Competition for the best counselor. Scenario for the competition for counselor chefs “Wonderful Counselor” - Script. Ceremony script

Olga Sapozhnikova RESTORER OF ALL Rus'

A book dedicated to Savva Yamshchikova could not have had another title. He earned this title throughout his life, full of accomplishments.

Savva Yamshchikov did not give himself a break, “serving in Russia,” although anyone in his place could fold his arms and calmly live out his life, considering his illnesses a sufficient basis for summing up the results. But Savva Vasilyevich thanked God for every new day, for every new person, like-minded person with whom fate brought him together. As Valentin Kurbatov writes, these people were “children of one country and one culture, and then passed on his name as the password of unity.”

Therefore, it is not surprising that the table of contents of the book of memoirs about Savva Yamshchikov mostly reproduces the list of his interlocutors in the cycle of conversations “Creators” (“Zavtra”, 2004-2008). These are Igor Ostretsov, Nikita Goleizovsky, Vladimir Sarabyanov, Elena Romanova, Pavel Anosov, Nikolay Burlyaev, Tamara Yufa, Vyacheslav Starshinov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Valentina Ganibalova, Valentin Kurbatov, Victor Pravdyuk, Igor Zolotussky, Vasily Livanov, Victor Linnik, Valentin Falin, Georgy Vasilevich, Igor Naivalt, Lev Nikolaev, Valentin Lazutkin...

But Guzel Agisheva, the editor-compiler, did not set herself the task of creating a ceremonial portrait of the art critic, restorer, publicist, educator Savva Yamshchikov - she wanted the reader to see the image of a living, multifaceted person between the lines. Not only a loud, impetuous and categorical “violent righteous man”, not looking for an easy way in search of justice, as Igor Gavryushkin described him, but also “a big child... with a sincere, vulnerable, pure soul,” as Pavel Pozhigailo saw Savva Yamshchikov.

She completely succeeded in this - especially since here, to complete the picture, people with whom he was friends, but whom, for one reason or another, crossed out of his life, are also talking about Yamshchikov. These narrators are united by gratitude for the years of friendship, a sense of loss and an awareness of how transitory grievances are, how fragile and precious human relationships are.

When people like Yamshchikov leave, you understand that this departure is rather a new birth, a dissociation from vanity and verbosity. Having said goodbye to him, we see how all the husks gradually disappear, our memory isolates the main thing and discards the unimportant, painting a legend with a sensitive brush.

Someday, opening this very first book about Savva Vasilyevich, a new reader will not believe that he was like that. There is still too much pain, resentment, tears - here Savva is earthly, not always fair, harsh and inconvenient.

It seems that he has not yet said everything - and therefore his yesterday’s interlocutors continue the conversation, addressing him as if he were alive, expecting an answer or advice, a guide to action. And it is not at all surprising that the answer comes...

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Scenario of the competition “Counselor – 2017”

The counselor is a jack of all trades:

He will forget about sleep and food.

He does things like this

What takes children's breath away.

And he will forgive them everything in the world,

Organizes a hundred events.

Counselors - they are children too!

And they understand you – children.

Hello, dear friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to see you in our cozy room! At the first annual award “Counselor 2017” (applause)

Today guys will appear on this stage who want to show who a school counselor is and what he should be. Probably, each of the participants wants to test themselves and prove to others that they are worthy of the honorary title

"Counselor 2017"!

And the jury members will decide the fate of our participants: ……….

This year, these cute, bright and brave high school students are taking part in our competition, who must show us their skills, prove to everyone that each of them is a wonderful counselor.

Let's welcome them. First of all, let's greet each other. (stomp, clap, shout)

    Squad No. 1 Ksenia

    Squad #1 Eric

    Squad No. 2 Polina

    Detachment No. 2 Semyon

    Squad No. 3 Yana

    Squad No. 4 Sasha

    Squad No. 4 Lisa

    Squad No. 5 Vlad

    Squad No. 6 Nikita

Competition "Creativity"

    KSENIIA's smile is a shock,

Ksyusha's lips are inspiration,

Well, if KSUSHA opens his mouth,

You can listen to it for hours.

2. Decisive, sociable

And always interesting, Eric,

Frank wise and brave

Kind and skillful!

