When God intervenes. Neale Donald Walsh When God intervenes, miracles happen. Practical course in finding luck

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Neil Donald Walsh
When God intervenes, miracles happen. Practical course in finding luck

There is on earth and in heaven what is yours

I never dreamed of philosophy, Horatio.

William Shakespeare

For you, mom


I would like to thank Greg Brandenburg, the publisher of Hampton Roads, who, ten years after this book was first published, offered to present it with a new design, thereby addressing this message to a whole new audience. In addition, I express my gratitude to my ex-wife and to still wonderful friend Nancy, whose guiding hand and editorial genius helped the book see the light of day for the first time. My deep gratitude to Rita Curtis, a good and faithful friend, who selected from hundreds of options best stories for this book. It was thanks to her extraordinary perseverance that the publication of the first edition of the book became possible at all. And finally, a huge thank you to my wife and colleague Am Claire, who fills my life so that I can still give humble gifts to this world, and whose own ability to heal and improve human lives always inspired me.

When God Intervenes

You are holding in your hands a reissue of the book “Moments of Grace” » , published in 2001. Incomprehensibly to me, ten years have passed since then. I am pleasantly surprised by Hampton Roads' decision to re-release this book, because I did not think that such works could be presented to the public so often.

Do you, like me, find it difficult to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has already ended? Just imagine! Whole ten percent from “the next 100 years” (remember how fantastically distant this seemed in late XIX centuries) have already expired!

The first decade of the 21st century has already ended. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited.

This is not an idle observation. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited. And every day we fill this time with more and more various activities. This is worth thinking about. Maybe then we'll stop taking it with us into the shower. mobile phone(God forbid we find ourselves unavailable for communication for ten blissful minutes) or turn on the laptop before we have time to get out of bed (of course, it’s better to start working immediately, because so many things have accumulated...).

The crazy pace of life means that we manage to do much more, but ourselves becomes less. Less rest, less relaxation, less silence, while each new day requires more and more peace of mind from us. Less attentiveness, less cheerfulness, less confidence, while every day we need more and more inner strength to face difficulties.

I've thought about this a lot. How can we find peace during these hectic times? What can give us inner strength?

The crazy pace of life leads to the fact that we manage to do much more, but there are fewer of us.

Perhaps the confidence that we are not walking through this life alone...

For this reason, I approved the reprinting of this book. I am sure that after reading it, more people will be able to experience the true delight that is our whole life, will be able to see the absolute value every moment.

I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second. After all, even breathing, even the smallest breath is a manifestation of God’s love.

I want you to let this experience into your life, because understanding the value of a moment completely changes your perception of the world. I want to open for you a life full of miracles created by God. Just by relaxing for a couple of moments, you can come into contact with the amazing. You will be able to gain confidence, you will realize a simple fact: that who works miracles on our side.

“I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.”

Even in our crazy world there is a way to do this. You just need to stop, at least six times a day, no matter what you do... just... stay… close your eyes and take an amazingly slow, deep breath.

When I say “take a deep, slow breath,” I mean take at least five seconds to inhale and another five to exhale. It's a relaxing let's-just-stop sigh.

This practice takes only 60 seconds a day. Just a minute a day to touch the Gift of Life and the Miracle of the Moment, and no matter What happening around.

You know what? You can start right now. Just stop right now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath for ten seconds.

So, let's get started. I'll wait.

Very good.

If you do this five more times today and six times every next day, while saying “ with this breath I come into contact with the Divine", you will open the way to knowing the presence of God. Soon you will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. Not only do you realize that God There is that He exists, but also that He is with You all the time, in any place and situation. And this, my dear friend, can change your life.

The publisher has given the book a new title, When God Goes..., and while the title is certainly appealing, I find it somewhat inaccurate because it suggests that there are times when God does not intervene. Actually this is not true. God is always everywhere, and there is not a single moment when He is “away” to have a cup of coffee.

You will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. You not only realize that God exists, that He exists, but also that He is with you all the time, in any place and situation.

From conversations with God this became completely obvious to me. Therefore, for me the question is not whether God is with us, but whether Nim whether We; it is not whether He interferes in our lives, but whether we withdraw from Him. And the point is not at all whether His attention is paid to us, but whether we think about Him.

Everything changes when our attention is turned to God. Then we know that God is here and He is here Now. And the better we are attuned to Divine gifts, the more often we receive them. This can be compared to radio signals - they surround us all the time, but in order to enjoy the music we must turn on the receiver.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about Divine gifts and encourages everyone to realize the ubiquitous Divine presence.

As you read the book, you will most likely feel that the events described in it are unusual and extraordinary. Don't think so. They are not. Everything you can read about here happens to people all the time and everywhere.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about divine gifts and encourages everyone to recognize the ubiquitous presence of God.

These stories are designed to surprise you not with their originality, but, on the contrary, with their commonness. The fact is that "God intervenes" each moment, and I hope reading this book will strengthen you in the idea that God does miracles constantly.

I can say this based on my personal experience. I can remember hundreds of cases when circumstances were extremely successful for me, although objectively this could not be counted on. So I learned count on miracles and found out that in this way I I attract.

Life is constructed in accordance with our ideas about it. This is a miracle! I hope this book will help you come closer to understanding that God is always on our side. He best friend, who arranges everything in our lives in the best way for our souls. With this awareness you will gain peace of mind, and your faith will soar.

Before starting our journey, let's admit the possibility that even this book fell into your hands only because God arranged it that way.

Hmmmm... if it were true, it would be exciting, wouldn't it?

Hold on tight my friend. Or better yet, relax. Because I have news.

This is true.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Donald Walsh


Oregon February, 2011

Chapter 1
When life changes course

God intervenes in our lives in a very real, direct and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.

The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. As soon as we open our souls and allow God to touch it, our wildest dreams begin to come true.

Several years ago, the book “Conversations with God” was published, which attracted attention around the world. I am sure that it was God, in Moments of Grace, who inspired me to write it. And I know for sure that I am not the only one experiencing such moments. Therefore, if Conversations with God teaches anything, it is that God speaks to each of us, and moreover, constantly. Although we can hear Him only when we are ready to listen.

Those who have ears, let them hear.

“ The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. „

But I have another amazing news. God not only speaks to us, He visits us every day personally.

This book is entirely devoted to such visits in the destinies of people; it can change your idea of ​​life. After all, these stories belong not to saints, not to sages, not to gurus, but to ordinary people who experienced a “meeting with God” and will never forget it. The fact that these people live the same life as you and I is the most convincing argument in favor of the fact that our lives are guided by a Higher Power.

I prefer to call this force God. You can call it anything else - coincidence, intuition, luck, inspiration - but deny its existence After reading this book you won't be able to. Moreover, this force exists directly Here. In our life. Every day. She performs miracles. Works magic. Changes everything.

This happens in everyone's life. Janice Tooke, 43, from Herkimer, New York, tells how this happened to her...

My 11-year-old son and I went on a little trip to nature, to the Hudson River. On the way, as usual, when we are driving together in a car, we listened to the audio version of “Conversations with God.” On that sunny August evening, I noticed an unusually large number of beautiful butterflies fluttering around. I felt filled with inner light and love. I had an image in my mind of Jesus standing in a field with his arms outstretched, calling butterflies to him. Of course, they obeyed Him, beautiful, orange and black, they sat on his hands, head and shoulders. This beautiful picture brought peace to my heart.

At that moment, I felt that God was nearby, and I imagined that, just like Him, I was calling butterflies. It was a great feeling. I wanted it to last and never end.

But then doubts burst into my soul. What if I just made it all up? What if all these feelings and visions are just a figment of my own imagination? I felt disappointed. I passionately wanted make sure that God is real, that I am part of Him.

And then I asked Him to give me a sign, to show His presence in a material way. I didn't want to wait any longer, I wanted it to happen within this trip, right here and now. In my conversation with Him, I even used the words “I want.” I said, "I Want get a sign."

In the evening we pitched tents on the shore, and in the morning an amazingly beautiful dawn began to play on the river. A ray of sun reflected from the water surface slid across my face, and I woke up. I was sitting at a picnic table watching the waves on the sand when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a large butterfly appeared and began dancing right in front of me.

She made a circle over the tent in which my son was still sleeping, and I shuddered: “What a beauty you are. Come here, I want to take a closer look at you!” I extended my hand forward and was amazed to see how the butterfly landed on it!

It was so wonderful! The butterfly's orange and black wings were huge and absolutely perfect. And for several seconds she sat right in my palm. My son woke up from the sound of my voice and looked in amazement at the butterfly on my hand.

We were both amazed.

And of course, I knew who sent me this gift. I knew because I asked for it myself. And I knew that I could repeat this in moments of true faith and unity with God, just like any other person.

If you weren't paying enough attention, the appeal of this story might have eluded you. Or you might think that Janice is just good at playing with words that don't really mean anything.

But what can you say about the story of Bill Colson from Ogden, Utah?

My father's breathing became heavy, labored. He had been between life and death for several days. All family members were constantly on duty next to him.

Tormented by cancer, my father’s weak body was shaken by terrible spasms. It seemed like it was about to disappear right before our eyes. The father no longer even had the strength to complain about the pain, he could not utter a word, could not open his eyes, and this had been going on for 72 hours.

“Lord,” my mother said quietly at some point, “how long can this go on?”

It was about one in the morning, and she was completely exhausted. As are all of us, by the way. But they had been married for 61 years, so no one and nothing could now force her to leave her husband’s bed.

It was then that my conversation with God took place.

“Does he really have to suffer like that? – I persistently asked Him in my heart. - Lord, he was a good man. He completed all his business here, finished everything. Please. Can't You take it now? Stop this pain? If You are here, Lord, - and I know that it is so,“Please let this stop.”

At the same moment, my father’s breathing became easier. Within three minutes he was gone. Quiet. It was as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

My eyes filled with tears. I have never doubted God before. And of course, never I won't doubt it in the future.

Coincidence? Coincidence? I don't think so.

A moment of grace? Yes.

Moments of grace are those moments when God intervenes in our lives in a very real, immediate and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.

You experienced a Moment of Grace when this book fell into your hands.

Chapter 2
There are many houses in the world

Bill Tucker learned a lesson in faith thirty years ago, a lesson he will never forget. He returned to that day many times and remembered that nothing is impossible. Only one thing is required. Faith.

To date, Bill had not sold a single house, although he had the appropriate license and worked in a real estate agency. He often stayed late at the office so agents could contact him after evening screenings. His job was to monitor sales offers, and he didn't want the deal to fall through or be delayed simply because he wasn't there.

That evening he yawned and, looking at his watch, thought that ten o'clock was already late enough for any office to close. It's time to go home, he told himself, it's already night. But then voices were heard in the waiting room. “I must have forgotten to close the door,” he thought, rising to his feet to see who was there.

“I apologize,” he apologized when he saw a young couple in the reception area. - We are closed". They were a very petite couple, she about five feet tall and he only a little taller, and two small children hovered shyly behind them.

“But the light is on,” remarked the little woman. “Yes, and you are here,” she added with a gentle smile.

“Yes,” Bill replied, “but I’m a manager, not an agent. I’m just waiting for the agents to get back from viewings so I can close the office until the morning.”

“We are the Johnsons... Ted and Amy. We need to buy a house today. You must help us,” she said insistently.

"Today, Miss Johnson?" – asked Bill.

She sighed. “Yes, we have to move tomorrow.”

Bill couldn't help but roll his eyes.

“This is impossible, madam,” he smiled patiently. “Even if we manage to find a suitable house this late in the evening, we will need to contact the owner and wait for a possible counter-offer.” Only after this you will submit documents for a mortgage. The house will be appraised and the bank will have to approve your application. There is absolutely no chance that you will be able to enter new house sooner than six weeks."

He hoped he had explained the situation adequately enough. People never ceased to amaze Bill. He even laughed to himself. Does she really think she can come here at ten o'clock at night and achieve anything with such ridiculous ideas?

Bill opened his mouth to invite her to come over tomorrow when he could introduce them to an agent who would probably help with the matter, but she obviously had her own opinion on the matter.

“Oh, there shouldn’t be any problems. We will definitely be able to buy a house today,” she said.

Okay, Bill thought. Maybe they have enough cash to pay for the house outright. This, of course, will significantly speed up the process. "Is it true? Why do you think so?" – he asked politely.

“Because I asked God to give us a home by morning, and He never let me down.”

"Clear. Well, even if there was an agent here now, it’s too late to look at anything.”

But Amy didn't seem to understand what they were saying to her. “You have a license, don’t you?” - she insisted.

Bill replied that it was. “But I’ve never sold a house before; I’m not qualified.”

“You believe in God, don’t you?”

Bill smiled indulgently. “Yes, that's right. I have no doubts on this matter. But…"

She interrupted: “Do you believe in miracles?”

"Well, yes". There were indeed events in Bill's life that he could call amazing.

Mrs. Johnson straightened up and said, “Listen. Today I prayed and asked God to give me a home... hmm, could we sit down?” Bill nodded and pointed to the couple standing nearby chairs. He himself sat down in the chair opposite. The woman continued, “I asked God to give us a house that we could move into tomorrow.”

