When does yoshta begin to bear fruit after planting? Yoshta - planting, care and propagation, description of the best varieties. Yoshta - description of the plant

Yoshta is a berry obtained by crossing gooseberries and black currants. This hybrid, created by man, turned out to be quite powerful, frost-resistant and resistant to negative influence various pests, including kidney mites. The plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew and others serious illnesses. Yoshta bushes grow very quickly. At the same time, the length of their shoots reaches a height of about one and a half meters, and, unlike gooseberries, there are no thorns on them.

Each brush of yoshta consists of fairly large flowers in the amount of 4-5 pieces.

The berries are several times larger than black currants, although they are very similar in appearance. One berry weighs approximately 3-5 g. The fruits have smooth and dense skin. Even after ripening, they do not fall to the ground, but continue to hang on the bush. The taste of yoshta berries is sweet and sour, reminiscent of both currants and gooseberries. Life expectancy of a shrub proper care is 20-30 years.

Features of cultivation

A hybrid of currants and gooseberries, Yoshta, can be planted both in spring and autumn. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seedlings take root well. In this case, the first fruits can be obtained as early as next year. When planting yoshta in early autumn, fruiting can also be expected next year, but only if the seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

The area chosen for planting should be well lit by the sun. It should first be dug up and added to the soil:

  • lime (approximately 400g/m2);
  • manure or rotted compost (1-2 buckets);
  • potassium sulfate and superphosphate (100 g each).

Yoshta lands in rows. The distance between seedlings should be at least 2 meters, and the gap between shrubs in a row should be 1-1.5 m. The depth of the hole should correspond to the root system of the seedling. Before planting, a so-called mash is made in the hole, consisting of fertile soil and water. Do not lower the seedling and use uniform movements to wrap the mash around its roots. After this, the hole is filled with earth, watered and compacted a little.

Advice: In order to ensure high yield of yoshta, you should not plant black currants or gooseberries near it. This ensures high-quality pollination.

How to care for a yoshta?

Growing yoshta requires mandatory mulching of the soil. This operation helps create optimal humidity, which is very important for this plant. In this case, you will not have to loosen the soil after each watering of the plants. The technology for pruning yoshta is almost the same as for black currants. But since yoshta has longer and more powerful shoots, there are some differences: overgrown branches need to be shortened, transferring them to a weaker branch that is located higher. If you do not prune the yoshta in the spring, the shoots may fall to the ground under heavy load, which will negatively affect the quality of the harvest.

In order to improve the taste of yoshta berries, special feeding should be done annually. The first is done in early June. It includes the addition of organic matter (4-6 kg/m2) and superphosphate (30 g/m2). During the second fertilizing, which is carried out in the fall, calcium sulfate (20 g/m2) is added to the soil. An alternative to mineral fertilizers is: in summer - bird droppings or mullein diluted with water (1:10), in autumn - wood ash (0.5 l/m2).

Reproduction methods

Exists different ways propagation of yoshta: using cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, as well as sowing seeds. If you need to transplant old bush, the method of dividing the bush is used. The division of the bush into parts is carried out in such a way that each contains a developed root system and had at least two escapes. This method is quite effective, but very labor-intensive. Fruiting can be expected in the second year.

Propagating yoshta by cuttings can speed up the production of seedlings. Cuttings approximately 10-15 cm in length are cut from the upper branches of the bush three times during the summer. All leaves, except for the top few, are removed. So that the plant can take root faster, one small longitudinal cut is made at the top of each bud, and two or three at the bottom. The cuttings are washed clean water and planted in greenhouses, having previously covered the soil with a ten-centimeter layer of fine sand. Plants are planted tightly and at an angle (45°). Planted cuttings need to be watered regularly. They take root approximately two weeks after planting, and a fibrous root system is formed.

For propagation using horizontal or arcuate layering, the presence of one-year-old shoots or two-year-old branches is required. The soil near the plant must first be dug up and leveled. Next, the shoots are tilted and sprinkled in pre-made grooves. After the length of the young shoots reaches 15 cm, they are sprinkled with fertile soil or humus. Agronomists recommend separating and replanting cuttings in the spring.

What variety should I plant on a plot in the Moscow region?

Yoshta looks very beautiful and with her appearance is capable of decorating any backyard or country cottage area. Since planting and caring for it is simple, many amateur agronomists prefer it to currants and gooseberries. To date, not many hybrids of this plant have been bred, and everyone chooses for themselves the variety of yoshta whose fruits they like best.

Among the varieties of yoshta for the Moscow region, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  • EMB. Its homeland is England. Wide bushes reach approximately two meters both in length and width. The taste and color of the berries are more similar to gooseberries than to currants. The shrub is resistant to the harmful effects of various diseases and insects;
  • Yohini. A fairly tall plant (height is about 2 m) with very sweet berries, which taste very different from both currants and gooseberries;
  • Crown. Developed by Swedish scientists. A straight shrub with shoots 1.5 m long. Each branch can have several brushes containing 5-6 fruits. Very often used as hedge, as well as for landscaping areas;
  • Rext. Bred by Russian breeders. It has excellent taste and high density of berries. Often used for landscaping areas. If the bush is grown for the purpose of obtaining a harvest of berries, then only thinning is done.

