Well masonry of brick apartment buildings. Well masonry. Well masonry with insulation

One of the most important quality indicators modern buildings is their energy efficiency, i.e. the ability to retain heat during interior spaces due to the use of the most stable materials in terms of thermal conductivity. At the same time, simple thickening of the walls, unfortunately, does not help: according to modern standards, even in the Moscow region, which is not characterized by long-term extreme temperatures during the cold season, the wall thickness is from solid brick must be more than two meters.

Obviously, such a solution is unsuitable for many reasons, starting from increased consumption building materials before creating unacceptably high loads on the foundation. Therefore, the solution in this situation seems to be the use of more advanced technologies construction.

Well brickwork

To reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient of walls built using brick, so-called well (or well) masonry is often used. The essence of this construction technique is that only the inner and outer parts of the wall are made of brick to a certain thickness, and the cavity (well) formed between them is filled with heat-insulating material.

Can be used as a filler different kinds lightweight concrete, bulk materials or insulating boards made of polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

To achieve the required strength, parallel walls are connected by transverse bridges (diaphragms). Usually they are made half a brick thick at a distance of 2-4 bricks from each other. Every five to six rows the masonry of the vertical diaphragm is reinforced welded mesh. At the lower level of the ceiling and under the window lintels (in two rows), horizontal stiffening ribs are installed from reinforcing mesh, inserted into the outer and inner surfaces of the walls and protected with a layer of mortar.

Sometimes the transverse diaphragm is made from reinforcement bars with a diameter of 5-10 mm with bent ends. This avoids the formation of cold bridges inside the well, which can significantly reduce the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of well masonry

Like any other construction technology, well masonry has its advantages and disadvantages. Among her strengths The following factors can be attributed:

  • Possibility of erecting buildings with acceptable dimensions of main walls in full compliance with building codes. Allowable heat loss is provided for a thickness of no more than 64 cm.
  • Decrease total weight structure and, as a result, the load on the foundation.
  • Saving bricks and reducing construction costs while increasing the speed of work.

At the same time, one cannot help but note several rather serious disadvantages of walls made in the form of an insulated well:

  • Reduced strength and uniformity of the structure.
  • Formation of condensation in the middle layer of the well during the cold season.
  • The heat that masonry is exposed to in hot weather can lead to the destruction of the insulation inside it.

The first problem is solved by competent calculation of vertical and horizontal diaphragms; to combat the second phenomenon, the internal surfaces of the well are covered with a vapor barrier layer with a mandatory device ventilation gap(at least 10 cm). The third drawback can be eliminated by using special types insulation, resistant to thermal decomposition and having high degree hydrophobicity. One of the most suitable options is mineral wool with basalt filler.

Features of well brickwork

Depending on the required strength, the masonry of the inner part of the wall can be half, one or one and a half bricks thick. It is made from full-bodied building bricks the most affordable brands (for example, M100). The front side performs decorative functions, protects the insulation with outside and is made of special brick. Most often, the thicknesses of the outer and inner layers of the walls are the same, and the width of the well is selected based on the insulation used.

Well masonry necessarily requires the presence of vertical diaphragms, which are tied with longitudinal rows through one. If the well is filled with bulk materials, then, in order to avoid their subsidence, each layer 30–50 cm high is compacted and spilled with solution.

Backfilling of walls is usually done after the construction of five to six tiers of bricks. This height is just enough to subsequently fill the mortar diaphragm.

Sequence of work on well masonry

Laying walls using the technology described above usually does not cause serious difficulties for those who have at least minimal experience in masonry work. Well technology requires competent calculation, accuracy and performance of all operations in a certain order:

Well masonry is ideal for the construction of walls of low-rise buildings. It provides an optimal combination of brick consumption, thermal insulation properties and labor intensity. The main disadvantage of this technology is the impossibility of replacing the insulation during operation, which, however, is quite easy to do with proper calculation and the right choice filler material.

