Urea and superphosphate for mash. Effective methods and types of feeding mash. Batch adding sugar


For normal fermentation of mash, it is necessary to use already worked out proportions. It is not recommended to deviate from them. Everything is taken for 1 kilogram of sugar, then multiplied. Remember that sugar also has volume; you cannot add water to the very top.

sugar........................1 kilogram

water........................................4.5 liters

dry yeast......20 grams
or pressed rain...100 grams


In order to properly place the mash, about a day in advance, pour water into the container to remove unnecessary gases. I pour 17 liters.
After exposure, for heating, the container is placed in a bath of hot water for 2...3 hours. The water in the container should become warm (not higher than 30 degrees).
Pour sugar into a container (in my case 4 kilograms) and stir.


In a liter jar we take about 200 grams of water from the container (it already contains sugar), add about 100 grams of boiling water to increase the temperature.
Pour 80 grams of yeast into this jar (weigh it first) and stir the yeast until completely dissolved.


An important question is how and with what to feed the mash?
After all, in addition to sugar, for normal development, yeast needs nutrition, and in particular nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium and other elements. In principle, you can add ordinary mineral fertilizers, some do so.

You can feed the mash:
- black bread
- black breadcrumbs
- raisins
- dried apricots
- dried fruits
and much more.

It all works. I settled on feeding the mash with raisins (one...two handfuls per 18 liters of mash), but this is not a dogma, you can try other feedings. It’s just that raisins are always available and stored well, that is, just keep a supply.
It must be borne in mind that fertilizing affects the taste of the final product; this is very noticeable with black bread.
And another subtlety. The surface of raisins contains natural yeast, but in addition to yeast, they may contain harmful bacteria that are completely unnecessary. Therefore, the technology for feeding mash with raisins is as follows:
First- pour boiling water over it in a colander.
Second- after cooling, grind it with a blender and load it into the mash.

The yeast begins to work, and after the volume in the jar has approximately doubled, pour the yeast into the main container.


A common occurrence. The danger of foam is that when it rises to the lid, it can plug the hole for gases to escape. In this case, the increasing pressure will either find a gap or rupture the vessel with the mash. So it's serious.
Dealing with foam in mash is very simple. Finely crush a couple of cookies (the most common ones) and add them to the mash. You can use crushed crackers.
It is very interesting to look at the effect - if you start the mash without cookies, wait for the foam, and then pour the cookies onto the foam - the foam disappears before your eyes.
If you use black crackers as a top dressing, cookies are not needed.

Having completed all these operations, we can be sure that the mash is installed correctly.
Finally mix the mash, close the lid, and connect the water valve.


You need to wait until the mash is ready. After several starts of the mash, you can roughly navigate by time. For example, my fermentation takes 5 days.
But this is very inaccurate, for example, if the room is cool, the time may increase.
Therefore, time is only the primary sign of the readiness of the mash.

The main signs that the mash is ready:

- no bubbles in the water valve
- bitter taste of mash


It is most convenient to prepare mash in the bathroom, with the outlet hose from the water valve led into the ventilation. This will get rid of unnecessary aromas.
Important question - how much does mash cost?? At a temperature of 20...25 degrees mash fermentation time is 5...6 days.
If you stir the mash, the fermentation time can be reduced slightly. But stirring the mash is completely optional.
For large volumes (more than 40 liters), the issue of cooling the mash will arise. The fact is that the yeast heats up the mash, and with large volumes of air cooling the outer surfaces, convection may not be enough. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to cool it additionally, for example with a fan.
It is difficult to measure the temperature of the mash itself during fermentation; you can rely on subjective sensations - the surface of the container should be at room temperature or slightly warm.

To prepare the sugar mash recipe you need:
Capacity. Photo on page about equipment for moonshine
Water. I use regular tap water.
Sugar. Regular dining room.
Yeast for sugar mash. The most affordable and easy to use dry dry Pakmaya and Saf-Levure, page which yeast is best for mash
Sugar mash feeding. I usually use a handful of raisins.
1-2 cookies. To prevent foaming.

In practice, it is very easy to control the presence of bubbles - as a rule, during the day, you look at the container with mash several times. If there are significantly fewer bubbles and the fermentation time is approaching normal, you need to monitor the mash more carefully.
If there are no bubbles within 30 seconds, you need to taste the mash. It should be bitter, that is, all the sugar has fermented. You can start clarifying the mash.

