Brick facade: possible problems and solutions. Technology of facing the facade with bricks Cladding the facade of a house with decorative bricks technology

Every owner has ever thought about exterior decoration your home.The possibilities of the modern construction market in this regard are endless. This could be wall boards, plastic and cladding facade tiles, or their combination.But one of the most popular materials for cladding is brick. Consumers always associate brick with reliability and durability.In addition, due to the variety of its colors, textures, standard sizes, and types of masonry, it becomes possible to create beautiful building facades. If you veneer an old house brick, then the old building will turn into a stylish and modern one.

How to choose a brick for cladding the facade of a house?

Facing bricks, regardless of the material, must meet certain requirements:

  • Correct geometric shape
  • Clear edge
  • Uniform shade
  • The surface must be free of cracks and delamination.
  • Frost resistance should be depending on the place of construction: F25, F35, F50, these numbers reflect the number of alternate freezing/thawing cycles during which the product does not show signs of visible damage, and the compressive strength should not decrease by more than 20%. To make the right choice based on this indicator, you need to remember the following: products with frost resistance F25 are applicable in southern regions countries, F35 – applicable in middle lane Russia, F50 - suitable in more northern areas.
  • Water absorption – no less than 6%

Comparison of ceramic and sand-lime bricks.

1. Ceramic brick. The filler in these bricks is clay. The preparation technology, compared to silicate, is more complex and time-consuming, which is why it is more expensive. The price for one varies between (depending on color, texture, shape) 10 – 25 rubles. Let's look at its positive properties:

  • Water absorption – 6 – 14%. GOST makes it possible to increase this indicator when changing the type of clay used.
  • Frost resistance – F25, F35, F50. Clinker products have this indicator equal to 100.
  • Low thermal conductivity from 0.3 to 0.5 W/m°C
  • A wide variety of textures, sizes and colors of the product, which makes it possible to cover not only the walls of the house, but also arches and columns.
  • The density of this brick is from 1300 to 1450 kg/m3, clinker - up to 2100 kg/m3. When calculating the bearing capacity of the foundation, this indicator is no less important.

2. Sand-lime brick. The filler in it is quartz sand. The cost of one brick is 7 - 16 rubles. Its characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity – 0.38 – 0.7 W/m °C
  • Frost resistance - 15 - 50 cycles, the manufacturer matters.
  • Water absorption – 6 – 8%.
  • Density – 1500 – 1950 kg/m3.
  • Large assortment of textures and colors.

At comparative analysis characteristics it turns out that positive and negative properties have both types facing bricks. In terms of density (the exception is the clinker version) and thermal conductivity, the ceramic product wins.

Therefore, if it is necessary to improve the thermal conductivity of a house (more suitable for building structures made of brick, cinder block, etc.), or when cladding a dilapidated building, a ceramic product is used to reduce the load on the foundation.

With all of the above sand-lime brick also has its advantages. It's cheaper, he has better sound insulation and absorbs less moisture. In terms of color and texture, the products do not differ much; ceramic products, in turn, have a much larger choice. The quality of the finished product directly depends on how conscientiously the manufacturer treats it.

3. Bricks made using semi-dry hyperpressing technology. For example, a product from the Bassoon brand, filled with shell rock. With other, almost identical indicators to ceramic brick, its frost resistance reaches 100-150 cycles, and it also has an increased density. The price of one brick is 17 – 38 rubles.

For various reasons, developers clad their houses. By and large, they are done to protect the wooden wall of a building, to insulate it, or to renovate an old building. The reasons are different, but facing a house with bricks correctly can only be done once.

Cladding a house with bricks

To prevent errors, you must complete the following points:

1. Calculate the required number of bricks. Having measured the area of ​​the walls (wall area minus the area of ​​the window and door), we take into account that 51 bricks are needed per 1 m2 of masonry, multiplying the resulting area by the number of bricks, we get the required quantity. This is necessary not only for drawing up estimates, but also for understanding what kind of one-time purchase of bricks needs to be made, since ceramic products purchased in the same color, but from different batches, may differ in shade.

2. If the house is frame or made of timber, then it is worth doing antiseptic treatment of the wood. It is better if you do this twice, with an interval of one day.

3. Strengthen the existing foundation and pour a new one. Bandaging of foundations is performed as follows:

  • They drill a hole with a diameter of 12 mm, a depth of 100 mm if in concrete, but if in a brick then 200 mm. This hole should be located 100mm below the top of the foundation with a downward slope of 15 to 20 degrees.
  • Periodic reinforcement of 12 mm is driven in there, so that it sticks out at least 150 mm.

  • When pouring a new foundation (recommended thickness of 30 cm), the anchors will be in concrete.
  • Waterproofing is carried out in two layers of roofing felt.

4. In order to brick a wooden house without damaging the wood, it is necessary to arrange ventilation. The wood will absorb moisture and rot, and the installed vents (calculating 75 cm per 20 m2 of area) and the presence of an air gap (30-40 mm) will create indoor conditions for the wood. This will allow wooden structures not to rot almost forever. The vents should be covered with a mesh to prevent rodents from entering.

