When can you move to a new home? On what day of the week is it better to move to a new house, apartment, office: moving and favorable, unfavorable days, signs, rites and rituals. Successful favorable days for moving: lunar calendar

For most people, home is the most the best place, but often there is a need to leave it forever. Many people have to deal with moving more than once, this convinces them of the supernatural reasons for what is happening. It is necessary to pay more attention to details in order to live well in a new apartment; for this you should follow the signs when moving to a new apartment.

5 customs for saying goodbye to your old home

Before you find yourself in a new home, you need to properly say goodbye to your old one. It is important to:

  • do not transfer past negativity to a new apartment, but start life from scratch;
  • do not leave negative energy to people who will settle in this apartment.

There are a number of signs, some of which can be adopted as useful rituals:

  • do at home general cleaning- wash the floor, windows, wipe off the dust, the goal is not only to restore cleanliness, but also to pay tribute to the place in which you lived for so many years;
  • throw away old and unnecessary things that are new place those who retain unpleasant memories will also be superfluous;
  • bake a pie on the eve of departure, selecting the ingredients depending on the nature of life in the old house, all household members need to eat it completely;
  • One of the customs immediately before moving is to sit down on the path to remember all the good things;
  • It is prohibited to do handicrafts, laundry or wash your hair before departure.

According to legend, when you move, it will be lucky to meet a woman about to give birth, a beggar, or a dog.

The ideal time of day to move is morning and first half of the day.

Energy of new housing

Most rituals when moving to another house come from ancient times, when people lived in own homes. Some of them are still relevant today:

  • the presence of a bird's nest above the house indicates positive energy, otherwise the birds would not have settled here;
  • if crows are seen or heard nearby, then they can cause trouble or illness; the more there are, the more serious the troubles will be;
  • a clear indicator of the level of tranquility of living in a new place - decent neighbors with whom it is advisable to find mutual language As soon as possible.

How to login

There are a number of signs that are mandatory rituals when moving to another apartment:

  • A cat, preferably a black one, should be allowed into the house first, and the dog may be the last one to enter the house;
  • if there is no cat, the eldest member of the family is often the first to be let in; he needs to hold a flower in a pot in his hands;
  • everyone crossing the threshold must be in a good mood.

You should watch the cat - where he will spend the night, what rooms he will go around, that’s where he needs to arrange sleeping area, they are considered the most favorable.

What to take with you

  1. Abundance in the house is guaranteed by silver coins that need to be thrown on the threshold of the hallway. This task is often assigned to children.
  2. If a large family moves, then the household members should offer a loaf (or bread) with salt to the head; this tradition is widespread everywhere.
  3. People who believe in take a broom with them from the old house, sweep the floor in the new house with it, and then put it in the corner, so they appease the guardian spirit.

What things cannot be taken

Among the items that are best not kept in the house:

  • reeds;
  • dry leaves;
  • horns and stuffed animals;
  • cracked dishes;
  • crumpled photographs.

What to do first

Many people are interested in what actions should be taken first when moving to new house:

  • The most logical and important would be wet cleaning; it will not only destroy dirt, but also get rid of negative energy. Also during cleaning you can find insects, the presence of ants, beetles, white spiders - this indicates the positive energy of the house;
  • it is known that above the entrance to the house foreshadows happiness and good luck;
  • before the first meal in a new place, it is recommended to place a large banknote under the tablecloth, which will bring prosperity to the house;
  • A tribute of respect is to arrange a housewarming party for your closest relatives and friends.

When moving to a new apartment, signs play a decisive role. People build their lives in another house in accordance with traditions, so that everything is fine, the family has prosperity, health and happiness.

In this article, we suggest you figure out when and how to move to a new place of residence or work.

Moving always frightens you with its uncertainty, but it also tires you even in the future with all the red tape. To make your life easier in a new place and ensure ease of transportation of things, you should carefully weigh and plan everything. Therefore, we propose to analyze the topic of how to properly organize a move to a new house, apartment, or change office, while studying not only the appropriate day, but the rituals before and during the move-in.

What day of the week is it better to move to a new house, office or apartment: moving and favorable days

Moving to a new house or building itself has a lot of signs among people. And they all start with the right day of the week.