3. Polina, incomparable, as always,

You're stunning in your smile

The gait is beautiful and light,

And in thoughts she is pure and dazzling.

4. Semyon is handsome, smart, hard worker.

A tramp in the seas and mountains.

Taking crackers, a backpack and water,

Goes from St. Petersburg to Nakhodka.

5. Yana is full of tenderness.

Radiates warmth and affection,

He reciprocates with kindness,

And for friends she is always faithful;

6. Alexandrochka is smart,

And slender, like a pine tree!

He loves very subtle humor,

7. Lisa, Lizonka, Elizaveta!

You are truly a “miracle of the world”!

You are simply our inspiration.

8. Vlada is talented and smart,

She has intuition

A natural leader and a generous soul...

9. Nikita is a romantic in life,

He strives to go everywhere:

See unknown distances

And, of course, show yourself.

Competition "Milking a Cow"

It's hard to be a counselor - we don't argue,

Sing, dance, play, give, judge

And, of course, always be ready

Find the right solutions.

Competition "Improvisation"

Many children dream of becoming artists as children, but it is not so easy. To be interesting to others, to be able to play any role (for example, to be Winnie the Pooh or Carlson, the Snow Maiden or Koshchei the Immortal), you need to work a lot and develop your abilities. The counselor often has to play different roles. We will learn from the task how they can do this. (9 situations)

    If the child does not eat porridge for breakfast. What to do?

    If two children in the squad quarreled. What to do?

    If today is a Miss Camp competition, and the girl forgot her dress. What to do?

    What to do if none of the guys want to participate in the Mr. Camp competition?

    What to do if some children want to stay in class, while others want to go outside?

    If a girl asks to braid herself, but you don’t know how. What to do?

    What to do if you and your squad spent money for travel on ice cream, but it’s far from school?

    What to do if during a performance a child wants to see mom or dad?

    How to persuade a child to participate in a competition where you have to sing and dance?

Competition "Clever and Clever"


Competition "Dress the Child"

Instructions + time, who is faster.

Competition "Portrait" Whatman paper and markers

Competition "Guess the melody"

Competition "Meow and Bark"

Competition "Fairy Tale"

Our holiday is coming to an end,

And we wish in conclusion

A smile on every face

And festive mood!

The counselors are hot people,

Counselors cannot live any other way,

It’s impossible without songs, without ideas,

Counselor - best friend children!

Thank you very much to all young counselors, for their great desire to make their lives useful, to make the lives of their younger friends bright, interesting and joyful.

We wish you success and creativity. And never regret choosing this path. It will definitely lead you to goodness, happiness and the love of others.

See you again!

Municipal educational institution

additional education children

The House for arts and crafts for children

opening of the regional competition

"The best counselor

summer school camp - 2015"


Ceremony script

opening of the regional competition

“Best summer school camp counselor - 2015”


(Musical composition)

Presenter 1:

Sharing the heart with the hearts of others -

Childish, young, young -

Knowledge, faith, treasured talent,

By itself, it doesn’t lose at all.

The heart is the eternal value in the world,

If it is given to children.

Presenter 2.

Hello! Dear guests, dear teachers and friends! This holiday is dedicated to you, masters of pedagogical work, the main promoters of good in our time, to those who love and appreciate their profession!

Presenter 1 . We are starting the opening ceremony of the first regional competition “The best teacher and counselor of the summer school camp - 2014”, which is held under the motto:“Do better, learn more, live brighter!”

Presenter 2.

Today, teachers who make a child’s life interesting and rich, comfortable and safe have gathered in this hall. Here are those who devoted themselves to children.

Presenter 1.

Today we have honored guests at our celebration:


    4. Head of the education department of the administration of the Novoselitsky municipal district - Tatyana Leonidovna Khmelenko.

Presenter 2.

Competition is an important event in the life of teachers, educators, this is a new impulse for everyone, an endless search for ways to improve children's education, prepare them to perceive a diverse world, complex human relationships.

Presenter 1.

IN ___ teachers and educators took part in the first regional competition “Best teacher and counselor of the summer school camp - 2014”. They are all different: they teach various items, work in different types and types educational organizations, have different education, different work experience and different qualification category. But they all have one thing in common creativity to their work and immense love for their profession, which they consider the best on EARTH.