Bill's eyebrows rose.

And Mrs. Johnson simply said, “We have nowhere to live. We thought we could buy a house in installments from an old lady here in town. We used to live two hundred miles north of here, but my husband got a job in this city, so we packed up and left. Only when we arrived at the place did it become clear that the elderly lady with whom we had agreed did not plan to move out of the house. She thought we would live with her and put us in the basement.”

Bill whistled, shaking his head. "This is very strange story“, he said. Bill has worked in this field for twenty years and has heard a lot horror stories. Amy's story could very well be at the very top of this list.

Mrs. Johnson continued: “Of course, we can’t live in this old lady’s basement because we have children with us. We have to wash in the rest room at a gas station near our house. This cannot go on any longer, so today I asked God for a miracle. We went looking open agency real estate. And here we are!”

In the window, Bill saw the Johnson couple's old, dented car. “How much money do you have for a down payment?” He didn't really want to hear the answer.

“Oh, we have no money at all. Ted hasn't been able to work for the last ten years. You see, Ted is a recovering alcoholic, and although we're trying to start over now, it's not easy. And I work as a waitress part-time.”

Bill thought that the new details only made the situation worse. How did they even think about buying a house without a penny?

“Are you supporting your family on a waitress’ salary? Why do you work part-time?” – he asked out loud.

“I can’t do any more,” Mrs. Johnson explained, “besides this, I have to help at church. This is very important to me. But we manage to make ends meet... it's not a problem. The real problem is that we have nowhere to live. But know that we are not picky. We are ready to buy the most cheap house whatever we can find."

“Why don’t you just film something? - Bill suggested. “You’ll get back on your feet, save some money, and then you’ll think about a house.”

“We have been renting housing for years,” she rejected this offer, “it’s time to get own home. And with God's help we will succeed. Look how he brought us to you!”

Well, good luck, lady, Bill thought. At the same time, this little woman's strong faith intrigued him. He reasoned that in any case he would not stand in the way of her miracle. Bill opened his notes with offers for sale. At least it's worth at least seeing what's here, he thought with a sigh.

“Well, here's one house for $54,000. It's not in the best part of town, but the price is very attractive. How much will your husband be paid? new job

Until now, Mr. Johnson hadn't said a word, but now he spoke: “I'm damn glad to get any job. And tomorrow is my first day of work as a watchman. I'll be paid six dollars an hour."

Bill looked at his interlocutors incredulously. "That's not a lot". Having estimated a couple of numbers on a calculator, he concluded: “Less than 12.5 thousand dollars a year.”

The man nodded.

Bill said: “At this salary, you can afford a house for a maximum of 36 thousand dollars, but at this price category they simply don't exist. And even if they were, the bank will definitely require a down payment. This is all very unfortunate, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson."

“But you said you believe in miracles,” Mrs. Johnson said quietly.

“Yes,” Bill smiled humbly, “but I didn’t say I could create them myself.”

The couple just looked at him. Okay, Bill thought, let's see how impossible this mission is. And he began to dial the number of the realtor who was selling the house that was just discussed. “We’ll make them an offer,” he said, although he already knew exactly what the result would be.

At first, the realtor was very happy about the call. Bill saw in his notes that the house had been on the market for over a year, so this reaction was predictable. But after she heard that they were offering a price of 36 thousand dollars, she became indignant. Bill even had to remind her about the law, which requires that all good faith offers be passed on, so that she would agree to call the owner.

A few minutes later the realtor called back. “The owner has made a counter-offer,” she said, less annoyed, as some semblance of a deal began to emerge. – Good offer. Forty-five thousand dollars. I think you need to agree."

“Thank you,” Bill was grateful for her work. – But I must explain the situation to you. My clients don’t have money for a down payment; the maximum the bank can give them, based on their earnings, is thirty-six thousand. Much less than forty-five. We can offer no more than 36.5 thousand dollars.”

“I’m sure my client won’t be able to do this,” the realtor said with conviction.

Bill replied: “You have no right to make such statements. You are obliged to convey our offer to the owner.” He began to understand what was happening. After all, this could turn out to be a good adventure.

Five minutes later, the realtor called back: “I conveyed your offer to the owner, and he wants me to show your clients the house. He is confident that when they see him, they will agree to his price.”

“I don’t think they have that option,” Bill told her again.

“I’ve seen stranger things,” she replied, “let’s just show them the house.”

“Okay,” Bill agreed and said goodbye to the realtor. He told the Johnsons about the details of his negotiations, and they just sat in front of him and smiled. Bill could hardly believe they had come this far already. Of course, in the morning they will all understand the futility of these attempts, but, on the other hand, this is an integral part of business. The Johnsons were nice people, and Bill was willing to help them to the end in this matter.

The next morning, driving up to the address, Bill was horrified to imagine what this house must be like. After all, it was the cheapest offer on the market, and it was located in a bad part of the city. The roads were full of potholes. Abandoned cars and unmown lawns were visible everywhere. Bill stopped in front of a modest gate and honked his horn.

The realtor woman was waiting for him, and the Johnsons were with her, looking hopeful. Bill was horrified to imagine how upset they would be. He was glad that he did not have to sell houses and thereby become part of people's disappointment from time to time.

The realtor began to open the gate. Bill held his breath. Small house was adorable! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson smiled widely. It was a delightful red and white Cape Cod cottage, with skylights and shutters. As they walked through the front door, Bill noticed the new carpet and linoleum. All wooden crafts were cleaned and painted. In the small kitchen there was a new set of famous trademark, new plumbing. The house was very neat and fully furnished with new furniture that came with it. A real treasure!

"We'll take him!" – Mrs. Johnson blurted out happily.

"Great. Let’s go to the owner and discuss the details,” said the realtor, smiling radiantly.

From the slums they walked into a beautiful suburb to a sprawling ranch, where the small group was greeted by a man dressed in work clothes. "Good afternoon. “My name is George Rockwell,” the man greeted them warmly and invited everyone to go into the kitchen, where his wife prepared a cup of coffee for everyone.

When everyone was seated in their chairs, Mr. Rockwell looked intently at Mr. Johnson and asked: “What’s the matter with you, Mister? Why don’t you want to buy a great home for your family at a reasonable price?”

“Well, sir,” said Mr. Johnson, looking into his cup, “it’s not that I don’t want to. It's just that my agent says I can't offer more for him." This conversation was clearly not easy for him. “You see,” he continued, “I am being treated for alcoholism. I haven't worked anywhere for the last ten years. But now I don't drink and I just got a job here at the Harnischfeger plant.

Mr. Rockwell exclaimed in surprise: “Harnischfeger? Who invited you to work there?

“Great guy named Rogers. Charlie Rogers."

Suddenly Rockwell stood up and extended his hand: “I will sell you a house for 36.5 thousand!”

Bill almost choked on his coffee. “Sorry,” he interrupted as soon as he could regain his breath, “but we’re not even sure the bank will give them a loan.”

“No problem,” came the answer, “I give them the loan myself.”

“Mr. Rockwell,” Bill continued, “but no one can vouch for this buyer.”

“Mr. Tucker, I don’t understand whose interests you represent here? – asked the owner of the house. But then his voice softened. – You know, I recently retired after thirty-six years of work at the Harnischfeger plant. Charlie Rogers came to me fifteen years ago, a fellow recovered alcoholic. I gave him a chance and he fully justified my trust. If this man is good enough for Charlie, then he is good enough for me too. I’m selling him the house at his price right here and now!”

Both realtors looked at each other in bewilderment.

Then everyone got another cup of coffee, and Mr. Rockwell told the story of the house, which, as it turned out, was very dear to his heart and was soon to become the property of the Johnson family.

His father built this house, and George Rockwell spent his entire life in it, even after he got married and had his own family. All renovation work he did it himself. His wife chose the carpet and new furniture. The only reason he and Mrs. Rockwell decided to move was because they wanted to invest their money in something more substantial, something that would bring in good income. Then their son, who has Down syndrome, will not need money even after their death.

The Johnsons were beaming with happiness. The morning sun filled the room with light, and Bill felt tears in the corners of his eyes. His colleague was touching up some mascara that was running slightly.

“Can we move in today?” Amy Johnson asked hopefully.

Rockwell put his hand into the pocket of his overalls and pulled out his keys. "Be my guests!" – he smiled and gave them to Mrs. Johnson.

She looked at Bill and winked cheerfully. He winked back at her. This is what it means to sell houses and what our whole life is, he thought. One miracle after another.

In Conversations with God you can find many beautiful sayings, but there is nothing more important than one single phrase: “The events of life unfold in accordance with our aspirations.”

This is a reminder from BSB(“Conversations with God”) helps to understand the relationship between us and God and the essence of the flow of life.

Life is not a “let’s see what happens” exploration process. It's a process of creative creation like "let's let's choose, what will happen".

We know that we are created in the image and likeness of God. Well, God - creator. God creates. And if we are truly created in His image and likeness, we must also be creators.

This is absolutely true. The only question is how exactly we can create. The answer is: through our aspirations.

Our intentions are to “help God.” This is how we merge with God in the process of co-creation. We consciously we use force God to get a specific result.

The Johnson family's story illustrates this. But, if you think about it more deeply, a question arises from the category “What came first - the chicken or the egg? That is, has Mrs. Johnson's faith become cause a miracle that happened? Or a miracle existed regardless from her faith, and all she needed was to see him?

What causes a miracle?

That is the question.

From Conversations with God we know what exactly pursuit Mrs. Johnson's purchase of the house led to the result we know.

" God - CREATOR. God creates. And if we are truly created in His image and likeness, we must also be creators. „

Is it possible? And if so, how does it work?

This is a question from the field of Analytical Theology. That's what I call special form theology, which aims to understand How certain events occur, not just Why.

For some, knowing that Mrs. Johnson managed to buy a house in one day is enough. because she had faith. For others, the question is much deeper. How triggered faith? How exactly does it lead to the desired result?

There is on earth and in heaven what is yours
I never dreamed of philosophy, Horatio.
William Shakespeare


I would like to thank Greg Brandenburg, the publisher of Hampton Roads, who, ten years after this book was first published, offered to present it with a new design, thereby addressing this message to a whole new audience. My thanks also go to my ex-wife and still wonderful friend, Nancy, whose guiding hand and editorial genius brought the book to light in the first place. My deepest gratitude to Rita Curtis, a good and faithful friend, who selected the best stories for this book from hundreds of options. It was thanks to her extraordinary perseverance that the publication of the first edition of the book became possible at all. Finally, a huge thank you to my wife and colleague Am Claire, who fills my life so that I can still give humble gifts to this world, and whose own ability to heal and improve people's lives has always inspired me.

When God Intervenes

You are holding in your hands a reissue of the book “Moments of Grace” » , published in 2001. Incomprehensibly to me, ten years have passed since then. I am pleasantly surprised by Hampton Roads' decision to re-release this book, because I did not think that such works could be presented to the public so often.
Do you, like me, find it difficult to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has already ended? Just imagine! Whole ten percent the “next 100 years” (remember how fantastically distant this seemed at the end of the 19th century) have already expired!

The first decade of the 21st century has already ended. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited.
This is not an idle observation. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited. And every day we fill this time with more and more various activities. This is worth thinking about. Perhaps then we will stop taking our mobile phone with us into the shower (God forbid we end up unavailable for communication for ten blissful minutes) or turn on the laptop before we have time to get out of bed (of course, it’s better to start working immediately, because so many things have accumulated...).
The crazy pace of life means that we manage to do much more, but ourselves becomes less. Less rest, less relaxation, less silence, while each new day requires more and more peace of mind from us. Less attentiveness, less cheerfulness, less confidence, while every day we need more and more inner strength to face difficulties.
I've thought about this a lot. How can we find peace during these hectic times? What can give us inner strength?
The crazy pace of life leads to the fact that we manage to do much more, but there are fewer of us.
Perhaps the confidence that we are not walking through this life alone...
For this reason, I approved the reprinting of this book. I am sure that after reading it, more people will be able to experience the true delight that is our whole life, will be able to see the absolute value every moment.
I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second. After all, even breathing, even the smallest breath is a manifestation of God’s love.
I want you to let this experience into your life, because understanding the value of a moment completely changes your perception of the world. I want to open for you a life full of miracles created by God. Just by relaxing for a couple of moments, you can come into contact with the amazing. You will be able to gain confidence, you will realize a simple fact: that who works miracles on our side.
“I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.”
Even in our crazy world there is a way to do this. You just need to stop, at least six times a day, no matter what you do... just... stay… close your eyes and take an amazingly slow, deep breath.
When I say “take a deep, slow breath,” I mean take at least five seconds to inhale and another five to exhale. It's a relaxing let's-just-stop sigh.
This practice takes only 60 seconds a day. Just a minute a day to touch the Gift of Life and the Miracle of the Moment, and no matter What happening around.
You know what? You can start right now. Just stop right now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath for ten seconds.
So, let's get started. I'll wait.

