Paintings for a teenage girl's room. Room design for a teenage girl (65 photos). Original textiles in the interior of a children's room for a girl

Adolescence 12-16 years is the period of formation of a person’s personality. Therefore, it is very important to give a teenager the opportunity to grow and develop in an environment that will help him feel comfortable and at ease. Here we have selected design ideas for rooms and its individual parts that will help create perfect room for a teenage girl.

A teenage girl’s room should inspire her to come up with new ideas, work on her homework, and also give her the opportunity to have a good rest and spend time with her friends.

  • The main thing to remember when arranging a girl’s room is: this is her personal territory, and she has the right to choose exactly the design she likes.
  • You can advise something, say your opinion, but don't force it.
  • Even if the colors or some decorative elements chosen by your teenager seem absurd to you, remember that this is not your room.

Indeed, during this period it is very important to feel that your opinion is valued and respected, and that you have the right to self-expression.

Princess room

Many people think that a girl’s room should be pink. Of course this is not true. The color scheme can be very diverse, depending on what colors the girl likes. A room should be made pink only if this color is truly her favorite and the girl will be comfortable in such an environment.

In this case, you can make a real one princess room with big bed and lush curtains, where there will also be a huge mirror.

The princess room style can be achieved using other colors, such as beige. Lush furniture, curtains and the rest of the decor remain the same as in the pink version described above, just now they will be in a different color scheme.

Remember that in the room it is not only her that is important appearance, and also convenience. For example, the mattress on the bed must be of very high quality, because during this period the spine and posture are formed, and sleep has a great influence on this.

For the same reason, pay attention to the environment of the workplace: the correspondence of the height of the chair and the table, its lighting. If at some point you have to choose between convenience and design, then consider in detail all the pros and cons.

Room with furniture - wall

Now let's look at more practical option. Rooms with wall furniture are very comfortable and functional. Here the space is used to maximum advantage, which is especially suitable for small spaces, as well as for teenagers who like things to be organized.

The following two options wonderfully display a room with the correct arrangement of furniture, where workplace perfectly lit.

There are times when it is not convenient to place a table near a window, but then it should be good artificial lighting. In general, the issue of room layout should be treated quite scrupulously, thinking through various possible nuances.

The next two options are the same room with different wallpaper options on the walls. As you can see, they are colorful, but not too bright. Slightly muted colors allow you to relax and do not distract attention.

In the first, the bed and shelves are in the same niche, so it creates the impression of a wall. Near the other wall of the room there is a closet up to the ceiling, which allows you to leave enough free space in the middle of the room.

In the second option, there are many drawers at the bottom and side of the bed for storing things, and a shelf above the bed. Also pay attention to how the bed and desk are connected to each other.

Room with double bed

The width of the bed is an individual choice for each person. If the room is large, you can install a double bed without hesitation; if it is small, then you should consider the option of a single bed or a folding sofa. After all, in a small area, a double bed will greatly reduce the free space. So think about this issue when planning.

Room with single bed

If you chose the latter between a double bed and an extra bed, then this has its advantages: the girl will have a place to exercise, dance, or have a pajama party with her friends. You can also put one-and-a-half bed, a compromise between the two options.

Room for two girls

If there are two girls in the family and there is no room in the house for two separate rooms, then plan one room so that each girl has her own place and they both feel comfortable together. The room should have two beds and two workstations, and a wardrobe divided into two equal parts. If two beds do not raise questions, then the importance of separate work stations is sometimes ignored, making one, which the girls take turns taking turns. But it’s better to have two small but separate tables, so as not to violate personal space and not give an unnecessary reason for quarrels.

In such a room, the issue of storage space is more pressing, so the best option would be beds with additional space for things, wardrobes up to the ceiling, etc. furniture should be compact and functional.

You can put two separate single beds, or one bunk bed. Last option helps save room space, and many children and teenagers like to sleep on the second floor.

You can also make curtains on the beds, giving girls the opportunity to isolate themselves if desired and be alone with themselves.

Room with extra bed

As teenagers, girls sometimes like to spend the night with their friends. Or for them to come visit them. So that she has the opportunity to invite her girlfriends in herself, you can put an additional folding couch or chair in the room. They will mainly be used as a seating area and will quickly turn into a bed when guests arrive. By the way, you can put an additional one in the room on the other floor. Water for quarrels. di. le krova

Room decoration

Decorating a room is a creative process that brings out a teenager's personality. There are many different decorations, but basically they are divided into those that need to be taken into account during renovation, and those that can be invented later. Pictures and similar decorations can be changed as many times as you like, but the color of the walls needs to be chosen carefully, because this is for a fairly long period.

