A flowerbed of perennials for beginners: design and ready-made patterns. Flowerbeds are the most beautiful

A garden plot is a haven for a beginning florist. In order to diversify your landscape, it is not necessary to hire professional landscapers. It is quite possible to cope on your own. The most popular option for how to improve the landscape is to lay out flower beds. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant perennials so that the flowers will delight you for more than one season. You will learn from the article how to properly lay out flower beds, what flowers and patterns to use, and colorful photos can easily visualize any option.

Types of flower beds

What are flower beds? These are areas that combine decorative deciduous, flowering, herbaceous and shrub plantings. These also include garden paths and architectural buildings. The sizes of flower beds are very diverse - from small to huge. They also distinguish the proportional relationship between plants and the forms surrounding them.

Attention! The “golden ratio” is an ideal ratio in which the first number should be greater than the second, and their sum should be equal to the third.

There is a classification of flower beds depending on their types:


  • Solitaires. Types of flower beds that are divided according to the same principle: color shades, height, foliage shape, etc.
  • Discounts. Narrow plantings of flowers with predominantly one tone. Or designed in the form geometric ornament. Often, flower beds are part of a flower bed of perennials.
  • Curbs. Stripes of small plants. Used as decoration individual elements flower garden of perennials.
  • Rockeries. A combination of living and dead. Namely plants and stones. Another name for rockeries is stone gardens.
  • Rock gardens. Flower beds combining alpine plants, growing on a small hill.

Creating a perennial pattern for beginners

A beautiful and well-groomed flower garden is the dream of many gardeners. But before you start creating it, you need to carefully study and choose a suitable scheme. You can do this yourself, but it is much easier to use ready-made visual diagrams. Time-tested perennial projects are sure to please.

Scheme No. 1: a simple option for long flowering

An interesting composition made up of unpretentious perennial plants. Her distinguishing feature– flowering duration.

  • Pink paniculate phlox. Ideal period for planting - early autumn or spring. This plant thrives in sandy and well-drained soils. Flowering continues from mid-summer until autumn.
  • Soft pink astilbe. Bloom various types usually lasts from the end of June to August. Astilbe loves regular fertilization and periodic loosening of the soil.
  • Purple with a silvery tint daylily. Planting is carried out in spring in soil that is thoroughly fertilized and drained. The plant prefers loam with an acidity ranging from 6 to 6.5 pH.

An example of designing a flower bed of perennials

  • Heuchera with foliage lavender color. Grows in non-stagnant soils. Flowering occurs from May to July.
  • Geranium. Flowering from July to autumn. During the flowering period, the bushes of the plant acquire magnificent shapes. It blooms from mid-summer until the end of the season, forming lush bushes with pale purple flowers.

Scheme No. 2: figured flowerbed “Heart”

To create a figured flower bed, it is best to use not tall plants. One interesting option is the heart.

  • The external outlines of the heart can be made using peonies. A composition made in pink and burgundy tones will look especially interesting. To do this, you need to plant pink and burgundy peonies alternately.

Advice. To decorate the “Heart” flower bed, use plants in pink shades.

  • Roses are suitable as internal space filling.

Scheme No. 3: border flower bed “Sky in the clouds”

A romantic name and an unusually delicate flowerbed. To create it you will need only three types of flowers.

  • The first row is a composition of Transcarpathian bellflower and gentian.
  • The second row is snow-white phlox.

Scheme No. 4: perennial plants blooming in the first year

This option is suitable for those who do not want to wait a whole year before the first flowering of their flowerbed. To do this, you need to select plants that will delight you with their flowering immediately after planting in the ground.

  1. Plant two-year-old hollyhocks in yellow and white shades in the background of the flower bed.
  2. Sunflower is a good complement to mallow.
  3. The bright spots of the flower garden will be St. John's wort and Irish poppy.
  4. Lobelia cardinalis will occupy a central location in the flowerbed. This perennial has lush bushes.
  5. Fassin's catnip, Poskharsky's bellflower, and Kalanchoe will be small blue accents along the edges of the flower bed.
  6. Gravilat is suitable for decorating a flower garden in the summer, and chitok - in the fall.

