Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country. Communism is Soviet power electrification

Communism is Soviet authority electrification?
Communism is Soviet power + electrification of the entire country?

Communism is the Soviet power of soldiers, workers, peasants (poor peasants) deputies plus electrification of the entire country!
Has the light bulb lit up in the Kremlin? And in the commissariats? And in the financial department? Then you can move on to the new part: Communism is the strictest accounting.
Is the bread missing? Then the New Economic Policy - let’s not call it communism, the peasants will perceive it as People’s Communism itself.

Have the neighbors settled down? Will the people run away? International terrorism and the danger of external aggression. We will urgently buy 300 American factories for the production of weapons and call the project industrialization.

The best tool
In the countryside, in the countryside?
Without irony in response,
Honestly, serenely!

Merikos are good
They know: “mini tractor”.
The Russians are fine.
Guess! Not a tractor?

A hundred years have already passed,
The industry has come to everyone.
Only here in a shovel,
All the hope is in the house.

Tractor plows in the garden
From the fence like in a den,
Is a shovel better?
Sorry about your back, guys.

Note Tractor MTZ_80

Mini tractor with power from 80 hp and higher (not 12 hp) at gear transmission from the engine to the wheels and other suspensions - this is the beginning of the independence of the mind from any community, the beginning of the end of the dominance of the rabid majority over the intelligent qualified minority, the beginning of the disintegration of the majority, the replacement of draft physical force with the power of an electronic robot controlled by an independent person.

Tens of thousands were built by 1939 wooden planes(maize workers) and other rubbish, they cast tens of thousands of gasoline high-speed tanks and lost everything, abandoned them with the commissars during three months of fighting in 1941 due to a lack of gasoline and spare parts.
To build more and then throw away the trash? There are still raw materials left, but there is not enough money. Yes, and there is no desire.


Actually, V.I. Lenin said this: Communism is Soviet power plus the election of the entire country, plus American efficiency, plus the German organization of production... His phrase was emasculated to spite the bourgeoisie...

IN AND. Lenin said this: Communism is Soviet power plus the power of the entire country, plus American efficiency, plus German organization of production...

So this radically changes the essence of the issue.
I read about this somewhere, but it was a long time ago.
Searched the net
NOVEMBER 20-22, 192018
......... Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country, because without electrification it is impossible to raise industry. This task is long-term, no less than 10 years, provided that a mass of technicians are involved in this work, who will give the Congress of Soviets whole line printed documents where this plan is developed in detail29
Where can I find your source?

I read about this in a closed collection of works by VIL over 20 years ago, which were not included in the PSS, and despite the fact that I have an excellent memory, I cannot specifically name the source, since I did not set out to remember it, there was no need. There were a lot of notes and orders from VIL that put him in a completely different light. Even then, I understood why He and his allies, relying on 4% of the Russian population, were able not only to retain the gains of the ECOC, but also to resist almost the entire world that had taken up arms.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Currently, the people's most cherished dreams and aspirations are being realized.

Now, when I am in the dazzlingly lit hall of the Bolshoi Theater and look around at the gold and purple velvet tiers with the smartly dressed audience, I involuntarily remember this hall in the winter of 1920...

On December 22, 1920, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets met here, the agenda of which was the Lenin-Stalin plan for the electrification of Russia. The atmosphere of this meeting can be judged from the description of Alexei Tolstoy:

“In the five-tiered hall of the Bolshoi Theater, in the fog inhaled by people, hundreds of reddish light bulbs barely glowed. It was cold as in a cellar. When the map of the electrification of Russia flashed, the dull gold of the tiers in the hall began to flicker, and tense, thin faces became visible, with eyes widened by attention... People in the auditorium, who had a handful of oats issued by Today, instead of bread, without breathing, we listened to the dizzying but material prospects of the revolution, which is embarking on the path of creativity.”

I vividly remember the delegates to the congress - soldiers, workers and peasants - and on the podium - Vladimir Ilyich, who, holding up the GOELRO plan in front of him, said: “In my opinion, this is our second party program...

Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country.”

In the harsh winter conditions of 1920, Lenin and Stalin put forward electrification as the main task of the young republic.

The adoption of the GOELRO plan was a global event and caused a whole storm of malicious criticism and ridicule among the enemies of the Soviet regime.

Leading the defeat of the White Guards and interventionists at the fronts, Stalin, together with Lenin, not only defended the GOELRO plan from enemies, but put its implementation on a practical track.

Stalin's attitude to the GOELRO plan is clear from his remarkable letter to Lenin, which is now well known to every Soviet person.

“An excellent, well-written book,” wrote Stalin. - A masterful sketch of a truly united and truly state economic plan without quotes. The only Marxist attempt in our time to bring economically backward Russia under the Soviet superstructure is truly real and the only technical and production base possible under current conditions... to begin an immediate practical approach to the matter...”

