Indoor plants that love shade in the apartment. Shade-loving indoor plants for northern windows. Decorative foliage shade-loving indoor plants

Anyone who has even a little experience with floriculture knows: one of the main reasons why plants have difficulty taking root in apartments is an acute lack of light. Even on the windowsills of bright, southern windows, the amount of light is tens of times less than on the street. What can we say about the more shaded areas of the house! Already at a distance of about a meter from the window, the flow of light is significantly less than on the windowsill. That is why shade-tolerant indoor plants have always been in special demand among nature lovers.

They have become especially popular in recent decades, as the layout and design of premises become more diverse and non-traditional. The number of residential and office premises with a large area is increasing, which you always want to “revive” with at least one large plant that can survive and look good away from windows, in the shade.

What is a shadow

This simple children's question is not so simple when it comes to floriculture. After all, the concepts of “shadow” and “penumbra” are very relative and subjective. For example, the window sill of a north window will already be a shadow for a plant; light-loving specimens will not grow here. If you go further, into the depths of the room, then at a distance of a meter or three meters from the window, the flow of light will differ by a factor of 10, although the human eye practically does not detect this difference.

There is a simple and time-tested technique developed by flower growers. If you have good eyesight and are able to this place read a newspaper text at noon, then shade-tolerant copies can be placed here. If the newspaper is difficult to read, the place is too dark even for hardy plants. Yes, you can keep a flower pot here, but additional lighting will be required, especially in autumn-winter. And this is a completely different topic for conversation.

Groups of shade-tolerant plants

Usually shade-tolerant flowers are those that in natural, natural conditions, are accustomed to living in partial shade. This could be the lower floor of the forest, thick grass, deep gorges - all places where direct sunlight rarely reaches. Breeders and gardeners used the natural property of such species and developed it, breeding varieties and hybrids in which the ability to live with a lack of light was specially enhanced. And, to the delight of amateur gardeners, there were quite a few similar plants! They can be divided into several popular groups:

  1. Shade-tolerant indoor plants that can bloom beautifully.
  2. Decorative deciduous shade-tolerant indoor plants.
  3. Lianas, climbing, and shade-tolerant species.
  4. Large specimens and palms that can grow in the shade.

Now we will look at popular shade-tolerant indoor plants, their names and descriptions, separately for each of the selected groups.

Blooming shade-tolerant houseplants

Unfortunately, there are fewer of them. Still, plants need more light to bloom; very few are able not only to stoically endure the twilight, but also to delight the world with their flowers. As a rule, these species do not bloom in the depths of the room: either on the northern windowsill, or very close to the windows. That is, their destiny is the “light zone” of penumbra.


Everyone knows the Uzambara violet. It can bloom successfully on north-facing window sills, on a table near the window, and in other similar places. Easy to care for, popular plant that requires regular room temperature and regular watering.


Also a well-known, common plant. Eat great amount its varieties blooming with beautiful, large flowers. Begonia can be safely called an unpretentious species.


Able to look great and bloom on a northern windowsill. Its white flowers look great against the background of dark green elongated leaves. A little more capricious than previous types, it requires regular spraying or increased air humidity.


One of the representatives of bromeliads. In nature, it grows in the shade of trees, so it can withstand lack of light. During flowering, bright flower “arrows” grow from the rosette of leaves and live for quite a long time. Requires little high humidity air and regular watering. It is important that there is always water left inside the leaf rosette. In addition to Vriesia, it can bloom on northern windows whole line other bromeliads.


Its inflorescence, similar to an umbrella attached to a powerful peduncle, can surprise with its beauty. At proper care flowering will occur even with a clear lack of light, and the plant has beautiful not only flowers, but also a powerful foliage rosette. Fertile soil and regular watering are all that is required from the owner.


It can bloom for months, pleasing the eye with graceful bell flowers. Like Saintpaulia, it belongs to the Gesneriaceae, it is easily propagated, hundreds of its varieties have been bred. It is rightly considered easy to care for, requiring only high air humidity.


This orchid is also called " pansies" A relatively easy-to-care plant that blooms regularly even on northern windowsills. The main difficulty is maintaining high humidity near the flower. A small, compact humidifier is best for this. Loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts.

It should be added that not only miltonia is a shade-tolerant orchid. Even many varieties of well-known phalaenopsis will bloom successfully on a north window.

