Air conditioning in large apartments - is a second air conditioner needed? Which air conditioner to install in an apartment Location of air conditioners in a 3-room apartment

Unlike a one-room apartment, which can be cooled by a low-power wall split, to solve three-room air conditioning, an option with duct wiring is used (central air conditioner under a suspended ceiling with a ventilation grill in each room). The second way to properly design an apartment’s air conditioning is to install low-power autonomous split systems in each room and in the kitchen.

Not every owner of modern luxury housing is ready to tolerate the indoor unit of a household air conditioner in the interior of their rooms. If the splits in the bedroom and children's rooms are not noticeable, then in the living room, decorated in an antique English style, even the best precision air conditioner will be out of place. We can offer decorator services and place a wall or floor air conditioner under a false interior element (columns, panels, colonnades, niches).

After answering the question - where to install an air conditioner, StroyEngineering will help you choose the model and brand of the device. We take into account public opinion (reviews, ratings) when selecting household air conditioning systems. The latest recommendations are inverter split systems. Air conditioners with an inverter are capable of cooling (heating) 30% more area than conventional two-case appliances of the same power. The advantage of the inverter is that it operates at temperatures below zero. This property is indispensable in the country. Country summer houses without central heating can be heated with economical inverter splits.

An additional component when choosing an air conditioner for an apartment is the price of installation and delivery. StroyEngineering uses the services of trusted carriers.

The services of cargo transportation companies will greatly facilitate the moving process.

Moving to another apartment, dacha, when it is necessary to transport furniture and household belongings, causes panic in many people, dating back to Soviet times. This idea of ​​moving is always associated with drunken movers, dropping furniture, swearing obscenely, spending a lot of time, physical effort and always some kind of loss - a broken closet door, scratches, chipped corners of a wall, table or favorite chair, or even complete loss of property when loading. Modern transportation services provided by numerous transport companies allow you to forget the terrible moments of moving on your own. Companies professionally engaged in the transportation of goods have solid training and experience in their field, providing customers with high-quality, fast delivery of furniture, being responsible for its safety and integrity.

When contacting the company and ordering a move with furniture delivery, the client initially consults with the manager about the scale, evaluation of the order and the list of relevant services. The manager receives data on the quantity, dimensions, carrying capacity of the furniture being transported, its value, in cases with antiques, the distance of transportation and provides the necessary services: ordering a vehicle, loading and unloading operations of varying complexity with reliable fastening of the furniture. The service of ordering appropriate transport directly depends on the data received. The transport must have the appropriate area, body size, fastening and packaging equipment so that the furniture is loaded, secured and delivered to the client with maximum safety from damage and breakage. This can be a large furniture van with interior walls upholstered in soft materials, a stationary fastening system made of belts, twine, or a small covered truck equipped for transporting a small amount of small-sized furniture.

The quality of transportation depends on the professionalism and responsibility of the movers, whose order is included in the service. Payment for the order involves hourly work loading and unloading furniture. The client can additionally order the dismantling of furniture in the interior, disassembling its parts, the entire packaging process with the provision of appropriate materials. When organizing a country move, furniture transportation services may include the delivery of indoor plants and pets. Such a move is subject to special tariffs for the duration of distances, the complexity of travel conditions, and unloading of furniture.

A comfortable microclimate in an apartment directly depends on the air temperature in the warm and cold seasons. In winter, we need warmth and moderate humidity - heating radiators and small humidifiers can handle this quite well. In summer, it is important to maintain a cool climate at home, allowing you to take a break from the street heat.

How to escape the heat in an apartment? The best solution is to buy an air conditioner or split system. In this material we will tell you how to choose this device for an apartment with several rooms.

Purpose of air conditioning in an apartment

Many apartment owners wonder: is air conditioning needed in an apartment if it already has a ventilation system? Air conditioning systems create comfortable conditions in the home and have a beneficial effect on human well-being. This effect is ensured by the main functions of the air conditioner:

  • Cooling and heating the air to the desired temperature at any time of the year.
  • Purification of air masses through a filter system.
  • Air flow from the street and additional ventilation of the room.

The ability to regulate the air temperature in the apartment is very useful in the summer months, when the thermometer reaches high levels outside. We are at home most of the time - so this is where we need to ensure coolness for comfortable rest and sleep. Heating air conditioners also help out in the autumn months, when the apartment becomes cold and the heating is not yet working.

Air purification and air ventilation functions allow you to eliminate dust and harmful impurities that can enter the apartment from the street during natural ventilation.

