Wargaming is deceiving World of tanks players. What they give - briefly

Wargaming management is increasingly deceiving players. The company is increasingly using its capabilities not to improve its games, but solely for the purpose of extorting money from players. The resounding success of the online game World of Tanks has attracted enormous interest in it. Today it is the clear leader in its segment and the most popular game on the territory of the CIS countries. Every day hundreds of thousands of people take to virtual battlefields and take part in tank battles. Although access to the game is completely free, Wargaming offers fans tank battles quite a lot of different “goodies” for real money. At the same time, many players willingly pay for paid products, including premium accounts, inscriptions and camouflages for cars, game currency, as well as special equipment. It is premium paid tanks that are increasingly frustrating fans of the game.

Latest news from World of Tanks

Wargaming secretly nerfs premium Tanks

The developers keep telling us that premium technical schools will never nerf, because you paid real money for it, we can only attack and nerf upgraded equipment. Recently it turned out that premium vehicles were nerfed secretly from the players (the performance characteristics of the vehicle were reduced, worsening its hidden characteristics, dispersion, turning speed, aiming...). It always seemed to us that they were nerfing it but could not prove it, so one of the English-speaking users “Stolman” found out that the premium tank destroyer strv s1 was secretly lowered in siege mode now there is a message from Anton Pankov “hi ps1, let’s check this is most likely a bug display, thanks for the signal” that, of course, what else could we expect from the developers “of course it’s a bug”, as if it seemed that the premium tank was lowered, but there are proofs. Many users have already been able to check that the update is 09 17 before update 0.9.19 performance characteristics of the tank the turning speed has changed, it has been nerfed by more than 2 times, the transition time to the hiking mode was 1.25 hundredths, it became 1.3, the difference is 0.05, and we also went for cross-country ability, given the potential, the turning speed, the turning speed on hard soils on medium ones, and the chassis resistance on hard soils. Now it became interesting how the developers will get out of this situation, as far as it became known, we are opening the WOT express website, many of you are already aware of it, and what do we see here? Many players began to demand a refund Money for the money previously spent on buying Swedish Swedish tank in this case, premium tanks level 8 strv s1. I wonder how it will end, I think it will be regretted by those who bought strv s1, I know you will write in the comments that the developers are gone and you will be completely right.

How can wargaming get out of the situation in this case with the fact that they were finally caught with great proof, all the data has been written out, many will already demand a refund, we are monitoring the course of events.

New World of Tanks balancer

New information about the balancer in World of Tanks, as recent tests have shown, the new balancer 0.9.18 World of Tanks does not work correctly. We will conduct a test for a series of 20 battles on different accounts, the test showed that players get to the TOP much less often at a low level on level vehicles, and it was also found that in 20 battles on different vehicles, players get to the bottom of the list or the middle in more than 80% of cases .

Also, the ranking of cards showed an incorrect distribution of duplicate cards, although the situation has changed, as it was in the previous patch 0.9.17, from which we can conclude that the balancer works in a very peculiar and chaotic way. In addition to the fact that the new balancer will throw you into unfavorable teams according to internal server statistics, you will also enjoy not breaking through or hitting the target.

The balancer works in such a way that out of 100% of battles, it is possible that you will get to the TOP no more than 15-20%%, all other battles you will spend at the bottom or in the middle of the list, this is clearly visible for level 6 and 8 vehicles. For a sixth level vehicle, most often getting to the TOP is when the entire team consists of one sixth level; for level 8, the situation is approximately the same. If you start winning, the balancer solves this “problem” very simply and periodically throws you into a team where the statistics of the players on your team are lower than the opposing team. You can observe this simply by installing the XVM mod.

Personal reserves

Using personal reserves is just another deception.

It has been noticed that the use of personal combat reserves in World of Tanks reduces the ability of players to fully participate in combat operations; each activation of combat reserves leads to a decrease dynamic characteristics any tank in battle, which was installed by a special mod that determines the characteristics of military equipment directly when the player enters battle. As the test showed, on average, the percentage change of 10% of the characteristics of accuracy and aiming, dispersion on the move, as well as hit accuracy with full aiming and some other parameters decreased when using reserves.

As soon as you think that Wargaming has given you another opportunity to earn combat experience or silver for free, you are greatly mistaken, since each use of your personal reserve reduces the characteristics of your equipment in battle.

You will use up your combat reserves and your victory statistics will begin to decrease if you build elementary graph and analyze the statistics of victories over several days with combat reserves turned on and without combat reserves, you will see that when using combat reserves, the statistics of victories on tanks is significantly lower than without them included. As a conclusion, this means only one thing: when using personal combat reserves in World of Tanks, an artificial problem is created for you so that you cannot create conditions for yourself under which your tank will gain the maximum amount of experience or earn a large number of silver, since this is primarily unprofitable for the Wargaming company, where the main objective This is making money off of players.

In order to create a visible atmosphere of sporting interest and a competitive moment in the game, advertising methods and paid bloggers who stream on YouTube are used. Attracting sports teams whose sponsorship creates a certain illusion of equality of all players and the possibility of using tanks in the game, but as practice has shown, all this is a deception, which is just another proof of Wargaming’s dishonesty towards all players.

As a result, all of the above clearly shows that the Wargaming company is not interested in fair battles, the only goal of the Wargaming company is to pump money out of players by any means.

Deliberate scam

Since the recent launch of the World of Tanks game in the community, rumors have begun to circulate about a scam by Wargaming net aimed at programming battle leaks. The essence of the claims lies in the disturbed balance of the game, which causes deliberate and systematic loss of battles regardless of the skill level of the players.

On our website we decided to make an article about fraud in the game World of Tanks. The well-known Patent of Victor Kisly, of course, says nothing about getting a player into an obviously losing battle, or about nerfing equipment that constantly wins. The Patent only mentions a table of battle levels for vehicles and the conditions under which a player gets to a certain level of battles on a specific tank.

