Condensation on the window what to do. Why does condensation form on plastic windows and how to eliminate it. An invisible assistant - a ventilation valve

Many people have replaced old windows with new ones plastic double glazed windows, sometimes condensation is detected from the side of the room. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that requires an urgent solution. After all, condensation on plastic windows from the side of the room contributes to the development of fungus and mold. The atmosphere in the room becomes unhealthy. Frequent ventilation in winter period leads to large heat losses. Therefore, the problem must be solved in other ways. There are several recommendations that will help get rid of condensation on windows. To do this, it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

What is condensate

To understand how to get rid of condensation on windows, you need to understand the mechanism of its occurrence. Water settles on the glass when the temperature inside the room is higher than outside. In this case, the humidity in the room must be high enough for condensation to form.

The greater the distance between the outer and inner glass, the less often you have to face the problem of getting rid of condensation on plastic windows.

According to sanitary standards, if the humidity in the room is between 30-45% and the air temperature is 20-22 °C, dew will not fall on the glass.

During construction, it must be calculated. It is located outside the room, but at the slightest imbalance it moves inside.

Why does the dew point shift?

To prevent condensation from forming on the plastic windows on the side of the room, engineers calculate all the conditions and parameters for the location of each element of the building. However, over time, these indicators begin to gradually deviate from the norm.

Most often, to resolve the issue of the causes of condensation on plastic windows, you should pay attention to the thermal insulation of the room.

If the house was built more than a dozen years ago, its walls were weathered under the influence of weather conditions. Their insulating properties were violated.

Research results show that the cause of dew on glass in only 5% of cases is the fault of the manufacturer.

High humidity

A problem such as condensation on plastic windows (reasons and solutions may vary) is determined by a specialist. However, it is quite possible to try to understand the factors behind the formation of dew on your own.

One of them is This will help determine the hygrometer. Sometimes, to remove condensation on a plastic window, it is enough to ventilate.

There should also be a good ventilation system inside the room. After all, ventilating an apartment in winter in severe frosts is simply unacceptable. There are also special desiccant absorbers. They will help normalize the microclimate.

There are valves on sale that constantly ventilate windows without losing heat. Moreover, varieties similar systems there are a huge number.

Violation of the convection regime

To decide how to get rid of condensation on windows, you should consider the factor of impaired convection in the room. Even changes in air movement can cause windows to fog up.

Convection consists in raising the warm flow upward, and the cold flow downwards. If the window were not located above the radiator, it would freeze, collecting condensation on the glass.

If something prevents the battery from heating the space above it, this is already considered a violation in the convection process. When deciding how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should pay attention to the window sill. If it is too wide, the flow of warm air from the battery simply will not reach the glass.

You will have to either replace the window sill, or make holes in its plane so that the flow can move upward.

Double-glazed window

A glass unit that is too wide often leads to the formation of moisture from the side of the room. Oddly enough, if it is more than 70 cm, it will interfere with other properties of the window. And in this case you will have to install good system air conditioning or change the window. This is why you should choose a normal profile.

Condensation on windows and freezing of glass units can be caused by the type of construction. Single-chamber types of windows can even become covered with ice. This terrifies the owners. But this is how simple laws of physics work.

If the window has two glasses, they freeze more strongly than in a two-chamber one. In this case, replacing the window will also be a solution to the problem. It is better to purchase from the beginning. Even if condensation collects on them for some reason, it will not freeze. Three glasses give a better chance that the windows will not fog up.


It happens that the cause of the problem is a defect in one window. This can be seen if all rooms have the same double-glazed windows, but only one of them sweats. But it will be difficult to determine how to remove condensation on plastic windows if this problem is present in all rooms of the apartment.

This cause of dew is quite rare. But if this is still the source of the problem, you should contact the company that installed the windows. Its representatives will inspect the double-glazed windows and, if necessary, eliminate faults. But before calling a specialist, you need to exclude the possibility of other causes.

If dew falls inside the glass unit, this indicates an obvious defect in the installation or assembly. There are quite a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers today.

