Calla or Zantedeschia Ethiopian (Zantedeschia aethiopica) - growing indoors. Ethiopian calla: cultivation and care Ethiopian calla

In my collection of decorative flowers there are very beautiful plant, and recently they gave me a second one. A friend gave it to me and said that it wouldn’t bloom for her. And all the beauty is not even in the flower, but in the snow-white wide collar of the Ethiopian calla lily.

This flower can be successfully grown both in a pot at home and in the garden outdoors.

The plant is very popular among florists, since when cut it flower arrangements and ordinary bouquets, not only is it an accent flower due to its shape and color, but it does not lose freshness for a long time, almost 2 weeks.

  1. It's actually perennial herbaceous plant has a completely different name - Zantedeschia Ethiopian. Arum and Whitewing are also all about her. The flower belongs to the Araceae family and the Zantedeschia genus.
  2. In southern Africa, which is its homeland, the plant grows wild in damp, swampy places and its height often reaches two and a half meters. Of course, in cultivation, for a bouquet and at home, it is impossible to see calla lilies above 1 meter.
  3. The leaves of the plant are elongated and heart-shaped, their length is about half a meter, and their width is 18 - 20 cm. They are collected in a basal rosette. The color of the leaf blades is deep, rich, green, in perfect harmony with the snow-white flowers. The structure of the leaves is expressed by thin, slightly recessed vertical veins. The stem is fleshy, thick and erect.
  4. Above the rosette of leaves there is a tall peduncle, at least 10 cm, which is strewn with small bright yellow flowers. On top it seems to be wrapped in a snow-white blanket - an elongated petal at the end. Its diameter can reach 20 - 25 cm.
  5. This original structure makes the flower completely different from others. There are varieties in which the “collar” is not white, but yellow or pink, which looks very unusual and delicate.
  6. The flowering period of calla lilies lasts from late autumn to May. But if the conditions are very suitable for her, she can delight with flowers almost all year round.
  7. Grown indoors, the flowers have almost no odor, but garden callas have a delicate aroma.

Main types

Both for growing in flower beds and at home, there are several of the most popular types, differing not only in the structure and height of the bush itself, but also in the shade of the cover itself, which borders the peduncle. Let's look at some of them:

Zantedeschia Eliot

The view is different yellow sheet - bedspread. The height and volume of the peduncle and leaves are slightly smaller than those of white ones. In summer, the plant begins a dormant period. The entire above-ground part dies off, and the tuber is removed to a dark place.

This flower is characterized by small dense leaves, glossy, with small light inclusions. The flower itself is a bright lemon color with a sharp tip.

Zantedeschia Remanna

The color of the flower varies from soft pink to rich crimson, almost red.

  • A distinctive feature of the species is the structure of the leaf: it is not arrow-shaped, like other species, but semi-straight, the corners are slightly bent, and there are small streaks of a lighter tone along the entire plane of the leaf plate.
  • Flowering begins from mid-July to early September. The core is shorter than that of other species, only 7 cm. The height of the shoot itself, together with the flower, is no more than half a meter.

These 2 species served breeders to breed colored calla lilies. The color range is very rich: from almost black to purple tint to soft pink, and then red and orange tones. You can choose any shade depending on any design solution.

Main varieties

There are varieties that are most popular when grown at home.

Green Goddess

The variety is very interesting because of its color scheme: the core of the cover is white, and the edges are greenish to match the color of the leaves and stems. The peduncle is bright yellow.

White Sail

The variety is very often found in cultivation. It is distinguished by a wide, large snow-white leaf - a blanket.

Pink mist

This plant is distinguished by erect green leaves with a strong petiole and various shades bedspread: both very delicate tones and rich bright pink.

Red Desire

These calla lilies have wide, erect green stems and leaves with thread-like veins, as well as a wide white spathe-leaf with red cores.

Basic rules of care

This plant, grown quite often at home, is not particularly demanding. The flower is unpretentious, and it does not require much time and effort to bloom and grow.

