Do-it-yourself frame for a fence made of corrugated board. How to build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands: detailed instructions for beginning builders (57 photo ideas). Necessary tools and auxiliary materials

How to properly build a fence from corrugated sheets - step-by-step instructions

Fence around country house and a plot is necessary not only to protect property, but is also an excellent way to add attractiveness to your territory.

Corrugated sheeting is ideal for constructing a fence. This material has properties such as high strength, beautiful appearance, long service life, huge selection of colors and low cost.

A fence made of corrugated sheets is easy to build by the owner himself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Selecting material for fencing

Before you begin the construction process, you need to prepare all the necessary material:

  • Support pillars. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a square metal profile measuring 60x60 mm. Suitable and round pipes, but it is important that the thickness of their walls is at least 2 mm. Wooden supports are acceptable, but they are less reliable and require special processing.
    Support pillars are placed at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. Their height is calculated from the height of the corrugated sheeting plus one meter, which will be spent digging into the ground.
  • Crossbars. For crossbars you can use metallic profile with a size of 40x20 mm, the required wall thickness is 2 mm. If the supports are made of wood, then the crossbars must be made of wood. The length of one crossbar is equal to the length of one span between the supports. They are docked in the center of the support.
    If the crossbars are longer than the span, they will have to be trimmed. On the contrary, small crossbars will need to be joined in the middle of the span, which contributes to a significant weakening of the entire structure. If the fence is less than 2 meters high, then two crossbars must be installed. Otherwise, three are installed. But for the ordinary summer cottage However, it is recommended to build a fence about 1.8 meters high.
  • Corrugated sheet. Exists special type corrugated sheeting, which is manufactured for the construction of fences. The thickness of the profiled galvanized sheet should be at least 0.5 mm, the wave height should be about 20 mm. Such characteristics guarantee the strength of the fence - gusts of wind will not bend the profiled sheet. Thinner material can also be installed, but in this case additional rigidity must be created through additional crossbars.
  • Holder plates. Necessary for assembling structures without welding. These plates are required to secure the crossbars to the support posts using bolts.
  • Pillar plugs. Required to protect support pillars from water entering them. The caps will also make the fence look more attractive.
  • End U-shaped strip. Installed as desired. It is intended for edging the upper edge of a fence made of corrugated board. It makes the fence look more complete. However, if you need to save money, you don’t have to purchase the bar.
  • Bolts. Necessary for attaching to crossbar supports.
  • Roofing screws. Required for fastening corrugated sheets. They are released various colors, so they can be matched to the tone of the corrugated board. The use of such self-tapping screws does not require drilling holes; they fit perfectly into the metal.
  • Cement, sand and crushed stone for concreting support pillars.

Corrugated fence - view from the yard

Preparing tools and calculating the fence

When erecting a fence from corrugated sheets, you should prepare the following tools:

  • tape measure and level;
  • garden auger;
  • a hacksaw or jigsaw - for cutting corrugated sheets if necessary;
  • screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws.

Fence marking

Before starting work you need to do necessary measurements to calculate the length of the fence. Correct measurement is a guarantee correct calculation necessary building materials.

It is necessary to drive pegs along the entire perimeter of the territory. If the fence has kinks, then the pegs must be installed at the turning point. Next, a nylon thread is pulled onto the pegs, at a height of approximately 20 cm from the ground. It is important that it does not sag. Then the total length of the thread is measured with a tape measure, which will be the same as the length of the future fence.

When calculating the material, it is necessary to take into account that the corrugated sheets are installed with an overlap on each other in one wave.

Carrying out installation work

First stage - installation of support pillars. First you need to install all the supports in the corners and in the places where the fence turns, then intermediate posts are placed. The frame of the future wicket and gate is done last.

The holes for the supports should have a depth of about 80 cm. The support must be driven another 20 cm into the ground. Therefore, the total depression is about one meter. The diameter of the hole is about 30 cm. To carry out this work, it is better to use a garden auger.

The supports are placed strictly vertically, using a level. Next, they need to be filled with concrete, full time hardening of which takes three days.