Bright wall: painted or photo wallpaper

You can make one bright wall, for example, hang photo wallpaper or paint it. In this method, it is important that only one wall is bright, otherwise the room will be too colorful. For more, see the larger material.


Shelves can serve not only as additional storage space for books or other decorative items, and themselves act as room decoration. To do this, make some kind of shelves original form, or paint them a bright color. Convenient and beautiful!

Moreover, the shelves do not have to be large; they can be just a few separate small cells.

Paintings or photographs

Probably the most popular way wall decorations. This option is convenient because the pictures can be changed as soon as the desire arises. This also includes a variety of panels and other decorations that are hung on the wall.

Interesting scenery

In fact, anything can be included here: extraordinary wall decorations, chandeliers, mirrors, etc. If a girl likes to make some items with her own hands, then this is also a wonderful way to make the room beautiful and original.

Dividing a girl's room into zones

Here we will separately look at several areas that should be in a teenage girl’s room.


Schoolchildren spend a lot of time sitting at their desks during lessons, and at home they again need to sit at the table and do homework. Since the spine and posture are formed during adolescence, it is important to choose the correct height of the table and chair so that the child sits correctly:

  • It is better to install a chair with adjustable seat height and backrest tilt.
  • The table should be large enough to have enough space for notebooks with textbooks and for the correct position of hands when writing.

Another very important point is lighting. Many people experience poor vision precisely because of improper lighting in the workplace. It is best to place a table near a window; if this is not possible, compensate for this with a good table lamp with a bulb that is correctly selected in terms of brightness.

This last piece of workspace advice has nothing to do with physical health child, but affects him psychological condition, mood, and therefore, accordingly, the desire to learn and complete tasks. This refers to the appearance of the workplace. It shouldn’t be too bright and colorful, but it shouldn’t be gloomy either, because despondency is not the best incentive to learn. Can be hung on the wall near the table beautiful pictures or photos, put next to them small plant, pick up original stands for pencils and stationery, etc.

Sleeping place in the nursery

It has already been mentioned here about the importance of a high-quality mattress so that the spine is in the correct position during sleep, and the sleep is sound and healthy. In addition to the mattress, pay attention to the pillows: their fillings and size. The bed can be either a single or double bed, depending on the teenager's choice.

Near the bed you can put:

  • a small nightstand, convenient for placing a glass of water, an alarm clock,
  • and other small things that may be needed.
  • You can also put a lamp (how to do it - tutorial here) if the girl likes to read before bed.

We also recommend establishing the following rule: the workplace is separated from the sleeping area. This means that a teenager should not take a laptop or textbooks to bed (with the exception of watching a movie, for example). Firstly, if you sit at a laptop or textbooks on the bed, you develop incorrect posture, and secondly, the bed will not be a full-fledged resting place.

Regarding the design, choose beautiful bedding in colors that are not irritating to the eyes, so that the girl can calm down before bed. and the plaid is a matter of the girl’s taste.

Ottomans and floor pillows

Very comfortable and stylish thing in a teenager's room there are floor pillows and ottomans on which you can sit or lie down. We think your child will definitely appreciate this idea!

How to sew or knit an ottoman yourself - in this article

Girl's wardrobe

Adolescence for many girls is a period of experimentation in clothing styles. The main thing in a wardrobe is the ability to hang and arrange all things in a convenient order.

  • It could be a wardrobe
  • or open shelves.

It is advisable that the girl have her own closet and all her things are in one place, and not some things in the closet in her parents’ room, some in her own room, and some somewhere else.

  • You can make beautiful decorative boxes with dividers for underwear and socks; this option is also suitable for scarves.
  • Possible different variants shoe storage: in boxes, drawers, or on shelves.
  • As an option, you can use suitcases to store some things, which will also serve as a seat near the bed.

Fitting room with mirror

Perhaps the word “fitting room” sounds a little strong, because most teenagers don’t have such large rooms. But what we mean here is that in every girl's room there must be large mirror . She should be able to try on an outfit and see how she looks in it, whether she likes it or not. If the mirror is only in the shared bathroom, then don’t complain later that it is often occupied.

It does not require a complex design - it just needs to be convenient, comfortable and safe. Its design should take into account the child’s character traits and her preferences. Since the room performs several functions, it should be divided into zones: relaxation, study, games and watching programs. Despite certain rules and advice from designers, parents should take into account the teenager’s opinion - after all, she should invite guests to her place and show off her own furnishings. For examples, see the photos and videos in the article.

Features of the children's interior

When choosing a design option, you should take into account some features that are typical for teenage girl bedroom. Such rules include:

1. Even when performing several functions, the bedroom should not be overloaded with furniture and accessories. It should be light and spacious - when moving around the room, the child should not touch pieces of furniture.