Good afternoon to everyone who stopped by). I really need your advice, because I’m completely confused, and all the experts we invited say completely different things. Therefore, I will be very grateful if you help us make the right decision on insulating our home.
In 2012, we bought a house (Kazan) in pre-finishing conditions, so to speak for two families: we united with our parents). According to former owners the walls of the house are built from sand-lime brick(well masonry with loose expanded clay). Two-story house + ground floor. Floors: hollow reinforced concrete slabs.
First, we made repairs on the first floor and spent the winter. Basically, the house was warm. On the trail. a year later they built the second floor and moved there. In the fall of the same year, we completely plastered the house with Bergauf plaster. and next in the summer we applied decorative paint from the same company and painted it silicone paint. And in winter we realized that on the second floor, especially in one room, it is very uncomfortable to walk on the floor: it is cold. At first we blamed the ends of the floor slabs, but an inspection of the house with a thermal imager showed that the walls were to blame. And most of all the corners. It is very confusing that on the second floor it is usually warmer than on the first, but with us it’s the other way around. Wherein warm air it doesn’t rise up from the first floor: the cold air from above presses it down. This difference is especially felt when you descend from the second one on the stairs.
Having drilled holes in the walls and corners, we came to the conclusion that this moment The “pie” of three 70 cm walls of the house (when viewed from the inside) is as follows:
1. Wallpaper
2. Putty
3 Cement-sand plaster
4. 1/2 white sand-lime brick
5. 1/2 white sand-lime brick
6. Expanded clay 15 centimeters
7. 1/2 white sand-lime brick
8. Plaster approximately 1-2 cm
9. Decorative plaster
10. Silicone paint

And the fourth wall is 43 cm, most likely homogeneous (made of white silicate brick).

When they drilled, they did not always get into the well, so the thought crept in that the masonry was carried out with horizontal diaphragms.

Another inspection with a thermal imager showed heat leaking from the house along the floor of the cold attic. The structure of this floor at the moment is as follows:
1. Hollow reinforced concrete slab
2. 15 centimeters of expanded clay
3. 5 centimeters of screed.
We also noticed that the brickwork was not plastered where the cornices were attached.

Both on the first and second floor tension PVC ceilings.

I am attaching a photo of the thermal imager inspection. True, for some reason there is no photo of the attic floor...
Perhaps someone can comment on these survey results (maybe there are completely different reasons for the loss of heat than those that were voiced to us) and give some advice on insulation. I would really like not to change the façade. Moreover, it is not clear whether the same polystyrene foam will help (if you use it to insulate), since it will not be able to remove the movement of cold air inside the wall...
The most basic questions that gnaw at me:
1. Where do heat leaks come from, where does cold air enter the walls?
2. Are the examination results very bad?
3. How to insulate walls?
4. How to insulate the floor of a cold attic?

Thanks in advance to all those who show interest in my topic).

Rice. 1 Well masonry

A - fragment of masonry; B - sequential placement of bricks during laying right angle walls; 1 - insulation; 2 - diaphragm made of interlocking bricks

This construction technique allows you to reduce brick consumption by 15-20% compared to solid brickwork. Options for well masonry are characterized by different strength and stability (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Options for well masonry - top view (in mm)

A - well masonry with two bricks; B - well masonry of 2.5 bricks: B - modified well masonry; 1 - brickwork; 2 - thermal insulation; 3 - foam concrete

The layers in the well masonry are connected by vertical diaphragms, the distance between which should not exceed 1170 mm. In Fig. 3 is a masonry plan with an abutment interior wall.

Rice. 3 Lightweight well masonry with an adjacent internal wall (dimensions in mm)

A - masonry plan of the corner; B - masonry plan for the junction of the inner wall with the outer one; 1 - transverse vertical diaphragm; 2 - backfill insulation

It goes without saying that the strength of the wall when laying wells is reduced. Therefore, at the lower level of the floor slabs and two rows below the window openings along the entire perimeter of the external and load-bearing walls arrange horizontal solution diaphragms.

Rice. 4 Lightweight masonry with mortar diaphragms

A - with brick diaphragms; B, C - with solution diaphragms reinforced with steel reinforcement; 1 - backfill or lightweight concrete; 2 - reinforcing steel; 3 - solution

Such diaphragms are formed reinforcement mesh, which is inserted simultaneously into the inner and outer layers of the masonry and protected by a layer sand-cement mortar. The disadvantage of well masonry is increased air infiltration through air cavities.