Very good.
If you do this five more times today and six times every next day, while saying “ with this breath I come into contact with the Divine", you will open the way to knowing the presence of God. Soon you will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. Not only do you realize that God There is that He exists, but also that He is with You all the time, in any place and situation. And this, my dear friend, can change your life.
The publisher has given the book a new title, When God Goes..., and while the title is certainly appealing, I find it somewhat inaccurate because it suggests that there are times when God does not intervene. Actually this is not true. God is always everywhere, and there is not a single moment when He is “away” to have a cup of coffee.

You will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. You not only realize that God exists, that He exists, but also that He is with you all the time, in any place and situation.
From conversations with God this became completely obvious to me. Therefore, for me the question is not whether God is with us, but whether Nim whether We; it is not whether He interferes in our lives, but whether we withdraw from Him. And the point is not at all whether His attention is paid to us, but whether we think about Him.
Everything changes when our attention is turned to God. Then we know that God is here and He is here Now. And the better we are attuned to Divine gifts, the more often we receive them. This can be compared to radio signals - they surround us all the time, but in order to enjoy the music we must turn on the receiver.
This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about Divine gifts and encourages everyone to realize the ubiquitous Divine presence.
As you read the book, you will most likely feel that the events described in it are unusual and extraordinary. Don't think so. They are not. Everything you can read about here happens to people all the time and everywhere.
This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about divine gifts and encourages everyone to recognize the ubiquitous presence of God.
These stories are designed to surprise you not with their originality, but, on the contrary, with their commonness. The fact is that "God intervenes" each moment, and I hope reading this book will strengthen you in the idea that God does miracles constantly.
I can say this based on my personal experience. I can remember hundreds of cases when circumstances were extremely successful for me, although objectively this could not be counted on. So I learned count on miracles and found out that in this way I I attract.
Life is constructed in accordance with our ideas about it. This is a miracle! I hope this book will help you come closer to understanding that God is always on our side. He is the best friend who arranges everything in our lives in the best way for our souls. With this awareness, you will find peace of mind and your faith will soar.
Before starting our journey, let's admit the possibility that even this book fell into your hands only because God arranged it that way.
Hmmmm... if it were true, it would be exciting, wouldn't it?
Hold on tight my friend. Or better yet, relax. Because I have news.
This is true.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Donald Walsh

Oregon February, 2011

Chapter 1
When life changes course

God intervenes in our lives in a very real, direct and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.
The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. As soon as we open our souls and allow God to touch it, our wildest dreams begin to come true.
Several years ago, the book “Conversations with God” was published, which attracted attention around the world. I am sure that it was God, in Moments of Grace, who inspired me to write it. And I know for sure that I am not the only one experiencing such moments. Therefore, if Conversations with God teaches anything, it is that God speaks to each of us, and moreover, constantly. Although we can hear Him only when we are ready to listen.
Those who have ears, let them hear.

“ The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. „
But I have another amazing news. God not only speaks to us, He visits us every day personally.
This book is entirely devoted to such visits in the destinies of people; it can change your idea of ​​life. After all, these stories belong not to saints, not to sages, not to gurus, but to ordinary people who experienced a “meeting with God” and will never forget it. The fact that these people live the same life as you and I is the most convincing argument in favor of the fact that our lives are guided by a Higher Power.
I prefer to call this force God. You can call it anything else - coincidence, intuition, luck, inspiration - but deny its existence After reading this book you won't be able to. Moreover, this force exists directly Here. In our life. Every day. She performs miracles. Works magic. Changes everything.
This happens in everyone's life. Janice Tooke, 43, from Herkimer, New York, tells how this happened to her...

My 11-year-old son and I went on a little trip to nature, to the Hudson River. On the way, as usual, when we are driving together in a car, we listened to the audio version of “Conversations with God.” On that sunny August evening, I noticed an unusually large number of beautiful butterflies fluttering around. I felt filled with inner light and love. I had an image in my mind of Jesus standing in a field with his arms outstretched, calling butterflies to him. Of course, they obeyed Him, beautiful, orange and black, they sat on his hands, head and shoulders. This beautiful picture brought peace to my heart.
At that moment, I felt that God was nearby, and I imagined that, just like Him, I was calling butterflies. It was a great feeling. I wanted it to last and never end.
But then doubts burst into my soul. What if I just made it all up? What if all these feelings and visions are just a figment of my own imagination? I felt disappointed. I passionately wanted make sure that God is real, that I am part of Him.
And then I asked Him to give me a sign, to show His presence in a material way. I didn't want to wait any longer, I wanted it to happen within this trip, right here and now. In my conversation with Him, I even used the words “I want.” I said, "I Want get a sign."
In the evening we pitched tents on the shore, and in the morning an amazingly beautiful dawn began to play on the river. A ray of sun reflected from the water surface slid across my face, and I woke up. I was sitting at a picnic table watching the waves on the sand when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a large butterfly appeared and began dancing right in front of me.
She made a circle over the tent in which my son was still sleeping, and I shuddered: “What a beauty you are. Come here, I want to take a closer look at you!” I extended my hand forward and was amazed to see how the butterfly landed on it!
It was so wonderful! The butterfly's orange and black wings were huge and absolutely perfect. And for several seconds she sat right in my palm. My son woke up from the sound of my voice and looked in amazement at the butterfly on my hand.
We were both amazed.
And of course, I knew who sent me this gift. I knew because I asked for it myself. And I knew that I could repeat this in moments of true faith and unity with God, just like any other person.
If you weren't paying enough attention, the appeal of this story might have eluded you. Or you might think that Janice is just good at playing with words that don't really mean anything.

But what can you say about the story of Bill Colson from Ogden, Utah?

My father's breathing became heavy, labored. He had been between life and death for several days. All family members were constantly on duty next to him.
Tormented by cancer, my father’s weak body was shaken by terrible spasms. It seemed like it was about to disappear right before our eyes. The father no longer even had the strength to complain about the pain, he could not utter a word, could not open his eyes, and this had been going on for 72 hours.
“Lord,” my mother said quietly at some point, “how long can this go on?”
It was about one in the morning, and she was completely exhausted. As are all of us, by the way. But they had been married for 61 years, so no one and nothing could now force her to leave her husband’s bed.
It was then that my conversation with God took place.
“Does he really have to suffer like that? – I persistently asked Him in my heart. - Lord, he was a good man. He completed all his business here, finished everything. Please. Can't You take it now? Stop this pain? If You are here, Lord, - and I know that it is so,“Please let this stop.”
At the same moment, my father’s breathing became easier. Within three minutes he was gone. Quiet. It was as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.
My eyes filled with tears. I have never doubted God before. And of course, never I won't doubt it in the future.

Coincidence? Coincidence? I don't think so.
A moment of grace? Yes.
Moments of grace are those moments when God intervenes in our lives in a very real, immediate and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.
You experienced a Moment of Grace when this book fell into your hands.

Chapter 2
There are many houses in the world

Bill Tucker learned a lesson in faith thirty years ago, a lesson he will never forget. He returned to that day many times and remembered that nothing is impossible. Only one thing is required. Faith.
To date, Bill had not sold a single house, although he had the appropriate license and worked in a real estate agency. He often stayed late at the office so agents could contact him after evening screenings. His job was to monitor sales offers, and he didn't want the deal to fall through or be delayed simply because he wasn't there.
That evening he yawned and, looking at his watch, thought that ten o'clock was already late enough for any office to close. It's time to go home, he told himself, it's already night. But then voices were heard in the waiting room. “I must have forgotten to close the door,” he thought, rising to his feet to see who was there.
“I apologize,” he apologized when he saw a young couple in the reception area. - We are closed". They were a very petite couple, she about five feet tall and he only a little taller, and two small children hovered shyly behind them.
“But the light is on,” remarked the little woman. “Yes, and you are here,” she added with a gentle smile.
“Yes,” Bill replied, “but I’m a manager, not an agent. I’m just waiting for the agents to get back from viewings so I can close the office until the morning.”
“We are the Johnsons... Ted and Amy. We need to buy a house today. You must help us,” she said insistently.
"Today, Miss Johnson?" – asked Bill.
She sighed. “Yes, we have to move tomorrow.”
Bill couldn't help but roll his eyes.
“This is impossible, madam,” he smiled patiently. “Even if we manage to find a suitable house this late in the evening, we will need to contact the owner and wait for a possible counter-offer.” Only after this you will submit documents for a mortgage. The house will be appraised and the bank will have to approve your application. There is absolutely no chance that you will be able to move into your new home in less than six weeks.”
He hoped he had explained the situation adequately enough. People never ceased to amaze Bill. He even laughed to himself. Does she really think she can come here at ten o'clock at night and achieve anything with such ridiculous ideas?
Bill opened his mouth to invite her to come over tomorrow when he could introduce them to an agent who would probably help with the matter, but she obviously had her own opinion on the matter.
“Oh, there shouldn’t be any problems. We will definitely be able to buy a house today,” she said.
Okay, Bill thought. Maybe they have enough cash to pay for the house outright. This, of course, will significantly speed up the process. "Is it true? Why do you think so?" – he asked politely.
“Because I asked God to give us a home by morning, and He never let me down.”
"Clear. Well, even if there was an agent here now, it’s too late to look at anything.”
But Amy didn't seem to understand what they were saying to her. “You have a license, don’t you?” - she insisted.
Bill replied that it was. “But I’ve never sold a house before; I’m not qualified.”
“You believe in God, don’t you?”
Bill smiled indulgently. “Yes, that's right. I have no doubts on this matter. But…"
She interrupted: “Do you believe in miracles?”
"Well, yes". There were indeed events in Bill's life that he could call amazing.
Mrs. Johnson straightened up and said, “Listen. Today I prayed and asked God to give me a home... hmm, could we sit down?” Bill nodded and pointed to a pair of chairs nearby. He himself sat down in the chair opposite. The woman continued, “I asked God to give us a house that we could move into tomorrow.”
Bill's eyebrows rose.
And Mrs. Johnson simply said, “We have nowhere to live. We thought we could buy a house in installments from an old lady here in town. We used to live two hundred miles north of here, but my husband got a job in this city, so we packed up and left. Only when we arrived at the place did it become clear that the elderly lady with whom we had agreed did not plan to move out of the house. She thought we would live with her and put us in the basement.”
Bill whistled, shaking his head. “This is a very strange story,” he said. Bill has worked in this field for twenty years and has heard his fair share of horror stories. Amy's story could very well be at the very top of this list.
Mrs. Johnson continued: “Of course, we can’t live in this old lady’s basement because we have children with us. We have to wash in the rest room at a gas station near our house. This cannot go on any longer, so today I asked God for a miracle. We went to look for an open real estate agency. And here we are!”
In the window, Bill saw the Johnson couple's old, dented car. “How much money do you have for a down payment?” He didn't really want to hear the answer.
“Oh, we have no money at all. Ted hasn't been able to work for the last ten years. You see, Ted is a recovering alcoholic, and although we're trying to start over now, it's not easy. And I work as a waitress part-time.”
Bill thought that the new details only made the situation worse. How did they even think about buying a house without a penny?
“Are you supporting your family on a waitress’ salary? Why do you work part-time?” – he asked out loud.
“I can’t do any more,” Mrs. Johnson explained, “besides this, I have to help at church. This is very important to me. But we manage to make ends meet... it's not a problem. The real problem is that we have nowhere to live. But know that we are not picky. We're willing to buy the cheapest house we can find."
“Why don’t you just film something? - Bill suggested. “You’ll get back on your feet, save some money, and then you’ll think about a house.”
“We have been renting housing for years,” she rejected this offer, “it’s time to get our own home. And with God's help we will succeed. Look how he brought us to you!”
Well, good luck, lady, Bill thought. At the same time, this little woman's strong faith intrigued him. He reasoned that in any case he would not stand in the way of her miracle. Bill opened his notes with offers for sale. At least it's worth at least seeing what's here, he thought with a sigh.
“Well, here's one house for $54,000. It's not in the best part of town, but the price is very attractive. How much will your husband be paid at his new job?”
Until now, Mr. Johnson hadn't said a word, but now he spoke: “I'm damn glad to get any job. And tomorrow is my first day of work as a watchman. I'll be paid six dollars an hour."
Bill looked at his interlocutors incredulously. "That's not a lot". Having estimated a couple of numbers on a calculator, he concluded: “Less than 12.5 thousand dollars a year.”
The man nodded.
Bill said: “At this salary, you can buy a house for a maximum of 36 thousand dollars, but in this price category they simply are not available. And even if they were, the bank will definitely require a down payment. This is all very unfortunate, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson."
“But you said you believe in miracles,” Mrs. Johnson said quietly.
“Yes,” Bill smiled humbly, “but I didn’t say I could create them myself.”
The couple just looked at him. Okay, Bill thought, let's see how impossible this mission is. And he began to dial the number of the realtor who was selling the house that was just discussed. “We’ll make them an offer,” he said, although he already knew exactly what the result would be.
At first, the realtor was very happy about the call. Bill saw in his notes that the house had been on the market for over a year, so this reaction was predictable. But after she heard that they were offering a price of 36 thousand dollars, she became indignant. Bill even had to remind her about the law, which requires that all good faith offers be passed on, so that she would agree to call the owner.
A few minutes later the realtor called back. “The owner has made a counter-offer,” she said, less annoyed, as some semblance of a deal began to emerge. - Good offer. Forty-five thousand dollars. I think you need to agree."
“Thank you,” Bill was grateful for her work. – But I must explain the situation to you. My clients don’t have money for a down payment; the maximum the bank can give them, based on their earnings, is thirty-six thousand. Much less than forty-five. We can offer no more than 36.5 thousand dollars.”
“I’m sure my client won’t be able to do this,” the realtor said with conviction.
Bill replied: “You have no right to make such statements. You are obliged to convey our offer to the owner.” He began to understand what was happening. After all, this could turn out to be a good adventure.
Five minutes later, the realtor called back: “I conveyed your offer to the owner, and he wants me to show your clients the house. He is confident that when they see him, they will agree to his price.”
“I don’t think they have that option,” Bill told her again.
“I’ve seen stranger things,” she replied, “let’s just show them the house.”
“Okay,” Bill agreed and said goodbye to the realtor. He told the Johnsons about the details of his negotiations, and they just sat in front of him and smiled. Bill could hardly believe they had come this far already. Of course, in the morning they will all understand the futility of these attempts, but, on the other hand, this is an integral part of business. The Johnsons were nice people, and Bill was willing to help them to the end in this matter.
The next morning, driving up to the address, Bill was horrified to imagine what this house must be like. After all, it was the cheapest offer on the market, and it was located in a bad part of the city. The roads were full of potholes. Abandoned cars and unmown lawns were visible everywhere. Bill stopped in front of a modest gate and honked his horn.
The realtor woman was waiting for him, and the Johnsons were with her, looking hopeful. Bill was horrified to imagine how upset they would be. He was glad that he did not have to sell houses and thereby become part of people's disappointment from time to time.

