Codiaum gold san care at home. How to care for different varieties of Codiaum - Petra, Croton, Varigatum, etc. Optimal temperature for growing

Extraordinary foliage color diverse: yellow, red, orange, purple, black dots and stripes are combined with silver and bronze lace patterns.

Such magnificence, apparently, became the reason to name this plant "Joseph's cloak"- after the name of the biblical character who received from his father, to the envy of his brothers, brightly colored clothes of fine workmanship.

Called variegated codiaum and croton. This is the name given by botanists considered inaccurate.

Like many members of the euphorbia family, the sap that contains codiaum-croton-“Joseph’s cloak” poisonous.

When grown in indoor culture, codiaum does not grow above a meter. He demanding of conditions of detention, which should resemble his favorite jungle: warm, with bright lighting and high humidity.

However, at home, codiaum, “dressed in crimson and gold,” can not only be grown, but also propagated.



Genuine has elongated, rounded leaves, tapering towards the ends. The center of the upper side of the sheet is decorated with a thin gold-silver pattern. The leaves are also reddish.


In accordance with the name, it grows leaf blades rounded at the ends with bright golden-yellow spots along the top of the leaf and near the veins.


Painted with bright yellow and red spots on a green background of elongated, pointed leaves.


This variety has wide, rounded leaves that are turned outward at the edges.


The base of the leaf is widened, it lengthens towards the end, and has a weakly expressed spirality. The general background of the leaves is green with an olive tint, the central vein is red, with a longitudinal golden-yellow stripe, and then golden spots are scattered. Completely yellow, orange or red leaves can grow on the same specimen at the same time.


Decorated with foliage with carved edges, vaguely similar to oak. This variety is characterized by golden veins, stripes and spots.


Indeed, it turns its wide, pointed leaves inwards towards the stem, so that the plant becomes spherical.


Narrow-leaved- leaves are centimeter wide, somewhat elongated towards the top, have a length of 15-20 cm; golden spots are scattered across their greenery.

Adnexa- the initially wide leaves narrow, becoming, as it were, a second petiole for another smaller leaf. Form is education resembles a guitar. Such codiaums come in both variegated and green.

Curly cultivar Spirale – leaves are long, narrow, spirally wrapped. They, on a green background, are decorated with spots, stripes, and mesh patterns of warm yellow color.

Blade- with wide large leaves, having three distinct parts: the central one is much larger than the two lateral ones, separated by a noticeable notch. Yellow spots and splashes are scattered on a green background.

Very popular in home cultivation are such types of Codiaum as:,.


When growing the codiaum variegum plant, care at home will require fulfilling a number of requirements.


All forms and varieties of the "Joseph's cloak" need a bright, predominantly diffused lighting.

Window, facing west or east, are considered the best for codiaums.

On south windows shading is required- otherwise there will be burns, and in the northern ones - additional illumination so that the motley color does not disappear.


Croton needs a warm habitat, no drafts and sharp transitions from heat to cold, with an even annual temperature variation.

Optimal ranges – 20-22 degrees in summer and 18-20 degrees in winter.

Anyway, below 16 degrees temperature should not go down.

In cold soil the plant rots.

The soil

“Joseph's Cloak” feels good in loose, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Ready-made soil mixtures are suitable for palms and ficus.

You can also mix equal amounts of turf, leaf (or peat) soil and washed river sand.

A few more recipes suitable for croton:

  • Garden soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:1:1;
  • Turf soil with small amounts of sphagnum and sand;
  • Turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Before filling the planting container with soil substrate, a drainage layer of expanded clay, broken bricks and pieces of charcoal must be poured onto its bottom in order to prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the root system.


When replanting a grown plant, choose a slightly larger pot, 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Croton will not like an overly spacious “apartment”.

When replanting variegated croton, they try to overload it, without destroying the earthen lump.

Transfer frequency depends on age croton and the intensity of its growth.

As a rule, young specimens require an annual change of “home”.

With age, the interval between transplants will be 2-3 years or more.


Croton is a true child of the tropics and needs year-round high air humidity: ideally it should be 70-80%.

Such a plant needs to be sprayed soft water - regularly, daily, especially since he has practically no rest period.

Useful and monthly shower, as well as placing the container on a tray with wet pebbles.


Water is needed for regular, abundant watering of the “Joseph’s cloak” soft, well-settled, not cold.

When dosing, it is important to follow the principle: “water, but don’t overwhelm.”

Ideally, the soil does not dry out more than 2 cm, and water does not stagnate in the pan.

Those gardeners who understand the language of plants well focus on the barely noticeable drooping of the codiaum leaves: as soon as this occurs, watering is needed, and quite generously.

Top dressing

From April to August Croton should receive weekly fertilizing with fertilizers for variegated or decorative deciduous plants. Alternating organic and mineral fertilizing also gives good results.

In the autumn-winter period, the frequency of fertilizing (after watering, on wet soil) is reduced to once a month.


In summer time, under favorable conditions, crotons can bloom with inconspicuous shaggy bunches of balls.

Flowering, pollination, and ripening of codiaum seeds are a subject of interest to breeders who develop new varieties.