New varieties

Recently, columnar yoshta has become very popular. This plant is small and compact. Its height is up to 2 m. The berries ripen in July. They are quite large and very tasty. The plant requires constant support of soil moisture. With proper care and cultivation of yoshta, you can get a fairly high yield - up to 10 kg from one bush. In addition to being consumed raw, it is also used to make juices and jams.

Many people prefer to grow Yoshta Moro on their plots. The shrub can reach a height of 2.5 m. The berries are dark, almost black, quite large - the size of a cherry. They have a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant nutmeg aroma. Bushes of the Yoshta Kay Royal variety are spreading and powerful. The length of the shoots can be 1.5 m. Large berries have a dark brown color and a sweet, slightly sour taste. From one bush you can collect 8-10 kg of fruit.

Beneficial features

  1. Vitamin C contained in yoshta a huge number, has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Therefore, doctors recommend eating berries for the prevention and treatment of various colds.
  2. It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so it is recommended to use it in the treatment of anemia.
  3. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for diarrhea, constipation and other types of stomach disorders.
  4. Doctors advise hypertensive patients to eat yoshta berries, first mixing them with honey.
  5. Phytoncides, which are part of the fruit, help not only in the fight against colds, but also relieve various inflammatory processes in the body, and also destroy microbial infections.
  6. The beneficial properties of yoshta also lie in its rich mineral composition. For example, the presence of vitamin P, as well as berry anthocyanins, help improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  7. Since the berry contains no a large number of sugar, it is useful for people suffering from diabetes.
  8. Very often, yoshta fruits are introduced into the diet of people who suffer from obesity or are simply trying to bring their figure back to normal. After all, the berry helps speed up metabolic processes and also burns fat reserves.
  9. When consuming yoshta, the excretory system is stimulated, as a result of which toxins and radionuclides are removed from the body.

Tip: Yoshta fruits can be stored for a long time if frozen in freezer or dry in a special electric dryer. At the same time, all of her useful material are saved.

However, there are some contraindications. People who are allergic to vitamin C, as well as those diagnosed with a tendency to form blood clots, should not consume this berry. Experts also recommend avoiding consuming yoshta for diseases such as ulcers and colitis, as well as if the body reacts negatively to eating black currants or gooseberries. Lovers of these delicious and useful fruits measures must also be taken to eliminate the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

You can find out interesting information about how to properly care for yoshta by watching the video:

How to plant and grow yoshta (a hybrid of black currant and gooseberry). How does it reproduce? Agrotechnical advice. When to pick and how to store berries (10+)

Growing yoshta in the garden

Yoshta- This perennial, has fruits in the form of berries. Yoshta was obtained by crossing black currants and gooseberries. This is a very attractive plant - excellent taste, absence of thorns, unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Growing yoshta

Yoshta is a strong spreading bush that has a colossal growth rate and sends out long shoots (from one and a half meters or more). In appearance, the leaves of the plant resemble currant leaves and have a pleasant, specific smell. Yoshta berries are black in color and large in size. Their taste is reminiscent of gooseberries and currants. The fruits ripen mainly in July, but the process occurs unevenly. Ripe berries do not fall off and remain hanging in clusters.

The plant, as already mentioned, is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Approximately two to three years after planting the plant, you can expect the first fruits. The lifespan of the shrub is about twenty years.

Which site should you choose?

If you grow yoshta for decorative purposes, then you can safely choose any place convenient for you. The bush will grow boldly, both in the shade and in the sun. If you are planning to get big harvest, then the landing site should be quite sunny with fertile and well-fertilized soil. A gooseberry or currant bush must be planted near the yoshta bush.

Preliminary blanks

Preparation is carried out if the land is clogged with weeds or is infertile and requires fertilizer. The soil should be dug deep and mixed with rotted organic matter.

How to propagate Yoshta?

Yoshta propagates using cuttings, as well as arcuate, vertical or horizontal layering. Shrub division is also used, but only if an adult bush requires replanting.

In early spring, it is customary to root horizontal layering. This is done very simply. TO loose soil annual and biennial shoots are bent down, then pressed to the ground with special spears and sprinkled with earth, the soil is moistened. After a couple of months, the cuttings take root. After this, they are cut off from the mother bush and transplanted to a new place.

In winter, yoshta cuttings are cut off on annual shoots, the length of which is about twenty centimeters. Next, the cuttings are placed in water for three hours and then placed in a plastic bag. This bag is tied and stored in the refrigerator until spring. Then the cuttings are planted in the ground. At the end of summer, strong and rooted cuttings are transplanted to a new permanent place.

How does a yoshta sit down?

