Thermal conductivity coefficient of various materials table. Thermal conductivity of basic building materials. What affects the thermal conductivity index

Construction of a private house is a very difficult process from start to finish. One of the main issues this process is the choice of construction raw materials. This choice must be very competent and thoughtful, because most of the life in the new home depends on it. What stands apart in this choice is the concept of thermal conductivity of materials. It will determine how warm and comfortable the house will be.

Thermal conductivity is an ability physical bodies(and the substances from which they are made) transfer thermal energy. Explaining more in simple language, this is the transfer of energy from a warm place to a cold one. For some substances, such transfer will occur quickly (for example, most metals), and for some, on the contrary, very slowly (rubber).

To put it even more clearly, in some cases, materials with a thickness of several meters will conduct heat much better than other materials with a thickness of several tens of centimeters. For example, a few centimeters of drywall can replace an impressive brick wall.

Based on this knowledge, it can be assumed that the most correct choice of materials will be with low values ​​of this quantity so that the house does not cool down quickly. For clarity, let us denote percentage heat loss in different areas Houses:

What does thermal conductivity depend on?

Values ​​of this quantity may depend on several factors. For example, the thermal conductivity coefficient, which we will talk about separately, the humidity of building materials, density, and so on.

  • Materials with high densities have, in turn, a high ability to transfer heat due to the dense accumulation of molecules inside the substance. Porous materials, on the contrary, will heat up and cool down more slowly.
  • Heat transfer is also affected by the humidity of materials. If the materials get wet, their heat transfer will increase.
  • Also, the structure of the material greatly influences this indicator. For example, a tree with transverse and longitudinal grains will have different meanings thermal conductivity.
  • The indicator also changes with changes in parameters such as pressure and temperature. With increasing temperature it increases, and with increasing pressure, on the contrary, it decreases.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

For quantification such a parameter are used special thermal conductivity coefficients, strictly declared in SNIP. For example, the thermal conductivity coefficient of concrete is 0.15-1.75 W/(m*C) depending on the type of concrete. Where C is degrees Celsius. On this moment there are coefficient calculations for almost everyone existing types construction raw materials used in construction. Thermal conductivity coefficients building materials very important in any architectural and construction work.

For convenient selection of materials and their comparison, special tables of thermal conductivity coefficients are used, developed in accordance with SNIP standards (building codes and regulations). Thermal conductivity of building materials, the table of which will be given below, is very important in the construction of any objects.

  • Wood materials. For some materials, the parameters will be given both along the fibers (Index 1, and across – index 2)
  • Various types of concrete.
  • Various types of construction and decorative bricks.

Calculation of insulation thickness

From the above tables we see how different the heat conductivity coefficients can be for different materials. To calculate the thermal resistance of the future wall, there is a simple formula, which connects the thickness of the insulation and its thermal conductivity coefficient.

R = p / k, where R is the thermal resistance index, p is the layer thickness, k is the coefficient.

From this formula it is easy to extract the formula for calculating the thickness of the insulation layer for the required thermal resistance. P = R * k. Thermal resistance value is different for each region. There is also a special table for these values, where they can be viewed when calculating the thickness of the insulation.

Now let's give some examples the most popular insulation materials and their technical characteristics.

The term thermal conductivity is applied to the ability of materials to transmit thermal energy from hot to cold areas. Thermal conductivity is based on the movement of particles within substances and materials. The ability to transfer heat energy in quantitative measurement is the thermal conductivity coefficient. The cycle of thermal energy transfer, or heat exchange, can take place in any substance with an unequal distribution of different temperature sections, but the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the pressure and temperature in the material itself, as well as on its state - gaseous, liquid or solid.

Physically, the thermal conductivity of materials is equal to the amount of heat that flows through a homogeneous object of established dimensions and area over a certain time period at a specified temperature difference (1 K). In the SI system, a unit indicator, which has a thermal conductivity coefficient, is usually measured in W/(m K).