In the usual practice of home floriculture, the resulting buds are removed so that the codiaum does not waste energy on developing flowers.

The very intention of the croton to bloom indicates that the plant is happy, it wants to live and reproduce here.


In indoor culture, codiaum is propagated vegetatively: cuttings and layering.

Propagation by cuttings:
The best will be apical cuttings 10-15 cm long, with at least two pairs of leaves, cut with a sharp knife in January-April.

The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. The milky juice is washed off, the lower cut of the cutting is treated with a root formation stimulator and placed in soil with a temperature of 25-26 degrees.

Cover with plastic wrap, ventilate regularly, moisten the substrate, and spray the cuttings.

Standard Rooting period is a month.

Reproduction by air layering:
With this method of reproduction choose a long enough branch, bend it to the surface of the soil, sprinkle it and fix it.

After the buried branch takes root and produces new shoots, it is separated from the original plant.

Diseases and pests

The leaves turn pale from lack of light: “Joseph’s cloak” follows move to a brighter place, or add additional lighting.

The leaves are falling from sudden temperature changes and/or with insufficient air humidity, as well as with insufficient watering.

Need to eliminate drafts, ensure an even temperature background, spray regularly croton with warm soft water, place it on a tray with wet pebbles, moderately increase watering.

Leaves turn yellow when the soil is over-moistened and undernourished. You should take care of drainage, adjust watering and feed the codiaum.

The leaves are cracking from excess nitrogen fertilizers.

The leaves of young plants are pale in color - this is normal phenomenon which goes away as the plant gets older.

The leaves are covered with spots and wrinkled - a sign of the presence of gas combustion products in the air; you need to move the croton to another room.

The best prevention of codiaeum diseases is to keep it in optimal conditions.

Most dangerous combination of high humidity and low temperatures. In this case, the plant is affected by fungal infections and rots.

High air humidity also protects croton from pest damage.

The most effective and fastest way to destroy insect pests is use of systemic insecticides.

In the future, the plant needs to be provided with appropriate humidity conditions.

Codiaeum variegatum requires an even, warm, humid climate, which will require attention and effort to maintain.

It is not surprising that among inexperienced gardeners, croton is a one-season plant.

If the “Joseph’s cloak” falls into caring hands, it develops over many years and gives rise to a whole grove of magnificent ornamental plants, painted in all the shades of early autumn in the middle latitudes.

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Codium or croton is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, native to India and Malaysia. The houseplant is valued by gardeners for its ease of care and beautiful decorative leaves. In its homeland, codiaeum has found application in medicine and the chemical industry.

Description of the plant

Codiaum is a perennial evergreen shrub with an erect, highly branched stem. In natural conditions and with proper care, the height of the plant can reach 3-4 m.

The leaves are large, leathery, and arranged alternately. The shape of the plate can be varied: oval, lanceolate, guitar-shaped, with a pointed or rounded tip. The edges can be wavy, curled, or even. The color of the leaves is bright. Yellow, red, green, chocolate and orange shades stand out. Young plants are lighter, but over time the color becomes richer and darker.

Codiaum blooms with small light yellow flowers that are of no decorative value.

Varieties of codiaum

Currently, more than 10 species of this indoor plant are known. The following varieties are bred at home:

Diseases and pests

Codiaeum is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, so if the rules of care are violated, the plant may be damaged. susceptible to insect pests:

  • scale insects;
  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • nematodes.

The codiaeum flower, otherwise croton, is the most famous Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum, has numerous varieties of different leaf shapes and colors.

It was first described in 1690 by the naturalist and gardener Rumphis, a Dutchman by birth. It is a perennial shrub, reaching a height of up to 4 m in the wild or special greenhouses, and up to 70 cm in indoor conditions. It is a perennial plant of the Euphorbiaceae family. Southeast Asia is considered its homeland.

It has an erect, branched trunk covered with large leaves, up to 30 cm in length. In describing the foliage of codiaum, it is worth mentioning its great diversity. There is no classic or standard appearance for this flower. Leathery leaves can be narrow, long, wide or oval; wavy, jagged or twisted into a spiral. In addition, as the plant ages, the color and shape of the leaves often change.

How the indoor ornamental plant codeium blooms

In its appearance, the flower combines all the shades of the autumn palette. Color varies from yellow and green to orange and red with a finely speckled pattern, with spots, stripes or prominent veins. There are even dark brown, almost black leaves with bright veins. The older the leaf, the brighter its color. It is this riot of colors that attracts the attention of both professional plant growers and amateurs.

The bright codiaum blooms, like many decorative foliage plants, faded and inconspicuously - with small white or barely yellowish flowers, collected in small racemes of 15-20 pieces. Both female and male flowers grow. Male representatives can be recognized by the fluffy stamens on each slightly curled petal, and female representatives by three curved petals.

This rather fastidious plant can grow for more than 15 years under proper conditions. Looks great in spacious, bright rooms, winter gardens and verandas. It is popular among regulars of greenhouse exhibitions and artificial gardens.

For initial reference, below are photos of a beautiful codiaum flower (including a blooming specimen) - study them.

Types and varieties of codiaum: photos, names and descriptions of varieties

There are about 17 species of codiaum flower and more than 1000 varieties in the world.