Yoshta is planted in a permanent place either in spring or autumn. Before planting, the plants are inspected and damaged roots and leaves are removed. The size of the planting hole is about sixty centimeters deep and about the same number of centimeters wide, calculating the size of the root system.

The pit should contain half a bucket of compost or humus, two hundred grams of superphosphate and half a jar wood ash. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil. All this should fill the hole with 14 total volumes. Next, a layer of soil is filled in and watered with a bucket of water.

After the water has been absorbed into the ground, a seedling is planted in the middle of the hole, the roots should be straightened, and then the hole should be filled with earth, compacting it a little. The soil is watered again and mulched with peat or hay. The seedlings need to be trimmed, leaving a couple of leaves on the shoots.

How is yoshta cared for?

Yoshta does not require special care. You just need to monitor and remove damaged leaves and branches. In order for the harvest to be rich, you need to fertilize the bush at the beginning of summer with cow manure (one ten-liter bucket per bush), diluted with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:4. Cow dung easily replaced with bird droppings, also diluted with water. In autumn, the bush is fertilized with wood ash.

Particular attention is paid to watering in the first half of summer, and then watering is carried out as the soil dries out.


As already noted, yoshta berries ripen in mid-July and become black with a slight purple tint. The ripening process lasts about three weeks. The fruits have a dense skin and are similar in appearance to cherries. Green berries taste like gooseberries, and when they become ripe, they resemble currants. From one bush you can get up to ten kilograms of berries.

The harvest is harvested only in dry weather and placed in a shallow and dry container. The berries need to be sorted and spoiled, suppressed, as well as fallen leaves or branches removed. During long-term storage, the beneficial substances of the fruit are lost, so it is recommended not to store them for more than three days. The berries are eaten fresh, and they can also be dried or frozen. Yoshta makes excellent wines, preserves, jam and even compote. So have a good growing season and have a great harvest.

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The hybrid, developed 30 years ago, continues to win the hearts of gardeners. There is something of gooseberry in yoshta, but rather, it looks like currants. The hybrid is almost resistant to any fungal diseases and does not care about pests. Unlike currants, it can grow even in arid regions.

An excellent advantage of yoshta is that its berries ripen unevenly, and when harvesting you are unlikely to find rotten fruits.

The plant can be cultivated in several ways. By cuttings, layering or seeds, each method has its own recommendations and rules.

Planting such an interesting shrub on your site will not be a difficult task. We will share the secrets of how to propagate yoshta and how to plant it correctly in this article.

Did you know? For better growth If you want, plant a gooseberry or currant bush next to it.

By dividing the yoshta bush

Reproduction of yoshta by dividing the bush is very popular among gardeners. This method is used exclusively in the fall, when the need arises to propagate the bush. Do not wait too long after extracting the roots.

First you need to carefully dig up the bush without damaging its rhizomes. Next, clean the roots from the earthen clod, separate them sharp knife. When dividing, it is necessary to leave two or three strong branches on the tuber. The roots should be large, developed, and not damaged.

The cut areas need to be wiped with crushed coal, after which they are ready for planting. Take care of your new landing site in advance. Holes for seedlings are dug to a depth of half a meter and about 50 cm in diameter. A third of the hole is filled with the mixture humus, superphosphate and wood ash.

Then half the holes are covered with earth and watered abundantly. After the water is absorbed, we plant the yoshta in the center of the hole and bury the hole completely. The name Yoshta comes from two German words: yohannisBeere - currant and stachelBeere - gooseberry, Yo-Sta.

Did you know? With proper care, you can harvest more than 8 kg of berries from one bush!

Reproduction of yoshta by layering

One of the easiest ways to propagate yoshta is through layering. It can be propagated by horizontal, vertical or arcuate layering. The difference between the methods is not big, but almost all of them give a 100% germination result.

Horizontal and arcuate layering

The difference between these two methods of propagating yoshta is small. First, let's figure out how to plant yoshta horizontal layering. In the spring, as soon as the ground becomes warm, the first thing you need to do is dig up the soil near the plant.

It is advisable to remove all weeds and add compost or other soil to the soil. organic fertilizer. Also, the ground needs to be carefully leveled around the bush.

Then we make shallow grooves opposite the shoots you have chosen. The sprouts must be annual or biennial, with well-developed growths. Carefully bending the branch, place it in the groove, secure it and sprinkle it lightly with earth. An ordinary slingshot will help you hold the branch on the ground painlessly.

When the shoots reach approximately 10-15 cm in height, they are sprinkled with wet soil or humus until the middle of the shoot. It is best to separate the mother branch and replant new cuttings in the spring of next year, despite the fact that after a month the first roots already appear.

When propagating a bush arcuate method a similar method is used. Only the branch is not completely laid in the ground, forming an arc. middle part The branches are buried to a depth of about 15 cm, leaving only the top outside. Using this method, it is also worth separating the branch and replanting the shoots only after a year.