One of the bloggers who makes videos on the game and posts them on YouTube dedicated a whole series of videos to this problem. The Bees Buzz channel and its creator urge everyone to temporarily refrain from purchasing premium equipment and generally refrain from making any monetary investments in the game. The reason for his displeasure was the regular “nerfs” of premium vehicles. The essence of the claims is that World of Tanks developers regularly deceive players who invest their own money, reducing technical characteristics not only simple tanks, but also those that can only be obtained for money.

The parameters of all cars in the game changed constantly. This is due to the constant addition of new nations, development branches and individual vehicles. However, for a very long time, premium paid tanks were untouchable. Now the creators of the game have taken on them too. In almost every patch, several new samples of exclusive equipment are released. Moreover, in order to force players to buy it, the developers are gradually making the tanks that players already have less competitive. Their speed decreases, their armor deteriorates, and their maneuverability disappears. Accustomed to punching through all opponents, the player suddenly discovers that his aim is off, and the fired shells more and more often fall into the milk. Moreover, all these troubles instantly disappear when you buy a fresh “prem”. But it also begins to “get sick” when one or two new updates are released. The blogger sees this as the company's dishonesty and calls on all fans of the game to ignore all paid offers from Wargaming until the developers pay attention to the problem and offer a solution that would suit everyone.

World of Tanks or something Wargaming lies to players while earning millions from them

To make money from a game, it must be popular. And any game can become such only in one case: players must believe that something depends on them. If for some reason the opposite happens, then any game is practically doomed. After a series of revealing publications in the Western gaming press regarding the technologies on which World of Tanks is based, its popularity has decreased significantly. For the CIS countries, this scandal passed almost unnoticed. Everyone here is accustomed to believing that the serious difference between the number of players on European, American and Russian servers is explained solely by the fact that they there do not understand anything about real tanks and real armored prowess. But it is not so. The reasons are different.

Patent of Victor Kisly

Soon after the launch, a number of publications posted it on their websites detailed description the so-called “Kisly patent”. Its author, Victor Kisly, is one of the founders of the company. It was he who developed the technology for “maintaining interest in the game,” which the company still uses successfully. The essence of the “Kisly patent” is quite simple. All players must win and lose regularly to keep the overall interest at the desired high level. A special technology has been created for this. The system automatically assigns players a special coefficient from 0 to 2. The size of this coefficient depends on the number of victories won in battles. If you become too successful and start winning constantly, the system will automatically begin to lower the characteristics of your equipment.

World of Tanks random rules stipulate that a number of important game indicators can fluctuate significantly. Among them:

Scatter when shooting;

Amount of one-time damage;

Possibility of rebound;

Possibility of causing critical damage;

Damage to internal modules;

The ability to penetrate enemy armor and so on.

Balancerbattles in World of tanks

However, fans of World of Tanks increasingly began to notice that a series of victories is necessarily replaced by a series of losses. Many people have a logical question: if the outcome of random battles is 99% predetermined, how can it be lost? How do you assemble a team that has a 99% chance of losing? Even despite FBR plus or minus 25%. How then can Wargaming program the drain?

Attentive WOT players note the two most obvious ways.

The first method of draining in World of Tanks relates to maps, respawns and modes chosen by the player. The Patent states that for each level of combat equipment and for each tank a certain percentage of victories is stored. The balancer is supposedly only responsible for forming teams and choosing a map, after which he sends both teams into battle. He is also managed by the game server, i.e. the same FBR plus or minus 25%. Therefore, if a weak team, which according to all forecasts is obliged to lose the battle, suddenly begins to actively resist and win, the notorious FBR begins to prevent it from achieving victory by all means.

The second of them directly concerns the balance of teams. This does not mean the total difference in strength points between teams, but the ratio of vehicle types. For example, two teams fight in the Encounter mode. One team is equipped mainly with mid-tier tanks, ATs and a couple of heavy tanks. The enemy team has mostly heavy weapons. If in this situation it occupies a common base, then a team with medium tanks will have a very difficult time fighting such an enemy. Accordingly, the probability of coordinated actions of a random team and subsequent victory tends to zero.

Main rules of the World of Tanks balancer

Everyone who connects to the World of Tanks server is assigned a certain status, not only to his account, but also to all your equipment in the hangar. The naive think that the balancer distributes them only when entering battle - this is not so! As soon as you enter the game, the balancer knows which range of maps and in which team, based on weight and statistics, determine your any tank when entering the battle.

World of Tanks first battle rule

As is known on different maps the same tank has a different percentage of victories. All maps are divided into two groups for each of your and only your tank in the hangar, the first group is a group of maps on which you have a higher percentage of victories on this tank, in the second where the percentage is lower. When entering the first battle, the balancer places you on a map where your influence on the game will be below average for this type of vehicle.

Did you think that Wargaming would give you two, three or five times the experience for free?

Rule of winning on one tank

Account-wide winning rule


Skill balancing rule

The rule for influencing the battle by technology level

It is generally accepted that all this is regulated by the almighty VBR or the Great Belarusian Random. However, in reality, everything does not happen entirely by chance. So, if some players win too often, while others lose too often, the system independently begins to adjust all the indicators of their technique. The level of one-time damage, for example, may differ by +/- 25%. All other significant indicators fluctuate approximately in the same range. For “overly” successful players, everything “suddenly” becomes unlucky and now a level ten tank destroyer inconceivably cannot hit or penetrate an obviously weaker enemy. The shells end up in the milk or just knock off the tracks of even the lightest and most defenseless tanks, without causing them the required damage. Crooked opponents, on the contrary, begin to hit the desired pixel quickly. Moreover, without fail producing devastating fires and destroying the internal modules of your tank. Let's add to this that the system also independently distributes participants, placing them in the TOP or at the bottom of the list in battle. It turns out that from abilities or skills World players of Tanks depends quite a bit. Everyone will receive their share of victories from the good developers. The main thing is not to forget to donate and pay for premium equipment, preferential accounts and other goodies provided for by the “Kisly patent”.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the World of tanks game and the desire of players to get unique content, scammers are trying to defraud users of money. Find out about all the possible tricks of attackers. One of the popular scams associated with World game of Tanks are offers to buy bonuses and invite codes necessary to obtain in-game property, including those that cannot be purchased with in-game gold.

Invite code

Invitation code – entered only when creating an account.