List of known plant species:

Codiaeum affine.

Codiaeum bractiferum.

Codiaeum ciliatum.

Codiaeum finisterrae.

Codiaeum hirsutum.

Codiaeum ludovicianum.

Codiaeum luzonicum.

Codiaeum macgregorii.

Codiaeum megalanthum.

Codiaeum membranaceum.

Codiaeum oligogynum.

Codiaeum palawanense.

Codiaeum peltatum.

Codiaeum stellingianum.

Codiaeum tenerifolium.

Codiaeum trichocalyx.

Codiaeum variegatum.

All types of codiaum with photos and official names are presented below - check them out.

Indoor representatives of this plant are hybrid forms of one botanical species Codiaeum variegatum or simply Codiaum variegated (variegated). The name speaks for itself, because this is a very bright representative of the plant world. An interesting fact is that plants of this species can change the size, color and shape of leaves depending on environmental conditions and age.

Please note: below is a photo of the variegated codiaum species for your reference.

Among all the diversity there are both large shrubs with wide large leaves and small-leaved specimens.

View the presented varieties of codiaum flowers with photos and names. Each of them is special in its own way, and there is sure to be a favorite for every indoor plant lover:

Genuine ( genuinum).

Oval-leaved ( ovalifolium).

Decorated ( picturatum).

Tortoiseshell ( tortile).

Three-blade ( trilobium).

wrapped ( volutum).

The Genuine variety has a distinctive feature - it is golden or silvery painted along the central vein of the leaf. The shape of the leaves can be oval, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate.

  • Oval-leaved– leaves are slightly oblong and flat. There are bright yellow spots along the central vein of the leaf.
  • Painted variety– has oval wide leaves with the edge turned up.
  • Tortoiseshell variety- a heart-shaped oblong leaf. Color: olive red with golden patterns.
  • Three-lobed variety- has a tripartite oblong leaf shape, similar to oak foliage.
  • Wrapped variety– wide, lanceolate, oblong leaves curled inward. An adult plant is close to an oval or ball in shape.

Due to the variety of leaf shapes, a modern classification of the plant has been introduced. Varieties of the codiaum flower according to the outline of the leaf:

Lobed ( lobatum).

Narrow-leaved ( angustifolium).

Adnexa ( appendiculatum).

Curly ( сrispum).

  • Blade shape– large wide (up to 7-8 cm) long (up to 22-23 cm) leaves can be either whole or three-part.
  • Narrow-leaved form– the foliage reaches 20 cm in length, and no more than 1-1.5 cm in width.
  • Appendage-like form– one of the most original. A wide oval leaf blade with a pointed end smoothly transitions into a second sheet of the same shape, but smaller in size.
  • Curly shape– the leaf blade is long (up to 20 cm) and narrow (up to 2 cm), twisted into a spiral or simply wavy.

All varieties of codiaum flowers amaze with their beauty and originality. Below is a list of the 7 most popular of them, differing in the unique shape of the leaves and the nature of the color.

"Excellent" croton or magnificent– reaches a height of up to 0.5 m. It has a three-lobed leaf shape, resembling an oak leaf in outline. It has a red-green color scheme interspersed with pink and golden hues. The more mature the shoot, the more variegated flowers it acquires. This variety is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions.

"Petra"– an upright growing plant with large, lobed leaves arranged alternately along the stem. The color range ranges from shades of green to bright yellow (the veins of the leaves stand out with a particularly yellow tint).

« Gold Star"("Golden Star") - croton, whose narrow leaves form certain “inflorescences”, shaped like a star. The color scheme mainly has dark green shades with light yellow splashes and stripes. Their number depends on the age of the flower.

"Mrs. Iceton"– a codiaum variety with medium-sized leaves with pronounced graceful patterns. The color range ranges from green to dark red.

"Spirale" - an unusual variety with spirally twisted leaves up to 25 cm long. It has a bright red-yellow-green color, presented in the form of multi-colored spots.

"Codiaeum Mammy" - a variety with curly, very large leaves that curl along the central vein to the very tip. The lower tiers are painted green and white. And the middle and upper leaves have red, pink, orange and yellow shades.

« Gold San"("Golden Sun")– a variety with oval-shaped leaves. It has a light green color scheme with yellow spots and dots of varying sizes.

How to properly care for indoor codiaum flowers when grown at home

Caring for a codiaum flower is a rather painstaking task, requiring special efforts and the creation of certain environmental conditions. In order for a plant to delight with its riot of colors for many years, it is necessary to pay attention to the following number of factors:

  • Lighting.
  • Air temperature.
  • Air humidity.
  • Soil type.
  • Watering frequency.
  • Fertilizer.

Caring for codiaum (croton) at home begins with choosing the right place for the flower to grow. The location is preferably bright, but without exposure to direct sun.

Windows on the western and eastern sides are best suited. It is possible to grow on the south side, but provided that it is not located on a windowsill, but in places free from direct sunlight. With a lack of diffused light, the color fades and dulls. And if there is an excess of it, all patterns can be lost and painted purely green.