The most better days are considered:

  • Tuesday under the cover of Mars. It is ideal for changing residence or place of work, because any change of residence will be on a permanent or long-term basis. And in your new place you will be accompanied by success and material profit. The move itself will be without incident. The energy of Mars gives great promise, but at the same time it is very strong and active. Therefore, you must be full of determination and confidence. To move, you need to organize everything correctly and don’t give in to laziness.
  • Saturday is Saturn day and good luck! It is believed that changing your residence on this day will give you a calm life and protect you from any difficulties. The event itself will be easy and quick. Please note that you should not take with you old things that you do not need. It is on this day that charity of those things that you do not use will be for your benefit.

Neutral day:

  • This Thursday is the day of Jupiter. Although the energy of the planet itself brings good luck, fair winds and great hopes. Ideally, use this day in those cases when you want to cross out the past and start life “with a new leaf.” A big plus of this day is that intuition is sharpened, and the amount of deception is reduced to a minimum. On this day, it is also recommended to cleanse the home of old energy and garbage, as well as perform rituals.
Plan all the details ahead of time.

What day of the week should you not move to a new house, apartment or office: moving and unfavorable days

Avoid traveling and changing your place of residence or work:

  • Of course it is Monday is the day of the moon. IN this period It’s better to plan things and devote yourself to communicating with family and friends. After all, the energy of the day is calm and tranquility, so any active actions, undertakings and moving to a new home can bring troubles and additional difficulties into your life. The transportation of things itself will be very difficult and long.
  • Environment influenced by Mercury It is considered a fairly easy and successful day for concluding deals and trips. But important point– the move on this day will not be long. Also, folk signs say that neighbors/clients will avoid your home/office. This is a day of negotiations, so use this energy to make deals regarding the purchase or transportation of things.
  • Friday is like the day of Venus, absolutely not suitable for moving. Changing your residence will take away your luck, financial and family well-being. On this day, you can only pack things and get rid of unnecessary things.
  • Sunday is a bright day of the Sun. It is considered a very lucky day, but not suitable for moving to a new home or office. And all because this day is worth devoting to spiritual enrichment, knowledge of the world and relaxation, both physical and spiritual. It doesn’t hurt to go to church and get a blessing for the journey.

Moving to a new house, apartment, office: how to move and move in correctly - ceremonies and rituals for cleansing energy, prayers

Of course, any move to a new home or office begins with cleaning the premises. But many people forget that it is not enough just to wet cleaning and throw away broken, unnecessary things from old owners. It is imperative to clean up the energy in the room.

Important: All home cleansing rituals should be carried out no later than 3 days after moving in. Even if you have previously put things in order.

  • Cleansing blessed water and a candle. It is necessary to spray crosswise 3 times all corners and door/window openings. In this case, you need to read “Our Father” or a special prayer for the consecration of the home (text below). After which you should go around all the rooms with a lighted church candle. At the same time, we pay attention to the fire itself - in places where negative energy the flame will crackle, go out, or move to the side. This means that it is worth intensifying cleaning in these places.

Appeal to the Mother of God
  • Cleaning the house when moving with salt. This mineral is a very powerful magical attribute that has been used since ancient times. She is the one who is able to absorb all the negativity. Pour salt into small saucers and place them in every corner of the house for 7 days. Afterwards it must be disposed of - buried in the ground away from residential areas.
    • There is a simpler method - carry out general cleaning using salt water. This way you activate the power of two elements at once - Water and Earth.
    • And to protect your home, hang salt amulet in a natural fabric bag near the front door or simply scatter it along the doorway. You can mix it with protective herbs.
  • Then let me in the power of Air, opening all the windows for ventilation.

Moving to a new house or apartment, office: traditions and rituals

  • The owners should enter first, according to seniority. At the same time, you need to think only about the good. After all, if moving to a new house comes with bad thoughts, then life in it will be like that.
  • Also make sure that you didn't trip over the threshold. Otherwise, the new life will be full of obstacles and troubles.
  • The youngest must put 3 coins under the threshold. This folk sign also says - what younger child, the more luck and wealth will appear in the new home. After all, they will grow up with the baby.

Important: It is forbidden to swear on the day of check-in!

  • According to the old tradition Firstly, you need to introduce a cat into a new living space, so that she points out and, if something happens, absorbs negative energy. After all, she has 9 lives left. If she behaves warily and restlessly, there are evil spirits or negative accumulation of energy in the house. In this case, it is necessary to carry out cleansing without fail. If you behave calmly, everything is fine with the energy at home.