When grown in horizontal and arcuate layering, after separation from the mother branch, they grow much faster. After planting such shoots, you can get a bountiful harvest already in the third year.

Did you know?Sometimes yoshta is used only to decorate the garden.

If you decide to propagate a shrub vertical layering, then you need to start doing this in early spring. Trim the mother bush briefly, leaving shoots no higher than 15 cm. With careful care and watering, you will get abundant growth and many young shoots in the near future. Regular watering and deposit organic fertilizers will help you with this.

The first time you need to hill up the shoots is when they grow to about 15 cm. The bush needs to be hilled up in the center with damp soil or compost. To prevent branches from approaching each other, the earthen mound must be dense. After three weeks the procedure should be repeated. It is best to carry out hilling after rain.

When you earth up the yoshta for the second time, water the soil generously. Layers are pruned for planting only the next year in early spring or autumn.

Reproduction of yoshta by cuttings

Another method of propagating yoshta is cuttings. There are two types of growing season by cuttings: woody and green. Methods for harvesting shoots differ from each other. How to propagate Yoshta from cuttings is described below.

Woody cuttings

To propagate yoshta by lignified cuttings, it is recommended to select mature shoots of two to three year old branches. It is best to start harvesting at the end of September, because cuttings planted during this period have time to take root well and will survive without any problems. winter period.On the day of cutting, the yoshta shoots should be divided into cuttings up to 20 cm long, leaving 5-6 buds on each. The upper part of the shoot is cut into a bud with an oblique.

Planting of cuttings should be carried out on the day of harvesting. The soil for yoshta must be dug deeply, cleared of weeds, and most importantly, well leveled. Plant cuttings in beds at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The distance between the beds should be at least 60 cm.

Cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. Moreover, two buds should remain on the surface, and one at ground level. The soil around the seedlings is pressed tightly to avoid the formation of voids. After which the beds should be watered abundantly and sprinkled with peat.

Important! If for some reason you postpone planting, then the cuttings can be stored in the cellar, burying them in wet sand. But in the spring it is better not to delay planting. As soon as the weather permits, plant the cuttings in your garden beds!

Green cuttings

Propagation by green cuttings is considered one of the most quick ways receive yoshta seedlings. For harvesting, choose tall, healthy bushes. From an overgrown mother plant You can take cuttings several times over the summer. The first time is in early June from the upper branches, the second time - after regrowth and preferably from the side branches, the third time - in early September.

Yoshta is a shrub that is so unpretentious that it can grow in one place for up to 30 years. The height of individual bushes reaches 2.5 meters, and the width of most varieties grows only 1.5 meters. It is worth noting that the plant is rarely affected by pests and is practically not susceptible to diseases, is frost-resistant and completely “naked” - without thorns. But despite all these features, to obtain good harvest Regular care is required.

Cultivation history

At the beginning of the 1900s, breeders decided to improve gooseberries and black currants - to make a berry, the main advantages of which were to be:

Table: expected selection acquisitions of yoshta from “parents”

Work on the creation of such a hybrid was carried out in several countries at once: in Russia - I.V. Michurin, in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Hungary. The first attempts to cross gooseberries and currants yielded sad results: the hybrids simply died, and the survivors turned out to be completely infertile.

Only in 1970, with the help of genetic engineering and under the influence of radiation and chemicals received seedlings that bore their first fruits. They were called joshta - from the first letters Johannisbeere - currant and Stachelbeere - gooseberry.

Unfortunately, the hybrid turned out to be not such an ideal berry as planned. The bush really grew large and without thorns, the leaves are like those of a gooseberry, but much larger in size. The berries are collected in clusters of 5 pieces, sweet and sour, and are inferior in vitamin C content to black currants, but are 2–4 times superior to gooseberries.

Yoshta is a hybrid obtained from crossing black currant, splayed gooseberry and common gooseberry.

The weak point of yoshta was its productivity. According to numerous observations, there are much fewer berries on the bush than currants and gooseberries, although sometimes there are reviews from amateur gardeners about a variety that produces more than 6 kg per season. And people are still afraid to eat genetically modified foods.

However, breeders have achieved resistance of this hybrid to various diseases and pests.

Beautiful and powerful bushes are simply ideal for a hedge, which grows on its own and requires virtually no pruning.

Video: briefly about the hybrid of currants and gooseberries

Description and characteristics of varieties

Since the hybrid was bred in several countries and used different varieties“parents”, then for some unknown reason sellers call any derivatives of currants and gooseberries yoshta, and yet the difference is sometimes very big.

The most famous varieties include: EMB, Yohini, Rext, Moro, Kroma and Krondal.