The most favorable temperature for growing codiaum flowers is from +21 to +23 degrees in the summer, and in winter - not lower than +15 degrees. It does not tolerate sudden changes in microclimate and drafts. Therefore, you should not put a flower pot outside or on an open balcony, and in the winter it is necessary to limit the access of cold air by insulating window and door openings. Croton prefers stagnant warm air - and this is one of the important conditions for its successful cultivation.

Important! If the temperature and humidity are warm enough, codiaum can live for a very long time, so the roots must be kept warm, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves.

Codiaum belongs to indoor plants that love high humidity. Therefore, it is very important to regularly spray warm, clean, settled water around the pot using a spray bottle.

A standard flower soil mixture for deciduous ornamental plants is ideal as a substrate. Such soil can be purchased at a specialized store. It should be well drained, loose, moist and breathable. The main basic ingredients for suitable soil: leaf and turf soil, peat, sand and charcoal.

Caring for homemade codiaum flowers in terms of watering is extremely simple. Watering should be moderately abundant, with warm, soft water, standing for at least 1 day. In summer, it is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out; the soil must always be moist, but “stagnation” of water is unacceptable. This can lead to rotting of the rhizome and death of the plant. The most optimal summer watering regime is 2-3 times a week. In winter, the intensity must be reduced to once every 7-8 days. The water should be at least room temperature.

For comprehensive care at home, the codiaum flower requires fertilizing every 2-4 weeks with mineral fertilizers for deciduous plants for ornamental use. In winter, much less frequently - up to once every 1.5-2 months.

How to properly care for codiaum at home is described in the video below:

Thanks to simple care secrets, croton will delight you with its beauty for many years.

How to replant codiaum with proper flower care

Replanting a codiaum flower may be necessary up to 2 times a year. This is due to the rapid growth of the plant and the rapid growth of the root system, which, filling the entire space of the pot, will not have the opportunity to develop further. In this case, the growth rate will immediately decrease noticeably and the leaves will begin to fall. The new container should be 2-2.5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. As a rule, an adult, fully formed croton is placed in a pot with a diameter of 25-27 cm. Of course, with age, the flower no longer has such an active growth rate, and replanting will be needed less often. It will be enough to update the top layers of the substrate once every 6-8 months.

In terms of care and transplantation, codiaum at home is quite difficult and even dangerous to health. Be careful! The juice irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, if it gets on the skin, it is necessary to immediately rinse the affected area on the body with running cold water. It is best to use household gloves (nitrile or rubber) when working and caring for such a plant. And, of course, do not start such a plant if there are small children and pets in the house.

Transplanting a codiaum flower at home is usually done in spring or summer. To do this, select a wide (up to 12-13 cm in diameter) and shallow (no more than 17 cm in height) pot, fill the bottom with large expanded clay - a layer at least 2.5 cm thick.

You can also use broken bricks or small gravel as drainage. Then you should fill the container with substrate, without filling 3-4 cm to the top of the pot. Make a small depression in the center and plant the plant so that the roots do not touch the drainage layer. After compacting the soil a little, add the substrate to the very edge of the pot. Pour in warm, settled water. Remember that the pot itself must be placed on a saucer of water, covered with gravel. This will ensure soil moisture during hot periods.

Below is a video on how to properly transplant a codiaum flower at home. Check it out to make the transplant process easier or for general information:

Formation and process of pruning codiaum: how to form the crown of a plant

Pruning the codiaum flower is done in spring or summer in order to obtain a more “fluffy” and branched plant, shaped like a small tree. Also, thanks to this procedure, you can get several young shoots for planting, and the mother croton will move into a phase of more active growth and send out new shoots. Pruning is carried out only on sufficiently mature individuals with a height of at least 30-35 cm. This procedure is detrimental to small flowers.

The formation of a branched codiaum is not a particularly complicated process.. Armed with gloves, a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the top of the tree to about 13-15 cm in length. The cut part can be placed in warm, clean water to develop its root system. It is enough to water an adult plant well, and after 1-1.5 months new young shoots will grow. Excess branches are trimmed using the same method. With regular moderate pruning, you can grow a plant with the shape of a miniature symmetrical tree.

For codiaum, the process of crown formation is also carried out using the pinching method. This procedure can begin to be carried out on younger specimens up to 15-17 cm in height. The essence of this process is to trim the buds at the ends of the shoots and apical buds in order to activate the growth of lateral shoots and branching of the plant trunk. The best time to carry out such a procedure is early spring, when the flower is full of strength and is able to develop healthy young shoots.

Watch a video on how to form a codiaum crown at home:

Propagation of codiaum by seeds, cuttings and leaves at home

This stunning plant can be propagated using:

  • Semyon.
  • Cuttings (leaves).
  • Tops with a preliminary cut.

Propagation of codiaum by seeds at home is carried out under the condition of growing hybrid forms. This method of propagation takes a lot of effort and time, and also makes it impossible to preserve varietal characteristics in the new plant. But he has a right to exist. For this propagation method, you must use only freshly collected seeds. Before planting, they need to be heated in hot water (temperature from 60 to 68 degrees) for 30-40 minutes, and then left to swell in the same liquid for 20-27 hours.