Installation of crossbars

The top crossbar is installed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the top edge. Bottom - 20-30 cm from the bottom edge of the fence. If there are three crossbars in the structure, then the third is attached in the center.

The crossbars are joined to each other on a support post or secured with bolts and special plates.

Fastening corrugated sheets

It is important correct installation the first sheet of corrugated board. The remaining sheets will be attached to its level. The material is screwed with four self-tapping screws to the crossbars at the point where the waves meet.

Self-tapping screws are screwed in through two waves. A sparser fastening will make the structure fragile, it will knock in strong winds. To ensure an even position of the screws, it is recommended to stretch a nylon cord as a level.

It is important to be careful at this stage. A big risk is damage to the polymer coating of the corrugated sheet. If this happens, the scratch must be painted over immediately to prevent the formation of corrosion.

Nuances with a fence height of more than 2 meters

If a fence is erected with a height of more than two meters, the following features must be taken into account:

  • for supports, a pipe with a cross section of 80x60 or 80x80 mm is used;
  • the corrugated sheet is attached to only three crossbars;
  • the depth of the pits for the supports is 1.5 meters;
  • The profile must be secured only with self-tapping screws.

Thus, building a fence from corrugated sheets yourself is not at all difficult. If a choice is made on this material, then the owner of a summer cottage will be able to evaluate the durability, reliability and aesthetic appearance of such a fence.

The video below shows how best to make a fence from corrugated sheets yourself:

The construction of fences from corrugated sheets is a common method of fencing a site. This type of fencing fits perfectly into any landscape. Manufacturers produce canvases in various colors.

We'll tell you: how to properly make a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands, we’ll tell you about the features different designs, let's describe step by step instructions. In the article you will find answers to the questions: how to make a fence from corrugated sheets with metal, stone and brick supports.

Construction materials

To install a fence yourself, you need to prepare certain building materials:

  • Polymer corrugated sheeting. It can be painted on one or both sides. The material is coated with a polyester compound, which ensures a long service life of the product. You should not purchase galvanized profiled sheets. They have one advantage - the price, and the galvanization is quickly coated rusty spots. On a sunny day, such a fence will further raise the temperature. If you plan to install a two-meter fence made of corrugated sheets with your own hands, and a foundation will be installed as the base, subtract the height of the base from the planned height (2 meters). The difference is the height of the profiled sheets that need to be purchased. The distance between the pillars is the width of the span of corrugated sheets. If you do not know how to install the posts, we recommend placing them at a distance of 2.5 - 3 m from each other.
  • Supports. Metal pipes, round, rectangular or square, are used. If desired, stone or brick pillars. Brick supports look much more attractive than metal ones. To install non-metallic poles use decorative brick, stone, cement and sand. What pillars are needed for maximum structural strength? Metal supports should have dimensions of 40 x 60 mm or 60 x 60 mm. Then the structure will withstand loads of varying strength.
  • Metal logs– they are necessary for transverse fastening of corrugated sheets. The optimal size would be logs measuring 20 x 20 mm. The technology for constructing a fence with a height of 2 meters or more involves two rows of logs. Otherwise, the structure may become deformed under physical impact.
  • Fastenings(or dowels for installation). With their help you can attach the corrugated sheet to the fence.

Stone, sand, crushed stone (screenings), cement - will be needed to create the foundation. To properly build a fence from corrugated sheets, you need to install it on a foundation. Without quality basis The fence will not last long. Vegetation, soil erosion, and animals can deform the structure over time, and the foundation will prevent this possibility.

We have already written in more detail about what types of foundations exist in the article: types and methods of pouring.

Tools for work

When we build a fence from corrugated sheets with our own hands, we need the following tools:

  • Sledgehammer.
  • Shovel.
  • Roulette.
  • Cord.
  • Level.
  • Apparatus for welding work.

If the tools and materials for construction are prepared, we proceed to building a fence from corrugated sheets.

How to build a fence?

Stages of work:

  • Marking the territory and calculating materials.
  • Installation of foundation and columns (installation of support columns in a fence without a foundation).
  • Installation of corrugated sheets on joists.