How to calculate thermal conductivity using Fourier's law

In a given thermal mode The flux density during heat transfer is directly proportional to the vector of the maximum increase in temperature, the parameters of which vary from one area to another, and modulo with the same rate of increase in temperature in the direction of the vector:

q → = − ϰ x grad x (T), where:

  • q → – the direction of the density of an object transmitting heat, or the volume of heat flow that flows through an area for a given time unit through a certain area, perpendicular to all axes;
  • ϰ – specific thermal conductivity coefficient of the material;
  • T – temperature of the material.

When applying Fourier's law, the inertia of the flow of thermal energy is not taken into account, which means that we mean the instantaneous transfer of heat from any point to any distance. Therefore, the formula cannot be used to calculate heat transfer during processes that have a high repetition rate. This is ultrasonic radiation, the transfer of thermal energy by shock or pulse waves, etc. There is a solution according to Fourier's law with a relaxation term:

τ x ∂ q / ∂ t = − (q + ϰ x ∇T) .

If relaxation τ is instantaneous, then the formula turns into Fourier’s law.

Approximate table of thermal conductivity of materials:

The basisThermal conductivity value, W/(m K)
Hard graphene4840 + / – 440 – 5300 + / – 480
Boron arsenide200-2000
Cu 3 Zn 297-111
Black steel47-58
Stainless steelThermal conductivity of steel – 15
High quality heat resistant pastes5-12

(consists of SiO 2 68-73%; Al 2 O 3 12.0-15.5%; Na 2 O 3.0-6.0%; CaO 1.5-4.0%; FeO 0.5- 3.0%; Fe 2 O 3 0.5-2.5%; K 2 O 0.5-3.0%; MgO 0.1-1.5%; TiO 2 0.1-0.6% )

Concrete mortar without aggregates1,75
Concrete mortar with crushed stone or gravel1,51

(consists of SiO 2 – 47-52%, TiO 2 – 1-2.5%, Al2O 3 – 14-18%, Fe 2 O 3 – 2-5%, FeO – 6-10%, MnO – 0, 1-0.2%, MgO – 5-7%, CaO – 6-12%, Na 2 O – 1.5-3%, K 2 O – 0.1-1.5%, P 2 O 5 – 0.2-0.5%)


(consists of SiO 2, B 2 O 3, P 2 O 5, TeO 2, GeO 2, AlF 3, etc.)

Heat-resistant paste KPT-80,7
Concrete mortar filled with sand, without crushed stone or gravel0,7
The water is clean0,6

or red brick


silicone based

Foam concrete0,05-0,3
Aerated concrete0,1-0,3
TreeThermal conductivity of wood – 0.15

petroleum based

PP with flammability group G10,039-0,051
EPPU with flammability group G3, G40,03-0,033
Glass wool0,032-0,041
Stone wool0,035-0,04
Air atmosphere (300 K, 100 kPa)0,022

air based

Argon (Ar)0,017
Vacuum environment0

The given thermal conductivity table takes into account heat transfer through thermal radiation and particle heat exchange. Since a vacuum does not transfer heat, it flows through solar radiation or another type of heat generation. In gas or liquid medium layers with different temperatures are mixed artificially or in a natural way.

When calculating the thermal conductivity of a wall, it is necessary to take into account that heat transfer through wall surfaces varies due to the fact that the temperature in the building and outside is always different, and depends on the area of ​​​​all surfaces of the house and on the thermal conductivity of building materials.

To quantify thermal conductivity, a value such as the thermal conductivity coefficient of materials was introduced. It shows how a particular material is capable of transferring heat. The higher this value, for example the thermal conductivity coefficient of steel, the more efficiently the steel will conduct heat.

  • When insulating a house made of wood, it is recommended to choose building materials with a low coefficient.
  • If the wall is brick, then with a coefficient value of 0.67 W/(m2 K) and a wall thickness of 1 m and its area of ​​1 m2, with a difference in external and internal temperatures of 1 0 C, the brick will transmit 0.67 W of energy. With a temperature difference of 10 0 C, the brick will transmit 6.7 W, etc.