In his letter, Comrade Stalin outlined a whole program of practical measures to ensure the expansion of work to implement the GOELRO plan.

Almost thirty years have passed since this remarkable letter was written, and always, during large-scale undertakings, scientists and engineers again and again turn to this text, in which Stalin, with the greatest skill and determination at that harsh time, built a bridge from theory to practice, providing for all the necessary initial activities for the great construction.

The teachings of Lenin and Stalin on electrification are a rich contribution to world progressive science. No one has yet dared to shake the fundamental tenets of this teaching. Here are its main principles: electrification of the entire country as the basis for creating the most advanced productive forces; systematic re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy, culture and everyday life based on their electrification; electricity production at central and regional power plants; widespread use of local low-grade fuels for electricity production; construction of hydroelectric power plants taking into account the integrated solution of water management problems (energy, transport, irrigation, etc.); creation of energy systems that gradually grow into a unified electric power system of the country; uniform and rational placement electric power economy and productive forces in the country, taking into account the rise of backward regions, etc.

Comrade Stalin, who deeply appreciated the significance and role of the electrification plan for the destinies of the Soviet Republic, is consistently developing it more fully and achieving not only its implementation, but also its overfulfillment.

Already at the XIV Party Congress, Comrade Stalin, in the political report of the Central Committee, summing up the first results, said:

“The issue of electrification should be especially noted. The GOELRO plan in 1921 planned for the construction of 30 power plants with a capacity of 1,500 thousand kilowatts and a cost of 800 million within 10-15 years.

gold rubles. Before October revolution The power plant capacity was 402 thousand kilowatts. To date, we have built stations with a capacity of 152.35 thousand kilowatts and 326 thousand kilowatts are scheduled for commissioning in 1926. If development proceeds at this pace, then in 10 years, i.e. By approximately 1932 (the minimum target date), the plan for electrification of the USSR will be implemented.”

Comrade Stalin's words came true brilliantly.

According to the main indicators, the electrification plan was completed in 1931. As soon as possible, i.e. 15 years later (1936), it was exceeded by almost 3 times.

  • Experience of Building Communism in a Single Country
    You cannot build communism in the country in which you live. This must be a country taken separately for the construction of communism. Therefore, before building, you need to choose a country. It could be America, Germany. France. A country that is economically developed and has not yet been ruined by the construction of communism. Switzerland is good both because of its nature and because of its banks in which you can invest capital. Because no matter how rich the country is, you need to come to it only with your own capital. It’s even better to first transfer there the capital you need to build communism. The essential question is where to get capital. It is usually taken from someone else's property. At the first stage, through its nationalization, and at the second, through privatization. First, someone else's property is nationalized into state property, and then state property is privatized into private property, but this time one's own. The main thing is to dump the economy in the state so that it is in bad condition, and then take what is bad, transport it to a separate country and build it there

    “What is Horizon?”
    - What is communism?
    - You walk down the street and there are cars. You take any for free and go. As you drive, you see jeans. You take any for free and move on. You drive out to the square, and there is beer, barrels, barrels, and a mug is chained to each one. This is communism.
    Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Jewish

    Socialism is communism minus the electrification of the entire country.

    At the request of his fellow tribesmen, the Chukchi went to Moscow to find out when communism will happen. The Chukchi comes to see Gorbachev and asks: “When will there be communism?” - Look: you see, there is my “Volga”, “Volga” by Lukyanov, “Volga” by Ligachev. When your Volga is standing next to you, then, consider it, there will be communism. The Chukchi returned to the camp. - Did you find out? - I found out. You see, there are my high boots, your high boots and more high boots. When Gorbachev’s high boots stand nearby, then, consider it, there will be communism

    “everyone shuts up in fear”
    - What does the word “CUBA” mean?
    - Communism off the coast of America.

    Is it true that after entering Soviet troops Communism came to Czechoslovakia? - Is it true. Electrification in Czechoslovakia has been carried out for a long time.

    “Who is feeling good now?”
    - What is capitalism?
    - This is an unequal distribution of wealth.
    - What is communism?
    - This is an unequal distribution of poverty.

    If socialism is: “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat,” then communism: - Eat!!! - I don’t want...

    The American President once turned to God:
    - Lord, when will unemployment end in my country?
    God answered: “In a hundred years.”
    The American President said: “I won’t live long!” - and began to cry.
    The French President asks God:
    God answered: “In a hundred years.
    The French President said: “I won’t make it!” - and began to cry.
    Our Secretary General asks God:
    - Lord, when will communism be built in my country?
    God said: “I won’t live long!” - and began to cry.

    “Operator Ordered to Write About Everyone”
    A resident of one of the western regions of Ukraine is accepted into the party. He is asked:
    - Do you imagine what communism is, the construction of which is our task?
    - That’s why life is so garne, if you live so well... Well, it was for Poland.