Elimination of heat loss to get rid of condensation

If the house in which the owners live is old, it may experience large heat losses. This moves the dew point into the room. In this case, insulating the walls will help get rid of the condensation problem. Moreover, it is much better if these actions are carried out with outside walls.

If the apartment is cold, this may also be the answer to the question of what's inside. The causes of problems can sometimes be found in the operation of old radiators. Cast iron batteries It is recommended to rinse and clean well. You can replace them with new ones, but steel and aluminum will be less durable, although they have greater heat transfer.

It is better to restore old cast iron. In addition to existing heating install an electric convector or heated floor. This will reduce condensation.

Improved ventilation

If the apartment is warm, you need to check the ventilation system. The channel gratings must be well cleaned. Sometimes, in order to understand how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should look at the layout of your neighbors above. If they carried out the mine, it could simply be walled up by them.

If the hood is functioning and the channels are not clogged, you can install a forced fan. It will turn on at the request of the owners and remove moisture as needed. For example, during cooking or taking a bath this is more relevant than at other times.

If it is not very cold outside, you can ventilate.

This will also help restore the correct microclimate in the room. In any case, the formation of condensation cannot be tolerated. This will not only lead to rapid wear of the windows, but will also have a negative impact on the health of the people living here.


If plastic windows have recently been installed in your home or this is planned in the near future, preventive measures should be taken. This will increase the likelihood that condensation will not collect on the plastic windows on the side of the room.

To do this, it is necessary to establish optimal thermal and ventilation conditions. It is necessary to reduce the penetration of moisture into the premises (repair the roof, check the pipes in the basement, eliminate other leaks).

If the house is old, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside. Keeping the number of plants is also unacceptable. When cooking and taking a bath, use forced ventilation.

If radiators are not functioning well, they should be cleaned or replaced. It is important to provide for the use of additional heaters during the winter and off-season periods.

By finding out how condensation forms on plastic windows on the side of the room, you can find a way to get rid of this problem. In each specific case, a number of measures should be taken to help eliminate dew from glass. The appearance of condensation cannot be tolerated. This will lead to health problems, as well as rapid failure of windows. By selecting The right way, you can get rid of condensation quickly and effectively.

There is an opinion that if plastic windows sweat, this is necessarily due to their improper installation. In fact, this is just one of the possible reasons why condensation occurs on windows.

Condensate location

If condensation appears indoors, the problem must be resolved in a timely manner to prevent mold and mildew from appearing.

The most important thing is to determine the location of the condensate. If it appears inside a double-glazed window, it relates exclusively to manufacturing defect. In this case, you should call the company that produced and installed windows and ask to replace the double-glazed window under warranty. As a rule, the guarantee for the tightness of a double-glazed window is given for a period of five years.

But if condensation appears on the surface of the glass indoors, then window manufacturers will not be able to help in this situation. The problem of condensation on double-glazed windows indoors should be given timely attention so that such things do not develop serious problems, such as wetting of slopes and walls, the appearance of mold.

To get rid of condensation on windows, you need to understand the reasons why it occurs. By the way, a small amount of condensate is permissible by international standards.

Why do plastic windows sweat from the inside?

The process of glass fogging is associated with the transition of water from a gaseous state to a liquid state. Warm indoor air contains water in the form of steam. The warmer the air in the room, the more moisture it contains. The source of such moisture can be both people themselves, pets, and plants, pots with liquids, washing, cleaning, and cooking processes.

When wet air cools, the steam turns into water droplets. Physics has a name for this process: condensation. Fogging due to condensation will occur when room air comes into contact with glass, the temperature of which is below the dew point. The dew point is the temperature at which vapor from air turns into liquid. Glass in a room always has the lowest temperature, which is why fogging occurs on the surface plastic windows.

What to do if plastic windows sweat or how to remove condensation

Eat different ways, which will help reduce the amount of condensation collected on residential windows. The most common are a decrease in air humidity, as well as an increase in the temperature of the glass itself.