Bonus code – can be entered at any time during the game.

Ways to receive official bonus codes:

1) At events, organized by the company Wargaming;

2) Together with official goods of the company and its partners;

3) On the official website during promotions.

Any other method of acquiring bonus codes is a form of fraud.

Options for fraudulent offers:

Bonus code

1) Offers to buy bonus codes that make it possible to purchase equipment that cannot be purchased with in-game gold.

Such codes can only be distributed by Warganing and its official partners, and the number of these bonus codes is negligible, so it is unlikely that you will be offered a real code. It is worth buying such codes only if it is possible to activate it immediately, with the seller.

2) Sites selling bonus codes.

In order for the site’s activities to look convincing, comments are published on it confirming that all codes are working. Naturally, they were left by the attackers themselves.

3) Fraudsters pose as partners or employees of Wargaming, or they convince.

First of all, it is worth wondering, if the seller is indeed one of the representatives of Wargaming, why he is selling codes, and not distributing them as a bonus for purchasing their products, or for participating in an event organized by them.

In World of Tanks. There is a week left until it ends. Over the course of all 3 weeks, we closely monitored the situation and the TOPs of this event and discovered many inconsistencies. In addition to a bunch of fake battles on one famous server, some clans and “boosters” offer you to take prizes. And they succeed. We decided to find out how things are going with this, because the demand for completing the LBZ of Season 1 is greatly declining, but it has appeared - the “Tank Aces” event. Frankly speaking, we even took part in a couple of such battles to make sure and see how it was done. As many are already accustomed, all faces are presented anonymously, and all screenshots will be cropped. The fourth week is approaching, which will be the most fruitful for such bad people.

Based on our personal statistics, the most popular “black” service in Tank Aces was taking the TOP-3 place, which in principle is logical. But how to do this? Yes, everything is the old fashioned way. The first is soloboosters (drivers), who offer to take prizes for money; you transfer your account to them. They are divided into two types: they sweat solo in platoons, and the others are the same, only they do it with the help of their clan’s bases. Secondly, clans that offer the same services only do it together with you using the same fake battles. In general, during this event there were setups great amount, and Wargaming is unlikely to figure them all out. Just go to RU-10 at night, they will tell us later in the interview. Indeed, there is hell going on there at certain times. We turned to these guys for comments and were shown a couple of demonstration battles in a random setting. We didn’t even have to search deeply for information; everything is simple and lies on the surface.

Now in Tank Aces, sometimes there are players in the first places with very low statistics, and on several tanks, how does this happen? At the same time, they are not shy about shooting, and post their replays on WoTReplays.
Anonymous (solo): They order services from drivers, some through fake battles (but posting replays is stupid).
Anonymous (clan): In fact, this is WG’s mistake; they themselves allowed the opportunity to take prizes in dishonest ways. Many players want the coveted Type 59, but not everyone can pay 25k+ (black market price) for it, although there are cases. That's why they started doing fake fights. This is very easy to track through the same CTTS. But if you do everything correctly, you can get good result. Alas, WG replays are NOT asked for, but only suicides post them :)

- What about the TOP clans? They also participate and make bad fights, right?
A: Not all, but there is such a %
A: Everyone who takes 1-3 places is 95% sure that half of them are fake fights.

- How much is the price to take 1st-5th place?
A: Depends on the level and class of the tank and the amount of experience of 1st-3rd place. Price from 1000 rub.
A: Most often, the client is interested in 1-3 places, the price for the first place is from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles, depending on who and what. The remaining places are not of particular value. Risk your account for reserves, Kappa.
A: Depends on the current situation from experience. From 1500 to 8000 rubles. for TOP-3.

- On one of the sites we found the topic: “Tank aces, services.” Are there many people who provide these services?
A: I think those who think about clients do not provide this service, and if they do, it is at the client’s peril and risk. Roughly speaking, only a few boosters do this (just now I was talking about the Top 3 on regular tanks).
A: Yes, but there is no particular activity/popularity. People understand that there will be activity on the part of WG. The demand has subsided a little, but there is still some.

- What is happening on server 10 now, at night?)
A: I heard that they often do fake fights there...
A: Calm, no art, few PT, many TT and of course a lot of afk tanks at the base...

- What do users say about bans? It’s already a big risk, isn’t it?
A: Yes, those who write to me, I immediately warn that there is a high risk of account ban (most say thank you, I didn’t know) I’m talking about the Top 3 “Tank Aces”.
A: Yes, there is always a risk, even if they don’t “burn”, there will be a permanent penalty for transferring data. People initially understand what they are getting into.

[b]- How big is the chance of fulfilling an order for 1-3 places? And how quickly does it run?
A: In principle, it’s easy for me to take Top 3 on almost any tank (with a good platoon) for about 3-4 days. Most are waiting for the end of this promotion, or rather, they will order 1-2 days in advance, the price is much higher.
A: 70% of what we will do, it all depends on the randomness, how it will throw, whether there will be a victory... A couple of hours in a certain period.

- Is there any point in ordering at the end of the promotion?
A: 100% receipt of the tank, because Now, for example, when you order, there is a chance that someone will overtake you.

- What is the hype, is there demand? How many people want it?
A: At first many people wanted it, but then, when they began to discuss the consequences, some dropped out.

- Well, if everything is clear with tanks, what about the real prizes? We are talking about a promotion from Rostelecom for 600,000 rubles.
A: I don’t take on these orders, yes, it’s easy to get into the Top 50, but not into the Top 3.
A: They wanted Rostelecom, there were a couple of people. But the price for the 1st place will be appropriate... they give the first place 300k, ask for 150k and that’s adequate. You can’t give a person 1 place for 5,000 rubles. A good client can get an agreement with Rostelecom and it’s 50/50)
A: I know that many people do just this service. People are greedy here, some ask for half, and some take 70% of your winnings. But yes, there are many of them. This is where the setups are fired on purpose by WG very carefully.

- Is everything quiet in the EU or not?
A: On EU and other servers, they rarely order!
A: It’s harder to do, there are few accounts.