Tip: Sometimes cats simply don’t want to enter unfamiliar areas. To make sure your pet crosses the threshold easily, lure him with a treat by throwing him from the threshold.

We trust the instincts of animals
  • To move to new office A simple cat figurine will also do. If there is no cat or even her figurine, then come with beautiful flowers. But only alive, in a pot!
  • Also note that Everyone should bring something with them to their new home! And this applies not only to office personnel, but also to all family members.
  • Cover the table with a tablecloth in your new home and place a large bill under it- attract wealth. By the way, for a housewarming party, it is better to accept the nominal value - this will also bring you financial enrichment.
  • Make a horseshoe, buy a new broom and collect a bouquet of field herbs:
    • wormwood
    • St. John's wort
    • verbena
    • oregano
    • juniper, etc.
  • At the same time, you should remove old garbage with one broom and dispose of it, and place the second one with the whisk up near the front door as a protective talisman and to attract a brownie.

Moving to a new house or apartment, office: signs

  • If there's a knock on your door, then life in the new house will be calm, but if you heard the neighbors calling or the doorbell ringing, then there will be frequent guests in your house.
  • See the first man- to a calm and friendly life in a new place, and if a woman, ill-wishers will gossip behind your back. If there are children walking near your future home, then expect a new addition.
  • If in the selected house birds build nests, It means he has good energy. But if you hear the cry of a crow nearby, then moving to a new house will bring trouble. Moreover, the more there are, the stronger the bad weather will be.
  • If you have nightmares in a new place, That former owners for some reason they do not agree with your moving to a new home.
  • If the flowers have withered, then this indicates the impact of negativity.

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21There are many folk signs and rituals regarding moving to a new apartment. Why do you need signs when moving to a new home, you ask. And they are there to make your life in your new home carefree, joyful and happy.

There are rituals when moving to a new apartment.

Folk rituals when moving

As a rule, during a housewarming party, the owners of their houses come first. But is this right? Who should really go in first? As folk rituals say, your animal should go in first. To be precise, your cat should go in first. Beliefs say that the cat is a sacred animal that brings peace, joy, peace, happiness and joy to its owners. So don't be in a rush to be the first to enter.

There is another ritual that helps to maintain or attract wealth to a new apartment. To do this, you need to throw coins on the threshold at the entrance. It doesn’t matter which ones, whether silver or gold. The main thing here is the availability of money. Therefore, after entering, immediately throw in a couple of coins.

Be sure to do a thorough cleaning as soon as you move into a new house or a new apartment. Wash all the furniture, take the time to look into the corners of your new home. After all, negative, bad energy accumulates in the corners. Moreover, this “garbage” of strangers. These egregors can have a negative impact on you.

After thorough cleaning, invite your friends and relatives to your new apartment and celebrate this housewarming together. This way, there is a chance to attract even more like-minded, sincere and devoted people into your life.

Your cat should be the first to enter your new apartment.

There is a similar ritual that helps attract financial wealth. To do this, place a couple of bills under the tablecloth of the table in the kitchen. This is very important during a housewarming party, so don’t be too lazy to do it.

By Orthodox traditions, it would be advisable to consecrate a new apartment. To do this, they invite a priest, he reads prayers, sprinkles the rooms with holy water. After this, the priest gives you an icon, and according to the rules, you must place it above the door. This ritual protects against the evil eye, evil thoughts, bad intentions of guests, as well as quarrels and insults between family members.

Many people believe in the brownie and that he protects the house. When you move, it stays in the old house. How to take a brownie with you? To do this, deliberately call him with you. Explain to him that now the new house is a new home for your brownie. He will definitely hear you. There are many more folk signs for housewarming. You should know them, or hear them from grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Let's look at the effective ones:

  • You should have a broom in the corner of your house or apartment; it will protect you from the evil eye, troubles and evil spirits;
  • At the entrance there should be a horseshoe hanging above the door. The horseshoe symbolizes unity, strength and prosperity. It will protect your family from long-term quarrels, as well as from poverty;
  • Another good thing to have in your home would be a bunch of different herbs. Preferably dried, they will, just like a broom, protect against damage and the evil eye.