Land preparation and planting

Once you have decided on the location and type of future flower bed, you need to prepare the soil for planting. Preparatory work have a separate list:

  1. Removing rocks, leaves and debris.
  2. Removing bugs and other pests.
  3. Digging the soil to a depth of about 50 cm.
  4. Removing weeds.

Whatever plants you choose, prepare the soil properly before planting.

Next important step– soil preparation. It can be loamy, chernozem, sandy, clayey, sandy loam and light.

Clay soil. To improve its quality, peat, humus sand and organic matter should be added to it. You will also need to do drainage layer. To do this you will need crushed stone, sand, gravel and broken brick. The drainage height is usually about 15 cm.

Sandy soil. For such soil, drainage is absolutely not needed, because the water leaves too quickly, which can lead to the death of plants. However, soil preparation consists of lining the bottom with humus, manure, peat, clay composition and organic fertilizers. Layer height is about 10 cm.

Attention! Do not forget to take into account the acidity of the soil before planting flowers.

After you decide on the shape of the flower bed, fertilizer is added to the soil. It's a mixture organic fertilizers And mineral fertilizers. If necessary, drainage is done. Then the soil is leveled with a rake.

The finished soil for the flower garden should be 10–15 cm above ground level. This is done so that water does not linger in the soil. Yes, for many bulbous plants excess moisture is destructive.

Flower beds of perennials are a decoration for the garden. It is not necessary to have professional skills in the part landscape design to improve your garden plot. It is enough to have the desire to create a flowerbed with your own hands. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of schemes on how to make a flower garden with your own hands. Advantage finished projects flowerbeds is that you will know in advance what result awaits you. And by choosing perennial plants, you get the opportunity to admire your creation for more than one year.

Perennials for the garden: video

Flower beds with perennials: photos

All knowledge comes with experience. Newbie gardening work can also decorate his site no worse than a professional designer. Perennials will help the owner with this - plants that bloom for more than one season, but for three or more years.

Such flowers are less demanding; they do not have to be replanted at the beginning of each season; as a rule, they do not require complex care.

How flowerbeds of perennials are created, which perennial flowers for a flowerbed are suitable for a particular season, and what a perennial flowerbed is - you can learn about everything from this article.

Types of flower beds

Depending on the area and shape of the suburban area, in what order the buildings located on it are located, the shape and size of the flower beds are selected.

There is a clear rule regarding the size of the flower bed - it must correspond to the parameters summer cottage. For example, if the house is located deep in the yard, a central flowerbed of a round, rectangular or fancy shape will be relevant.

Equally common are long flower beds running parallel to the driveway or path leading to the entrance of the house.

Advice! Photos of successful compositions will help you choose the most suitable flower bed for each landscape. It will be much easier for a beginner to repeat the experience of a designer than to create own project from scratch.

Depending on the shape and filling, flower beds are divided into the following groups:

Advice! You shouldn’t choose complex compositions for your first experiment; it’s quite enough to arrange 3-5 in one flowerbed. different varieties flowers or choose plants of the same type, but of different shades.

How to arrange flowers in a flower bed

Perennials will delight the owner's eye for several seasons. To properly create flower beds in your dacha, first of all, you need to select suitable friend plant friend. It is important to take into account the period of their flowering, the shade of the peduncles, the flowers’ requirements for soil composition, watering, fertilizer and other care.

Depending on how often the owner of the plot will have to care for his flower beds, flower beds are divided into three categories:

Attention! Choosing flowers from the third group for your plot is advisable only for those who permanently live in the country and can pay attention to plants every day. Then the flowerbed continuous flowering will always be neat.

How to make a flower bed beautiful and functional

Flowerbeds of perennials are planned in the same way as ordinary flower beds, consisting of annual plants. The main rule here is that the flowerbed always looks beautiful, that is, new buds constantly bloom on it. This is understandable, because withered inflorescences and drooping leaves do not look very attractive.