If the mash was fed with black bread, the bubbles practically do not stop, in this case the only sign is a bitter taste.


It is not advisable to pour this cloudy liquid into the moonshine still, which is what we got. It is necessary to lighten the mash. You can wait 1...2 weeks, the mash will settle on its own, but it is better to speed up the process.

Large impurities (cookies and fertilizer) can be removed by filtration. To filter large impurities we use “hose 1”, “filter”, “clamp”, “funnel 1” (see page about equipment for moonshine). We assemble a device similar to that shown on the page: cleaning after the first distillation , The only difference is that we use “funnel 1” and put a bandage into the funnel in several layers for better filtration.

We removed large impurities, but the main turbidity remained. To remove it, bentonite (a type of clay) is used; in practice, it is cat litter. It’s not very common to use it, but almost 100% of moonshiners do this.
It is very difficult to buy bentonite as such, apparently precisely because it is easily replaced with cat litter.

The problem is that you have to choose from a large selection of pet stores. I bought this package several years ago, if now there are such ones (down to the color), the easiest way is to buy one. If there are none, then the principles of choice:
First- in the title there is the word bent (in English).
Second- natural product.
Third- no flavorings.

Proportions of bentonite for mash- for 18 liters of mash - 3 tablespoons of bentonite.
Many websites recommend grinding bentonite in a coffee grinder. There is a simpler solution that does not require such effort.
First (about 2 days in advance), pour 3 tablespoons of bentonite with cold water (3 fingers above the bentonite level) and set aside. Do not mix under any circumstances, that is, they poured water and that’s it.
In two days it breeds very well. Immediately before use, stir the bentonite until completely dissolved and pour it into the mash, then stir thoroughly.
Place the bottle of mash in a quiet place for 12 hours. During this time, the bentonite, along with the turbidity, settles to the bottom of the bottle.
We carry out filtration using “hose 2”, “clamp” and “funnel 1” with a bandage filter (see page equipment for moonshine).
After cleaning, the mash is ready for the first distillation.
VERY IMPORTANT!- Do not pour bentonite residues into the sewer! After some time, the sewer will become completely clogged; the pipes cannot be cleaned, only replaced.


The information provided on this page is quite enough to correctly install the mash. But if you want to use other yeast (not Saf-Levure or Pakmaya), or study the issue of making mash in more detail, I highly recommend looking at the page Which yeast is best for mash. Some nuances are described there, as they relate more to the topic of yeast.

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need building material for new fungi

We add this building material to the mash along with fertilizing.

Yeast reproduces by budding, that is, a shoot begins to grow from the yeast membrane, which then separates and turns into a new yeast fungus

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need a lot of energy and building material; they get energy by eating glucose

There are two ways yeast can respire, anaerobic without oxygen and aerobic with oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration in yeast is fermentation. When yeast does not have enough oxygen, it does not completely consume the glucose and alcohol is formed.

As a result of fermentation, yeast receives little energy from glucose alone and they do not want to multiply.

Aerobic respiration is the most efficient way for yeast to produce energy.

From one molecule of glucose during aerobic respiration, 2872 kJ/mol of free energy is produced, and during anaerobic respiration 234 kJ/mol, 12 times less.

At the beginning of fermentation, when there is oxygen in the wort, aerobic respiration occurs, the yeast eats sugars and produces a lot of energy.

There is enough energy for reproduction, but there is no building material.

Yeast eats sugar when idle; it does not produce alcohol or reproduce.

So you can add building material to the mash in the form of fertilizing.

In this case, one condition must be met: fertilizing should not be more expensive than yeast, since it is easier to add more yeast to the mash for this amount.

Adding fertilizing reduces the ripening time of the mash by a day.

Since yeast multiplies in the presence of oxygen, it is useless to apply fertilizing during fermentation, since there is no oxygen in the wort.

It will then be necessary to aerate the wort, enrich it with oxygen, and the alcohol will oxidize as a side effect.

How much fertilizer should I add to the sugar mash?