The horseshoe symbolizes unity, strength and prosperity

There are many ways and methods during a housewarming party to protect yourself from troubles and evil spirits. There are those that your grandmother told you, that is, ours, Slavic ones. And there are also Eastern signs and rituals. For example, feng shui. This is a search for good energy for the location of this or that thing. Try, experiment, do those rituals and rituals that you like.

Best days to move

Monday is a hard day. This applies not only to work, but also to starting a business. Well, what about it? What day of the week will be favorable and safe for moving to a new apartment or house?

  • Monday. Folk signs It is not recommended to move on this particular day of the week. Therefore, it is better to wait.
  • Tuesday. On this day of the week you will be blessed with good luck. So feel free to start packing your things.
  • Wednesday. Popular signs say that if you move to a new house or apartment on this day, you will not live in this place for long. It's better to postpone the housewarming party.
  • Thursday. There is no exact definition of what day it is for housewarming. Folk signs say that he is neutral. Therefore, this day may also be a chance for you to move.
  • Friday. Folk rituals promise that on this day it is better not to plan or start anything.
  • Saturday. A very good and lucky day for moving. The road to your new home will be calm, without incident, so go quickly.
  • Sunday. On this day it is advisable not to work at all, but to relax. Therefore, there is no question of a housewarming party.

Together with you, we looked at the signs and rituals of housewarming. We also found out which day of the week is better and more correct to move to a new apartment. I hope you find the above information useful. Be happy whenever you want, not just at housewarming.

08/04/2015 11/19/2019 by Brownie

Crossing the threshold of a new home, a person seems to be entering new life. Whether this life will be prosperous depends on the new settlers observing many signs. It is believed that if you perform the necessary rituals when moving in, life in your new home will be happy.

The most important thing is to bring positive energy into your new home. First of all, the apartment needs to be “cleaned” of negativity. A branch of dried St. John's wort, a church candle or lavender-scented incense are suitable for this. The first circle is done, starting from the door, counterclockwise, with the goal of burning off all the accumulated negativity, then clockwise, imagining how well you will live in your new home. Then, standing in front of the door, extend your arms, palms up, and imagine that you are placing a protective shield in front of the front door of the apartment. What color this shield will be is up to you. Gold, purple or lilac color will bring wealth to your home. Pink and scarlet colors promise love and tender relationships in the family. Blue and gray will ensure success in business. Yellow, orange, green - will bring health. Silver or white will help attract people into the house good people and assistants.
Advice to anyone moving: leave your old apartment in good condition. If the taps are leaking, take the time to fix it. By fixing the problems, you will free yourself from the negativity that may have accumulated while living in this house.

Before moving into a new home, check the entire home for electrical wiring, gas, water and sewer pipes. Make sure everything is working properly, because... Broken things bring bad luck.
Invite a priest to receive a blessing for your new home.
Don't forget to hang the horseshoe on front door so that its ends look up, thus, favorable energy will accumulate in the house. If you hang a horseshoe upside down, then all the goods will flow out of the house. You can also hang it in the shape of the letter “C”, this will mean that Happiness lives in the house.

To fill your new home with a special atmosphere, and when you cross its threshold, you feel like you’ve come to your own home, do some renovations before moving in. Even if it's small. If this is not yet possible, then general cleaning can be an alternative to repairs.
By the way, with a rag in one hand and a mop in the other, you can feel like a wizard. To do this, you just need to imagine that with a rag you are wiping away not only dust, but also all harmful and evil energy, and with a broom you are driving away evil spirits.

The energy of our home is very much connected to our emotions. When cleaning your new home, you clean it not only of dirt and dust, but also of negative energy. Then get to work arranging things. Do it joyfully, remembering something good and charging your new home with positive energy.

When moving, it is customary to let the cat in first. This tradition originated a very long time ago. It is believed that the cat lies down in a place with negative energy and “takes it upon itself.” In addition, they say that a cat, upon entering a new home, chooses a place that should belong to the brownie. She sits down or lies down and for a long time doesn't budge. But the cat must be yours. Animals for hire are not suitable for such a mission.

Then the oldest man in the family should enter the apartment.
Spouses must move into the house together. Moreover, a pregnant woman should not take part in the housewarming party. Therefore, if the new owner of the house is “in a position,” it is better to postpone the housewarming party.