In addition, there is one more rule - before planting a flower garden, you need to draw its plan on paper. This will help not only to correctly arrange flowers according to shades and flowering dates, but also to take into account the size of the space allocated for the flowerbed.

Multi-tiered flower beds, which combine flowers of different heights, require special attention. So, for example, in round or oval flower beds the tallest plants are planted in the center, with flowers protruding in the second tier medium height, and the border of the flower bed is made of low-growing flowers.

Advice! When planting perennial flowers in a complex flower bed, it is necessary to take into account that the bushes will grow every year. Free space is left between the plants, and for aesthetics in the first year it is filled with low annuals.

It will be much easier to decorate a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands if you follow the plan. It is convenient to transfer the planting scheme depicted on paper to the ground in squares: the drawn drawing is divided into zones and one by one they are transferred to the soil. To mark the area, use wooden pegs, crushed chalk or lime.

It is convenient to draw diagrams of continuous flowering beds of perennials with colored pencils or paints - this way it is immediately clear how the flower garden will look at the height of the season. A color scheme will help you correctly create a color composition, arrange similar or contrasting tones of inflorescences.

We create a continuously blooming flowerbed at the dacha with our own hands

Landscape design suburban area should look neat not only on a summer day. Flower beds, lawns and flower beds should attract the attention of guests at any time of the year, especially since with perennial plants this task becomes quite feasible.

Many gardeners and gardeners have long ceased to concentrate all their attention exclusively on growing agricultural and vegetable crops and turned their gaze towards the flowers. created with your own hands means adherence to certain principles and rules, it is painstaking work, the result of which is an ideal flower garden.

At the same time, the question naturally arises - how to properly form a flowerbed so that it looks harmonious and what flowers to choose for it?

Perennial flowers - the basis for creating a flower bed

There are two large varieties of flowers. The first group is those that are planted with seeds and grow throughout one season. The second group is perennials, plants that require more care, but at the same time are able to please the gardener for several years.

Perennial plants have a number of advantages that are valued among those who like to grow flowers on their property:

  • large species diversity, which is very important when creating a flower bed;
  • long life of the plant. Only dies off top part, and the roots can exist for more than 6 years in some plants;
  • propagation using rhizomes, shoots or seeds, which allows you to later replant flowers in other flower beds and create additional flower beds;
  • a large number of medicinal plants among perennial species, which makes it possible to get a real “green” pharmacy at your dacha.

Rules for creating a flower bed

The process of development and creation blooming flower bed on the site can be compared to art, since even at the design stage it is necessary to take into account how the flower garden will look in different time of the year. A properly created flower garden is when fading plant species are replaced by new ones and remain so throughout the summer.

Planning the creation flowering area required upon completion of the general zoning of the household territory, when the locations of beds, paths, and shrubs and trees will be allocated.

When creating a flower bed, you should pay attention to:

  1. climate. When choosing plants, you should choose species that will feel comfortable in the selected climate zone;
  2. features of the site. Using the terrain will not only help you use free space wisely, but will also create interesting options registration;
  3. character of the soil. Another important parameter, which will influence the choice of perennial plants. Fertile soil is ideal for mallow, bluebell. Loam, sand or rocky soil will be suitable for growing flax, valerine,. Swampy soil Suitable for: nivaria, yarrow. Too dry soil is a place for cultivating cosmos, carnations or gaillardia;
  4. illumination of the area. Where there is sun for more than 6 hours during the day, you can grow peony, poppy, aster, and phlox. If access to light is limited to an interval of 4 to 6 hours, then it is best to choose plants such as astilbe, iris, aquilenia, and primrose. Ferns, lily of the valley, and hosta are suitable for shady flower beds.
  5. planting density and flowering time. You should not over-partition when planting plants, as they can simply “clog” each other.

Hostas and heucheras are an amazing option for creating a shady flower bed. You can get by only with varieties of these two crops - they are so diverse that they are enough to create a colorful canvas.

The combination of colors is an important factor when creating a flower bed.