- How is this usually done, there are several ways? With the help of clans or solo, or maybe in a platoon?
A: To begin with, I try solo, if the series doesn’t go well, then a platoon of smart guys, a platoon - guys who, if something happens, will drag the fight, and so they are in the wings - i.e. they gussy, they don’t dig the dazhka, they tank, etc.
A: I won’t be able to reveal all the secrets when there are many players in a battle from one clan - this is “false”, already a minus option. You can just get together and do sessions of 5 fights on 1.2.3 xD

Who usually orders this, busy players, those who work or who? Maybe players with low stats?
A: Most are working people who do not have such a high skill. And they themselves are not able to carry out this action. Yes, average players.
A: Those who want a Type 59 and have the money for it. Most often with weak statistics.

- How many people have already contacted you, approximately?
A: Not many people applied for this service, about 30-40 people.
A: Total? About 30 people. Some of them disappeared.

- Do you think you are harming Wargaming with your work?
A: No, I think if it weren’t for the majority of drivers/upgrade sites, people would simply leave. could not achieve this or that goal themselves. The same Object 260 (a person really wants it, he’s killed a lot of time, and that’s it, he’s ready to abandon the tanks) and here we are :) also, most people have premium activated, etc. for our comfort, and WG puts a penny in our pocket.
A: No, they themselves provide the opportunity, why not take advantage of it?)

- As soon as the official announcement of “TA” appeared, did you immediately understand and decide to do it?
A: Initially, yes, I even created a topic, later I learned from friends from WG that the places would be checked somehow, I deleted the topic on the forum and informed clients about the risks.
A: Yes)

- They only order 1-3 places, others are not interesting at all?
A: The top 50 were for T-44-100 (P) a couple of orders, due to an invitation to WG Fest 2016, actual topic.
A: I can even say that 75% somewhere are first places.

- Is it profitable or just an extra? way to earn money?
A: Profitable, one might say, but this is an additional benefit for me. earnings.
A: Additional method, this won’t last long.

- And at the end, a few words from myself. P.S. Are you looking forward to season 2 of LBZ?)
A: Well, what can I say, be careful when choosing sites/drivers, there are a lot of scammers. Take care of your accounts and do not transfer them to suspicious individuals. Yes, I’m really looking forward to season 2 of LBZ, there will be a lot of delicious orders.
A: I'm really looking forward to it)

As for bans. WG is already banning this event right now and excluding it from the TOP lists. The list of all those banned and the news on the forum should appear after the end of the “Tank Aces” game event. And yes, we didn’t even touch on the usual cheats in this event, such as Warpak and others.

That's all. We leave the summary and conclusion to you, dear reader.
Information from Not all tanks in a free game are free, and not all tanks can be obtained with your own labor. Some of them offer to pay a tidy sum, although you won’t have to work hard.

The title of the article slightly exaggerates its importance, but it is advisable to immediately interest the reader in the material. Moreover, the information in the article will allow you to make more subtle and specific conclusions about premium tanks with your own hands. They cannot be earned in the game, you will have to buy them with real money, but is this necessary? Here on the website www.. After all, on official resources it is difficult to expect alternative description premium tanks.

In general, World of Tanks has a lot of paid tanks, but we will mainly consider premium tanks of the eighth level, since they are the most popular among players and developers. It is their high level that allows them to participate in serious battles, showing high efficiency, while earning a lot of experience and credits.

First meeting

Typically, ordinary players who do not plan to buy a premium account encounter special tanks in battle. These colossuses often appear at the top of the command list, your guns do not penetrate them, and they themselves dismantle your tractor in a couple of shots. After this, the young padawan, or rather the player, begins to frantically look through the branches of nations in search of the desired tanks. After all, it would be nice to develop into such a monster. But bad luck, these tanks are not in the development line.

They stand a little further away and don’t need to be developed. You can simply buy them. Buy and chop enemies. But do not rush to make such a mistake, since purchasing a game tank for 1,500 rubles can hardly be called a wise decision. Moreover, in order to understand something in this matter, you need not so much knowledge of tank equipment in World of Tanks, but an understanding of the monetization model of the game. Remember that Wargaming will not work for free, so you will have to pay for free tanks, one way or another.

How much are

Without loading you with unnecessary numbers, I will say that the best premium tanks in World of Tanks cost about 1,500 rubles or 50 US dollars each.

What they give - briefly

In short, premium tanks are the most convenient in the game. No, they are not the strongest, they are just very comfortable. And now we will describe in detail why this happens, why, at our first meeting, we formed the opinion of their invincibility.


Looking at the characteristics of the tank, you come to a surprise - the tank is weaker than its classmates. In fact, he is practically equal to them, so in a duel of two tanks of the same level, the skill of the players themselves will be decisive. What then is its strength, what is its highlight?

Battle levels

The characteristics of tanks in the game interface do not say much. We go to the official World of Tanks encyclopedia and look at the “battle level” parameter. It depends on him where this or that tank can be thrown. Paid tanks are not thrown into battles at the same high level as their free counterparts. That is, it will be more difficult to be at the bottom of the team’s list, which means it will be more comfortable to play.

Yes you can show real class and in the last places of the team list, but if you do not plan to devote too much time and effort to the game, then this is unlikely. Not everyone plans to become cybersportsmen; this profession in Russia is unprofitable in itself. So on paid tanks there is less chance of getting into a real mess where your strengths the tank will be an empty space.


So tankers already at the sixth or seventh level of tanks notice that combat vehicles not only have they stopped generating income, but they are also beginning to end even victorious battles at a loss. There is no need to worry, you need to understand that the developers want to eat and relax in the south, they need your money. So with all their might they will push you to the idea of ​​throwing gold into World of Tanks. We firmly kick out this crazy idea, or uncover our webmoney wallet or plastic card.

In fact, the tanks that are fun to play with, the high-level tanks, don’t bring in money. They are unprofitable, even if the battle was good and the team won. Don’t put too much faith in the stories that you can make a profit even with a level ten tank. It’s possible, but not everyone can do it, and the income will be modest. But the cost of high-level equipment will amount to millions of credits.