Since we have a limited amount of oxygen in the wort and it cannot enter it during fermentation, because the released carbon dioxide displaces it from the fermentation tank, therefore a little yeast nutrition must be added.

If we use expensive alcoholic yeast for fermentation and our goal is to increase their quantity, then before fermentation we need to specially aerate the mash to increase the oxygen concentration.

To do this, mix the mash vigorously with a blender to form bubbles or use an aquarium compressor.

If the yeast is dry, then we scatter it over the surface of the wort, do not stir it immediately, so that it floats, swells and breathes.

What fertilizer is best for sugar mash?

The main building materials for yeast are nitrogen and phosphorus.

There is a lot of nitrogen in soybeans, milk, cocoa, lentils, and peas.

There is a lot of phosphorus in soybeans, rye or wheat bran, milk, cocoa.

Yeast also needs magnesium and potassium.

There is a lot of magnesium in the bran of rye or wheat, cocoa, buckwheat, and soy.

There is a lot of potassium in apricots, potatoes, rye or wheat bran, cocoa, soybeans, peas, raisins, and tomato paste.

Yeast needs B vitamins; there are many of them in tomato paste, rye or wheat bran, corn, millet, and peas.

Ammonium sulfate, a source of nitrogen, is used as a mineral fertilizer for mash.

Ammonium sulfate is registered in the food industry as food additive E517.

Ammonium sulfate can be bought in stores for chemists, for example RUSKHIM.

In the alcohol industry, along with ammonium sulfate, orthophosphoric acid, a source of phosphorus, is also added to the wort.

Instead of ammonium sulfate and orthophosphoric acid, diammonium phosphate is added to the mash.

Moonshiners add a mineral fertilizer for plants called azofoska to the mash. Azofoska contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and some sulfur.

Add 3-4 grams per liter of wort.

Potassium and magnesium are found in the pharmaceutical drug Asparkam.

If the mineral salt has not been used by the yeast, it remains in the stillage during distillation.

Organic fertilizing has a drawback; the mash can turn sour during fermentation.

Yeast sediment from mash with fertilizing is also undesirable to reuse for fermentation due to possible souring of the mash.

To feed the mash and add flavor to it, you can use old berries, fruits, and peels; they are less likely to cause the mash to sour.

If you use baker's yeast for fermentation, then you don't need to get carried away with fertilizing; it's easier to add more yeast to speed up fermentation.

Add some old berries or fruits to the mash.

Fertilizing the mash is an optional, but desirable procedure that helps give the yeast additional nutrition and make it work faster. Fertilizing can be different; all kinds of natural and chemical compounds are used. In this case, the main task of the moonshiner is to saturate the distillate with phosphorus and nitrogen.

In most cases, only sugar mash is fed; a product made from grain or fruit needs feeding less often, which is understandable. After all, the mash already contains all the necessary components that help the yeast actively convert sugar into alcohol.

Feeding sugar mash with black bread

What affects the fermentation process?

Feeding the mash begins with the aim of optimizing the fermentation process. The fact is that, having made mash based on sugar and yeast, it is worth monitoring it and controlling the entire ripening process.

Factors influencing the fermentation process:

  • Room temperature. The place where the mash will stand must have a stable temperature, since a draft or sudden temperature change can “slow down” the fermentation process and lead to the death of yeast microorganisms.
  • Type of yeast. Alcoholic yeast ferments well; it helps not only to speed up the process of wort maturation, but also to increase its strength. Bakery shops are the worst possible option. Such yeast has an unpredictable character; it is difficult to say how the mash made with such a product will behave in the first few hours.
  • Moonshine mash is afraid of sunlight. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect on the product and can also affect the fermentation process.

It is also worth considering that the quality of the wort may change as a result of using low-quality water or containers made of unsuitable material.

The mash for moonshine made from sugar will be ready earlier, provided that the manufacturer inverts the sugar by preparing syrup from it. Inverting helps expand the sugar into sucrose and glucose and makes it easier for the yeast microorganisms to “work.” However, inversion has its drawback - preparing syrup leads to a decrease in the amount of distillate obtained at the output.

If you follow the recipe and the rules for storing the mash, you should take into account that the wort can ferment for 5 to 10 days, and the alcohol yield will be the same. If you don’t have time to wait, then you should resort to using fertilizing.