Psychologists have long established that color greatly influences a person’s condition and this applies to all areas of life. That is why when creating a flower garden from perennial plants, this parameter is given increased attention. A proper combination of colors will allow you to achieve aesthetics in the flowerbed. When distributing color, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with general principles creating a palette and mixing shades:

  1. the color combination largely depends on the play of light and shadow, so the presence of smooth leaves on plants will reflect light, while matte ones will absorb light;
  2. when choosing unity of brightness of colors, you must use only one color palette, either warm or cool;
  3. in order to visually increase the size of a small flower bed, it is necessary minimize the number of colors on it and get rid of excessive contrast;
  4. For visual magnification the dimensions of the flower bed can be arranged on background blue flowers, and plant yellow or red species in the front;
  5. the more saturated the foreground of the flowerbed is, the calmer the back should be;
  6. When creating not a single flower bed, but a whole flower garden, it is recommended to use desaturated shades as a background, such as white, pink or blue. Contrasting flowers should be arranged in small groups that will occupy no more than a sixth of the total space;
  7. according to the rules of floristry in the territory of one garden It is not allowed to have more than one flower bed with bright flowers. You should also avoid unnecessary contrasts when designing;
  8. with the rich color of the main plants on the club, it can be diluted with more neutral shades;
  9. upon landing areas should be measured different colors . On a blue background, a small red spot will look appropriate, but an enlarged one will simply be annoying;
  10. It is recommended to choose the main color of the composition in accordance with the purpose of the flower garden and its location, namely climate zone. It has also been noted that city dwellers are more predisposed to natural shades, while rural dwellers prefer bright colors, which are almost impossible to find in nature.

A small flowerbed with tall delphiniums - rare and difficult option, in this case it does not look cumbersome thanks to the surroundings ( tall trees, curbs, building).

Schemes of simple flower beds for beginners

Modern flower beds can have different geometric shapes, but there is a difference into two large groups - flower beds with regular and irregular compositions.

  1. Regular composition assumes the presence of a clear geometric pattern, while all the plants in such a flower garden bloom at the same time and there are clear boundaries between them.
  2. Irregular composition differs by grouping plants and fitting the flower garden into the landscape. It is for flower beds with irregular compositions that the most optimal will be perennial plants that can bloom alternately, which will increase the flowering time.

Ready-made diagrams will help you create the right flowerbed that will please the eye and allow you to choose optimal choice plants for her. Moreover, regardless of the chosen form, there is a general pattern of planting flowers in a flower bed. In the center are the brightest and tallest specimens, middle part– this is a place for plants of medium height, and along the edges there should be low-growing, long-flowering perennials or just ornamental grass.

  1. Rectangle. A flowerbed that has a clear rectangular shape. At the same time, a pattern can be created inside from a combination of different plants.

  1. Oval. The next simple option is an oval flower bed. In this type of diagram, the center of the flower garden and the zonal division are very clearly visible.

  1. Circle. Third simple figure, which can become a form for a flower bed. Round flower beds are most often used on garden plots, since this form makes it easier to access all plants, which simplifies care.

  1. Triangle. An unusual and not the most standard form for a flower bed, which can be used if it is necessary to “fit” a flower garden into a certain limited space.

In addition to the four main geometric shapes, which can be easily mastered by beginners, there are specific examples flower garden schemes:

  1. Round flowerbed “Spring Symphony”. Number 1 is pink matthiola, 2 is red zinnia, 3 is white verbena. This option has only three shades - red, pink and white, which in no way affects the appearance.

  1. Concentric flower bed, consisting of regular concentric circles that are easy to draw yourself. This version contains the following flowers: 1 – dark-leaved cannas, 2 – downy gnafalium, 3 – perilla nankinensis.

  1. Contrasting flower bed “White and pink”. A simple square flower bed in which white and red shades will predominate. Among the flowers there will be the following representatives of perennials: 1 - cornflower, 2 - , 3 - white delphinium, 4 - physostegia, 5 - phlox, 6 - arabis, 7 - clematis, 8 - armeria, 9 - daylily, 10 - irises, 11 - lupine , 12 – obrietta.