Presenter 2.

Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall. We all live according to the code of the heart, we strain our hearts, we ignite our hearts, we pass our whole lives through our hearts, and as long as there is a heart, we live!
Presenter 1.

We are glad to meet you! Now I am inviting the competition participants to the stage“The best teacher and counselor of a summer school camp - 2014”.
The young teachers are all wonderful,

Everyone is good in some way

Only better than the competitors

Don't try - you won't find it!

This scene is waiting for its heroes!

Presenter 2.

Introducing our esteemed competitors! (applause)

( Fanfares sound.)

The presenters name the contestants.

Presenter 1.

Meet, your students have come to congratulate you.

(3 pairs of children run in to the music.)

Dear guests!

Darlings, for you

Here's the competition

Summer joyful

We'll arrange it now!

We'll sneak into the competition today

Birds chirping, sunshine,

The freshness of the rain with the elasticity of the wind,

Drops of dew and a beautiful sunrise.

Our holiday today is an event

Our holiday is a talent discovery!

Our holiday is like a spark from a fire,

And who will become the heroes of the holiday?

In whose honor will there be an ovation here today?

They are not astronauts, not writers.

They are counselors and our educators.

The teacher is a jack of all trades:

He forgets about sleep and food.

He does things like this

What takes children's breath away.

Flipping through famous volumes,

You teach with words and deeds.

You know that we need help -

Guys with curious eyes.

Counselors have a lot to do on holidays and weekdays.

They can write poems and come up with games

They select a key for each of us

They will teach us to live honestly, create, and be friends!

A fairy tale is reflected in children's eyes,

Rays of trusting light are pouring,

The light of kindness, irrepressible affection,

There is no better reward for a counselor.

But what is a celebration without an orchestra?

Meet! Virtuosos of their craft,

Noise orchestra "WE-NOISE!"

Symphonic fairy tale “The Cowardly Hare”

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare in the forest.
One day a hare came out of the house, and a hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes! (1)
The hare got scared and ran away. (2)
He ran and ran and sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the woodpecker knocks on the pine tree! (3)
The hare started to run. (4)
He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings! (5)
A hare ran from the forest to the river. (6)
And the frogs were sitting on the bank of the river. (7)
They saw a hare and jumped into the water. (8)
The hare was happy and said:

And the animals are afraid of me!

And he boldly galloped back into the forest. (9)

You may ask why this particular thing was said?

We will answer!

In order for our contestants to lose their fear!

The excitement is gone!

And I gained confidence in my abilities!


-Only to win, you need to make an effort.

It's time to start. No feathers to everyone.

Presenter 2.

The floor for congratulations to the competition participants is given to:



Presenter 1.

The competition participants presented their programs to the jury and teaching materials, will conduct open classes, will play out pedagogical situations. Today our esteemed participants face difficult challenges. But, we are sure, they are not so difficult and not so different from those that you, dear teachers, have to overcome every day in your work.

Presenter 2.

But first we need to introduce our esteemed jury, who will have the difficult task of choosing the best of the best. Allow me to introduce:


Presenter 1.

Our Rus' has not become scarce

Intelligence, talent, inspiration.

It's so hard to name a better one

From the current generation.

Presenter 2.

At our holiday of goodness,

The mind and joy of discovery

There can be no vanquished

There is only a worthy winner.

Presenter 1.

To announce the procedure for holding the competition, the floor is given to the head of the information department, Natalya Nikolaevna Karamysheva.

Scenario for the competition for counselors and chefs “Wonderful Counselor”

Goals and objectives:

    Activation of the activities of student self-government bodies (Care sector)

    Development of creative, intellectual, organizational skills guys, the ability to activate kids.

    Promote the development of the child's personality.

    Fostering a sense of responsibility for the assigned work and for the team as a whole

The competition is held in the form of a station game


Assembly hall, 3rd floor of the new school building, rooms 27, 28, 29

Participants of the competition: Counselors-chefs of grades 8 – 10

Progress of the event:

Fanfare sounds

Good afternoon dear guests, hello guys. We are pleased to welcome you to the “Wonderful Counselor” competition for counselors and chefs. Today in this room we will summarize the work of the “Care” sector, but for now let’s look at how we worked during this academic year

(presentation on the work of the sector)

I want to thank the guys who took an active part in working with the kids and wish them to be just as active and responsive.

