Cucumber seedling planting calendar (2016). Planting cucumbers in May Dates for planting cucumbers in the middle zone and the Moscow region

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  • ​Keep in mind that planted plants need crowding, watering, and weeding throughout the season.​

The influence of the moon on the growth of cucumbers

​Let's now find out how to determine ​

- Watering and fertilizing indoor flowers will give excellent results. The best time to loosen the soil in pots.​

- Water the plants; weeds will not grow for a long time. Prepare the soil for growing seedlings. Approaching favorable time for sowing.​

​Check the seeds prepared for planting. Consider the shelf life of seeds: peppers, lettuce, spinach, beets, eggplants remain viable for up to 3 years, beans, radishes, peas 4 - 6, cabbage, tomatoes up to 5. Seeds of parsley, celery, carrots remain viable for only 1 - 2 years. A sign that carrot seeds are fresh is a sharp, pleasant “carrot” smell. Pastisons, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins retain their germination the longest.

​It has long been known that the moon controls many processes on our planet. Recently, many gardeners, when planting vegetables and fruits, adhere to the recommendations given by lunar calendars.

Lunar calendar for planting vegetables for January 2016.

​9-11 and 22.​

​Mid-season and late varieties you can sow

  • ​Leaves that impede the development of the bush, namely yellowed ones, and the like must be removed regularly. Do this on a rainy day, at this time it is easier to break them off, and the damaged areas will have time to dry out.​
  • ​favorable days for planting tomatoes​
  • ​If you want to get an excellent harvest of tomatoes, then you need to determine when favorable days come and you can plant the seeds. It depends on what variety: early, middle or late. Therefore, if you are going to plant purchased seeds, pay attention to the back of the package; there must be a planting calendar that best suits this variety.​
  • - On the eve of the Full Moon, it is useful to spray plants against diseases and pests.

Lunar calendar for planting vegetables in January 2016

- Today garden calendar 2016 we plant onions, parsley, dill. After 12.11 is a good time to plant climbing indoor plants.​ ​January 13 - When the Moon is waning in the fertile sign of Scorpio, it is good to plant in a heated greenhouse. radishes, carrots, beets and other root vegetables. Plant bulbous flowers. It is not recommended to propagate plants by cuttings and layering at this time.​ ​1-9​ ​Planting cucumbers lunar calendar It’s not a tricky thing, you just have to adhere to the two most important commandments:​

​June​ ​22, 23 April​ If there are a lot of such leaves, this means that the tomatoes are not developing fully, they need to be sprayed with a urea solution. Take ½ tbsp. l. dilute urea in 5 liters of water. should be diluted in five liters of water.​ ​. To begin with, it should be noted that the best time for planting tomatoes is the waxing moon.​ ​More information about when to sow seeds for seedlings​

What will we start planting in January 2016:

- Moon in the sign of Pisces. This is a favorable time for sowing dill, lettuce and other greens. good time for sowing seeds remontant strawberries(read tips on growing strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds); It is recommended to plant indoor plants.​ ​January 5​

​10​ ​follow the calendar instructions,​

​5th, 11th and 12th.​​.​

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar?​​For calculation​

​When February and March come, people actively start growing tomato seedlings. Choose best seeds tomatoes, stock up on soil and pots for seedlings. And the main thing during this period is to correctly calculate the time for planting seedlings. February is a great time to purchase soil and prepare boxes. As for the planting days specifically, in February 2016 these are exactly 13,14,15 and 18, in which case in April it will be necessary to transplant into the greenhouse. Mid-ripening and early-ripening tomato varieties must be sown for seedlings in March; in 2016, favorable days for planting are March 13 and 16. - Full moon at 04.47. Buy fertilizers, growth stimulants, protective equipment from pests and diseases, necessary gardening tools, missing seeds.​

- Inspect dahlia tubers and gladioli bulbs; those who are sick discard or cut out damaged areas, milking healthy tissue, and fill up the sections charcoal or treated with a dark burgundy solution of potassium permanganate.​ ​January 14​

​- Water and feed the plants with weakly concentrated solutions organic fertilizers, it is highly undesirable to use chemical fertilizers. The best time to loosen the soil in pots.​ ​11-23​

​Do not sow or plant cucumbers on the days of the full moon, as well as 12 hours before and after it.​​Spring - this is the best time to plant

​For ripening seedlings and before planting cucumber seedlings in open ground It will take up to 35 days.​​According to the lunar calendar for 2016, it is already clearly visible which days should be used for sowing cucumbers for seedlings and which days should not. Let's not talk about unfavorable days now. Let's take a better look at the days recommended for us to plant cucumbers in 2016. I made a calendar to make it easier to navigate:​

​favorable days for planting tomatoes​​It should be remembered that the time when it is necessary to plant seedlings also depends on the tomato variety, so pay attention to such vigorous, large varieties as Pink Giant, Russian Giant, Bull's heart are late-ripening, so plant them in the 3rd decade of February.​

- Ideal time for watering and liquid fertilizing of winter-blooming indoor flowers and seedlings of remontant strawberries. Sowing perennial flowers, seeds that need stratification. The containers are buried in the snow in the garden until spring or placed in the refrigerator for 1 month, monitoring the soil moisture.​ ​January 6​

​24​ ​1st phase - intensive growth of the root part​

​In March - 26th, 27th, 28th, 30th​​At the end of May, the soil will warm up quite well, the ground will be warm and the weather will recover, the air temperature will be up to +22 +25 and at this time you can plant cucumber seedlings to continue growth, and in case of night frosts, cucumber seedlings in open ground need something - then to cover, I cover with large 5-liter bottles, cutting off the neck of the bottle.​

