Coffee tree or shrub. A coffee tree. Contraindications and side effects

Binary chemical munitions are a type chemical weapons. Binary - consisting of two components of chemical munition equipment (non-toxic or low-toxic). The components for obtaining the appropriate OM can be a liquid-liquid and liquid-liquid system. solid. These elements also include chemical additives, for which catalysts are used that accelerate the course of the chemical reaction, and stabilizers that ensure the stability of the starting components and the resulting chemical agents.

During the flight of a chemical munition towards a target, the initial components are mixed and enter into a chemical reaction to form highly toxic agents (V-X and sarin).

The main parts of a binary explosive ammunition are the head with a fuse, the explosive charge, and the ammunition body with chambers for placing containers with binary explosive components. This also includes various auxiliary devices that ensure the separation and mixing of components, as well as the occurrence of a chemical reaction between them. A schematic representation of a 200 kg glide bomb with V-X and an artillery shell with sarin in a binary design is shown in Figures 13, 14. One of the components in the form of a sulfur block is located in the central pipe. The body is filled with liquid ethyl methylphosphonate (second component). According to a pre-established program, the barrier between the components is destroyed, they are mechanically mixed, and within 5 s the reaction of Vi-X formation is completed.

Binary ammunition is convenient to manufacture, store and handle, however, the presence of these additional devices complicates the design of the binary ammunition.

5.2.8 Means of application

To use toxic substances, the enemy can use chemical aerial bombs, aerial dispensers, aerosol generators, missiles and other ammunition filled with toxic substances. Rockets can also be used to use explosive agents.

5.2.9 Actions of the population in the outbreak of chemical contamination

The source of chemical contamination is an area exposed to toxic substances, which results in or may cause injuries to people. The size of the focus of chemical contamination depends on the amount of chemical agents used, their type, meteorological conditions and terrain.

In cases of a chemical attack and the formation of a source of chemical contamination, the main condition for ensuring the sustainable operation of industrial enterprises should be the careful sealing of production buildings and technological processes, as well as the provision of workers and employees with individual and collective protective equipment.

The rate of dissipation of OM vapors and the area of ​​their distribution are affected by the vertical stability of the surface layers of the atmosphere. There are three degrees of stability of the surface layer of air:

    inversion (the lower layers of air are colder than the upper layers);

    isothermia (it is characterized by the fact that the air temperature within 20-30 m from the earth’s surface is almost the same);

    convection (the lower layer of air is heated more than the upper layer and it is mixed vertically).

Inversion and isotherm contribute to the preservation of high concentrations of OM in the surface layer of air; they contribute to the spread of contaminated air over long distances from contaminated areas. Convection causes strong dispersion of contaminated air, and the concentration of OM vapor in the air quickly decreases.

Vegetation cover (shrubs, forest, dense grass), building density and terrain (ravines, hollows) contribute to stagnation of contaminated air and increase the duration of infection.

If you detect signs of the enemy using chemical agents, you must urgently put on a gas mask, and, if necessary, apply skin protection; If there is a shelter nearby, take refuge in it. Before entering the shelter, you should remove used skin protection and outerwear and leave them in the vestibule of the shelter: this precaution prevents agents from being brought into the shelter. The gas mask is removed after entering the shelter.

When using a shelter, basement, closed gap, etc. It should not be forgotten that it can serve as protection against contact with droplets of liquid chemical agents on the skin and clothing, but does not protect against vapors and aerosols of chemical agents in the air. Therefore, when staying in such shelters in conditions of external contamination, it is imperative to use a gas mask.

You should stay in a shelter (shelter) until you receive an order to leave it. When such an order is received, it is necessary to put on the required personal protective equipment (for persons in shelters - gas masks and skin protection; for persons in shelters and already using gas masks - skin protection) and leave the structure to go beyond the source of infection .

You need to leave the source of chemical contamination in the directions indicated by special signs or indicated by civil defense (police) posts. If there are no signs or posts, you should move in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind. This will ensure the fastest exit from the source of chemical contamination, since the depth of the cloud of contaminated air (it coincides with the direction of the wind) is several times greater than the width of the front.

In contaminated areas, you must move quickly, but do not run or raise dust. Do not lean against buildings or touch surrounding objects (they may be contaminated). Do not step on visible drops or smears of chemical agents.

In contaminated areas, it is prohibited to remove gas masks and other protective equipment. In cases where it is unknown whether an area is contaminated or not, it is better to act as if it is contaminated.

Particular caution should be exercised when moving through contaminated areas through parks, gardens, orchards and fields. There may be deposited drops of OM on the leaves and branches of plants; touching them can contaminate clothing and shoes, which can lead to damage.

If possible, you should avoid driving through ravines and hollows, through meadows and swamps: in these places long-term stagnation of OM vapor is possible. In cities, chemical vapors can stagnate in closed neighborhoods, parks, as well as in the entrances and attics of houses. The infected cloud in the city spreads over the greatest distances along streets, tunnels, and pipelines.