Before building a fence from corrugated sheets, we mark the territory and collect site data. We wrote how to do this correctly.

We hammer pegs into the corners of the future fence and stretch the thread between them. Along it you need to put marks where pillars or metal supports will stand.

The construction of fences from corrugated sheets on a sloped area involves a stepped structure. We check the height and evenness of the steps using a level.

We calculate the number of columns that will be installed. To do this, divide the length from the corner to the next one by 2 - 3 meters. These will be spans. It is necessary to make markings for gates and gates and take these additional supports into account when purchasing material.

Depending on the type of construction, corrugated sheet fencing can be of the following types:

  • A fence without a base. The corrugated sheet is placed at the height of the fence.
  • Constructions.

Construction of a fence from corrugated sheets without a base is less expensive. In addition, installation is faster, but the second option looks more respectable, although it requires more costs for materials, funds, and labor.

Building a fence with metal posts

To correctly install a fence made of corrugated sheets, where sections of metal pipes will be used as pillars, do the following:

  1. We place corner posts in the marking areas. To properly make a fence from corrugated sheets, we advise you to immerse the post in the ground a third of the length, in this case maximum resistance to wind is created. Fill the recesses with concrete mortar.
  2. We will organize the formwork. In this way, a board is created that connects adjacent posts. The width of the formwork depends on the wishes of the owner, but the side, about 20 centimeters wide, looks aesthetically pleasing. If we build a fence from corrugated sheets with formwork, it will last longer.
  3. Along the length of the structure, at a distance of 2 - 3 meters, we install markings. We stretch the thread between the corner columns.
  4. We dig in the columns according to the markings. Building a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands involves installing pillars at the same distance.
  5. Pour into the formwork container concrete mixture. Additionally, we compare the accuracy of the transverse, longitudinal and vertical columns. Leave the structure until completely dry.
  6. We weld the transverse strips to the finished structure. To install a corrugated sheet fence correctly, you need to check the evenness of the structure with a building level.
  7. We attach the corrugated sheeting to the transverse joists. For reliable fixation we use metal screws. We recommend choosing fasteners that match the color of the sheets.

Important: Special attention pay attention to attaching the first sheet. The appearance of the entire structure depends on how smoothly it is attached. After all, each subsequent profiled sheet is attached to the previous one. You need to make an overlap, the size of one wave.

Installation of brick and stone pillars

Construction metal fences made of corrugated sheets with brick columns involves the creation of formwork for the future foundation.

The brick layer is built using reinforcement. Metal parts are placed in a vertical position and lined with brick.

Building a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands with brick columns cannot be performed without reinforcement. Brick is a fairly heavy material. Metal jumpers will only increase the load on the foundation, which can collapse over time under the influence of gravity. If we make a fence from corrugated sheets with our own hands, it is necessary to reinforce the foundation layer.

  • We lay out the pillars and intermediate lintels with bricks. If the height of the fence is standard, we install the brackets in the posts at a height of 20-30 and 1.50-1.60 m from the ground, where the horizontal strips will be welded. We periodically check the verticality with a level.
  • We weld horizontal strips to the embedded parts. It is advisable metal parts cover with paint. This will help prevent corrosion in the future.
  • We fasten the profile structures using self-tapping screws. You can use rivets and attach them with a special riveter.

The peculiarity of building a fence from corrugated sheets with brick columns involves creating a roof for each column. The structure will not be affected by precipitation and weather phenomena (snow, rain, wind).

More detailed instructions with video tutorials and images on installing fences with brick pillars presented in this article: ?


You can see how to build a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands in this video:

To finish the facade, designers recommend installing a fence made of corrugated sheets with your own hands with posts. It looks stylish and emphasizes the status of the owners. On the back side, it would be appropriate to build a fence with metal columns.

We determine which option suits us best and install the fence. As you can see, building a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands is quite possible, and videos, photos and detailed instructions will help you achieve your goal.