What kind of lighting is needed

  1. The length of daylight for calla lilies is required to be no less than 12 - 14 hours.
  2. The flower loves light very much, so winter time year, additional diffused lighting is required using special lamps.
  3. You should not place the flowerpot in the south of the apartment, so straight Sun rays can burn sheet plates and calla lily inflorescence.
  4. You also need to find a calm and quiet place for a pot, because drafts are the enemy of calla lilies. She may stop blooming if she feels uncomfortable.

Temperature and air humidification

  • Like during vigorous flowering, and during summer dormancy, the air temperature, which is most acceptable, should be within 18 - 20 degrees Celsius.
  • When the growing season begins, the temperature can be lowered slightly, but no more than +16. If the room is cold, the plant may get sick. Don't forget that calla is an African beauty.
  • The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and may stop blooming.
  • This tropical plant loves high air humidity. Therefore, if it stands near heating devices and batteries, then you should move it a little and spray the air from the spray bottle more often.
  • Wide leaves must be wiped from time to time with a damp cloth to remove dust. This way the plant will receive required amount moisture from the air.

Features of watering

When the plant is just entering the active growth phase, it needs to be watered as the soil in the pot dries out. Regular and moderate watering is required.

When setting buds and flowering, the amount of watering should be increased slightly, but do not flood the flower. It is advisable to keep the soil constantly moist, but not too wet. When flowering begins to descend, you need to moisten the soil again little by little.

When at rest, the plant almost always sheds its leaves, and it is recommended to stop watering for 6 - 8 weeks. Don't be alarmed if the calla leaves fall off - this is normal for the flower's dormant period.

Soil composition

Calla is not a particularly fastidious plant when it comes to soil composition. It is quite possible to buy universal indoor soils for this flower. ornamental plants with lush flowering.

  1. The main requirement is that the soil in the pot must be nutritious, and it also needs to conduct moisture and oxygen well to the root system.
  2. Stagnation of water in the soil is undesirable. Some gardeners grow calla lilies hydroponically.
  3. If you wish, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself: take equal parts of turf soil, leaf soil, peat, fine river sand, and a little humus. Mix all ingredients well until smooth.

Fertilizer and feeding

During the period of active growth and flowering, it must be fed at least once every 14 days. You can also choose a universal fertilizer for flowering plants. indoor plants. But read the ingredients carefully. Limit fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, because the green mass - leaves and stems - will begin to actively develop.

For lush and beautiful flowering, calcium and phosphorus are needed. Therefore, before the flowering period, you should feed the plant with these fertilizers.

How to transplant

  • The flower has one difference: it needs to be replanted annually.
  • In the second half of July and until mid-August, when the dormant period begins, the plant must be removed from the pot and cleaned root system, and also remove all dry leaves.
  • You can replant it again in the same flowerpot. It is important that the root collar is at ground level.
  • Depending on the size of the root system, you can choose a pot that is only a few centimeters larger. It is not recommended to plant calla lilies in a pot that is too spacious.


This procedure is carried out by separating root shoots. They must be carefully laid out for pre-drying. You should choose healthy and strong roots. It is recommended to do this when you replant the plant.

Then the parts of the plant that have been dried for several days should be planted in separate small pots. The soil should be moist, and you can use universal soil.


  • Ethiopian calla can decorate any home and become a wonderful addition to the flower collection of both a beginner in plant growing and an experienced gardener.
  • In order for the plant to delight with flowers, one must not make the main mistake - watering during the plant's dormant period. During flowering and active growth, fertilize the flower according to schedule.
  • Pests and diseases do not particularly attack calla lilies. If it appears spider mite, then you need to wipe the leaves soap solution and follow the rules of care.

One of the most beautiful and wonderful flowers is calla lily. Thanks to its sophistication, it can be found not just at home, but as part of expensive interior. Some consider calla lily to be a wedding flower, others are sure that it is a flower of death and have seen it at funerals. But still, the flower looks like a bride’s attire and is more considered a wedding dress. There are quite a lot of types of calla lilies, in this article we will talk about separate form Ethiopian calla.

Some general information

Ethiopian calla (calla aethiopica) or as it is also called Ethiopian zantedeschia (zantedeschia aethiopica) is found in swampy areas in southern Africa. This is the most optimal and comfortable environment for growth.