The standard value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal insulation and other building materials is correct for a wall thickness of 1 m. To calculate the thermal conductivity of a surface of a different thickness, the coefficient should be divided by the selected value of the wall thickness (meters).

In SNiP and when carrying out calculations, the term “thermal resistance of the material” appears; it means reverse thermal conductivity. That is, with a thermal conductivity of a foam sheet of 10 cm and its thermal conductivity of 0.35 W/(m 2 K), the thermal resistance of the sheet is 1 / 0.35 W/(m 2 K) = 2.85 (m 2 K)/W.

Below is a table of thermal conductivity for popular building materials and thermal insulators:

Construction materialsThermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m 2 K)
Alabaster slabs0,47
Asbestos-cement slate0,35
Asbestos (fiber, fabric)0,15
Asbestos cement1,76
Asbestos-cement products0,35
Asphalt for flooring0,84
Concrete with crushed stone filler1,3
Sand filled concrete0,7
Porous concrete - foam and aerated concrete1,4
Solid concrete1,75
Thermal insulating concrete0,18
Bitumen mass0,47
Paper materials0,14
Loose mineral wool0,046
Heavy mineral wool0,05
Cotton wool is a cotton-based heat insulator0,05
Vermiculite in slabs or sheets0,1
Gravel aggregate0,93
Granite or basalt aggregate3,5
Wet soil, 10%1,75
Wet soil, 20%2,1
Dry soil0,4
Compacted soil1,05
Tar mass0,3
Construction board0,15
Plywood sheets0,15
Duralumin products160
Reinforced concrete products1,72
Limestone blocks1,71
Mortar on sand and lime0,87
Foamed resin0,037
Natural stone1,4
Cardboard sheets made of several layers0,14
Porous rubber0,035
Rubber with fluorine0,053
Expanded clay concrete blocks0,22
Red brick0,13
Hollow brick0,44
Solid brick0,81
Solid brick0,67
Slag brick0,58
Silica based slabs0,07
Brass products110
Ice at a temperature of 0 0 C2,21
Ice at a temperature of -20 0 C2,44
Deciduous tree at 15% humidity0,15
Copper products380
Sawdust for filling0,096
Dry sawdust0,064
Foam concrete0,3
Polystyrene foam brand PS-10,036
Polystyrene foam brand PS-40,04
Polystyrene foam grade PVC-10,05
Polystyrene foam brand FRP0,044
PPU brand PS-B0,04
PPU brand PS-BS0,04
Polyurethane foam sheet0,034
Polyurethane foam panel0,024
Lightweight foam glass0,06
Heavy foam glass0,08
Glassine products0,16
Perlite products0,051
Slabs on cement and perlite0,085
Wet sand 0%0,33
Wet sand 0%0,97
Wet sand 20%1,33
Burnt stone1,52
Ceramic tile1,03
PMTB-2 brand tiles0,035
Foam rubber0,04
Cement based mortar without sand0,47
Natural cork slab0,042
Lightweight natural cork sheets0,034
Heavy sheets of natural cork0,05
Rubber products0,15
Coniferous wood with a moisture content of 15%0,15
Coniferous resinous wood with a moisture content of 15%0,23
Steel products52
Glass products1,15
Glass wool insulation0,05
Fiberglass insulation0,034
Fiberglass products0,31
Teflon coating0,26
Cement mortar board1,93
Cement-sand mortar1,24
Cast iron products57
Slag in granules0,14
Ash slag0,3
Cinder blocks0,65
Dry plaster mixtures0,22
Cement based plaster mortar0,95
Ebonite products0,15

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the thermal conductivity of insulation materials due to their jet heat flows. In a dense environment, it is possible to “transfuse” quasiparticles from one heated building material to another, colder or warmer, through submicron-sized pores, which helps distribute sound and heat, even if there is an absolute vacuum in these pores.

Thermal conductivity- the ability of a material to transfer heat from one part to another due to the thermal movement of molecules. Heat transfer in a material is carried out by conduction (by contact of particles of the material), convection (the movement of air or other gas in the pores of the material) and radiation.