When moving into a new house, first bring in the icons, then money, rice, butter, sugar and salt, and then everything else.

Immediately go around all the rooms, turn on the lights everywhere or light candles.

The new home should be announced with your favorite song or just a pleasant melody. These sounds will attract streams of your positive energy into the house.

On the first day of your stay in your new home, drink local water. This will mean that you have accepted the terms of the new location.

Prepare for new kitchen tea. You will taste this hot and aromatic drink not as a guest, but as the owner of your home.

First of all, open all the windows in your new apartment. Fresh air should fill the room. Then turn on the water. Let it flow in the bathroom and kitchen. At least a couple of minutes. Air rushing into the house in a fresh stream and water flowing in a strong stream will “cleanse” your new home of bad energy, from all the negativity that accumulated in the apartment during the previous owners’ residence there.
When you finally leave your old home, remember only the joyful moments spent in it.

There is an interesting ritual that needs to be performed when leaving an old apartment. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write words that mean everything you want to be surrounded by in your new home: harmony, happiness, prosperity, health. Take this list, compiled within the walls of the old house, with you. Everything you put on the list goes with you.

There is a tradition of leaving old apartment coins. They say it brings wealth to both those who move out and those who move in. (It is also considered a good omen to take a broom with you from your old apartment. If you used to have a brownie, invite him with you.

Or you need to make friends with a new brownie. The best way for this purpose - to arrange a feast for the whole world, but simply put - fun party with close friends and delicious treats.

Guests were supposed to come with bread and salt - symbols of wealth and prosperity.
If you are going to a housewarming party yourself, take at least a small bun with you. Such a gift brings happiness to new residents.

It is recommended to celebrate housewarming twice - the first time for the closest people on the first weekend after moving. The second time for numerous guests, when you stop feeling like guests in a new home.

A housewarming party is not supposed to be celebrated without fun. There is a sign: you should be the first to let a cat into your house. Well, for God to help, christen your threshold. The wonderworker - the icon - has the main place in the house. Everything is fine? And now we are waiting for the guests with bread and salt.

Additional help for those who are planning to move to a new apartment - signs and rules dictated by them. Today they are not listened to, but when this is not done, there is a possibility of getting into trouble. The ancestors paid such attention. Let's look at the traditions associated with moving.

In the article:

Moving to a new apartment - beliefs

When they moved, their ancestors definitely did. If you don’t take it with you, it will suffer, howl at night and disturb its new owners.

When part of the family remains in the old place, it is not taken away. Others lived in the new one before, there is a brownie in it, and it is important to make friends with it. When a home is new and recently built, a good spirit is invited into it.

The old broom is taken with him. There are two reasons for this. The first is that a brownie is hiding under it. The second is that the broom is seriously damaged.

When they leave their old place, they leave coins so that the new owners will have wealth. And so that such a thing awaits the new residents - what you wish for another, you will receive yourself. Before moving in, they also throw coins on the floor for a prosperous life.

Relatives not busy transporting things kneaded dough in the old place. And they baked bread in the new house.

In the past, it was believed that the first person to enter a new house would die. So he makes a sacrifice for the well-being of new residents and their long service life. Therefore, the older family members came in first. Then they started letting the cat into the house first. A cat, not a cat. Black. It won't harm him. It was believed that a lamb for evil spirits would not offend.

Observe where the cat lies down and what places he chooses to sleep and rest. Beds or a cradle for a child were placed there. They choose favorable places in the house and bypass the negative ones. Nowadays, not everyone keeps cats, so the figurine that depicts black cats is the first to “enter” houses. They stand near the door and protect the house from evil spirits.

Afterwards we did a general cleaning of the room. Salt was added to the water for purification.

In villages even today, before moving to a new home, they let a rooster in it at night. In the morning, by crowing, she drives out all the evil spirits that have settled in the house. And then jellied meat is prepared from the poultry and served to guests for housewarming. The rooster is considered a symbol of wealth and fertility.

The corners of the new house were smeared with honey to make life sweet.

They fumigated with wormwood, juniper or other herbs with cleansing and non-digestive properties. They also cleaned the room with candles and special prayers. “Our Father” is universal, suitable for any situation.

Signs about moving to a new home - feng shui

Feng Shui experts believe that it is important to choose the right date when you want to move into a new home. To make the task easier, there is . It’s better to move in one day so as not to return to your old place. But not in the evening.

