Laying aerated concrete in winter, is it possible? Is it possible to build houses from aerated concrete in winter? How to lay foam blocks in winter

IN winter period. They are building quite a lot. You don't have to go out of town to see this. Look around and you will see that new buildings are growing at an enviable speed, regardless of the time of year. And they have long become popular in construction apartment buildings, as well as private country cottages.

Of course, the most favorable time for building a house is the warm season. The reliability and quality of the future cottage depends directly on the professionalism of the performers. It is important that they know the nuances of construction in winter and follow certain rules. Therefore, when winter approaches, it is not necessary to postpone the planned construction, but consult with specialists and select a highly qualified team.

Important points of construction in winter

  • To lay aerated concrete blocks, you must use glue with antifreeze additives, and when preparing it use warm water;
  • If the temperature is below -10C°, masonry aerated concrete blocks better to postpone;
  • In the cold season, a high pace of work is important, because... with slow laying, the seams may increase;
  • The mortar may cool during construction, so sometimes it should be placed in a warm place to thaw. Water in mortar do not add, to avoid cracks in spring;
  • It is important to prepare for the working day required amount blocks and glue;
  • Place the blocks on a surface that has been warmed and cleared of snow and ice (reinforced concrete slab or masonry);
  • It is better to postpone plastering the facade until spring so that the moisture contained in the aerated concrete evaporates.

If you decide to postpone the construction of your house until spring, we advise you to make the purchase in winter building material to get a good discount. If you need help in storing material for this period, we will help resolve this issue.

As you can see, building a house in winter has a number of difficulties, but solving them is not as difficult as it seemed, the main thing is to follow the technology and follow the rules, and in the spring you will be able to start finishing and renovating, and in the summer you will be able to move into a full-fledged country house.

IN general outline the rules for laying AEROC blocks do not differ from the rules for laying blocks from other manufacturers. In low temperature conditions, it is recommended to use special dry mixtures with additives that prevent the possibility of freezing. In addition, one should take into account the shorter shelf life of the mixture, as well as the need to heat the bonded surfaces of the blocks. It is mandatory to protect the masonry from wind and precipitation. It is not recommended to lay blocks in temperatures below -10ºC.

Winter adhesive mixtures AEROC

Conventional AEROC adhesive mixtures are suitable for use at +5°C. and higher. If the temperature drops below, it is necessary to use winter adhesive mixtures. These mixtures contain special additives that ensure setting even at low temperatures. Winter mixtures are suitable for use at air temperatures down to -10°C. Packages with winter mixture are marked with a snowflake.

Preparing the mixture

    If possible, store packages with the mixture in a heated room

    use warm water (preferably 20-40°C, maximum 60°C) and mix the mixture in a warm room

    temperature ready mixture must exceed +10°C

    the preheated mixture must be used within 30 minutes

Please note that the time for using the mixture prepared with heated water is shorter, since with more high temperatures the mixture hardens faster. It is not recommended to add water to the hardening mixture to improve the properties of the mixture. When cooling, to increase the temperature, you must add freshly mixed warm mixture. Overcooling of the mixture should be avoided both in the mixing container and in the masonry, which requires maximum protection from the wind. Wrapping the mixing utensils in insulating material will also help stop the cooling process.

Preparing winter mixture

It is acceptable to prepare a winter mixture from regular AEROC glue using Sakret AF additives. The AF additive must be added in a proportion of 200-250 ml per 25 kg bag of adhesive mixture. You should first prepare the mixture using warm water and then add the additive and stir thoroughly again.

Wall masonry

    AEROC blocks used in masonry work, as well as fittings, must not be wet, covered with drizzle or snow

    the blocks should be preheated to a temperature of at least +1°C. Only dry, preheated blocks guarantee the required adhesion (absorbency)

    from the moment the mixture is applied to the blocks until their final installation, no more than 5 minutes should pass.

AEROC blocks, packages with adhesive mixture and fittings must be protected from wind and precipitation during masonry work. It is also necessary to protect the horizontal surface of the masonry. At temperatures below 0°C, the horizontal surfaces of the blocks to be glued together should be heated with a heater, radiator or blowtorch. The applied mixture can be opened for a maximum of 5 minutes, preferably an even shorter time.