On average, Ethiopian calla lilies grow up to one meter at home. The sheets are quite long, up to 50 centimeters, similar to narrow plates, up to 20 centimeters wide. They grow from the root into rosettes. On the thick root there is a flower from which the inflorescence spadix can be seen. Flowering begins in February and lasts only about a month.

Growing calla lilies at home is not difficult. a series of rules must be followed and decent care must be provided. This applies to both garden and indoor flowers. They have their own needs and characteristics:

  • It should be planted shallowly so that the root system is only slightly covered with soil. Otherwise, putrefactive processes may begin.
  • What novice flower growers call a flower, in nature is a covering leaf, which is also called a veil; it wraps the ear of the inflorescence. In reality, calla flowers are very tiny, but they emit a wonderful aroma.
  • Once planted, a flower will not sprout until its rhizome is fully formed. In this case, don’t be upset if you don’t see sprouts for a long time.
  • Dig out the flower tubers very carefully so as not to damage them.
  • For Ethiopian calla, it is recommended to choose porous pots. This way, unnecessary moisture will evaporate, making maintenance easier.
  • Calla is a solitary flower; it does not like having neighbors nearby.
  • Periodically upper layer The soil in the pot should be removed, carefully, without touching the roots. Sprinkle a little nutrient soil on top.

What types of Ethiopian calla lilies are there?

Callas are very popular; their varieties differ in color and size. Let's talk about the main types of Ethiopian calla lilies:

  • Goddess Green. The flower has a cover of two colors. In the middle the blanket is white, its outer side is green, merging with the foliage.
  • Pink Mist. Most likely the name comes from the color of the bedspread, the base of which has a pink tint.
  • Sail White. The color of the bedspread can be understood from the name; it is quite wide.
  • Red Desire. Beautiful white bedspread wraps a red inflorescence-cob.

What care does Ethiopian calla need?

For calla to grow and develop well, it does not need special care. The flower is quite unpretentious. But still comply certain rules need to.

  1. Light. Ethiopian calla loves light, and as much as possible. But you can’t put it in the sun at home; the light must be diffused. Optimal daylight hours are 12-15 hours. For this reason in winter period You need to install additional lighting for the plant. In the house it is placed on the windowsill, where there is enough light, but the sun’s rays do not burn.
  2. Temperature regime. Winter and summer optimal temperature for calla lilies - 18-20 degrees. In winter there is flowering, in summer there is dormancy. During the growing season, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to 16 degrees; if it is lower, the plant will begin to hurt. Calla is completely contraindicated in drafts and temperature changes.
  3. Humidity. Calla prefers fairly high humidity in the room. Therefore, its leaves need to be sprayed daily. You can also pamper the flower with periodic warm shower. Containers of water are placed near the flower on the windowsill, and the pot itself can be placed in a tray with wet pebbles.
  4. Priming. Calla is unpretentious in soil. The main thing is that everyone is present nutritional components. The soil must allow air and moisture to pass freely. You can purchase soil for flowering indoor plants at a flower shop.
  5. Watering. As soon as the calla begins to develop, moderate watering is necessary so that the soil does not dry out. During flowering, watering is more abundant. At this time, the soil should be kept moist at all times. When flowering is over, watering is reduced, then stopped altogether. For about 2 months the plant remains completely without moisture; no additional care is needed. During this time, some of the leaves die off.
  6. Feeding. When flowering begins, calla simply needs fertilizing, which is carried out once every 14 days at home. It should be liquid. You can buy any for flowering indoor plants. The fertilizing composition should be low in nitrogen. It is this component that increases the formation of greenery, which will harm the flowering. But phosphorus will only be beneficial.
  7. Reproduction. Ethiopian calla lilies are propagated by separating root children. Cut plants should be dried slightly for several days. Next, they are seated in separate pots. Another method of propagation is seeds. You can only use those that have just been collected.
  8. Transfer. Calla lilies need to be replanted every year, and this does not depend on its age. When the dormant time ends (mid-late summer), the flower is removed from the pot, cleaned and planted back, only in fresh soil. The procedure is carried out carefully so as not to damage the root system; the earth is lightly crushed on top. The pot should be small so that the roots cannot grow.