    “Why did you need it?”
    An American billionaire came to the USSR, bought everything in GUM and announced a free distribution of goods. There was a dump, there were killed and wounded.
    They ask: - Why did you need this? Billionaire: - I wanted to see communism with my own eyes - I distributed it according to needs...

    Two people are fighting.
    - Yes, you are a goat!
    - Am I the goat?
    - You don’t even look like a goat!
    - Who - I don’t look like?!
    "Communism is nothingness."
    A. Solzhenitsyn
    "Bolshevism is not a policy, it is a disease."
    W. Churchill
    "The Party solemnly proclaims: the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism."
    From the Report of the CPSU Central Committee, which was delivered by N. S. Khrushchev at the XXI Party Congress
    “We reach such heights from where the shining peaks of communism are visibly visible.”
    N. S. Khrushchev

    Leaders of the People
    Gromyko to Carter: “In the coming years, we would like to purchase grain from you in large quantities. - Please! - We would also like to purchase a batch of modern computers from you. - Fine! - How do you feel about selling us a number of technological patents? - Why not? - Mr. President, it would be nice to link these transactions into one comprehensive agreement. - Wonderful! We will conclude an agreement under which the United States undertakes to build communism in the USSR

    Poster at the Artillery Academy: Our goal is communism

    How do we know that communism has already arrived?
    - will be announced on the radio and in newspapers. If people still have televisions, they will report on television

    War communism. Exchange of telegrams between Sarah and her husband, who is in the Red Army. "I have to plant potatoes. There is no one to dig the garden." "Don't dig it up. There's a machine gun buried in the garden." "The security officers came. They dug up the entire garden." "Plant potatoes."

    pages NEXT 1

    Gleb Krzhizhanovsky was born on the Volga. From a mechanic he rose to the position of manager of the cable network at the Society electric lighting 1886,” decided to experiment with generating electricity from the energy of river waters in his native places. But in the early 1910s, the project to build a hydroelectric power station in the Samara region remained on paper. He was criticized by engineers of the local branch of the Russian Technical Society, and Bishop of Samara and Stavropol Simeon called the initiative of the “apostate” Krzhizhanovsky “sedition.”

    Ninety years ago, in February 1920, the “apostate” could celebrate victory: the Soviet government appointed him chairman of the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO). The new owners of the country understood: the economy was destroyed Civil War and war communism, must be restored. Krzhizhanovsky had ideas on this matter, which, shortly before his appointment, he outlined in a note to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Vladimir Lenin. Reflecting on the paper, the head of the Soviet government dreamed: “In approximately 10 (5?) years we will build 20–30 (30–50?) stations so that we can dot the entire country with centers of 400 (or 200, if we can’t handle more) versts in radius ... In 10 (20?) years we will make Russia “electric”. (...) We’ll work up to so many (thousands or millions of horsepower or kilowatts?? The devil knows) machine slaves and so on.”

    In Krzhizhanovsky’s plan, the Bolsheviks were attracted, of course, not only by the business side. The ideological core of the plan was the statement: “The age of steam is the age of the bourgeoisie, the age of electricity is the age of socialism.” The Soviet government brings light to the people: after two years of cold, hunger and devastation, the communists needed strong slogans.

    Call pre-revolutionary Russia The “dark kingdom” can only be achieved by a mind blinded by propaganda. Tsarist Russia had an energy sector comparable to Europe, a decent plan for the electrification of the country, and large-scale projects that had already begun.

    For example, on the Northern Dvina, according to the 1912–1913 census, there were 2,213 hydraulic power plants. The pre-war economic boom from 1910 to 1914 increased the number joint stock companies in the electric power industry from 12 to 22, and their capital by 71%. Foreign capital played an active role in financing electrification. In 1910 German company Siemens & Halske, in partnership with the American Westinghouse, laid the foundation for the Volkhov hydroelectric power station: the main consumers of electricity were to be the metro and suburban railways being designed in St. Petersburg. The financiers of the “Private Bank” and “French Credit” decided to invest in the construction of the electrified road Vladikavkaz - Tiflis. Russian investors established a company in 1912 for the electrification of the Moscow - Sergiev Posad section. The most ambitious project was the 1912 project to build the Volga-Don canal and block the Dnieper rapids with a dam. This consortium included the Germans from Siemens & Halske, the French from Batignolles, Russian banks and the domestic “Society electric force waterfalls." In the Bolshevik words about “ dark Russia"The falsity showed through. In terms of gross power of hydraulic installations in 1911–1913, Russia was in third place in the world, second only to Canada and the USA.