If drops or smears of chemical agents are found on the skin, clothing, shoes or personal protective equipment after a chemical attack by the enemy or while moving through a contaminated area, they must be immediately removed with gauze or cotton swabs; If there are no such tampons, you can make tampons from paper or rags. The affected areas should be treated with a solution from the IPP-8 anti-chemical package or thoroughly washed with warm water and soap. In case of lesions of the OB, you need to take tablets from slot © 2 of the individual first aid kit AI-2.

After leaving the source of chemical contamination, partial degassing and sanitary treatment are carried out, and then complete sanitary treatment.

5.2.4 Generally toxic agents

The group of generally toxic agents includes: hydrocyanic acid (HCN), cyanogen chloride (ClCN), carbon monoxide (CO), arsenic (AsH3) and phosphorous (PH3) hydrogen. They affect unprotected people through the respiratory system and when ingested in water and food.

Signs of damage: dizziness, vomiting, fear, loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis.

Hydrogen cyanide (hydrogen cyanide), HCN is a colorless liquid with a peculiar odor reminiscent of bitter almonds; in low concentrations the odor is difficult to distinguish. Hydrocyanic acid evaporates easily and acts only in a vapor state.

Characteristic signs of damage from hydrocyanic acid are: metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea. Then painful shortness of breath appears, the pulse slows down, the poisoned person loses consciousness, and sharp convulsions occur. Convulsions are observed for a relatively short time; they are replaced by complete relaxation of the muscles with loss of sensitivity, a drop in temperature, respiratory depression with subsequent cessation. Cardiac activity after stopping breathing continues for another 3-7 minutes.

5.2.5 Irritant agents (police)

The most typical representatives of this group of OM are: chloroacetophenone (C6H5 COCH2Cl), Si-S, Si-Er, adamsite (HN(C6H4)2AsCl). They affect the sensitive nerve endings of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and affect the mucous membranes of the eyes.

5.2.6 Psychogenic agents

They are capable of incapacitating enemy personnel for some time. These toxic substances, affecting the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause mental disabilities such as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, and limitation of the motor functions of various organs. A distinctive feature of these substances is that to cause lethal damage they require doses 1000 times greater than to incapacitate.

Psychogenic agents, along with lethal toxic substances, can be used to weaken the will and stamina of enemy troops in battle.

Lysergic acid dimethylamide (LSD) and Bi-Z are psychogenic toxicants. In my own way appearance These are white crystalline substances that are used in an aerosol form. When entering the human body, they cause movement disorders, mild nausea and dilated pupils, and then hallucinations of hearing and vision that last for several hours.

5.2.7 Binary chemical munitions

Binary chemical munitions are a type of chemical weapon. Binary - consisting of two components of chemical munition equipment (non-toxic or low-toxic). The components for obtaining the appropriate OM can be a liquid-liquid and liquid-solid system. These elements also include chemical additives, for which catalysts are used that accelerate the course of the chemical reaction, and stabilizers that ensure the stability of the starting components and the resulting chemical agents.

During the flight of a chemical munition towards a target, the initial components are mixed and enter into a chemical reaction to form highly toxic agents (V-X and sarin).

The main parts of a binary explosive ammunition are the head with a fuse, the explosive charge, and the ammunition body with chambers for placing containers with binary explosive components. This also includes various auxiliary devices, ensuring the separation and mixing of components, as well as the occurrence of a chemical reaction between them. A schematic representation of a 200 kg glide bomb with V-X and an artillery shell with sarin in a binary design is shown in Figures 13, 14. One of the components in the form of a sulfur block is located in the central pipe. The body is filled with liquid ethyl methylphosphonate (second component). According to a pre-established program, the barrier between the components is destroyed, they are mechanically mixed, and within 5 s the reaction of Vi-X formation is completed.

Binary chemical munitions and military devices are a type of chemical weapon. The term “binary” means “consisting of two parts.” In this case, we mean chemical munitions consisting of two components (“precursors”). In contrast to “binary”, known chemical munitions of single-component ammunition can be called “unitary”.

Historical reference. Beginning of active development of binary chemical munitions for ground forces The US Army dates back to 1954. In 1960, at the center of this work was the Big Eye bomb equipped with a VX-2 binary agent. In 1968, the development of binary cluster bombs loaded with binary sarin, GB-2, began. During 1969-1975 Development was also carried out on some binary artillery shells of 155-mm caliber (ХМ687) with GB-2 and 203.2-mm shells (ХМ736) with VX-2 with a view to their subsequent mass production. The decision on large-scale production of binary ammunition was made in the USA in 1980, for which a plant with a capacity of 70 thousand units of binary ammunition per year was commissioned in Pine Bluff (Arkansas).