This option will be indispensable for allergy sufferers and people suffering from respiratory diseases. Constant air purification is necessary for apartments where small children and elderly people live. Finally, the absence of dust will save time on cleaning rooms, and fresh air will contribute to the well-being of residents.

How does air conditioning work in an apartment? The active element of its design is a substance - a refrigerant, usually freon. This gas carries out heat exchange between two radiators of the air conditioner: the condenser and the evaporator. In an evaporator - installed in a refrigerated room, the refrigerant absorbs heat. In the external radiator - condenser, excess heat is released into the environment.

Home air conditioners consist of the following parts:

  • fan;
  • throttle;
  • capacitor;
  • compressor;
  • evaporator.

The refrigerant enters the compressor in the form of gas at low pressure. The compressor compresses the refrigerant, thereby increasing its temperature and pressure. Entering the condenser (a unit installed outdoors), the substance gives off heat to the environment. At the same time, the temperature of the refrigerant decreases, a transition occurs from a gaseous state to a liquid state - condensation. Further, when passing through the throttle, the pressure and temperature of the substance decreases, and its partial evaporation occurs. The gas-liquid mixture enters the evaporator - a device that cools the air in the room in which the air conditioner is installed. The refrigerant absorbs heat from the air - heats up and again, at low pressure, enters the compressor.

However, to understand how to use an air conditioner, it is not necessary to know all the intricacies of its design. Using the remote control, the device is adjusted to the desired temperature and turns off if necessary. All additional functions of a particular device are contained in the operating instructions. A split system, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in setting up and managing.

Choosing an air conditioner for a two-room apartment

In one-room apartments, air conditioning is most often installed in a spacious room, and the kitchen is equipped with conventional hoods. However, owners of living space with two or more rooms often have a question: is it possible to install one air conditioner for the entire apartment? It is worth noting that even powerful split systems cannot cope with cooling several rooms. However, there are ways to make cooling and air exchange in different rooms effective using one device.

You should not choose one large and powerful unit, hoping that it will completely cool a two-room apartment. Most likely, this goal will not be achieved, but will entail large energy costs. The best thing to do in this situation is to choose a model that will cope with the volume of air masses in the largest room. To do this, you need to calculate the amount of air in this room and select an air conditioner with similar performance.

  • multi-split system with the number of blocks for the total number of rooms (or “minus one” if there is an adjacent pair of rooms and one of them has a small area);
  • two split systems;
  • duct air conditioner.


The efficiency of its operation directly depends on how to correctly position the air conditioner in a two or three-room apartment. The peculiarities of the location of the split system in a large house are that the air flow from the device should move freely through the rooms and into neighboring rooms.

The easiest way is to install the device in the largest or most visited room in the house. Most often, residents install an air conditioner in the bedroom or living room. However, in this case, you should be prepared that the air will not flow well into the second room or will be very cool in the place where the split system is installed.

If you want to achieve cooling in all rooms, you should choose the location for the air conditioner based on how the air flows in a particular type of apartment:

  1. In “Khrushchev” apartments, where access to small rooms is through a large one, it is worth installing a cooling device in the hall in such a way that, pushing off the walls, the air is directed into the bedroom doorway.
  2. If all the rooms in the apartment are connected to the hallway, then the cooler can be installed in the hallway. The disadvantage of this method is that the temperature in the hallway must be kept quite low in order to cool the air evenly in all rooms. For example, to achieve a comfortable temperature of 24 °C in the bedroom and living room, you need to set the air conditioner in the hallway to 18 °C.
  3. Finally, if the apartment has a complex layout and consists of 3-4 rooms, you can install an expanded one here. It consists of one installation and several channels through which air is distributed throughout all rooms. The disadvantages of such a system are the high cost and large structures, for the installation of which you will have to renovate the apartment. Pros: ease of adjustment and cooling of all rooms.

It is worth noting that the above methods have their drawbacks. Sometimes it is cheaper and more profitable to install several small coolers in separate rooms. The calculation of how many air conditioners are needed to cool a large apartment is carried out in accordance with the volume of air masses.

  • The air intake channel should not be too long. That is, it is better to install the air conditioner on the wall where the window is located or on the corner of this wall.
  • The air flow should not be directed towards a person. Do not install the air conditioner directly above the bed, sofa or work area.

Maintenance of domestic air conditioners

Air conditioners in an apartment, like any electrical appliances, require timely and proper maintenance. This consists of cleaning the device’s filters from dust and other contaminants. If you do not clean your air conditioner, it will not only work worse, but will also release dirt particles accumulated inside into the air. This will adversely affect the indoor microclimate.

