be painful,
I devour clothes from M,
S R the actor needs me,
C C - important for the cook.

I am deep and full of water,
And the whole country is proud of me.
And ahead you will add -
And I will become a forest bird.

With the letter H for you I
Friend, buddy.
And it’s worth changing H to G,
How the enemy will face you.

With the letter L in the game of football
We often hear the word. . . .
With D the meaning in the word is not the same -
The measure became simple. . . .

First call for city ​​house,
In which we live only in the summer with our family,
Add two letters to the name at the same time,
What will happen is what is destined to be decided.

Read to my left,
And I will be a despising dog.
But I will count the time
When you read it the other way around.

We all - both adults and children -
During leisure hours we entertain,
But if we put T,
We'll scare them terribly.

S K I'm at school on the wall,
There are mountains and rivers on me.
I won’t hide it from you -
I'm also standing at school.

To guess, have patience:
S L i is part of the face,
and with B - plant.

I bring tears to S L,
I'm flying through the air.

With M I am fit for your food,
And I can be a flower
They will find me in the river,
With S suddenly I will become a bag.

You can solve the problem freely:
I'm a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.

I can't get into the branchy forest -
My horns are stuck in the branches
But exchange L for S for me -
And the leaves of the forest will all wither.

I show off magnificently in a flowerbed in the garden,
If you want, put me in a vase.
But with the letter K I will go to the garden,
And if I find cabbage in the garden,
The cabbage will get it right away.

With the sound S, I'm not tasty,
But everyone needs food,
S M beware of me, or else
I will eat both the dress and the coat.

S U - creeping, S Z - prickly.

I'm a famous dish
When will you add M?
I will fly and buzz, annoying everyone.

They carry me with the letter X,
With the letter C in the dining room they ask.

To support the birdhouse
Or an antenna, I'm fit,
WITH soft sign I, of course,
I'll be a number right away.

At the beginning of the word there is a cliff, a ravine,
Then there is a postal mark on the envelope.
In general, the place where in Rus'
Merchants brought their goods!

M have reached the finish line. But in order to announce the next, final round of our parade, we need to find out which team became the best “decipherer” of the charades.
So, the __________________ team gave ______ correct answers, earning ____________ points accordingly, and the __________________ team got ________ correct answers, which means _________ points are credited to its piggy bank.
Now everything is in place and it’s time to announce the fifth round of our parade - “AUDIO QUESTION”.
Dear friends, you need to determine by the sound which cartoon character sings a song or pronounces a phrase. Replies will also only be accepted after you pick up the signal card. For each correct answer, your competition funds will be replenished.
Ready? Attention, we are listening to the first musical fragment.

Order of music tracks:

1. “Kid and Carlson”
2. Song “If you are kind” (Leopold the Cat)
3. "Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
4. Little Mouse's Song
5. Song Shapoklyak
6. Phrase from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”
7. Song “I’m lying in the sun” (Lion Cub and Turtle)
8. Phrase from the cartoon “Well, just wait!”
9. Song of Fun (From the cartoon “flying ship”)
10. Phrase from the cartoon “Mowgli”
11. Song of the Atamansha and the Robbers (“Musicians of Bremen”)
12. Song of Cat Matroskin
13. Song of friends “There is nothing better in the world” (“Musicians of Bremen”)

Our amazing parade of riddles, quizzes, and charades is coming to an end. It was very pleasant that the spirit of rivalry and competition reigned in the hall.
In moments we will find out which team is the winner. But it seems to me that today it would be quite appropriate to recall the principle of the Olympic movement: “The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!”

(The result is announced last game. Awarding with souvenirs.)

The competition is over, the meeting is over,
The hour of parting has come...
But don't be sad, you come to us,
We will meet with you more than once!

(Final song.)


Good afternoon, kids, girls and boys. I am glad to welcome you.

Please raise your hands, which one of you is currently good mood?

(Children raise their hands).

Thank you, please leave it down. Now raise your hands, those who are in the mood not very good.

(If one of the children raises their hands, the leader says: “Ay-ay-ay! But that’s okay, we’ll fix that now. After all, that’s what I’m doing.”

Tell me, please, when is a person in a good mood?