  1. Shade-loving flowerbed “Colors of Summer”. The peculiarity of this flower garden is the predominance shade-loving plants. To design a flowerbed you will need: 1 – common primrose, 2 – Arends’ astilbe, 3 – periwinkle, 4 – bluebell, 5 – bergenia, 6 – large-leaved brunnera, 7 – jagged buzulnik, 8 – purple foxglove.

Recently, high flower beds, which are created in specially made boxes just under a meter high, have become widespread. Such a flower bed is easy to care for, fewer weeds grow on it, but at the same time the process of creating it is more complex and troublesome.

Sometimes there is a need to create a flower bed in low light conditions, for example, in the shadow of a fence or along the wall of a house. In this case, you should select plants that can grow with little natural color. You can create flower beds in accordance with the following schemes:

  1. shady flower bed. It includes: 1 – bergenia; 2 – thimble, 3 – , 4 – soft cuff; 5 – variegated, 6 – .

  1. flower bed located along north side Houses. The following plants will be present in such a flowerbed: 1, 2, 3 - hosta of different varieties, 4.5 - western thuja, 6 - , 7 - , 8 - , 9 - hosta, 10 - bergenia, 11 - black spruce, 12 - citrine .

Types of perennial plants for a small garden

Among the most suitable perennial plants for planting in small flower beds are:

  • . The plant is popularly known as a fighter. Blooms from July to August;
  • Endress geranium. Unpretentious plant, which tolerates lack of moisture well. Flowering time June-August;
  • scarlet. One of the primroses in the flowerbed; the first buds appear in May. May bloom again in September;
  • . A plant that is widespread in middle lane. It blooms from June to July, and if pruned at a short distance from the ground, it can re-bloom;
  • . Also a popular perennial that blooms from April to May;
  • Doronicum plantain. A plant ideal for damp and shady places. Also refers to primroses;
  • the bell is crowded. A flower that also grows well in the shade. Color appears in June;
  • meconopsis. A plant that requires a minimum of care, consisting in removing fading buds. Blooms from May to June;
  • hellebore. A flower that thrives best in fertile soil and shade;
  • musk mallow. A perennial that is not susceptible to growing conditions and feels good even in the shade. Blooms from early summer to September;
  • . A plant of the succulent family, belonging to the ground covers. Flowering period from July to September;
  • function. An ornamental deciduous plant that can be used in a flowerbed to create green mass;
  • . A plant known to many, capable of regaining color when pruned. Blooms from June to late August

Shady flowerbed-border with meconopsis, primrose, hostas.

Selecting plants in the space of one flowerbed will allow you to get a flower garden that will delight you with a riot of colors throughout the summer season.

Labor-intensive perennial flowers to grow in a flowerbed

Labor-intensive crops include those that will require regular care, creation special conditions for growth. Also, plants in this category often get sick and are unstable to change. climatic conditions, susceptible to disease. This group includes most representatives of bulbous plants, lilies, roses, gladioli, dahlias, hyacinth, kaempfera, evening primrose, and begonia.

Mixed rose garden - an option for the ideal combination of roses and perennials

The term “” is usually understood as a flower bed where only roses are grown. But in central Russia, where summer is not very long, it is customary to create mixed rose gardens, where various perennial plants find their place in the flower garden, which makes it possible to structure the flower bed. There are several simple circuits design of a mixed rosary:

  1. rose garden in cool colors. The entire flowerbed is done in cold pink and lilac tones, which evokes a feeling of freshness and coolness. The diagram contains the following flowers: 1 - chist, 2 - gerchera, 3 - , 4 - William Shakespeare rose, 5 - Queen of Sweden rose, 6 - clematis, 7 - Gertrude Jekyll rose, 8 - Mary Rose rose.

  1. contrasting rose garden. Flowerbed built using red and white with a background in the form of a bush that blooms throughout the summer. The following plants are used for decoration: 1 – hosta, 2 – Gartnerfreunde rose , 3 – verbascum, 4 – rose Aspirin Rose, 5 – rose Hansaland, 6 – paniculata hydrangea, 7 – rose Amadeus, 8 – rose Schneewittchen, 9 – horizontal, 10 – dwarf spruce.