You can prepare this component yourself at home and add it to the mash, or you can buy fertilizer in the store.

Natural fertilizer: varieties

Feeding sugar mash begins with assessing the condition of the wort and the fermentation process. As well as choosing the type of substances that can activate the fermentation process.

Yeast feeding, varieties:

  1. One of the simplest types of feeding can be called raisins. To make microorganisms work faster, you should take 10–15 raisins, but you don’t need to wash them. You can grind the raisins in a blender, and then send them to the wort. There is wild yeast on the surface of the raisins, and it is they that start the fermentation process with renewed vigor. This type of feeding is especially relevant for those distillates that are subsequently planned to be turned into a noble drink.
  2. Brown bread is a good feed for yeast. It has been used for centuries, it helps to feed microorganisms, speed up their work and reproduction. In addition, the bread will give the drink a pleasant aroma of fresh baked goods. Only fresh bread can be used as bait; it is cut into cubes or slices and sent to the mash. But there is one drawback to this product: it can make the moonshine cloudy. The turbidity can be eliminated only by re-distilling the moonshine in a distiller.
  3. Peas are another product that is of natural origin and can be used as an activator of the fermentation process. Various types of yeast are fed with peas; just throw a handful of beans into a container of mash to make it “come to life.” Peas are rich in nutrients and microelements. With its addition to the wort, active formation of foam will begin, the mash will begin to bubble and gurgle. But peas have one drawback: they will give the alcohol a peculiar taste and aroma, which repeated distillation will help get rid of.

Sweet juice can also act as a complementary food for home brew for moonshine. It is enough to pour just a glass into the container and mix everything thoroughly. This will help the yeast start working more actively. In this way, the brew is often revived.

When microorganisms do not have enough heat, and the room temperature drops below 17 degrees, they “fall asleep” or go into standby mode. At this point, the fermentation process stops; the yeast can be “revived” by raising the temperature to the permissible limit (28 degrees). But a glass of freshly squeezed juice will help activate their work.

You can also crush a few raspberries, cherries or strawberries and add them along with the juice to the wort.

When trying to make yeast work faster, it makes sense to pay attention to its quality and compare proportions. Perhaps the reason for the long fermentation is non-compliance with the recipe or it lies in the poor quality of the product used.

You can also use malt when feeding fungi. Malt is a natural product; it is part of beer and other alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to use it if you want to speed up the fermentation process, save time and ultimately obtain a high-quality product. Since malt will only improve the taste of moonshine, making it soft and pleasant.

At the same time, you can prepare malt supplement at home. The recipe is not particularly complicated; 1 kg of malt will help “revive” up to 40 liters of mash.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Heat water in a saucepan to 63 degrees.
  • Gradually add sugar and malt to the heated water, not forgetting to constantly stir the liquid with a spoon or wooden spatula.
  • Cook the dressing for about 5 minutes, cool the mixture to 30 degrees.
  • When the malt has cooled, add yeast to it.
  • We send the fertilizer into the mash and close it with a lid with a water seal. In a few days the product will be ready for processing.

If the mash contains malt, it will have a pleasant grain aroma, which will remain after distillation.

All products that can be used as activators of the fermentation process have a minus. This is their low efficiency. But everything is learned by comparison, and natural products are compared, as a rule, with chemicals.

Chemistry for the benefit of moonshine

Fertilizer for sugar mash is not only the usual food products, but also chemicals that affect microorganisms.

As already mentioned, the environment is of great importance for yeast. If microorganisms have enough nutrition, they actively work and multiply. Some substances are capable of providing the mash with those very necessary substances: phosphorus and nitrogen.

What is used as fertilizer?