    Unlike Lenin’s developers, tsarist engineers did not dream of creating an electric plow, but placed the main infrastructures: railways and highways, shipping, and communications at the center of electrification. The first approaches to a large-scale project were formulated in 1909–1912 by the Interdepartmental Commission to draw up a work plan to improve and develop water communications in the Empire. Its developments were transferred to the Department of Inland Waterways and Highways of the Ministry of Transport. Knowing the scale of the country and the abundance of water resources, tsarist specialists relied on hydropower. Of course, they agreed, in Russia it will not yet be possible to obtain stations comparable to Niagara in the USA or Rhineland in Switzerland, but in the near future it will be possible to cover 15–20 deep rivers and lakes. The emphasis was not on thoughtlessly extracting energy from “white coal”, but on the construction of convenient waterways, short routes, and sluicing. According to a note from the Ministry of Railways dated February 25, 1917, it was planned to spend up to 600 million gold rubles on hydraulic facilities, receiving 860 MW of power; 79% of funding went to waterways and only 21% - for hydropower itself. And the income from it should not have gone elsewhere; it was received only by the Ministry of Railways in order to electrify the railways and, saving coal, reduce tariffs.

    The failure of the hydroelectric power plant in Samara Luka caused the engineer Krzhizhanovsky to become allergic to hydropower in general. By the beginning of the revolution, he had succeeded as the head of Russia's first regional peat power plant, Elektroperedacha, in the eastern Moscow region. Burning the “gifts of the swamps” seemed quicker and more justified than building dams and sluices. In the section “Electrification and water energy” of the GOELRO plan they wrote: “If we turn to Russia, its hydropower capabilities are concentrated mainly on the periphery of the state.” On lowland rivers it was considered possible only to build small installations with 1100–2000 horsepower and in places where there is no dry fuel nearby.

    “Electric power plants on peat have a huge future ahead,” Krzhizhanovsky convinced his associates. After Lenin put Gleb Maximilianovich in charge of GOELRO, it became increasingly difficult to argue with him. The leader gave him only two months to develop a plan. Lenin made strict demands, but did not deprive him of comfort; for example, he left for indefinite personal use the mansion on Sadovnicheskaya, which under the tsar belonged to the “Society of 1886”. The obsessive idea of ​​setting up power plants near cities, tied to local, even inefficient fuel, was put on paper as the alpha and omega of the plan.

    They tried to appease potential opponents of the controversial idea of ​​district thermal stations. Invited to the commission, they gained not only literary rations, but also the opportunity to satisfy technical ambitions. For example, Heinrich Graftio. Hydro engineer through and through and a rail electrification fanatic. Does he really not understand that smoking the sky with peat, which has low efficiency, and concentrating these stations near cities is not the best idea? But Graftio did not argue with Krzhizhanovsky’s ideas, being content with the fact that the plan included the completion of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station, which he, Graftio, designed and started. Receiving the mandate of a member of the GOELRO commission, Genrikh Osipovich understood that the paper would save him from many misfortunes. When the house committee decided to evict the professor from the St. Petersburg apartment, Krzhizhanovsky settled this issue. In 1921, something more serious happened: the former court councilor Graftio was arrested by the Cheka. At first, even the fact that he was the author of the abbreviation GOELRO did not help the head of Volkhovstroy. Freedom smiled only after Lenin’s personal emergency call.

    Unlike the passengers of the “philosophical ship,” the Bolsheviks had to endure the former engineers. The famous electrical engineer Professor Karl Krug did not hide his hostility towards Soviet power, but was invited to the GOELRO commission and from 1920 headed the State Experimental Electrical Engineering Institute. Together with Leonid Ramzin and Alexander Kogan, Krug wrote the most sensible section of the GOELRO plan “Electrification and Industry”. The three main sections preceding it, which came from the pen of Krzhizhanovsky, turned out to be much less specific, vague and naive.

    In the brain of the commission’s chief, the technocratic twist was intertwined with the ideological: after all, the author of the Russian text of the revolutionary “Varshavyanka”, Krzhizhanovsky, was listed as a member of the RSDLP since 1893. The ideological “processing” and “elaboration” of the specialists was perceived by the head of GOELRO as one of job responsibilities. At the GOELRO meeting on July 26, 1920, they listened to Lev Litoshenko’s report “ Economic conditions electrification of agriculture". Krzhizhanovsky did not hide his indignation: “Litoshenko... bases his report on the position that the main emphasis should be placed on a strong owner, that is, on a kulak entrepreneur... Our agronomic group is generally a supporter of the creation of a socialist type of economy... We are not designing the electrification of agriculture such as Comrade Litoshenko suggests...”

