When will there be hot water in Kyiv and what to do for it. Will Kyiv get hot water? Why did this happen?

For many years now, residents of Kyiv have been suffering from a lack of hot water in the capital and region. But the other day, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, said that the lack of hot water in the city also has its advantages. According to the latest data, Kyiv has managed to save from 1.5 to 3.6 thousand hryvnia since the beginning of May due to the lack of hot water. This information was also confirmed by Pyotr Panteleev, who holds the post of deputy head of the Kyiv administration.

When will there be hot water in Kyiv?

The Kyiv authorities are very pleased that they are able to save the state budget due to the lack of hot water in the city, but no one thought about the people. How can they live without hot water? At the same time, Deputy Head of the Kyiv Administration Pyotr Panteleev clarified that people still heated water on gas or electronic stoves and paid for gas or electricity.

“If a person consumes an average of two or three cubic meters per month, then a family of three, which has been without hot water since May, has saved 3-3.6 thousand hryvnia. Kiev residents who have been left without hot water since August (Obolon, Troyeshchyna, part of Podol) have saved one and a half thousand hryvnia,”- said Panteleev.

The Kiev official also said that they intend to resume the supply of hot water after the court approves the agreement between Naftogaz and Kievteploenergo. Panteleev noted that Kyiv will return 2.3 billion hryvnia of debt to Naftogaz. But at the same time, Kyiv will not pay fines and penalties.

Earlier, on October 5, Vitaliy Klitschko, who holds the post of mayor of Kyiv, talked about how citizens are forced to do without hot water because work central water supply depends on gas supplies, which have encountered difficulties.

“They say that Klitschko turned off the taps and turned off the hot water. Sorry, I'm starting to joke again. What is needed to cold water got hot? Warm up. How do we heat water? Gas. But they don’t give us gas now,”- Klitschko emphasized.

The Kyiv authorities told city residents how profitable it is to live without hot water.

As you know, “not everyone can look into tomorrow,” so when hot water will be connected in Kyiv, no one knows, not even the city administration. But the absence of this water, it turns out, allowed Kiev residents to save from 1.5 to 3.6 thousand hryvnia. This useful information Deputy Head of the Kyiv City Administration Pyotr Panteleev shared with one of the Ukrainian media.

“If a person consumes an average of 2-3 cubic meters per month, then a family of three, which has been without hot water since May, saved 3-3.6 thousand hryvnia,”- Ukrayinska Pravda quotes the vice-mayor.

According to his calculations, those residents of Kyiv who were left without hot water since August (Obolon, Troyeshchyna, part of Podil) were able to ultimately save as much as 1.5 thousand hryvnia. Apparently, the official believes that the people of Kiev will continue to have the same “profitable” existence, since exact date hot water supply remains unknown.

At the same time, the politician noted that if hot water is provided, this will lead to emergency situations because the pipes are rusty. Therefore, it is better not to give it. “The absence of hot water in the networks for many months has led to an increase in the level of corrosion of pipelines. And this can lead to emergency situations during the restoration of the coolant,”- said Panteleev.

There has been no hot water in Kyiv almost since May, and in some areas it is still not provided. Words about the “benefits” of her absence from the lips of Vitali Klitschko’s deputy are commented on on social networks with counter-proposals. For example, if you give up food or light, the savings will be even greater.

“Klitschko’s associates clearly explained to the people of Kiev how beneficial it is for them to have no hot water: they say, the savings are big. It remains to prove how profitable it is to live without gas, without electricity and without heating - and the “bright European future” will come, for which the Maidan jumped!”- Vladimir Kornilov is indignant

“It’s better to live in a cave - you don’t have to pay for it. You don’t even have to buy clothes,” - Maxim suggests.

"It's still profitable not to eat. At least half family budget you can save money" - supported by @immortalchess.

“If they don’t eat, then there’s no need for toilets, saving water means the country’s economy will go up. Klitschko is a genius.” , - summarizes @lopryt.