Neil Donald Walsh

When God intervenes, miracles happen. Practical course in finding luck

There is on earth and in heaven what is yours

I never dreamed of philosophy, Horatio.

William Shakespeare

For you, mom


I would like to thank Greg Brandenburg, the publisher of Hampton Roads, who, ten years after this book was first published, offered to present it with a new design, thereby addressing this message to a whole new audience. My thanks also go to my ex-wife and still wonderful friend, Nancy, whose guiding hand and editorial genius brought the book to light in the first place. My deepest gratitude to Rita Curtis, a good and faithful friend, who selected the best stories for this book from hundreds of options. It was thanks to her extraordinary perseverance that the publication of the first edition of the book became possible at all. Finally, a huge thank you to my wife and colleague Am Claire, who fills my life so that I can still give humble gifts to this world, and whose own ability to heal and improve people's lives has always inspired me.


When God Intervenes

You are holding in your hands a reissue of the book “Moments of Grace” » , published in 2001. Incomprehensibly to me, ten years have passed since then. I am pleasantly surprised by Hampton Roads' decision to re-release this book, because I did not think that such works could be presented to the public so often.

Do you, like me, find it difficult to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has already ended? Just imagine! Whole ten percent the “next 100 years” (remember how fantastically distant this seemed at the end of the 19th century) have already expired!

The first decade of the 21st century has already ended. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited.

This is not an idle observation. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited. And every day we fill this time with more and more various activities. This is worth thinking about. Perhaps then we will stop taking our mobile phone with us into the shower (God forbid we end up unavailable for communication for ten blissful minutes) or turn on the laptop before we have time to get out of bed (of course, it’s better to start working immediately, because so many things have accumulated...).

The crazy pace of life means that we manage to do much more, but ourselves becomes less. Less rest, less relaxation, less silence, while each new day requires more and more peace of mind from us. Less attentiveness, less cheerfulness, less confidence, while every day we need more and more inner strength to face difficulties.

I've thought about this a lot. How can we find peace during these hectic times? What can give us inner strength?

The crazy pace of life leads to the fact that we manage to do much more, but there are fewer of us.

Perhaps the confidence that we are not walking through this life alone...

For this reason, I approved the reprinting of this book. I am sure that after reading it, more people will be able to experience the true delight that is our whole life, will be able to see the absolute value every moment.

I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second. After all, even breathing, even the smallest breath is a manifestation of God’s love.

I want you to let this experience into your life, because understanding the value of a moment completely changes your perception of the world. I want to open for you a life full of miracles created by God. Just by relaxing for a couple of moments, you can come into contact with the amazing. You will be able to gain confidence, you will realize a simple fact: that who works miracles on our side.

“I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.”

Even in our crazy world there is a way to do this. You just need to stop, at least six times a day, no matter what you do... just... stay… close your eyes and take an amazingly slow, deep breath.

When I say “take a deep, slow breath,” I mean take at least five seconds to inhale and another five to exhale. It's a relaxing let's-just-stop sigh.

This practice takes only 60 seconds a day. Just a minute a day to touch the Gift of Life and the Miracle of the Moment, and no matter What happening around.

You know what? You can start right now. Just stop right now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath for ten seconds.

So, let's get started. I'll wait.

Very good.

If you do this five more times today and six times every next day, while saying “ with this breath I come into contact with the Divine", you will open the way to knowing the presence of God. Soon you will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. Not only do you realize that God There is that He exists, but also that He is with You all the time, in any place and situation. And this, my dear friend, can change your life.

The publisher has given the book a new title, When God Goes..., and while the title is certainly appealing, I find it somewhat inaccurate because it suggests that there are times when God does not intervene. Actually this is not true. God is always everywhere, and there is not a single moment when He is “away” to have a cup of coffee.

You will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. You not only realize that God exists, that He exists, but also that He is with you all the time, in any place and situation.

From conversations with God this became completely obvious to me. Therefore, for me the question is not whether God is with us, but whether Nim whether We; it is not whether He interferes in our lives, but whether we withdraw from Him. And the point is not at all whether His attention is paid to us, but whether we think about Him.

Everything changes when our attention is turned to God. Then we know that God is here and He is here Now. And the better we are attuned to Divine gifts, the more often we receive them. This can be compared to radio signals - they surround us all the time, but in order to enjoy the music we must turn on the receiver.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about Divine gifts and encourages everyone to realize the ubiquitous Divine presence.

As you read the book, you will most likely feel that the events described in it are unusual and extraordinary. Don't think so. They are not. Everything you can read about here happens to people all the time and everywhere.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about divine gifts and encourages everyone to recognize the ubiquitous presence of God.

These stories are designed to surprise you not with their originality, but, on the contrary, with their commonness. The fact is that "God intervenes" each moment, and I hope reading this book will strengthen you in the idea that God does miracles constantly.

I can say this based on my personal experience. I can remember hundreds of cases when circumstances were extremely successful for me, although objectively this could not be counted on. So I learned count on miracles and found out that in this way I I attract.

Life is constructed in accordance with our ideas about it. This is a miracle! I hope this book will help you come closer to understanding that God is always on our side. He is the best friend who arranges everything in our lives in the best way for our souls. With this awareness, you will find peace of mind and your faith will soar.

Before starting our journey, let's admit the possibility that even this book fell into your hands only because God arranged it that way.

Hmmmm... if it were true, it would be exciting, wouldn't it?

Hold on tight my friend. Or better yet, relax. Because I have news.

This is true.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Donald Walsh


Oregon February, 2011

When life changes course

God intervenes in our lives in a very real, direct and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.

The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. As soon as we open our souls and allow God to touch it, our wildest dreams begin to come true.

Several years ago, the book “Conversations with God” was published, which attracted attention around the world. I am sure that it was God, in Moments of Grace, who inspired me to write it. And I know for sure that I am not the only one experiencing such moments. Therefore, if Conversations with God teaches anything, it is that God speaks to each of us, and moreover, constantly. Although we can hear Him only when we are ready to listen.

Those who have ears, let them hear.

“ The Divine often and in many ways manifests itself in our lives, especially if we are ready to experience a miracle. „

But I have another amazing news. God not only speaks to us, He visits us every day personally.

This book is entirely devoted to such visits in the destinies of people; it can change your idea of ​​life. After all, these stories belong not to saints, not to sages, not to gurus, but to ordinary people who experienced a “meeting with God” and will never forget it. The fact that these people live the same life as you and I is the most convincing argument in favor of the fact that our lives are guided by a Higher Power.

I prefer to call this force God. You can call it anything else - coincidence, intuition, luck, inspiration - but deny its existence After reading this book you won't be able to. Moreover, this force exists directly Here. In our life. Every day. She performs miracles. Works magic. Changes everything.

This happens in everyone's life. Janice Tooke, 43, from Herkimer, New York, tells how this happened to her...

My 11-year-old son and I went on a little trip to nature, to the Hudson River. On the way, as usual, when we are driving together in a car, we listened to the audio version of “Conversations with God.” On that sunny August evening, I noticed an unusually large number of beautiful butterflies fluttering around. I felt filled with inner light and love. I had an image in my mind of Jesus standing in a field with his arms outstretched, calling butterflies to him. Of course, they obeyed Him, beautiful, orange and black, they sat on his hands, head and shoulders. This beautiful picture brought peace to my heart.

At that moment, I felt that God was nearby, and I imagined that, just like Him, I was calling butterflies. It was a great feeling. I wanted it to last and never end.

But then doubts burst into my soul. What if I just made it all up? What if all these feelings and visions are just a figment of my own imagination? I felt disappointed. I passionately wanted make sure that God is real, that I am part of Him.

And then I asked Him to give me a sign, to show His presence in a material way. I didn't want to wait any longer, I wanted it to happen within this trip, right here and now. In my conversation with Him, I even used the words “I want.” I said, "I Want get a sign."

In the evening we pitched tents on the shore, and in the morning an amazingly beautiful dawn began to play on the river. A ray of sun reflected from the water surface slid across my face, and I woke up. I was sitting at a picnic table watching the waves on the sand when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a large butterfly appeared and began dancing right in front of me.

She made a circle over the tent in which my son was still sleeping, and I shuddered: “What a beauty you are. Come here, I want to take a closer look at you!” I extended my hand forward and was amazed to see how the butterfly landed on it!

It was so wonderful! The butterfly's orange and black wings were huge and absolutely perfect. And for several seconds she sat right in my palm. My son woke up from the sound of my voice and looked in amazement at the butterfly on my hand.

We were both amazed.

And of course, I knew who sent me this gift. I knew because I asked for it myself. And I knew that I could repeat this in moments of true faith and unity with God, just like any other person.

If you weren't paying enough attention, the appeal of this story might have eluded you. Or you might think that Janice is just good at playing with words that don't really mean anything.

But what can you say about the story of Bill Colson from Ogden, Utah?

My father's breathing became heavy, labored. He had been between life and death for several days. All family members were constantly on duty next to him.

Tormented by cancer, my father’s weak body was shaken by terrible spasms. It seemed like it was about to disappear right before our eyes. The father no longer even had the strength to complain about the pain, he could not utter a word, could not open his eyes, and this had been going on for 72 hours.

“Lord,” my mother said quietly at some point, “how long can this go on?”

It was about one in the morning, and she was completely exhausted. As are all of us, by the way. But they had been married for 61 years, so no one and nothing could now force her to leave her husband’s bed.

It was then that my conversation with God took place.

“Does he really have to suffer like that? – I persistently asked Him in my heart. - Lord, he was a good man. He completed all his business here, finished everything. Please. Can't You take it now? Stop this pain? If You are here, Lord, - and I know that it is so,“Please let this stop.”

At the same moment, my father’s breathing became easier. Within three minutes he was gone. Quiet. It was as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

My eyes filled with tears. I have never doubted God before. And of course, never I won't doubt it in the future.

Coincidence? Coincidence? I don't think so.

A moment of grace? Yes.

Moments of grace are those moments when God intervenes in our lives in a very real, immediate and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.

You experienced a Moment of Grace when this book fell into your hands.

There are many houses in the world

Bill Tucker learned a lesson in faith thirty years ago, a lesson he will never forget. He returned to that day many times and remembered that nothing is impossible. Only one thing is required. Faith.

To date, Bill had not sold a single house, although he had the appropriate license and worked in a real estate agency. He often stayed late at the office so agents could contact him after evening screenings. His job was to monitor sales offers, and he didn't want the deal to fall through or be delayed simply because he wasn't there.

That evening he yawned and, looking at his watch, thought that ten o'clock was already late enough for any office to close. It's time to go home, he told himself, it's already night. But then voices were heard in the waiting room. “I must have forgotten to close the door,” he thought, rising to his feet to see who was there.

“I apologize,” he apologized when he saw a young couple in the reception area. - We are closed". They were a very petite couple, she about five feet tall and he only a little taller, and two small children hovered shyly behind them.

“But the light is on,” remarked the little woman. “Yes, and you are here,” she added with a gentle smile.

“Yes,” Bill replied, “but I’m a manager, not an agent. I’m just waiting for the agents to get back from viewings so I can close the office until the morning.”

“We are the Johnsons... Ted and Amy. We need to buy a house today. You must help us,” she said insistently.

"Today, Miss Johnson?" – asked Bill.

She sighed. “Yes, we have to move tomorrow.”

Bill couldn't help but roll his eyes.

“This is impossible, madam,” he smiled patiently. “Even if we manage to find a suitable house this late in the evening, we will need to contact the owner and wait for a possible counter-offer.” Only after this you will submit documents for a mortgage. The house will be appraised and the bank will have to approve your application. There is absolutely no chance that you will be able to move into your new home in less than six weeks.”