Table: most popular varieties

Variety name, place of origin Bush size Leaves Flowers, berries, productivity Feature of the variety
EMB, Britain 1.7 m high and 1.8 m wide The shape of the leaves is similar to currants, the color is like that of gooseberries Blooms from mid-April for 2 weeks. The berries weigh 5 grams, are tasty, and resemble gooseberries. Productivity is good, but ripening is uneven Resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew, but can be affected by bud mites. Drought resistant
Johini, Germany Up to 2 meters in height, width 1.5 meters The bark is similar to gooseberry, and the leaves are like currants, but odorless The flowers are large, 3–4 in a cluster. The berries are round and sweet. During the season you can collect up to 10 kg from a bush A productive variety with dessert-flavored berries
Rext, Russia Powerful, up to 1.5 meters Leaves like gooseberries The berries are black, round, 3 grams each, delicious. You can collect more than 5 kg from a bush Frost-resistant, resistant to bud mite, anthracnose, powdery mildew
Moro 2.5 meters in height, small diameter. Leaves like gooseberries Black berries with a nutmeg aroma and sweet and sour taste, large, like cherries, do not fall off; yield up to 12 kg Frost-resistant, disease resistant
Kroma, Sweden Powerful, up to 2.5 meters Gooseberry leaves Obtained from Karelian blackcurrant, gooseberry and white currant, fast-growing. During the ripening process, the berries change their taste from gooseberry - in the first half of summer, to currant - by the end of summer, they do not crumble Characterized by thick branches, like a tree, resistant to pests
Krondal, America No more than 1.7 m in all respects Currant leaf shape Obtained from crossing gooseberries and golden currants, the flowers are yellow, the berries taste like gooseberries Berries with very large seeds

The Rike hybrid was also bred in Hungary, but practically nothing is known about it.

Photo gallery: variety of forms and types of yoshta

Yoshta berries of the Moro variety do not fall off after ripening, very large, with a sweet and sour taste. The EMB variety was bred in the UK, the taste of the berries is very reminiscent of gooseberries, quite large. The Yohini variety is distinguished by sweet round berries.
The Krondal variety was bred in the USA - it is a hybrid of gooseberries and golden currants. The Rext variety was bred in Russia, the berries are black, shiny, weighing about three grams

Step-by-step planting of yoshta

This hybrid can show good yield only on cultivated fertile soils:

  • clay and humus should be added to sandy soil;
  • If the soil on the site is heavy and clayey, then be sure to pour sand and compost into the planting hole.

Ideal soils for planting yoshta are chernozem and fertile loam.

When close groundwater(1–1.5 meters), dig deep planting holes, make a drainage layer of at least 15 cm and be sure to plant a blackcurrant or gooseberry bush nearby so that pollination of the yoshta occurs more successfully.

Place and time cannot be changed

Such a large shrub requires space, so plant it in open areas. sunny areas, no closer than 1.5 meters from each other. The exception is planting for decorative purposes: the distance between seedlings is about 50 cm.

The best time for planting is considered to be early spring - before the buds open. If planted later, with leaves and a bare root system, the young plant may die from excessive evaporation of moisture sheet plates. Yoshta seedlings planted at the end of September or beginning of October take root well, in more late dates the plant may not have time to take root before frost and die in very coldy, so if you get a young shoot already in November, then it is better to dig it in and plant it in early spring.

For digging young plant you should choose an area that is not flooded spring waters. Shouldn't be near compost pits or thickets of grass in which mice can hibernate.

The seedlings are buried in pre-prepared holes that have a slope towards south side; In winter, 1–1.5 meters of snow should be placed on the seedlings

Selection of seedlings

Various nurseries sell yoshta seedlings with both closed and open root systems. In the case of bare roots, pay attention to their condition: dry and weathered roots may not take root and the plant will die.

In addition to the roots, the seedling itself must also be alive: to do this, pick up the bark on the trunk with a fingernail, and if it is green, the seedling is normal

At autumn planting Leaves must be cut from the plant in such a way that the petiole from the leaf remains on the trunk - this way you will not damage the buds. It is better to purchase spring seedlings with unopened buds. If yoshta is sold in a container, then it can be planted at any warm time of the year, but in the hot summer the bush additionally needs to be shaded with a screen from the sun.

Shading a seedling from the sun using the example of grapes is used if planting was done on a hot day

Preparing the landing site

Many nurseries advise not to prepare separate planting holes, but to add humus or compost and other mineral fertilizers over the entire area where shrubs will grow. For 1 m2 it is enough to pour 1-2 buckets of compost or humus and 1 liter of ash, dig up the soil well and leave for several weeks. After this, the seedlings can be planted.

If it is not possible to fertilize the entire area for shrubs, then:

  1. Dig planting holes measuring 50x50x50 cm at a distance of 1.5–2 meters from each other to obtain a crop or 40–50 cm for a hedge. When digging a hole, the top 30 cm of soil is set aside to one side - this is fertile soil with which the seedling will need to be filled.
  2. Pour 100 grams of superphosphate, 0.5 liters of ash, a bucket of compost or humus, fertile soil into the planting hole and mix well. On clay soils additionally add 5 liters of river coarse sand.
  3. The prepared place for planting the seedling is watered with two or three buckets of water.

