Glue for applique practice. Chemical composition and functional characteristics of various types of glue

Which glue to choose for appliqué classes with children?

What do we have to choose from?

In the last millennium, starch paste was cooked for appliqué classes in kindergartens. But nowadays you don’t see anything like that - and thank God - it was a very unsuitable option. At the same time, I will also be glad that silicate glue is almost out of use. Yes, silicate glue is considered “office glue”, and for office work, it may be suitable. But not for children! Silicate glue is a strong, aggressive alkali; it’s scary to even think about getting such a substance into the eyes or mucous membranes.

Nowadays, children mostly glue pictures together with either PVA glue or glue stick. I vote with both hands for the glue stick.

Why not white glue? - they will tell me, - Great thing - we always use it!

But the thing is that children and adults do it differently. A child gluing an applique with PVA glue is a ready-made plot for Jumble.

To begin with, liquid glue is usually “for convenience” packaged in bottles with a pipette onto which the cap is screwed. If there was spilled glue on the thread, it usually hardens and the lid dries out. The child first twists the cork with his hands, then grabs it with his teeth. In the end, badly bitten, the plug is removed.

But then it turns out that in the narrow channel of the pipette the glue is also frozen and does not drip. It needs to be cleaned. The most prudent children bring with them various “ramrods” from home, such as pins. And so, everyone glues the application, and the one with PVA picks the tip of a pin in the nose of the bottle. It didn’t work the first time - the glue still didn’t drip. The child again begins to drill with a pin, then takes it out and checks it by pressing hard on the bottle - this is where the glue shoots out. I won’t say that it necessarily hits your face, no, it usually just gets on your hands and spills into a puddle on the table with the appliqué. Thoughtful children even bring large napkins. Those who are improvident... wipe it with a whiteboard cloth.

Well, your hands are washed, the table is wiped, half the lesson has passed, you can get to work.

What is the pin doing in this photo? Like something violates. Having picked at the glue spout, we left it open on the table in case we needed it again.

The glue flows out of the spout of the bottle in a relatively thin stream, but it is quite thick and lies in a roller. You need to spread it with a thin layer. How? Thoughtful children bring bristle brushes. Those who are improvident - they take the squirrel brush out of the set of paints, and then, after working and without washing it off the glue, they put the brush back. Others simply tear off a piece of paper and spread the glue on it. The laziest ones stick it on simply, without smearing. That's what I did. And what? - a bead of glue immediately appeared from under the part.

Okay, I will smear the second part less and try to mask these smudges with it.

Nothing happened - the glue also crawled out from under the second leaf.

To tell the truth, when it dries it becomes (usually) transparent and hardly noticeable. But. But PVA is a water-soluble glue, and it warps the paper. The sheet on which I glued my applique was gone. It will no longer be smooth and flat.

A completely different picture when working with a glue stick.

However, I’ll start from afar - there are also many types of pencil adhesives. There are domestic ones, there are Chinese ones, there are European ones.

Now painted ones have come into fashion. Yes! - rod lilac color gives a lilac smear. Then this color disappears, but at first it looks very unaesthetic. Perhaps this is intended to teach children to be careful, so that they can see with their own eyes where they have smeared in vain, but this goal is contradicted by the low quality of this purple glue itself - it is smeared in clumps. In general, I do not advise you to buy such colored glue for your children, no matter how cool they look.

Previously, I only bought domestic glue sticks and only advocated for them. But after one day I was forced to perform a big and difficult work Only with the use of German glue Erich Krause, and it turned out much better, stronger and higher quality than I would have expected when working with other glues, I became a faithful follower of German glue sticks.

What else can I say in conclusion to this article about making appliqués by children? I remembered! Whatever glue you use, to avoid smearing the table or applying glue to the part while hanging, lay it down on paper. I myself use a thermal wipe. This small, easy-to-clean piece of plastic helps me out wonderfully—no glue gets on my workbench.

Marina Novikova told you about which glue is best to use for making appliqués with children.