Decorative deciduous shade-tolerant plants

There are many more of them than blooming ones. And this is understandable, because it is much easier for a plant to simply grow foliage than to lay flower buds and develop flowers. This group is valued for its beautiful leaves and attractive crown. They are able to live away from windows, and among them, as a rule, are the most shade-tolerant of indoor plants.

Chlorophytum crested

One of the most persistent shade-tolerant home plants, a regular in kitchens, offices and utility rooms. Tolerates everything: deep shade, temperature changes, irregular watering. It can even survive on some shelf in the back of the room. The main thing is to grow it in this place from the very beginning, “from childhood.” Cute, varieties have been created with various shapes leaves with variegated colors.


Famous " pike tail" In terms of unpretentiousness and shade tolerance, I can compete with chlorophytum. The plant is so flexible that it can live both in deep shade and in bright sun. Varieties with variegated leaf color have been bred, but in the shade the brightness of the pattern fades.

Attention! This is important for all ornamental shade-tolerant plants. If their leaves have a variegated color, multi-colored spots and stains, this pattern does not stand out so brightly in shaded areas, often completely disappearing. By increasing the illumination, the variegation can be increased again, but this will take a lot of time.

Japanese aucuba

For its noticeable golden spots on the leaves it received the beautiful nickname “golden tree”. At good care grows into a one and a half meter tree that lives for many years. The shade-tolerant indoor plant is moderate in all its requirements and lends itself well to pruning and shaping. If possible, provide it with slightly increased air humidity.


This small, shade-tolerant plant fits perfectly on a kitchen shelf or on a table in the back of the office. Beautiful leaves with variegated veins do not lose their expressiveness even in deep shade. True, this bush will require regular watering, spraying, and generally high humidity.


The plant is resistant in all respects, which is why it is called the “iron lady”. The leaves seem to be strewn with silvery powder, but if you plan to “drive” your pet into dense shade, it is better to immediately take varieties with green foliage - white drawing gradually disappears in the shadows. However, there are still beautiful green leaves, reminiscent of lily of the valley leaves! This species requires a cool winter.

Multi-row sickle-shaped

Representative of ferns. There is an opinion that ferns are shade-tolerant indoor plants, but this is not always true. But in the case of this plant - quite! The main difficulty in its maintenance is the plant’s love of coolness: in summer it requires 18-20ºС, in winter - about +10°С. But remember how many cold rooms we have that could be decorated with this fern!

In addition to the multi-row variety, shade-tolerant and popular ferns are considered nephrolepsis And maidenhair. As a rule, they still prefer to “get closer” to at least the northern window, and besides, they need to be regularly sprayed and humidified the surrounding air.

Aglaonema variable

The color of the leaves of this species from the araceae family can compete with the buds of many flowers. And the shape of the leaves can be very diverse. Can grow in deep shade and is generally considered an unpretentious species. Perhaps you should still pay attention to the increase in air humidity. Dense bushes can range in size from 30 to 60 cm and look very decorative.

Shade-tolerant vines and climbing plants

They are grown in hanging pots, baskets, they decorate walls and corners, high stands and supports. Sometimes vine-like, shade-tolerant indoor plants are used to hide an interior detail or decorate an empty corner of a room.

Epipremnum (aka scindapsus)

Indoor vine, one of the most popular house plants. It grows quickly, the lashes reach several meters in length. Very unpretentious appearance, flexible, adaptable to any conditions. Several species and many varieties are cultivated: both with completely green and variegated leaves. Leaf sizes also vary greatly.

Indoor ivy (Hedera).

Fast-growing lashes descend from hanging planter, forming a kind of “ green waterfall" However, there are varieties with variegated leaves; they are more light-loving. A persistent shade-tolerant plant that is not afraid of temperature changes or irregular watering. Perfect for decorating a large corner of a room or a section of wall.


Known to many flower growers. There are species with huge leaves, and there are more miniature ones. But in any case, the openwork leaves of Monstera are always a pleasant pleasure to the eye. It grows well both in height and horizontally, obeying the support. Loves high humidity, but adapts to dry air.


The once incredibly popular shade-tolerant indoor plants are now a little out of fashion, but in vain! Many types of Tradescantia have variegated foliage that looks great in elegant planters. And how unpretentious this plant is! It just needs to be watered on time. Tradescantia is often used as a ground cover plant, but it perfectly performs the role of a hanging plant.