The mayor of the city, Vitaliy Klitschko, recently decided to answer a question about the lack of hot water supply in the city with a joke.

“They say that Klitschko turned off the taps and turned off the hot water. Forgive me, I’m starting to joke again. What do you need to make cold water hot? Heat it up. How do we heat the water? Gas. But they don’t give us gas now,”- he said.

Moreover, when Klitschko was asked how he managed without hot water, the mayor of Kyiv replied that he “has a boiler” and advised the townspeople to follow his example.

"Previously, everyone had a central water supply... But we all want independence in this direction. If there is hot water- very good, if not, you can turn on the boiler,"- Vitali Klitschko summed up.

If you wanted independence, you got it. independence from central water supply, and from hot water too. The mayor’s “advice” was met with great enthusiasm on social networks.

"Vitalik Cicero Klitschko: "Previously, everyone had a centralized water supply. And we are all dependent on supplies, but we are all trying to be independent in this direction. There is hot water - very good, if not, you can turn on the boiler"

Now you know everything about independence,” Yulia Vityazeva sneers

"- Will you come?

Well I do not know

I have a boiler....

Don’t say another word, I’m leaving!” = Anch’s new joke is born right away.

How can one not recall other constructive proposals from the head of Kyiv regarding heating season. Thus, several years ago he called on city residents to switch to “alternative sources” of heating, in particular wood. Then he shared with journalists his "hot water recipe"

“We can provide hot water. For cold water to turn into hot water, it must be heated,” Klitschko said.

And in the summer of 2014, the mayor of the Ukrainian capital called on citizens to “get ready for the land.”

“I ask each of the Kiev residents to treat this problem with understanding, and I would also ask all Kiev residents to also address the problem of heat conservation and land preparation with a special component,”- he said with difficulty.

Well, with the prospect of a winter without hot water, perhaps this is the only thing left.

The only thing that the mayor's office could say on this matter was that the supply of hot water in Kyiv will begin after the Economic Court approves the settlement agreement between Naftogaz and Kievteploenergo.

That's why...

If Putin turns on the hot water in Kyiv, then half of Kyiv will vote for him in the elections, “ATO veteran” Konstantin Leleka is sure. The Ukrainian militarist expressed this opinion in the context that no one will defend Kyiv anymore.

“If suddenly, from the direction of Belarus, Russian tanks really come towards Kiev, then will everything be like in 2014? In a single impulse, everyone will help the army? Will they buy batteries and wheels for armored personnel carriers, will they refuel the tanks? No, half the city will run for flowers - to meet these tanks, and the second half, the patriots, will defend themselves on Facebook, but not even from their pages, so that the data will not be revealed.

And in general, if tomorrow Putin declares that he will turn on hot water for the people of Kiev, then the day after tomorrow most of Kyiv will vote for him in the presidential elections in Ukraine. What kind of defense can we even talk about? It's a completely different time now."

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko often says to Russia “forgive the rest,” but his statements, as we see, do not really warm the residents of the capital of the “European state”. These statements will neither wash the dishes nor take a shower, unlike warm water, which, as we see, takes the city. I wonder if Putin makes a dollar worth 16 hryvnia to the Ukrainians, will they elect him president until the end of their days?

This is what the life-giving cross and hot water do!

Somewhere a red flag is being raised, an adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is calling the president a s***, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Navy is complaining about the collapse of the fleet, Ukrainians are beating Bandera and ATO officers...

Some kind of indistinct premonition.... I’ll repeat, perhaps... From the distant 2014, but I look, and it doesn’t lose its relevance. On the contrary...Well, you can use humor too.

But in general, this serious opus was written by me under the pressure of worries about the fate of humanity.

"The ghost of Nuremberg hovered over Europe. Residents of Gotham woke up, timidly sticking their wet noses out from under damp blankets, tormented by a dilemma - either to sniff and inhale the timid and transparent snot that had already become familiar, or to muster up the courage and fart with all their might, spewing out all the nightly doubts and worries.To feel truly free, without the risk of pupating there under the blanket from the smell of freedom.