Increased air humidity occurs when the inflow is improperly organized fresh air into the room and the lack of properly functioning exhaust ventilation. The main task of ventilation is to remove air, steamy, from the premises.

Ensuring natural ventilation of the room

To provide natural ventilation it is necessary to ventilate the room 4-5 times a day

If the apartment has modern plastic windows, then the tightness of such double-glazed windows is 100%. Therefore, the air exchange into the room that has been customary for years is changing dramatically. Now the owner must take care of the flow of fresh air into the apartment himself: ventilate the room, use the window ventilation mode. It is recommended to ventilate the room up to four times a day for five minutes with the door open.

Working ventilation system: hood

Often it is poor operation of the hood that leads to fogging of plastic windows, especially in the kitchen. All attempts to maintain normal humidity air will be reduced to “no” if the hood is not working. remember, that ventilation grates must always be clean. If the ventilation does not perform its functions, you should contact special services which will help clear the blockage.

Ventilation grilles are usually located in the kitchen and bathrooms; to ensure normal ventilation in the rooms, you need to choose the right one interior doors. They must have overflow openings (grids) at the bottom of the blade. Or the gaps between the floor and the door should be left to 15-20 mm.

Increase in glass temperature

The window sill should not cover the radiator at all, this will significantly increase the temperature of the glass

To provide optimal temperature glass and to minimize the risk of condensation on windows, you should choose the correct width of window sills. The window sill should not completely block the heating radiators. The flow of warm air should be able to rise upward, warming the glass. If the window sills are wide, you need to think about inserting ventilation grilles into them.

Blinds and blinds should not be attached too close to the glass on plastic windows., because they also interfere with the heating of the glass from the heat of the radiators. Important role in glass temperature has correct installation the glass units themselves. Experts advise choosing double-chamber double-glazed windows with a larger system width. The installation seam around the perimeter of the installation of double-glazed windows should not be blown through.

The coldest part of the window is its bottom. The poet, the appearance of condensation is most often noted precisely in the lower part of the window.

Knowing the possible reasons why plastic windows sweat, it will be quite simple to eliminate the formation of condensation in the apartment with your own efforts. The location of fogging will indicate whether the windows in your apartment are good, and whether the manufacturer is the cause of the condensation.

First, we need to understand what condensation is and why it harms us so much in our everyday life. Condensation occurs on glass in the form of fogging due to temperature conditions, the use of a gas stove, and so on.

Previously people used wooden windows, but progress is on the rise and today we have more a good option for our homes. Plastic windows have an advantage over wooden ones in many respects, such as tightness, strength and ease of opening and closing. And yet, there are chemical inconveniences that arise when using plastic in a house or apartment, which interfere with living and working in comfort.

Condensation deposits on glass are usually simply wiped off, but it’s like fighting windmills. Many people, with the onset of winter, constantly spend their precious time wiping foggy windows. This article will describe in detail, legibly and step by step the causes, consequences and effective solutions such everyday troubles.

Why is condensation harmful?

When we cook something on the stove, or heat the room using a heater or batteries in winter conditions, a sediment forms on the windows and begins to evaporate. As it evaporates, it makes the room more humid. People who are in an unfavorable room with humidity from condensation run the risk of getting sick or damaging certain things that are not resistant to moisture (for example, paper, documents, electronic devices).

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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If you do not get rid of condensate fumes for a long time, then mold and mildew will appear on the walls near the window, the vapors of which are harmful to human health.

Even without going far, it’s no secret that condensation in winter makes the room damp. Dampness is harmful to health (especially if there are people in the house who suffer from any allergic diseases). Dampness damages the structure of the room, swells the wallpaper and spoils it beyond recognition. appearance. Damp swelling and blackening certainly do not improve the condition of the house, nor the quality of life and work of people. Of course, this is the most neglected and worst option. But usually we spend our time wiping windows, warming up the internal environment (without taking into account that the external environment can also be changeable and many efforts may simply be in vain and unnecessary). Our goal is to get rid of this everyday horror, and not waste our time “painting” on the windows!

How to reduce the level of humidity and dampness?