    The idea was suitable for all spheres of life: energy is needed not in itself, but as a change in the way of life. Lenin, having read Bukharin’s book “Economy of the Transition Period” in 1920, underlined the lines with a thick pencil: “Even in the most powerful capitalist countries, the use of electrical energy... came up against the boundaries indicated by private property" and "the abolition of private property, patent law and trade secrets, unity of plan, etc. make the transition to electric energy possible." Here the Prime Minister made a note: “We need more about this!” And already Krzhizhanovsky, without false modesty, borrows the ideas of the German professor Karl Ballod from the book “State of the Future”: through a plan and electricity to make new type economy - first in Russia, and with luck with the world revolution, in Germany.

    No to 11-hour working days, monotonous work, individual intensification! No alcoholic drinks and brewing! Let's reforge peasants into agricultural workers! We will radically change working and living conditions and culture! All these tempting things are included in the GOELRO plan. Looks like a fragrance. Well, where is the filling of the pie? From what stove should I dance? “District stations,” conjures Krzhizhanovsky, “must become those oases, those centers that will acquire new industrial and cultural values, building completely new map industrial and economic geography" That’s when pipes from thermal power plants in cities, plus heating plants rotting underground, loomed before the residents of the country.

    The chairman of Glavtorf, Ivan Radchenko, came to Lenin to support the idea of ​​“districts”. Krzhizhanovsky, denouncing Trotsky for labor armies, had nothing against the use of forced labor in the construction of his favorite stations. “It will inevitably be necessary,” he insisted, “to decree labor service.” He was not bothered by the fact that, in the midst of agricultural work, thousands of women and teenage girls would be driven from the surrounding villages to unpaid harvests. The GOELRO plan will include the construction of 20 district thermal stations with a total capacity of 1,110,000 kW. Most of them use local fuel - coal, shale, peat, wood.

    The reading of the report on electrification at the Eighth Congress of Soviets in December 1920 was triumphant. The Bolshoi Theater was under-lit and under-heated, but the deputies applauded loudly and shouted slogans. The Prime Minister set the tone. Pointing to the volume of the GOELRO Plan, Lenin left no doubt in anyone’s mind: “In my opinion, this is our second party program.” And he added a phrase that became popular: “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the entire country... We will bring the matter to the point where the economic base moves from small-peasant to large-scale industrial.”

    It was clear from the GOELRO plan: the young Soviet state was relying on state capitalism. There was no place left for the private owner in the renewed economy. Otherwise, the plan had many inconsistencies and nebulae. For example, the map on the Bolshoi stage, where 27 new power plants were illuminated with light bulbs, clearly showed the loop of the energy system. The right semicircle ran along the Volga. But no one was going to build hydroelectric power stations here! At least in the 10 years allotted by the GOELRO plan. Forgetting about the energy of the river, the authors of the plan located solid fuel stations from Tsaritsyn to Nizhny Novgorod. Or take the electrification of the Krivoy Rog - Tsaritsyn railway. It was started to transport coal to the Volga faster. And the Volga-Don Canal project, born under the tsar, through which it was much cheaper to deliver coal, was postponed for years.

    The creators divided the GOELRO plan into two programs. “Program A” turned out to be realistic, it provided for the restoration and unification of power plants that had existed since tsarist times in Petrograd, the Moscow region, Donbass, and the Urals and was completed by 1926.

    “Program B,” which planned new construction projects, some of which were far from energy, turned out to be more confusing. What is one cost estimate for GOELRO for 10 years? Of the 17 billion gold rubles, only 1.2 billion were allocated for electrification itself. Where should the rest go? 5 billion rubles were allocated to increase output in the manufacturing industry to 80% of the pre-war level, 3 billion to the mining industry, and 8 billion rubles to restore transport.

    There was a shortage of 6 billion rubles for the construction of GOELRO facilities. According to the recipe of the state commission, the deficit “can be covered through concessions and credit operations, export of agricultural products, timber and petroleum products.” Lenin added another idea to this: the rafting of northern forests abroad “could yield up to half a billion foreign currency rubles in the near future.” Energy concessions were never allowed. But they saved on labor: not only civilian workers, but also tens of thousands of prisoners worked in the “construction labor army” at GOELRO facilities.

    Industrialization crawled out of the womb of GOELRO. Nobody argued about its necessity. Members of the electrification commission reported in 1923 that Elektrosila manufactured four hydrogenerators with a capacity of 7.5 MW each for the Volkhov hydroelectric station. In newspaper editorials, however, they tried not to mention that the St. Petersburg plant, confiscated by the Bolsheviks from Siemens & Halske, had been producing similar units with the company’s quality mark before the revolution. Would Elektrosila have been able to make turbines for the Dnieper hydroelectric power station that was then under construction? The leaders of the Soviet state did not take risks. The order was placed with the American corporation General Electric.