After the seed material has increased in size, you can begin direct planting. To do this, pour the nutrient substrate into a wide pot and place the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Favorable temperature for germination is +22…+24 degrees. Until the first shoots appear, watering must be done through the lower saucer. After each shoot has three leaves, you can begin to plant each one in a separate pot with a diameter of up to 7-8 cm.

Propagating codiaum flowers by cuttings is perhaps the most common and simplest method. This vegetative method is easiest to apply to the apical cuttings, which can easily be obtained during routine pruning of the plant. The main condition in choosing a shoot is the presence of at least one internode and one full-fledged healthy leaf. Mature, already slightly lignified cuttings take root best.

When propagating codiaum by leaf For the rooting process, the finished cut cuttings are washed with running water and dried for 3-5 hours. In the upper part of the shoot, each leaf is cut in half, the cut is made parallel to the veins, and the lower leaves are carefully cut off with a knife. Next, it is enough to place the cutting in warm water until the rhizome grows up to 2-2.5 cm long. Then you can plant the shoot in nutritious soil to grow it. Afterwards, it is necessary to care for the indoor codiaum flower, as well as for an adult plant, maintaining abundant diffused lighting, heat and moisture.

Propagation by tops with a preliminary cut or the “air diversion” method is best used in the summer. To do this, in the area of ​​the top without leaves, you need to make a circular cut in the bark, and another one at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

Then remove the surface of the bark from the area between them and treat it with a rooting stimulator. Then you need to wrap the cut area with moss and wrap it in a dark film in the form of a bag, tying the edges with thread. During rooting, it is necessary to moisten the cut site with warm water, and after strong roots grow, and this will happen no earlier than in 1 month, you can cut off the shoot with a new rhizome and plant it in a pot with soil. At first, you can cover the pot with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Signs of root rot are the appearance of faded and soft leaves of the flower. The root system becomes watery and stratified. Very often mold appears on the surface of the soil. To combat this disease, first of all, replace the soil with dry soil, reduce the abundance and frequency of watering. A solution of antifungal drugs (for example, Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B) is poured into a saucer.

The video below describes in detail about codiaum diseases and their treatment:

Such information will be useful for all owners of such an elegant beauty. After all, knowing about the risk of a disease, you can prevent its occurrence.

Insect pests of codiaum

The most common pests for codiaum, which can attack a beautiful flower and even destroy it in the absence of health measures, are:

  • Spider mite.
  • Shield.
  • Chervets.
  • Multi-clawed mite.

Spider mite- This insect is red in color and small in size. As a rule, it lives on the underside of the leaf, entwining the surface with a white thin web. If this pest infests a plant, small white dots and spots appear over the entire surface of the leaves. If the mite is not removed in time, there is a possibility of the flower drying out. To eliminate it, it is necessary to disinfect the entire surface of the plant using tobacco infusion with laundry soap, then rinse well with warm water and treat with ground sulfur or a ready-made store-bought preparation (insecticide). Spider mites can cause the leaves of codiaum to dry out.

Shchitovka is a pest that causes dark brown spots to appear over the entire surface of the plant. It reproduces very rapidly; adult individuals sit motionless, covering themselves with “shields” from which small larvae crawl out. As they spread, they infect an increasingly larger area of ​​the flower. To eliminate this pest, simply moisten a cotton pad with soapy water and manually remove all areas of infection. This procedure should be carried out repeatedly until the pest is completely eliminated.

Chervets- appears very often in an indoor flower called codiaum in the form of white waxy discharge on the veins of the leaves and petioles of the plant. The pest is very miniature in size and lives in colonies. To eliminate it, it is necessary to isolate the plant from other house flowers and begin to treat the affected areas with mineral oil, under the film of which the worm will suffocate. The procedure must be carried out in dim sunlight and until all pest colonies are eliminated.

Multi-clawed tick– the main sign of this pest is the appearance of brown crusts on the petioles of the plant and the cessation of growth of leaves at the ends of the shoots, their roughness and curling downwards. To combat this pest, it is enough to treat the plant with mineral oil, or laundry soap, or a ready-made store-bought preparation (Fitoverm, Vertimek, etc.).

Below are photos of varieties of codiaeum diseases and its most common pests, from which you can study in detail what the external signs of damage look like:

Why do the tips of the leaves of codiaum dry out, and what should you do if the flower drops them?

Often, unfavorable changes in the appearance of croton are not caused by pests or some kind of disease, but by a banal failure to comply with the conditions of keeping the plant.

If the tips of most of the leaves of the codiaum dry out, then most likely the temperature regime of the plant is disturbed. At low temperatures a similar problem may occur. Or the plant was exposed to the scorching rays of the sun for a long time, which led to dehydration. Insufficient watering can also contribute to this problem. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to ensure a balance of heat and moisture for such a tropical plant.

There may be several reasons why the codiaum began to shed its leaves. Firstly, if this happens in the fall and the lower leaves fall off, then a normal natural process is occurring. This is how the flower gets rid of old leaves that burden it.