(Students of grade 2b come on stage and recite poems)

1 student:

The counselor is a jack of all trades:

He will forget about sleep and food.

He does things like this

What takes children's breath away.

And he will forgive them everything in the world,

Organizes a hundred events.

Counselors - they are children too!

And they understand us – children.

2nd student:

The counselors have a difficult task - to lead the way, dare, search,

Often almost crying out of resentment, I pick up the key for the kids.

This key is not easy to find, even in our super-omnipotent age,

After all, in front of you, although small in stature, he is quite an adult.

The key is this: always be an example, burn yourself, then you will light up others.

And with your truthful word, help me become my replacement!

We are starting our competition, it consists of three stages:

1. Stage is a presentation of your team, in other words, a business card of the team

2. Stage “Journey through the country of October” in the form of a game at stations, where you will demonstrate to us your ingenuity, organizational and creative abilities

3. A game with the hall, in which our counselors must show how they can organize the children’s leisure time

Music is playing

And before we begin, I want to introduce you to the members of the jury:

The chairman of the jury is a specialist in physical culture, sports and youth policy administration of the Dyatkovo district Andrey Evgenievich Adreyanenkov

Senior counselor of the Druzhbinsk secondary school - Ilyushchenkova Natalya Vasilievna

Senior counselor of the Ivotskaya secondary school - Olga Alekseevna Emelyashina

Senior counselor of the Berezinskaya secondary school - Zlobina Irina Ivanovna

Senior counselor of the Bytosh secondary school - Pudelina Olga Viktorovna

So, we invite our wonderful counselors to the stage.

The first test you must pass is the introduction of your team, the so-called calling card, I ask the team captains to come up for a draw, so we will determine the order of performance.

Are the counselors ready?

Answer: Always ready!

So, I invite the first team to the stage

Team No. 2 is invited to the stage

And we meet team No. 3 with their business card

And team No. 4 completes the presentation of business cards

And now, my dears, please answer this question: who are your charges?

Answer: October

So, you and I are now going to travel around the country of the Octobers, where you will show your ability to work with kids, demonstrate to us your ingenuity, organizational and creative abilities.

Attention to the screen:

You see a map of the country of October.

You must visit each of these cities, but strictly based on the map that is given to your team. Each city has its own leader and observer who will evaluate your work. I ask that the teams be given their cards. You see a map in front of you, on the reverse side the head of each city and an observer evaluate your work using a five-point system.

When you go through all the cities, you return to the assembly hall and hand over your cards to the jury members to sum up the results. Remember, you have very little time to complete the city. Do you understand everything? Then we begin our journey!

And I ask the city leaders to go together with their observers to their cities, and in the meantime the teams get acquainted with their individual maps

(Passing stations)

    City of knowledge (tasks for October and a crossword puzzle on the topic “Cosmonautics”)office number 27

    City "Magic" (make an animal from scrap material)office number 28

    City of Laughter and Fun (they pull out the name of the dance that they must learn with the children and demonstrate)hall 3 floors

    "Fairytale City" (Without words, present a fairy tale, with actions and gestures, so that the children guess it)Assembly Hall

    City "Pesenny" (they guess songs from a set of words and sing)office number 29

So, I ask the jury to take their places, the teams hand over their cards to the jury members, and while the jury sums up the results of the two stages, each team of counselors plays a game with the audience in the sequence in which they showed Business Cards. Guys, listen carefully to the rules. So, I ask the first team to take the stage.

(They hold games with the audience)

I ask the counselors who conducted the game to go on stage. Guys, you have tokens in your hands, which you must give to the team you like. So, team ______________, who wants to give their tokens to this team, team_____________, Team____________________, team_______________, team_______________

Let's see which team won this challenge and received the People's Choice Award. I congratulate the team _______________________ the children liked your game the most.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, let's watch the videos that were filmed during the active shifts in the Beryozka camp.


The floor for the award ceremony is given to A.E. Adreyanenkov.

Our competition has come to an end

I congratulate the team that won the “Wonderful Counselor” competition. I thank all the guys for the work done. And also our esteemed jury. Thank you all very much.