But paid tanks are not like that - they bring a stable income, and a very high one at that. Even if you lost or didn’t really show yourself in battle, it’s okay, the developers remember that you invested real money - the tank will bring you credits and experience. So all this pushes us to purchase a premium account and a premium tank.

The free alternative looks like this: we have literally thousands of battles ahead of us on mid-tier tanks (from fifth to seventh), which will bring 5-15 thousand credits of profit per battle, while paid vehicles will give 50-100 thousand per battle , and for the battle in more comfortable conditions.

We train tankers

A tank with tank crew recruits, and even in basic condition, is a pitiful sight, at best. For in-game money, you can develop a crew only up to 75% of the main specialty. This is much better than the free 50%, but it is also very far from an acceptable level. Plus, don’t forget that any tank needs at least developed repair skills among the entire crew. You cannot transfer the crew from tank to tank; there will be serious fines. As a result, retraining is necessary, and without gold (that is, real money) this is only possible with the loss of part of the experience.

But here's the salvation - paid tanks do not have a penalty on the crew's skills. You can place the crew here from any tank of the same type. He will train on paid equipment, and then, as experienced veterans, he will go to his main place of duty. The older the level of technology, the more critically the mediocrity of your crew affects you in battle. A free alternative is 100-150 battles with a weak crew, which means the tank will drive and shoot worse all this time.

Which is better?

To completely ruin the most frequently asked question Regarding premium tanks, I will answer that it is better to buy the tank whose nation you are going to develop. Since in this case, your paid tank will also be an excellent place for crew training. You can transfer it here from any tank of its type (that is, from heavy to heavy) without penalties to skills. There are the fewest negative reviews about Leo of the Germans. In any case, if you are fundamentally a very bad player, a paid tank will not help you play better, but it will make it more convenient to play.


Formally, I cannot call paid tanks in World of Tanks an impediment that disrupts the game balance. Formally, everything is fair, but only formally. In practice, developing branches of tanks without a premium vehicle is very difficult and long, you will constantly lack game credits, there are literally thousands of battles you will just have to earn them on tanks low levels. I recommend that you always remember when visiting the site that this is just computer game and treat it accordingly.

Its free status is worse than the classic paid one. You can pay constantly, this is what the developers force us to do (this is their dream). They want to get you hooked on periodic payments; all paid services make the game much more convenient and give them advantages over regular players. No, this advantage is not so obvious; you can’t point your finger at it, as they say. We are ready to support developers with our own money, calling it support - please. Or you can either find another online game where, by paying once, you get equal opportunities with everyone.

In tanks, you can simply drive for free little by little for your own pleasure and understand that developing a level ten tank will take you a lot of time. The main thing is to know when to stop, because we pay, including with our free time, for the game.

Experiment data

Account – ARBSEdotNET, without using paid services. Exact numbers personal experience games: the development of the heavy German Tiger tank (level seven) took three months. The pure playing time was about 70-80 hours, a thousand battles were fought. I purchased modules and the tanks themselves during holiday promotions. I wish you pleasure from the game and a wise decision regarding the refusal of paid World of Tanks services.

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Aries are often considered selfish, but they simply know how to live for themselves. They are not arrogant at all - they simply do not consider it necessary to smile at everyone they meet. They are not insolent, but they also do not mince words. They are not jealous, but they want to be the only one.

Some believe that there is no one more stubborn than Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. Ha! They simply didn’t try to out-argue Aries! The Aries woman is a real book written for one man. If he didn’t understand it, then it wasn’t written for him! If Aries doesn’t smile, hug him; if it slows down, kiss it; if he throws a tantrum, feed him! It’s strange that Aries have not yet become extinct, given their boundless trust in people and rare straightforwardness.

Many live all week waiting for Friday, all month - waiting for the holiday, all year - waiting for summer, all their lives - waiting for happiness... Aries know how to enjoy every day and enjoy every minute.

Aries's trust is like brain cells: once lost, it cannot be restored. Do not rush to tell Aries that he is bad. Think about it: what forced him not to be good towards you? Don’t deceive Aries: he will prefer the bitter truth to a sweet lie. And he will not forgive anyone for deception! Aries are not ideal - neither in appearance nor in character. But they are the best at being themselves.


Paradise for Taurus is any place on earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses. Men believe that women need cool guys with money... But 90% of Taurus would choose the Bear from the cartoon about Masha. Taurus women can surprisingly combine both , without which it is impossible to live, and with which it is impossible to live...

Well, Taurus can’t stick their tongue up their ass! There was already an awl and a diploma about higher education, and dreams of a chocolate-curly future, and a prince with a horse!

If Taurus wants chocolate, then they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruits, vegetables, salad, fish and so on instead, then they will still eat chocolate! Even if life is an ass, Taurus will find beautiful lace panties for it.

It’s not difficult with Taurus women: hugged, complimented. If nothing comes to mind, ask: “Do you want to eat?” And that’s all: you are the perfect man!

Happiness for Taurus is traveling a lot, eating delicious food and sleeping with a loved one. Yes, Taurus are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, then it is only theirs and no one else's. It doesn't matter whether it's a person or a thing. But they love what Taurus considers “theirs” more than anything in the world. Taurus are so faithful that even when crossing the road they do not look to the left.


Geminis love everyone who treats them well. Even if Geminis don't talk to you often, don't think they don't value you. Geminis are not a piece of cake to be everyone's cup of tea. They are a nut to crack that not everyone can handle! Gemini’s motto: if you can’t, but really want to, then you definitely have to!

Do you know what Geminis want? They want the summer, warm, breath-taking wind of change to blow and blow away everything unnecessary from their lives!

If Gemini decides to make someone happy, then nothing will save the person! You will never be able to find out what is in Gemini’s soul if they don’t want to. But if they trust you, know: you are one of their closest friends!

Geminis can only be surprised by love. Real, sincere, without deception and betrayal. Gemini has already seen everything else. Geminis do not like to impose themselves. When they feel that a person is not treating them the way they used to, they begin to distance themselves.

Gemini women love confident men. Brave, endowed with brains, not chewing cotton wool. Men who decide, take responsibility, think quickly, and do not doubt, create, and do not destroy, think and lead them. Gemini women cannot be re-educated. They can only crash like waves on the rock called " a real man" and calm down.