What to do if the codiaum drops leaves from the top of the tree, a room thermometer will tell you. If the temperature remains no more than +15 degrees for a long time, then it is urgent to move the flower pot to a warmer place. If there is a sharp change in temperature, it is necessary to stabilize the air temperature in the room and strengthen the health of the fastidious croton with mineral fertilizers.

What should you do if the leaves of the codiaum fall off?

If the leaves of codiaum fall off, the cause may be excessively frequent or abundant watering. In this case, the root system will rot and the plant will die. It is necessary to cut off the apical cutting and try to root it. This is done as insurance: if the mother plant does not survive, there will be a chance to grow a new one. And you can try to revive a sick flower by drying the roots and treating it with antifungal drugs, after which it will require replanting into a fresh substrate.

If codiaum leaves turn yellow and fall off, the state of an earthen coma can help you understand what needs to be done with such a problem. If it is very dry, the leaves of the plant may begin to turn yellow and crumble over time. The soil should always be moderately moist.

This can be checked in a very simple way. Simply scoop a small handful into your hand and squeeze; the soil should clump slightly and no drops of water should come out. The consistency should resemble slightly hard plasticine. If lumps do not form, and the soil simply crumbles when you press on it, then it is better to increase the frequency of watering by giving the croton a warm shower.

Joseph's cloak, croton, also scientifically known as codiaum, the care of which does not require impossible efforts, came to domestic flower growers from Oceania and the Eastern part of India. Although the opinions of people who grow it at home vary slightly. Its popularity is due to the luxurious color of the leaves. There are over ten varieties of this plant. Considering its native habitat, the codiaum indoor plant needs an abundance of moisture and light.

In order to grow excellent specimens, you need to create optimal conditions for it, in which each point has its own significant significance.

Temperature, humidity

At different times of the year, it is advisable to maintain the same temperature. Croton is a plant that loves warmth. The optimal temperature in spring and summer is from 20 to 22 degrees. In winter, a decrease in temperature is permissible, not lower than +16.
The key to success is maintaining the same soil temperature and indoor microclimate. Oddly enough, the flower feels great near heating devices, provided that a certain humidity is maintained.

The percentage of moisture in the room is at least 70 percent. The plant is sprayed once a day, and a warm shower is recommended every month. In hot weather, to maintain moisture in the soil, it is recommended to pour water into the tray and cover it with moss or pebbles.


Codiaum care at home includes watering, which is carried out with filtered or settled warm water. Watering should be plentiful and constant. After the first watering, wait until the top layer of soil absorbs it. Then water again.

For croton, excess water stagnating at the bottom of the pot is dangerous. Experts recommend planting the flower in a tight container, in which the root system will quickly entangle the earthen ball. An auxiliary element will be the presence of a good drainage system at the bottom of the pot.


Codiaum/Croton Tamara

If it is deficient, the leaves become dull, losing their bright color, and become deformed, taking on an elongated shape. The entire aesthetic appearance for which it is valued is lost.
Direct ultraviolet radiation is also harmful to it. Yellow spots (burns) begin to appear on the leaves. Caring for codiaemum involves an abundance of bright, but not concentrated light. The optimal location for it is on the east or west side. If there is a lack of light, you can use alternative lighting sources.

Top dressing

Plant nutrition consists of organic fertilizers. In the warm season, croton is fertilized once a week, in cold time - once a month. True, some gardeners advise reducing winter fertilizing to a minimum, and in case of plant disease, eliminating it altogether.


It is necessary so that the plant does not stretch in height, but takes on a decorative shape. The first time it is pinched from above, when the height of the flower reaches 15 centimeters. Next, when the plant grows another 20 centimeters. Now you need to pinch not only the tops, but also the side shoots. The resulting cuttings are used for propagation.

Transplanting a plant

How to replant codiaum? Taking into account the rapidly growing root system, young plants are replanted twice a year, and slightly older flowers once every two years. In this case, each time the containers are chosen to be 2 centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. The last transplant should be done when the diameter of the pot reaches 25 centimeters.

Next, every year it is necessary to remove the outdated topsoil and add a new one in its place. Codiaum replanting is carried out by transferring the plant along with the earthen lump entangled in it. The container intended for transplantation is filled a quarter with drainage. Untimely replanting will lead to slow growth and development of croton.

A ready-made universal substrate for decorative deciduous species is suitable for “Joseph’s Cloak”. The soil should be light, well permeable to moisture and air. At the same time, it should be slightly acidic and nutritious.

The composition of the soil includes crushed charcoal, coarse sand, peat, and humus. All components are taken in equal proportions. The bottom of the pot must cover the drainage.

Croton breeding

Codiaum is propagated in several main ways.

  1. Cuttings.

This method is convenient because the plant can be propagated this way all year round. Use a cutting from the top or take a woody piece of the stem. Its length is approximately 10 centimeters.
A cut of the cutting or stem is washed to get rid of milky juice and lightly sprinkled with ground charcoal. Before planting in the soil, it is recommended to treat the base of the stem with a special compound to stimulate root growth.
The soil for cuttings should consist of equal amounts of peat and sand. The stems can also be rooted in a container of water, followed by planting in the ground. The optimal temperature for reproduction is 24 degrees. All care consists of constantly moistening the soil and spraying the tops of future plants.
The formation of the root system takes an average of one and a half months, after which the plants are planted in separate pots. This can be noticed because the leaves have regained their former elasticity.