  • Ammonia, despite the fact that this substance has an unpleasant aroma, is added to the wort in small quantities: approximately 1 gram per 2 liters of water. It is worth noting that after distillation the smell will go away. Such moonshine will be no different from the one made from mash without this component.
  • Complex fertilizers with phosphorus and nitrogen are added in small quantities to the mash, everything is mixed with a spatula or spoon and the fermentation process is monitored. You can add just 1 teaspoon of fertilizer to the wort so that the fermentation process goes with a vengeance.
  • Superphosphate and ammonium sulfate are 2 more substances that are not of natural origin. They are added in small quantities to the mash (literally 2-3 grams) and the fermentation process is observed. It is worth noting that these substances are part of complex fertilizers.
  • An alternative option is to use chicken manure. The latter is diluted with water and poured into a container where the wort ferments. If this alternative is in doubt, then keep in mind that the droppings will not affect the taste of the finished moonshine, it will not make the alcohol worse. But the thought of using this ingredient confuses many distillers.
  • You can purchase a special mixture that will help feed the yeast; it contains all the necessary substances. Some moonshiners claim that the mixture is harmful to health. In fact, there is nothing harmful in such a product.

But it is better to use special yeast, they contain additives. These additives help give the yeast the necessary nutrition. The use of such a product in the production of moonshine is completely justified. Despite the fact that yeast with additives is more expensive, they justify their price. However, the difference in price can be considered insignificant.

You can purchase such yeast in a specialized store. The prefix “turbo” allows you to recognize them among similar products. It is enough just to dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the package, add it to water with sugar and place the container in a room with a stable temperature.

Turbo yeast can be called an ideal option for those who save time and are willing to spend extra money on producing high-quality alcohol.

When choosing the ideal yeast feed, you should understand for what purpose the product will be used and what effect it will have on the moonshine. If the production of alcohol is put into production and is on an industrial scale, then you can trust chemistry. If moonshine is made for yourself, then experimenting with substances is not recommended.

Most novice moonshiners believe that all you need to make mash is water, sugar, yeast and the right temperature. Their more experienced colleagues additionally feed the yeast (pressed or dry) with other substances, ensuring normal fermentation. We will consider the essence of this optional, but very desirable stage of moonshine brewing further. I will tell you about the best methods for fertilizing mash.

Theory. For normal functioning, baker's yeast, in addition to sugar and water, also requires micronutrients, which are initially very small in the syrup. First of all, these are phosphorus and nitrogen; without them, the mash does not ferment as actively and accumulates more harmful impurities.

Attention! Fertilizing is only needed for moonshine made from sugar; fruit and grain mashes do not need this, since the raw materials themselves contain a sufficient amount of elements. Third-party substances (even natural ones) can change the smell of moonshine for the worse.

1. Chemical fertilizing. For every kilogram of added sugar, add 2 grams of ammonium sulfate and 3 grams of superphosphate to the mash. These substances can be replaced with one teaspoon of complex fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus, for example, nitrophoska, ecohuminate and others.

Alternative options: rotted chicken droppings (4-5 grams per liter of mash) or ammonia (1 gram per 2 liters of mash).

Chemical feeding of yeast is very effective, but this method is not accepted by supporters of organic moonshine (from pure natural products). In addition, not everyone likes to drink moonshine, knowing that chicken droppings or fertilizers were added to the mash, although in the right proportions these substances are harmless.

In most cases, chemical fertilizing is used by moonshiners working for sale, who need mash in a couple of days and a high yield of the finished product.

2. Adding malt. Malt is dried sprouted grains of barley, rye or millet. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.

To feed the yeast, 1 kg of ground malt is required per 40 liters of mash. Recipe:

  1. Heat the water to 63°C.
  2. Gradually add sugar and malt, stirring constantly. Boil for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Cool the mixture to 30°C and add the diluted yeast.
  4. Close the mash with a lid or place it under a water seal. After a few days you can start distilling. The finished moonshine will have a pleasant grainy smell.

Adding malt is the best way to feed yeast - it is environmentally friendly and works great. The disadvantage is that you need to buy or grow malt, which requires additional time or financial costs.

Adding malt is the best feeding option

3. Store-bought yeast with additives. Some manufacturers offer yeast that contains all the necessary nutrients and microelements in a packet (the name has the prefix “Turbo”). All that remains is to mix water with sugar and add this yeast according to the instructions.

An excellent option for those who don’t mind spending money on quality moonshine.

4. Folk remedies. First of all, this is feeding the mash with black bread (one loaf is enough for 30 liters). For another 10 liters of mash, you can add 5-10 crushed grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants, 50 ml of any freshly squeezed fruit juice or 80-100 grams of tomato paste.