How to Avoid Cold Damage

Damage caused by cold occurs when blocks are repeatedly completely wet and freeze. AEROC blocks have a guaranteed frost resistance of 35-50 cycles. A dry block of racks is resistant to temperature changes, therefore, in order to avoid damage caused by cold, it is necessary first of all do not allow the blocks to get wet when carrying out construction work V winter time .

  • Blocks stored on construction site, wall masonry, as well as horizontal surfaces of the panels must be protected from the effects of precipitation, which means covering them with waterproof materials, such as film, during precipitation.
  • It is necessary to remove accumulated snow from the surface of the floors before the onset of a thaw to avoid getting the lower rows of masonry walls wet with melt water.
  • Snow itself does not pose a danger to the blocks, but the water formed when the snow melts should not get inside the masonry.
  • IN closed box at home during interior work it is necessary to ensure that sufficient air exchange is provided in the building, and humidity does not condense on the inner surfaces of windows or cold concrete surfaces. Moisture accumulated on internal surfaces should not penetrate into the wall masonry.

Compliance with the above rules is not difficult for builders, and if construction work is carried out correctly in winter, wet AEROC products will not go through a single freezing cycle.

Is it worth building a house from aerated concrete in winter?

Is it easy to build a house from aerated concrete. Of course, you can do this in a short time and at minimal cost.

Moreover, you can start building your dream home even in winter!

Construction with aerated concrete in winter

To the question “Is it possible to build with aerated concrete in winter,” the manufacturers of this universal building material unanimously give an affirmative answer. Laying blocks in autumn-winter period is allowed, however low temperature does not affect the quality of the masonry in any way. In order to begin construction, despite the vicissitudes of the weather, you will need special glue. designed for use at temperatures from +5 to -15 °C. If you decide to build a house from aerated concrete in winter, then under no circumstances use standard glue.

There are other types of glue, thanks to which a house or some other building can be built even at temperatures down to -20 °C. Construction from aerated concrete in winter has a number of features and rules - follow them, and the quality of the masonry will not suffer. But winter construction still has disadvantages - it is a higher cost compared to summer work and a longer period for laying blocks. From an economic point of view, laying aerated concrete in winter is not the most profitable solution.

Laying aerated concrete in the cold season

Have you decided to build a house from aerated concrete in winter? Then you should familiarize yourself with the technology of laying blocks in the cold season. Is it possible to lay aerated concrete in winter without knowing specific features? Under no circumstances, otherwise the house will not last long.

Before laying aerated concrete at temperatures below zero, it is necessary to warm up the blocks - this must be done directly during construction. Blocks need to be watered hot water, the temperature of which is about 40 °C. The glue that joins the blocks must also be diluted with hot water, otherwise it will quickly harden. Dilute the glue into plastic container and be sure to cover it with a lid to slow down the cooling.

Before laying aerated concrete in winter, be sure to warm up the blocks. The blocks must be covered with a banner made of dense material. The blocks can be heated using a heating element or similar equipment, and the banner should be pressed in this way. to hot air didn't go outside. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely “seal” the interior space, but heat loss should be kept to a minimum. Only after warming up can you begin the winter construction of an aerated concrete house. Warming up takes about an hour. A house made of aerated concrete blocks takes much longer to build in winter than in summer - that’s a fact.

How to store aerated concrete blocks in winter

You want the aerated concrete masonry to be of the same quality in winter as in summer. Then you should take care of creating the storage conditions that are necessary to preserve the technological characteristics. In case of long-term preservation. for example, for a period of more than 3 weeks, it makes sense to store the blocks in the original packaging. There is no need to open the aerated concrete completely or partially. Storing aerated concrete in winter is possible directly on the street; it is not necessary to remove the blocks indoors or under a canopy. The upper part of the original packaging completely protects the blocks from moisture. 2 weeks before the day on which the laying of aerated concrete is planned, the packaging must be removed, leaving top part. This time is enough for the accumulated moisture to come out of the blocks.