5. We proceed to finishing the house with bricks, with the obligatory dressing of the cladding and walls of the house. If the house is made of timber, then the nails are driven into top part logs, closer to the seam between them, with the angle of the nail being about 45 degrees. A wire (soft, in two layers, the thickness of which is 3 mm) is used to connect the timber to the cladding. The wire is wrapped around a nail, which is then finished off or bent. The wire is pulled straight to the middle of the brick, then to the sides by 20 cm. Thus, the entire perimeter is tied in increments of 50 cm. There is no need to perform all the ties in one row. They can be dispersed over the entire area of ​​the wall. In the case of a frame house, ligation requires nails 100-120 mm long. Clamps are used in a block house.

6. When performing cladding ceramic products, the finished masonry is often covered with efflorescence (whitish stains). This is believed to come from the ingredients in the solution. To avoid this, professionals recommend preparing a solution from dry mixtures. Or buy Portland cement without any additives.Foreign builders advise doing masonry using cement-lime mortar; in their opinion, lime can neutralize the effect of alkali. To prepare this solution, take one part of Portland cement grade 500, mix it with 8 parts of sifted sand and add two parts of lime paste.

7. The masonry is laid from the bottom up; it is necessary to constantly check its compliance with the vertical plane using a plumb line. The seam should be no more than 10-14 mm in thickness. To ensure better ventilation, the masonry is made 1 row below the eaves of the building.

A house lined with brick will delight you with its quality of material and appearance for a long time.

Building cladding - not an easy task. This applies not only to the work itself, but also to the choice of material that will be used for finishing. Most customers prefer ready-made panels. They can be installed simultaneously with the insulation, which speeds up the process and makes it cheaper. But if you want to create a unique and unique design, then you definitely can’t do without facing bricks. Why is it called that and what types are available for purchase? This will be discussed in the article.

Why is brick called facing?

The brick got its name due to the purposes for which it is used. It is also called façade. After building a house from various types blocks, its appearance can hardly be called presentable. To improve the appearance of the facade, this type of brick is used. In its structure, it remains quite durable and can act as an independent building material, but it is also used to solve the following problems:

  • additional protection from mechanical impact;
  • reducing moisture levels;
  • additional insulation.

The construction of buildings from foam blocks has become popular. They are quite fragile, so they can easily be damaged by physical force. Facing bricks reduce the likelihood of such interference and extend the service life of building blocks. Due to their porous structure, foam blocks and other concrete materials are hygroscopic, that is, they are able to absorb and release moisture. Constant exposure to precipitation can cause building materials to crumble and become unusable. The facing brick creates an additional protective wall that prevents moisture from penetrating the walls. Facing brick softens the impact of temperature changes.

In addition, insulation can be installed in the space between the wall and the facing brick, which will reduce heating costs during the cold season. With all this, facing or facade bricks do not lose their visual appeal. The dyes used in its manufacture are resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it always possible to use facing bricks?

When purchasing facing bricks, the seller will definitely assure that finishing can be done with them in any case. But there are several factors that limit the possibility of using brick for cladding. One of them is the quality of the foundation. Weight Limit bricks for cladding can reach 4.2 kg. This means that if 620 bricks are needed per 10 m2, then the weight of such a wall will be 2.6 additional tons more. If the wall is larger and there are at least 4 of them, then the load on the base can increase significantly. Therefore, if the foundation is piled or columnar, then you will have to choose a different type of cladding.

If it is difficult to say whether the finished product will withstand strip foundation the weight of the facing brick, then you can play it safe by building another small foundation around the building, which will be used only for cladding. In the case where it is known for sure that the foundation will withstand, but a special protrusion for the facing brick has not been provided, then you can use the solution from the Jordahl company. Its engineers have developed a unique metal carcass, consisting of individual elements, which is intended to solve this problem. It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to install such a system for cladding. ordinary houses from foam concrete or other stone. A monolithic reinforced concrete base is required.

The method of constructing walls can also limit the possibility of using facing bricks. If errors have been made or used poor quality material, then the facing brick can exert a negative horizontal load. The effect will take place because the main and facing walls must be bandaged. In some cases, it is possible to use movable clamps that will compensate for the load. The width of the foundation can also be a limitation when the plans include insulation of the wall between the cladding and the main masonry. It will be necessary to increase the gap to 10 or more centimeters. Sometimes in this case it is better to use ready-made panels.

Advice! A substitute for facing stone can be clinker tiles or ready-made panels with them. It is not inferior in appearance, but has less weight and will be cheaper.

Another limitation on the use of facing bricks may be the roof. When installing it, the presence of an additional facing wall must be taken into account. If this is not done, then the overhang will not be enough to protect the space between the planes from moisture. If installing the cladding requires dismantling and upgrading the roof, then it makes sense to think about choosing a more rational method. You should not use facing bricks for a building that is being prepared for demolition. This can only aggravate the situation, since only decorative adjustments will be made, which will not increase the strength of the load-bearing walls.