3. There must be good lighting.

4. B finishing works apply natural materials, a lot of chemicals leads to the development of allergies.

Textiles for curtains and bedspreads should also be made from natural raw materials. For a good night's sleep, it is better to buy a folding sofa with orthopedic mattress. Examples can be seen in the photos and videos in the article. The chair should have height adjustment and a comfortable backrest.

It is considered not only a place of relaxation, but also a place of solitude and storage of girlish secrets. Therefore, the room should have cabinets, bedside tables, shelves, and which ones will be decided by the owner of the bedroom. A teenager's room is divided into three zones: relaxation, study, and sleeping area. To make the room comfortable and spacious, you can listen to the advice of experts:

1. To save space, it’s better to buy folding bed or sofa. And in order not to harm the child’s posture, because the spine continues to grow, it is recommended to purchase an orthopedic mattress.

2. B work area you should place a wide table so that the computer and school supplies, chair or computer chair, hang shelves for books on the wall.

3. The recreation area is simply a furniture-free space where you can listen to music, relax and dance.

4. B teenage girl's bedroom A large mirror is a must. It can be placed on the inside surface of the cabinet door or on the door.

Try not to clutter the free space - even in small room should be spacious and comfortable. The color scheme for a teenage girl is important. For the bedroom design, delicate pastel colors are chosen, and to enliven the interior, you can add details of pink, purple, light green, orange flowers. How it will look, look at the video and photo. Don't get carried away with red and brown shades.

DIY decorations

You can decorate a teenage girl’s room in an original way, taking into account her wishes and help. A simple option is to use garlands of multi-colored paper hearts; you can come up with other figures. Here you will need to cut out a lot of hearts from colored paper using a stencil and string them on a thread using a needle. Attach them to the head of the bed using an improvised cornice made from a small wooden plank. Simple but unusual decoration It will become the envy of your girlfriends and a part of your bedroom decor.


Should be well lit. It is necessary to install several lamps, in addition to the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Must be desk lamp on desk. As in the photo and video. A floor lamp or sconce near the bed, the switch of which would be easy to reach. The area near the cabinet and mirror must be illuminated. If a girl cannot sleep in the dark, then a night light should be installed or hung on the wall.

There are many ideas for decorating a room for a young girl. A little imagination and diligence and bedroom for teenage girls will shine with new colors, will be comfortable and cozy.

The personal space of a rapidly growing child has to be updated every 2-3 years, as tastes, needs and demands change. The design of a room for a teenage girl is gradually transforming from a nursery into a bedroom, with all the attributes of femininity and personal preferences. The decor gradually changes, and your favorite toys “leave” from the room one by one. If you know all the secrets, you can independently arrange a teenage girl’s room in modern style. But it is important to transform personal space taking into account her tastes and preferences.

For a teenage girl, the interior of her room is a way of self-expression

Over time, cribs and sofas become small, and the teenager’s legs rest against the sides and backrest. The time has come for a radical transformation of the interior of a girl’s room. They often turn to professional designers for help or advice. Everything can be done competently and beautifully, if you take into account the important points.

When choosing the design of a room, you will have to combine the wishes of the child, the laws of design and the knowledge of the parents into one whole.

It makes sense to immediately install a bed designed for an adult, so that you don’t have to change it later

In the design of a room for a teenage girl from 14 years of age, the important principles of the design of children's playrooms remain a priority:

  • safe and functional pieces of furniture;
  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • textiles from natural fibers or mixed fabrics, where synthetics are mixed for practicality;
  • the decor corresponds to age characteristics, something made with your own hands or reflects the girl’s hobby;
  • the color scheme is acceptable for perception, without overloading the psyche, with bright emotional accents;
  • zoning rules are followed so that everything you need is at hand;
  • sufficient lighting, including illumination of local areas;
  • The interior of a teenager’s room (girl or boy) is designed in the same style.

The child quietly becomes a teenager and in some respects often surpasses his parents. The furniture in this room must withstand heavy loads. High school students play pranks like children, and have the same body weight as adults, especially if they tend to be overweight.

The table should be placed in the brightest place, that is, by the window

Attention! Teenagers often try smoking secretly from their parents. No less important is the fire resistance of materials - upholstered furniture upholstered in non-flammable fabrics.

The closet should be spacious enough, preferably with mirrored doors.

Playing and jumping on bed frames or sofa springs can cause damage and injury to teenagers. Most often this happens when two children are forced to share a common room. of different ages. The interior of a room for a teenage girl has much less load, but the furniture must be reliable and safe.

Although there is less space allocated for the playing area, it is imperative to leave free passages. The young daughter no longer rushes around the apartment with childish enthusiasm, but with sudden movements it is easy to get injured, hitting sharp corners of furniture or interior items.