Thermal conductivity depends on the average density of the material, its structure, porosity, humidity and average temperature layer of material. As the average density of the material increases, thermal conductivity increases. The higher the porosity, i.e. less average density material, the lower the thermal conductivity. With increasing humidity of the material, thermal conductivity increases sharply, while its thermal insulation properties. Therefore everything thermal insulation materials in a thermal insulation structure, they are protected from moisture by a covering layer - vapor barrier.

Comparative data of building materials with the same thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity coefficient of materials


Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m*K

Alabaster slabs 0,47
Asbestos (slate) 0,35
Fibrous asbestos 0,15
Asbestos cement 1,76
Asbestos cement slabs 0,35
Thermal insulating concrete 0,18
Bitumen 0,47
Paper 0,14
Light mineral wool 0,045
Heavy mineral wool 0,055
Cotton wool 0,055
Vermiculite sheets 0,1
Woolen felt 0,045
Construction gypsum 0,35
Alumina 2,33
Gravel (filler) 0,93
Granite, basalt 3,5
Soil 10% water 1,75
Soil 20% water 2,1
Sandy soil 1,16
The soil is dry 0,4
Compacted soil 1,05
Tar 0,3
Wood - boards 0,15
Wood - plywood 0,15
Hardwood 0,2
Wood-chip chipboard 0,2
Wood ash 0,15
Iporka (foamed resin) 0,038
Stone 1,4
Multilayer construction cardboard 0,13
Foamed rubber 0,03
Natural rubber 0,042
Fluorinated rubber 0,055
Expanded clay concrete 0,2
Silica brick 0,15
Hollow brick 0,44
Silicate brick 0,81
Solid brick 0,67
Slag brick 0,58
Siliceous slabs 0,07
Sawdust - backfill 0,095
Dry sawdust 0,065
PVC 0,19
Foam concrete 0,3
Styrofoam 0,037
Expanded polystyrene PS-B 0,04
Polyurethane foam sheets 0,035
Polyurethane foam panels 0,025
Lightweight foam glass 0,06
Heavy foam glass 0,08
Glassine 0,17
Perlite 0,05
Perlite-cement slabs 0,08
0% humidity 0,33
10% humidity 0,97
20% humidity 1,33
Burnt sandstone 1,5
Facing tiles 105
Thermal insulation tiles 0,036
Polystyrene 0,082
Foam rubber 0,04
Cork board 0,043
Cork sheets are lightweight 0,035
Cork sheets are heavy 0,05
Rubber 0,15
Ruberoid 0,17
Scots pine, spruce, fir (450...550 kg/cub.m, 15% humidity) 0,15
Resinous pine (600...750 kg/cub.m, 15% humidity) 0,23
Glass 1,15
Glass wool 0,05
Fiberglass 0,036
Fiberglass 0,3
Paper roofing felt 0,23
Cement boards 1,92
Cement-sand mortar 1,2
Cast iron 56
Granulated slag 0,15
Boiler slag 0,29
Cinder concrete 0,6
Dry plaster 0,21
Cement plaster 0,9
Ebonite 0,16
Expanded ebonite 0,03
Linden, birch, maple, oak (15% humidity) 0,15

One of the most important indicators of building materials, especially in the Russian climate, is their thermal conductivity, which general view is defined as the ability of a body to exchange heat (that is, distribute heat from a hotter environment to a colder one).

In this case, the colder environment is the street, and the hotter environment is the indoor space (in summer it is often the other way around). Comparative characteristics is given in the table:

The coefficient is calculated as the amount of heat that will pass through a material 1 meter thick in 1 hour when the temperature difference between inside and outside is 1 degree Celsius. Accordingly, the unit of measurement for building materials is W/ (m*oC) - 1 Watt, divided by the product of a meter and a degree.