Humidity and dampness slowly destroy all household items and need to be quickly disposed of. What to do in such a situation? Every problem has a source, a cause, and it needs to be identified. For example, to find out the source of dampness and moisture in the house, you need to attach a piece of foil to the wall for a day - this is a proven method. If the foil ends up getting wet, then the source of the dampness is in external environment, if the foil, on the contrary, remains dry, then the cause of the problem should be looked for inside the room.

How to fix this?

First of all, you need to check the condition of the ventilation in the house and check the apartment for repair defects. If you live in a private house, systematically check and clean the basement - this is main source dampness and mold in the house. Of course, in modern realities, factors beyond our control may arise, for example - bad condition the roof of a house that leaks, or the neighbors upstairs who flood us.

Affects condensate kitchen appliances, because it is she who more or less regulates the temperature (at least in the kitchen). Gas stoves are the main culprits of condensation. You should also not lose sight of the bathroom, where the humidity concentration is exactly the highest than in any other room.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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All these reasons can be listed for a very long time, they vary from the number of people in the house to the number of flowers on the windowsill. Let's move from theory to action.

You need to buy a high-quality and powerful dehumidifier, ventilate the room from time to time, thereby providing yourself with protection from harmful bacteria due to proper air circulation. Buy in store household appliances a fan for rooms, a heated towel rail for the bathroom to prevent the spread of moisture from wet laundry after washing. What’s even more necessary is a hood above gas stove and a high-quality ventilation system. If the situation with dampness is completely neglected, then it is worth making repairs, sealing the cracks and trying to create a favorable microclimate. So, now we know how to deal with the worst consequences of window condensation (this is sometimes the cause of condensation). The main thing is to use modern technologies heating the rooms, treating the walls with anti-fungus or mold repellents, drying clothes outside the apartment, and keeping plants only those that do not require watering and moisture.

Other causes of window condensation

The tightness of plastic windows does not allow air to circulate normally (unlike old, wooden windows that absorb moisture). Steam generated from various household activities settles in the form of fogging. If, in the off-season, situations arise when it is already cold outside, but the heating has not yet been turned on, the apartment quickly cools down, which is also not good. Also, you need to skillfully change radiators and coordinate your actions to regulate the internal microclimate depending on the season, for winter and summer requires completely different approaches.

How to get rid of condensation from plastic windows?

First you need to find out why the window is sweating. If it’s only about kitchen appliances, then first of all you need good ventilation, and above the stove you need to install a good and high-quality hood, not smaller size slabs Use a heater, do not rely only on batteries, because it is problems with heating that create unfavorable temperatures in the window area. If the heating problem is beyond your control, then you should contact the housing and communal services authorities.

There is also a very interesting mechanism, which is increasingly gaining relevance. It is connected with the design of window sills. The point is that special ventilation holes are made in the window sills, and it turns out that the air from the radiators that are located near the window is drawn directly onto the glass.

As mentioned earlier, the room needs to be ventilated. Even in winter, open the window completely for at least 10 minutes, this will be a big contribution to solving the problem. Place air conditioners near windows to regularly warm them up without worrying about their condition.

You can try treating the windows with special liquids. They are usually used by motorists as car windshield washers.

Alternatively, try calling a professional to clean the ventilation ducts; in old houses they are usually contaminated with all sorts of debris, which triples the risk of condensation. In certain temperature conditions you need to monitor the condition of the windows, carry out their regular repairs, avoid the occurrence of irregularities, cracks, crevices and anything that can let in cold air or interfere with its uniform circulation. Nowadays, there are even training lessons on various video hosting sites on this topic, where people clearly show all of the above methods in action.

Plastic windows are convenient, environmentally friendly and reliable. Everything that is said in this article is not anti-advertising. The problem always lies in the temperature state of the room. Not everyone experiences condensation, but a certain percentage of people constantly suffer from it. If you do not monitor the situation, you can damage the window sill, and winter time, all dampness can turn into ice, so be careful and do not neglect heating rules.