The doctrine does not advise residents to remove things from the old house on their own. Ask relatives or hire movers.

And those who are going to live in it should bring their acquired property into the new apartment. This is not entirely feasible, but it is important to get involved.

Valuables are brought into the house first. This will bring wealth and prosperity.

Don't leave your old home dirty. Be sure to put it in order before moving to your new home. This expresses gratitude to the old for warmth and comfort, which will allow you to live in a pleasant atmosphere at the new address. Say goodbye, thank out loud for the years of care, take pleasant memories with you, and let go of the negative ones.

There is another reason for cleaning an old apartment, but it has nothing to do with Feng Shui. Ancestors believed that garbage was spoiled. Not necessarily on purpose, negative words and emotions also matter. No one will be happy when they see dirt in their new home, and they certainly won’t thank the previous owners for it. For this reason, minor problems such as leaking taps are also eliminated.

Cleaning a new place to live is an important stage of moving. Open the windows to let in Fresh air, and then briefly all the taps in the bathroom and kitchen. Turn on the lights in each room, turn on any pleasant music and put the kettle on the stove to drink tea for the first time in this house.

Signs about housewarming

The ancestors organized two entrance holidays. The first was a festive dinner for all residents of the new house, and the second was where guests were invited and gifts were received.

The first celebration is now celebrated simply - simple dishes are prepared in advance and champagne is opened after check-in. When the celebration is over, the brownie is treated to what is on the table. Don't forget that he doesn't like meat and eggs.

When all the issues related to the arrangement of the apartment are resolved, invite guests and have a feast. Fun get-togethers with friends and family attract positive energy. It’s good when children’s laughter sounds during a housewarming party.

When guests sit at a generous table, the people in this house will live in abundance. A beautifully decorated table with a clean tablecloth and “ceremonial” dishes foreshadows. At the feast they talk about pleasant things and do not discuss things and phenomena of a negative nature.

A towel embroidered with red and green flowers is placed in the center of the table, and a loaf of bread is placed on it. It is decorated with sprigs of rowan, viburnum or other berries that grow in the region where you live.

Each arriving guest throws a coin over the threshold into the house. This money rain attracts the energy of obtaining material wealth and career growth. It’s good when the owners also fall under it.

When the invitees leave, instead of saying goodbye they say:

Peace to your home!

Try not to turn the housewarming into a banal drinking party, this will not bring anything positive. Take a tour of your new home, share experiences in renovating and buying furniture, have a dance and interesting competitions for friends. Don't forget about kind words and about having a good time for you and your guests.

What to give as a housewarming gift - signs

Signs agree on what to give as a housewarming gift - almost everything except money. When they are handed over, you can invite need into the house.

Sharp objects are unwanted gifts. As in all other cases (when receiving such a birthday gift), give small change in return. They don't give watches or mirrors.

There are some things that are great for housewarming gifts. In the past, spoons, mugs and pots were given as gifts with wishes of satiety and prosperity. Nowadays, a set of glasses, pots or pans, or equipment - a blender or food processor - is appropriate.

In the old days, tables were also given with such wishes. It doesn’t have to be a lunch one, a magazine one or a special one for breakfast in bed is suitable.

A great gift for new residents is a horseshoe. Choose a stylish one, and it will become a talisman that attracts good luck and a decoration for the hallway.

Ancestors gave sheep's wool with wishes of wealth. Now - blankets, rugs and pillows are good analogues of natural sheep wool. But it is not advisable to give bed linen as a gift; it is believed that those who will sleep on it choose it. Fire symbolizes warmth and wealth, which makes heaters, electronic fireplaces, lamps and candles good options for gifting to new residents.

If you are interested in Chinese teachings, give it as a gift, but explain to the owners where to put it and what meaning it carries. Neutral options such as Money Tree or decorative sailboat.

Be sure to pay attention to the preferences and worldview of those to whom you are giving a housewarming gift; positive emotions from receiving a gift are important. Don't be shy to ask what they want. IN modern world This is not considered impolite; many people make lists of desired gifts for any budget in order to avoid awkwardness and save guests from the difficulty of choosing.

Knowing the traditions of your ancestors and the signs that are associated with moving will help make life in a new place much more comfortable and happier.

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