If the winter laying of aerated concrete begins in the near future, and long-term preservation of the blocks is not planned, then you can immediately remove the side part of the packaging to allow the blocks to dry. Leave only the top part, which protects the blocks from precipitation. Storage of aerated concrete in winter is possible with complete preservation technological properties of the material.

So, you can build a house from aerated concrete in the winter if you don’t have the opportunity to wait for the construction season - the construction will just go a little slower and cost more.

You can order your site to us.

Features of construction in winter from aerated concrete blocks Ytong or Grasse (st. No. 2)

Winter construction issues also

SPECIALLY FOR MASONRY OF INTERNAL PARTITIONS, Xella Ytong launches new product sales" Polyurethane adhesive for aerated concrete Ytong Dryfix 750 ml". On this page you will find a presentation of the new product.

The month of October is the month that people call the pre-winter month, that is, the calendar period when frosts begin to set in. And the presence of frosts and subsequent frosts impose certain features when making masonry walls from Ytong aerated concrete blocks at the Mozhaisk Ytong aerated concrete block plant or at the Maloyaroslavl Gras aerated concrete block plant. The peculiarity of masonry from Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter is that it is no longer possible to work using Ytong summer glue during this period; for laying aerated concrete blocks Kaluga aerated concrete or Itong aerated concrete blocks in winter you need Ytong winter glue or polyurethane glue

The basic requirements for laying Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter are set out in SNiP for stone and reinforced masonry structures and SP 1513330 2012 in the section “Instructions for the design of structures erected in winter.” The main condition for performing stone work when laying Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter is the Mozhaisk plant and the Maloyaroslavl aerated concrete plant Grasse's blocks winter conditions is that the accepted method of winter masonry using Itong glue, aerated concrete load-bearing walls and partitions both during their construction in winter and during their subsequent operation. That is main criterion assessment of the quality of masonry of aerated concrete walls from Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter using Ytong winter glue (I want to emphasize again) or polyurethane glue , this is to ensure the design strength of aerated concrete walls made of Ytong aerated concrete blocks or Gras aerated concrete blocks laid on Ytong winter glue or polyurethane glue Ytong Dryfix and their stability during subsequent operation.

The strength of masonry of aerated concrete walls from Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter using Itong winter glue depends primarily on the ability of Ytong glue or mortar to negative temperatures and in conditions of ice and snowfall, ensure:

1- Reliable adhesion of Ytong aerated concrete blocks during the process of laying an aerated concrete wall in winter using Itong winter glue or polyurethane glue to each other and thereby creating a monolithic aerated concrete wall from purchased Ytong aerated concrete blocks or Gras aerated concrete blocks.

2- A set of the required Ytong strength, according to the design, on which Ytong aerated concrete blocks are placed in the aerated concrete wall of the cottage in winter.

Now knowing what needs to be ensured using Ytong winter glue, in the process of laying aerated concrete walls from Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter or Grasse aerated concrete blocks in winter, let’s move on to considering the provision of conditions for laying aerated concrete blocks in winter.

And so what prevents, in winter conditions at subzero temperatures, from ensuring proper adhesion between or Gras when laying them in an aerated concrete wall of a cottage in winter using Itong winter glue or polyurethane glue Ytong Dryfix

1-since the surface temperature of Itong aerated concrete blocks or aerated concrete blocks Kaluga aerated concrete or Gras aerated concrete block is negative, then the contact of a solution or Itong glue mixed with water on the surface forms an ice film that prevents the penetration of the liquid phase of Ytong glue or solution into the surface zone aerated concrete block Ytong as a result of which gluing of the surfaces of Itong aerated concrete blocks with Ytong glue does not occur. Therefore, to prevent an icy film from the Ytong winter adhesive from forming on the surface of the Gras aerated concrete block or the Ytong aerated concrete block, small quantities of salt additives are introduced into the Ytong winter adhesive or winter adhesive solution, usually sodium nitrate, which, by lowering the freezing point of the water located in Ytong glue, as components of the glue or mortar, does not allow the formation of an ice film and the liquid phase of winter glue or mortar freely penetrates into the surface layer of Ytong or Gras aerated concrete blocks, providing physical conditions gluing the surfaces of Itong or Gras aerated concrete blocks into a monolithic aerated concrete wall of a house. Today, in construction conditions, there is no need to make a solution or glue with anti-frost salt additives on site. Factories today produce special winter adhesives for Itong and Gras aerated concrete blocks, which make it possible to lay aerated concrete walls from Itong or Gras aerated concrete blocks using winter glue at air temperatures down to -15 0 C. Polyurethane adhesive does not have such disadvantages even at negative temperatures down to -5. Itong aerated concrete blocks can be installed in winter.