Another part of the maintenance is refilling the air conditioner with freon. This volatile gas tends to evaporate and leak through leaks in the body and parts of the device. Therefore, it is recommended to refill the split system with freon once every 1–2 years. To do this, you can use the services of specialists, or do the refueling yourself, following the instructions on our website. If there is a lack of freon, there is a risk of freezing the internal parts of the air conditioner and reducing its power due to a malfunction of the compressor.

How nice it is to be at home in the summer heat under a cool stream of air from. Nowadays, you can’t live without this device, especially if the windows face the south, sunny side. Tightly closed curtains or blinds still do not protect from the heat. That is why such a device as an air conditioner is so popular nowadays. There is a huge variety of air conditioners, they differ in type, power and other parameters. The power of an air conditioner is measured in kilowatts, but it is much more clear to the average buyer when the power is described by the size of the area that a given unit is capable of cooling - for example, an average air conditioner with a power of 2.5 kilowatts is designed for an area of ​​30-35 square meters.

However, what to do if the area Houses or apartments are larger than this value? Should I buy a more powerful air conditioner? After all, the area of ​​a completely ordinary two-room apartment is approximately 50 square meters, but there are much larger houses. Also, overlaps between rooms become an obstacle - a powerful air conditioner turned on at maximum will only effectively cool the room in which it is installed, air exchange between other rooms will be insufficient. Therefore, you will only have to enjoy the coolness in one room. If you set a lower temperature on the air conditioner regulator for better cooling, then it will be comfortable in the neighboring rooms, and in the one where the air conditioner is installed there will be a “freezer”. This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous to health - hypothermia and temperature changes can lead to colds. Therefore, a large number of people who live in large houses or apartments often think about purchasing and installing a second air conditioner. Let's consider in which cases a second air conditioner is really necessary, and when you can get by with just one.

Firstly, it depends on the type of device that cools the air in indoors. There are three main types - room, window and two-block split systems. In the case of using room air conditioners, you should not be surprised that their operation is only enough for one room, even with the interior doors open - this type of air conditioner is rarely more powerful than 1.5 kilowatts. This is due to the fact that an increase in power leads to an increase in the noise level that the device produces. In this regard, when using an indoor air conditioner, you need to buy several of these models - if you want comfortable air cooling throughout your house or apartment.

Window air conditioners slightly more powerful than indoor ones, but they are also unable to cool an area of ​​more than 50 square meters, and even if such a powerful window air conditioner is used, it will bring a lot of inconvenience due to noise. Therefore, when using such a model, the issue of installing a second air conditioner is also quite relevant. However, we must not forget that window air conditioners are very voracious in terms of electricity (they exceed this figure with equal power for both indoor air conditioners and split systems), therefore, the more such devices are installed, the higher the electricity bills will come. But a window air conditioner cannot cool an entire apartment of significant area, that’s for sure.

Appearance on the market air conditioners, designed on the principle of a two-block split system, made a real revolution. Now these devices have gotten rid of the main disadvantages that bothered all people who used old models of air conditioners - firstly, the noise level that accompanies the operation of this device has been reduced significantly - the “noisiest” components of the air conditioner (mainly the compressor) have been moved outside the residential area premises. Reducing the noise level requirements entailed an increase in the power and effective cooling area to 5-8 kilowatts and up to 100-120 square meters. In addition, it became possible to connect several internal compressors to an external compressor unit at once. In other words, you can make several from one air conditioner at once. Therefore, with the advent of efficient and powerful split systems, the question of installing a second air conditioner has disappeared; it has become more important to find out how many indoor units need to be installed in an apartment. A typical layout for a two-room apartment looks like this - one outdoor unit and three indoor units (one each for the rooms and the kitchen). In most cases, each of the indoor units has autonomous control, which allows you to set a comfortable temperature in each room separately. Of course, installing such a number of units may not be cheap, but in general all this will cost 1.5-2 times less than purchasing and installing three separate air conditioners. By using only one compressor, the energy consumption of the air conditioner is also reduced.

In addition, it is important to remember that you cannot, even if you have an apartment of 100 square meters, buy a powerful air conditioner with only one indoor unit. In this case, only one room will be cooled, the area of ​​which, as a rule, does not exceed 25 square meters. Moreover, it cools down quite strongly, which entails a health hazard. Reducing the degree of cooling on the air conditioner regulator is impractical - it turns out that you bought an expensive, powerful device only to cool only part of your home. Using several indoor units will distribute cold air more evenly and make the air conditioner more efficient.