On sandy soils It is advisable to fill the bottom of the recess with clay, 2–3 cm thick - such a pillow will retain the moisture necessary for the plant. On clay soils, a hole is dug 60–70 cm deep, drainage is poured onto its bottom (about 15 cm) - broken bricks, expanded clay or crushed stone.

On heavy clay or wet soils, a drainage layer of crushed stone, expanded clay, or broken brick should be poured

Planting pits are prepared 2–3 weeks before the intended planting.

Planting in the ground

The purchased seedling must be prepared before planting:

  • yoshta grown in a container is simply placed in water for 10–20 minutes;
  • seedlings without an earthen lump are soaked in water for about a day, and immediately before planting they are dipped in clay and manure slurry.

To prepare mash, take 1 part clay, 2 parts mullein and 5 parts water, mix well.

Be sure to inspect the roots and trim off any that are dry, broken or crushed. The cut should be made transversely to reduce the wound; in addition, try to preserve as many suction roots as possible.

Stages of planting a seedling in the ground:

Young plants bloom in 2–3 years, and maximum yield They begin to give by the age of 5–6 years.

Video: transplanting yoshta from a container

Care-free care

The main care for yoshta consists of spring and autumn feeding, watering in hot weather and subsequent loosening. Additionally, you should carry out preventive treatments from pests or diseases.

Smart watering

Yoshta is moisture-loving, grows well if the soil near the bush is moderately moist, so in dry and very hot months it is necessary to water it, moistening the soil 30–40 cm deep.

Water correctly - do not pour water on the trunk, but make a groove around the perimeter of the crown and pour the water there. The groove width can be up to 20 cm.

The frequency of watering depends on whether the soil is covered with mulch or not. Bare soil dries out much faster and watering is required more often.

Typically, about 30 liters of water are required to moisten 1 m2.

After each watering or heavy rain, the soil under the bushes should be loosened to a depth of about 5 cm, but if the soil is mulched with organic materials (compost, straw, grass, leaf litter), then you will no longer have to loosen the soil.


Mulch reduces the number of emerging weeds several times, reduces the evaporation of moisture from the soil, which allows you to water the plants less often. In hot weather, light mulch (straw or sawdust) protects the soil from overheating, preserving comfortable temperature for the development of the yoshta root system. In addition, by gradually overheating, organic matter provides additional nutrition to the plant. The layer of organic mulch should be from 10 to 20 cm.

Young plantings in the fall are covered with a thick layer of straw, leaves or compost, which protect the soil from freezing, weathering and washing away.

Organic mulch includes:

  • grass;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • shredded paper or newspapers;
  • leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • bark or wood chips;
  • cut cardboard;
  • compost.

Inorganic mulch does not provide additional nutrition for plants, does not decompose, and does not attract pests such as slugs or mice. Most often, sand, gravel, pebbles, geotextiles and other non-woven materials made from polypropylene fibers are used.

Leaf litter is often used as mulch.

No need to feed

Yoshta is undemanding when it comes to feeding:

  • in early spring, it is enough for her to add 30 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium sulfate under the bush;
  • In summer it is useful to cover the soil with organic mulch;
  • in the fall, scatter 0.5 liters of ash around the bush.

Supporters natural farming In the spring, they can add 1 bucket of rotted compost under each plant.

Scheduled trimming

Often the hybrid grows so much that many gardeners abandon it once and for all. Of course, if you want to completely get rid of yoshta or the size-fruiting ratio of the bush does not suit you, then you can completely eradicate it. However, there is a way out. So, pruning will help you get a relatively compact plant (but only at certain periods, otherwise you may ruin it):

In the spring, all measures to remove branches must be carried out before the buds begin to open.

Yoshta branches live a long time, but it is better to cut out old, 7-8 year old shoots, leaving only 6 healthy buds at the bottom.

We reproduce as we please

The best and most in simple ways reproduction are:

  • cuttings;
  • breeding by layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Cuttings, cuttings and cuttings again

There are two types of growing season by cuttings:

  • lignified cuttings;
  • using green ones.

Let's take a closer look at each.

"Green" propagation

This method is one of the fastest ways to get yoshta seedlings. For harvesting, choose the tallest, healthiest bushes, and it is possible to cut cuttings several times during the summer:

  • the first time - in early June from the upper branches;
  • the second - after regrowth and better from the side branches;
  • the third time - at the beginning of September.

The length of cut cuttings should be no more than 15 cm.

After you have made the preparations you need:

  1. It is advisable to keep them in any growth stimulant.
  2. Remove almost all the leaves, leaving only a few at the top.
  3. Prepare a greenhouse: pour fresh soil into a wooden container, and on top - a layer of clean coarse sand.
  4. After planting, cover the greenhouse with film.
  5. Don't forget about regular watering.
  6. After rooting, the film must be removed, and the cuttings themselves must soon be transplanted for growing.