Cancers don't have time to hate those who hate them because they are too busy loving those who love them. Cancers don't take to heart criticism from someone who hasn't achieved anything in life. If you're asked What do you want more - Cancer or a million euros, answer: Cancer. Because they won’t give you money anyway, but it’s cozy with Cancer!

Sometimes a 90-year-old grandmother moves into Rakov. She mumbles and hates everyone. Cancers have an excellent memory, so when Cancers say “I don’t remember,” they simply don’t want to talk about it. Cancers know how to live in a family best of all. They put their whole soul into it. And in general, it looks like Cancers invented the family!

When Cancers are happy, they don't shut up. But when they are sad, you can’t get a word out of them. The family lasts as long as the Cancers want it. As long as they can endure, stretch, endure, the family will last as long as they can. A marriage breaks down when their patience breaks down.

One of the most important problems of Cancers is that they become very attached to people. When the patience of Cancers reaches its limit, complete chaos begins.

A lion.

Hugging is probably one of the most passionate forms of showing love for Leos because you feel safe and close to the person. It feels like all the sorrows have gone away, and this is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Many women are concerned with the question: “How to keep a man?” But Leo women know that if you want to be truly happy, you shouldn’t live with a man you need to keep.

It’s amazing how little time it takes Leos to move from the stage of “how worried and worried I am” to “oh, go to hell!” For some, Leos are the sun, for others - sunstroke! And for some there is no chance at all... Leo is never alone. Inspiration, appetite, laziness, or fuck-up constantly comes to him!

The strong character of Leo is, as a rule, built from the bricks that were thrown at him. Lions would like God to give them a guardian angel not with wings, but with a club. So that at the right moment - grist! - and Leo immediately realized his mistake and managed to act differently. Before playing with Leo, make sure that Leo is not playing with you.

Leos hate flattery, lies and gossip behind their backs. Don't like something? Tell Leo about it to his face. What was said behind your back will remain there - along with the one who said it. Lions do not want life to be striped like a zebra; they want her to be as bright as a parrot!


Virgo is not a ratio of weight and height, it is a ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence. Virgos quickly get tired of being strong women, they get tired of “understanding”, “getting into position” and “forgiving”. Sometimes Virgos simply hate themselves because take everything to heart.

When Virgo asks something, it is better to answer the truth, because she most likely already knows the answer. Virgo’s wisdom, combined with cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give. Appreciate Virgos who give you a second chance. This means that their love is so strong that their heart is strong enough to give you another try.

Virgo never really worries about the fact that there are many difficulties in her destiny. She uses them, like everything else in her life, to move forward. The best way to end an argument with Virgo is to pretend to be dead.

Smart and meticulous Virgos know how to exert a serious influence on those who have the right to make responsible decisions. And they use it successfully. To maintain relationships, Virgos should use their innate stubbornness in limited quantities.


All Libras have two lives: one is seen by all those who surround them, the other they live alone. Libras would really like to at least sometimes press the “don’t think” button and just enjoy life. What Libra says and what they feel are often different things.

Libras should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose some solution and immediately follow it. Libras need sincere and beautiful feelings, because Libras are also romantics. It is important for them that everything is beautiful. Libra - amazing people: able to find something good in any person.

Libra, like no one else, needs absolute confidence that they are loved. Confidence, more than once supported by action. There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Libra the owls, who, by the will of fate, have to live like larks. Libras very rarely try to tear off people's masks - they understand perfectly well that these are often not masks, but muzzles ...

Libra should periodically try to look at their relationships with people from the point of view of these people: imagine themselves for a second as them, and them as you.


Scorpios are people who desperately need to find a balance between calmness and energy. About 98% of Scorpios' problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped thinking too deeply about these problems. Scorpios owe the strength of their character to those who challenged them in difficult times. stepping on the bandwagon instead of reaching out.

In every Scorpio there live two people: one is calm and silent, and the second appears when the first is offended. And this meeting promises the worst for the offenders! Scorpios can pretend that they did not notice the spit in the soul, but this does not mean that they forgot about it: the rancor of Scorpios is ineradicable.

Scorpio likes people who are easy to communicate with, simple-minded, sincere and who do not hide their feelings. Scorpios should not build fantastic theories to explain people’s incomprehensible behavior - it is better to learn to ask direct questions. Scorpios rarely show aggression right away - they warn, hint, give signs. Don't wait until they run out of patience!

It seems that Scorpios love difficult life situations, because it is in their nature to strive to save someone, get out of a difficult situation and generally turn their life from gray into bright and colorful, filled with emotions and movement. It is about Scorpios that we can say that they are the same “black cats”: if they cross the road, no amount of “pah-pah” will help.


99% of Sagittarius were born so that the road became the meaning of their existence in one way or another. Sometimes friendships simply end. Without betrayal, without quarrels and without reasons - you just become different, and everyone goes their own way. Over the years, the circle of friends becomes narrower. But those who remain are no longer just friends for Sagittarius, but family.

When meeting a Sagittarius, it is advisable (even mandatory if Sagittarius becomes your loved one) to find out exactly how this Sagittarius understands justice. And never to offend this justice is dearer to yourself, believe me! Sagittarius love with their hands. They need to touch you, stroke you, feel you, poke you in the side or tickle you. Doesn't touch - doesn't love.

If a Sagittarius and his girlfriends (also Sagittarius, Aries or Scorpio) are brought together and given a drink, then they can be sent to war as a psychological weapon so that the enemy loses orientation in time and space - and at the same time his combat effectiveness!

Sagittarius women have learned many useful things from men: to knock each other out with a wedge, avoid answering, not call back, choose the best and have fun - but they are often reproached for this by the same men. Sagittarius are not so weak to endure insults, not so strong to forgive them, but not so evil as to take revenge. Therefore, most often they simply turn their backs on the offender. Forever.