Norms and deviations

Regarding the unattractiveness of foggy windows, which also collect all the dirt and dust, there are scientific and sanitary standards. If you believe the official accepted norms, then average temperature in the house should be maintained between +20 and +22 degrees Celsius. The humidity in the room should not exceed 30-40%, the air should be favorable and comfortable for breathing. By trying to focus on these numbers in your war against window fogging, you will get rid of this problem once and for all.
In addition, relatively recently an interesting innovation has appeared in the world of household technologies. This is a pressure valve and it would be worthwhile to dwell on it in more detail.

Pull valve

This model is built into the wall of the room (you can also next to the window). It consists of three components: an air duct, a grille that protects the valve from dirt and a filter. Such a thing helps to comply with all sanitary standards, as it is able to insulate the wall, protecting it and isolating external noise (which, by the way, is also very important for many people).
Typically such a device is installed in outer wall and it may contain a temperature controller, a built-in fan, and a remote control (helps control the device). The air flows in at around 30 cubic meters per hour; the main convenience of the device is that it self-regulates its operation with air flows.

Depending on the external temperature, the device itself regulates the air flow. This device is worthy of attention, if only because it minimizes financial and other human costs. You just need to adjust the draft valve and it will automatically adjust your microatmosphere, bringing it as close as possible to the ideal one. You no longer need to worry about ventilation or noise. You can place the model in any convenient place.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. Buying such a pleasure is quite expensive; installing it can be even more expensive (after all, for this you will have to call a specialist who will drill the wall). If something goes wrong during installation, there is a risk that the wall will develop structural damage or deformation that will worsen the problem with the atmosphere in the house. To purchase, use or install this device, it is advisable to have personal experience in construction, and also trust such matters only to competent specialists, trusted sellers and good craftsmen.

Other cases of condensation

There are cases when condensation appears from time to time, and in the cold season it can damage the glass of the window, as it turns into ice. In such cases, lubricating the frozen surface with silicone sealant will help.

In addition, there are also folk remedies to combat fogging. They are ineffective, but we cannot ignore them, so we will focus on candles. You can light a few candles and place them on the windowsill to warm up the window. True, then you will have to comply with the measures fire safety. You can also use polyurethane foam to cover potential sources of air penetration. In the end, there is only one conclusion: it is better to spend money on quality of life than to constantly waste time maintaining it. Better yet, apply everything described above in a single system, then solving problems with potentially dangerous precipitation and deposits on windows will never bother you again.

Condensation is droplets of moisture that form on the surface of profiles and double-glazed windows, as well as external elements fittings are always unpleasant. However, as soon as you see the first drops on a newly installed window, you should not panic and assume that the fault lies with the specialists who installed the windows in your house or apartment...

Before you figure out why your PVC windows sweat, look at them carefully... And determine where exactly the condensation appears? If there are droplets of water on the inner surface of the glass unit, the problem is most likely due to improper installation and leakage of the glass unit. If condensation occurs on the outer surface of the glass unit, if water flows from it, then there may be many more reasons.

Formation of condensation on the inner surface of the glass unit

The reason - in almost 100% of cases - is a defect in the manufacture of double-glazed windows and during installation (the inadmissibility of moisture inside the chamber is also enshrined in GOST 24866-99). This is good for the apartment owner, if only for the reason that the installation company is obliged to correct the defect. In addition, if condensation inside the double-glazed window is not accompanied by its appearance outside, or if condensation collects on external surfaces in insignificant quantities, the problem can most likely be dealt with one way or another.

Formation of condensation on the outside of the glass unit and on the profile

Possible reasons Moisture condensation on external surfaces is reduced to:

  • improper installation of PVC windows ( window design either located too close to the outer plane of the wall, or located flush with the thermal insulation layer);
  • too high humidity in the room (for example, large condensation appears in actively used small kitchens);
  • lack of ventilation in the house;
  • choosing a glass unit that is too thin and has a low thermal capacity;
  • loose connection of the sashes to the frame.

It is usually not possible to immediately find the reasons why windows sweat from the inside. But there are a number of ways that will definitely help you find a reliable explanation of the source of the problem.