He hoped he had explained the situation adequately enough. People never ceased to amaze Bill. He even laughed to himself. Does she really think she can come here at ten o'clock at night and achieve anything with such ridiculous ideas?

Bill opened his mouth to invite her to come over tomorrow when he could introduce them to an agent who would probably help with the matter, but she obviously had her own opinion on the matter.

“Oh, there shouldn’t be any problems. We will definitely be able to buy a house today,” she said.

Okay, Bill thought. Maybe they have enough cash to pay for the house outright. This, of course, will significantly speed up the process. "Is it true? Why do you think so?" – he asked politely.

“Because I asked God to give us a home by morning, and He never let me down.”

"Clear. Well, even if there was an agent here now, it’s too late to look at anything.”

But Amy didn't seem to understand what they were saying to her. “You have a license, don’t you?” - she insisted.

Bill replied that it was. “But I’ve never sold a house before; I’m not qualified.”

“You believe in God, don’t you?”

Bill smiled indulgently. “Yes, that's right. I have no doubts on this matter. But…"

She interrupted: “Do you believe in miracles?”

"Well, yes". There were indeed events in Bill's life that he could call amazing.

Mrs. Johnson straightened up and said, “Listen. Today I prayed and asked God to give me a home... hmm, could we sit down?” Bill nodded and pointed to a pair of chairs nearby. He himself sat down in the chair opposite. The woman continued, “I asked God to give us a house that we could move into tomorrow.”

Bill's eyebrows rose.

And Mrs. Johnson simply said, “We have nowhere to live. We thought we could buy a house in installments from an old lady here in town. We used to live two hundred miles north of here, but my husband got a job in this city, so we packed up and left. Only when we arrived at the place did it become clear that the elderly lady with whom we had agreed did not plan to move out of the house. She thought we would live with her and put us in the basement.”

Bill whistled, shaking his head. “This is a very strange story,” he said. Bill has worked in this field for twenty years and has heard his fair share of horror stories. Amy's story could very well be at the very top of this list.

Mrs. Johnson continued: “Of course, we can’t live in this old lady’s basement because we have children with us. We have to wash in the rest room at a gas station near our house. This cannot go on any longer, so today I asked God for a miracle. We went to look for an open real estate agency. And here we are!”

In the window, Bill saw the Johnson couple's old, dented car. “How much money do you have for a down payment?” He didn't really want to hear the answer.

“Oh, we have no money at all. Ted hasn't been able to work for the last ten years. You see, Ted is a recovering alcoholic, and although we're trying to start over now, it's not easy. And I work as a waitress part-time.”

Bill thought that the new details only made the situation worse. How did they even think about buying a house without a penny?

“Are you supporting your family on a waitress’ salary? Why do you work part-time?” – he asked out loud.

“I can’t do any more,” Mrs. Johnson explained, “besides this, I have to help at church. This is very important to me. But we manage to make ends meet... it's not a problem. The real problem is that we have nowhere to live. But know that we are not picky. We're willing to buy the cheapest house we can find."

“Why don’t you just film something? - Bill suggested. “You’ll get back on your feet, save some money, and then you’ll think about a house.”

“We have been renting housing for years,” she rejected this offer, “it’s time to get our own home. And with God's help we will succeed. Look how he brought us to you!”

Well, good luck, lady, Bill thought. At the same time, this little woman's strong faith intrigued him. He reasoned that in any case he would not stand in the way of her miracle. Bill opened his notes with offers for sale. At least it's worth at least seeing what's here, he thought with a sigh.

“Well, here's one house for $54,000. It's not in the best part of town, but the price is very attractive. How much will your husband be paid at his new job?”

Until now, Mr. Johnson hadn't said a word, but now he spoke: “I'm damn glad to get any job. And tomorrow is my first day of work as a watchman. I'll be paid six dollars an hour."

Bill looked at his interlocutors incredulously. "That's not a lot". Having estimated a couple of numbers on a calculator, he concluded: “Less than 12.5 thousand dollars a year.”

The man nodded.

Bill said: “At this salary, you can buy a house for a maximum of 36 thousand dollars, but in this price category they simply are not available. And even if they were, the bank will definitely require a down payment. This is all very unfortunate, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson."

“But you said you believe in miracles,” Mrs. Johnson said quietly.

“Yes,” Bill smiled humbly, “but I didn’t say I could create them myself.”

The couple just looked at him. Okay, Bill thought, let's see how impossible this mission is. And he began to dial the number of the realtor who was selling the house that was just discussed. “We’ll make them an offer,” he said, although he already knew exactly what the result would be.

At first, the realtor was very happy about the call. Bill saw in his notes that the house had been on the market for over a year, so this reaction was predictable. But after she heard that they were offering a price of 36 thousand dollars, she became indignant. Bill even had to remind her about the law, which requires that all good faith offers be passed on, so that she would agree to call the owner.

A few minutes later the realtor called back. “The owner has made a counter-offer,” she said, less annoyed, as some semblance of a deal began to emerge. - Good offer. Forty-five thousand dollars. I think you need to agree."

“Thank you,” Bill was grateful for her work. – But I must explain the situation to you. My clients don’t have money for a down payment; the maximum the bank can give them, based on their earnings, is thirty-six thousand. Much less than forty-five. We can offer no more than 36.5 thousand dollars.”

“I’m sure my client won’t be able to do this,” the realtor said with conviction.

Bill replied: “You have no right to make such statements. You are obliged to convey our offer to the owner.” He began to understand what was happening. After all, this could turn out to be a good adventure.

Five minutes later, the realtor called back: “I conveyed your offer to the owner, and he wants me to show your clients the house. He is confident that when they see him, they will agree to his price.”

“I don’t think they have that option,” Bill told her again.

“I’ve seen stranger things,” she replied, “let’s just show them the house.”

“Okay,” Bill agreed and said goodbye to the realtor. He told the Johnsons about the details of his negotiations, and they just sat in front of him and smiled. Bill could hardly believe they had come this far already. Of course, in the morning they will all understand the futility of these attempts, but, on the other hand, this is an integral part of business. The Johnsons were nice people, and Bill was willing to help them to the end in this matter.

The next morning, driving up to the address, Bill was horrified to imagine what this house must be like. After all, it was the cheapest offer on the market, and it was located in a bad part of the city. The roads were full of potholes. Abandoned cars and unmown lawns were visible everywhere. Bill stopped in front of a modest gate and honked his horn.

The realtor woman was waiting for him, and the Johnsons were with her, looking hopeful. Bill was horrified to imagine how upset they would be. He was glad that he did not have to sell houses and thereby become part of people's disappointment from time to time.

The realtor began to open the gate. Bill held his breath. The little house was adorable! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson smiled widely. It was a delightful red and white Cape Cod style cottage with dormers and shutters. As they walked through the front door, Bill noticed the new carpet and linoleum. All woodwork was cleaned and painted. The small kitchen had a new set from a well-known brand and new plumbing. The house was very neat and fully furnished with new furniture that came with it. A real treasure!

"We'll take him!" – Mrs. Johnson blurted out happily.

"Great. Let’s go to the owner and discuss the details,” said the realtor, smiling radiantly.

From the slums they walked into a beautiful suburb to a sprawling ranch, where the small group was greeted by a man dressed in work clothes. "Good afternoon. “My name is George Rockwell,” the man greeted them warmly and invited everyone to go into the kitchen, where his wife prepared a cup of coffee for everyone.

When everyone was seated in their chairs, Mr. Rockwell looked intently at Mr. Johnson and asked: “What’s the matter with you, Mister? Why don’t you want to buy a great home for your family at a reasonable price?”

“Well, sir,” said Mr. Johnson, looking into his cup, “it’s not that I don’t want to. It's just that my agent says I can't offer more for him." This conversation was clearly not easy for him. “You see,” he continued, “I am being treated for alcoholism. I haven't worked anywhere for the last ten years. But now I don't drink and I just got a job here at the Harnischfeger plant.

Mr. Rockwell exclaimed in surprise: “Harnischfeger? Who invited you to work there?

“Great guy named Rogers. Charlie Rogers."

Suddenly Rockwell stood up and extended his hand: “I will sell you a house for 36.5 thousand!”

Bill almost choked on his coffee. “Sorry,” he interrupted as soon as he could regain his breath, “but we’re not even sure the bank will give them a loan.”

“No problem,” came the answer, “I give them the loan myself.”

“Mr. Rockwell,” Bill continued, “but no one can vouch for this buyer.”

“Mr. Tucker, I don’t understand whose interests you represent here? – asked the owner of the house. But then his voice softened. – You know, I recently retired after thirty-six years of work at the Harnischfeger plant. Charlie Rogers came to me fifteen years ago, a fellow recovered alcoholic. I gave him a chance and he fully justified my trust. If this man is good enough for Charlie, then he is good enough for me too. I’m selling him the house at his price right here and now!”

Both realtors looked at each other in bewilderment.

Then everyone got another cup of coffee, and Mr. Rockwell told the story of the house, which, as it turned out, was very dear to his heart and was soon to become the property of the Johnson family.

His father built this house, and George Rockwell spent his entire life in it, even after he got married and had his own family. He did all the repair work himself. His wife chose carpet and new furniture. The only reason he and Mrs. Rockwell decided to move was because they wanted to invest their money in something more substantial, something that would generate a good income. Then their son, who has Down syndrome, will not need money even after their death.

The Johnsons were beaming with happiness. The morning sun filled the room with light, and Bill felt tears in the corners of his eyes. His colleague was touching up some mascara that was running slightly.

“Can we move in today?” Amy Johnson asked hopefully.

Rockwell put his hand into the pocket of his overalls and pulled out his keys. "Be my guests!" – he smiled and gave them to Mrs. Johnson.

She looked at Bill and winked cheerfully. He winked back at her. This is what it means to sell houses and what our whole life is, he thought. One miracle after another.

There are many beautiful sayings in Conversations with God, but nothing is more important than this one phrase: “The events of life unfold in accordance with our aspirations.”

This is a reminder from BSB(“Conversations with God”) helps to understand the relationship between us and God and the essence of the flow of life.

Life is not a “let’s see what happens” exploration process. It's a process of creative creation like "let's let's choose, what will happen".

We know that we are created in the image and likeness of God. Well, God - creator. God creates. And if we are truly created in His image and likeness, we must also be creators.

This is absolutely true. The only question is how exactly we can create. The answer is: through our aspirations.

Our intentions are to “help God.” This is how we merge with God in the process of co-creation. We consciously we use force God to get a specific result.

The Johnson family's story illustrates this. But, if you think about it more deeply, a question arises from the category “What came first - the chicken or the egg? That is, has Mrs. Johnson's faith become cause a miracle that happened? Or a miracle existed regardless from her faith, and all she needed was to see him?

What causes a miracle?

That is the question.

From Conversations with God we know what exactly pursuit Mrs. Johnson's purchase of the house led to the result we know.

" God - CREATOR. God creates. And if we are truly created in His image and likeness, we must also be creators. „

Is it possible? And if so, how does it work?

This is a question from the field of Analytical Theology. This is what I call a special form of theology that aims to understand How certain events occur, not just Why.

For some, knowing that Mrs. Johnson managed to buy a house in one day is enough. because she had faith. For others, the question is much deeper. How triggered faith? How exactly does it lead to the desired result?

The book “Conversations with God” became incredibly popular, was translated into twenty-seven languages ​​and read by millions of people around the world precisely because it explained - perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind in a language understandable to the average person - this most vital “how”.

In all subsequent books in the “With God” series, including “Friendship with God” and “Union with God,” this topic was worked out in detail, and now we know for certain mechanism how God enters our lives and brings miracles into it.

I called these wonderful moments when God comes Moments of Grace.

Of course, in the strict sense, God does not “enter our lives.” If this were true, there would also be times when He outside our lives. And this Not So. It's not that simple because it's impossible. This could only be possible if God and we existed separately from each other. Then for some time He could be “with us”, but for some time He could not be.

Then cause, according to which God is “with us” or “not with us,” could become the subject of an entire religion and belief system. We could devote our whole lives to solving the question of how to let God into our lives.

“Now we know for certain MECHANISM how God enters our lives and brings miracles into it. „

But what if God is already in our lives? What if He never was leaving? What if God couldn't leave even if He wanted to, simply because we are one with Him? What if This Truth?

This raises a completely different question. Not how to let God into our lives, but what are we going to do with Him now that we have finally seen that He was always there??

Thus, Conversations with God turns the question on its head. And accordingly, by asking the question differently, we get completely different answers.

If God and Mrs. Johnson are one, then that incident did not happen because she asked God to find her a home in one day. The reason is that she called this result.

She did it with her passion.

Does anyone doubt that Mrs. Johnson was committed to finding and moving into a new home within twenty-four hours, regardless of the opinions of strangers about whether it was possible or not?

Many people are watching their dreams come to an end simply because they never understood what is written here. They agree with opinions imposed on them from the outside and witness the death of their own dreams. However, a strong desire can stop this, I call this wonderful reverse process aspiration.