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The debate about what to use to improve bed adhesion for FDM printing will not subside soon, if at all. Quite a lot has been written about this. Well, we'll add a little bit. However, unlike many speakers, we will try not to give birth to another button accordion “I liked this, I didn’t like that,” but we will go from the other side and answer why we like this glue, don’t like this one and how to choose a glue stick if the ones mentioned are not on sale.
Like many, we tried a lot in search of adhesion. There were hairsprays (Preles, Taft strong and super-strong hold), adhesive tapes, various glasses (frosted and unmotivated, tempered and regular), adhesives like eco-naset (analogous to polystyrene titanium, but on water based) and industrial 3M, which is used to make adhesive tape. Yes, yes, like many others, we read 3D-today and noticed that many printed on what remains after peeling off various self-adhesives. We tried applying PVA glue. Thin and thick layers. We tried different applicators. Including iron and rubber spatulas. We bought PVA glue with a roller like a pen. But it wasn't all that...
We decided to adopt imported experience and began to look for where to buy this glue (no live photo):

This glue comes with Cubex printers, which do not have a heated bed in principle, but print (quite successfully) from ABS. But they do have a thermal camera. In Russia it costs 1,500 rubles and so we began to look for it abroad and, in connection with this, began to communicate with printers from that side of the border.
So they suggested the right direction. According to them, all of Europe has been printing with UHU glue for a long time. Well, why are we worse?! And we are worse because the glue sold there on every corner in Russia is in great short supply. I had to find out what was good about this UHU and look for its analogue here and in China.

As you already understood, UHU is a glue stick, stationery, for paper/fabric/cardboard, BUT on a PVP basis. We went shopping and started reading the labels of every glue stick we came across. The search took a long time because... very, very many manufacturers do not write the composition. A pleasant discovery was a glue stick from OfficeSpace that costs 20 rubles per 20 grams. No, he is not PVP. He's PVA! Bought. Its use confirmed that we are on the right track. Easy to apply. You can print immediately after application. The layer is thin and the quality of the bottom of the model is like it was removed from glass. If you apply three or four layers, you don’t have to renew the coating before printing. Easily washed off with warm water. Holds both ABS and PLA perfectly. But we wanted UHU or an analogue and continued our search, trying “along the way” the adhesives that we came across. And there were quite a few of them. What was left (all outsiders were given to colleagues):

As you noticed, we found it! And UHU glue came to us for testing! This miracle glue costs more than 100 rubles! But the money was no longer a pity.

Here it is in all its glory:

I think it’s clear that a huge amount of work has been done, but the results will be subjective, i.e. no tests yet. This handsome guy will arrive soon for 500 rubles:

And we will check whether our opinion coincides with the readings of real tests.
Test plan for discussion. We divide work area printer on the area. We apply adhesives to them and print a 3x270 strip with a height of 50 mm from ABS. Let's see which one comes off first. We repeat the experiment without it using a similar scheme and identify the winner. If we have time, we will try the Olympic system. We declare the test a qualification, divide the results into two parts and compare them in pairs. This kind of testing takes a lot of time. According to our calculations, the first round will take at least 6 hours, and there are many applicants. So, let's begin...
Berlingo red and ErichKrause blue will not participate in the tournament:

They didn't show themselves in any way.
But the test will involve the “brother” of the red Berlingo with a white label and, according to the manufacturer, with an improved formula:

White, although it is not indicated anywhere, is on a PVP basis. Holds very tightly. If you heat the table by more than 80 degrees, then it is very difficult to remove it from the table (and we settled on a mirror). You have to soak it in a bowl of water for half an hour.
UHU and the aforementioned Open Space will definitely participate, although it is in a different league.
But our main favorite to win the competition with the specialized Japanese is Auchan glue for 50 rubles in the store of the same name:

We use it mostly. Berlingo white is characterized by high consumption. Although UHU allows you to work with a cold table (even with ABS), it also has a high consumption and has an inconvenient tube. The glue constantly needs to be pushed back in and the lid must be screwed on. Inconvenient.
Ashanovsky glue is free from all shortcomings. Works from 40 degrees. Very little consumption. Holds tightly. We assume that such results were achieved not simply by using the PVP base, but also by adding acrylic resin, which is more than 20%. Like everything else, it is easily washed off with warm water. Stays on with one layer. In general, we are extremely pleased with them and recommend them to everyone. Maybe for the tests we will find and evaluate Kalyaka-Malyaka and she will also take part in the tests. But we are sure that the color has nothing to do with it.