It is popularly known as “indoor grapes”. The leaves are large, reminiscent of chestnut. She is characterized by a special elegance of appearance, but this beauty requires appropriate “stages”. The liana grows quickly and powerfully and is capable of weaving an entire wall, so it is more appropriate in large offices and hallways with high ceilings. Can also be used in an ordinary living room where there is a lot of free space.

Palm and large-sized

Their self-sufficiency and ability to look appropriate in splendid isolation do not leave you indifferent! Decorators and designers adore them, using plants to decorate interior spaces.

Ficus rubbery

An ancient popular plant with large, expressive leaves. Very undemanding, can grow away from windows. Just don’t forget about timely watering and periodic wiping. sheet plate from dust.


Its appearance resembles a palm tree (many consider it a palm tree). Loves moisture, both in the soil and in the air. It still prefers not the densest shade; it grows well near windows.


Appeared in our apartments relatively recently. Hybrid of fatsia and ivy. It can quickly form a green “pyramid” in a bright corridor, reminiscent of a clothes hanger. Loves plenty of fresh air.


One of the shade-tolerant palm trees (of which, by the way, there are very few). Like all palm trees, it attracts with the delicacy of its leaves. Quite a demanding plant that loves wet air, regular spraying and high-quality watering. It looks great if you plant several specimens in a large pot at once.


Indoor plants that require virtually no care.

Agree, nothing decorates the interior of your home better than bright flowers in cute little pots. These house plants not only delight the eye with a riot of colors, but also bring benefits by absorbing harmful substances synthetic furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains and other details of your interior.

Some house plants have medicinal properties and have been indispensable in many families. But sometimes caring for indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge, and not everyone can handle it.

If you are a beginner gardener, are often away, or housework takes a lot of time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special conditions care, but will be able to decorate your home no worse than expensive and exotic ones.

1. Aloe or agave

Perhaps the most popular indoor plant of our mothers and grandmothers, primarily due to its medicinal properties. Everyone knows its ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And aloe juice perfectly helps with a runny nose. All types of this plant are typical succulents, great lovers of sunlight. They do not like frequent watering and are great for those who have to spend most of their time outside the home. A sunny place in the house is chosen for them, on a windowsill or on sunny verandas, and in summer aloe can be taken out to open air. You should not try to create for them in winter artificial lighting fluorescent lamps. This leads to stretching of the plant and loss appearance. It is better to keep it in a cool, bright place and water it once a month. Excessive watering can cause plant roots to rot. In summer, aloe is watered only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried.

This is a fairly unpretentious indoor plant, which is not difficult to grow even for beginners. indoor floriculture. Chlorophytum can be classified as both sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. It feels best in a bright or slightly dark place. The bright color of the variegated forms is slightly lost in the shadows. This plant easily tolerates direct sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleans the room of harmful gases.

There are several types of this indoor plant. Two of them are very easy to care for. These are Dracaena marginata and Dracaena draco. They tolerate shade and do not require frequent watering and spraying. IN modern houses and dracaena offices serve decorative decoration thanks to its exotic appearance.

If you can’t grow an orchid or an orange tree, and all your attempts end in complete failure, don’t be discouraged! Start with Sansevieria. This very beautiful indoor plant of the Agave family can be classified as “indestructible”. It tolerates shade and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. It also protects against the accumulation of harmful substances released by linoleum and synthetics. In bright sunshine, Sansevieria can even bloom, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and low temperature. It is not necessary to repot it, but when it grows too many roots, the pot itself may crack. It is better to purchase two flowers at once, because in itself this is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

If you want prosperity and abundance to come to your home, and good luck to accompany all your endeavors, buy home plant called Crassula, popularly known as Money Tree. It does not bloom, but it grows to enormous sizes, has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green hue, does not require special care, but does not like waterlogging and dark corners. Will decorate the interior of any home or office.

6. Abutilon (indoor maple)

Another unpretentious, but very effective indoor plant. His large flowers They are bell-shaped and come in different colors: white, pink, yellow, red, and the leaves are similar to maple. Hence the name. Abutilone tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and a pot with this plant can be placed on the windowsill or at some distance from it. They need to be watered a little - otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: you just need to enrich the soil with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants once every three weeks. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly humidifies the air.