Sooner or later before the owners summer cottages or private houses, the question of fencing the territory arises. To make a fence at your dacha, you don’t need any great skills and abilities. Corrugated sheet in this case the best option. It is easy to install and has a long service life. Phased, detailed description DIY construction, diagrams and drawings, photos and videos will help you complete the work in the shortest possible time and as correctly as possible.

Why corrugated sheets

The modern building materials market offers an abundance of options: slate, mesh, boards or metal gratings. Each has pros and cons. Corrugated sheeting remains the most popular and in demand among consumers. Briefly about the advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • the low weight of the sheets of material makes it easier construction works: you can even install it yourself;
  • reliability and durability of building materials. Corrugated sheeting is resistant to frost, temperature changes and rain. Therefore, feel free to count on long term service (on average 20-25 years);
  • manifold color range will help you choose any shade for your future design;
  • the strength of the coating ensures that the integrity of the material is maintained even in the event of strong blow. You can't do without a dent, but it doesn't crumble into pieces like slate;
  • a structure made of corrugated sheeting about 2.5 m high will hide from prying eyes everything that happens on the internal territory, unlike a chain-link fence, forged metal fragments or gratings;
  • additional sound insulation from noise on the other side of the fence.

Corrugated sheeting has several varieties, depending on the top protective coating. The following expert advice will help you understand and determine their quality:

  1. Galvanized surface. Coating is applied under high temperatures. A thin layer of zinc (up to 30 mm) is not enough for the entire service life, so the question of premature replacement of elements arises.
  2. The polymer coating will complement and enhance qualitative indicators corrugated sheets The aesthetic beauty of the fence also increases with the price.
  3. The polyvinyl chloride surface guarantees increased protection against mechanical damage. It is not surprising, because the layer thickness ranges from 170-205 mm. Despite the durability and strength of such corrugated sheeting, it has one drawback: sensitivity to elevated temperatures (about 79 degrees C), so it is not recommended to use it in hot areas.

When purchasing building materials, inquire about the quality certificate and compliance with GOST standards during production. A small difference in price can affect the strength and reliability of corrugated sheeting. It is not advisable to choose a material with a corrugation height of more than 20 mm. Please also note that thin sheets of material (less than 0.45 mm) may strong wind deform.

Advice. The quality of corrugated sheeting should be judged not by price, but by its performance. The optimal option for corrugated sheeting for building a fence will be the following parameters: metal thickness - over 0.45 mm, stiffeners - trapezoidal with a height of 10-20 mm.

We begin construction by installing fence supports

When the corrugated sheeting has been selected, the perimeter and line of the future fence have been determined, you can begin installing the support pillars. A simple option supports are considered metal pipes small diameter. The best option– pipes with a square cross-section and dimensions of 60 x 60 mm or round pipes with a diameter of about 75 mm.

Advice. Use posts with a square cross-section to make it easier to attach fencing elements in the future.

Pipes are inserted into pre-prepared holes at a strictly 90-degree angle. Check the perpendicularity of the pillars with a level. Crushed stone is laid on top - a 20-centimeter layer is enough to stabilize the pillar. Concrete is poured and the structure is expected to completely harden (at least 3 days). The first stage can be considered completed.

When installing a fence on a slope, you need to take into account several features:

  • it is not necessary to dig deep holes at the highest points;
  • use posts of different lengths to ensure the tops of the entire structure are level;
  • the hole for the post in case of heaving of the soil should exceed the water freezing level;
  • To install supports on loose soils, it is necessary to consider additional reinforcement and compaction of crushed stone (gravel).

Formation of the structure frame

At the second stage, you will need a metal profile with cross-sectional parameters of 40 x 20 mm, a length of 3 m and a thickness of over 2 mm. By fastening adjacent supports, it will strengthen the strength of the structure.

The number of crossbars depends on the height of the intended fence. It is optimal for a fence height of 1.5 - 1.8 m to use 2 logs located parallel in the upper and lower parts of the structure. For higher heights, the number of crossbars increases accordingly. The logs must be strengthened at a distance of 22-30 cm from the top and bottom edges of the proposed fence.

Regardless of the terrain (slope or flat surface), maintaining the same distance between the logs is mandatory. It's okay if the crossbars are arranged using the ladder method. In the future, the resulting large corner gaps at the bottom can be sealed with corrugated sheets.