Rice. 5 Corner lightweight well masonry (dimensions in mm)

1 - transverse vertical diaphragm; 2 - backfill insulation

The longitudinal walls of the wells are laid out in rows of spoons. The second row of outer and inner versts is laid out with spoons, the transverse walls of the wells with pokes. The ligation of the transverse walls with the longitudinal ones is carried out through a row.

Wells begin to be filled with insulation after the construction of 4-5 rows of masonry. Corners with three-row diaphragms significantly increase the strength of the structure.

Rice. 6 Corner masonry with three-row diaphragms

1 - insulation; 2 - mortar screed; 3 - area of ​​continuous masonry; 4 - mortar screed; 5 - diaphragms from three rows of masonry

A special feature of these walls is solid masonry in the corners. The construction of the corner begins with laying two three-fours in the outer verst. From the first to the third row there is continuous masonry with a single-row dressing system.

At the level of the fourth row, space is left for laying insulation. A mortar screed is made on top of the insulation, along which the laying of the corner with diaphragms is continued in the same sequence.

Well masonry of brick walls can significantly reduce the thermal conductivity of the walls, due to which the energy efficiency of the building significantly increases. The peculiarity of this installation method is that it consists of three layers: the outer and inner layers are made of blocks and bricks, and the gap between them (the well) is filled with a heat insulator. The fact is that, in accordance with modern building codes even in mid-latitudes there is sufficient thermal insulation in winter conditions can be achieved with a thickness of a solid brick structure of about two meters.

a) - d) Different variants masonry
1. Brick walls of openings. 2. A layer of insulation that fills the openings. 3. Vertical diaphragms (liners between wells).

Kolodtsevaya (well), in contrast to the usual brickwork walls, belongs to the category of modern progressive construction technologies. It should be borne in mind that this bricklaying technology, like any other, has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include the following factors:

  • the ability to build a building with an acceptable thickness of main walls, but fully complying with thermal conductivity to building codes;
  • reducing the time and cost of building construction plus saving bricks;
  • reducing the load on the foundation by reducing the weight of the structure.

At the same time, brickwork of walls using the well method with insulation also has its weaknesses:

  • the homogeneity and, as a consequence, the strength of the structure decreases;
  • at low temperatures outside air, condensation may form in the heat-insulating layer;
  • Strong heating of brick walls during the hot season can lead to damage to the insulation.

Types of well laying

Features of the options for well-laying brick walls are determined by their following parameters:

  • overall thickness of the structure;
  • thickness of the outer wall;
  • the length and width of the openings formed in the space between the brick walls;
  • the type of insulation used;
  • features of the device and the material from which the horizontal and vertical jumpers are made brick walls ah, strengthening the latter.

The total thickness of brick walls when laid in a well can vary from 33 to 62 cm. The thickness of the outer walls can be a quarter of a brick (brick on an edge), half a brick (spoon rows), 1 brick (alternating butt and spoon rows). The most often chosen thickness of both external walls is half a brick, but it can be different.

The width of the openings (the distance between the outer walls) can have one of the following values: half a brick, three quarters, 1 brick or one and a half bricks. The length of these openings should not be more than 1.17 m. Some variants of schemes according to which well brickwork can be carried out are shown in Fig. 1.

Digital symbols on these diagrams:

  1. Brick walls of openings.
  2. A layer of insulation that fills the openings.
  3. Vertical diaphragms (liners between wells).

Descriptions shown in Fig. 1 laying schemes:

  • a structure with a total thickness of 33 cm, with outer walls a quarter brick thick (Fig. 1a);
  • a wall with a total thickness of 51 cm, with outer walls half a brick thick and an opening width of 1 brick (Fig. 1b);
  • a structure with different thicknesses of outer walls and the width of half-brick openings (Fig. 1c);
  • the same configuration of the outer walls with an opening width of 1 brick (Fig. 1d);
  • through wells with vertical partitions up to the middle part of the masonry (Fig. 1e).