1.1-Adhesion of Ytong and Gras aerated concrete blocks is not ensured when laying aerated concrete walls of cottages, even when using Itong winter glue or winter mortar, if there is snow or ice on their surface, therefore, when laying aerated concrete walls from Ytong or Gras aerated concrete blocks during masonry work on using Ytong winter glue, it is advisable to protect aerated concrete walls from precipitation on their surface. And if snow gets on the surface of the Ytong or Gras aerated concrete blocks, then before starting to lay the Ytong aerated concrete blocks on the Itong winter glue, it must be carefully removed. Important role The correct Itong or Gras also plays during the period of preparing them for installation in aerated concrete walls.

2-The strength and solidity of an aerated concrete wall of a cottage made of Ytong aerated concrete blocks in winter or Grasse aerated concrete blocks in winter is directly affected by the strength of the winter glue or winter adhesive mortar itself. Let's look at the physical and chemical process that occurs in the adhesive or mortar mass during the period of mixing with water. The basis of winter mortars and winter glue Itong is cement. Cement is capable of hydration, followed by crystallization and the formation of cement stone only in the presence of water in the liquid phase. And for this to happen and for the winter glue or winter adhesive solution to gain strength at subzero temperatures, the water must be in the liquid phase, and this can be achieved either by introducing the same salt additives to prevent freezing of water in the winter glue or winter solution, or by heating the aerated concrete wall itself, providing it with a positive temperature. There are different solutions - this is the arrangement of so-called “warmhouses” or the use of electrical heating of masonry aerated concrete walls made of Itong aerated concrete blocks or Grasse aerated concrete blocks. There are technologies that make it possible to carry out the so-called laying of aerated concrete blocks for “freezing”, when the wall built remains unloaded until the onset of above-zero temperatures, the aerated block is heated, winter glue or winter mortar is heated, a liquid phase of water is formed, which provides adhesion in the final process aerated concrete blocks and the strength gain of winter glue or winter mortar over time. But here, in this case, we must remember that laying aerated concrete walls for freezing is a special technology for masonry work; an aerated concrete wall built using this technology is not loaded until the aerated concrete walls are completely thawed, and after that, already at a positive temperature, on average about a month, the strength of the aerated concrete begins to increase cottage walls laid with winter glue from Itong aerated concrete blocks or Grasse aerated concrete blocks. An aerated concrete wall built with Ytong winter glue is subjected to laboratory strength testing at the end of the month, and only when the design strength has been achieved, an aerated concrete wall made of Ytong or Gras aerated concrete blocks built with Ytong winter glue can be loaded with loads, lintels, beams, ceilings, etc. can be mounted. d. During the period of winter masonry “freezing” with Ytong winter glue, it is necessary to carry out engineering measures to prevent loss of stability of aerated concrete walls until they reach the required design strength.

During the winter period, when constructing aerated concrete walls from Itong or Gras aerated concrete blocks, it is prohibited to use winter masonry mortars and winter adhesives with antifreeze additives of a grade less than M-50, and for freezing of a grade less than M-100.

The height of aerated concrete walls made from Itong aerated concrete blocks or Gras aerated concrete blocks erected with “freezing” glue should not be higher than 15 m or 4 floors.

It must also be taken into account that in aerated concrete walls built from Itong aerated concrete blocks or Gras aerated concrete blocks on Itong glue using the “freezing” technology and already hardened when collecting loads and transferring them to such a wall, coefficient. The working conditions of such a wall cannot be more than 0.7

Considering that under construction conditions it is quite difficult to prepare high-quality glue or mortar with anti-frost additives, hence my advice - use winter adhesives and winter mortars produced in factories and by companies with a good reputation among the distributors of these companies.