What diseases and pests await Ethiopian calla lilies at home?

All problems that may befall the plant appear due to improper care. The first thing that can lead to problems is active watering during dormancy. Diseases can also be caused by:

  • Cold.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Drafts.

If you still couldn’t wait for the long-awaited flowering, the reason may be:

  • Not enough light.
  • The planting was in a very tight pot.
  • The flower had no time to rest.
  • Inappropriate fertilizers were used.

Ethiopian calla is extremely rarely encountered with various pests at home. The maximum that can infect her is a spider mite. And this problem appears due to improper care. As soon as you notice such a problem, send the flower under a warm shower.

With proper care, pests and diseases do not threaten the plant. Calla will delight you with its flowering for a whole month.

The calla has faded, what to do?

At the height of summer, the Ethiopian calla lily begins its dormant period. Its signs at home:

  • Growth stops and then stops altogether.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out.

As soon as you see such signs, the plant should be placed on a balcony or loggia, or you can take it outside. It is important that there is a lot of light, it cannot get wet from rain.

At the beginning of July, the calla lilies are removed from the pot, cleaned of old leaves and shoots, and planted in fresh and nutritious soil. From this moment you can begin feeding, watering, and active care. This is the life cycle of a plant. WITH garden flowers the situation is different:

  • The flower remains in the ground until September.
  • It is dug up in the fall.
  • Store in a dry and cool place, watering periodically.

Video about Ethiopian calla. How to fertilize Ethiopian calla lilies, how to care for them at home. When calla lilies have a dormant period and a flowering period. When to take calla lilies outside, when and how to propagate them.

Ethiopian calla – video

We have been growing calla lilies for decades. In this case, it is an Ethiopian calla with a white cover around the flower. When grown, callas prefer loose, moist soil. The soil must necessarily contain either peat, humus, or manure - this is at the discretion of each gardener. We use both peat and humus to ensure that the soil is moist and has a very high moisture permeability.

Calla lily care includes loosening, watering, fertilizing and maintaining temperature regime(room ventilation). In general, Ethiopian calla is a marsh plant, so it constantly requires high humidity both soil and air. That is why we keep the soil constantly moist - we provide abundant watering of the callas, abundant loosening of the soil and fertilizing if necessary. Callas love various fertilizers, but most of all – potash and nitrogen. You can use superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate - these are the simplest and most affordable fertilizers.

For flowering callas A period of rest is extremely necessary, without which the callas simply may not bloom in the end. In traditional agricultural technology, this is the summer period. In June, callas have a dormant period, then you need to reduce watering of callas. Water the plants 2-3 times a month; the leaves begin to die off, but it is necessary to continue watering so that 1-2 leaves do not die off, which is necessary so that when the dormant period ends, the plant comes to its senses as quickly as possible and begins to grow. It follows from this that what fewer leaves remains on the calla during the dormant period, the later the inflorescences begin to form, and the later the calla will bloom.

Calla lilies can easily spend their dormant period in open ground, i.e. on summer time you can dig up the plant and replant it in your garden, or simply take the pot or tub out into the fresh air.

If you grew calla lilies at home, during the dormant period it is better to move them to the garden and plant them in open ground. But it will not bloom in the summer, because calla lilies, as we have already said, enter a dormant period at this time. And in August-September the dormant period ends, the calla will need to be dug up, the baby separated, planted in a pot and taken indoors, i.e. bring back home.

This kind of vacation is even preferable for calla lilies - in an apartment there is a greater chance of catching spider mites. By the way, you can fight mites with standard insecticides and acaricides - actellik, for example.

Now the question of dividing calla lilies– you should not ignore the importance of this procedure, because otherwise the calla lilies may not bloom. It is necessary to separate the children from the mother plant in the fall. We dig up the calla lilies and separate the baby from it. If the plant has a lot of children, then the flower will not form and develop. We separate all the children and plant the calla lilies in the ground (there is no need to deepen them, but the neck of the rhizome should not rise too much above the soil). If the plant is deeply buried in the substrate, then the calla inflorescences (formed in the leaf) may begin to rot. If calla lilies are planted too high above the soil, the root system may lack moisture, which leads to an increase in the formation of inflorescences and a deterioration in their development.