In essence, aspiration is “the end of the end.” It stops the cessation, allows everyone to start again with a clean slate. In some Christian circles the term "born again" is used. In Conversations with God, I called this process the miracle of re-creation, where we recreate ourselves better than we ever were before.

Never underestimate the power of aspiration. That's what the Johnson family's story teaches us.


David Daniel is an avid poker player, so he knows a lot about the odds. Back in the early seventies, as a college student, David learned how unlikely it was for something called a "coincidence" to exist.

David is a freshman at the University of Southern California majoring in international relationships. And immediately, as a participant in the exchange program, he was offered to spend a year at the University of Tunisia, located in the capital of this North African republic. The adventure should have been glorious.

David's parents allowed him to spend some time before the start school year while traveling around Europe. Although, for obvious reasons, they were quite worried, because David was only nineteen years old. The plan was to fly to Paris, travel around France for a while, and then go to Tunisia.

David was excited about the upcoming trip, but at the same time slightly nervous. Still would! He is not yet twenty, but he is already ready to set off completely independently towards a different culture. Hmmmm, he thought that this trip would either be a truly valuable experience for him... or a real disaster.

And so a young man with his hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing patched jeans and a backpack on his back, found himself at Kennedy Airport. He liked this unfamiliar feeling of being somewhere far from home. Will I succeed?– the guy thought. – My God, Paris! And Tunisia! What will I do when I get there? I don't even know the language! I don't know anyone there.

My own experiences were a little confusing. David wandered around the airport aimlessly, trying to push away thoughts of what could go wrong. But there was still a lot of time to worry, since the flight involved a multi-hour transfer.

In the end, David decided to drive to Manhattan and while away the time there. While saving money for Europe, he wanted to hitch a ride to get there. David was in New York for the first time. This evening's walk should be exciting, he told himself, and besides, catching a car near the airport should be easy.

Cars rushed past, not paying any attention to his raised finger. God, I can't even drive around New York - David scolded himself. -How, I wonder, am I going to do this in France?

He was about to give up on his idea when a car stopped in front of him.

“Where are you going, son?” – the pleasant man sitting behind the wheel asked him.

“To Manhattan,” David answered hopefully, “I was thinking of taking a walk before the flight.”

“Well, I’m not going to Manhattan, but I can give you a little ride and then you can catch another car.”

Joyfully, David jumped into the car. Looks like things are looking up, he thought with a smile.

Error again.

When they stopped in the middle of an interchange on the expressway, David was surprised to realize that the driver wanted to let him off. "What's happened?" – he asked nervously.

Four roads converged at this point, leading in different directions to different parts of the city. David had no idea where he was or how to get where he was going. In a state of complete prostration, he didn’t even think to ask the driver about it! He just heard: “Son, you need to get out,” thanked him for the help and found himself on a small island in the center of the highway.

Despair overwhelmed David as he watched the streams of cars rush past. I'll never catch a ride here, he thought hopelessly.

Even if someone will stop, which is already unlikely, he needs to go to Manhattan, and not somewhere else! And go to more appropriate place or he could not return to the airport at all. He stood in the very center of the intersection of several highways and thought that he was in deep trouble.

David adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and, without the slightest hope, stuck out his hand with a raised finger.

Hundreds of cars drove past. An hour passed... then a second. David looked at the faces of the drivers, they were all focused on their business. They hardly noticed him at all, and if someone looked up at the guy, there was amazement in their eyes or, even worse, irony. David knew what they were thinking.

"Does this kid really think he can catch a car? Here

David understood that it was stupid to hope for this, but he could not do anything. Reflecting on the situation, David decided that if no one stopped, he would wait until there were fewer cars, cross the road and try to walk to the bus stop. He began to get more and more nervous. If something doesn't happen soon, he won't have time to walk around Manhattan anymore. He will need to return to the airport so as not to miss his flight to Paris.

Now truly negative thoughts began to enter the guy’s head. He thought he was extremely vulnerable standing here. Anything can happen. Even if he is spotted by a patrol car, this can either solve his problems or add to his troubles. It is forbidden to catch cars on highways, he could be taken to the police station, and then he would let the plane pass...

These thoughts depressed David. But at some point he stopped and said to himself: Wait a minute, what kind of nonsense is this? Nothing bad will happen. He shook his head. You need to think positively.

A couple of minutes later, David noticed that the old model station wagon had slowed down and the driver was looking at him with concern. The car stopped completely, and, not completely believing what was happening, David saw that the driver was waving his hand.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” David repeated, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and running to the open door.

“Are you going to Manhattan?” – he asked immediately. Taught by bitter experience, David knew what questions to ask before the car started moving. He didn't want to soon find himself on yet another island among traffic!

The driver looked at David with deep brown eyes and said with a slight accent: “Yes, to Manhattan.” They drove for half a mile or so before they spoke again. David asked, “Where are you from?”

“From Tunisia. This is in North Africa."

What? If David could have slammed on the brakes, he would have. “Are you from T-Tunisia?” – he stammered.

“Yes, but I haven’t been home for quite some time. I've actually lived in Paris for the last few years and just moved to New York this month. I work as a doctor in Manhattan."

“Have you lived in Paris? Are you from Tunisia and lived in Paris?”

David couldn’t believe his ears: “I’m flying to Paris today to go from there to Tunisia in a month!”

The man's eyes widened in surprise, and a smile appeared on his face. “Well, it looks like I picked the right passenger. Perhaps I can help you on your journey."

During the forty-five minutes that they reached Manhattan, David and the doctor engaged in animated conversation about the people and places that were to come into his life in next year. The driver gave David the contacts of several close friends and acquaintances. They could tell him where to go, what to see, where to eat away from the crowds, where to find accommodation and who to meet - all this should have made David's stay in Paris as pleasant as possible and different from the usual tourist program.

The very next day, shortly after landing in international airport Charles de Gaulle, David saw the benefits of his trip to Manhattan. For example, he was invited to stay with his wife, whose names and telephone number were given to David by the driver, who then gave him a lift.

A few weeks later, new acquaintances, also made through the doctor, helped David settle into the university, and his life in a foreign city with an unfamiliar culture became comfortable as quickly as possible. He had nothing to really worry about. In general, everything went as it should.

And David’s whole life - his faith in himself and people, future opportunities - could have been... no, would be... completely different, don’t stop that kind one, special the man in front of the hippie-haired guy voting in the middle of the New York City Expressway one summer morning.

David never saw his benefactor again. He tried to write him letters to thank him for his enormous help, but never received an answer. In the end. David realized that this meeting had some higher meaning in his life and there was no need to try to find the doctor again. That incident determined a whole year in his life.

David still loves to tell this story. Some listeners are inclined to take lightly the sacred meaning that David puts into it. But still, everyone is amazed at the number of miraculous coincidences that happened on the highway then.

“Most of all,” says David, “this doctor helped me not even by making my journey easier, but by clearly showing me that there is a place for miracles in life, they happen, and you can’t pass by.”

“Every event has its own meaning and significance. It depends only on your choice whether you will understand them or not. This choice determines the course of life.”

A couple of years ago I learned a wise thought from Werner Erhard. Being a talented teacher, the creator of a special training system ( ECT), he said: “Everything in life works out by itself.”

This is one of the most positive phrases I have ever heard. This approach allows me relax and give life a chance to express itself.

I reformulated this phrase in my own way.

God is on our side.

I believe in this completely and completely. This is the foundation on which the entire book Friendship with God, published in 1999, is based. And besides, my entire philosophy and understanding of life is based on this.

I believe that God is “playing on our side” every minute, and sometimes He demonstrates this more clearly than usual. The story of David Daniel is direct proof of this.

I believe we all have a story like this. I am sure that each of us can remember moments of amazing coincidences, insights, incredible luck or luck. It doesn't matter what you call them. I call them Moments of Grace. Each of us experiences such moments, but only a few are aware of them.

When we begin to understand the true nature of Moments of Grace and experience them consciously, something amazing happens. There are more of them. This is because the more we know what is happening, the better we know what is happening.

“ I believe that God is “playing on our side” every minute, and sometimes He demonstrates this more clearly than usual. „

I will try to explain.

Awareness is the key to intelligence, and intelligence is the key to creation. Deep awareness leads to even deeper awareness. It multiplies within itself. As soon as a person becomes aware, he understands that he is Aware. Then he realizes that he is aware that he is Aware, and so on until he reaches the ultimate level of Absolute Awareness.

Once we realize that there are something called Moments of Grace in life, we very quickly begin to notice them. How quickly we notice them allows us, in turn, to use them more easily. It may even seem to the average person that we create them ourselves. And it's true So, if we accept the definition of “creation” as the act of identifying something (and thereby using it to one’s advantage) that is already available.

Just understand that we don't have to create anything from scratch. We just have to use what has already been created for us. And firmly believe that we are capable of this.

It may seem to you that my reasoning here is rather vague. This is not true, but it may seem like it to you.

“ Once we realize that there are something called Moments of Grace in life, we very quickly begin to notice them. „

In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, we said that aspiration is what allowed the miracle to manifest itself, which made it possible to find and buy a house without having the money for it. We also asked what was the reason for this miracle. Did the miracle exist before Mrs. Johnson believed in it, or did she create it through her faith?

We argue that “we just need to use what has already been created to our advantage.” This means that the miracle already existed and Mrs. Johnson only needed to see him, probably with the help of faith.

However, faith is difficult to understand. For many people, it is difficult to begin to believe in something that they “don’t believe.” How does a person turn from unbelief to faith? How is faith “born” in a person?

According to my observations, there are three ways in which “faith” arises: through observation, through experience, and through decision. We can observe By watching miracles happen to others (by reading books like this!), we can been through wonderful moments (as happened with David Daniel), or we can decide, what miracle we want to receive (the path chosen by Mrs. Johnson).

In fact, these methods can be built into a three-stage system. First you hear about miracles that happen to other people. Then, after you have heard enough, the realization comes to you that in yours miracles happen in life. And finally, after enough miracles have happened to you personally, you decide that miracles must be commonplace, and you begin expect them - even count on them – through your aspirations!

The interesting thing is that not every one of these steps needs to be completed. And they don’t even have to be in the specified order. A person can jump over one step or change their order.

What happened to David on his first trip to New York may seem like a nuisance or even a real misfortune. In fact, it was a Moment of Grace, a moment of Divine Intervention, which subsequently brought only benefits.

According to my observations, there are three ways in which “faith” arises: through observation, through experience, and through decision.

The Moment of Grace brought not only short-term benefits into David's life, but also faith and knowledge that stayed with him for the rest of his life.

From that very day, David firmly knows that everything in life works out on its own, that God is on our side. He has no doubts about the veracity of these statements; he himself survived this, he knows what the Flow of Life is. That is, David immediately moved to the second stage.

It's great that understanding these simple things led to even more similar moments in his life. This happened because he was able to look at things differently, perceive and worry their. Expect different. And now he has already taken a step towards the third stage.

But before David's miracle happened, he was very worried whether he would be able to get out of the mess he had gotten himself into. At the same time, Mrs. Johnson was not at all worried, although her miracle was also yet to happen.

What is the difference? Pursuit. Mrs. Johnson was already at the third stage. We don't know enough about her past to know whether she got there all at once or went through all the stages. And it doesn't really matter. What is important is that she set her sights and did not waver. Her thoughts were not clouded for a moment by doubt, although this is not so easy when everything is not going very well. She never once weakened her desire, did not let everything take its course. Her desire kept everything in voltage.

This is the secret of life. The right tension is always beneficial. What I mean here is what psychologists call “creative tension.” I give these words a literal meaning: tension that creates.

Creative tension is the force that you can oppose negative energies to turn the situation to your advantage. This is what helps you when it seems to everyone around you that the world is collapsing, there is no way out and there are no chances.

Relieving tension means retreating, surrendering, letting go of your end of the rope. The release of tension destroys everything.

The trick is to hold the tension until the opposing force recedes. Then all will fall into place.

This is exactly what happened to the Johnsons.

David is lucky that negative thinking there, on an island in the middle of the expressway, did not completely capture him, did not have time to generate enough negative energy to nullify his dreams of walking around Manhattan and returning to the airport in time for departure.

The trick is to hold the tension until the opposing force recedes. Then everything will fall into place.

He managed to force himself to think positively just in time to put an end to the end. He stopped stopping good things from coming into his life. He almost saw the miracle die, but managed to turn course and go through a process that I call re-creation.

Just think about it! What a miracle! Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a man appears who is not only heading to Manhattan, but turns out to be the ideal person imaginable in this situation.

Today, David says his life is “full of incidents like this.” This is undoubtedly true. After all, exactly what you think about happens to you. If you believe that the circumstances in which you find yourself - whatever they may be - will ultimately lead you to success, then this will undoubtedly happen.

Otherwise it can not be. For your experience, all that happens is that you think what's happening. Not specific events happening to you, but yours feelings regarding this!

Your feelings about what is happening are what is happening. These are processes occurring in the heart, soul and mind. Each time, both here and there, a corresponding record is created, which, in essence, is what we call experience.

So, for example, two people can listen to the same melody at the same time, but get completely different impressions from it, different experiences. The same goes for food, sex or anything else.