Material Thermal conductivity, W/(m deg) Heat capacity, J/(kg deg) Density, kg/m3
Asbestos cement 27759 1510 1500-1900
Asbestos cement sheet 0.41 1510 1601
Asbozurite 0.14-0.19 400-652
Asbomica 0.13-0.15 450-625
Asbotekstolit G (GOST 5-78) 1670 1500-1710
Asphalt 0.71 1700-2100 1100-2111
Asphalt concrete (GOST 9128-84) 42856 1680 2110
Asphalt in floors 0.8
Acetal (polyacetal, polyformaldehyde) POM 0.221 1400
Birch 0.151 1250 510-770
Lightweight concrete with natural pumice 0.15-0.45 500-1200
Concrete on ash gravel 0.24-0.47 840 1000-1400
Concrete on crushed stone 0.9-1.5 2200-2500
Concrete on boiler slag 0.57 880 1400
Concrete on sand 0.71 710 1800-2500
Concrete based on fuel slag 0.3-0.7 840 1000-1800
Dense silicate concrete 0.81 880 1800
Bitumen perlite 0.09-0.13 1130 300-410
Aerated concrete block 0.15-0.3 400-800
Porous ceramic block 0.2
Light mineral wool 0.045 920 50
Heavy mineral wool 0.055 920 100-150
foam concrete, gas and foam silicate 0.08-0.21 840 300-1000
Gas and foam ash concrete 0.17-0.29 840 800-1200
Getinax 0.230 1400 1350
Dry molded gypsum 0.430 1050 1100-1800
Drywall 0.12-0.2 950 500-900
Gypsum perlite solution 0.140
Clay 0.7-0.9 750 1600-2900
Fireproof clay 42826 800 1800
Gravel (filler) 0.4-0.930 850 1850
Expanded clay gravel (GOST 9759-83) - backfill 0.1-0.18 840 200-800
Shungizite gravel (GOST 19345-83) - backfill 0.11-0.160 840 400-800
Granite (cladding) 42858 880 2600-3000
Soil 10% water 27396
Sandy soil 42370 900
The soil is dry 0.410 850 1500
Tar 0.30 950-1030
Iron 70-80 450 7870
Reinforced concrete 42917 840 2500
Reinforced concrete 20090 840 2400
Wood ash 0.150 750 780
Gold 318 129 19320
Coal dust 0.1210 730
Porous ceramic stone 0.14-0.1850 810-840
Corrugated cardboard 0.06-0.07 1150 700
Cardboard facing 0.180 2300 1000
Waxed cardboard 0.0750
Thick cardboard 0.1-0.230 1200 600-900
Cork cardboard 0.0420 145
Multilayer construction cardboard 0.130 2390 650
Thermal insulating cardboard 0.04-0.06 500
Natural rubber 0.180 1400 910
Solid rubber 0.160
Fluorinated rubber 0.055-0.06 180
Red cedar 0.095 500-570
Expanded clay 0.16-0.2 750 800-1000
Lightweight expanded clay concrete 0.18-0.46 500-1200
Blast-furnace brick (fire-resistant) 0.5-0.8 1000-2000
Diatomaceous brick 0.8 500
Insulating brick 0.14
Carborundum brick 700 1000-1300
Red dense brick 0.67 840-880 1700-2100
Red porous brick 0.440 1500
Clinker brick 0.8-1.60 1800-2000
Silica brick 0.150
Facing brick 0.930 880 1800
Hollow brick 0.440
Silicate brick 0.5-1.3 750-840 1000-2200
Silicate brick from those. voids 0.70
Slotted silicate brick 0.40
Solid brick 0.670
Construction brick 0.23-0.30 800 800-1500
Treble brick 0.270 710 700-1300
Slag brick 0.580 1100-1400
Heavy cork sheets 0.05 260
Magnesia in the form of segments for pipe insulation 0.073-0.084 220-300
Asphalt mastic 0.70 2000
Basalt mats, canvases 0.03-0.04 25-80
Stitched mineral wool mats 0.048-0.056 840 50-125
Nylon 0.17-0.24 1600 1300
Wood sawdust 0.07-0.093 200-400
Tow 0.05 2300 150
Plaster wall panels 0.29-0.41 600-900
Paraffin 0.270 870-920
Oak parquet 0.420 1100 1800
Piece parquet 0.230 880 1150
Panel parquet 0.170 880 700
Pumice 0.11-0.16 400-700
Pumice concrete 0.19-0.52 840 800-1600
Foam concrete 0.12-0.350 840 300-1250
Foam resopen FRP-1 0.041-0.043 65-110
Polyurethane foam panels 0.025
Penosilalcite 0.122-0.320 400-1200
Lightweight foam glass 0.045-0.07 100..200
Foam glass or gas glass 0.07-0.11 840 200-400
Penofol 0.037-0.039 44-74
Parchment 0.071
Sand 0% moisture 0.330 800 1500
Sand 10% moisture 0.970
Sand 20% humidity 12055
Cork plate 0.043-0.055 1850 80-500
Facing tiles, tiles 42856 2000
Polyurethane 0.320 1200
High Density Polyethylene 0.35-0.48 1900-2300 955
Low density polyethylene 0.25-0.34 1700 920
Foam rubber 0.04 34
Portland cement (mortar) 0.470
Pressspan 0.26-0.22
Cork granulated 0.038 1800 45
Mineral cork based on bitumen 0.073-0.096 270-350
Technical plug 0.037 1800 50
Cork flooring 0.078 540
Shell rock 0.27-0.63 835 1000-1800
Gypsum grout mortar 0.50 900 1200
Porous rubber 0.05-0.17 2050 160-580
Ruberoid (GOST 10923-82) 0.17 1680 600
Glass wool 0.03 800 155-200
Fiberglass 0.040 840 1700-2000
Tufobeton 0.29-0.64 840 1200-1800
Ordinary hard coal 0.24-0.27 1200-1350
Slag pumice concrete (thermosite concrete) 0.23-0.52 840 1000-1800
Gypsum plaster 0.30 840 800
Crushed stone from blast furnace slag 0.12-0.18 840 400-800
Ecowool 0.032-0.041 2300 35-60

