DIY bottle skittles. Game “Fairytale bowling. Assembling a bowling ball

The master class is designed for educators and parents

Target: Teach children the basic rules of the game. Practice strong and sharp rolling of the ball into the pins. Develop your eye.

Tasks: Develop endurance, speed, strive for the intended goal.

Purpose: making skittles from plastic bottles for registration of the preschool educational institution site.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", " Artistic creativity», « Physical Culture", "Socialization".

This educational toy can bring many benefits to a child. It develops the child’s coordination and accuracy and helps him learn to achieve goals.

Bowling for children is becoming increasingly popular among our compatriots today. The goal of children's bowling is to throw the ball in such a way that it knocks down the pins standing at a certain distance. The game develops accuracy, dexterity, trains muscles, gives joy and fun. The task is to knock down the maximum number of pins. Points are awarded for knocked down pins; whoever scores the most points is the winner. You can play bowling for children in teams.

Our skittles promote the ability to recognize emotions. The child learns to see a smile, anger, cry, surprise.


Plastic bottles

Multi-colored paints (enamel)

We paint the bottles in different colors.

We draw on them the types of human emotions (surprise, joy, anger, etc.)

Pour sand into our skittles, about halfway

Here are our skittles ready

Let's start the most long-awaited moment of the game of “Fun Bowling”. Children don’t just play on the street, they train accuracy, dexterity, and learn what emotions a person can have and get a lot of joyful emotions from this.

This bowling game can also be played with your feet.

All children love bowling - it's fun, competitive and interesting. But it’s even more interesting for children to play bowling, which they created themselves!

Crafts made from plastic bottles are a flight of imagination for children and parents. In this article we will teach you how to make a craft from plastic bottles, a bowling set, almost for free.

We will teach you how to quickly and practically for free make your own bowling set that will be completely safe for kids. There will be no small parts, no sharp corners, and the paint you use will be inside the bottles, not outside, which means kids won't be able to accidentally lick or scrape it off.

All you need is 10 identical small plastic bottles, acrylic paints 10 different colors, a little water, one ball and, if desired, glue.

How to make crafts from plastic bottles, photo

Remove the caps and rinse the bottles thoroughly.

Find acrylic paints, preferably 10 different colors, but you can use any other color scheme.

Pour a small amount of paint into each bottle (see photo). If your paints are quite thick, you can add a little water to each bottle - about 1 tablespoon. This will give you the opportunity to properly shake the paint in the bottle. But be careful not to make the paint too thin, otherwise it will not cover the sides of the bottle evenly enough.

Screw the lids back on. Shake each bottle well to distribute the paint over the entire surface of the bottle. Kids just love this stage!!!

Unscrew the lids and pour out any excess paint or water. Leave the opened bottles to dry overnight. When they are dry, close them.

If you are worried about your children opening the bottles, you can use plastic glue to glue the caps to the necks.

Your craft from plastic bottles is ready! Now place the pin bottles on the track and go for the strikes!


Hello friends! Do you play bowling? I suspect that the proportion of positive answers will not be large: some do not have the opportunity (not everywhere there are bowling centers), while others do not have the time or desire. To be honest, until recently I would have answered this question in the negative. But now we have our own cardboard bowling alley at home, almost like a real one, on a 1:1 scale. Shall we play? :)

Master class: DIY bowling ball and pins

But before you indulge in the excitement of bowling, you still need to make playing equipment. For this we need little.

Materials and tools:

— sheets of A4 size office paper (for printing templates);
— corrugated cardboard about 3 mm thick;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- metal ruler;
- pencil;
- glue stick;
- double sided tape.

And here are the templates that will help you cut quickly and accurately necessary details:

You can learn or refresh your memory about the technology of using templates for cutting out parts from cardboard in the “Do it yourself doll rocking bed” master class.

When cutting, orient the templates in accordance with the recommended direction of the waves of the corrugated layer (this is indicated on the templates).

1. Assembling a bowling ball.

The best thing about the construction of the ball and pins from cardboard is that they do not need to be glued at all, they fit together like a puzzle. Therefore, we simply cut out a set of parts, and then it’s pure pleasure!)

Paired parts can be cut out by folding the cardboard into 2 layers with the right sides facing each other - this is faster. For convenience, you can number the round parts with a pencil.