Finding the cause of water protruding on the glass and profile

There are several ways to find out:

  • candle method (bring a lit candle or lighter to the junction of the sashes and frames, to the mounting seams - if the flame begins to fluctuate intensely, depressurization occurs assembly seams or a malfunction in the valve abutment mechanism);
  • using a fan (a switched-on fan placed on the windowsill causes a large amount of water and even a puddle to appear on the windowsill, which means the double-glazed window is not working efficiently enough);
  • consistent improvement of the microclimate in the house (using supply and exhaust ventilation, ventilation, sealing seams or moving radiators further or closer to the wall, reducing the width of the window sill).

As soon as the main factor causing condensation disappears, condensation will not collect.

Prevention: anticipate and avoid

What to do to avoid condensation on plastic windows? The ideal “cure” for fogging is careful selection of the installation contractor - in most cases right choice will protect you both from condensation and from any other problems.

It is worth remembering, however, that even the best PVC window installer will not be able to help you with anything if your house is humid, there is no ventilation, and you insisted that the cheapest double-glazed window be glued into the window, whose thermal insulation capabilities are clearly insufficient.

When preparing for installation - this is especially true if the windows in the house are large - try to take care of ventilation. Active supply and exhaust ventilation is capable of working miracles in these cases. Try not to place a lot of flowers, containers with liquid, aquariums, or humidifiers on the windowsill - all this increases the level of humidity and increases the risk of condensation on the glass unit.

Ventilate the room regularly and use a micro-ventilation system (if it is not installed, order it).

Carefully choose the double-glazed window and the profile from which the frames and sashes will be made - after all, the more effective the thermal insulation of the window opening, the less the risk that the windows will “cry”. Be sure to order not only the installation of windows, but also the finishing of the opening (installation of slopes), as well as the adjustment of fittings.

And finally, try not to carry out installation in the cold season or simultaneously with repairs - above-zero temperature “overboard” according to all GOSTs and SNiPs is prerequisite installation

Briefly: conclusions

Key points, reducing the risk of condensation:

  • correct installation;
  • the presence of good ventilation in the house (even a hood in the kitchen is already good);
  • frequent ventilation;
  • correct choice of glass unit and profile.

Answers on questions

1. PVC windows sweat: what to do?
First, determine where the moisture is located (inside the glass unit or outside). If it’s inside, it’s almost definitely a marriage. If it’s outside, assess whether the humidity level in the house is too high: it definitely needs to be lowered. Check the tightness of the connection of the sashes to the frame and the tightness of the seams at the opening walls.

2. Why do PVC windows produce condensation in positive weather?
As a factor causing fogging, it is not so much the temperature outside that is important, but the difference between what the thermometer shows in the house and “outside”. It is necessary that closed window provided thermal insulation of the room. It is also possible that in the house it is simply high level humidity.

3. Why do double-glazed windows sweat in autumn and winter?
In winter and autumn, they sweat due to the significant difference in temperature indoors and outdoors. If the thermal insulation is poor, the window begins to fog up, since cold air from the street and cold air “meet” on its surface. warm air from the premises.

4. Why do single-chamber double-glazed windows sweat?
Single-chamber packages in most cases are not intended for installation in windows - they perform well in cold glazing of balconies. If installed on a window, one camera is simply not enough to thermally insulate the opening. As a result, condensation forms.

5. Why is there condensation on PVC windows in the morning?
This is due to both the climate and the operating mode. central heating. The fact is that at night the temperature of the batteries is usually the highest - for 5-6 hours room temperature increases significantly. But outside in the morning the temperature is minimal.

6. Why do windows sweat after insulation?
The reasons may be the following: the insulation is carried out so well that the level of humidity in the room increases (with poor ventilation, moisture has nowhere to go) or the insulation is carried out with errors - in the places of contact between the profile and the wall in window opening moisture accumulates.

7. Is condensation acceptable on double-glazed windows?
If the glass unit has no defects and if the window is installed correctly, and the humidity in the house does not exceed 45-50%, it is unacceptable. However, condensation can also appear on a good double-glazed window if the outside temperature is extremely low.