Note! Some craftsmen are accustomed to making a small overhang over the base when finishing with facade bricks. It is worth remembering that its size should not exceed 1/3 of the total width of the brick. Otherwise, a collapse may occur. You should also follow a special technique for laying the first few rows, which will serve as support.

Which brick to choose for cladding

A wide choice of stone for cladding has appeared not so long ago. Several decades ago, finishing was done with silicate or ceramic stone. In some cases, it was possible to lay it on only one side, since a rough coating remained on the remaining granites. Today, manufacturers are trying to outdo each other and offer the most exclusive solution. The following subtypes of facing stone are available on the market:

  • ceramic;
  • silicate;
  • clinker;
  • dry pressed;
  • with a unique texture.

Each of them requires separate consideration to choose the best one.


Ceramic brick is the most common due to its price and availability. It is made from clay. This happens by firing in ovens with temperatures up to 1000°. In addition to the clay itself, various components are added to the stone, which may determine the color and other characteristics. The advantage of such stone for cladding is its resistance to weather conditions. It tolerates fluctuations well and has a large reserve for freezing and thawing cycles. Products may be various shapes, so there will be no problems with framing arched openings. When purchasing this type of cladding, it is necessary to cooperate with responsible suppliers and manufacturers. Cheap options have significant drawback- over time, efflorescence may appear on the surface from interaction with rainwater. When carrying out work, it is worth mixing stone from different batches, since the shade may differ slightly, which will result in stains on the facade. In the photo you can see an example of facing with such a stone.


Sand-lime brick is one of the options that has been used for quite some time; an example can be seen in the photo. Its manufacturing technology differs from the previous version. The basis is not clay, but quartz sand. It is mixed with lime and additional additives, which also include pigment dye. The shape is given to a solution containing a small amount of water. After this, the semi-finished products are placed in ovens, where the temperature reaches 200° and the pressure rises to 12 atmospheres. Thanks to this approach, the dimensions of sand-lime brick have smaller variations than the previous option. It can provide additional sound and thermal insulation. This facing stone is somewhat cheaper than ceramic, since its production is cheaper. Silicate finishing is more suitable for those regions where the climate is moderately humid. Constant interaction of stone with water leads to its destruction. This factor must also be taken into account when finishing works use special protective compounds, and also provide large roof overhangs.


Clinker brick is one of those varieties that is used to give a building a special charm. In terms of its composition, it is an improved option ceramic bricks. The difference lies in the preparation process and ingredients. The basis of facing bricks is clay. But special varieties are used that are characterized by increased plasticity. Mixed with additional additives, the base is placed in an oven and heated to a temperature of 1300° C. Under the influence of this temperature, the clay takes on a monolithic structure. This explains the high resistance to moisture and the minimum percentage of absorption, which is at the level of 4-5%. Due to the absence of pores, brick can withstand about 1 thousand freezing and thawing cycles.

Until a certain point, clinker bricks had a limited number of color options. But with the development of technology, unique dyes were used, which expanded the range. Using clinker cladding is not the cheapest finishing option. On some types of clinker finishing, efflorescence may appear over time, which requires special detergents to remove them. In the photo you can see how high quality the cladding is.

Dry pressed

Dry-pressed brick is also called hyper-pressed. This is an interesting option, which is produced using the method from which the name comes. In the photo you can see an example of finishing a facade with such bricks. The composition includes a small amount of cement. The rest of the finishing brick mass consists of various waste in the form of shell crumbs, slag, crushed stone, marble chips, etc. After preparing the mixture, it is treated with a small amount of water. Next, the brick is placed in chambers with high pressure. In this case, it is possible to obtain the most dense structure. Such bricks are similar in characteristics to clinker bricks. To prevent the base from crumbling and the facing brick to keep its shape, it can be dried for a long time or steamed. This brick provides a wide choice color solutions. It is almost ideal in shape, because it does not deform like ceramic bricks when baked.

With texture

For the most part, facing bricks have smooth edges. Such options are easier to produce and also cost less. Sometimes it is supplemented with brick, one or more faces of which can be formed under a natural stone. An entire wall made of such bricks will look unpresentable, but certain areas can be emphasized. There are options for facing stone with a glazed surface. It is obtained by applying molten glass or clay. The component will determine whether the cladding surface will be glossy or matte. Such a stone is also an excellent solution for emphasizing certain nuances of the structure.

Note! Another type of facing stone with a glazed surface is engobe. Unlike the previous one, the components for creating the glaze are applied before the first firing. This makes the process cheaper and faster, but requires special equipment. A video about finishing the facade can be seen below.


As you can see, the facing stone is excellent option in order to highlight the advantages of the building. If you apply a design approach, then you can realize a unique idea that will delight you with its appearance every day. Some types of facing stone require some maintenance, but it is not required so often and is quite simple to produce, which should not stop you from using this type of cladding.

After completing the frame of the house, the question arises of how to decorate the facade so that the building gains expressiveness and becomes warmer. Along with plaster and siding, cladding a house with brick is often used. The facing brick itself is distinguished by its beautiful surface, correct dimensions, and a wide variety of colors and textures, so that a house lined with brick takes on an elegant and neat appearance without additional decorative details and decorations. In addition, facing a house with brick is also beneficial for functional reasons, because it protects the facade from the negative effects of weather factors and increases the sound and heat insulation of the building.