(I think you will agree with me that a good mood mainly depends on ourselves).

Then let's create a good, festive mood ourselves. Do not you mind?

The most the best remedy for this purpose - a little "misbehavior"

Well, then, let's clap our hands, friendly and together. (Clap their hands.) Very good.

Now let's stomp our feet (All ogami stomp)

Now let's put everything together, let's clap and stomp at the same time. (children clap and stomp) Well done!

Well, to consolidate and raise our mood, let’s combine all our emotions, let’s stomp, clap and shout at the same time! Well done!

Well, your mood has improved! (children answer)


And now I will offer you some awkward words, you will need to form the correct words in 5 minutes.

Whose team completes the task receives a “SMILEY”

BOTUREDRB _____________________

JUDGMENT _____________________

TAREBAYA _____________________

CHUNIKB _____________________

SENIROTA _____________________

BASHKARU ______________________

SHOAKE ______________________

LOTSIDMO ______________________

Presenter: Each team receives a well-deserved “EMILITION”.


The next competition is called: "Do you believe that...", and you determine whether it is true or not.

1. In Japan, do students write on the board with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

2. In Australia, the practice is to use disposable school boards? (No)

4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)

5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)

6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

10. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

11. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in tropical forests Asia and Africa)

12. Rhinoceros horn has magical power? (No)

14. Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, leeches)

15. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

16. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

17. The Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches tall? (No, three)


Now let's imagine that we find ourselves in the Kingdom of Magic Balls.

Everything in this kingdom is round - the houses are round, the tables and chairs are round, even the beds are round. And the inhabitants of this kingdom only play games where there is a ball. You will ask why? I'll tell you a secret. Five magic balls are kept in the throne room of this magical land. These balls have enormous, magical power. They protect their residents from all diseases. Therefore, no one in the kingdom of Magic Balls gets sick, and everyone really loves to play sports and harden themselves. Do you want to visit the Kingdom of Magic Balls? Then let's go.
Warm up before traveling


1. Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to assemble 2 teams and line them up in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need pass the ball from hand to hand below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

2. Pass the ball sideways.

Participants stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last person standing, all participants turn in a circle and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

3. Move the balls.

On one side of the court, place balls in a hoop or basket according to the number of people in the team. It is necessary to transfer the balls from one side of the court to the other. Each participant can take only one ball.

In one direction, participants move on all fours, pushing the ball with their heads (do not use your hands). Having rolled the ball to the cone, pass it to the next participant, rolling the ball along the floor.


We need to play games
And solve riddles.
Guess what, guys?
Riddles about ball games.
Throwing a ball over a net
Everyone is trying to score a goal.
And you need to be dexterous and accurate
In the game with the name... (volleyball)

The player rushes faster than the wind
And the ball is in the goal, that means a goal!
And everyone knows what it's called
Sports game... (football)

Dribbling, passing,
The player bypassed all opponents,
And the ball in the basket - that's luck
The name of that game... (basketball).

Which bird is the largest and heaviest? (ostrich)

What is horse milk called? (Koumiss)

Which giraffe legs are longer? (They are all the same)

What animals are called forest nurses? (Volkov)

A collection of specially collected and dried plants. (Herbarium)

What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (Into the pumpkin)

The name of which vegetable comes from Latin word"kaput" (cabbage)

The most vegetable fairy tale. (Cipollino)

Healing flower- the ancestor of all roses. (Rose hip)

What is the name of the composition of various medicinal plants? (Collection)

A brilliant scientist who became famous thanks to the apple. (Newton)

Another name for a computer. (Computer)

Name the first Russian Tsar. (Ivan groznyj)

The sport in which Yevgeny Kafelnikov is strong. (Tennis)

The highest achievement of art. (Masterpiece)

An animal whose strength is measured by engine power. (Horse)

The country, the ancestor of football. (England)

What is the name of the territory in which any kind of food is completely prohibited?

economic activity person. (Reserve)

What is the beginning of the river called? (Source)

What insect has ears on its legs? (At the grasshopper)

What bird's chicks don't know their mothers? (Cuckoo)

How long do bees live? (Two month)


Well done guys, let's count the number of SMILES and reveal today's winner.

And finally, let’s once again cheer ourselves up, clap our hands together, stamp our feet, and shout.