It is better to secure the metal profile to the support posts by welding. This approach guarantees a long period of reliable service. To fasten frame elements without welding, use metal corners.

Construction of fence walls

Attaching sheets to installed frame considered the last stage of construction. To do this, you will need metal screws (19 mm long), a screwdriver or a drill to screw them in. A galvanized bolt or rivet is placed between the corrugated sheet and the screw head. This will ensure secure fastening and prevent damage to the integrity of the material over time.

The corrugated sheet is mounted with an overlap. First, secure the sheet to 4 self-tapping screws on different sides. After making sure that the sheet is installed correctly, screw in the remaining screws at a distance of 50 cm between them.

Attention! Be sure to install the first sheet evenly so that the subsequent sheets do not become skewed. To do this, use a building level.

Join subsequent sheets of material to the first. There is no longer any need to check with a level that the element is positioned correctly. When constructing a fence on a slope, the sheets are attached with a slight deviation in height. Upon completion of fastening the main sheets, fill the space in the lower part (due to the unevenness of the terrain) with corrugated sheeting if desired.

After the construction of the fence walls, scratches and damage to the coating on the corrugated sheets must be treated with paint. This will prevent damage and corrosion of the material. You can further refine the structure by installing a metal fence along the top edge.

The corrugated fence is ready. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, it’s a completely feasible task for everyone. Provided that all points are met, the next fence will need to be built only in 20-30 years.

Installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets: video

Corrugated fence: photo

The construction of fences today is subject to requirements for strength, reliability and stability. At the same time, aesthetics play an important role in choosing a fence for a summer cottage. The fence should not only be durable and strong, but also fit harmoniously into the overall design.

A universal material for constructing a fence is considered to be corrugated sheeting, which is based on galvanized a metal sheet. Previously, profiled sheets were used only for covering the roofs of non-residential buildings, garages and for fencing construction sites. But this is already in the past.

Profiled sheet

Modern manufacturers of corrugated sheets have brought it to more high level quality. And today, corrugated sheeting is the same galvanized metal sheet, covered with high-quality protective layers, corrugated on a special machine and attractive in appearance. It is manufactured by using cold rolling, hot galvanizing and coating the surface with various protective compounds:

  1. applying a protective layer of aluminum-zinc is considered the simplest and cheapest method, which provides acceptable strength and protection against corrosion. This material is suitable for covering a garage, outbuilding and a small fence;
  2. coating polymer composition, which provides higher protection and allows you to paint corrugated sheets in any color;
  3. application of plastisol, which will provide the profiled sheet with maximum strength and durability.

Due to the fact that corrugated sheeting has a corrugated shape, it is durable, rigid and resistant to damage and wind.

Advantages of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Constructing a fencing site from profiled sheets with your own hands has a number of advantages:

  • As a rule, fences made of corrugated sheets are installed faster than fences made of brick and natural stone; their installation does not require expensive equipment or special knowledge and skills. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the perimeter of the site, the number consumables and install support pillars. To give the fence an attractive look, you can also use brick, a natural stone, forged elements;
  • Possibility of combining with others building materials, including with chain-link mesh;
  • regardless of the height of the fence, its strength and reliability remain the same;
  • sound insulation property allows you to protect the area from extraneous noise;
  • environmental Safety;
  • rich color range. At the same time, the corrugated sheets do not lose their color, do not fade or fade throughout their entire service life.

In addition, a fence made of corrugated sheets is cheap. But, most importantly, you must strictly adhere to all the rules on how to make a fence from corrugated board with your own hands.