  1. Croton can also be propagated using leaves.

The selected leaf should be dipped into a glass of water for a while to allow all the juice to drain. Then, as in the cutting method, the bases of the selected leaf are treated with crushed coal.
Next, the leaf is planted in sand and peat, taken in equal quantities. Cover with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. The leaves need to be constantly ventilated and the soil moistened. After the first shoots appear, which indicates the rooting of the leaf, the original seedlings are planted in separate pots.

The seed method is used to breed new plant hybrids.

Precautionary measures

Croton juice is poisonous. If ingested, it causes diarrhea and vomiting. May cause dermatitis in contact with skin. Therefore, all work is carried out with gloves and with great care. After caring for the plant, regardless of the actions performed, hands must be washed with water.
In addition, the plant is not recommended to be installed in a children's room.

Diseases and pests

Like any living organism, croton is susceptible to diseases and pests. Do codiaum leaves dry out? If the leaves dry out at the bottom, then this is not a reason to worry. This is a natural process of renewal in a plant.
Reduced air humidity is noticeable by the drying of the tips of the leaves. Brownish and dry edges of the leaves will indicate that the plant is freezing. And a lack of moisture in the soil will even lead to the dying and falling of leaves. A flower can get sick from drafts, sudden and frequent changes in temperature and humidity.

The plant is susceptible to plant pests: thyroid bugs, mealybugs, spider mites, nematodes. But most often it is ticks that attack him. Their appearance is due to insufficient and not entirely correct care. This suggests that there was no watering in a timely manner, and the plant was not “bathed” and the drains were not washed with a damp cloth.
The affected leaves are treated with a soap solution with the addition of tobacco. Leave the treated leaves for an hour and a half, and then wipe thoroughly, trying to prevent the solution from getting into the soil. In case of an advanced form of the disease resulting from an attack by pests, the flower is treated with insecticides.

Plant varieties

Codiaum blooms extremely rarely, and only in the summer. In decorative terms, croton is not so remarkable, since the flowers are small, inconspicuous, united in racemose-shaped inflorescences. Blooming codiaum wastes a lot of energy and nutrients, so it is recommended to remove the flowers at the first appearance.

Variegated codiaeum (codiaeum-variegatum)

Codiaeum spp. There are more than ten of them. Depending on the variety, the plant may have a monochromatic or variegated leaf color.

  1. Variegated codiaeum (codiaeum variegatum) is the most popular species, from which many other subspecies have been bred through selection.
  2. Painted codiaeum pictum can take on one color or another depending on conditions. In its natural environment it grows in India and Pakistan.

Thanks to such a feature as color change, several new varieties were developed:

  • Codium Petra is a plant with a straight trunk and fairly large leaves of various shapes. At the same time, the color of the leaves is rich green with a neat yellow rim around the edges;
  • Codium Excellent got its name due to its unusual color. At the base the leaves are dark burgundy in color, and at the top they take on green and yellow tints;
  • “The Black Prince” also deserves attention. As it matures, its leaves acquire a black-green hue with bright yellow, red and even orange spots.
  • A plant in the form of a low-growing tree with dark burgundy, less often pink leaves - “Mrs. Eyeston”. Even less common is this variety with golden leaves with black spots.

Codiaum Black Prince Codiaum Mrs. Iston Codiaum Petra Codiaum Excellent

Perhaps some amateur flower growers consider this flower to be quite capricious, because it is very sensitive to external factors. And, while many indoor plants can easily spend the summer in the garden, croton does not tolerate drafts. In order for plants to receive oxygen, in the summer it is taken out to an open area (balcony, veranda) only in the morning or evening hours when there is no wind.

Codium is a plant from the Euphorbiaceae family. The birthplace of this plant is Eastern India, but this does not prevent you from growing this flower when caring for it at home.

General information

The leaves of codiaum are fleshy with veiny veins. The leaf shape varies among different species: an oblong oval, lobed with a pointed or blunt tip, and an asymmetrical shape.

The shade of the leaves also varies: green with yellow veins along the leaf, light olive, rich chocolate with yellowish accents, as well as an orange tint. In young plants, the foliage has a light shade, and over time it turns into darker shades. Basically, each plant has two leaf colors. Flowering occurs in unsightly yellow inflorescences with a white tint.

The codium plant is often confused and called croton due to the similarity of the leaves. But these are completely different plants, well, they belong to the same family of Euphorbiaceae. The codiaum flower is grown as a houseplant. And croton is more used as a spicy plant in medicine, as well as in the manufacture of varnish products.

Types and varieties

Or variegated , as a synonym. Under natural conditions, this species can reach over two meters in height, and some up to six meters. Such tall species, more like trees, with bare stems about 70 cm.

The leaf length is about 30 cm, arranged alternately. The leaves are variegated in color with bright sunny, scarlet or green veins. This species is characterized by a different shape of the leaf plate. It can be wide linear, oval oblong, like a blade and similar in shape to a guitar. The edging of the leaves can be in the form of a wave, twisted, or spiral.