Features and types of facing bricks

The basis for the production of facing bricks is the same material that is used for the production of ordinary bricks. However, regardless of the material from which the facing product is made, it must meet the following requirements:

  • correct geometric shape (the error in length cannot exceed 4.4 mm, in width – 3.3 mm, and in height – 2.3 mm);
  • clear and smooth edges;
  • rich, uniform color;
  • the product should not have any defects in the form of chips, cracks and delaminations (the surface can be smooth, glazed or textured);
  • facing bricks can have frost resistance within F 25 - F The marking value indicates the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the material can withstand without visible damage and a decrease in compressive strength of no more than 20 percent;
  • water absorption should be below 6%.

Important: if you are laying facing bricks with your own hands, then you should know the following concepts: the long side of the product is called the spoon, the end part is called the butt, the supporting plane (the largest surface) is the bed.

The following products can be used as facing bricks:

  1. Ceramic masonry bricks in which clay is used as a filler. Compared to silicate products, the production technology of ceramic elements is more complex, which affects their price (they are more expensive). Among positive qualities These products should be listed as follows:
    • water absorption is 6-14% (this figure may be higher according to GOST, depending on the type of clay used);
    • frost resistance - from 25 to 50 cycles;
    • thermal conductivity is 0.3-0.5;
    • a large assortment of colors, textures and sizes (thanks to this, decorative parts of facades can be made from brick, arches and columns can be lined with it);
    • The density of the product is in the range of 1300-1460 kg/m³.
  1. Clinker brick has a dense structure, so it practically does not absorb moisture. However, solid clinker has greater thermal conductivity. In addition, the price of the product is higher than that of conventional ceramic bricks. Its characteristics:
    • can withstand up to 100 cycles of thawing and freezing, which makes a house lined with such bricks more durable;
    • With clinker you can not only sheathe the facade, but also use it to lay out columns, decorative belts, façade details, and make beautiful fence and use in the interior;
    • on sale big choice shapes, colors and textures of this product;
    • The density of clinker brick reaches 2100 kg/m³, so it can be used for laying load-bearing elements of a building.
  1. You can cover your house with bricks yourself using silicate products. They use quartz sand as a filler. When decorating your home with such elements, it is worth considering their characteristics:
    • water absorption of the material is 6-8 percent;
    • the frost resistance of the elements is low and amounts to 15-50 successive cycles;
    • thermal conductivity – 0.39-0.7;
    • element density – 1500-1950 kg/m³.
  1. Cladding a house with products that are produced using hyperpressing technology (semi-dry method) is very similar in characteristics to ceramic bricks, but its price is slightly higher. A striking example of such facing elements is the Bassoon brick, in which shell rock is used as a filler. Characteristics:
    • water absorption – 3-7%;
    • frost resistance from F 30 to F300;
    • strength from 1000 to 4000 kg/m³;
    • thermal conductivity 0.43-0.9.

Advice: if you take into account the characteristics of the products, it is better to clad the house clinker bricks. Although its cost is higher, such investments will quickly pay off with durability and ease of use.

Types of facing masonry

Laying facing bricks can be done different ways. There are quite a lot of them. If you don’t know how to cover a house with bricks, you can choose one of the installation options below. We will not list all methods, but only the most popular:

  1. Laying bricks with a path (spoon). In this case, the whole brick is laid with the long (spoon) side. In each subsequent row, the elements are shifted relative to the bottom row by half or a quarter of the product to ensure that the vertical seam overlaps.
  2. You can line the house with facing bricks laid block masonry. In this case, rows with spoon and bonded masonry alternate, that is, one row is laid with the long side, and in the next all elements are laid with their ends.
  3. Cross masonry very reminiscent of a block one - alternating spoon and end rows is performed. In this case, it is necessary to observe the shift of the joints by half the brick. Thus, we will get a pattern that resembles a cross - exactly above the end part of the brick there will be a spoon part, and above it again the end part.
  4. You can lay out the walls Gothic masonry, when elements with spoon and butt laying alternate in one row. At the same time, in adjacent rows the spoon is shifted by a third of the length of the brick, and the poke by half of the product.
  5. Brandenburg or chain masonry It is performed in such a way that a poke is placed in one row every two spoons. In the next row, the end parts of the bricks should be above the junction of the two spoons of the bottom row.
  6. Chaotic masonry- this is the most extraordinary method of cladding, when no order is observed and the alternation of long and short sides is not observed. If this is your first time laying facing bricks yourself, laying them in this way will greatly simplify and facilitate the task for a beginner.

Attention: when laying stone with the end part, the element is first cut in half. Thus, whole products and halves alternate.