Required tools and materials

Before building a fence from corrugated sheets, you need to prepare all the building materials and tools. To calculate the number of profiled sheets, it is enough to know the length of the fence around the perimeter of the site and add it to the height of the fence. You will also need:

  1. profile pipes for support posts 60x60 mm. Of course, as supports for profiled sheets, you can choose pillars with brickwork, stone pillars, logs, and asbestos pipes. But when building a fence from corrugated sheets with your own hands, as a rule, pipes are used, the number of which is calculated as follows: the distance between the posts should not exceed 2.5 meters, and the height of the pipe should be equal to the height of the future fence plus the burial depth:

    The data obtained is added up and the result is the required number of pipes;
  2. profile pipes 20x20 or 20x40 mm, which are necessary for installing crossbars for fastening sheets:

    The number of such pipes depends only on the height of the future fence;

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to use aluminum rivets to connect sheets of corrugated sheets, because they do not withstand loads well.

  1. drill and building level;
  2. welding machine and electrodes for creating a frame;
  3. solution container, cement, crushed stone and sand;
  4. rope and wooden pegs;
  5. paint for painting posts and cross beams to match the color of the fence.

After installation, the fence will look like this:

Installing a corrugated fence with your own hands

Perimeter marking

Before you start building a fence from corrugated sheets, you need to correctly measure the perimeter of the fenced area and calculate the number of support pillars. Marking the territory is carried out by driving pegs in the corners of the future fence, between which a strong thread is pulled tightly, and the necessary measurements are taken. Only after this is a project for the future fence made of corrugated sheets drawn up.

Installation of support pillars

Before proceeding directly to the installation of pipes for the fence supports, it is necessary to dig holes around the perimeter for pouring the foundation. Of course, you can dig with a shovel, but this is a labor-intensive process. Therefore, it is better to use a garden auger. After each hole dug, the distance is measured and the next hole is dug. And so on.

The reliability, durability and appearance of the future fence will depend on how well the support posts are installed around the perimeter of the site.

The height of the supports for a corrugated fence depends on the height of the fence itself. The supports should be placed strictly straight, and the distance between them should be up to three meters. And in order to install pipes, it is necessary to dig holes 1-1.5 m deep.

IMPORTANT! The higher the fence, the deeper the holes should be.

After all the holes for the support pillars have been dug, you can begin installing the supports themselves, during which it is important to constantly ensure that they are strictly vertical. To do this you need to use a building level. If the support pillars have been installed straight and vertical, then you can start pouring concrete. Those pipes that will be lowered into dug holes 1.5 meters deep are filled with solution only to a meter, and the remaining 50 cm of pipes must be tightly wrapped with roofing felt, and then filled and compacted with sand. The foundation must be left in this state for three days.

IMPORTANT! Poured into support holes concrete mortar It’s definitely worth piercing using available materials. This is necessary to release the air that remains in the solution.

Mounting support beams

After the support pillars have been installed and the foundation has been firmly strengthened, you can begin installing the transverse joists, which are placed parallel to each other.

In order to securely attach the logs to metal poles, it is best to use a welding machine.

There is a second way to fasten the joists - using bolts and nuts, but it is not as reliable as welding.

IMPORTANT! The support beams should be attached to the posts at a distance of at least 20 cm from the top edge support pillar and from the surface of the earth.

Fastening corrugated sheeting to a metal frame

The construction of a corrugated fence is completed by the installation of the profiled sheets themselves, which are attached to the frame slats using self-tapping screws, rivets or galvanized bolts. As a rule, sheets should be joined with an overlap on one wave.

The main advantages of a fence made of corrugated sheets are relative cheapness compared to other building materials for fencing, durability provided there are no mechanical damages, and ease of installation. Corrugated sheeting is a corrugated steel sheet with a protective layer, it provides noise and dust insulation, it is fireproof, and combines well with other materials.

A fence made of corrugated sheets, properly installed with your own hands, will last for ten years. The service life of some types of fence reaches 25-35 years, depending on the aggressiveness environment(sea wind, ammonia precipitation from the enterprise, etc.). You can make the height of the fence different, apply different patterns on it, imitating brickwork, stone, wood and others.

Corrugated sheeting for fence

When looking for a suitable corrugated fence, you will find that the difference between them lies in the covering material. The following types of metal profile coating are distinguished:

  • Polymer coating. Increases the level of protection of corrugated sheets and can be painted at the production stage.
  • Plastisol. It features a thicker layer of coating, providing protection not only from aggressive environment, but also from mechanical damage. Such protective material provides greater durability.