The plant of this species is dioecious. The female and male traits of the inflorescences are different. Females do not have petals, while males have a corolla and a calyx.

Codiaum "Petra" a species with even branched shoots and large sinewy leaves that grow alternately. The shade of the leaves is a contrasting dark olive, with a variegated yellow edging along the leaves and veins of this shade.

Codeum "Excelent" this species has lobe-shaped leaves. The shade of the leaves on the surface is greenish with yellow veins along the leaf, and on the inside it is red with brown veins.

Codiaum "Mammi" This variety has leaves that are narrowed and elongated with a slight curl, in a spiral shape. The shade of the leaves is very catchy, scarlet with pink and yellow veins in alternation with red.

Codiaum "Sunny Star"

In this species, the shade of the leaves is mostly sunny tones, but the top and edges of the leaves are olive in color. Young leaves have beige tones, and over time they turn into scarlet, sunny shades and pink splashes.

Codeum "Mix" This is a variety that has many varieties. A species with sharp edges on the tops of leaves. The leaf length of this species is about 20 cm. There may be an extended linear length of such leaves of about 30 cm.

Codium "Gold Sun" decorative appearance with yellow veins and a green tint as the main color, height of the species is about 30 cm. demanding of lighting.

Codiaum "Tamara" named after a girl from England with whom the emperor once fell in love. On his orders, gardeners developed a varietal type of flower and named it Tamara.

The leaves of this species are elongated and have spiral tips. The inflorescences have a light shade. But when grown indoors, this variety refuses to bloom. The height of the plant is about 150 cm. The leaves are veiny with a light green tint and white veins. There are also yellow or scarlet inclusions.

Codiaum care at home

The plant requires bright, but diffuse lighting; when exposed to direct sunlight, burns appear on it. It is better to place it indoors on the east or west side of the room. On the north side, the codiaum may not have enough lighting; for this it is necessary to provide the plant with an additional source of lighting, a fluorescent lamp.

With insufficient lighting, the plant begins to stretch and loses its variegated, rich shades, which makes it very valuable and attractive.

The plant is quite thermophilic, so the air temperature in the room and in the soil should not fluctuate. In warm summer months, the temperature should be between 19-24 degrees. And in winter it is not lower than 18 degrees. During the heating season, it is better to keep the plant near the radiator to avoid temperature changes. But for this it is necessary to ensure sufficient air humidification.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and does not need ventilation in the summer on the balcony and in the garden.

Watering and air humidity

The plant requires constant and abundant soil moisture. Stagnation of moisture and oxidation of the soil lead to the death of the root system. Watering must be done with settled, soft water at room temperature.

To avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil, it is better to plant codiaum in a cramped container. This is necessary so that the rhizome quickly fills the soil. Good drainage to the bottom of the container is also necessary. Watering should be done constantly, allowing only the surface of the soil to dry slightly.

The air humidity in the room where the codiaum is kept must be at least 70%. The plant requires daily spraying from a spray bottle. Once every 30 years, the plant benefits from a warm shower, as well as periodic wiping of dust from the leaves with a damp cloth. For additional moisture, it is better to pour water into the tray and cover it with pebbles or moss; this is necessary on hot summer days.

Fertilizer for codiaum

The plant always needs feeding. The plant should be fed once every seven days in the summer, and once every 30 days in the cold season with half the dose of fertilizer specified in the instructions. Mineral and organic additives are suitable for feeding.

Codium should be trimmed to form a bush. This should be done for the first time after the plant reaches a height of about 15 cm. It is necessary to pinch the upper buds. The next pinching is done after the plant has grown another 20 centimeters. Accordingly, the apical buds are pinched from each shoot.

Codiaum transplant

Young plants need replanting every year in spring. Adult, overgrown individuals must be replanted as the container is filled with the root system.

During transplantation, the plant is transferred to another container along with the main soil, and the gaps are filled with new soil.

Soil for codiaum

The plant needs nutritious, loose and slightly acidic soil. You can purchase ready-made soil for indoor leafy plants or prepare the soil yourself.

The composition of the soil for codiaum includes turf soil, leaf soil, coarse sand, peat soil, humus and crushed charcoal. Everything is mixed in equal proportions. There is good drainage at the bottom of the container.

How to propagate codiaum at home

Propagation by cuttings can be done almost all year round. To do this, it is better to cut off the apical cutting or a woody piece of the stem about 10 cm long. At the cut, it is necessary to wash off the milky juice and treat it with charcoal crushed into flour. Then the plants are treated with a root growth stimulator and planted in the ground.

The rooting soil consists of coarse sand or sand in equal proportions with peat soil. Caring for cuttings involves periodically spraying the plants and moistening the soil. Temperature for rapid rooting is required within 24 degrees. You can also root cuttings in water.

The plant's root system appears in about 45 days. After rooting, the plants must be planted in separate containers.

Codiaum propagation by leaf

A leaf is selected from a large mother plant, immersed in water until all the juice has drained, and then treated with fine charcoal. Then it takes root in a substrate of sand and peat, and forms a greenhouse, covered with film.

Open to ventilate and moisten. After the plant has taken root and several new stems have appeared, the plants should be transplanted into separate containers.