Great!!! I wish that your mood always remains as cheerful and cheerful.

Until we meet again, dear guys, we are waiting for you again on our gaming programs.

Vakarina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

I salute you all

This good song

Smile at me, friends,

To make it more interesting.

Let the whole hall be filled

With your ringing laughter,

So that no one gets discouraged,

And he played at the same time


When we meet the dawn,

We say to him: “Hello!”

With a smile the sun gives light,

Sending your greetings to us!

When we meet after many years,

To your friends you shout: “Hello!”

Let's all answer together,

Tell me loudly: “Hello!”


The main thing here will be the game,

Laughter, smiles, songs.

After all, you can’t live without them,

It's more interesting with them.

On this day I wish

Victory to all, good luck,

You are the best here, friends,

So and not otherwise


LEADING. Now tell me, what do you see in my right hand?

(The presenter raises above his head left hand with a fishing rod. Most often, children make a mistake and say: “Stick.”)

Unfortunately, you were mistaken, I have a microphone in my right hand. And in his left hand there is a stick. It is only at first glance that this stick seems ordinary. Do you know how many relatives she has? Broom, mop, baseball bat and “towns”, magic wands fairies are also her distant relatives, the conductor's baton... Can you name what objects are relatives of this baton?

(The “Stick” auction is taking place - a ski stick, Chinese sticks, a fishing rod, an athlete’s and tightrope walker’s pole, an oar, a hockey stick, a cane, cotton sticks, counting sticks, drum sticks...)

By the way, this stick is a real counting rhyme. She can determine the winner of the auction. I ask those who called relatives sticks to come to me.

(A cheerful melody sounds, the players come out to the Leader, who places the stick vertically.)

I ask each of you, in turn, to clasp the stick with your palm, starting from the bottom; whose hand is on top is the winner and the prize.

(A competition takes place. The winner receives a prize - corn sticks.)

By the way, these are also sticks, only corn sticks.

(A musical beat sounds.)

With the help of this wand you can find out who is the most dexterous in our company. I ask the players to stand in a line and remember how agility is tested.

(The leader places the stick vertically, releases it, spins 360 degrees in place and catches the stick.)

Are you weak?

(A cheerful melody sounds, a game is played, whoever’s stick falls is eliminated from the competition. The winner receives crab sticks. A musical beat sounds.)

Judging by the label, there are sticks inside, only crab sticks.

Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called "Catch a Stick." Everyone stands in a circle and settles in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle, take a stick and place it vertically. Whose number I call, he runs out and catches the stick. If he catches it, he becomes the leader; if he doesn’t catch it, he jumps on a stick and returns to his place in the circle.

(A cheerful melody sounds in the background as the game progresses.)

Who gives people rides? A horse, a pony, a camel, an elephant, and also a stick. So sit astride it and ride around in a circle.

(The loser completes the task.)

I ask you all to count loudly to three.

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. And now I ask you to complete simple tasks, all the time counting to three. We'll go right now!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. Now let's go left!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. Let's get together to the center soon!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. We'll disperse very quickly!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. We'll spin around a little!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. And let's clap our hands!

CHILDREN. One two Three!

LEADING. Let's repeat from the beginning, but twice as fast.

(Children complete the task. The presenter plays the game several times, last time at “space” speed.)

Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. And my lifesaver will help us with this. First you need to stand to my left in a column, one behind the other.

(Children complete the task. A cheerful melody sounds in the background. The leader holds the stick parallel to the floor.)

Try, bending backwards, to walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game is going on.)

The most flexible player is awarded a prize - Chinese chopsticks. They are also relatives of my wand - toys.

(The winner receives a prize. A musical beat sounds.)

You can not only eat with these chopsticks, but also play. But as? I will show you now. To begin with, let's create two teams of six people.

(The guys are divided into teams.)

I suggest you come up with names for your teams.

(Teams introduce themselves.)

It is necessary to select one participant from each team.

(Teams complete the task.)

I give those chosen by the teams excellent, or rather large, distinctive foam ears.

(The presenter gives the players ears.)

I ask our “eared guys” to move 15 meters away from their teams.

And I suggest that the teams stand in columns, facing their “ears.”