It should be noted that the profiled sheets also differ in thickness. Metal profiles with increased thickness are used in load-bearing structures, and for the fence a corrugated sheet with minimum thickness(rib height is about 21 mm, metal thickness is up to 0.5 mm).

While following all the tips listed above, do not forget about the appearance of the fence. You can choose a monotonous color or different patterns.

Construction of a fence made of profiled sheets

To install a fence made of profiled sheet metal poles are used (economical option), or a brick column goes around the pipe (expensive option). The pillars are installed with the same distance (after removing the length of the fence and dividing it into equal sections) or, for example, into sections of 2.5 meters, and one section will be obtained “in fact”.

The pillars are concreted, the concrete is allowed to gain strength (depending on weather conditions), and install transverse logs (metal square or rectangular pipes) by welding them to the main vertical posts.

The last step is the installation of the profiled sheet on the transverse joists using rivets or roofing screws.

General scheme for constructing a simple fence made of corrugated sheets

All installation work can be divided into several stages, which we will consider below.

  • Marking the fence line.

Immediately at the first stage work in progress marking and transferring data onto a sheet of paper. Calculate the number of segments (spans) following a simple rule for installing a fence made of corrugated sheets - the distance between vertical posts ranges from 2.5 to 3 meters. It is very convenient to “mark” future supports using wooden pegs or pieces of reinforcement.

  • Concreting metal pillars.

The height of the pillars depends on the planned height of the fence. For fences of a standard height of 2 m, use a concreting depth of 100-110 cm below the soil surface; for higher fences, accordingly, we increase the concreting depth, and for low fences, we lower it.

Having dug a hole. it is necessary to start knitting a skeleton from reinforcement under concrete (will increase the durability of concrete). Next, we prepare the concrete - 1 part cement to 3 parts sand and 4-5 parts crushed stone or slag, water. We fill holes with supports with concrete, having first checked them with a building level on all sides and fixed them so that they do not move during pouring, although specialists always double-check metal pillars with a building level after pouring.

Depending on weather conditions, concrete needs to gain strength within three days (in hot weather, moisten the concrete with water every day, this will give additional strength, and in rain and cold weather, this period must be increased by 1-2 days).

  • Installation of transverse joists.

The next step is the installation of transverse square or rectangular pipes. This is done using welding machine by “welding” transverse joists to vertical posts. For a two-meter fence, use two transverse logs. Welding areas should be coated with primer paint to provide protection against corrosion.

  • Fastening profiled sheets.

The final stage of fence installation is attaching the corrugated sheets. The sheets are installed with an “overlap” on the adjacent sheet in one wave. They are attached to the transverse joists using roofing screws. It is also necessary to leave a small gap at the bottom of the sheet - from 5 to 10 cm, in order to provide the opportunity for snow and rain precipitation not to accumulate and to allow the wind to blow through.

Necessary materials for the fence

Before directly installing the fence, you need to calculate everything necessary materials. Most main material– a profiled metal sheet that fills the main area of ​​the fence.

Specialists in installing a fence from corrugated sheets recommend using a sheet with C18 or C21 coding.
Next you should stock up metal poles For vertical installation. It could be pipes square section 60*60 or 40*40 mm, or round pipes with the same diameters.

You will also need metal transverse joists (rectangular pipes measuring 40*20 mm) to provide basic rigidity and strength. Profiled sheets will be installed on them.

From tools during execution installation work you will need to use the following:

  • Shovel and crowbar - for earthworks.
  • Grinder with cutting disc - for cutting fittings and pipes.
  • Concrete mixer, buckets – preparing and pouring concrete.
  • Brushes – for painting metal pipes.
  • Drill or screwdriver - for attaching a profiled sheet to transverse metal joists.

You will also need a construction level, a roll of rope or twine (for marking), a tape measure, a pencil, gloves and various consumables (cutting discs, electrodes, etc.).

Preparing metal for installation

Durability paint coatings applied to the metal surface depends on the correct preliminary preparation of the metal surface for painting. The service life directly depends on the condition of the metal before painting. Therefore, if metal pipes are lying in a warehouse and are covered with a small layer of corrosion, it is necessary to remove it.