The second name of this plant is Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful cup flowers. U different varieties This plant has different flower colors. Most often these are red flowers, but there are also white, pink, and even speckled ones. Hibiscus blooms all year round, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in your apartment. This flower loves light and should be kept on the windowsill. It also needs to be watered and fed regularly in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

If there is not a lot of light in your house, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely unsuitable, feel free to plant Fatsia japonica. This is a shade-tolerant and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful leaves, similar to chestnut leaves. It feels great even close to the battery central heating and at the same time well humidifies the air in the room, promotes healthy sleep.

These are very unusual indoor plants. In appearance, they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to Spartan living conditions: they grow on stones, and in winter they do not require watering at all. Very different in shape and color, these “living stones” will be an excellent decoration for your room, and in the spring they will delight you with unusual flowers.

Geranium attracts attention with its bright flowering, which can also be safely classified as an unpretentious houseplant. Geranium is rightfully considered a symbol home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the 17th century. Nowadays, numerous varieties of flowers amaze the imagination with their variety of colors and shapes. And if you don’t have enough time to care for it more carefully, the geranium will still bloom, but not as profusely.

11. Kalanchoe

This houseplant, like aloe, has long been known as medicinal plant, requiring no maintenance. Recently, many beautiful flowering Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared. You can rarely water the plant. This shade-tolerant flower, which tolerates sudden temperature changes without problems, blooms for a long time and grows slowly, which is why it does not need frequent replanting.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise your friends and relatives with flowering indoor plants, buy a cactus or create an entire collection. It doesn't take much time, and caring for it is quite easy. There are many types of cacti that develop well and bloom stably on windowsills every year. Most persistent species These plants turned out to be small and spherical. Cactus flowers have the most various shades. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will decorate any room.

The ficus family has a very wide variety of representatives. Among them there are completely unpretentious ones that do not require special care: rubber ficus, ficus lyre-shaped. They successfully neutralize harmful impurities in the air and have special energy, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort. Most of them fit perfectly into any interior style.

A very popular houseplant due to its flower, which looks like white calla. It blooms periodically without any intervention on our part. Spathiphyllum is shade-tolerant, does not require special care, and does not like excessive soil moisture (the roots may rot). In addition to its beautiful appearance, spathiphyllum perfectly moisturizes the air.

Very beautiful flowering plant, as if specially created for dark places indoors. Begonia does not like bright light. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant. They all bloom profusely and have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonia tolerates heat and coolness equally well. But they need high air humidity. You should not spray the leaves, as they love direct contact with water. To prevent the roots from drying out, the begonia needs to be watered regularly.

IN dark rooms or in the corners of the room where a minimum of light penetrates, you can successfully grow plants that do not need a lot of light. Growth conditions with a lack of light are called following conditions: at a distance of a meter or more from a window facing north, at a distance from 1 m to 3 m from a window facing east/west, at a distance from 4.5 m to 9 m from a window facing south.

Spathiphyllum floribundum

Due to the fact that spathiphyllum is very easy to grow, it has become one of the most popular indoor plants. Spathiphyllum will feel great both in rooms with bright light and in dark rooms. Spathiphyllum have shiny, dark green foliage and flat, sail-like flowers. Spathiphyllum loves cool weather and grows up to 30 - 45 cm in height.

Pteris fern (Filicales Pteris)

Pteris fern, however, like any other fern, will grow well in the darkest corners of the room. Pteris fern is an elegant plant, the branches of which have a light green outline and a silvery center; there are species of this fern with entirely green branches.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria tsifasciata)

Sansevieria is one of the largest indoor plants that grows well in dark rooms. It can grow up to 1.2 m in height. Mother-in-law’s tongue is also good for beginner “naturalists” who still lack experience. Its strong, sharp leaves grow straight upward, their colors are also interesting: mother-in-law's tongue combines dark green with light green stripes; more variegated species with bright yellow stripes are also common.


Diefenbachia has a tall, erect stem and luxurious dark green leaves with almost white spots. Trying to taste Diefenbachia juice will cause severe swelling of the tongue and mouth.


Different types of aglaonema are represented by plants of different heights. These are hardy plants that will suit virtually any conditions, making aglaonema a great choice for busy people. Aglaonema has a large number of narrow stems with large oval leaves. The color scheme is also varied: silver, green, chartreuse and cream. The sap of these plants is poisonous - something to remember! So these plants should be kept away from small children and pets, especially if they like to munch on something fresh and green.