Filling made from bulk materials(sawdust, slag, expanded clay), polystyrene foam boards, basalt mineral wool, as well as concrete-based fills. You can calculate the cost of labor and materials to perform such work using the GESN 08-02-014 table.

a)-c) Sequence of laying rows.
1. External and internal walls of the well. 2. An opening filled with insulation. 3. Vertical jumpers (diaphragms). 4.

Sequence of masonry

If you have at least minimal experience, bricklaying external walls should not cause serious difficulties. Requires competent calculation, accuracy and strict order of execution of the technological process:

  1. First, the first two continuous rows of bricks are laid on the foundation on top of the waterproofing. The first row is often made with stitching. This will be the base of the well.
  2. Vertical jumpers are laid out at the required distance from each other.
  3. The selection of lintels is carried out so that the floor beams are located above them. Vertical jumpers should be installed every 0.5-1.17 m.
  4. Adjacent walls must be connected with wire ties.
  5. Installation of window and doorways, as well as the last few rows should be continuous.
  6. Waterproofing is laid on top of the last layer.

In low-rise construction, well masonry is ideal option. In this case it is ensured optimal selection combination of material consumption, labor intensity and quality of thermal insulation. Its main drawback is that after construction is completed, it is almost impossible to replace the insulation.

It is worth noting that in well installation with mineral wool additional insulation is possible. To do this, ecowool, perlite or similar insulation materials are blown into the openings through small holes in the wall. But with proper calculation and correct selection materials, such an operation is not required.

Technology and implementation features

a)-c) Three options for laying the corner of a building
1. External and internal walls of the well. 2. An opening filled with insulation. 3. Vertical jumpers (diaphragms).
Horizontal lintel (reinforcing mesh or reinforcement).

As already noted, the complexity of well masonry is somewhat higher than usual, but it is not difficult to master it if you have experience as a mason. With little work experience, it is advisable to arm yourself with a detailed order drawing. This is especially important on initial stage. An example of fragments of such a drawing is shown in Fig. 2.

Here in Fig. 2a shows a diagram of odd ones, and Fig. 2b - even rows of masonry. To ensure reliable connection between the walls, a horizontal jumper is laid after every sixth row. For this purpose, reinforcing mesh is usually used (see Fig. 2c).

In the same figure, indicated by numbers:

  1. External and internal walls of the well.
  2. An opening filled with insulation.
  3. Vertical jumpers (diaphragms).
  4. Horizontal lintel (reinforcing mesh or reinforcement).

The laying of vertical lintels must be securely tied to the longitudinal walls. Their thickness can be 1-3 horizontal rows. The greater the thickness of the lintels, the stronger the structure, but the thermal insulation deteriorates. Instead of brick ones, it is possible to select lintels from reinforcing pins 6-8 mm thick. For reliability, their ends are bent.

The layout of the corners can also be done differently. The structure of several of its variants is shown in Fig. 3. The digital designations here are the same as in Fig. 2. Brief characteristics these options:

  • the option that provides only two parallel walls (a) is the most economical, but also the least durable;
  • option with thickening of the outer walls (b) requires more building materials, but the strength of the masonry increases;
  • the option with a continuous laying of the corner (c) is the most durable, but also the least economical.

At least two rows of bricks under window openings must be solid. In addition, in these cases, it is desirable to strengthen the brick walls with reinforcing mesh. When the laying of the external walls is completed, a reinforced concrete reinforcing belt is usually poured over the last row. This is especially important when it is planned to build a brick pediment.

As already noted, for all its advantages, the well structure is not its most durable option. Therefore, in order to support a fairly heavy brick pediment, the presence of a reinforcing belt is highly desirable.

And one more important note. Like any brickwork in winter conditions, the well should be done with doubling the number of reinforced joints, ensuring the strengthening of the brickwork, and using the appropriate mortar. The backfill inside the wells must be absolutely dry and free of frozen inclusions. It is also advisable to use additional liners made of dry cinder blocks.

Of course, ring masonry is an option that is convenient in execution and use, quite affordable in price, but requires care and precision in work.