8. How to clean plastic windows if there is condensation on them?
You need to remove condensation - especially if it happens in winter - very carefully, using a cloth made of non-woven fabric that absorbs water well. This will prevent the glass or plastic of the profile from being scratched by pieces of ice that may appear along with condensation.

9. What metal-plastic windows don't sweat?
They don’t sweat, in principle, just right installed windows PVC, which is regularly opened for ventilation, is located correctly (away from the outer edge of the wall), with unclogged drainage channels and with well-sealed seams.

10. Condensation at large quantities indoor plants.
This is a common phenomenon: plants form their own microclimate, which - if there are a large number of them - begins to influence the microclimate of the house. One of its components is high humidity, which ultimately provokes the appearance of condensation.

11. Condensation due to improper installation.
Very often condensation is a consequence improper installation. For example, the location is too close to the outer surface of the wall (to create a wide window sill) or the seams between the frame and the walls of the window opening are poorly sealed.

12. Why do condensation and ice appear on PVC windows?
Ice - a clear sign that the cold has found its way from the street into your home. This could be a crack in the double-glazed window, or a loose fit of the sash to the frame. Or - the double-glazed window is too thin and has few chambers (in severe frost a single-chamber package may become covered with frost).

13. Who should I contact if plastic windows sweat and freeze?
To the company that installed your windows. In any case, specialists will quickly determine the cause of condensation and select options to eliminate it. There is no need to worry that the contracting company will “blame” its shortcomings on the microclimate of the apartment - a good contractor always cares about its reputation.

Plastic windows were installed, the apartment became warmer, and street noise was not heard. It would seem that all problems have been solved, ideal comfort has arrived. But with the onset of cold weather, many consumers notice that the glass from the inside begins to sweat a lot, and a large amount of moisture appears on them. The question arises why condensation collects on plastic windows if the previous wooden structures did not create such a problem.

The process of condensation formation

A certain amount of moisture in the form of steam is contained in the air. When it cools, the ability to retain steam particles decreases, and it settles on surfaces in the form of condensation. Window glass is cooled in winter by exposure to street air. low temperatures. Colliding with their surface, the warm air of the room leaves its moisture, and condensation appears.

Windows with wooden frames provided natural air circulation, part of the moisture went outside. Plastic structures are sealed, so more condensation collects on them. In accessories latest models Double-glazed windows provide the option of delicate ventilation. With the onset of cold weather you need to put them in winter mode so that less condensation accumulates.

Intense fogging of windows may be due to high humidity air in the apartment. This situation can negatively affect health and cause premature damage. finishing materials. At high humidity Viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and mold spores actively reproduce.

The accumulation of condensation is a consequence of strong cooling of the glass surface. Perhaps the design of the double-glazed window was chosen incorrectly, the slopes were poorly insulated, and warm air from the radiator did not reach the window.

Ways to deal with condensation on glass

Initially, you need to determine why condensation accumulates in large quantities on your plastic windows. If the structures do not have a valve that provides micro-ventilation, it is necessary to ensure air circulation and periodically open the sash slightly. Need to check the work ventilation system. In old houses, it often does not fulfill its functions. Consequently, you will have to install special devices in the apartment.

This will help lower the humidity level in the room, reduce the amount of condensation on the window, and create a favorable microclimate.

Warm air from the radiator should flow to the window. The wide window sill does not provide access. If you make holes in it, the glass will warm up and there will be no strong temperature changes or condensation accumulation. It is important to take into account that flowers standing on windowsills increase air humidity. Therefore, there is no need to clutter it with pots of plants.

The greatest accumulation of condensation is usually observed on the balcony. Most often the problem is associated with low indoor air temperature. When installing glazing structures, serious attention should be paid to insulation in order to minimize the entry of cold from the street.

When choosing plastic windows, you should give up the desire to save money. Installing two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows equipped with a ventilation mode and energy-saving film will eliminate problems with condensation.