Age characteristics and nursery design for a teenage girl

Adolescence is the most difficult and unpredictable not only for parents, but also for the growing daughters themselves. Their interests are unstable, their moods are changeable, their desires are unpredictable. It is very difficult to please with finishing materials and decor when deciding what the design and renovation of a room for a teenage girl should be.

A teenager is a very fastidious creature and is extremely difficult to please.

Attention! Parents are obliged to listen to their daughter’s wishes, making slight adjustments based on their capabilities. It is not so important what they want, it is important to know what the teenager categorically does not accept. You can compromise on color or decor, but choose the quality of materials, texture and cost of decorating a teenager’s (girl’s) room yourself.

Surely the girl’s head has already formed some kind of idea about her room.

Psychologists have noticed that girls (over 13 years old) dream of revealing their individuality, which should be reflected in her room. The search for oneself finds an unexpected reflection in the decor. On one shelf, at the request of the schoolgirl, the following can coexist:

  • favorite dolls and romance novels;
  • cosmetics and beaded toys;
  • hair styling accessories and children's drawings;
  • crosses and hearts;
  • flowers made of paper and skulls made of pebbles.

In a couple of years, a lot will be filtered, the girl’s bedroom can be refurbished in a completely different way, more consciously for the daughter herself. It is important that after renovating and decorating a room for a teenage girl, the child is completely happy.

The size of the room plays a key role in making the final decision. The larger the room, the more design options there are.

Pastel colors will look good in a small room

It’s good when you and your daughter have the opportunity to choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains and decor from a catalog or in a store. It is recommended to focus on the illustrations finished interiors a nursery for a teenage girl in the style that is closest to the lifestyle, as in the photo.

What should be in a teenage girl's room: practical solutions

The design of furniture and accessories is more important to teenagers than other selection criteria, such as functionality, quality and environmental friendliness. When consulting with your child, it is important to explain why you should choose one or another model.

Most people like bunk furniture in the interiors of teenage rooms for girls, so that the bed is above the closet or desk. They like to climb up the ladder and go down the slide. But of the two furniture complexes, it is better to choose the one that combines several functions. This will help save more space in a small room.

One wall can be left free so that the girl can think about the design based on her own preferences.

Examples of multifunctional furniture for teenagers:

1. Computer desk with rack Straight and corner models, on the shelves they place stationery, papers, folders
2. Chair-bed IN assembled form takes up no more than 1 sq.m, when unfolded it is a comfortable surface for sleeping
3. Sofa bed Direct and corner sofas with transformation into 2-3 folds - a complete replacement of the bed
4. Upside-down pouffe Ottoman and coffee table - “2 in 1”, some have a niche or hiding place inside
5. Loft bed Orthopedic mattress in a box on the 2nd tier of cabinet furniture (above the closet, work area)
6. Shelves and cabinets with the formation of sections By moving horizontal and vertical planes, niches of the desired format are created

The nursery should have plenty of storage space

Multifunctional cabinets with movable surfaces are a priority; as needed, it is convenient to form compartments for things of a certain size. Such furniture is multi-purpose, its functionality varies as needed.

It is very convenient to use stackable furniture; it also helps to save space:

  • nested stools;
  • stackable plastic chairs;
  • folding drawers that form a collapsible chest of drawers (the blocks can be used as a seat or a surface for laying out large items).

A sofa bed is very comfortable upholstered furniture. But teenagers don’t like to bother with folding them out, especially girls. The easier it is to fold and unfold the sleeping block, the more likely it is that the older student will not huddle with his legs tucked under him, but will sleep fully.

The sleeping area in a girl’s room needs to be made as comfortable as possible, because the girls not only sleep on the bed, but also watch movies while lying down and keep secrets with their girlfriends

Advice. It is better to buy a folding sofa together with your child. The sales floor consultant must show the layout, giving customers the opportunity to try it out.

Some people, instead of bright modules-slides, will prefer furniture in soothing shades to match the wall decoration

In addition to the main functions teenage room and the comfort of the furniture in it, it is important to ensure that the entire environment works to maintain health. Desirable:

  • make a heated floor system;
  • consider the possibility of high-quality ventilation or ventilation of the room;
  • heating, provide a relay for determining the temperature, with the connection of additional heating, for example, from a split system or a heater with a sensor.

Good sound insulation will give a girl and her friends the opportunity to listen to music, laugh loudly and joke, without fear of eavesdropping or judgment from neighbors.

Decorating a room for a future actress

A thoughtful design of a room for teenage girls in a modern style is unthinkable without mirrors. At this age, growing daughters spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, experimenting with fashionable looks and your image.