    No expense or lives were spared at the DneproGES. Of course: the station promised to become the most powerful in the world! And again, sticking it out as the pearl of socialism, they tried to forget that the first project for covering the Dnieper rapids appeared back in 1905 in the drawings of Heinrich Graftio. By the way, both then and later, in 1912, when a business consortium took on the project, they wanted to build three dams. The flooding turned out to be more gentle. In the case of the gigantic Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant, designed by the Goelrovian Aleksandrov, tens of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian black soil went under water.

    American specialists ensured the quality of construction and installation of equipment. Poured concrete work force, brought to the Zaporozhye barracks from all over the USSR. DneproHES did not meet the deadlines recorded in GOELRO (10, maximum 15 years): only in 1939 the station reached its design capacity of 560 MW.

    But in those years, party bosses voiced completely different results of GOELRO. Exceptionally triumphant. According to People's Commissar Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the plan was completed by 1930, and by the 15th anniversary of GOELRO (1935), the country built instead of thirty regional power plants - forty and with a capacity three times higher than the plan provided. True, the speakers avoided the balance on hydroelectric power plants. Of the eight (according to another version ten) dams planned by GOELRO, only the Volkhovskaya, Nizhne-Svirskaya and Dnieper hydroelectric power stations appeared relatively on time.

    The canonization of the plan, consecrated by Ilyich’s light bulb, did not subside Soviet years. Professionals, of course, knew that history Russian energy begins much earlier than December 22, 1920, but they preferred not to talk about it. The ritual word “GOELRO” is so ingrained in the minds that even the restructuring of the Russian electric power industry under the leadership of Anatoly Chubais was called GOELRO-2.

    96th anniversary of the GOELRO plan

    Quite recently, on one of the programs they discussed the issue of the destruction of monuments to V.I. Lenin in Ukraine. Someone shouted: “The light bulbs need to be turned out!” No attention was paid to this phrase, but it touched me personally. I remembered that the electric light bulb in the Soviet Union was called “Ilyich’s light bulb.” And I decided, without waiting for December 22-23 – the birthday of “Ilyich’s light bulb”, to write an article.

    I want to ask the readers: “Is this how to unscrew” or is there no light bulb in Ukraine?” Maybe this will sound cruel, but I am in favor of “twisting it” and not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, in order to enlighten the Ukrainian and Russian ungrateful descendants, who are completely indistinguishable from each other: “mere faces are indistinguishable! " And so that these “indistinguishable faces” learn that they do not represent anything significant, but “show off” on the inheritance of those whom they insult and insult.

    I decided to those who destroy monuments to V.I. Lenin in Ukraine, and those who help them destroy, voiced not in Ukraine, but in Russia, an anti-Leninist ominous and stupefying attack that Lenin planted a bomb under Russia, shoot at the shameless cold tin eyes of the destroyers and slanderers and pierce them through with Lenin’s GOELRO plan , the fruits of which they have been enjoying for 30 years, without ceasing to spit poisonous saliva at the organizer - the Great October Socialist Revolution, the creator of the world's first and only state of workers and peasants - the Union of Soviets Socialist Republics and the creator of the first GOELRO economic plan - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

    GOELRO (abbreviated from State Commission for the electrification of Russia) - a state plan for the electrification of the RSFSR after the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, developed by the State Commission for Electrification of Russia on the instructions and under the leadership of V.I. Lenin, approved by the VIII All-Russian Electrotechnical Congress, convened by decree of the Council of People's Commissars. The GOELRO plan, with a number of comments and additions, was approved by the Council of People's Commissars, which adopted on December 21, 1921 the resolution “On the Plan for the Electrification of Russia.” The abbreviation often stands for the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia, that is, a product of the GOELRO Commission, which became the first long-term economic development plan adopted and implemented in Russia after the revolution.

    I remind not only the Soviet people, not only all citizens of Russia, not only the younger generation, which does not know for sure, but also all Russian, Ukrainian ungrateful creatures who deserve only censure and condemnation, that before the Great October Revolution, almost all of tsarist Russia was illuminated by torches, smokehouses, candles, oil lamps and kerosene lamps.

    Inherited from Tsarist Russia The Bolsheviks received only one state district power station, which was built in 1914 and called it “Electric Transmission”. It was separated from Moscow by seventy kilometers. She worked on the local peat.

    Older generations remember that even after the Great October Revolution for a long time, while power plants and enterprises for generating electrical energy were being built, people lived, as in tsarist Russia, which is so praised by haters of workers and peasants, with whose hardworking and calloused hands the power plants were built, with torches, smokehouses, candles, oil lamps and kerosene lamps.

    In January 1920 G.M. Krzhizhanovsky wrote an article “Tasks of electrification of industry,” which was approved by V.I. Lenin.

    In a famous letter from G.M. Krzhizhanovsky dated January 23, 1920, V.I. Lenin proposed to compile long-term plan electrification, providing for construction within

    10-20 years 20-30 powerful power plants in the most important regions of Russia.