I give a pair to the first players standing in the columns Chinese chopsticks and a jar of “noodles”. In our case, the role of “noodles” is played by pieces of clothesline.

(The presenter shows the players the props.)

At my signal, the first player puts the jar on the floor, takes one “noodle” with two chopsticks, runs to his “eared ear”, and as they say:

“He’s making a fool of himself,” returns to the team, passes the chopsticks to the next player, who does the same. The team that screws up the fastest and comes together at the finish line wins.

(The presenter gives the start signal, a cheerful melody sounds, and the game takes place.)

The team won the first race... (names).

I didn't make a mistake, this was the first race. In the second race, there will be one change in the rules: you now need to remove the noodles from your player's ears and return them to the jar. Attention! On your marks! March!

(A cheerful melody sounds, the second race is underway.)

In the second race, victory is awarded to the team... (names).

And now the final of the relay - the third race! Pay attention to the change in the rules in the third round: you run to the “ushastik”, as in the previous races, and return to the team with your back forward, facing the player with noodles on your ears, and bowing in the Eastern way.

Do you understand the conditions of the third race? Then, attention! On your marks! March!

(A cheerful melody sounds, the third race is underway.)

After three races, the team won this relay race... (names)

The teams that took part in our relay race are awarded prizes.

(Teams are being awarded. Music is playing.)

Players are given sticks with which to draw.

(Prizes are pencils and markers.)

And again I pick up a stick - a toy. Only now it will be an imaginary stick, which means: with the help of imagination, we will try to turn it into other objects. Who will be the first to imagine, or rather, to fantasize, the stick will show us.

Stand in a big circle.

(The presenter puts the stick on the floor and spins it; whoever points the thin end of the stick at is the player.)

Imagine that you are a tightrope walker walking under a circus big top, and in your hands you have a pole for balance.

(Music sounds, a demonstration takes place. Next, the players are determined according to the same principle. The guys demonstrate: sword, stick, gun, baton, shovel, paddle, scythe, electric guitar, barbell, baton, microphone stand.

The presenter takes the stick - fishing rod - from the guys.)

Well done! If I had free hands, I would clap for you. For those who don’t have a stick in their hands, play the toys and applaud each other.

(The guys applaud.)

Let our wand - a toy turn into a wand - a dancing girl.

Everyone stand in a big round dance, turn to the right, put right hand on the neighbor's shoulder, and the left one on your head. Go!

(The melody “Lambada” sounds, everyone goes in a circle.)

Now one hand is on the neighbor’s waist, and the other is on his shoulder.

(During the dance, the positions of the hands change: one on the neighbor’s head, the other on the waist, both on the head, both on the shoulders, one on the neighbor’s waist, the other on one’s own head...)

Bravo! Attention! As soon as I hit the floor with the stick, everyone turns around the opposite side and continue moving. In the meantime, take each other by the shoulders and move forward to the music.

(A dance melody sounds, the game continues. The call letters of the program sound.)

The time of our meeting flew by unnoticed. All that remains is to say...

(The melody of the “Introductory Song” sounds. The presenter sings.)


Bye bye everyone!

The hand waves again!

We'll see you off

At this good hour!

Parting is coming

But what I mean is:

The parting won't last long

We'll meet again next year.

Games, jokes, dancing await you,

There will be loud laughter in the hall.

And I will delight you with new

Fun for everyone.


Bye bye everyone!

The hand waves again!

We'll see you off

At this good hour!

3. Music center, cassette with recordings of musical fragments.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today you and I will conduct a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the cheerful name “In secret around the world.” This exciting program will make not only children, but even adults have fun and play. We will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, has fun from the heart, so that all the children remember our competitions and that each of the participants is awarded with sweet prizes.

(After a general greeting, the presenter conducts a warm-up game)

Leading: In order for you and me, guys, to prepare for our program, let's play a little Game - a warm-up, which is called “Maybe not, or maybe yes.”

(Everyone participates in this game. The meaning of the game: the presenter names a statement, if the participants in the game agree with the statement, everyone says “YES” in chorus, if they don’t agree, they say “NO”).

Maybe no, maybe yes.

Hint - game.

I have a game for you:

“Maybe no, maybe yes.”