The impetus for further intensifying the binary chemical weapons race was the adoption in February 1982 of a chemical rearmament program in the US Congress. The program opened a new strategic direction for the United States in the field of chemical weapons and included an increase in chemical weapons stockpiles nearly doubling. For its implementation, allocations of more than $10 billion were provided.

Binary ammunition various types differ from each other in structure and principle of operation. However, they are based on the general principle of refusing to use a finished toxic product (OM) produced at industrial enterprise. The final stage of the technological process for obtaining chemical agents is, as it were, transferred to the ammunition itself. This stage should be carried out in a short time after a shell is fired, a rocket is launched, or a bomb is dropped from an airplane. Technically, this principle of operation is realized by the presence in the ammunition (device) in one form or another of devices (methods) to achieve isolation of two complementary components, destruction of the insulation (partition) between them, intensive mixing of the components, facilitating the rapid occurrence of the reaction of formation of an agent.

In a binary artillery projectile (7.9), isolation of the components is achieved by using two cylindrical containers inserted into the projectile body and separated by a partition. The destruction of the partition and the bottoms of the containers is achieved due to the dynamic load on the projectile when fired, and intensive mixing of the components is achieved due to the rotation of the projectile in flight.

The designs of binary ammunition (devices) compared to unitary ones are more complex and more expensive, however, the US administration and military leadership see in “binary weapons” a number of positive factors that make it possible to elevate chemical weapons to a qualitatively new level,

more high level. The advantages of “binary weapons”, which aroused such high interest in it among American supporters of a large-scale chemical rearmament program, are as follows:

simplification and reduction in cost of the production technology of initial components in comparison with the more complex and dangerous production of chemical agents. This advantage contributes to the unlimited expansion of the production of binary components both in the USA and in the countries of its allies;

creation of binary ammunition. This allows you to decide complex problem long-term storage chemical weapons and the creation of their stockpiles on foreign territories, and above all in Western Europe;

transporting binary munitions over long distances. It can be carried out on a significant scale without significant difficulties and restrictions. If necessary, binary chemical weapons can be freely delivered in a short time to a “hot spot” in any area of ​​the globe using all types Vehicle;

camouflage of production and creation of stockpiles of binary chemical agents (components), which complicates control over the implementation of a possible ban on chemical weapons;

the possibility of chemical weapons approaching active troops, accumulation required quantities ammunition in army warehouses, as well as directly at firing positions of missile forces and artillery, aviation airfields and naval ships;

Thus, binary munitions (devices) represent a new dangerous type of chemical weapon, expanding the scope of its production and distribution and significantly increasing the likelihood of its use in military conflicts.

Binary weapon

Binary weapon- a type of chemical weapon, combat use which is possible only after the reaction of relatively harmless (less dangerous during storage and transportation) components. The most common are binary chemical munitions, in which toxic substances are synthesized from stored precursors separated from each other after the shot (dump). When mixing the base components, it starts chemical reaction, ending with the synthesis of combat agents. There are also ammunition implemented according to a similar scheme for various types kinetic and laser weapons.

Binary chemical weapons fall under the “Chemical Weapons Convention” and are prohibited for use and storage in many countries. Also, in some countries, mass production of reagents for creating such weapons is prohibited.


The advantages of binary ammunition are the safety of its storage, transportation, and maintenance. Even in the event of a leak of one of the components, the danger to personnel and the public is significantly lower than when storing classical chemical weapons. For kinetic munitions, binary explosive mixtures prevent detonation under conditions that would lead to the activation of classical explosive mixtures.


The disadvantage of this type of weapon is the high cost and complexity of producing binary ammunition, as well as its lower (compared to conventional ammunition) useful weight. If during the synthesis combat substance If a catalyst is used, it is irretrievably lost after the shot. In the case of rocket ammunition, an aerial bomb, or a land mine, the useful weight is also reduced by the devices necessary for mechanical mixing of the starting substances. This disadvantage does not appear for rifled barrel artillery projectiles, where the energy of the axial rotation of the projectile is usually used for mixing.


The development of such weapons in the United States began in the 1930s. One weapon of this type was the American M687 artillery shell ( English). In it, methylphosphonyl difluoride (military name: DF, a Schedule 1 substance) and a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and isopropylamine, known as OPA, are contained in chambers separated by a partition. When fired, the baffle breaks and during flight the precursors mix and react to form the nerve gas sarin.

In popular culture

Binary weapons are used in Frederick Forsythe's novel The Devil's Alternative. It describes it as consisting of two halves of medicinal capsules, one containing potassium cyanide and the other containing hydrochloric acid. When mixed, they form hydrocyanic acid, which gradually corrodes the walls of the capsule and after a few hours enters the gastrointestinal tract, killing the victim.

Some researchers have suggested that in 2003 there were attempts to kill Boris Berezovsky using a similar method by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. .


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