The ripening process of mash for moonshine lasts on average 5-14 days. The time depends on the yeast used and the wort present in the composition. If there is no time to wait, the process can be accelerated through a process such as feeding mash. This process can be carried out in a variety of ways, the main thing is that there is no damage to the overall quality. It is worth noting right away that it will not be possible to significantly reduce the time frame; it is important to know when to stop and set the most realistic deadlines.

What determines the fermentation time?

The procedure for preparing moonshine is characterized by a clear technology. When using one recipe, the mash will finish in 5 days, and using other methods requires aging for 10 days. There are priority indicators that influence the maturation time of the mash. Among them are:

  1. Yeast is characterized by different activity indicators of its constituent microorganisms. These parameters depend not only on the basic conditions of their development, but also on freshness and characteristics of origin. For ideal fermentation, it is worth choosing wine yeast that is fresh and has been properly stored. If storage conditions are violated, the vital activity of bacteria will be reduced, which will negatively affect their activity.
  2. The mash recipe used and the correct proportions of the main ingredients are important. The composition of the wort determines not only the fermentation process itself, but also the main flavors and quality of the future drink. The total aging time of the mash is influenced by the amount of sugar and fertilizing.
  3. The aging temperature of the drink affects the ripening time and the intensity of fermentation. For normal fermentation, you need to maintain a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. A decrease will cause the yeast to “go to sleep”, and an increase will cause them to die. The most dangerous is elevated temperature, since in the first case the yeast can be “awakened”, but if overheated it will be impossible to bring it back to life.
  4. Fermentation containers must be for food materials and not react with alcohol or acidic environment. Containers made of stainless steel, glass or food-grade plastic are ideal.
  5. It is necessary to prevent exposure of the mash to sunlight or bright light. The place where the mash stands should be darkened or the container should not allow light to pass through.

These are the main points that must be taken into account in order to obtain good mash, and subsequently moonshine.

Important! If questions arise regarding why it does not ferment or ferments poorly, first of all it is worth analyzing all the points listed above.

Popular feeding options

If fermentation is very slow, you need to know methods to speed up fermentation. The main thing is to first determine the cause. Sometimes it is quite enough to simply reconsider and arrange more comfortable conditions for fermentation. This could be an increase in temperature. In special cases, it may be necessary to combine different methods, in this way you can significantly speed up the fermentation process, making it as fast as possible without causing damage to the overall quality of the future drink.

High-quality fertilizer for sugar mash and any other can be made with your own hands or purchased in a store. Let's look at simple, understandable and time-tested methods.

  1. Brown bread crusts. Recipes based on it have been known since ancient times, when black bread was used to prepare alcoholic beverages. The bread will saturate the mash with useful substances, which will accelerate the activity of yeast.
  2. Tomato paste. This is a rather unusual feeding option, but very effective. 150 grams of paste are added to 20 liters of mash, thanks to which the drink quickly “comes to life”.
  3. Dried fruits. Add a handful of raisins and dried apricots; dried fruits cannot be washed, since on their surface there are substances and bacteria that feed the yeast. Based on raisins, you can make a leaven that is not inferior in quality to cultivated yeast.
  4. Peas or corn. If you add two or three glasses of mash to 15 liters of mash, you can seriously speed up the fermentation reactions. The only drawback here is the excessive formation of foam. But this is not a problem; it is enough to place a small piece of cookies or black bread on the surface of the mash, and rapid fermentation will be ensured.
  5. Ready-made fertilizers. These are well-developed mixtures that contain various vitamins, minerals and numerous enzymes. They saturate the mash with nutrients and speed up fermentation.

Advice! When making mash for moonshine from sugar, be sure to add fertilizing, without it it will be difficult for the yeast to quickly process the sugar.

Proper feeding of yeast reduces the ripening time by a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of additives, as there is a risk of ruining the taste of the final drink. If fermentation is too active, unnecessary yeast by-products are released.

Summing up

Different methods of baiting will be effective only if only high-quality raw materials were used. Yeast is important for refining the mash, since the course of the process depends on it; with the help of yeast, you can increase and decrease the total number of days of ripening of the mash and even give the drink an unpleasant odor. It is equally important to pay attention to the correctly selected mash recipe.

When trying to speed up fermentation, you should follow moderation. Excessive zeal will significantly deteriorate the overall quality of moonshine.