    On February 2, 1920, the work of the first session of the All-Russian Central Scientific Committee of the seventh convocation began, at which delegates were familiarized with the materials developed on behalf of V.I. Lenina G.M. Krzhizhanovsky. His brochure was published

    “The main tasks of the electrification of Russia” with a five-color map “Scheme of the electrification of Russia”, which the session delegates were supposed to familiarize themselves with.

    At this session V.I. Lenin said: “We must, without weakening our military readiness, transfer at all costs Soviet republic on new tracks of economic construction... We must have a new technical basis for new economic construction. This new technical basis is electricity. We will have to build everything on this basis. It’s worth it for many years.”

    In accordance with the resolution of the session of the All-Russian Central Scientific Committee dated February 3, 1920, the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) was created to develop an electrification plan. The chairman of the commission was G.M. Krzhizhanovsky.

    More than 200 science and technology specialists were involved in this commission, unprecedented in its importance and significance.

    On February 11, 1920, the first organized meeting of GOELRO took place. Hard and hard work began.

    By the end of 1920, the “Russian Electrification Plan” was prepared, including 650 pages of text with district electrification schemes.

    In December 1920, the VIIIAll-Russian Congress of Soviets.

    The meeting took place in Moscow, at the Bolshoi Theater.

    If the government of the exploiters curses and rejects

    everything is Soviet, taking advantage of the Soviet heritage,

    This is a deceitful and criminal policy.

    It was a cold and harsh winter. Moscow was almost not illuminated, the hall was not heated due to lack of fuel. Delegates in gray overcoats, felt boots, work jackets and peasant army jackets huddled in the cold as they listened to G.M.’s report. Krzhizhanovsky, and got acquainted with the bright prospects for the development of the country’s economy and the tasks of its electrification.

    On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater it was decorated geographic map. On it, multi-colored light bulbs indicated the locations of future power plants. Thirty such places were planned. In order for the lights on this unusual map to glow, electricity was cut off in several areas of Moscow.

    At the congress on December 22-23, 1920, a program for the economic development of the Country of Soviets was launched, and the GOELRO plan was adopted. The historical genius slogan of V.I. was put forward. Lenin:

    “Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country.”

    The year 1920 went down in the history of the Soviet state as the year of GOELRO - Lenin's great electrification plan.

    So, at the turn of 1920, after the completion of the victory over the Kolchak-Denikin and anti-Entente forces of counter-revolution and the strengthening of Soviet power, the first scientific state plan for electrification in the history of mankind was adopted for implementation, which was destined to captivate the masses of workers and class-conscious peasants with a great program for 10-20 years.

    What a giant leap our country, our people have made since then historical year when the GOELRO plan was adopted!

    Incredible work has been done, the implementation of an unheard of thing, accessible only to the Soviet people, the Communist Party Soviet Union, led by the Great Stalin, ahead of schedule, completing Lenin's GOELRO plan ahead of schedule!

    The whole country built hydroelectric power stations, and the team of builders clearly showed the best features of Soviet people of all nationalities, their spiritual brotherhood and internationalism, vitality and inexhaustible youth, the closeness of their moral positions, the direct involvement of each in the greatest achievements of the time, the calm and confident strength, thanks to which giant hydroelectric power stations came to life.

    People of different nationalities, who were brought together and strengthened by construction, in difficult living conditions, in barracks, in tents, in dugouts, poorly dressed and not always well-fed, at the call of the Komsomol heart, with cheerful Komsomol songs, filled with love of life, with young Komsomol enthusiasm, with They enthusiastically performed feats of labor not only for themselves, but also for future grateful descendants and for the ungrateful too: Gorbachists, Yeltsinists, Putinists - all under the disgusting common word - “Zhirinovism”, who do not know how to thank their ancestors and appreciate their heritage.

    A light flashed in the darkness, then a second, a third... And our entire multinational country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - and not an “empire”, as evil tongues blaspheme, thanks to Lenin’s plan

    GOELRO, the Soviet People, the Great Helmsman Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, lit up with lights.

    Tsarist Russia of the Romanovs, the country of splinters, smokehouses, candles, oil lamps and kerosene lamps, is unrecognizable!!!

    Despite the fact that the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War destroyed 60 large and destroyed 12 thousand small stations and substations.

    In 1947, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ranked second in the world in electricity production.

    In the Soviet Union afterwar, a powerful electric power industry was created. The Soviet people fulfilled the behests of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and turned the country into an advanced energy power.

    In the country's unified electrical power system, over 700 power plants operated in parallel in a unified mode. The system was controlled from a single center equipped with modern electronic computer technology.