No wonder flower growers call calla lilies winter flower. In any case, Ethiopian calla, which we grow according to a method that has been proven for decades, blooms in winter and spring, and rests in summer. Of course, amateurs really want to shift this natural schedule and make calla lilies bloom from June to August. It is possible that modern colored varieties and hybrids are adapted to such conditions.

Ethiopian calla lilies are very popular among indoor flower lovers. A plant from the araceae family is a relative of calamus. In nature there are up to 6 different species. They are all very attractive and have unusual qualities.


South Africa is considered the birthplace of these callas. Magnificent flowers are a real decoration for apartments and greenhouses and look great in bouquets. The plant is large, with wide, succulent and shiny leaves, which are also bright green in color. They are located on long basal petioles and collected in rosettes. The flower itself has an original structure. It is formed at the end of a towering arrow and is a yellow inflorescence-cob wrapped in a white blanket. Its smell is very faint and resembles vanilla.

Flowering usually begins in the second half of winter and lasts for 1.5-2 months. Under different names Ethiopian calla is known - zantedeschia, richardia, calla lily. The tuberous rhizome produces numerous suckers every year, which must be removed so that they do not delay flowering.

Growing conditions

Calla lilies feel best in a spacious and bright room. Under conditions as close as possible to natural ones, the plant will delight with its beauty for a long time. The container for these flowers needs to be voluminous, with a fairly deep tray. The Ethiopian calla is not afraid of the sun's rays, but it must be protected from drafts. It is very important to follow the basic rules of growing - maintaining the required temperature, lighting, humidity, and timely feeding.

Soil requirements

Under natural conditions, callas prefer damp, swampy areas. This must be taken into account when preparing the soil mixture for planting, adding river silt to it and placing a deep tray under the pot (it must contain a layer of water of at least 5 cm). If you are counting on maintaining the plant for many years, it is necessary that the substrate is slightly acidic and rich in nutrients. It should contain clay-turf and peat soil, humus, sand (all in the ratio 1:1:1:0.5). It is very good if it is possible to add a little swamp substrate or river silt. Ethiopian domestic calla grows well in clean peat. Some gardeners use manure or compost to prepare the soil mixture.


In March, spacious pots are prepared - for 1 tuber the capacity should be at least 3 liters. A soil mixture is poured into them with superphosphate added to it (1 tablespoon for every 3 liters of substrate). A drainage layer must be poured onto the bottom.

Tubers intended for planting must be healthy. This is evidenced by their elasticity, light yellow color and the presence of living apical buds. Overdried gray tubers with wrinkled skin are not suitable. Existing areas of rot or growths are carefully scraped off with a sharp knife.

Before planting, certain preparatory work. For 2-3 weeks, the tubers are transferred to a warm place with good lighting. Then immerse for 15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which it is dried. This will help protect the flowers from rotting and damage by pests, from which Ethiopian calla often suffers.

The tubers are planted shallowly - a maximum of 10 cm - and slightly moistened. The pots are placed where it is warm and there are no drafts.


In the first 2 weeks, the plant does not need much moisture. Later they switch to abundant watering. Use soft, settled water. During the flowering period, additional moisture is required, so Zantedeschia leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle and bathed in the shower. It is also necessary to ensure that there is always water in the pan.

For a native of tropical Africa, the humidity in the room should be at least 55%. If this condition is met, the Ethiopian calla will delight you not only with large flowers, but also with beautiful greenery. Caring for the plant involves abundant watering only during leaf development and flowering. From the moment the rest period begins, they are reduced, then stopped altogether for 1.5-2 months and gradually resumed again. This phase in plant development usually lasts from autumn to February.

Temperature and lighting

It is advisable that the room for growing calla lilies be light and spacious. Direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. It's better if the light is a little diffused. A flower pot can be placed on a north or east window. Ethiopian white calla grows well even in artificial lighting, the main thing is that it is chosen correctly, otherwise the plant may not bloom. Daylight hours should last 10-12 hours.