Calathea makoyana

Calathea Makoya - a perennial with dark green foliage, marked with white, light green, or burgundy stripes, Calathea Makoya blooms with purple or white flowers. The homeland of this plant is eastern Brazil; it reaches a height of up to 1.2 m and tolerates full shade well. Calathea makoya can grow even outdoors, but in USDA hardiness zones (Ministry of Agriculture USA) 11 - 12, where the annual temperature does not fall below +4ºС. It needs moist, well-draining soil and aerosol irrigation every two to three days. To maintain high local humidity, try placing under the calathea pot a well-suited stand filled with pebbles and water. After flowering, reduce watering and let Calathea Makoya rest. The period of rest it is entitled to is from autumn to the end of winter, just before the beginning of spring, start watering it abundantly again.

Epipremnum (or scindapsus) golden (Epipremnum aureum)

Epipremnum aureus - easy to care for climbing plant with beautiful heart-shaped foliage, the surface of which has yellow and white stripes. The plant propagates easily. Indoors, scindapsus reaches maximum length 2.5 m. Buy your golden epipremnum a moss pole and it will feel right at home. It’s easy to control the growth and shape of the epipremnum; you just need to pluck off unnecessary shoots. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, but mist the plant frequently during periods of vigorous growth. Minimum temperature for epipremnum +13ºС and suitable USDA zones 10 - 12.

Tricolor arrowroot (Maranta leuconeura)

Arrowroot tricolor is a low-growing, perennial evergreen that blooms with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are light green, but have red or burgundy veins; Arrowroot folds its leaves at night and they resemble palms folded in prayer, from where English name This plant is a “praying plant.” Arrowroot tricolor comes from Brazil, it grows up to 30 cm in height. Arrowroot tricolor - a good option For hanging basket if you provide her humid environment. It is recommended to frequently spray this plant, pour pebbles into the tray and make sure that there is always water in it. You need to keep the soil in the pot moist until autumn, then the arrowroot begins its seasonal rest, during which there is no need for such frequent watering. The time to resume regular watering is early spring. Arrowroot tricolor can grow outdoors in USDA zones 11 - 12.

Dracaena marginata

Dracaena fringe is a guest from the island of Madagascar. This plant is very unpretentious and will not cause you any special trouble. Dracaena - evergreen, which, if you're lucky, will delight you with fragrant white flowers. Dracaena leaves age and fall off - this is a normal phenomenon and does not indicate poor care. Dracaena Marginata is tolerant of lack of light, drought-resistant, and belongs to frost hardiness zones 10-12 according to the USDA classification. This dracaena can grow up to 2 m high indoors, but you can prune and propagate it.

All dracaenas are easily propagated by apical cuttings, and if you cannot plant the cutting immediately, treat the cut with paraffin - the dracaena will easily tolerate this temporary position and take root well when the waiting period is over. Dracaena does not like drafts of any kind. We also recommend that you provide the dracaena with regular spraying, or place the pot with the dracaena on wet pebbles.

Translation: Anna Zhurbenko
especially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

Today the editors of Useful Tips will tell you about indoor plants that take root well in dark rooms and do not require special care. They will help refresh the air in your home and decorate any corner of it with the charm inherent only in greenery.

Which plants to choose for dimly lit rooms

1. Aglaonema

Aglaonema will become excellent choice for beginners. She is unpretentious and feels great in dark rooms.

2. Aspidistra elatior

Tolerant of shade, cold and heat, this plant will test your patience for only one reason - it develops more slowly than other plants.

3. Calathea

Calathea will surprise you with the variety of leaf colors and will become a chic decoration for your home. Due to the fact that this plant does not tolerate the sun, the best place for it will be rooms with poor natural lighting.

4. Chlorophytum comosum

This plant perfectly purifies the air and does not require much light or special care. Therefore, it can often be found in apartments and public institutions.

5. Dracaena

Despite the fact that dracaena resembles tropical palms, direct sunlight can simply burn its leaves. Therefore, place it where it will be protected from light.

6. Dieffenbachia

Not requiring special care, Dieffenbachia will decorate any interior. It does not require much sunlight, so it survives well even in rooms with closed curtains.

7. Neoregelia

This plant, belonging to the Bromeliad genus, is content even with artificial light, so it will be an excellent choice for the bathroom.

8. Philodendron cordatum

This plant has taken a special place in the hearts of gardeners. Probably because it fits well in dark places and perfectly purifies the air. We recommend removing some leaves to speed up its growth.