If your daughter has handicraft skills, loves to make something from beads, paper or scraps, she needs a comfortable workspace for her hobby.

Zoning and lighting of the room

We can say that a high school girl’s room is a mini-house, where several square meters combine many functional areas:

  • a place for relaxation and good sleep;
  • a guest area with several comfortable seats near the TV or computer;
  • desktop for a computer or laptop;
  • racks or shelves for small items, textbooks and folders;
  • a place for handicrafts or hobbies;
  • sports corner (can be placed on an insulated balcony);
  • wardrobe or wardrobe with a small fitting room and mirror;
  • cosmetic or dressing table(console with mirror, dressing table).

It is better to arrange the furniture so as to organize the division into functional areas- this will save space. This arrangement is most justified in the interior of a teenage room for a girl in a modern style. The tabletop can be replaced by an extended window sill.

Ideally, the room should have three zones: for study, for relaxation and for wakefulness.

Advice. Do not forget about good lighting so as not to spoil the child’s vision. To avoid stress when reading while doing it homework, in the work area you need a table lamp or sconce that can be turned on at arm's length.

The room should have overhead lighting, lighting bedside area and good light on the desktop

Teenagers really like things that glow, shine and sparkle. Well-thought-out design of a room for a teenage girl in a modern style of 12 sq.m. (or more) is:

  • ceiling chandelier for general lighting;
  • illumination of local zones;
  • point diodes and diode strip as elements of lighting design;
  • practical lamps ( floor lamp, wall sconce, table lamp).

IN modern interior In a teenage room, a designer approach to lighting is appropriate for a growing girl. Your daughter will appreciate the effect of a starry sky above the bed or a glowing path on the floor that turns on when you step on a glass tile.

I’m planning a room for a teenage girl, don’t forget to allocate a place for creativity

It is better to choose the color of the walls or background of a teenage bedroom taking into account the lighting. On north side there is a lack of sunny color, which is compensated for by yellow, peach and orange shades. Curtains choose translucent ones. The southern windows are covered with light-filtering thick curtains in cold shades, the color of the walls is appropriate. On the western and eastern sides of the house, choose neutral tones; multi-layer curtains of an original design are suitable.

Interesting ceiling design in a children's room

What styles are suitable for a teenage girl's room?

The chosen style should not sharply contrast with the overall design of the apartment. But this decision can be more daring if it maximally reflects the character and lifestyle of the girl.

  1. Country style is more suitable for a family feeling nostalgic after moving to the big city.
  2. Provence – French elegance and rustic spirit, suitable for romantic natures.
  3. Shabby chic and boho - for lovers of hand knitwear and extravagant sewing.
  4. Informal urban style New York is for daring lovers of the urban “concrete jungle”.
  5. The decorative style of Paris is similar - for young fashionistas, with its indispensable paraphernalia of the Eiffel Tower.
  6. Neoclassicism is universal in that its canons remain unchanged regardless of any fashion trend.
  7. Modernism of the early twentieth century is often confused with the overall modern style (due to the name), but each has its own recognizable features, although postmodernism is most appropriate for girls.
  8. Urban loft and ultra-modern high-tech are the styles most revered by teenagers, but not all girls are ready to see an excess of plastic and metal in their room.
  9. Although minimalism is popular, it rarely “takes root” in the mentality and design of a room for a teenage girl.

French style is suitable for a romantic and dreamy nature

Relaxed and simple, but with lots of bright decorations, the New York style will appeal to the young fashionista

The choice of stylistic directions is much wider, but it is this that dictates the choice finishing materials, color scheme and other subtleties of interior design. It is necessary to take into account the interests and age characteristics of the teenager. Don’t be surprised or horrified if your romantic bedroom turns into a gothic “vampire’s lair” during your vacation. Hobbies for subcultures pass rather quickly if you don’t get hung up on this choice, causing even greater protest among little rebels.

Decorating a room for a young artist

Recommendations from specialists for renovating a teenager’s room

Some parents find it difficult to decide on a radical transformation of their children's room; they don't know where to start. But time flies inexorably, children grow up, we have to where to start. Best time– renovate a room with new decor for a teenage girl as a gift for a birthday or for the beginning school year.

Step 1. We decide on the color palette of the interior, taking into account the personal wishes of the daughter and the degree of illumination of the room. Taste preferences should be in harmony with the style of the interior and not strain your eyesight. The dimensions of the nursery and the amount of furniture are taken into account. Optimal solution– white walls and ceiling, as well as a classic floor with wood texture, it is the best backdrop for any environment.

Color palette option for those who like bright accents

Step 2. The choice of style, taking into account the age, interests and lifestyle of a teenage girl.