RESULT (Conclusion if you want): If you want to print without additional difficulties and with a guaranteed result, then use a PVP-based glue stick to increase adhesion.
These adhesives include (according to the Internet): AMOS, VGR, Scholz (with green lid), Buromax (BM.4906, BM.4907, BM.4908, BM.4909), BIC, Donau, PILOT, Stanger, 3M ( Scotch brand, Cristal is especially good), UHU.
If you are used to PVA and want to make your life easier (according to the Internet): 4Office, Economix, Eagle, Skiper, Buromax (BM.4901, BM.4903, BM.4904, BM.4905), Scholz (with yellow lid) Leo. If you still want liquid PVA, then use it with the letter “M”. He is the strongest.

Modern technologies are confidently moving forward, new compositions and forms of familiar objects and substances are appearing. One of them is a glue stick.

It is valued for features such as:

  • convenience and ease of use (shaped like a pencil, packed in a plastic container with a sealed cap),
  • economical consumption (it is easy to spread the glue over the surface of the paper in a thin layer),
  • safety,
  • does not spill and does not stain hands,
  • has no smell,
  • approved for use by children,
  • has a long shelf life (it can be used for up to three years).

The composition of pencil glue may vary.

  1. Those that belong to the PVA group consist of water and polyvinyl acetate.
  2. Those belonging to the PVP group do not contain water, but glycerin.

PVA is the least toxic, therefore ideal for household use. PVP compositions have higher adhesive properties.

Glue pencil for paper - features of use

Reliable manufacturers do not add PVA stick glue toxic components, but fragrances may be present, however they are safe and approved for use.

Due to its economical consumption, the adhesive is used for fastening cardboard, photographic paper, and any paper products. The gluing process takes about 5 minutes.

The glue does not cause sheet deformation, which makes it more convenient compared to office adhesives.

In this case, the composition does not set immediately, so within a few seconds you can re-glue the documents as required. It is easy to apply, just slide the sticker across the paper and apply it to the desired location.

For children's institutions and home use Special brands of children's glue pencil are suitable, which, unlike the classic hard one, are distinguished by their safe composition and interesting colors.

They are based on glucose, so even if they get into the mouth, the composition will not cause poisoning.


Which glue pencil to buy Erich Krause or Kores

Adhesives pencils for paper Erich Krause are deservedly considered one of the best on the market. They allow you to use them both for creativity and for working with documentation.

Some models of Erich Krause pencils have a color when applied that disappears after drying. This is fun for children, and helps adults control the distribution of the composition over the surface.

Adhesives pencils Kores – convenient option for working with textiles, cardboard, paper. Is environmentally friendly pure product without solvents. Ideal for creativity, creating photo albums, working with office documents.

Let's look at the characteristics and properties of the most famous pencil glue options from these brands.

1.Erich krause joy – composition for working with paper, photographs, cardboard. After application, it leaves a colored imprint, which allows you to glue the part more accurately. Does not damage paper, does not leave stains and dries very quickly. Convenient packaging ensures comfortable use - the glue is easily unscrewed from the plastic tube. The composition is not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age.

The cost is about 40 rubles.

2.Erich krause crystal is a transparent adhesive designed for fixing thin cardboard, photographs, and paper. Doesn't have unpleasant odor, applied evenly. Wash off with water. Ideal for office work, suitable for creating crafts in schools.

The cost is about 40 rubles.

3.Kores 20 g – this glue stick is suitable for gluing not only paper and photos, but also textiles. The rod has a soft structure and glides easily over the surface thanks to the glycerin included in the composition. The glue stick is used sparingly. Colorless, it is easy to wash and wash with water. It has no unpleasant odor, is easy to twist out of the tube, and sets within 30 seconds after use. Safe, approved for use in children's institutions.

Glue is one of the basic needs of a collage organism. Glue stick adherents can argue with PVA adherents until the foam party, defending their beliefs, and then march in a united crowd against the glue gun adherents. But there is no clear answer to the question: “What is the best glue for collage?” - does not exist in nature. This is a matter of taste, color, habit and dexterity. Of course, there are simply bad, incomprehensible adhesives sold at Rospechat kiosks; they dry out immediately upon application. But we are smart and will not buy such glues in stalls.

To understand the nuances various adhesives, I conducted a survey on social networks about who uses what and how it is used. The VKontakte survey revealed three leaders: Erich Krause, UHU and PVA. In other social networks, UHU and Erich Krause were mainly mentioned. People wrote about “other” glues in the comments and below will be the impressions of experienced people about strange, unexpected and sticky substances.