Lignified cuttings

To propagate yoshta from lignified parts of the bush, it is recommended to select mature shoots of two to three-year-old branches in early to mid-September, because such cuttings have time to take root well and will survive the winter without any problems:

  1. Cut healthy branches, dividing them into 20 cm sections with 4-5 buds. It is advisable to make the lower cut at an angle of 45 0, and the upper one 1 cm above the bud and straight.
  2. The finished shoots are planted on a well-dug bed in a nursery located in partial shade. On clay soils, it is advisable to add sand or vermiculite: a 1m2 bucket.
  3. The cuttings are stuck into the ground at a slight angle at a distance of 10–15 cm from each other, watered and mulched with dry compost or peat to retain moisture.
  4. Further care for them comes down to periodic watering (as the soil dries), loosening and removing weeds.

Use only sharp pruning shears!

Properly planted cuttings should have 2 buds above the ground

Usually in the spring the cuttings begin to grow together.

Video: rooting in cups

Breeding by layering

The easiest way to propagate a hybrid is through layering (horizontal, vertical and arcuate). These options differ little, if only in the position of the mother branch. Below we will look at the “horizontal” option:

  1. In early spring, before the buds open, a side branch is selected and bent to the ground. To fix the branch in this position, use metal studs, which press it tightly.
  2. Soil is poured onto the branch.
  3. Young shoots will soon emerge from the buds.
  4. Hill them up periodically (several times during the summer as needed).

After planting such shoots, you can get a bountiful harvest already in the third year.

Since the bush grows quite strongly, it is sometimes rejuvenated: divided into several parts and planted in new places. For such an operation, the bush is completely dug out of the ground exclusively in the fall, cut with a sharp knife or divided manually into small plots with roots and healthy shoots.

The cut-off areas must be wiped with crushed coal, after which the plots are ready for planting

The roots should be developed and intact, and 2–3 strong branches should be left on the tuber. Then the plots are planted in pre-prepared holes (see planting holes).

Attacks on Yoshta

The hybrid of gooseberries and currants was specially bred to be resistant to bud mite, anthracnose and terry. However, sometimes the bushes get sick and are attacked by pests, especially if they are poorly cared for.

Photo gallery: possible opponents of Yoshta

Anthracnose appears in mid-summer as spots on the leaves. The most dangerous viral disease- terry - cannot be treated, appears within 4–5 years. When mosaic disease occurs, the leaf becomes covered with spots of yellow and Brown, subsequently dries out Powdery mildew most often affects weakened plants; for treatment, spray the bush with phytosporin. Goblet and columnar rust forms orange spots, the affected leaf dries out and falls off.

Therefore, to prevent diseases and lesions, preventive spraying is carried out. Best time for this purpose - early spring - before the buds open, and autumn - after leaf fall.

The air temperature during spraying should be at least 50 o C.

Preparations for preventive spraying:

  • Bordeaux mixture - ratio copper sulfate, water and slaked lime depends on the concentration of the final product (1 or 3%), so it is better to use ready-made Bordeaux mixture, which you can purchase at garden stores;
  • copper sulfate - dilute 10 grams of the drug in 1 liter of water;
  • urea - dilute 70 grams of the drug in 1 liter of water.

Photo gallery: drugs for disease prevention

To treat shrubs in spring or autumn, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture; a 1% solution of copper sulfate is used to treat bushes to prevent diseases.
For spraying, dilute a 7% urea solution: in the spring, this drug is more preferable because it contains nitrogen, necessary for the plant for growth

Diseases and pests: control measures

As mentioned earlier, Yoshta is an unpretentious crop, but even if not properly cared for, it “loses its ground.” The most dangerous pest The kidney mite is a carrier of viral diseases. It is easy to spot by its huge buds in early spring.

A large bud with a tick stands out from the rest; it must be picked and burned

You can sometimes find aphids on young shoots: a large number of pests suck the juices from the leaves, so they curl up and the branch develops poorly.

A bush sick with aphids is treated with phytoverm, spraying the bottom, and then top part sheet

Speaking about shrub diseases, despite all the resistance to them, we can distinguish 5 main ones, inherited from selection.

Table: cure for diseases

Disease Manifestation Treatment
Reddish-brown spots on leaves, up to 1 mm in size Treatment of the bush with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture in the summer and re-treatment after harvesting
White, loose coating resembling flour Treatment with phytosporin according to the instructions with repeated spraying after 3 days. In advanced cases, use a 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture
Orange dots or bumps on the bottom of leaves Spraying with phytosporin 4 times with an interval of 10 days. If this does not help, then treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture
Mosaic The leaves become covered with spots of yellow and brown and curl inwards. Viral disease. At the first manifestations, the bushes are treated with karbofos (75 grams per 10 liters of water). A severely affected plant is burned
The flowers take on an unnatural color - crimson, purple. The leaves change their shape, the bush stops producing fruit, but is abundantly overgrown with branches A dangerous viral disease that has no cure. The bush is uprooted and burned

As described above, the best remedy However, prevention is necessary - spraying in spring and autumn not only yoshta bushes, but all fruit and berry crops, growing on the site.