“Your feelings about what is happening are what is happening. These are processes occurring in the heart, soul and mind. „

If every time you find yourself in an unpleasant situation (like David in the middle of the freeway), you perceive it as an opportunity, an opportunity, and not an obstacle, then negative thoughts will not bother you, and you will have a radically different experience.

And what's even more important is that you don't need to know that something good is happening for it to happen. It happens anyway, whether you know it or not.. But if you want to have a positive experience, you need see this “good”.

This is awareness. Here's what it means.

The main thing in life is to observe impartially, simply observe, behind what is happening. Don't label. Don't get caught up in negativity. Become an objective observer.

The driver had just dropped me off in the middle of a huge New York City traffic circle.

If every time you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you perceive it as an opportunity, a chance, and not an obstacle, then negative thoughts will not bother you.

This is precisely the fait accompli in David's story. All his other thoughts were assessments. God doesn't really care whether we evaluate what is happening or not. We can always be sure that He directs any event for our good. The only question is how long will it take us to notice it?

The sooner we understand that everything is done only for the better, the sooner we can get the positive impressions that are due to us.

This is stated in the second book about “Conversations with God”:

By my will, I gave you the opportunity to find out Who You Are, so I allow you to choose and create any events to achieve this goal.

From time to time, other people join you in this Game of the Universe: casual acquaintances, minor participants, temporary allies, long-term partners, relatives and family, one love or spouse for life.

You created them for yourself, and they created you for themselves. It is a two-way creative process that reflects the desires and choices of both parties.

There are no chance meetings.

There are no coincidences.

Nothing happens for nothing.

Life is not a series of probabilities.

People and events are chosen by you, for your own purposes...

Once we understand this, our lives change. Or so we Seems. In fact, we are only beginning to see what is actually contained in them. Just as it is impossible to change yourself, you can only find out Who are you in fact, that is, to change one's own perception or experience.

I know that everything in life works out by itself. I know that God is on my side. It keeps me creatively charged. The Positive Self and the Negative Self constantly fight until the Negative Self finally gives up. And then everything falls into place!

Now that I know this, my whole life seems carefree to me. After all, everything is going for the better. This truth has set me free. Free from anxiety. Free from anger. Free from fear.

When and if I forget Who I Really Am and What Is Happening, my experience will change. I forgot that everything in life works out by itself. I forgot that God is on my side.

So I don't see what's going on. I lost voltage. I let negative thinking enter my mind.

I forgot that my companion was already on the way, and the island in the middle of the highway became a real nightmare for me.

Miracles happen

Fred Root sat in his chair and waited to die. He wanted a drink. “I don’t need a damn doctor, I already know that I won’t last much longer,” he muttered, “it’s clear to everyone that my turn has come.”

Just yesterday, the cardiologist told Fred's ex-wife and children that now was the time to visit him to say goodbye. The children stopped by to check on him, but didn’t stay too long. Fred hasn't been interacting with them very well lately, especially his stepson. And they didn’t get along with each other even in those days when he was healthy, and now it’s even worse.

Fred had a bad heart. The problems began a long time ago; his first serious attack occurred in 1975. Although he was only thirty-eight years old at the time, this came as no surprise to anyone. His mother and father died of heart attacks, heart disease claimed the lives of two of his brothers, and last year, at the age of forty-four, his sister, who also suffered from diabetes, died of a heart attack.

Fred himself has had bypass surgery twice in the past six years. He hadn’t worked for quite some time, but he didn’t really miss the everyday work life. A manager in a computer manufacturing company is a very nervous position. Perhaps it was she who aggravated his heart problems. “So much the better” was all he thought about it.

“Make it quiet,” he barked at Anna, who was watching TV. Doesn't she understand how sick he is?

He understood that his character had changed greatly, but he could not do anything about it. He became irritable. Hot-tempered and irritable. Yes exactly.

“God, I’m so tired of sitting here,” Fred muttered, trying to get comfortable in his chair and look out the window. Every movement hurt. There was so little oxygen left in his blood that all his limbs and chest felt like they were frozen in an icy spasm. He rarely got up from his chair; all he was capable of doing was traveling to the bathroom.

His entire world had shrunk to the size of this three hundred square foot room. He did not go outside, because to do this he had to go down from the second floor, that is, to overcome the steps; he could only watch life pass by outside the window. Every time an ambulance rushed past, he wondered if he would be its next passenger.

Almost nothing interested Fred anymore. He was tired of TV, all these sitcoms seemed terribly stupid. Lately, he's been mostly reading Stephen King novels, the only thing that's kept him occupied for any length of time. Anna (her full name sounded like Roseanne, but Fred always preferred to use the shortened version) once tried to tell him about spiritual literature that she herself read, but it seemed complete nonsense to him.

Fred had never been particularly interested in religion or God, and the fact that he was now dying couldn't change that in any way. He went to church several times as a child, but none of his relatives went there with him and after some time he stopped seeing the point in it.

He believed that the church could not make his life better. Nothing could make her better...except maybe drink.

“Should I get you something to eat before I leave for the meeting?” – Anna asked, entering the living room in her coat.

“What meeting? You didn't tell me you were leaving. I don't want to be alone. And I don't want to eat. Just get me a drink."

“Fred, you shouldn't drink. This could end badly,” she said carefully.

“What are you talking about? Maybe this will kill me? – Fred said angrily.

It was winter in Ohio. The day turned out to be sunny and cold, but in the evening the sky became cloudy and took on an ominous appearance. Fred noticed that the trees outside the window were swaying slightly in the wind.

“The wind is picking up, there will probably be a thunderstorm. That’s another reason why you should stay home today.”

But Anna had already taken off her coat.

He reached for the remote control, but then realized that he didn’t even have the strength to do that, he leaned back in his chair again and for a while just listened to the howling of the wind. Then the TV started working; he knew that Anna was watching him again, but he sat with his eyes closed in his chair and felt only pain. It seemed like thunder was roaring and the wind was picking up, but Fred didn't move.

Maybe this will stop very soon, he thought with a sigh. There is no point in just sitting there and suffering from pain. I want this to stop.

And then something happened. There was a terrible roar, so strong that the whole room shook. Immediately, through his closed eyelids, Fred felt a bright flash. In surprise, he opened his eyes and saw a ball of light the size of a basketball circling directly above the TV. Fred blinked. Bright light was unpleasant to the eye, but he felt an irresistible urge to look at the ball closer. The fiery orange center of the ball was surrounded by an iridescent light glow, and behind it stretched a tail, like a comet. Fred couldn't say a word. What he saw did not fit into his mind. In a daze, Fred looked at this strange glowing ball. And then he exploded. Right before his eyes. Just… burst. Completely silent, it couldn't even really be called an explosion, it seemed to throw many tiny balls of light into the room and into Fred himself.

Fred felt waves of unlike anything energy in his chest. Warmth and a slight tingling sensation spread throughout my body.

At that moment the power of speech returned to him. He looked at Anna - completely amazed, she was sitting on the sofa.

“Did you see this too?” Fred wanted to make sure he wasn't imagining it all.

His wife nodded slowly. "Are we dead?"

"Don't know. But if we stand up and see empty chairs, we are still alive.” Fred found it strange that his sense of humor had sharpened in such a situation.

Anna and Fred hesitantly walked to the opposite wall of the room and turned around. Their bodies were not in the chairs. Fred took a deep breath. “Well, I guess we’re not dead after all. It might be worth going out and asking if anyone else has seen anything unusual.”

Before Anna could say anything, Fred left the apartment, obviously not thinking about what he was doing. He ran down the steps and out into the street where the wind was blowing. Fallen leaves and branches rustled along the sidewalk. He walked around the building to check if it was damaged and heard a siren wail in the distance. Then he noticed two men and hurried towards them.

“This is a thunderstorm, huh?” - he said.

“Exactly,” one of the men answered him, pointing to the dark windows of two houses opposite, “it seems that down the street the electricity even went out.”

Fred thought he'd go back up to the apartment and check on Anna. She must be very scared if she went through what he did. Entering the door, he saw Anna, only she was not frightened, but rather stunned.

“Do you realize what you just did? Do you even understand what you did?” Her amazement knew no bounds.

Fred froze. He looked down at his weak body and then back at his wife. What happened to him? Slowly it dawned on him that he had just walked down the stairs, walked around the house and came back. And I didn’t even get out of breath! A few minutes earlier, he had struggled to get to the bathroom in incredible pain, which was much easier than climbing the stairs twice. Now he did not experience the slightest discomfort. In fact, he felt great! So what happened to him?

“I want to do it again,” he said, unable to believe it was possible.

Fred went downstairs and walked around the building twice. “I feel like a million bucks,” he told Anna upon his return, “the pain is gone.”

Fred really didn't feel any pain anymore. He called his cardiologist, but he did not even want to discuss this story. Then he told the local therapist about what had happened, to whom he went for routine examinations.

“Well, Fred, I've heard enough stories like yours,” he admitted, “that nothing surprises me anymore. Go and enjoy life, and if the pain returns, come to me again. Now you don't need my help anymore."

Now Fred is enjoying life. Something changed not only in his body, but in his very attitude towards life. He no longer seeks to control everyone and everything. He has stopped drinking, and his children and friends come to see him more often.

The miracle, as Fred and Anna decided to call what happened, brought them closer. They began to talk for a long time about issues of spirituality, read and discuss books about personal growth, whose philosophy Fred now fully accepted.

In addition, in order to somehow help the local community, Fred and Anna began to publish a brochure dedicated to issues of soul, body and mind. He no longer asked what he did to deserve this miraculous healing. Fred believes his body and soul were healed because he still had something left to give to the world.

Anna believes that this miracle was given to both of them.

Sometimes Moments of Grace are like a blow. God just comes and gives us a real shake-up. These “shocks” are almost beyond description; they can be described in one word – inexplicable. They burst into our lives, and we cannot even understand what is happening. We are just wondering what it is.

Friendship with God puts it perfectly.

“I give you only miracles.”

“Sometimes Moments of Grace are like a blow. God just comes and gives us a real shake-up. „

This means we can expect a miracle every day of our lives. But in order to pay attention to the butterfly sitting next to you, you need to realize that miracles surround us. Otherwise, we simply don’t notice them.

Excluding "shake-ups". It is simply impossible not to notice them. This is what happened to Fred and Anna Ruth.

Before analyzing this amazing miracle, I would like to discuss with you some subtleties, namely the reasons why healing miracles are perhaps even more important than others.

Most of us take little care of ourselves. Not just Fred, but almost every one of us.

In the first book, Conversations with God, there is such an observation.

“We can expect a miracle every day of our lives. We need to realize that miracles surround us. Otherwise, we simply don’t notice them. „

Every disease is created by man himself. Even conservative doctors notice how people make themselves sick.

Most people do this completely unconsciously. They get sick, but they don’t know what actually caused it. It seems to them that misfortune has simply befallen them; they do not understand that it is their fault.

This happens because people move through life - and this applies not only to health issues - unconsciously.

People smoke and are surprised that they develop cancer.

People eat animals, get fat and are surprised that their blood vessels are full of blood clots.

People are angry all their lives and are surprised that they have heart attacks.

People compete with each other - fiercely, expending incredible effort - and are surprised that they suffer strokes.

The non-trivial truth is that people are driving themselves into their graves with their worry.

Five books and years earlier, in Union with God, we find an explanation of this:

Health is a reflection of the harmony between your body, mind and spirit. Illness indicates an imbalance. Maybe your body needs rest, but your mind doesn't understand it. Perhaps the mind is weighed down by negative, angry thoughts or worries about tomorrow, and the body cannot relax.

Your body will tell the truth. Just take a closer look. You just need to make out its signs, just hear it.

If you listen to your body and take good care of it, new possibilities will certainly open up in it. Every day we can create miracles.

Now let's talk about miracles.

“ Health is a reflection of the harmony between your body, mind and spirit. Illness indicates an imbalance. „

A Course in Miracles says that there is no gradation of miracles in terms of complexity. Nothing is difficult for God. Everything is possible; and not just possible, but easy.

Not all miracles are like healing. Fred Ruth was healed, but that doesn't mean other people should wonder why their loved ones die without waiting for a "miracle." But death can also be a miracle, even if it is not the miracle we expected.

My definition of a miracle is “the most correct thing in the most correct way in the most correct way.” right time" The story of Mr. Coulson's death in the first chapter of this book is a perfect example of this. This definition is no less accurately illustrated by the story of David Daniel, who caught a car in the middle of a busy New York freeway.

Every time I pray for a miracle for myself or someone else, I find peace and strength in “letting God decide” what that miracle will be. I say these words: “I would like this, Lord, but only if it brings benefit to everyone it may affect. Please, Lord, do what will be good. Everyone. I know you will do it. Amen".

This prayer has given me comfort for twenty-five years now. This is my understanding of the phrase “everything is God’s will.”

“ My definition of a miracle is: “The right thing in the right way at the right time.” „

I have already said that the more we realize that miracles happen in our lives every day, the more miracles we experience. Many miracles pass us by unnoticed, only because they were not recognized by us as “wonderful.”

Often the miracle lies not even in the event itself, but in the time when it happened. The event itself may be quite ordinary, but moment the time in which it happened makes it miraculous. Therefore, we are inclined to consider it not a miracle, but coincidence.