A comparison of the thermal conductivity of building materials, as well as their density and vapor permeability is presented in the table.

The most important ones are highlighted in bold. efficient materials, used in the construction of houses.

Below is a visual diagram from which it is easy to see how thick a wall made of different materials should be in order for it to retain the same amount of heat.

Obviously, in this indicator, artificial materials (for example, polystyrene foam) have an advantage.

Approximately the same picture can be seen if you make a diagram of the building materials that are most often used in work.

Wherein great importance have conditions environment. Below is a table of the thermal conductivity of building materials that are in use:

Data taken based on relevant building codes and rules (SNiP II-3-79), as well as from open Internet sources (web pages of manufacturers of relevant materials). If there is no data on specific operating conditions, then the field in the table is not filled in.

The higher the indicator, the more heat it transmits, all other things being equal. So, for some types of polystyrene foam this figure is 0.031, and for polyurethane foam - 0.041. On the other hand, concrete has a coefficient that is an order of magnitude higher - 1.51, therefore, it transmits heat much better than artificial materials.

Comparative heat losses through different surfaces of the house can be seen in the diagram (100% - total losses).

Obviously, most of it comes from the walls, so finishing this part of the room is the most important task, especially in northern climates.

Video for reference

The use of materials with low thermal conductivity in house insulation

Today, artificial materials are mainly used - polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam and others. They are very effective, affordable and fairly easy to install, without requiring any special skills.

  • when constructing walls (less thickness is required, since the main burden of heat conservation is borne by thermal insulation materials);
  • when maintaining the house (less resources are spent on heating).


This is one of the leaders in its category, which is widely used in insulating walls both outside and inside. The coefficient is approximately 0.052-0.055 W/(oC*m).

How to choose quality insulation

When choosing a specific sample, it is important to pay attention to the labeling - it contains all the basic information that affects the properties.

For example, PSB-S-15 means the following:

Mineral wool

Another fairly common insulation material that is used both indoors and outdoors. exterior decoration premises is mineral wool.

The material is quite durable, inexpensive and easy to install. At the same time, unlike foam plastic, it absorbs moisture well, so when using it it is necessary to use waterproofing materials, which increases the cost of installation work.