Growing yoshta in the Moscow region

The unpretentious shrub is successfully grown in the Moscow region. All varieties grow and take root well, but they still cannot reveal their full potential. In very frosty years, the tops of the shoots may freeze, causing the yield to drop. However, as ornamental plant she looks great.

Recently in stock planting material New products are becoming more and more common, for example, yoshta - a hybrid of currants and gooseberries.

Its name comes from the German words: blackcurrant - uohannisBeere, and gooseberry - stachelBeere.

Two initial letters are taken from the first name, and three from the second. It turned out u-sta (yoshta).

Few gardeners decided to try this new product and plant shrubs on their site. But those who did do this never came to a definite answer.

In this article we will try to analyze all the pros and cons of the strange berry.

First impressions of Yoshta

To answer the question of whether it has more pros or cons, it is best to grow it on your own site, and then form your own opinion about this new product. I was really interested in trying it myself. And four years ago, at a gardeners’ fair, I finally managed to buy two bushes of this berry.

  • Taking into account the future size of the plant (they promised up to 2 m in height), I dug a hole somewhat larger than for currants (60x60 cm).
  • I filled it with garden soil with the addition of humus and superphosphate, threw in two shovels of ash, planted it, and watered it well.

I noticed its first advantage - thornlessness - already upon landing. This is not for you! In addition, the branches are very plastic; they do not react at all to mechanical damage.

The first year was disappointing. The bush came out of the winter somewhat collapsed, the long branches were literally lying on the ground, limp and inelastic. All summer I was a wreck and didn’t get up. No decoration! And the yoshta refused to bear fruit in the first year. I even thought: “I’ll give her one more year, and then we’ll see. If she behaves the same way, I’ll remove her from the site—period!”

Waiting for the yoshta harvest

But the next year, Yoshta made me happy. The bush took shape, became slender, strong, and began to bear fruit that same year. The berries are black, large, smooth, with dense skin. The taste is very pleasant, something between currants and gooseberries. But the yield upset me - there is no such clarity as that of the “ancestors”. That year I picked only one and a half cups of berries from two bushes. Now, however, it is more - about 2 liters are obtained from one plant. But, of course, you can’t call it a harvest. I live in hope - after all, in the literature they write that from one bush they harvest from 6 to 10 kg of berries! However, we eat it with great pleasure- especially grandchildren.

Not long ago I read that the yield of yoshta can be increased if its parents are planted nearby - gooseberries and black currants. Now I’m looking for where to dig new holes.

Yoshta care, growing features

She winters without problems. In the 4 years that Yoshta has been living in my garden, the young shoots have frozen only once. But she recovered surprisingly quickly. In the literature, however, they recommend covering them with spruce branches for the winter, but I don’t see such a need. The bushes are quite young and overwinter almost under snow. The only thing I always do is sprinkle the roots at the base with 2-3 buckets of humus or compost. I loosen and weed with great care so as not to damage the roots.

Yoshta is moisture-loving. If her for a long time do not water, the bushes will turn a little yellow and take on a sad appearance. But after plenty of watering, they will come to life again. Yoshta is immune to powdery mildew, anthracose, and bud mite. She loves to eat, especially organic food - in addition to the humus that I sprinkle on her feet, I feed her with slurry twice a season. I also give mineral fertilizing - at the beginning of the season I water it with an ash solution (1.5-2 shovels of ash per bucket of water).

In my plans, given quite decorative look yoshty, create from it. Propagating Yoshta for this purpose will not be a problem - it takes root well by layering. In the literature they write about propagation by green and lignified cuttings, but it seemed to me that layering is much simpler and more effective. In general, despite many negative reviews, I am satisfied with my yoshta. And beautiful, and without problems, and tasty.

We happily consume the collected berries fresh stocking up on vitamins for the winter. Yoshta makes very delicious preparations- jam, jelly, confiture, but we like it just like that - from the bush.

Pruning yoshta

For this gooseberry-blackcurrant hybrid, annual moderate thinning is sufficient to allow the leaves to get more air and sunlight. As with gooseberries and currants, thinning should be done immediately after harvesting. Those who do not have time to prune during this period can do it in the winter. Interfering, hanging shoots can be shortened, but it is better to replace them with new ones.

A regular lopper is suitable for trimming old shoots at the base.

The taste of yoshta is a successful mix of gooseberries and black currants. Yoshta bushes with much stronger growth should be planted at a distance of 2.5 m, or even better, 3 m from each other. Since yoshta bushes grow faster than currant bushes, they are mistakenly pruned too much. In this case, longer shoots are often shortened. As a result, shoot growth increases, which negatively affects the setting of flowers and fruits. For this type of berries, shaping (often a trellis fence) is especially recommended. Yoshta is resistant to American powdery mildew, the berries have a soft, tart taste, so you can happily eat it raw.

Antipova Larisa,