  1. Since facing bricks must be purchased from one batch in order to avoid discrepancies in color or tone, before purchasing it you need to accurately calculate the total amount of material. This is easy to do if you find total area facades minus all openings, and then multiply the resulting value by 51 - the number of bricks in the masonry per 1 m² of wall.
  2. Before covering a structure made of timber or a wooden house, it is necessary to carry out an antiseptic treatment of all wooden elements. It is better to treat the tree twice, repeating the procedure every other day.
  3. Also, before performing this work, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation or pour a new tape next to it. To do this, do the following:
    • In the old concrete base holes are drilled to a depth of 10 cm, with a cross section of 1.2 cm. B brick foundation the depth of the holes should be greater - 20 cm. These holes should be located 10 cm below the top of the base, their pitch is 50 cm, and the angle of inclination is 15-20°.
    • Reinforcing pins made of a rod with a diameter of 1.2 cm are driven into the resulting holes. In this case, the end of the reinforcement 15 cm long should stick out from the foundation.
    • Next, a new 30 cm wide strip of monolithic reinforced concrete is poured next to the existing foundation. The reinforcement releases are bound to the frame of the new foundation and remain in the concrete forever.
    • Performs horizontal and vertical waterproofing new foundation of two layers roll material- roofing felt.
  1. Before covering a wooden house with brick, you need to install a ventilation system to prevent the wood from rotting under the cladding. To do this, between the brickwork and wooden surface must be air gap 3-4 cm wide. Ventilation ducts are also installed on the facade, the area of ​​which should be 0.75 m² for every 20 m² of facade area. To prevent rodents from getting into the vents, they are closed with special nets.

Technology for laying facing bricks

Typically, facing bricks are laid using jointing. The following technology is used:

  • Brick laying is carried out on a fine day at a temperature not lower than +5°C. You cannot perform work at temperatures below zero, as the cement mortar will change its properties.
  • Before proceeding with installation on the mortar, the stone is laid “dry”. This will allow you to determine the amount of stone that needs to be adjusted to size and select products for decorating door and window openings.
  • Before laying the first row, the base must be leveled.
  • To cut stones, a grinder with a stone disc is used. It is prohibited to chip elements with a hammer.
  • For laying, a cement mortar is used, which is prepared from 1 hour of Portland cement, 3 hours of sifted river sand and 1 hour of water. Mortar mixture must be rigid enough so that the element does not “float” during installation.
  • The mortar is applied to the flat part of the brick in a thin layer. However, it should not reach the front edge by 1 cm.
  • When making masonry, first, corner rows are made to a height of 4-6 bricks. To make the dressing more reliable, it is not recommended to use halves of a stone. It is better to take elements ¾ long.
  • A cord or fishing line is pulled between the two corners, along which the intermediate bricks are laid and leveled.
  • To prevent the facing brick from taking moisture from cement mortar, before installation, the product is moistened with water.
  • The height of the horizontal seam is 1.2 cm, the vertical seam is 1 cm.
  • To ventilate the brickwork in the bottom row, every three vertical seams, a seam is made without mortar and filled insulating material, in the upper part of the facade, ventilation is carried out due to the fact that the masonry on 1 row does not reach the cornice.
  • Every 5 rows, it is recommended to remove cement that has fallen on the front surface using a wet rag.
  • The facing layer must be attached to the walls of the building. To do this, during masonry, anchors with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 cm are driven into the walls. In this case, for each square meter of the facade plane there should be at least 45 anchors, and above window openings 8-12 attachment points are performed.
  • If it was not possible to lay dowels in the masonry of the walls of the house in advance, then dowels are driven into the walls, to which the wire is tied. It should reach the middle of the facing layer and go 20 cm in each direction. Thus, the wire is hidden inside the masonry. The installation pitch of such dowels is 50 cm. In frame and wooden houses To arrange the dressing, nails 120 mm long are used. In a block structure, clasps are suitable for these purposes.
  • When the cement has set a little, the seams are opened using a wooden rod. The solution is simply pressed in.
  • Window and door openings are always lined with bonded masonry. For greater attractiveness, you can use elements of a different shade.

Video guide for laying facing bricks:

Brick is used not only as a building material. It performs the functions perfectly facade finishing. It would seem that no one would be surprised by a brick facade, but modern manufacturers of this material have learned to create not only durable specimens, but also interesting shapes, textures, and colors.

From the name it follows that the material is used for cladding a house. They are also called front or façade, but this does not mean that manufacturers relegate strength characteristics to the background.

The brick used to decorate the walls outside must also have good performance strength. This is due to the fact that the facade is constantly exposed to serious loads, such as:

  • Mechanical damage (shocks, gusts of wind).
  • Changes in ambient temperature.
  • Atmospheric precipitation, which means regular high humidity.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Biological effects (mold, fungus, insects, rodents).

Thanks to special manufacturing technologies, a brick facade is able to withstand all the above loads. At the same time, the material remains attractive for a long time. appearance without extra costs care

Advantages and disadvantages of this finish

When choosing materials for decorating a facade, you should definitely study all the pros and cons of one or another option. Consult with professionals, contact home owners who have chosen the same finish and know how the material behaves. Internet forums are also suitable. It is advisable to visit third-party sites, and not the online store of any manufacturer.