Very often, for Sagittarius, circumstances are such that you can hope for anything, but really count only on yourself. Sagittarius loves cozy people, without hidden thorns and deep pools in their character. He loves when you can talk to a person about anything without arguing or finding out who is more right - when it is precisely such intimate conversations and lively, sincere warmth in the relationship that is most important for both. Such people become part of Sagittarius' life, and he worries about them as much as about himself.

Sagittarians are not afraid to admit anything. They are afraid that their confessions will be misunderstood, because most often this is what happens.


Capricorns know that there is a time for everything. There are events whose course no one can change; there is a destiny thanks to which they will sooner or later find their place in life. True Capricorns will never smile at people who are unpleasant to them. But they will behave politely towards everyone - their upbringing will not allow them to descend to rudeness.

By the way, a stranger or a random person will not be able to offend Capricorn: Capricorns cannot be seriously offended by people whom they do not value.

Most Capricorns believe that there is age discrimination: the older Capricorn, the more childish he is. Capricorns love strange people. Capricorns do not like being touched just like that: either there is something between you, or you are a cat, or “don’t touch me please."

If you want to please Capricorn, then be sincere, don’t joke every now and then and don’t use florid words: what is simply, clearly and reasonably said comes to Capricorn the fastest and he likes it the most. Do you know why Capricorns are sometimes called strange and on their own? Because they strive to live the way they want, and not the way many are accustomed to.

If there is a Capricorn among your loved ones, then you are not afraid of any enemies or problems. Capricorn is not afraid of time, distance, or difficulties. After all, they are the ones who help Capricorn realize his strength, become himself and respect himself as an individual!


Sometimes people think that they have some kind of special power over Aquarius. This is not so. Most of all, people are offended by Aquarius because they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations. If Aquarius behaves like a child, then he is happy.

A true Aquarius is characterized by some kind of unearthly intelligence. Aquarians are not surprised by someone’s oddities... They can’t always explain their own! The reality of Aquarius women is such that it is not so much important to have a man nearby as to the absence of an idiot who takes everything out of you vitality.

When all their plans collapse, Aquarians smile, look great and know that if it didn’t work out the way they wanted, then it will be even better later! For Aquarians, the aftertaste very often decides everything. In everything. It all depends on what you feel after - after communication, after a kiss, after a quarrel, after coffee, after a look.

If you meet an Aquarius who is absolutely devoid of energy and strength, who has no desires and who has stopped dreaming, it is not because he is a sad weakling. But because this Aquarius has been very strong for too long. When Aquarians want to escape reality, they withdraw into themselves.


Pisces have an excellent memory: they never forget to treat themselves well. The bad can be forgiven and thrown away, but the good will warm the soul even after years. Pisces will never forget someone who was with them in difficult times.

It’s good that no one can read the thoughts of Pisces, otherwise the image of shy and self-conscious people would go to hell. still waters there are devils - this is about Pisces. Pisces are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.

If you have to choose, instead of the fashionable and eloquent ones, Pisces will choose the economical and silent ones. For Pisces, one person can really become the whole world. Pisces often want to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Looking at the night sky together, discussing something, dreaming together, remembering beautiful and funny moments from the past, being silent meaningfully...

Only a Pisces woman is capable of seriously asking the question: why do I need this man in the house if I solve all my problems myself? Suddenness is the middle name of Pisces! They suddenly became sad, suddenly laughed, suddenly became offended... Pisces are perhaps the most unobtrusive sign of the Zodiac, but if they really need something, they will definitely achieve it. What features would you add?


The title of this article is deliberately slightly provocative. Although, for many unclear, question-raising shadow algorithms in the game, it could be applied much more, however, in the absence of direct evidence, we have to beat around the bush, not stating anything for sure, but only hanging some inconvenient questions in the air, stating some inconvenient, for the guys from Wargaming, facts. So, let's immediately decide that we will not indiscriminately accuse anyone here, but with the force of a couple of article pages we will present here a few, not exactly facts, but conjectures, assumptions and hypotheses. The general meaning of them will be that the gameplay in the popular MMO game is not at all so obvious and fair. In other words, World of Tanks is an arena for fraud on the part of the developers. But, let's take it in order. Maybe everything is completely true not this way.

Banned for asking.

Perhaps it’s worth remembering that this tank action game comes from Belarus, where the deservedly cool morals of the local Old Man were, in part, passed on to some of its citizens. In general, the fact remains: for the slightest hint of foul play or an “inconvenient” question asked on the official gaming forum, the questioner is banned in the shortest possible time, and they do it, sometimes indefinitely. The ban, however, applies not only to the forum, but also to the game. What is the hidden meaning of such harsh treatment of tank fans? Is it possible that the saying comes into force here: - if he is afraid, it means he hears the truth. It is clear that forum provocateurs and rude people need to be punished mercilessly, but when a forum member opens a topic where he asks a simple question about the strange failure of a projectile to penetrate an enemy, or, conversely, about the strange penetration of a loved one, then such a topic will be immediately deleted, but the player may be forgiven for for the first time, but more often you hear stories about unprecedented bans for such questions. A little strange, isn't it?

Red General.

Personally, I heard a legend from a person who heard from another person, who heard from an acquaintance who knows one of the Wargaming programmers who participated in the development of World of Tanks, who allegedly talked about what is often and densely in the form of “red” The commands that are moving towards you are not real players at all, but the most real and official gaming bots. Allegedly, several players there may still be real, but it will be the bots led by the Red General who will set the tone. According to all this word of mouth, the Red General is easy to identify. It's always heavy tank, always in camouflage, always shoots gold, always penetrates everyone and everything, and he, in turn, is almost impossible to penetrate. But the most important thing is that such a General amazingly illuminates almost half the map. Partial proof of this is that it is impossible to engage such a General in a conversation for the simple reason that he is a robot controlled by a system from a fake account. The presence of the Red General and bots on the enemy side can be proven a little this way: take it and agree with the whole team to organize a “rush” along the flank of the map. If bots play for the Reds, then on that “unexpected” flank they will take you and meet you, almost with the whole team. They will meet you and smash you to pieces.