Step 3. Distribution of space for zoning and arrangement of main zones - for sleep and relaxation. This is the most romantically decorated place in a girl’s bedroom, where it is good to relax, read, communicate on social networks, dream and make plans for the future.

Romantic bedroom in attic room

Step 4. Arrangement of the workplace. It is best to arrange it near a window so that there is plenty of daylight. Next to the computer desk there should be shelves and a light shelving unit that can be used as a partition for zoning. Separate a hobby area and “display” shelves or “accomplishment stand.”

Step 5. Guest area or place for joint relaxation. It’s better to highlight a separate corner or put upholstered furniture island in the center of the room. A folding multi-seat sofa or soft corner, armchairs, ottomans and banquettes are suitable. Can't do without coffee table and TV (monitor, aquarium as an alternative). This option is also suitable for a living room combined with a teenager’s room.

If space allows, you can hang an original chair

Step 6. We choose a place for the wardrobe; if the room is small, it will have to be moved outside of it. You can solve the problem with a built-in wardrobe with sliding mirror doors. Minimum option- a chest of drawers and a large mirror above it, and a wardrobe and a niche for outerwear and take the shoes out into the hallway.

Step 7. Sports section, if there is space left. It is recommended to limit yourself to compact portable exercise equipment that can be laid out in the center of the room and put away in a closet after use.

Interior of a room with a small sports corner

Step 8. Decorating a room for a teenage girl after completion important elements design, furniture and renovation. It’s good when there is room for independent creativity - to do some of it yourself.

There are some peculiarities in organizing a teenage room for two daughters and children of different ages. The main thing is that everyone should have their own personal space and decor that matches their tastes, interests and age characteristics. More ideas in our photo gallery.

Who should decorate a room for a teenage girl? We think that the future owner of the interior can choose the overall design style, furniture and color of finishing materials. Only in this case, in the end, you will get a dream room for a teenage girl. However, you can suggest ideas for a teenage girl’s room yourself or look at them in our new article.

Age requirements

The interior of a room for teenagers, no matter whether a boy or a girl, has great importance in terms of shaping not only their taste, but also their character. The style of rooms for teenage girls will not help to radically change a person, but it can be used to make certain adjustments to a child’s behavior. When choosing a room design idea for a teenage girl, you need to rely primarily on her character, level of activity, method of self-expression, etc.


Hyperactivity is typical for modern children. Will help you get rid of hooligan habits modern room for a teenage girl with elements of classic style.


A room for a 12 or 13 year old teenage girl who likes to have her head in the clouds should be filled with functional things, as realistic as possible, requiring attention and concentration. This will help her become more diligent and purposeful.


How to decorate a room for a teenage girl who knows exactly what she wants? Everything is very simple! There is no need to make any effort and try to push your ideas to her. A room for a teenage girl of 15 or 16 years old should please her and only her, and not her mother or father.

Zoning and furnishing

A spacious room, for example, a room of 16 square meters for a teenage girl, needs to be properly furnished. It is important to determine the main zones in a teenage girl’s room:

  • Bedroom
  • Boudoir
  • Living room
  • Workplace

A children's room for a teenage girl is not just a room where she spends most of her time. This is her personal space, her own little world. And the design of a room for a teenage girl must include a “boudoir” area, where she will feel like a completely grown-up. You need to take this nuance into account when looking through numerous photos of room layouts for teenage girls.

While decorating a room for a teenage girl, Special attention You also need to pay attention to sleeping space. It should be compact, cozy and comfortable, hidden from prying eyes, even intimate. A teenage girl’s room is a kind of beginning of her adult life.

On a note: Furniture for the interior of a teenage girl’s room must include a computer desk - best option for organizing the workplace.

Choosing a style

You can’t start renovating a room for a teenage girl without deciding on the style and without finding out the opinion of the owner of the room herself. At this age, every detail matters - what kind of curtains will be in a teenage girl’s room, the color of the walls, the type of flooring. How to decorate a teenager’s room should be decided by the girl herself. There is no need to limit a child in this way of self-expression. The decor of a room for a teenage girl is her way of saying something to the world around her.

You should choose the entire room design for a teenage girl together with her. There are many examples in the photos of rooms for teenage girls, where popular stylistic trends are used:

  • Classic
  • High tech
  • Modern
  • Glamor

You can create each of them with your own hands in a teenage girl’s room. The main thing is to know the basic rules.


On the picture classic design It’s easy to highlight a few standard details in a teenage girl’s room – wooden furniture, light walls and ceiling, a lot of soft textiles, curtains with lambrequins, natural materials in decoration. Invite the owner of the room to look at pictures of rooms for teenage girls in print or online publications.