Flowerbed for the lazy - what is it?

For those who wish on their own personal plot to enjoy passive relaxation, but at the same time receive aesthetic pleasure, there is a concept - “a flowerbed for the lazy.” Such a flower garden contains plants that require virtually no care and are not demanding on watering or fertilizing. In this case, the duration of flowering can last from early spring to autumn.

Most often, online stores selling flowers are ready to offer customers who do not have time to get acquainted with the nuances of growing plants, already ready-made options, including flowerbed layout diagrams with descriptions of flowers.

A specific option could be an oval-shaped flower bed, in which there will be: peonies in the center, astilbe in front of them, sedum on the right edge, geranium on the left, and hosta or bergenia will border it all. You can also plant an aster or phlox in this flowerbed, which will only add brightness to the color.

The cost of such a project will cost approximately 600-700 rubles, with the most expensive being peonies, which are best purchased as seedlings.

A special feature of this variant is its continuous flowering. a separate type plants. In this case, the flowerbed itself will not be particularly bright, but the stability of the appearance of flowering plants will be observed.

Plants that would also be suitable for a lazy bed include irises, daffodils, phlox, daylily, clematis, lupine or cornflower. Moreover, in this case there is no need to create a variety of planted varieties or species, since the greater the number of flowers, the more care will be required.

The photo below shows an example of a corner flower bed with.

Video consultation

The layout and the desired image are thought out. Now it is important to choose plants wisely, having previously familiarized yourself with their care requirements. The video below is an overview of the most spectacular and unpretentious perennials, with recommendations for their successful cultivation.

Country style is one of the most popular interior styles not only for houses and apartments, but also for personal plots.
The basis of the country style is the simplicity of the rustic direction. It is worth considering that country style may be associated with the country that you love. This could be a hint of a Russian hut, an American ranch or a Swiss chalet.
Most often, country style is used for giving or country house, because this style will bring romance and unity with nature to your dacha. A flower garden in this style will be distinguished by its naturalness and harmony.
To create a cozy flower garden in this style, you must first carefully plan it, work out a preliminary diagram, decide which plants are best used in a particular option, and only then start laying out the site. This flower garden does not imply any exotic plants, only simplicity and naturalness.
For country style, wicker baskets, carts, old cans and wooden wheels. You can also decorate such a flower garden with stones various shapes and sizes.
Asters, daisies, lupine, helenium, coleus, milkflower, and snapdragons will fit perfectly into the design of a flower garden. Shrubs you can use include boxwood, viburnum, corn, ornamental cabbage and multi-colored hydrangea.
In this style, you can also decorate a ceremonial flower garden. Since the flower garden is located in the main place of the garden - it decorates the entrance to the house, all the plants in it perform a purely decorative function. Its appearance changes during the summer. At first, the tone is set by the bright scarlet inflorescences of lychnis on a silvery-white background of wormwood, small petal and bellflower. By autumn, yellow and purple colors begin to predominate, echoing the golden colors of fading nature. When replacing individual plants in a planting scheme, the decorative effect will change the more the more changes are made.
Country style gives great opportunities for your imagination. To decorate such a flower garden, you can use old wooden utensils (cart wheels, etc.), various cans and basins. The arrangement of plants in such a flower garden can be varied; most often, upright and tall plants are planted in the center. These could be crops such as yellow marigolds, gloxinia or primrose. Lower or ampelous forms of plants are planted along the edges: hybrid petunia, fittonia. Bright accent in a flower garden an ordinary one can serve garden strawberries. Planted violets or forget-me-nots will add romantic notes to this piece of landscape design.
It is worth noting that the lawn located near such a flower bed does not have to be well-groomed. Naturalness is the basis that will help you connect all the elements into one. Therefore, wild poppies, dandelions and clover growing on the lawn will only be an excellent addition.
An example of a flower garden in a country style: 1 - goldenrod, 2 - small-petalled, 3 - wormwood pursha, 4 - Lychnis Chalcedonian, 5 - helenium, 6 - bellflower, 7 - sapling, 8 - coleus.