Tell me the answer:

Maybe yes, maybe no".

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond,

Is this true, children? (Yes.)

Give me an answer quickly

Does it snow in winter? (Yes.)

Monday and Wednesday-

Are these the days of the week? (Yes.)

Does the sun give people light?

Let's answer together! (Yes.)

"Whiskas" - cat food,

What are you going to tell me? (Yes.)

I anticipate your answer:

Is the mouse afraid of the cat? (Yes.)

A crocodile lives a hundred years -

Is this true, children? (No.)

Maybe a person at 5 years old

To be an old grandfather? (No.)

And wormwood and quinoa -

These are vegetables, right? (No.)

Everyone will say without difficulty:

After winter - summer? (No.)

The light of the moon and the light of the sun

Is it visible to people? (Yes.)

Tell me the answer:

Do frogs sleep in winter? (Yes.)

The camel is capable, give me the answer,

Go three days without food? (Yes.)

Can you give me the answer:

Does the wolf change his fur coat? (No.)

Answer, kids:

Did you like the game? (Yes.)

Leading: Our next competition is called “Musical Casino”. Now I invite you to play this competition. I have fragments of fast and slow melodies recorded on an audio cassette. To play you need 10-12 people. I invite players to place bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow. Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow melody stand on the left. Those who don't guess correctly are eliminated. The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the music casino, who will receive a sweet prize.

Music fragments are played:

1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (lyrics by Yu. Entin; music by G. Gladkov)

2. “Plantain grass” (lyrics by M. Tanich; music by S. Muravyov)

3. “Everything will pass” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by M. Dunaevsky.)

4. “Guardian Angel” (lyrics by I. Nikolaev; music by I. Krutoy)

5. “Antoshka” (lyrics by Yu. Entin; music by V. Shainsky)

6. “Three white horses” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by E. Krylatov)

7. “Steppe and steppe all around” (folk music and lyrics.)

8. “The Last Electric Train” (lyrics by M. Nozhkin; music by D. Tukhmanov)

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing the next Clothespin competition. For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl. (The meaning of the game: as many clothespins as possible are attached to one of the partners, and the other is asked to collect them blindfolded, and as quickly as possible, at least before the opponents. The winner is the pair whose player in front collects the clothespins from his partner. ( To play you need: 20 clothespins and 2 scarves. At the end of the game, the winning pair will receive sweet prizes.)

Leading: Now I invite you guys to remember famous fairy tales, riddles, fables, and recognize fairy-tale characters. And this quiz will help you with this. After answering the quiz questions, we will remember the well-known fairy tales. Anyone can participate in the quiz. (The presenter reads out the questions; for each question several answer options are offered, from which you need to choose the correct answer.)


1. Which one fairy tale hero poked a hole in the cauldron with your nose?

A. Tin Woodman. V. Buratino. S. Baba Yaga. D. Thumbelina.

2. What word ends the riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle...”

A. Gvozdik. V. Boltik. S. Screw. D. Tail.

3. What is the same color in winter and summer?

A. Negro. V. Elka. S. Money. D. Nose of Santa Claus.

4. Who didn’t pull the cart in the famous fable?

A. Pike. V. Lebed. S. Cancer. D. Vol.

5. Who was he talking to in his poem “Telephone”?

A. Grandmother. B. Wife. S. Elephant. D. Snow Maiden.

6. What is left of the little gray goat after a walk in the forest?

A. Horns and legs. B. A tuft of wool. S. Ears and tail. D. Fleas.

7. Who did Kolobok not meet on his way?

A. Bear. V. Lisu. S. Lev. D. Volka.

8. Who can eat small children in Africa if they go for a walk there?

A. Crocodile. V. Barmaley. S. Shark. D. Gorilla.

9. What is the Thieving Magpie's favorite dish?

A. Kashka. B. drying. S. Galushka. D. Bug.

10. Which pear should you not eat?

A. Green. V. Boxing. S. A light bulb. D. Aunt Pear.

Leading: Now we have just made sure that you all know and love fairy tales, riddles, and poems very well. But now, we will check how quickly and deftly you can cope with the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 2 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race to carry air balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team whose players never drop the ball from the spoon. (For the game you will need: 2 inflated balloon, 2 tablespoons, the competition is performed to music.)