The temperature in the room where zantedeschia grows plays an important role. It may fluctuate depending on the phase of development of calla lilies. During flowering, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 15-18⁰C. Increasing it even by 2 degrees will lead to a decrease in the quality of flowers. During the dormant period, it is recommended to remove callas in a room where the temperature is from 8 to 10⁰C.

Top dressing

Fertilizers begin to be applied when the first leaves appear. Combines both root and foliar feeding. Mineral and organic fertilizers Used on average 2 times a month. At the beginning, at the stage of plant development, it is mainly nitrogen fertilizers. During the flowering period, more phosphorus and potassium are needed. You can use conventional complexes containing these elements. Long-lasting and more beautiful flowering largely depends on them. Ethiopian calla appearance signals a lack of a particular nutrient. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become dull, losing their luster. Potassium deficiency is expressed in raising their pointed tips upward.

When performing foliar feeding, it is very important that droplets of the solution do not fall on the white cover of the flower. This may lead to loss of its decorative effect. By periodically replacing the top layer of the substrate, you can do without replanting the plant. At a time when the Ethiopian calla blooms, home care also allows for the introduction of fertilizing in the form of tea leaves, egg shells, and fruit peels.

Caring for the plant during the dormant period

At the end of flowering, the growth of calla lilies stops, but the roots continue to develop. This period usually lasts from May to July. Until autumn, the plant can be placed on a balcony or loggia, where piercing winds do not penetrate and it is possible to shelter from the sun. Neither watering nor fertilizing is done at this time.

You can put callas into a state of deep dormancy by completely removing the leaves and placing them in the refrigerator, cellar or any other place where the temperature is within 3-5⁰C.


It can be produced either by suckers or by seeds. The first method is much simpler, which is why gardeners most often use it. Offshoots are small nodules that form around the main one in large numbers (sometimes there are up to 25 of them). They have to be removed in any case so as not to delay the development of the plant. The tubers are separated carefully so as not to damage the roots on them, and planted in prepared containers filled with substrate. It is obtained by mixing 2 parts of turf soil and one each of peat, leaf and sand. Then the pots are placed in a room with a temperature of +12-16⁰C and a humidity of at least 80%. There must be good lighting, because otherwise the plants become stretched, the leaves lose their bright color, and the quality of flowering may suffer in the future.

To increase the quantity planting material the offspring can be divided in half so that at least one bud remains on each. The fracture site is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with charcoal.

Ethiopian calla lilies also reproduce using seeds. This method is used mainly by breeders, because it allows you to preserve varietal characteristics plants. Only fresh seeds are taken for planting. They are soaked for 6 hours in a special solution that stimulates development. After this, lay it out on a damp cloth, covering it with the other end on top, and place it in a warm place for 7 days. As soon as the seeds germinate, they are sown in the ground. They germinate at a temperature of 20⁰C. The emerging inputs dive into separate containers.

Diseases and pests

Mainly fungal and infectious diseases Ethiopian crops that are carried out without observing the rules of agricultural technology suffer are the main reasons for their occurrence. Overmoistening of the soil and excess nitrogenous fertilizers usually lead to fungal infection of the plant. At the first sign of this, it is necessary to stop watering, replace the soil and treat the flower with fungicides.

It is most important to prevent such diseases, because getting rid of some of them can be very difficult. Prevention consists of disinfecting tubers, removing parts of the plant with the slightest signs of disease.

Of the insect pests for calla lilies, the greatest danger is spider mites and aphids. To combat them, it is recommended to spray the plant with special preparations (Fitoverm, Vertimek) and a soap solution.

At proper care Ethiopian calla lilies can become a real home decoration. Photos of these amazing flowers confirm the fact that, with very little effort, you can grow such beauty in your home.

Today we will talk about popular flowering plant which came to us from South Africa. We will talk about the nuances of cultivation at home and wintering Ethiopian calla lilies. If you call this plant universal, you will be one hundred percent right. They decorate homes and include them in bouquets. This is an excellent greenhouse plant.


Several features of the Ethiopian calla lily:

  1. Big sizes.
  2. Wide, succulent, shiny leaves.
  3. Heart-shaped bright green leaves.
  4. The original structure of the flower is an inflorescence-cob on the arrow.
  5. The beginning of flowering is the second half of the winter period.
  6. The plant is pleasing to the eye gorgeous flowers one and a half to two months.

So, let's move on to the main issues.

A few words about calla lilies

There are varieties of calla lilies in which the flowers (more precisely, the flower cover) do not white, and colored. However, they do not come from the Ethiopian calla lily, but often from the flowering yellow flowers calla lilies Elliot and calla lilies Remana, who at the beginning pink flowers later become purple-violet.

These species do not have roots, like the Ethiopian calla lily, but tubers. They are planted in February. Plants develop relatively quickly and after 60 days they are already blooming. Recently, tubers of these unusual calla lilies can be bought in specialized stores.

Typically these varieties bloom during the summer. In the fall, callas fade, their tubers are taken out of the ground, dried and stored for two or two and a half months at a temperature of 12-15 degrees, then planted again in the ground.

Did you know! Calla Ethiopian used to have the botanical name “Calla”? Later this name changed, and this genus of plants was named after the physicist F. Zantedeschia (1773-1846) - “Zantedeschia”. There was a time when this plant was called "ricardia".

Cultivation at home

Experienced flower growers classify the plant we are considering as an unpretentious inhabitant of window sills.


The plant develops well and grows in bright, diffused light. In winter, you cannot do without supplementary lighting with phytolamps, since the minimum duration of illumination is 12 hours.

The correct solution would be to “register” the plant on the windowsill of a window facing east and west. A plant on a south-facing window will require protection from direct rays of the sun, which are harmful to it.


The resting period of the Ethiopian calla is summer, the flowering period is winter. The average optimal temperature during these periods is 19 degrees.


An actively growing plant requires moderate watering. It is necessary to avoid drying out the earthen coma. More abundant watering is necessary for blooming flower. Calla lilies that have finished blooming require less water.

Watering the plant is allowed with soft, well-settled 20-degree water.

Air humidity

We're talking about a high-humidity lover who needs to be sprayed every day. Periodic warm showers are also recommended.

Place an open container of water near the plant. True, it is better to use a tray with wet expanded clay.

Soil features

Everything is simple with soil. The plant feels great in neutral universal soil for indoor plants. In order to save money, you can prepare your own soil mixture consisting of rotted turf, foliage, peat, soil, and sand. Everything is taken in equal parts.

Some gardeners grow the plant hydroponically.


An actively growing plant is fed every 14 days. Priority is given to liquid fertilizer with the least amount of nitrogen, which is negatively associated with flowering. The more phosphorus, the more abundant the flowering.

Wintering conditions

Ethiopian calla is a plant with pronounced growth cycles. Usually, under favorable conditions, it begins to bloom already on the eve of Christmas. The flowers then last until summer.

Then a period of rest begins, indicated by yellow leaves. Watering is now limited and then stopped completely. Now the pot with the plant can be moved to a protected place on the balcony or in the garden. The soil can even dry out completely. Natural precipitation is usually enough to keep the tuber in the substrate from drying out completely. On the balcony, you need to lightly water the plant from time to time.

After a dormant period of about 4-6 weeks, the knobby tuber is removed from the pot, the soil is shaken off and planted in fresh soil. A heavy mixture is suitable for planting. If using ordinary flower earth, you can not mix it with a large number of compost or clay. Mixed soil is also suitable. At first, the tuber is kept moderately moist. However, as soon as shoots begin to appear, the plant is watered more abundantly and fertilized from time to time. The plant needs a relatively large amount of nutrients.

If the calla lilies are still under open air, before the onset of frost, it is moved into the room and kept at a temperature of 9 degrees. Later the temperature can be increased to 14 degrees. It is very important at this time that the plant is in a bright place. Calla tolerates small portions of sun well. Under favorable conditions, calla lilies begin to bloom again by the end of winter or spring.