9. Fern

All fern-like plants are an excellent solution for those who want to decorate rooms with poor lighting with plants. Unpretentious to sunlight, they require a lot of water. Therefore, water your ferns thoroughly and periodically spray their leaves so that they delight you with lush greenery.

10. Sansevieria or Mother-in-law's Tongue

The very unpretentious sansevieria will not be scared by darkness. This is probably why it was so popular among lovers of indoor plants.

11. Soleirolia soleirolii

This plant is called "baby tears" due to its small leaves. It needs a lot of water, so we do not recommend planting it in the same pot with other plants.

12. Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is unpretentious in care and does not require direct sun rays no regular watering. Therefore, it will pleasantly surprise those who often forget to water their indoor plants.

Watch the video and learn more about plants that don't require much sunlight to thrive.

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Not everyone likes to care for plants, and not everyone has time to follow all the recommendations for caring for flowers, and not every room has enough light for normal plant growth. But everyone will agree that greenery decorates homes and offices, bringing freshness and comfort to them. That is why people are often interested in what indoor plants can grow in the shade, when minimal care.

Indoor plants that grow in the shade - photo and name

Some of the plants listed below grow quietly in shade or partial shade, but there are also those for which direct sunlight is harmful. Indoor plants growing in the shade are usually decorative deciduous; even if they bloom, their flowers do not represent any decorative value. Indoor plants growing in the shade are usually undemanding to other care rules.

What indoor plants grow in the shade?



Aglaonema is easily recognized by its variegated oblong leaves, and there can be many colors. The plant is classified as a slow-growing and very unpretentious plant; direct sunlight is destructive for it. It grows wonderfully in shade, but if kept without light, the leaves may lose their variegated color.



Aspidistra is probably the most unpretentious plant, this plant will not be harmed by rare and irregular watering, neither stuffy and dry air, nor the lack of sufficient lighting. The only thing that destroys the leaves of a plant is direct sunlight.



Asplenium has a second name - Nesting Kostenets. This plant loves shade and moist air; dry air is destructive for it, so you should not place it near heating radiators.



Like all shade-loving plants Helxin burns in direct sunlight. The plant itself resembles forest moss; many thin grassy branches are covered with small green leaves. In a pot, the plant covers the entire soil like a rug. The plant loves humidity and timely watering.



Dracaena is popularly called a false palm tree, since during the growth process the trunk becomes bare and a lush bunch of leaves remains at the top. The fringed dracaena is considered the most unpretentious; it is not afraid of either shadow or absence regular care, nor a decrease in temperature. But better conditions illumination is still considered partial shade.



This plant is a record holder for its unpretentiousness; zamiakulkas is not harmed by either poor or excessive lighting, or lack of watering and fertilizing. In case of prolonged drought, the plant will simply shed its leaves, and after watering it will release them again.



Kalanchoe, like the rest of the plants listed above, can do without care for quite a long time and feels great in the shade. The plant also easily withstands temperature changes and drought.

Crassula oval

Crassula oval

Crassula or money tree requires minimal care, frequent watering and he doesn't need any transplants. Loose soil and lack of direct sunlight are the secrets of success.



Ferns in nature are accustomed to growing in the shade at the foot of mighty trees that block the light, but, as a rule, they need good humidity air. You should not place them near radiators. Regular watering is required.


Ivies, like ferns, cover the forest floor at the base of the trees, and therefore shade is what they need. But ivy, like ferns, needs high humidity.



This plant, like aspidistra, can be considered a record holder for unpretentiousness. Sansevieria grows well both in the shade and in the sun, in conditions of high humidity and dry air; drafts and drying out of the soil will also not harm the plant. Only stagnation of water is harmful to the plant.


The plant does not tolerate hot and dry air well. Shade and coolness are the key to success in growing tolmia. Ideal for growing in offices.

Philodendron climbing

Philodendron climbing

This plant is a tropical vine, so bright light harmful to her. The plant grows well in the shade, but requires high humidity. You can grow the vine on a support, or simply in a hanging pot.

Ficus dwarf

Ficus dwarf

Dwarf ficus is classified as a ground cover plant; its thin stems are completely covered with small heart-shaped leaves. The plant does not tolerate bright sunlight, but loves moisture and timely watering; frequent transplants are also harmful.



Chlorophytum is not only unpretentious and undemanding in care, but also very useful. The plant is not afraid of drought and cold, dry air and draft. The plant grows well in the shade and in the sun, and in addition absorbs harmful substances from the air.