(The guys complete the task, music plays, the winning team receives sweet prizes).

Leading: But now it’s time to show your musical abilities, now we’ll check how well you know, love and remember children's songs. Now, we will hold a music quiz on children's songs. The main condition for quiz participants is that you not only need to remember the correct answer, but also sing lines from the song.

Music quiz on children's songs:

1. What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing? (May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mom, may there always be me.)

2. What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch? (The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.)

3. Who was the grasshopper's friend? (I didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.)

4. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? (There's sawdust in my head, yeah, yeah, yeah!)

5. Where does friendship begin? (Well, friendship begins with a smile.)

6. A piece of paper is hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind. What's written on it? (A dog named Druzhok has disappeared.)

7. What causes a dog to bite? (It is only from the life of a dog that a dog can bite.)

And there’s a belt on the waist... (Clapping)

And she’s also wearing a blouse... (Clapping)

Cane umbrella in hand...(Clapping)

There is a jellyfish hanging on his shoulder...(Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash... (Stomp)

There is a ring on my finger... (Clapping)

And there’s a bowler hat on his neck... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant... (Clapping)

And a cambric scarf... (Clapping)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

Leading: I propose to finish our competitive game program with the game “Let’s play, let’s guess!” In this game, I have riddles not only for you guys, but also riddles for adults. So, dear adults, we invite you to take part in this game and support the guys. (The presenter reads the texts of the riddles aloud, and adults and children answer.)

Riddle texts:

What do you guys know?

About my riddle poems?

Where there is a solution, there is an end,

Who can tell me - well done!

1. Walked around the yard with importance

A crocodile with a sharp beak,

I shook my head all day,

He muttered something loudly.

Only this was true

Not a crocodile

And turkeys are a faithful friend...

Guess who…( turkey).

Yes, turkey, admit it brothers

Was it difficult to guess?

A miracle happened to the turkey -

He began to bark and growl,

Hitting the ground with your tail.

Oh, I'm confused, though.

Is he a camel...or... (dog).

2. Now I’ll check the adults,

Who has the grip?

Will the riddle be solved?

The enemy caught me by the tail

What to do?

The solution is simple

I'll give my tail to the enemy

And I’ll run away to freedom!

I'm not crying, I'm not sad!

I'm growing a new ponytail! (lizard).

(Oh yes, adults, well done!)

3. They don’t call the dog Shavka.

And she doesn’t sleep under the bench,

And she looks out the window

And meows... who? (cat).

Right! That's right! - they guessed it,

Like where have you seen her?

4. Come on, adults, tell me,

What kind of heavenly celestial being is this?

The entire path is strewn with peas (Milky Way).

5. What kind of guard is this?

With a bright red head

Must cry on duty

Driving away the darkness? (candle).

6. What a ridiculous person

Made it into the 21st century?

Carrot nose, broom in hand

Afraid of sun and heat (snowman).

7. But, adults, will they guess?

Who is walking in the white expanse?

And on the white expanse there are two even lines,

And next to it are commas and periods (skis).

8. Now let's go with you

Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Take a look, friends:

There are chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there,

Well, this is in the clearing -

Poisonous...what? (toadstools).

What? Toadstools? Really?

But the toadstools wanted

Become useful mushrooms

And they came to the kitchen themselves

And they said: - as you wish -

Either fry it or cook it.

We love chefs

We hate...who (doctors).

What I told you is a secret!

You guessed it by chance,

It was a big secret...

But there are no secrets from you!

Leading: Our program has come to an end. You played great today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you again, guys!

(Summing up, awarding.)


1. Our whole life is a game! Play yourself, play with children // How to entertain guests. – 2002. - No. 5. – P. 4-6

2. Osipova quiz on children's songs // How to entertain guests. – 2002. - No. 6. – P. 8-9

3. Reponin’s question: “Who wants to become an excellent student?” // How to entertain guests. – 2003. - No. 3. – P. 8-9

4. Super fashionista // How to entertain guests. – 2004. - No. 6. – P. 4

5. “Maybe no, maybe yes.” // How to entertain guests. – 2004. - No. 3. - P. 6

Game scenario entertainment program for children “In the land of childhood”

Purpose of the event : introductionchildren with new games for them,development of the emotional sphere , imagination, attention, speechchildren ; constructive communication skills.