As for brick cladding, the following advantages are highlighted:

  1. High moisture repellency.
  2. Durability and reliability.
  3. Frost resistance of the structure.
  4. Vapor permeability.
  5. Fire and environmental safety.
  6. Long service life of 50 years.
  7. Self-cleaning - dust and dirt are washed away by rainwater.
  8. Easy care.
  9. Versatility of use - suitable for both outdoor and indoor decoration.
  10. Large selection of shades and factor.

Of course, there are several disadvantages, like any other finishing material.
Let's get acquainted with them:

  • High price.
  • Low-quality products are covered with a white coating (efflorescence).
  • It is important to buy the right amount of bricks from one batch, otherwise the elements will differ in color. Although some people specifically buy 2-3 shades and mix the elements during the styling process. Thus, a unique pattern is created on the facade.

After evaluating the information received, everyone decides for themselves whether this option is suitable or not.

When is it possible and when not to cladding walls with brick?

But there are several points that do not allow the use of brick

  1. Low foundation strength. Brick is still a heavy material and requires a reliable foundation. Therefore, if at first it was planned to build a frame house with a light cladding, but during operation it was decided to make the cladding out of brick, then you will have to build an additional foundation exclusively for the finishing wall.
  2. Affects the choice of cladding and the strength of the load-bearing wall. The vertical brick is connected to the supporting structure so that it does not fall to one side or the other. This means that the main wall must withstand additional load. A gas silicate base is suitable.
  3. The need to remodel the roof also weighs heavily when choosing a brick facade. The finished roof will not be able to protect the new structure.

All these nuances significantly increase the price of an already expensive cladding. If the house is old and cannot withstand such loads, then it is better to use easier options for renovation, for example, basement siding with imitation brick or ceramic tile for the facade. A curtain façade is used.

It is better if the brick facade is included in the design of the new house. Then, when constructing a facing wall according to the drawing, unexpected costs or situations will not arise. Plus, when everything is planned and executed correctly, the structure will be much stronger.

Types of bricks for wall cladding

Modern market building materials offers types of facing bricks, which differ in the composition of the initial components and production method. But this does not mean that they are different and specifications. All values ​​are located approximately at the same level. Only the appearance and colors differ. Therefore, we will consider several popular options.


The main raw material for the manufacture of such bricks is clay of different grades. Several additional substances are added to the main component, which slightly improve its quality. The material is created solid or with cavities. Strength does not depend on the presence of cavities; rather, the thermal insulation function improves.

They mainly offer a range of shades from brown to orange and yellow, which is related to the raw materials. No dye is added to this type of brick. The surface of the elements can be glossy or matte. Production features are as follows:

  1. Thorough mixing of all components, especially if several types of clay were used.
  2. Molding of blanks.
  3. Firing at a temperature of 800–1000 degrees.

But even if the same type of clay is used, the shade of individual elements differs, and this is due to the following factors:

  • Insufficient quality batch.
  • Raw materials from the same quarry often differ in composition and color.
  • Temperature fluctuations. The higher the workpieces were heated, the darker the brick would turn out.
  • The duration of heat treatment is the same dependence as in the previous version. The longer it burns, the darker it gets.

The disadvantage of ceramic bricks is the frequent occurrence of efflorescence. The presence of such white spots is associated with low-quality raw materials or short firing time. The composition of the adhesive is also an influential factor. For the solution, select only high-quality components.


This is another version of ceramic brick, but differs from its predecessor in the following manufacturing aspects:

  1. Only refractory types of clay are selected.
  2. Pigments are added to the mix, which allows you to make bricks of different colors.
  3. After formation, firing is performed at more high temperatures about 1300 degrees. The material becomes durable and can withstand significant loads.

Clinker has decorative properties, but is also expensive. Everything is connected with a complex production process. In addition, the domestic market mainly presents goods from foreign manufacturers. Russian manufacturers still do not meet quality standards.


This brick consists mainly of waste from various industries:

  • limestone;
  • shell rock;
  • waste from processing natural stones;
  • slags

In order to bind all the components, add a little cement. To obtain colored ones, mineral and natural pigments are used. Hyper-pressed brick is distinguished by the process of creating products:

  1. Thoroughly knead the dry ingredients.
  2. Moisten the mixture with a small amount of water.
  3. Packaging in forms.
  4. Exposure to high pressure.

The workpieces are dried until the moisture completely disappears. As you can see, the firing process is completely absent, but this does not make the brick brittle. On the contrary, thanks to the binder, the material acquires the same strength as natural stone. Hyperpressed cladding costs a little less than clinker or ceramics, because technological process easier.

The dimensions of the parts are almost identical, which is difficult to achieve when creating previous versions. This means that it is easier to cover the façade with such material. The front side of the brick resembles torn stone, as it is chipped and broken. This texture only attracts buyers, because it is an imitation of natural


To make this option, clay is not used at all. Manufacturers choose the main components:

  • Quartz sand.
  • Lime.
  • Pigments.
  • Mineral supplements.

Before sending the blanks for firing at a temperature of 120–200 0 C, they are pressed. Such actions allow you to give the parts the correct shape with small errors in size (up to 0.5 mm). It is worth saying that sand-lime brick is also fired at increased pressure up to 12 atmospheres.