There are two types of metal preparation for painting:

  1. Primary preparation. This preparation is carried out to remove scale, dirt and rust until bare steel remains.
  2. Secondary preparation. Surface preparation leaving organic and metal coatings firmly bonded.

After these preparation steps, it is necessary to degrease (white alcohol, gasoline or acetone) metal surface for painting, then apply a primer coat. After the primer coat of paint has dried, apply one or more layers, depending on the aggressiveness of the environment.

After installing the vertical posts and metal cross beams, it is necessary to knock off all the scale and slag from the welding machine, and paint the welding areas in one or more layers.

The procedure for installing supports (pillars)

After all the metal supports are prepared (cut and painted), you need to begin their installation. Let's describe this process step by step:

  • Marking the territory. We divide it into segments, insert pegs and pull the tourniquet.
  • Digging holes. Using a shovel and crowbar or with a hand (electric) drill.
  • Concrete cushion. We fill the bottom of the hole with a cushion of sand and crushed stone, then compact it.
  • Pole installation. We install the support and align it with a level and plumb line.
  • Pouring concrete. We pour the concrete solution and fix the post level using boards and auxiliary material.

We accurately install corrugated fence posts, as they ensure the strength and durability of the entire structure. There is no need to rush at this stage, because it is better to spend a little more time now than to fix or even completely redo the fence in a few years.

Installation of metal transverse joists (lintels)

The installation of jumpers is carried out using bolted connection or clamps (a relatively old method) or using a welding machine, which is currently one of the most reliable and fastest methods.

Experts in installing fences of this type recommend attaching the logs at a height of 25-30 cm from the surface of the foundation or ground, and at the same distance from the intended top of the fence. This ensures optimal structural strength.

Advice. If you make fence spans 3 m long, then with a length of transverse logs of 6 m there will be a minimum amount of remnants of the metal tube, since the length of the logs will be enough for just two spans.

Installation of profiled sheets on the skeleton of the structure

After completing the main labor-intensive work, all that remains is to attach the profiled sheet. The easiest way is to fix the sheets to the transverse joists using self-drilling screws (roofing screws). Thanks to the special tip of the self-tapping screw, it drills a threaded hole using a drill or screwdriver.

When screwing in self-tapping screws, it is important to remember:

  • A loose self-tapping screw will subsequently cause leakage with a trace of corrosion.
  • A tightly twisted self-tapping screw causes deformation of the profile sheet.
  • A screw screwed in crookedly violates the integrity of the metal and creates a loose fit of the gasket, which causes corrosion.

A correctly screwed self-tapping screw is considered to be screwed in at an angle of 90 degrees with pressure that does not allow overtightening or deformation. Screw screws into every third wave.

Prices for corrugated fences with installation

The cost of a fence made from a profiled sheet depends on the thickness of the metal, the presence of a colored polymer coating on one or both sides, the length and height of the fence. Also, the price depends on the method of concreting and the foundation under the fence, the presence in the structure additional elements(gate, gate, brick pillars etc.).

Here are some of the approximate prices for various types of fences made of corrugated sheets (at a height of 2 m with local concreting of vertical pipes):

  • A fence made of galvanized corrugated sheets costs about 1,400 rubles per 1 linear meter.
  • Fence made of profiled sheets with polymer coating on the one hand - from 1,600 rubles per 1 linear meter.
  • A fence made of profiled sheets with polymer coating on both sides - from 1800 rubles per 1 linear meter.

In addition to installing the fence itself, you need to take care of the entrances and entrances to the territory. Prices for some additional settings related works:

  • A gate made of corrugated sheets (width up to 100 cm) with handles, a lock and a latch - about 5,000 rubles (manufacturing and installation).
  • Swing gates (from 3-4 meters) with latches and hinges – 10,000 rubles.
  • Brick pillars of one and a half bricks - 8,000 rubles/pillar.

Despite the fact that you can install the fence yourself, it will take a lot of effort and time, so it is often more profitable to order the installation of the fence from professionals.