When choosing a place to install an air conditioner, the first thing you need to consider is that the coolest air will be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the device. Place it in such a way that there is no bed, sofa or other place for sleeping or prolonged rest in this area. In addition, when choosing where to install the air conditioner, it is worth choosing a place that is remote from all heating devices. Anything that emits heat or steam is a bad neighbor for an air conditioner, unless of course you want to create indoor tornadoes :) It is also undesirable for pieces of furniture to stand in the path of the air flow, otherwise the operation of the device will not be efficient enough.

When choosing how to properly install an air conditioner in a room, the location of the windows is also taken into account. If you have a sunny side, then the flow of cooled air should go perpendicular to the flow of heat from the windows, in which case the temperature will be distributed most evenly. It is also not recommended to place the split system opposite the door to the room so that the cooled air does not escape into other rooms.

When installing an air conditioner under the ceiling, you must also take into account the necessary indentation - at least 15 cm from the ceiling to provide space for air movement. Since most split systems do not provide air flow from the street, but only cool the existing air, for a healthy microclimate it is better to place the air conditioner in the same room - it will supply fresh air, and the air conditioner will cool it to the desired temperature.

If you are deciding how to properly install an air conditioner in the bedroom, then the best solution would be to place it above the bed - in this case, the zone of greatest cold will be outside the bed, and the air during sleep will be at a pleasant temperature.

If we talk about how to properly install an air conditioner in the kitchen, then, in addition to moving away from heat sources, which include the kitchen stove, you also need to take into account the fact that if the air flow gets into other rooms, then odors from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment . If you have a gas stove, then you should not place the air conditioner opposite it either, since the air from it will blow out the flame. There is often not enough space in the kitchen to install a split system according to all the rules; in this case, you can choose a corner or compact installation; such options are now available on the market.

For high-quality cooling, it is important to install the air conditioner correctly. If it hangs out of place:

a) you are at risk of hypothermia;
b) the room will not be cooled sufficiently.

Where should you not hang a split system in a room?

  • Next to the bed, sofa, armchairs and work area. The distance between the block and the person should be at least 2 meters.
  • Near heating devices.
  • Close to the ceiling. The air conditioner should hang at a distance of at least 10 cm from it.

The route should ideally be as short as possible - 5-10 meters. This is a big saving on installation and also guarantees efficient cooling.

In connection with the requirements for installing split systems, many people wonder where it is better to hang the device in the apartment in order to cool it all.

Where to hang an air conditioner in a one-room apartment

Many people think that if you install a unit in the hallway, the coolness will spread throughout the apartment. This is wrong. Of course, some of the cold air will spread into both rooms. But the whole effect will disappear as soon as the sun gets brighter or the stove in the kitchen turns on. There will be a refrigerator in the hallway.

Buying a more powerful air conditioner won't help either. Let's say you set the temperature to 18 C°, a powerful device will quickly catch up. The air will not yet have time to be distributed throughout the apartment before the device will turn off.

What are the options:

  1. purchase of two split systems;
  2. installation of a multi split system.

The first option is inconvenient because you need to hang two blocks on the facade, which is not always permissible.

The second option only seems cheaper. MMC is more expensive than two separate air conditioners, and its installation costs are 60-100% higher. In addition, inexpensive multi-splits maintain the same temperature throughout the apartment. For example, you set 22 C° in a residential area. MMS caught up with her and switched off. At this time, the stove is actively working in the kitchen, and it is 26 C°, but the appliance no longer works. In addition, a breakdown of the MMC means heat throughout the entire house during repairs.

If the living space is small, the device is hung on the wall opposite the door. About 40% of the coolness will remain, and the rest will go into the open doorway.

Where is it better to install an air conditioner in a two-room apartment?

If in an apartment one room is a walk-through room, and the second is small in size, you are allowed to hang one device in the doorway between them: cool air will enter both zones. The kitchen will not be cooled.

When the rooms are located “in a line” one after another, many residents still place one slit above the front door. The central one will get more coolness, the others - less. The thermostat should be set to 17-18 C°, and the doors should be kept open.

Air conditioning in a three-room apartment

Adjacent rooms can be cooled like a two-room apartment. The rest - by installing an additional device.

For owners of three rubles, the best solution would be to buy:

The latter option is more expensive; you will also have to lower the ceiling (by about 10-15 cm). The duct mixes air from the street, and more oxygen enters the room. Suitable for spacious three-room apartments with high ceilings.

MSS for three or four indoor units are expensive. But only one block is hung on the facade of the building. You can combine: one regular air conditioner in the most remote room, and multi-split in the rest.

If you don't know which solution is suitable, call a specialist. Employees of Celmsis LLC will evaluate the room, advise you on the best way to cool it at minimal cost, and recommend a suitable split system model.