Every time I pray for a miracle for myself or someone else, I find peace and strength in “letting God decide” what that miracle will be.

Or sometimes the miracle is not in what exactly happened, but in how. The most ordinary events can intertwine in such an incredible way as to lead to the least expected result. Therefore, we are inclined to consider it not a miracle, but by chance.

Sometimes an event is completely explainable. It happens in usual time in the usual way, but the very fact that it at all happens, and even more so with us, is amazing. Therefore, we are inclined to consider it not a miracle, but good luck.

Many people come up with all sorts of different names for Divine miracles so as not to call them “Divine miracles” because they either do not believe in God, or do not believe in miracles, or do not believe that a miracle can happen to them. And if a person doesn’t believe in something, then he won’t be able to see it. Because believing means seeing. Otherwise it can not be.

It is for this reason that you may not see yourself as Who You Are. You don't even know that you yourself are a miracle. Although this is true. Miracle is a process of becoming. After all, you are working on yourself, and God will never stop doing this either.

This is what happened to Fred Root in those weeks when he thought he was going to die. God had big plans for him and He tried various ways to shake Fred up. God even gave him books through Anna and encouraged her to talk to him about spirituality. But Fred just didn't listen. Then God said, “Okay... let's see what we can do to get his attention...”

“If a person doesn’t believe in something, then he won’t be able to see it. Because believing means seeing. „

Many of us have received similar calls from the universe. But, as I have already noted, we are too prone to give them the wrong names.

Darkness of mind.

Supernatural phenomena.

Flight of fancy.

As you wish. Although all this is nothing short of miracles.

But do such things really happen? Do people really see balls of light in front of them, feel amazing energy in their body, or hear a soft voice speaking great truths? Do people really suddenly get healed, feel absolute merging with the universe, or talk with God?

After the publication of Conversations with God, the question I am most often asked is: “Why you? Why did God choose you?”

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but I’ll say it again and again: “God Not chose me. He chooses everyone. He speaks to each of us constantly. The question is not who God is speaking to. The question is who is listening."

End of free trial.

There is on earth and in heaven what is yours

I never dreamed of philosophy, Horatio.

William Shakespeare

For you, mom


I would like to thank Greg Brandenburg, the publisher of Hampton Roads, who, ten years after this book was first published, offered to present it with a new design, thereby addressing this message to a whole new audience. My thanks also go to my ex-wife and still wonderful friend, Nancy, whose guiding hand and editorial genius brought the book to light in the first place. My deepest gratitude to Rita Curtis, a good and faithful friend, who selected the best stories for this book from hundreds of options. It was thanks to her extraordinary perseverance that the publication of the first edition of the book became possible at all. Finally, a huge thank you to my wife and colleague Am Claire, who fills my life so that I can still give humble gifts to this world, and whose own ability to heal and improve people's lives has always inspired me.


When God Intervenes

You are holding in your hands a reissue of the book “Moments of Grace” » , published in 2001. Incomprehensibly to me, ten years have passed since then. I am pleasantly surprised by Hampton Roads' decision to re-release this book, because I did not think that such works could be presented to the public so often.

Do you, like me, find it difficult to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has already ended? Just imagine! Whole ten percent the “next 100 years” (remember how fantastically distant this seemed at the end of the 19th century) have already expired!

The first decade of the 21st century has already ended. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited.

This is not an idle observation. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited. And every day we fill this time with more and more various activities. This is worth thinking about. Perhaps then we will stop taking our mobile phone with us into the shower (God forbid we end up unavailable for communication for ten blissful minutes) or turn on the laptop before we have time to get out of bed (of course, it’s better to start working immediately, because so many things have accumulated...).

The crazy pace of life means that we manage to do much more, but ourselves becomes less. Less rest, less relaxation, less silence, while each new day requires more and more peace of mind from us. Less attentiveness, less cheerfulness, less confidence, while every day we need more and more inner strength to face difficulties.

I've thought about this a lot. How can we find peace during these hectic times? What can give us inner strength?

The crazy pace of life leads to the fact that we manage to do much more, but there are fewer of us.

Perhaps the confidence that we are not walking through this life alone...

For this reason, I approved the reprinting of this book. I am sure that after reading it, more people will be able to experience the true delight that is our whole life, will be able to see the absolute value every moment.

I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second. After all, even breathing, even the smallest breath is a manifestation of God’s love.

I want you to let this experience into your life, because understanding the value of a moment completely changes your perception of the world. I want to open for you a life full of miracles created by God. Just by relaxing for a couple of moments, you can come into contact with the amazing. You will be able to gain confidence, you will realize a simple fact: that who works miracles on our side.

“I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.”

Even in our crazy world there is a way to do this. You just need to stop, at least six times a day, no matter what you do... just... stay… close your eyes and take an amazingly slow, deep breath.

When I say “take a deep, slow breath,” I mean take at least five seconds to inhale and another five to exhale. It's a relaxing let's-just-stop sigh.

This practice takes only 60 seconds a day. Just a minute a day to touch the Gift of Life and the Miracle of the Moment, and no matter What happening around.

You know what? You can start right now. Just stop right now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath for ten seconds.

So, let's get started. I'll wait.

Very good.

If you do this five more times today and six times every next day, while saying “ with this breath I come into contact with the Divine", you will open the way to knowing the presence of God. Soon you will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. Not only do you realize that God There is that He exists, but also that He is with You all the time, in any place and situation. And this, my dear friend, can change your life.

The publisher has given the book a new title, When God Goes..., and while the title is certainly appealing, I find it somewhat inaccurate because it suggests that there are times when God does not intervene. Actually this is not true. God is always everywhere, and there is not a single moment when He is “away” to have a cup of coffee.

You will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. You not only realize that God exists, that He exists, but also that He is with you all the time, in any place and situation.

From conversations with God this became completely obvious to me. Therefore, for me the question is not whether God is with us, but whether Nim whether We; it is not whether He interferes in our lives, but whether we withdraw from Him. And the point is not at all whether His attention is paid to us, but whether we think about Him.

Everything changes when our attention is turned to God. Then we know that God is here and He is here Now. And the better we are attuned to Divine gifts, the more often we receive them. This can be compared to radio signals - they surround us all the time, but in order to enjoy the music we must turn on the receiver.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about Divine gifts and encourages everyone to realize the ubiquitous Divine presence.

As you read the book, you will most likely feel that the events described in it are unusual and extraordinary. Don't think so. They are not. Everything you can read about here happens to people all the time and everywhere.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about divine gifts and encourages everyone to recognize the ubiquitous presence of God.

These stories are designed to surprise you not with their originality, but, on the contrary, with their commonness. The fact is that "God intervenes" each moment, and I hope reading this book will strengthen you in the idea that God does miracles constantly.

I can say this based on my personal experience. I can remember hundreds of cases when circumstances were extremely successful for me, although objectively this could not be counted on. So I learned count on miracles and found out that in this way I I attract.

Life is constructed in accordance with our ideas about it. This is a miracle! I hope this book will help you come closer to understanding that God is always on our side. He is the best friend who arranges everything in our lives in the best way for our souls. With this awareness, you will find peace of mind and your faith will soar.

Before starting our journey, let's admit the possibility that even this book fell into your hands only because God arranged it that way.

Hmmmm... if it were true, it would be exciting, wouldn't it?

Hold on tight my friend. Or better yet, relax. Because I have news.

This is true.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Donald Walsh


Oregon February, 2011

God intervenes in our lives in a very real, direct and obvious way. At these moments, events happen, global or not, but they change the Course of Life.

Neil Donald Walsh

When God intervenes, miracles happen. Practical course in finding luck

There is on earth and in heaven what is yours

I never dreamed of philosophy, Horatio.

William Shakespeare

For you, mom


I would like to thank Greg Brandenburg, the publisher of Hampton Roads, who, ten years after this book was first published, offered to present it with a new design, thereby addressing this message to a whole new audience. My thanks also go to my ex-wife and still wonderful friend, Nancy, whose guiding hand and editorial genius brought the book to light in the first place. My deepest gratitude to Rita Curtis, a good and faithful friend, who selected the best stories for this book from hundreds of options. It was thanks to her extraordinary perseverance that the publication of the first edition of the book became possible at all. Finally, a huge thank you to my wife and colleague Am Claire, who fills my life so that I can still give humble gifts to this world, and whose own ability to heal and improve people's lives has always inspired me.


When God Intervenes

You are holding in your hands a reissue of the book “Moments of Grace” » , published in 2001. Incomprehensibly to me, ten years have passed since then. I am pleasantly surprised by Hampton Roads' decision to re-release this book, because I did not think that such works could be presented to the public so often.

Do you, like me, find it difficult to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has already ended? Just imagine! Whole ten percent the “next 100 years” (remember how fantastically distant this seemed at the end of the 19th century) have already expired!

The first decade of the 21st century has already ended. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited.

This is not an idle observation. Each of us must understand that the years fly by at an inexorable speed, that our time on this earth is very limited. And every day we fill this time with more and more various activities. This is worth thinking about. Perhaps then we will stop taking our mobile phone with us into the shower (God forbid we end up unavailable for communication for ten blissful minutes) or turn on the laptop before we have time to get out of bed (of course, it’s better to start working immediately, because so many things have accumulated...).

The crazy pace of life means that we manage to do much more, but ourselves becomes less. Less rest, less relaxation, less silence, while each new day requires more and more peace of mind from us. Less attentiveness, less cheerfulness, less confidence, while every day we need more and more inner strength to face difficulties.

I've thought about this a lot. How can we find peace during these hectic times? What can give us inner strength?

The crazy pace of life leads to the fact that we manage to do much more, but there are fewer of us.

Perhaps the confidence that we are not walking through this life alone...

For this reason, I approved the reprinting of this book. I am sure that after reading it, more people will be able to experience the true delight that is our whole life, will be able to see the absolute value every moment .

I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second. After all, even breathing, even the smallest breath is a manifestation of God’s love.

I want you to let this experience into your life, because understanding the value of a moment completely changes your perception of the world. I want to open for you a life full of miracles created by God. Just by relaxing for a couple of moments, you can come into contact with the amazing. You will be able to gain confidence, you will realize a simple fact: that who works miracles on our side.

“I want to awaken anyone who reads these lines to the miracle of every year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.”

Even in our crazy world there is a way to do this. You just need to stop, at least six times a day, no matter what you do... just... stay… close your eyes and take an amazingly slow, deep breath.

When I say “take a deep, slow breath,” I mean take at least five seconds to inhale and another five to exhale. It's a relaxing let's-just-stop sigh.

This practice takes only 60 seconds a day. Just a minute a day to touch the Gift of Life and the Miracle of the Moment, and no matter What happening around.

You know what? You can start right now. Just stop right now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath for ten seconds.

So, let's get started. I'll wait.

Very good.

If you do this five more times today and six times every next day, while saying “ with this breath I come into contact with the Divine", you will open the way to knowing the presence of God. Soon you will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. Not only do you realize that God There is that He exists, but also that He is with You all the time, in any place and situation. And this, my dear friend, can change your life.

The publisher has given the book a new title, When God Goes..., and while the title is certainly appealing, I find it somewhat inaccurate because it suggests that there are times when God does not intervene. Actually this is not true. God is always everywhere, and there is not a single moment when He is “away” to have a cup of coffee.

You will see the Divine in any place, person or moment. You not only realize that God exists, that He exists, but also that He is with you all the time, in any place and situation.

From conversations with God this became completely obvious to me. Therefore, for me the question is not whether God is with us, but whether Nim whether We; it is not whether He interferes in our lives, but whether we withdraw from Him. And the point is not at all whether His attention is paid to us, but whether we think about Him.

Everything changes when our attention is turned to God. Then we know that God is here and He is here Now. And the better we are attuned to Divine gifts, the more often we receive them. This can be compared to radio signals - they surround us all the time, but in order to enjoy the music we must turn on the receiver.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about Divine gifts and encourages everyone to realize the ubiquitous Divine presence.

As you read the book, you will most likely feel that the events described in it are unusual and extraordinary. Don't think so. They are not. Everything you can read about here happens to people all the time and everywhere.

This book is about how to tune in to the right wave. She talks about divine gifts and encourages everyone to recognize the ubiquitous presence of God.

These stories are designed to surprise you not with their originality, but, on the contrary, with their commonness. The fact is that "God intervenes" each moment, and I hope reading this book will strengthen you in the idea that God does miracles constantly.

I can say this based on my personal experience. I can remember hundreds of cases when circumstances were extremely successful for me, although objectively this could not be counted on. So I learned count on miracles and found out that in this way I I attract .

Life is constructed in accordance with our ideas about it. This is a miracle! I hope this book will help you come closer to understanding that God is always on our side. He is the best friend who arranges everything in our lives in the best way for our souls. With this awareness, you will find peace of mind and your faith will soar.

Before starting our journey, let's admit the possibility that even this book fell into your hands only because God arranged it that way.

Hmmmm... if it were true, it would be exciting, wouldn't it?

Hold on tight my friend. Or better yet, relax. Because I have news.

This is true.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Donald Walsh


Oregon February, 2011