We listen to the voice of the people.

Erich Krause
The glue lays down smoothly and holds tightly for years - that's a fact.
For some it glues it together instantly and tightly, for others it allows them to move the piece of paper if they mess up. Perhaps it depends on the type of pencil, there are thousands of them. The classic blue pencil of Erich Krause grabs immediately, so if you have problems with your eye, your hands are shaking and you stick in Right place not the first time - use a different glue. Also be careful when working with thin paper, Erich Krause assimilates it too greedily and can tear it before it has time to spread it.

This glue is very popular, perhaps because of the damn marketing and the nice yellow body. The glue is good, it doesn’t set immediately, it allows the glued material to warm up, but then it holds well.
Some people complain that the glue leaves a “snot” on the paper, but this happens with all glues, especially in the heat. They also say that it bulges the paper and does not hold. In my personal experience Swelling was never observed, but sometimes something can fall off if it was initially glued pointwise and not over the entire surface.

Liquid UHU
The glue in the tube is also popular with people; it glues the most different materials between themselves. Convenient applicator, several application options - points, lines, surfaces. It has a not very pleasant smell and leaves a sticky web after use. Excess glue is relatively easy to remove.

They love him for his strength. PVA, like a wild animal, furiously heaves and warps paper of any density. He needs to be tamed, tamed and used to. Through his intimidating superpowers, he turns against himself and frightens most collagists and other handicrafts. But if you manage to conquer it, you will become the owner of the strongest collages.

They praise KORFIX PVA, but the applicator dries out and sticks tightly after the second or third application, so you still have to use a brush.

PVA is purring like a fluffy kitten. She shared her techniques. Let's look and try.

A glue that you want to use just because of the name alone. The glue is soft, on the one hand it is not very convenient for a pencil, on the other hand you can simply lubricate small parts with your finger. The glue does not dry for a long time, so it is suitable for those who are indecisive to move the collage elements after gluing. Also, due to its non-drying properties, it is suitable for activities with children and forgetful people: if you do not put the cap on right away or even lose it, the glue will survive.

Opinions are divided regarding this glue. Some users praise Scotch for its ease of gliding, durability and gentle handling of paper. Others say that the glue lives its own life right in the tube and then dries on its own, then turns into a dough, warps and stains the paper.

Same diseases as Scotch.

Advantages of liquid Pentel: convenient roller applicator, rolls smoothly, glue comes out in a thin layer. The glue is transparent, after drying there are no traces left, and if a picky eye notices something, then this trace can be easily removed by rolling it with your finger. Purely aesthetically pleasing packaging, the tube is pleasant and comfortable to hold in your hands, and rolling it over paper is a special pleasure. It comes in blue and pink shades - the same, transparent after drying.
Cons: quite expensive. When the glue runs out, it flows poorly along the roller, and there may be gaps.

In principle, it’s good, but over the years the collages fall off the background.

He's a tough guy, you can't put it on paper without using force, and even after that it comes out in clumps. It may not stick the first time, then you need to use more force and apply more glue. If it sticks, sometimes it doesn’t do it right away, sometimes it gives you the opportunity to move the pieces (thank you).

Power Glue Stick
It glides easily on paper, but you need to apply it more thickly and thickly, because after 5 minutes half of the parts fall off completely or partially. Convenient to use for baiting parts, but nothing more.

A relative novelty, captivating with its name that is modest in essence: “Glue stick.” Quite a good thing, easy to smear, dries slowly.


Crystal moment
Durable, holds well, excess is removed directly with your fingers and no traces remain after such an operation. It’s convenient to mark the place of gluing with dots; you can peel it off if you miss or don’t like it.

"Rubber" Petrochim
Glues everything, including paper and cardboard. Elastic, suitable for all sorts of experiments.

Glue varnish Factory Decoru
Don’t think that it’s for decoupage, use it to glue collages. Dries quickly, leaves no marks, and does not soak the paper.

3M Spray Mount
An unexpected aerosol for even gluing of large surfaces. You can re-glue the parts within 12 hours, if one side is splashed, if two sides, then you have 2 hours.

Instead of adhesives, our collagists use double-sided tape (especially convenient for large backgrounds) and attach the details to sewing machine, attach the parts with a glue stick, and then cover everything with acrylic varnish and nothing ever falls off.

Text and compilation of collective experience:
Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey.