Karate self-study. How to learn to fight at home. A sharp blow to the solar plexus

Strike technique


Punching is the most effective technique in karate-do. They are very diverse: straight, side, top and bottom. Blows are also divided depending on the part of the hand that is applied: fist, fingers, palm and elbow.

The technique of all punches is based on the same type of movements of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by a rotational movement of the pelvis and hips in the direction of the blow. The most clearly used in karate are:

A direct blow with the fist of the hand of the same name - oi-tsuki (Fig. 18, 19, 20);

Direct blow with the fist of the opposite hand - gyaku-tsuki (Fig. 21, 22,23); Rice. 21.

Elbow strike - empi (Fig. 24); Rice. 24.

Backhand strike - ura-ken (Fig. 25). Rice. 26.


Kicks are effective at hitting an opponent, but require more preparation. It is especially necessary to develop body flexibility. According to the direction of application, kicks can be divided into direct (forward, backward, to the side), lateral (foot from the side - from the outside to the inside, foot from the side - from the inside to the outside) and kicks from below (foot, knee).

Kicking takes longer to learn than punching. We do not make such movements in everyday life, and practicing these techniques requires increased neuromuscular effort.

Basic kicks:

Kick forward - maya-geri (Fig. 26, 27, 28);

Kick to the side - eko-geri (Fig. 29, 30,31); Rice. 29.

back kick - ushiro-geri (Fig. 32, 33); Rice. 32.

Side kick: Fig. 34.

From outside to inside - mawashi-geri (Fig. 34, 35);

From the inside to the outside - ura mawashi-geri (Fig. 36); Rice. 36.

knee strike - hiza-geri (Fig. 37). Rice. 37.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the author's book

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Palm strike technique From the outside, palm strikes may seem like frivolous “techniques” from the arsenal of family squabbles and quarrels in communal kitchens. Place your partner in front of you and simply poke him with the heel of your palm in the middle of your chest - he will be taken out of

You can train all day long, you can repeat each exercise at least 100 times, but don’t forget - there is a risk of overtraining, this should not be allowed. You need to find a rhythm so that you're looking forward to the next class, you know?

Warm up before each workout. Pay special attention to the development of flexibility - bends, swings, splits and regular school exercises - arm rotations, head tilts, squats, etc.

Week 1.

Sitting on the floor - kick. Impact surface - fingertips

Lying on the side - Yoko strike. The striking surface is the edge of the foot.

Lying on your stomach - kick back with your foot

Standing on one knee, kick forward with the front leg. The striking surface is the fingertips.

Then - side kick (yoko)

From the same position - kick back.

Then hit through a partner (you can use a stool instead of a partner). Look carefully at the pictures.

Kick backwards with your foot resting on something. The leg you are leaning on hits.

Then a knee strike to the side (yoko). We rest our hands against the wall.

Back kick from the knee, resting your hands on the wall.

Then - a direct blow to the stomach. The striking surface is the fingertips.

Yoko-giri kick and back kick. Look carefully at the pictures

Many beginners who are not ready to take special courses, but want to learn martial art, wonder how to learn karate on their own. Learning this sport at home, although not easy, is quite possible. In order to master all the necessary skills, you should regularly devote time to training. The article discusses the main teaching methods and mandatory exercises.

Basic principles

The philosophy of wrestling is complex and multifaceted, so there is no single generally accepted set of classes that will allow you to perfectly master all the fundamental skills. However, by combining and regularly practicing standard maneuvers and techniques, a beginning athlete can get an answer to the question “how to learn karate at home?”

Let's consider several basic approaches to the study of wrestling.

Method No. 1 “Initial stage”

Regular Meditation

Allows you to free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and focus only on the lesson. Concentrate all your attention on your breathing, breathing slowly and steadily. Inhalations should be done through the nose, and exhalations should be done through the mouth. Focus on the energy that is within you. Meditation is not limited in time, however, often even five minutes is enough to completely relax and prepare for the upcoming tasks.

Do a warm-up

There is no point in starting karate exercises without preparing your body. Each workout should begin with a short jog and typical tasks, which include: push-ups, abs, glute and core raises. Only prepared tendons will allow you to carry out effective preparation.

Ligament stretch

Is the primary task of every karateka. After warming up your muscles, you must begin stretching your ligaments, which will make your body more flexible and flexible. Particular attention should be paid to stretching the calf muscles and quadriceps.

Learn martial art philosophy

Often, beginners believe that there is no need to delve into the essence of each style to study karate at home. This opinion is erroneous, because only by understanding the philosophy of each school can an athlete achieve significant results.

To an unprepared person, a fight may seem like a manifestation of anger and aggression. In reality, this sport is based on mental balance and tranquility.

Method No. 2 “Stands and balance”

Explore typical racks

Standard productions are one of the most important elements of effective combat. It is the placement of the body that plays a key role in the implementation of both offensive and defensive tactics. Each style of this sport has its own basic performances. Let's look at three standard positions:

  • Regular – feet pointing forward and shoulder-width apart;
  • Front – feet spread wide apart, body weight on the front;
  • Hind – the feet are spread lengthwise, with the weight falling on the back. Using this position you can lift your heel off the floor.

Ready stance

The above options are combat positions, but to begin training it is important to master the readiness stances:

  • Fukyugata - heels placed together, toes pointing to the sides at an angle of 60 degrees;
  • Pinan – legs are at shoulder level, toes pointing to the right and left at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Naikhanchi – feet are placed together.

Remember the importance of balance

Any karate tutorial talks about the need to practice a stable posture. By losing balance, a fighter becomes vulnerable to counterattacks from his opponent. After making shifts and implementing techniques during the fight, immediately return to the standard stance. Also remember that staying in one stance for too long allows your opponent to see your vulnerable spots. This is why displacement plays an important role in the fight.

Focus on speed and strength

The right combination of speed and power will allow you to carry out sharp and powerful attacks, as well as instantly evade your competitor’s attacks.

Method No. 3 “Set of exercises in karate”

Practice throwing hand hooks and blocking

There are several main methods that a beginner will need to remember in the early stages.

Strikes include:

  • straight;
  • uppercut;
  • edge of the palm;
  • pricking;
  • elbow;
  • with clenched knuckles.

Also an effective task is to combine attacking and defensive actions.

Use lower limb maneuvers

There are five methods:

  • Pounce in a straight direction;
  • Lateral plaque;
  • Lateral piercing method;
  • Backward piercing hook;
  • Rotational method.

Train with a partner

Find an opponent and practice sparring for 15-30 minutes. This will allow you to better practice the skills you have learned, as well as learn about acceptable distances during a fight.

Use all the katas you have learned and master new techniques step by step.

Let's summarize how to learn karate at home:

  • focus on the correct execution of the technique;
  • train regularly and practice each new method;
  • keep your arms relaxed until you perform the technique;
  • stop underestimating your opponent, but don’t elevate him too much in your eyes;
  • do not forget about meditation before the start of each lesson;
  • look for your competitor’s vulnerabilities;
  • don't let the enemy hit you, attack first;
  • Remember your safety and monitor the integrity of the equipment you use.

Important warnings:

  • when stretching, stretch all tendons and ligaments;
  • do not forget about the need for protective equipment;
  • When blocking the raid, do not forget to protect your head with your forearm.

Example of training at home

Scheme of the first seven days:

  • Sitting on the floor in a comfortable position, strike with the pads of your right and left feet alternately.
  • Lying on the floor, push with the edge of the sole.
  • Lying on your stomach, perform a hook with your lower limb behind your back.
  • Standing on one knee, push with your fingers in the forward direction, then with the edge of your foot, and then back.

Plan for the second and third weeks:

  • Rotational hook of the feet forward while lying on the side.
  • Leaning your palms against the wall, attack with your sole back.
  • A classic straight punch with each fist in turn.
  • Upper blocking from the elbow to the hand.
  • Turn with blocking from the front position.
  • A direct push, with the fist turning 180 degrees.
  • Shift from the frontal position with a lunge and implementation of the block.

Fourth week technique:

  • Taking a step forward with the feet touching the head or stomach of a fictitious opponent.
  • From the front position, push your toes behind your back.
  • Foot kick from the back position.
  • Turn your head to the right, your right elbow is bent, your clenched fingers are at the level of your left ear.

Pull your left foot towards the opposite one, step back and turn at an angle of 180 degrees. Execute a lunge with your right foot, while simultaneously performing an attacking technique with your left fist.

Scheme of the fifth and sixth weeks:

  • Shifts in the front stance with hands on the belt.
  • Walk straight and strike with the side of your palm.
  • Leaning your hands on the wall, carry out the offensive technique with your foot to the side.
  • Pounce with your sole to the right over the obstacle.

Week seven and eight plan:

  • Practice overhead blocking attacks.
  • Throwing a hook with a loose, clenched palm.
  • Direct kick with the sole.
  • Push the opposite foot sideways.
  • Hook with clenched fingers from top to bottom.
  • Raid forward, sideways and behind the back.
  • Elbow strike to the right and left.
  • Sparring with a partner.

There is no clear answer to the question of how quickly you can learn karate. Professional fighters spend years mastering this art, while basic skills can be mastered in a few months. Thus, the timing depends only on the goals that the athlete sets for himself.

Using educational video lessons, it is quite possible to master karate techniques. But to gain technical skills, lessons with a teacher are necessary. In the gym, training can take place in groups, so it will be much easier to see your shortcomings. And then, a competent teacher will be able to instruct you on how to correctly use combat techniques and techniques.

Karate lessons for beginners are necessary for those who want to become more confident and gain physical fitness. However, the classes are designed for a leisurely learning process, since becoming a professional in a couple of lessons will not be possible. Attending classes is required not only to learn karate techniques, but also to sharpen reactions and eliminate fear of an opponent. This requires constant self-control and spiritual improvement. The lessons are suitable for both boys and girls. Karate techniques are not aimed at causing pain to the opponent, but rather, on the contrary, unlike other types of wrestling, karate does not require violence.

The karate techniques we learn can be used both for self-defense and for protecting friends and family from attacks. The karateka’s goal is to establish control over the attacker’s actions, and not to cause harm. As a result, the karateka’s task is aimed at eliminating the opponent’s capacity.

Based on the circumstances, karate techniques can be of the following types:

  • Suspected enemy attack.
  • Active enemy attack.
  • The enemy is at a distance and poses a threat.

Karate techniques for beginners

Before starting to study techniques, all students must become familiar with the Kata technique - the rules of combat, how to hold on. Initially, the Kata technique was a folk dance, but over time it became part of the martial arts. In addition, the technique does not involve the manifestation of the fighter’s physical capabilities, but the use of moral principles. Karate techniques for beginners begin with body positioning for each technique. An important feature of the classes is that beginners will never be placed together.

The ability to defend yourself depends on your physical form. Attacking techniques will be useless if a person is unstable and unable to maintain balance. Karate techniques differ in the position taken by the lower body. The effectiveness of an attack can be determined by the chosen stance. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the muscles in good shape so that, if necessary, they can be used to strike. If the interaction of muscles is inharmonious, then an incorrect stance will not lead to accurate strikes. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the tone of your muscles to ensure accurate and fast strikes.

Video karate lessons for beginners

Free karate video lessons will help you learn about this sport and acquire basic skills.

Of course, you can master this art only through intensive training and a teacher, but video karate lessons for beginners will help you understand the basic techniques.

Initially, karate was a form of self-defense, where each student was required to take an oath that the techniques being learned would be used only for defense. Even though karate is a martial art, the acquired skills should not be used to cause damage.

There are student and master degrees in karate. Video lessons will help beginners and experienced athletes. Many lessons contain additional materials that you can study.

The Wushu school goes back centuries and is based on oriental martial arts.

Karate for beginners, video lessons, training, exercises

Our system combines not only blocks or attacking punches and kicks, but also effective movements based on the skillful use of so-called “control movements”.

You must understand that the physical body is a single mechanism, so any blows are not considered as separate movements. Any combination of martial kung fu consists of several punches and kicks. But this connection must be “launched”, the inertia flywheel must be spun, after which the arms and legs “fly out” at enormous speed, and you only need to apply tension in the final phase of the impact. Tension is given for a split second, after which relaxation follows again, thanks to which we can quickly maneuver without breaking a single ligament with unnecessary stops.

Tension during blows is achieved by sharp exhalations, followed by inhalation again. It is impossible to exhale powerfully without taking a powerful inhalation. Inhalations and exhalations go as non-stop as the movements themselves, completely synchronizing with them. At the moment of exhalation, a sharp release of the so-called internal energy occurs, therefore, even without having a powerful blow, it can be strengthened by making emissions with sharp exhalations.

Working with energy is as integral a part of our school as physical work. To do this, there is a whole set of breathing exercises that strengthen energy and the so-called “ball of power”.

School of martial arts "Own Strength"- this is spiritual and physical improvement, the accumulation of personal strength. Our school's combat system teaches fast and effective combat, based on the principles of knowledge of the statics and dynamics of the human body. As well as proper breathing and coordinating it with movements and strikes.

You will learn powerful concentrated strikes, hard blocks, soft plastic movements, control over the situation, a sense of integrity while performing any technique.

Training process:

Exercises to develop energy, 10 breathing exercises, “Awakening the Dragon” complex;

Stretching exercises, hatha yoga;

Practicing syns (formal exercises in which all information is encoded);

Practicing punches and kicks in the air, against projectiles, in pairs wearing protective cuirasses.

Regardless of your level of training, your desires and capabilities, you will receive exceptional benefit, because You will become more flexible, stronger, and most importantly, extend your life, thanks to proper breathing, which is the cornerstone of our studies.

Karate lessons for beginners

Karate for children

Karate is a Japanese system of self-defense that every child can do. After all, even weak children with poor eyesight or asthmatic bronchitis become strong and dexterous after just a year of training.

The technical arsenal of karate for children is based on punches and kicks, throwing techniques, painful effects on joints, and strikes on vital points.

Why should a child take up karate?

First of all, karate is an excellent system of psychophysical training, which helps to channel children's overflowing energy in the right direction. Classes include gymnastics, stretching, work on developing memory and attentiveness. They also teach to obey unquestioningly and be disciplined, to adapt to a group of different ages.

Moreover, karate for children will protect the child from the negative influence of the street and reduce the time spent sitting at the computer. The child will also have the opportunity to communicate more with peers. In addition, the child will become stronger, disciplined, self-confident, and will be loyal to the weak and defeated.

At what age can you start playing carriage for children?

In order for martial art not to become a banal waving of arms and legs, it is better to start practicing karate from the age of five. But even if your child is already 7-8 years old, you can send him to a sports section to study this martial art. It is also worth noting that the child must have at least a basic understanding of discipline, the rules of working in a team, patience and endurance.

How many people should be in a group for karate classes?

As a rule, a children's karate group includes about twenty participants of different ages - those who have just started training and those who are no longer beginners.

They all study in the same group so that the younger ones have a role model, and the older ones learn to pass on their knowledge and skills to newcomers.

What kind of clothing should be worn for children's karate classes?

For the first lesson, you can wear a regular tracksuit or T-shirt, trousers and slippers. Classes in the hall are carried out without shoes or in special shoes. Further classes should be carried out in a strictly white kimono.

How should you behave in class?

In order for the entry into children's karate to be smooth and comfortable, a beginner needs to know the basic rules of behavior in classes.

  • You must enter the hall with a change of shoes.
  • Entry and exit from the hall must be accompanied by a ritual and personal bow to the Sensei and senior students.
  • The kimono must be worn over underwear and a T-shirt.
  • During class you must be without watches, rings, chains or other jewelry that could injure your partner.
  • Warm-ups and training should be carried out without talking.
  • You are not allowed to eat or chew during class.
  • You cannot leave the hall without asking permission from the teacher. To do this, you need to bow to Sensei, convey your request, and only then, having received permission, leave the hall.
  • If you are late for children's karate, you must quickly approach the Sensei, bow and sit last, regardless of the color of your belt.
  • With the help of a ritual bow, we express gratitude and say goodbye until the next class.

Talented teachers will teach you not only karate, but also discipline, patience, communication, the joy of movement and coordination.

During the classes, special importance is given to the upbringing of children, the development of their spirituality, adherence to basic human values ​​and moral principles in the spirit of shaping the future young healthy generation. Children also learn from an early age communication and mutual assistance, patience and discipline.

With the help of books and video lessons you can learn all sorts of techniques - stances, strikes, blocks and katas. But you definitely need a partner. Karate and all other martial arts simply do not exist without sparring. You need to feel your opponent. It is better to train in a group with a good trainer. He will correct your mistakes faster, teach you discipline and many good things. I wish you success.

no, you can’t, you definitely need a partner

To “learn karate” you need to sign up for training and attend it.

And at home you will only learn how to get a pumpkin))))

Definitely a PARTNER... Someone who would knock out your teeth and break your bones! I had friends who were karatekas, real... All broken and broken...

at home you can learn kicks, get some stretches, do push-ups and learn some katas. and only if there is a place at home for training. or better yet, go to the section.

I know all the techniques 1-4 heans need a trainer it can be found in double giz in your city double giz will help you find it on Google

Pfft you're lazy! Why are you even afraid to go to training? Do karate at home... Wahaha... =)) Go to training!

There are many ways to learn karate. You can also learn karate at home. More precisely, without a coach and (attention!) sparring partners. In particular, Chuck Norris, who has already become an Internet accordion (who, besides jokes about his immense coolness, is also a 7-time world champion in full-contact karate) began his studies this way. True, not at home, he was serving in the army at that time :))) But the Koreans did not allow him to train in Tang Soo Do, so he spied on their movements through the fence and then practiced them himself. Another thing is that such a path hides a lot of pitfalls. But there are also advantages. I can’t write about this better than Chuck, so if you’re interested, read his interviews and articles.

Can an atomic bomb be assembled at home?

No, to practice at home, you must first learn the basics in the gym. When you understand the mechanics of the human body and the principles on which the technique is based, then you can practice on your own, but with a partner. Alone you will not see your mistakes, and incorrect knowledge is worse than ignorance, believe me. Any incorrect movement, if repeated frequently, will become a habit and become automatic, and this is then very difficult to break.

No, it is not possible to study at home; you can deepen the knowledge you have already acquired. You can, of course, review the whole thing, but you won’t become a martial arts master. It requires painstaking work in the gym with a coach and more than one year.

thanks everyone!

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Abandoning the mysticism surrounding the Japanese art of karate-do, Keiji Tomiyama prefers a logical approach to the theory of the path to perfection, while at the same time showing the compatibility with today of the concepts of the most revered karate masters.

In this book, Keiji Tomiyama explains the basic philosophy and theory of Shito-ryu karate-do, which is applicable to other systems, as well as the basics of traditional martial arts, detailed details of correct technique.

This book is suitable for students of all styles and abilities at any stage of learning karate.






2. Speed

1. Normal abdominal breathing

2. Reverse abdominal breathing

3. Sanchin Breathing

4. Breathing while performing KATA and KUMITE


1. Upper body

2. Lower body


2. Naikhanchin Shodan


1. Rakka (flower fall)

2. RYUSUI (running water)

3.KUSSHIN (up and down)

4. TEN-I (change of positions)

5. HANGEKI (counter strike)


1. Blocking from outside

2. Uke-Kuzushi-Kime


Basics of Karate - Do

Necessary elements for growth of any level of karate skill


The author of this book, Mr. Keiji Tomiyama, like me, is a graduate of Doshisha University, where he achieved good results while practicing karate under my guidance. Since then he has been involved in the development of karate in Europe for many years, visiting and instructing various countries, but also often returning to Japan for his own progress. I know that he is also advancing his study of martial arts by contacting other styles and studying Tai Chi and Goju Ryu.

Using his long experiments as an instructor in Europe, Mr. Tomiyama put some of the results of his research into this book. I recommend “Fundamentals of Karate-do” because...

I believe that the book will be a good guide for karate practitioners outside Japan.

Chojiro Tani

Tani-ha Shito-ryu Kempo Karate-do Soke (founder) President of the World Shukokai Union


This book, “Fundamentals of Karate-Do,” published in Russian, is dedicated to the memory of Shota Shartava, who translated it from English, but unfortunately did not live to see its publication.

Keiji Tomiyama began studying Goju-ryu karate in 1968 when he entered Doshisha University, having previously trained in boxing in school. Later, the university karate club sought instructions from Master Chojiro Tani, a Doshisha graduate, and began training in the Tani-ha Shito-ryu style. As a member of this club, Sensei Tomiyama took second place in the Kansai area university student championship, and was also a member of the university student team in western Japan.

After graduating in 1972, he was sent with Sensei N. Omi (Chief Instructor of Kofukan of France) to Paris to assist Sensei Y. Suzuki (now Chief Instructor of Kofukan International).

From 1973 to 1978 he assisted Sensei Suzuki at the European Central Dojo in Brussels, after which he headed to England as Chief Instructor.

Unfortunately, family circumstances forced him to return to Japan in the summer of 1982. Over the next two and a half years, he returned to the Doshisha University Karate Club, which returned to the practice of Goju-ryu. There he studied together with masters K. Uehara, B. Yamashita and H. Fujimoto, graduates and direct students of master Mabuni. For some time he also worked as a coach for the university team.

Keiji Tomiyama was promoted to sixth dan in Goju-ryu in 1985, and in 1986 he was promoted to sixth dan in Shito-ryu.

He is now back in England, living in Nottingham and conducting regular seminars in Europe.


This book is not intended to be a Shito-ryu style karate instruction manual showing basics, katas and combinations. I will cover the complete system in due course in other volumes. Instead, in this book I will try to explain the most basic philosophy and theory of this system, which is easily applicable to other systems, so that you, the reader, will know why a technique should be performed in a certain way, and also, very importantly, how A karateka must approach this issue.