But, damn it, I don’t understand what era it is outside the window and what slogans are in fashion now... But the number of days in the calendar is clear and, most importantly, damn it, the number of WINTER days... . Damn Muscovites... .

The love of freedom took over and, overcoming an aversion to the cold, the citizens of Gotham climbed out of their beds, still holding back the urge to express their will, and thoughtfully pricked the tap with a calloused finger - more out of habit than in hope. The hairy ear froze in anticipation of news from the pipe about the approaching streams of purity and warmth... .

But reality mercilessly reminded of itself with an irresistible desire for expression of will and drove it out into the street - the desired action required understanding current moment. Already yes, or not yet... Citizens awkwardly trudged to the city square, carefully carrying their barely restrained, but not yet realized civil rights, and looked with longing at the color of the flag on the spire...

But he was still the same. Damn Muscovites... Why are you taking so long... not to go?..”

Sergey Alexandrov/

In Kyiv, the timing of turning on hot water has again been pushed back. The city has been without it for a month now, and many areas of the capital have not seen hot water for the whole summer. It didn’t “get warmer” on Independence Day either, although such promises were made.

The authorities' promises to resume hot water supply were postponed several times. At the end of August, Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko promised to “definitely” turn on the water before September 15th. Just a few days later, on September 3, he said that this would take two weeks, shifting the deadline to September 17.

Klitschko’s first “deadline” passed yesterday, and tomorrow comes the second. And in the capital of the state, which produces its own gas to heat water, 3,000 houses are located outside of civilization.

Experts believe that hot water may appear closer to winter, or rather, from the beginning of the heating season. According to Valentin Zemlyansky, an expert on energy issues, in the summer Kiev residents can do without hot water. He said that centralized hot water supply is quite expensive, and this issue is also affected by the current problems with Naftogaz.

By the way, Kyiv is not the only city that is faced with a hot water problem. A similar situation has developed in Kharkov. There, the city heating networks promised to return hot water three times already - on September 11, September 15 and September 17. However, on September 18, it did not appear on taps.

Why don't they heat the water?

Problems with hot water have been pursuing Vitali Klitschko since the first year of his election as mayor.

In 2014, Kiev residents washed themselves cold almost throughout September. The mayor then gave birth to the famous meme that “for the water to become hot, it needs to be heated.”

In 2017, the Kyiv authorities began a conflict with the Kievenergo company, and in 2018 it officially left the capital’s heat power market. KSCA created a new company - "Kievteploenergo".

True, the state does not sell gas to it - Naftogaz first demands that the mayor’s office pay off more than three billion hryvnia of debt from the previous supplier. Of these, 2.6 billion are the debts of Kiev residents to Kyivenergo, the rest is a state subvention, which also did not reach Naftogaz.

By the way, Petro Poroshenko also decided to promote himself on the topic of hot water: he proposed to allocate this subvention from the 2018 budget, where changes need to be made.

Be that as it may, on September 11, the Kyiv City Council agreed to assume all debts, but now bargaining has begun to reduce the amount of debt and cancel the billion-dollar fine and penalties. Naftogaz naturally resists.

Simply put, the issue has not yet been resolved, although some progress has been made. Meanwhile, Kiev residents are “hardening up” under a cold shower.

"The people of Kiev need to wait a little"

"Evening of September 15th. How are you doing, people of Kiev?! What's wrong with the water?!" - ex-Minister of Housing and Communal Services Alexey Kucherenko wrote on Facebook yesterday.

In the comments, he was told that there was still no hot water in Pechersk, in the Shevchenkovsky district, in the densely populated Obolon and in the Kharkov massif. At the same time, water appeared in certain areas of Pobeda Avenue.