    Thanks to the Bolsheviks, communists, all working Soviet people, Russia - “a country,” in the words of Alexander Blok, “poor, oppressed, unhappy, spat on, abused - a worldwide laughing stock” - has turned into Soviet Russia, to the first country nuclear power plant, the first nuclear icebreaker and jet aircraft on passenger airlines, into a country with a nuclear shield, has become an advanced industrial power, the first to fly into space! It has become a leading energy power!

    Energy power! What a combination! After all, everyone knows what electricity can do!

    She moves machines in factories and factories, cranes on construction sites, electric trains on railways, trolleybuses and trams on city streets. It makes millions of lamps glow brightly, from the smallest light bulbs, flashlights to the largest spotlights.

    Electricity melts metals, drives radio waves into space and creates X-rays, shows movies and vibrates in telegraph and telephone wires.

    She sets irons, fries, cooks, cuts and shaves, washes and irons, milks cows and hatches chickens.

    She freezes food in the refrigerator, cuts and welds metals, treats the sick, performs the most complex mathematical calculations in a split second...

    Can't exist without electricity modern industry, Agriculture, transport and communications, army and medicine.

    Soviet people cannot live normally without electricity, having become accustomed over the years, now useless, ridiculed, spat upon, undeservedly insulted by the class of oppressors and exploiters who returned to power on the wave of counter-revolution, Soviet power, to turn on and off light bulbs, televisions, fireplaces, refrigerators , washing machines, irons, press a wide variety of remote controls electrical appliances, accustomed to telegraphing telegrams, calling and talking on the phone, reading, writing, working in illuminated classrooms, institutions, rooms...

    Electricity is also used by those who discredit the Great October Revolution, V.I. Lenina, I.V. Stalin, Bolsheviks, communists. They never even thought that electricity was Leninist! Stalin's! Soviet! October!

    And instead of kneeling before the Great October Revolution, before Lenin, before Stalin, before the Bolsheviks, before the communists, “Zhirinovism” continues to curse them.

    So let's try: turn off, unscrew the “Ilyich light bulbs”, stop access to Lenin-Stalin, Soviet-October electricity and force “Zhirinovism” to live with torches, smokehouses, candles, oil lamps and kerosene lamps!

    After all, the goal of “Zhirinovism” is to throw out of history Soviet period. I am afraid that they will be left without a majestic program of communist construction, without the majestic conquests of socialism by naked kings, Adams with fig leaves.

    You can hear from many: “I’m not involved in politics”, “Politics doesn’t concern me”, “I’m not in politics”...

    But politics is life! Only animals don't engage in politics! But man is endowed with “gray matter” and is different from animals!

    If the power of the oppressors and exploiters curses, verbally rejects everything Soviet, but does not renounce Soviet electricity, the Soviet nuclear shield, but uses the Soviet legacy in its own interests, if the power of capital held fraudulent, fraudulent elections on September 18, 2016, ticked the boxes instead of the Soviet ones people and threw false ballots into the ballot boxes, making the Soviet people “traitors” - this is their deceitful and criminal policy.

    If I write an article about Lenin’s GOELRO plan, this is not my deceitful, but an honest policy - to bring to the consciousness of Russian citizens and especially young people that the Great October Socialist Revolution, the leaders of the working people V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union gave the Soviet people not only free housing, the right to work and rest, hope and faith in the future, but also electricity, for the use of which they Soviet time they paid pennies.

    The purpose of my article is to force Russian citizens and the younger generation to think, think, compare and not betray the Great October Socialist Revolution, the leaders of the working people V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin, revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, communists, who devoted their lives to the struggle for the happiness and decent life of workers, peasants and the working intelligentsia.

    (Used in my article: V.I. Lenin. PSS, vol. 40,41,42;

    magazine "Electric Power Plants" (1979 No. 18; 1980 No. 1-9)

    in the section “Chronicle of the preparation of the GOELRO plan”).

    I dedicate I.A.’s fable to the “Zhirinovskys” and “Zhirinovism”, to all ungrateful creatures. Krylov “Pig under the oak tree” (1825)

    Pig under an ancient oak tree

    I ate my fill of acorns to satiety;

    Having eaten, I slept under it;

    Then, having cleared her eyes, she stood up

    And she began to undermine the roots of the Oak tree with her snout.

    “After all, this harms the tree,”

    Raven tells her from Oak, -

    If you expose your roots,

    it may dry out.”

    “Let it dry,” says the Pig,

    - It doesn’t bother me at all,

    I see little use in it;

    Even if he were gone forever, I wouldn’t regret it at all;

    If only there were acorns: they make me fat.”

    “Ungrateful! - Oak said to her here,

    - Whenever you could lift your snout up,

    You should have seen

    Why are these acorns growing on me?

    The ignoramus is also blinded

    Scolds science and learning

    And all the scientific works,

    Without feeling that he is tasting their fruits.

    A. Neboga,

    soviet teacher,

    Krasnogvardeisky district