First we put it on one of the parts Ш-6 all round parts.

Tip for perfectionists: If you combine the pattern of cuts of round parts, the product will turn out more perfect. :)

WITH opposite side insert the second part Ш-6.

The cardboard ball is ready!

2. Assembling bowling pins.

It is very important here to number each part immediately after cutting, otherwise it will not be surprising to get confused. By the way, keep in mind that pairs of vertical parts differ slightly in transverse dimensions.

First, insert the round parts into the slots of the vertical part from the first pair Kv-1.1 - Kv-1.2. Round parts are numbered from top to bottom.

Insert the second one vertical part from the first pair.

And we finish assembling the pins.

After this, all that remains is to make 9 more pins (or less if the space for playing is not enough) and the start of the bowling championship can be announced.

Now, if you have some corrugated cardboard and a passionate desire to play a great game with friends and/or family members, you know what to do and how to do it.

The main advantage of cardboard bowling is that you can play it anytime and anywhere - in an apartment, in a yard, in a country house or even in an office. And of course, this is a game for all ages!

In addition, when disassembled, the pins and ball can be transported with you without any problems. For example, if you go on vacation, you always have a cardboard bowling alley with you. :)

Happy and active to you summer holiday!

Yours Inna Pyshkina and the KARTONKINO team.

Yana Ustinova


Teach children the basic rules of the game. Practice strong and sharp rolling of the ball into the pins. Develop eye and accuracy.


Develop endurance, speed, contribute to the formation of the desire to strive for the intended goal.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Physical education”, “Socialization”.

This educational toy can bring many benefits to a child. It develops the child’s coordination and accuracy and helps him learn to achieve goals.

Bowling for children is becoming increasingly popular among our compatriots today. It was in this variation that I added fairy-tale characters, they make the game brighter, allow you to remember fairy tales during the game, and discuss who is depicted on the pin. Playing such bowling is not only useful, but also pleasant.

Purpose of the children's bowling game:

throw the ball in such a way that it knocks down the pins standing at a certain distance. The game develops accuracy, dexterity, trains muscles, gives joy and fun. The goal is to knock down the maximum number of pins. Points are awarded for knocked down pins; whoever scores the most points is the winner. You can play bowling for children in teams.

For younger children I use empty bottles to make it not difficult to knock them down, the main thing here is to hit the pins with the ball accurately, and for older children you can pour a little sand into the pins, then it will be more difficult to knock them down and you can train not only in accuracy, but also in the force of the blow.


Plastic bottles

Multi-colored numbers, pictures of fairy-tale characters.

Publications on the topic:

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Do you like bowling? So why not build a bowling alley in your backyard? Today we’ll talk about how to assemble a path with your own hands and prepare everything for an exciting time with your friends.

If you have the opportunity to allocate some space on your site, then this idea is just for you. A great addition for holidays, weekends or just friendly get-togethers with barbecues and entertainment. You can easily organize competitions among friends and neighbors.

Let's start with a list of materials and tools that will be required to assemble the bowling alley.


  • floorboard (preferably with grooves and smooth);
  • board 150-25(30) mm (preferably processed protective equipment);
  • sheet of plywood, 12-16 mm thick;
  • wooden slats 25x30 mm or 25x50 mm;
  • black wood screws 6x100 6x75 and 6x35;
  • hooks with self-tapping screw;
  • 10 mm rope and rope;
  • carbines;
  • lighting(lamp with sockets or LED strips with power supply).

Tools you will need:

  • saw or jigsaw;
  • tape measure and level;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • wood drills - regular and feather, with a diameter of 18 mm.

The presented pictures show in detail the design of a bowling alley. From all angles, you can put together a complete picture of how to assemble it in your own backyard.

As the top covering of the path, you can use hardwood, lining or even laminate, the main thing is that there are no gaps between the elements if possible. You can use a grinder. Although, as can be seen, original track not particularly smooth - maybe in order to make the game easier, after all, it’s all for fun.

Installing the pins on this track is as easy as shelling pears - just pull the rope stretched along the entire structure, and they will fall into place. The balls always return to the place where they were thrown, if in the chamber with the pins and the back edge along the floor is made slightly sloping to one side.