The classic version of the Red General’s participation is to lose with a score of about 2:11 in the first 2-3 minutes of the battle. Moreover, such battles can be repeated 5-10 times in a row. A player caught in such a situation has no choice but to simply disconnect from the game and change the game server, in the hope of a better attitude towards him. Actually, all other complaints not only from paranoids, but also from completely sane tankers boil down to the fact that very often, especially with the release of the latest patches, extremely strange non-penetrations, ricochets and suspicious “one-shots” from very weak opponents began to happen. But more on that a little later.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

If you follow the trend that the developers promote with the release of each new patch in World of Tanks, it is an increase in randomness in the form of strange projectile flight trajectories, supposedly for the benefit of physics, as well as a gradual decrease in accuracy. While working on new models of vehicles and new maps, the developers specifically increased the spread when conducting aimed fire. And the accuracy of self-propelled guns has been reduced to the point of impossibility. Now even the most accurate guns with a pumped-up gunner cannot properly hit an enemy tank. More precisely, it’s possible to hit, but the hit/miss situation rests entirely on the shoulders of the hidden game mechanism of “random numbers.” In-tank mechanics, which, as it were, does not exist, takes upon itself the right to determine the accuracy of a projectile’s flight. The situation is very reminiscent of how UEFA does not want to introduce video replays, supposedly due to the fact that the spectators, having seen the wrong decision of the referee on the scoreboard, will go wild, but in reality, citizens from UEFA, and FIFA, simply do not want to lose another lever for controlling the game in the form of resolving a refereeing issue. It’s the same here: so that there are no unnecessary questions like: “What is this, I aimed accurately, but the projectile flew into the distance?” Therefore, the players' sights have been expanded. If earlier the enemy’s equipment completely fit into the sight circle, now, not really long distance, 3-4 such tanks can be placed in the “point” of the sight. Here's another reason for you to think.

Strange lack of penetration and light.

To begin with, let's talk about glare. Even if we put aside the semi-mythical Red General, the problem with incomprehensible lights has continued to escalate for more than one month. The most typical situation looks something like this: for example, there is a Stug with full optics, crew, illumination, etc. Everyone died, he was alone. Here, as if on command (none of the dead prompted) one of the tanks breaks towards the Stug. And the Stug itself, it must be said, is standing in a hole that is not subject to gunfire. There is no art in the game. In general, first the tank lights up the T-34-85, although the Stug itself does not see it, although it should, and then a deadly blank from the KV-2 arrives with a 152-mm cannon (which has no accuracy at all), which stands half a map later. But this is not enough: the shell hit the Stug with a canopy, because there is no other explanation for HOW the shell could have hit the tank standing at the bottom of a deep hole. Asking questions on a gaming forum is to your own detriment. And there are many such examples. A whole book could be written.

Now for the penetrations. Example: Bat Chat is standing in the bushes, and an IS-8 comes sideways. The chat puts 6 shots from the side from the drum. 5 of them are penetrations. Recharging. Waiting. The same IS-8 is leaving (it’s still a piece of cardboard, I must say). The chat also begins to hit the side. As a result, 0 penetrations out of 6. The chat is drained. There is only one conclusion: the limit of penetrations issued by the system has been “exhausted.” Naturally, the team flies in at 3:15.

And if you remember a lot of incomprehensible incidents that happened with damaged tanks, which in observation mode were quite realistically highlighted to their remaining allies. You can remember a lot, but the main difficulty is that there is no evidence that the developers of World of Tanks are dishonest, and it is unlikely that there will be unless one of the people involved and offended tells a story in the spirit of “I was fired from MTS, so I’ll tell you now...” In the meantime, all that remains is to build hypotheses and wait for WoT fans to come running and explain to you that you are a deer.

If you don’t know what the point is, then know: the point is money.

Having made simple conclusions based on the type of journalists from RenTV, we can firmly say that all the above-described cases may well pursue one single goal - to pump out more money from the players. With the release of the latest patches, which clearly demonstrated that this is how much you earned now, but this is how much you could earn if you played in the “prem”, many strange things began to happen. Many players began to complain that if previously, according to statistics, a specific tank, for example, accounted for about 53% of victories, then over the past few months, victories have dropped to 42% on the same tank. Wild cases of 10-13 terrible drains in a row, etc., have become more frequent.

All these difficulties with aiming, difficulties with penetration, and so on, can be directly related to getting the player to open his wallet and pay real money for premium tank, or purchase a premium account more often. After all, games are made in order to make money from them, so why can’t developers “stimulate” purchasing power a little. It is no secret that during the game at the “premium” level the number of leaks radically decreases, statistics improve, and the player more often ends up in the top. And without a premium, the player is thrown for the amusement of the “premium” tankers, just as they used to throw a boar under the drunken shots of the master. But the boar had no choice at all, but the player does.

So think about it now. On the one hand, there seems to be faith in the pure, eternal and good. It is supported by the lack of material evidence. Convicting developers is not so easy. And on the other hand, the understanding that almost everything in this world is done because of money. So why not tweak a couple of options in order to hurry up the embittered and dissatisfied player a little, and quickly start pouring money into the project in order to increase comfort. Although premium, of course, is not a complete panacea for gaming arbitrariness, when the T 34-85 cannot penetrate the side of the T-50 with its top gun, when you, with optics, a walkie-talkie and a pumped-up “light bulb”, do not see the enemy’s light, and it is you who are being killed along it, without any tracers. Moreover, a characteristic feature of particularly zealous lawlessness is that such symptoms appear when the team is clearly going to waste. It is not beneficial for the system for the team to resist for a long time. The servers are overcrowded, you should die quickly and give way to someone else, and not cling to life with all your might. At the same time, when you see similar symptoms with non-penetration, strange lighting, etc., you immediately realize that you are being “dumped.” As a rule, this idea turns out to be 100% correct.

Not a spiteful afterword.

In general, comrades, this article does not pretend to be the ultimate truth. Moreover, the author in no way pursued the goal of denigrating or slandering anyone there. One could even say that this article contains some of the most striking examples of the ambiguity in the interpretation of game processes in World of Tanks, game physics and other similar things.

Play and win, and if you suddenly start losing, then add a little money to your account and you will immediately see that life will become better, life will become more fun. To the cabins!