Today Kucherenko wrote an ironic post that “the people of Kiev need to wait a little” until a ceremonial event is prepared for Poroshenko to return water to the capital.

“Very reliable information from the AP.

Kievans just need to wait a little.

Since the president said that it is he who is returning hot water to Kyiv, they are now preparing a large gala event with his participation.

There are small problems with deputies from the regions who do not really understand why they should vote for the allocation of UAH 730 million to pay off Kyivenergo’s debts from general state budget funds.

At the same time, they are feverishly looking for a place to install memorial sign and ribbon cuttings.

Moreover, the issue of establishing a new city holiday - Hot Water Supply Day - has been practically resolved. Red.)".

Journalist Sonya Koshkina writes that in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv there has been no hot water for four months.

"The fight against corruption, European integration, fair trial...

This is all great. Meanwhile, in the hero city of Kyiv (at least in the central Shevchenko district) there has been no hot water for the fourth month (since the beginning of June)!

Yes, I have a boiler.

But it's enough for a shower. For one person. For a bathroom (regular) - up to half. All my friends living in the center have the same thing.

And I started to wash the dishes cold water(yes, I wash with my hands. I have a dishwasher, but it performs an important function - it stores small bags))).

She swung! What the hell is wrong?!? Prevention for more than three months? Seriously? There is not enough evil."

Marketer Irina Fedorenko believes that the authorities need the twists and turns with hot water so that Kiev residents are ready to pay any money for it.

"First, let me try. Show how cool it is. Day after day, it will become a habit and gradually turn into a necessity in life. Raise the price little by little, it’s not so easy to give up the habit. Take it. Show everyone who’s boss, I want - I give, I want - I'm taking it away. They will suffer, wait, look for a replacement, turn to shamans and beat the tambourine - but this is the maximum, in the end, tortured dirty people will be ready to do anything just to get it again, just to get it back! Done. Return. And raise the price. The main thing , so that at least there is.

Legends about hot water in the capital."

Blogger Vadim Diduk is indignant that Kiev residents are still ready to vote for Klitschko: “Beat, destroy, destroy small businesses, raise travel prices, don’t provide hot water, flood the streets with rain, don’t build a metro, but we’ll still choose him out of spite.”

In his video message, which he posted on his Facebook page.

“Kyiv is finally receiving gas and has begun supplying hot water to more than 3,000 homes, where there was no water for several months,” Klitschko noted. “We connected CHPP-6, and CHPP-5 is now operating at higher capacity. The boiler room is being restored - 90% of them have been connected those that did not work,” the mayor of the capital emphasized.

According to him, hot water is already supplied to residents of Troyeshchyna, Lesnoy Massif, and today- to Obolon and Podil.

"We are also starting technological process starting the heating system. According to plan, we need at least 10 days to supply heat to all houses and institutions of the capital,” Klitschko noted.

Vitaliy Klitschko also called on Kiev residents to take a responsible approach to the issue of heat and energy conservation, to close windows and doors in the entrances.

Let's remember that last week Vitali Klitschko said on television that...

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The Kyiv City State Administration spoke about the sequence of restoring hot water supply in the capital.

Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Pyotr Panteleev announced this at a press briefing today, reports Slovo i Delo.

According to him, hot water will be supplied first (regardless of the start of heating - ed.).

Hot water will be supplied depending on the restoration of boiler rooms.

“Because in those areas of the city, and this is Desnyansky district, Obolonsky district, part of Shevchenko, Solomyansky, Svyatoshinsky, where there was no hot water, hot water will be supplied first, and then heating... There is no priority, no discrimination. Everything will depend on technological regimes,” he said.

Panteleev noted that in areas where there was no problem with hot water supply, hot water will be supplied as usual.

Later, the parties agreed. Economic debt for gas "Kievenergo".

The capital will pay 2.3 billion hryvnia for Kyivenergo’s debts, which is half as much as expected, the Kyiv City State Administration says.

Let us remind you that some residents of Kyiv have been without hot water since spring.

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