Game program can be held in the hall or on fresh air. Children sit in a large semicircle. The melody of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Littlea country ".

Presenter : Guys, today I invite you to go on a journey tocountry of childhood to have a fun and interesting time, communicate with each other, and play. In order to go there, we purchase tickets.

Game "Invitation".

Presenter : So we arrived atcountry of childhood . Now tell me about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can agree with me or not. Just be careful.

Are you brave? - Yes!

Skillful? - Yes!

Lazy? - No!

Beautiful? - Yes!

Loud? - No!

Cheerful? - Yes!

Lovely? - Yes!

Obedient? - Yes!

Pugnacious? - No!

Happy? - Yes!

That's how good we are gathered here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, let's shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

The phone rings.

Leading : Hello! Hello!(Laughter is heard on the phone.) . Guys! This is my friend Button! He really likes to have fun. Let's invite her to the party!

(Speaking into the phone) Button! We are having a very fun holiday! The guys invite you to have fun!

A button appears.

Button : Hello, kids, girls and boys! What kind of holiday is this?(Children answer) . Holidays! I really love holidays. This is a time when you can only have fun and relax.(Notices in the hands of the presenter Balloons with wings) . And here it is fairy balls, they have wings! Guys! Do you know the game with flying balls? (Takes out a ribbon with flags from his pocket and distributes it to two children who are difficult to involve in the game.)

Keep this tape tighten your hands,

Let's play with balloons!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3 balls.

So guys, while the music is loud,

The balls must be thrown quickly over the ribbon.

Once the entire melody has been played,

You can no longer touch the balls with your hands!

And where you have fewer balls,

That means they will win this time!

And before we start, together let's say : "1,2,3,4,5 - we'll have fun playing!"

The game is played to the music. The music stops at the moment when both teams again have the same number of balls.

Button : Both teams played with dignity and harmony. Let's sing a song about friendship!

Children perform a song"A true friend".

A strong friendship will not break,

Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much

This is what a true, faithful friend means,

A friend will not leave you in trouble,

He won’t ask too much

This is what a true, faithful friend means!

Leading : NextThe game is called "Boys and Girls". We need to complete the poetic lines with meaning, and to do this we say loudly “boys” or “girls.”

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

The skates were drawing arrows on the ice.

Hockey is played only...

Silk, lace and ringed fingers.

Go out towalk...

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Test your strength in front of everyone

Don't mind always being alone...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

Of course, just….

Button : I suggest checking the attention and endurance of ourplayers . Game "Take the Prize".

Invites from 4 to 8 game participants, placing them at the same distance from the chair on which the prize lies. Explains the conditions of the game.

Button : Loudrepeat our motto : "1,2,3,4,5, - we'll have fun playing!"

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

Yes, not just one, but… two!

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command : one, two, ...march!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better yet... five!

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

When was the opportunity to take it!

Leading : It was time to play

Now let's dance!

Guys, have you ever seen a centipede dance? Such a long caterpillar, which has only 2 arms and 40 legs? Let's stand behind each other in a string, put our hands on the belt of the person in front and become a cheerful dancing centipede ourselves.

Our motto : "1,2,3,4,5, - let's start dancing!"

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating simple movements after the leader and the Button. Letka-Enka, (right leg 2 times, left leg 2 times, jump forward back forward 3 times; then with hands).

Button : Oh, you turned out to be a real super centipede! And now the most difficult task. The game is called "40 seconds". In 40 seconds you need to complete all the actions that are listed on the task sheet.Players are given sheets ..


1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.

3. Raise both arms up 2 times.

4. Read the entire assignment carefully.

5. Shout your name loudly.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Turn around your axis 3 times.

8. Laugh at the game host.

9. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

10. Jump on your right leg 5 times.

11. After you have read all the tasks, complete tasks No. 12 and No. 13 only.

12. Squat down.

13. Give the sheet to the game leader.

Leading : At the end of our holiday, let's give each other a good mood.

Game "Locomotive Bug".