This book is intended for karatekas of varying abilities whose understanding of the ideas presented here will increase with time and practice. I hope that the book will provoke much thought and discussion and help students to have a richer enjoyment of karate and life in general.

So, as you approach the material in this book, as at the beginning of every training session, I ask you to keep an open and receptive mind.


When I conduct rank examinations, I always distribute questionnaires to the candidates in which they indicate their personal data: where, when and with whom they took the previous qualifying examinations, what success they achieved (places in competitions, etc.), and , most importantly, their personal views and goals in karate.

This last part can be very revealing, sometimes upsetting or disappointing, sometimes endearing, often funny! At times you might read: “My goal is to get a black belt.” In a certain sense, this is understandable. Over a training period of two to four years, learning new techniques, combinations, Katas, etc., while going through the sometimes painful process of passing the exams for each color belt, it may seem that black belt is the ultimate result. After all, in most styles and organizations there are no distinctive marks on the belts that differentiate the degree of dan. However, there is a way to differentiate - this is the karateka's demeanor. I will add that this does not just mean that he or she makes a great mawashigeri, or that one's maken-zuki is faster than his partner, although the pursuit of technical perfection is important. This should be clearly evident from the usual demeanor and outlook on life: her/his relationships with other people in all areas of activity; their participation in the progress of another karateka; the groups they belong to or are not accepted. This is why the simple goal of “getting a black belt” often changes in subsequent exams. Although when they were previously told that first dan is the starting point, the level at which you really begin to understand something about the essence of Karate-do, they may have subconsciously believed that this is a fiction spread by those of higher ranks to enhance the mysticism surrounding the desired black belt. But after the first sudden joy passes and the belt is in place, when they are back in the dojo and they are encouraged to make even more effort, more determination, more thought, more commitment - more, more, more - then they begin to understand that black The belt is not an end in itself, but only a step along the long path of Karate-do practice. Also, a surprisingly large number of candidates express the opinion: “I started doing karate to become strong.” It's surprising because I have a hard time imagining the physical aspect as separate from the mental discipline, and I realize that a lot of people have misconceptions about karate. Fortunately, most candidates sooner or later begin to understand that Karate-do is “a completely different game” compared to most other sports. In fact, “sport” is, of course, a misnomer. Karate at its best is an art. Practicing him is not only a matter of physical effort, but his theories are inseparable from the rest of life. The concepts of respect for others and resilience are undoubtedly essential for social harmony: theory and practice can be applied in real life.

Next page

Karate has been one of the most popular Japanese martial arts of defense and offense since the nineteenth century. Literally translated, it is “the direction of an empty hand.”

Although karate originated as a fighting art, it is not used to cause bodily harm. This is primarily defense, the ability to block, the ability to break objects. You can say that karate is your lifestyle.

Where to start learning

The easiest way is to go to a karate section, where experienced trainers will take care of you and will be able to guide you in the development of your physical and spiritual training. Also in the section you will have the opportunity to study in a special, well-ventilated room.

A trainer will be able to explain to you how to learn karate and help you understand the three main types of karate: drill, duel and breaking.

But the help of a coach is not the most important thing. In order to be able to use karate skills in life situations, you need to have a very quick reaction and strong determination. You need to be sure that if the enemy attacks, you will be able to provide the necessary counteraction.

Karate training at home

In addition to classes in the section, you can also learn karate at home.

How to learn karate at home? First of all, you need a spacious room with ventilation. It is advisable to equip such a room as a gym. There should be mats on the floor, or a soft covering replacing them. It is also advisable to have a punching bag, a horizontal bar and a gymnastic wall.

In second place is physical training. You need to do strength, endurance and flexibility exercises. You also need to intensively develop stretching of your muscles and ligaments.

And the third important component of your training is a partner, because karate cannot be learned alone. All karate techniques can only be practiced in good sparring.

There are many videos on the Internet on how to learn karate. Before studying on your own, it would be advisable to review several of them.

A Lesson in Hitting for Defense

Let's learn a regular strike for our own defense.

It is very important to clench your fist correctly. First you need to squeeze the middle phalanges of your fingers, then press them to your palm.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes out to the sides. Place your right hand at hip level, clench your palm into a fist and turn your fingers upward.

Your left hand should be positioned at the level of your solar plexus, with your palm clenched into a fist with your fingers down. Move your right elbow back. We strike with our right hand, turning the body towards the hand that is in front.

If you decide to learn karate on your own, be patient and determined.