This material is much cheaper than the above types. But they are rarely used as facade cladding. This is related to:

  1. High moisture absorption.
  2. Low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Poor reaction to negative ambient temperatures.

If this option is chosen for finishing, care is taken to protect it from destructive factors. The facade is treated with moisture-repellent compounds and the roof overhang is increased.

What is Bavarian masonry?

As mentioned above, bricks from different batches differ significantly in color. In the 17th century, the Bavarians also faced this problem. They tried to select raw materials more carefully and constantly improved the manufacturing process, but nothing worked.

Then it occurred to me to sort finished products by color. Unfortunately, the desired result also did not happen. There was nothing left to do but mix all the elements of 2-4 shades and distribute them evenly over the façade so that light or dark areas do not form on the surface.

Builders noticed that houses with such a pattern looked no worse than plain buildings. In addition, the masonry gave the building brightness and attractiveness, making it stand out from the crowd. Now this style of bricklaying is considered a sign good taste, and tourists go to Bavaria to admire the ancient buildings.

Photos of beautiful brick house designs

Examples using bricks

Some people like brickwork, and the owner strives to recreate such a facade in any way - using facing bricks or materials that can imitate this cladding. Others try to escape from standards and disguise brick walls by any known method.

There is no arguing about tastes, since everyone has their own vision of beauty. Therefore, we will consider several options for facades decorated with brick, but in different interpretations and styles.

Universal brick facade

Brick is such a versatile material that it is even used for finishing houses with columns, arches, stucco molding and others. facade decor. At the same time, the building will not lose its attractiveness, but on the contrary, it will sparkle with new colors, and at the same time it will not look vulgar or tasteless.

A correctly selected shade of cladding elements, as well as texture, will only emphasize the taste and status of the owner of the house. Therefore, turning to brickwork As a façade renovation, you don’t have to worry about whether the building will be as beautiful. No, it won’t, but it will become completely new!

Painted brick, external walls of different colors

With the help of paints and varnishes they transform a brick facade that has already become boring. But be careful when choosing this method of decorating a private building. The paint penetrates deeply and unevenly into the structure of the brick, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

As you know, paint is not a material with a long service life, therefore, once a brick facade has been painted, it must be maintained in an attractive appearance every 3-5 years, depending on the type of paint chosen. In addition, some types cover the facade with a durable film that does not allow moisture to pass through. interior spaces. This will negatively affect the base material.

If this option is suitable and does not frighten the owner, then there are no limits to imagination. There are a large number of facade paints already tinted or white, which can be pigmented. The pigment is chosen from the same manufacturer as the paint.

No more than three shades are combined on the façade. Contrasting colors are used to highlight window and door openings, porches, etc. For selection color range take advice from fashionable construction publications, their online counterparts or professional designers.

All options have photo galleries where they select ready-made option or create a completely new one at the request of the client. It is quite possible to do the painting yourself, but if the building is large, two-story, then it is better to resort to the services of a professional team with the appropriate tools and equipment.

Whitewashed brick

One of the options for painting the facade is to apply whitewash to the brick. This method of decorating exterior houses will achieve an aged effect. Whitewashing of bricks was often used in English villages, so those who are interested in this style cannot do without whitewash.

For whitewashing, a mixture of lime and table salt is used. If you add a small amount white cement, then the layer will be more durable and will last longer.

Energy efficient brick

The energy efficiency of this material lies in the ability to heat up for a long time, and then transfer heat to the environment. Thus, we have the following:

  • In the summer, the facade warms up in the sun, but the heat does not penetrate into the rooms, so it remains cool there.
  • IN winter time heated interior walls I don’t let heat outside, but at the same time they retain heat inside the rooms for a long time.

Buildings with a long service life require wall insulation. Therefore, when laying decorative bricks, a small gap is left between the main and outer (decorative) walls. Insulating material is placed in this gap, taking into account the ventilated gap.

If this is not done, moisture will accumulate in the thermal insulation material, which will lead to destruction. In addition, the walls inside the rooms will also be damp. And if you leave a gap, then there is no need to additionally ventilate the room.

Natural beauty

Synthetic materials are rarely used to make facing bricks. Therefore, such cladding remains natural and absolutely safe for human health, as well as for the environment. If to create a finish bright colors and add dyes, then they are most likely natural mineral origin.

Naturalness is always in fashion, and now, when the world stuffed with synthetic substances, you want to lock yourself in country cottage or city one-story house from natural ingredients.

Playing with texture

Brick goes well with different materials that have an original texture. It makes no difference whether there are wooden tiles or decorative elements on the metal façade, a stone path or a plinth and corners trimmed with stone. The brick facade will emphasize the originality of the finish.

You can finish several elements with plaster and leave a clean facade, which looks good. In addition, brick goes well different types and shades on one house. You just need to skillfully select a separate area.

Mix tiles and bricks

If there is a large amount of green space around a house with an attic, then untreated brick is suitable as a finishing for the facade. The roof is covered with unpainted tiles. This method of decorating the facade will create coziness throughout the entire area and convey the spirit of the forest thicket.