High tech

A room for a 14-year-old teenage girl in a high-tech style - not best idea, but also has the right to life. These are metal and glass in decoration and furniture, windows without curtains, smooth matte walls without decor, a minimum of interior accessories, maximum white or Light room for a teenage girl.


Small room 12 sq. m for a teenage girl in this style is an opportunity for a compromise between her desires and the capabilities of her parents. The walls in such a room can be decorated brightly, but the furniture decor and textiles will be neutral. You can’t try to impose wallpaper on a teenage girl’s room, and you’re unlikely to succeed.


The color of a glamorous room for two teenage girls can be bright and flashy. This design must be complemented soft toys, shiny accessories and mirrors.

Photo gallery

We have selected for you some beautiful photos of the interiors of rooms for a teenage girl that will help you decide on the style and type of furniture. Beautiful room is very significant for a teenage girl, so it is better to involve her in choosing a design and listen to the child’s opinion.

The schoolgirl is growing up quickly, and the furnishings of the room have to be changed to suit the interests of the growing girl. If the room does not require renovation, there is no point in radically transforming it; it is enough to think about a spectacular decor. Parents thinking about how to decorate a teenage girl’s room are advised to take the advice of professionals in order to get a stylish and aesthetic design at minimal cost.

Bedroom for a real little lady

Chandeliers in the shape of butterflies will look beautiful in a girl’s room

Light pink color would be appropriate in a girl's room

You don’t need a special reason to decorate your personal space, but it’s better to give it some justification. A great way to make your daughter feel that she is perceived in the family as an independent adult is to make decor for a teenager’s room with your own hands for her next birthday. It’s time to remove furniture that has become small from the room, remove pictures and accessories that do not correspond to age.

Preparing for the start of the school year - too good way inspect the children's room. The main goal is to reorganize the workplace and expand the sleeping area if the legs are already resting on the headboard of the bed or sofa. At the same time, it’s worth discussing at a family council how to decorate a teenage girl’s room with your own hands. All family members can be involved in the exciting creative process, and there is something for everyone.

The bedroom of a real little princess

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the interior of a children's room

The hardest thing to come to is general decision regarding the design concept, since parents are conservative, children are radical. But one cannot help but take into account the teenager’s opinion; ultimately, everything is done for the children, and better yet, with the involvement of the children themselves in the decoration.

If a teenager is interested in graffiti, fencing painting, or Murak painting on a serious level, it makes sense to allocate one prepared wall for the author’s “masterpiece.” Teenagers will certainly appreciate the disposition of their parents towards them, this The best way improve relationships. But one condition can be set - to approve a sketch of an inscription or wall drawing that will carry a positive content. For example, a hand-drawn dream of a trip to Paris to buy clothes or a bicycle trip to the mountains with a group of extreme sports enthusiasts.

Teenagers love to have something exclusive, and a wall with an original drawing will be a source of pride for the daughter. She will willingly show off wall paintings to her guests and friends. But such wall decoration should not be self-sufficient; it should resonate with other DIY room decor for a teenage girl. If the time has come to change curtains, lamps, furniture, old bookshelves, it is advisable that an original idea be visible in this newness.

Under the bed you can organize a place for reading and gaming

Children's room in pink color with a large bright panel

An example of a room design for a girl

What is the best way to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling?

The design concept should be such that it is easy to implement with your own hands. If you plan to repair the ceiling, you should not make it expensive, but have no aesthetic value.

Before you transform and decorate a teenage girl’s room, it’s worth discussing interesting options. For example, the ceiling and walls can be designed as open space. Another option is dark suspended ceiling with diodes will wink stars at a dreamy child. A “floating” ceiling with a glow around the perimeter is something fantastic in a futuristic teenager’s room.

Purple color in the interior of a children's room looks very beautiful

Not the wall you can hang cartoon characters

For small room on the north side this approach will not be acceptable; it is necessary to increase the amount of light and free space. Furniture is a minimum; floors, walls and ceilings should be light. Decor and textiles choose cheerful shades in warm colors.

On south side It is better to dim the light with thick curtains cold palette. It’s easy to do all the decor for the room with your own hands, when it’s a pleasure for a girl to decorate it to her liking. Effect open sky will create matte ceiling light blue, and you can make voluminous clouds with your own hands.

This room design is perfect for a girl.

Functional bedroom for a little girl

For the development of the child, you can hang a drawing board

Collages, inscriptions and wall panels

The main decor is usually placed on the walls. There is a lot of scope for implementing ideas for decorating a teenager’s room with your own hands - all this can be hung on a vertical plane. Inscriptions, extravagant drawings and homemade accessories are most often dispelled:

  • at the head of the bed;
  • near the entrance (door);
  • opposite the sleeping plane;
  • on a solid wall without furniture;
  • at the work surface or table top.