Handmade brick

Now all bricks are made in factories and in large batches. Previously, everything was done manually without the use of sophisticated equipment. If you want to make your house stand out from the general mass of buildings, you can do everything the old fashioned way.

Mix the solution, pour into wooden molds and fire over a fire. By washing away the unevenness on the bricks with sand, they create an original velvety texture. Such blocks will aesthetically embellish the facade and convey the spirit of an ancient mansion.

Modern brick

The versatility of the brick facade allows it to be used for modern buildings in the style of minimalism. Various colors and textures are suitable for creating an accent both on the facade and inside the room. In addition, there is nothing wrong with completely covering the facade.

Is it worth doing the cladding yourself?

The process of laying bricks is quite complex. Without experience in this field, do flat wall It is almost impossible to do horizontally and vertically. Moreover, there are also features of the formation of external decorative wall. It is necessary to make flexible connections and leave ventilation gaps between the elements. It is very difficult to control everything. In addition, the work will not go quickly.

Therefore, you should not tempt fate and transfer expensive bricks and mortar, but immediately hire a professional team of masons. Finding good workers will also be difficult. Check with your friends or neighbors, maybe there are people like them in their circle. And be prepared for the fact that the cost of performing the work is also not cheap.

The facade of a house is like a person’s appearance; it is used to form an impression of the owner. Despite the variety of options presented on the construction market, facing the facade of a house with brick has been and remains the most solid and popular way decorate the home.

Today we have accumulated sufficient experience in carrying out this procedure, and we will talk about it.

Facing brick and rules for its use

The building block used for cladding buildings is not an ordinary one building brick. This material has a number of distinctive qualities: correct form, a certain surface texture, workmanship and decorative properties. For construction load-bearing structures this material is usually not used.

Another one distinguishing feature facing material- this is its price. This material is much more expensive than ordinary brick, so it is used to a limited extent.

Most often, ceramic building blocks, double silicate bricks M 150, foam concrete, various building blocks. Next, the walls are in one layer, and you can use insulation, or you can discard them.

Even ordinary building with the simplest architecture, after cladding it takes on a completely different look, becomes more expensive, more beautiful, more solid.
Moreover, this material is combined with almost any design style and architectural trends, from classic to modern styles.

Among other things, when using cladding, you should remember the load on the foundation that it will create. Therefore, when designing a structure, this point must be taken into account. Old houses can be clad, which perfectly imitates brick finishing and does not create such a significant load on the foundation.

Brick facade structure

As can be seen in the diagram, brick cladding of the facade of the house is carried out using a certain technology:

  • The cladding layer rests on the foundation;
  • Between the cladding layer and the load-bearing walls leave ventilation gap as in a ventilated façade to remove condensate;
  • The cladding layer is tied to load-bearing walls using wire or metal fastenings as rigid as possible, at least 5 connections per square meter;
  • A special hole is left in the masonry at the bottom to drain condensate;
  • There is also a hole at the top for air circulation;
  • The masonry is done in a special way: ventilation gaps are left in it.

It becomes clear that facing facades with bricks should be done experienced craftsman, which will be able not only to lay each block beautifully and geometrically flawlessly, but to maintain the row design features this procedure.

Laying this layer with your own hands without the appropriate experience is unwise, since you simply cannot lay out the layer beautifully and correctly without some practice.

Ventilation gaps

Another feature of the facing material is the need for ventilation windows when laying it. Cladding the facade of a house with brick without such measures can lead to a greenhouse effect, since this material does not allow air and steam to pass through well.

Gaps are left in every 3-4th vertical seam by not filling these seams with mortar. Also, do not forget about the holes at the bottom and top of the wall for air circulation and condensate drainage. These measures will help make the walls breathable, which will extend their service life and increase the comfort of living in the building.

Stages of cladding work

The instructions for carrying out work on facing a building with bricks assume the following sequence:

  1. First you need to accurately calculate required amount material, since you can’t buy more of it afterwards - the tone will be different and the house will be ugly. 10% for defects is added to the calculated quantity;

  1. We make a trial laying: lay out no more than 1 m² of wall, checking the texture of the mortar and determining how to fill the joints;
  2. Determine the recipe for preparing the solution. Changing the solution during operation is not recommended, and categorically! Otherwise, different areas will differ from each other, which will spoil the appearance of the building;
  3. It is better to use regular masonry mortar with a thick consistency. Refrain from working in cold weather and other antifreeze additives, they can lead to efflorescence on the walls;
  4. In order to make sure that the corners are bandaged correctly and not to make a mistake when calculating the quantity, you can lay a trial row dry, i.e. without solution;
  5. For color uniformity, material from different pallets should be used simultaneously;
  6. Before laying, each block is immersed in water. This allows you to clean its surface from dust and at the same time saturate it with water, which will lead to normal solidification of the solution. The fact is that dry brick quickly draws water from masonry mortar, as a result, it crumbles and dries out;
  7. Take breaks from work. This will allow you to observe the process from the outside and promptly detect defects or shortcomings.