Romantic teenagers like to decorate the room with the word “LOVE”, which can be done using any technique. Letters made of plywood coated with gold look creative spray paint or upholstered with large sequins.

You can hang pictures with cartoon characters on the wall

Butterflies will look harmonious in such an interior

The inscriptions “LOVE” can also decorate the space at the head of the bed, written on the wall or wallpaper in different fonts and colors. Your daughter will certainly appreciate this kind of DIY room decor. The names of different cities and fashion brands look no less interesting.

Walls can be decorated in different ways:

  • collage of selfies and family photos;
  • a silhouette drawing of your favorite artist or singer on the wall;
  • mosaic canvas on a favorite theme;
  • decorating mirror frames using improvised means;
  • homemade flowers from fabric and paper in hanging planters from plastic bottles;
  • flower pots in knitted “outfits” on glass shelves, etc.

Homemade decor can be a lot and modestly, in moderation, but it is important that it is in harmony with the furniture, textiles and lighting.

A girl's room should be bright and functional

Wood in the form of shelves for books

Bright room design for a girl with drawings

Room color scheme

Too much bright colors in the decor of a girl’s room are not always appropriate. If your daughter’s every day is full of emotions, events and varied activities, then there should be a relaxing environment at home. Teenage girls often complain about bad dream, cannot fall asleep in the evening and have difficulty waking up in the morning, feel lethargic all day, and after communicating with peers they cannot concentrate on doing the simplest activities. In this case, you should not look for the problem in the fact that the type of sleep and wakefulness is “night owl”.

On the other hand, owls are a fashionable motif for decor; they can decorate a daughter’s bedroom in any way:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sofa cushions;
  • wall pictures.

Owls can be a silent reminder to go to bed earlier.

It is better to arrange the personal space of a young girl in pastel colors or in blurred shades of your favorite color. Usually teenage girls like pink and purple colour, but some people prefer red and black, white and turquoise.

There should not be an excess of your favorite shade in the bedroom. It is recommended to maintain a color balance with a predominance of a light background, some bright emotional accents and graphic linear contrasts. Any DIY decor for a teenager’s room will fit well into this color harmony.

Beautiful bedroom design for a girl

You can put a bed near the window

How to transform furniture?

Children's furniture, no matter how attractive or functional it may be, gradually becomes irrelevant. The time comes to replace it or reorganize it in some way. Teenagers like most “transformers” or multifunctional modules that can be rearranged around the room.

But if we talk about sofas, teenage girls don’t like to lay them out every night before bed and put them back together in the morning. If parents do this for a small child, then as they grow older these responsibilities are transferred to the teenager. Most often, they prefer to huddle on a compact sofa with their legs tucked up on top of the bedspread, rather than using the transformation mechanism and making the bed.

If the length of the mattress is quite suitable, and the bed or sofa is outdated, it is easy to transform them into a pull-out module under the podium for computer desk. Such furniture is complemented by many drawers and shelves on which many objects are placed and original decor in the form of colored hearts.

Built-in furniture with children's themed facades does not require complete replacement, if you are satisfied with the functionality, just change the doors. Vinyl stickers do not require large expenses and efforts to produce images. These can be the same motifs or entire scenes in pictures for decorating a girl’s bedroom.

Children's room for a real princess

Chic room design for a little girl

Making a canopy over the bed

One of the simplest ways to decorate a sleeping place is to make a canopy from light transparent fabric. This tradition came from the east, but has taken root in many interior styles. There is something romantic in such an accessory, and this is one of the answers - how to decorate a room with your own hands in an original and quick way for a girl.

The canopy is made and attached in different ways, depending on the shape of the ceiling. If the children's bedroom is located in the attic, then in this way part of the surface of the sloping ceiling above the bed is draped. It may resemble clouds or the sails of a ship.

A simple garland or LED Strip Light, fixed along the edges of the canopy.

The almost weightless fabric can be gathered over the headboard or cover the entire area of ​​the bed. The choice of canopy shape should also be dictated by the style of the room and its general content.

TABLE for canopy design

The room design can be done in bright blue color

A small room with striped walls looks very beautiful

You can stick butterflies on the walls

Focus on lighting a teenager's room

Modern lighting is the best way to beat interesting ideas for decorating a teenager's room. Simple items will play in a new way with original lighting. If you are tired of the old lampshades or they look too childish, there is an opportunity to make a lamp with your own hands.

It is better to leave the socket and electrical wiring unchanged, but make the chandelier in a new way. Beautiful shadows on the ceiling are cast by a large lampshade crocheted like openwork napkins.

There are quite a few creative ideas how to decorate a girl's room unusual lampshades from improvised means. We offer a master class on making a lamp from disposable cups, fastened with a stapler.