​You shouldn’t plant cucumber seedlings before April; you need to wait until warm weather begins to set in, unless of course you are going to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.​ ​ use the zodiac signs. Look at which days the fertile signs fall and plant at that time. If the dates according to the calendar are favorable, but the phase of the Moon is not, then plant on the final day of the Moon in a suitable sign.​

​It should be noted that the timing of planting tomatoes is divided into 2 stages. The first of these is planting seeds. This, as noted earlier, is the second half of February or the first half of March. - Start preparing soil mixtures for seedlings. Prepare planting containers.​

  • ​- We sow seeds of plants that reproduce by mustaches:​
  • ​January 15​
  • ​- By 9.55, complete the work started on January 4 - 5. After the specified time, the Moon will move into the sign of Sagittarius, and a not very favorable period for landings will begin.​
  • ​25-31​

​2nd phase - development of the outer part of the plant​​In April - 13th, 18th, 25th​

​If you look at the Lunar calendar, you can see that the best days for planting cucumbers for seedlings will be in the last days of March, that is, the 26th, 29th and 30th.​ ​For a heated greenhouse, you can plant cucumbers already in March.​

​For example, you prefer to sow tomatoes for tomato seedlings at the beginning of March, but looking at the calendar, you saw that almost the entire first part of the month is in the waning Moon, which means adverse landing. But at the same time, it is too early to start planting at the beginning of February, and too late at the end of March. Then you need to find a favorable sign, for example, Taurus, and see when the Moon will be in this sign. They are the ones that will be favorable for planting. Planting tomato seedlings in the soil is the second stage. This stage must be completed in early May to mid-June. If you are late with planting, most likely the vegetables will not have time to ripen before the night cold sets in. This means that it is very important to respect the timing of planting tomatoes.

  • - In the sign of Aries, it is better to refrain from planting any plants other than climbing ones and those stretching upwards. You can plant beans and hot peppers. Carry out snow retention work, shake off the snow from the branches.​
  • ​January 7​
  • ​decreasing​

​3rd phase - growth of the root part​​In May - 10, 11, 20th​

  • ​In April there are also such days, these are the 7th, 8th, 11th, and also at the end of the month - the 22nd and 23rd.​
  • Favorable days for sowing cucumbers
  • ​If you planted plants in the sign of Pisces or Cancer, you will get very good harvest, Plants that were planted in the signs of Cancer and Pisces will give a very good harvest, but unfortunately, such seeds will not be stored for long, especially in the sign of Pisces. They will not be of the highest quality.​
  • ​As for favorable days for planting tomatoes, they are determined using the lunar calendar. Take into account zodiac signs and the phases of the Moon through which the Moon passes on certain dates of the month.​
  • - Sowing flower seeds for seedlings.​


​January 16​- Prepare the soil for growing seedlings. Carry out snow retention work, compact the snow tree trunk circles trees.​

​new moon​​4th phase - growth of the outer part​

During this period, on these dates, plant cucumber seedlings​In May it is the 11th and 22nd.​

​-in March there will be March 26, 29 and 30.​​The planted tomato harvest in Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra will be good, the seeds will good quality, are stored for a very long time.​

​remontant strawberry.​- Start preparing the soil for growing seedlings - the time of fertile Taurus is approaching.

​Since the 1st and 2nd phases are a new moon and a full moon, all processes during this period occur much faster than in the next two phases. According to this simple list, it is clearly seen that it is best to start sowing cucumber seeds when the moon moves from the first to the second phase, or from the third to the fourth.​ ​Somewhere they wrote that you should not plant during the full moon.​

​To get a bountiful harvest from your garden beds, you need to carefully prepare for this in advance. Experienced summer residents and gardeners know that in addition to choosing the variety of seeds, soil, proper care, it is also important whether the day will be favorable or unfavorable for planting according to the lunar calendar. It was also developed and published for 2016. - in April the following days are suitable - April 7, 8, 11, 22 and 23.​

​By planting tomatoes in the sign of Sagittarius, you will get little results, but the seeds will be of high quality.​

- fertile: Libra, Taurus,

- In the garden severe frosts it is necessary to add snow to strawberry beds, compact the snow around fruit trees and bushes.​

What is important to know about seedlings?

Tomato planting dates

- Not the best day for sowing, but you can plant garlic and onions on turnips. Continue snow removal work.​

What about the lunar calendar?

​full moon

​Care and planting of cucumbers according to the lunar calendar:​

​The most important thing is to do everything slowly and with love, otherwise even the moon will not help From March to June, it is recommended to plant cucumber seeds in the following most suitable months for this date:

​As you may have noticed, the signs of the zodiac and the Moon greatly influence productivity.​ ​Capricorn, Pisces Cancer, Scorpio;​ ​January 28​

- The favorable period and sowing calendar for January 2016 recommends planting seedlings of annual flowers: ​- From 8.47 day of planting popular vegetables:​​January 9​

​decreasing​ ​1st phase and 3rd phase - planting, watering, feeding​​If you plan to eat cucumbers according to the lunar calendar, then look at the following dates:​

​When to plant cucumbers depends on many factors - for example, on the region of planting, on whether there is a greenhouse or planting will be in open ground. In the central part of Russia, for example, the soil warms up only at the end of April or beginning of May at best; in the eastern part of Russia this is the end of May - beginning of June. Plants are usually transplanted 20-25 days after sowing. Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for planting cucumbers ​-in June, the optimal days for cucumbers will be June 5, 11 and 12.​​Particular attention should be paid to the process of planting tomato seedlings with seeds. We offer you the option of preparing tomato seeds for planting using a method proven by agronomists. Before planting tomato seedlings, you need to soak the tomato seeds in advance. After that, the seeds should be wrapped in a bandage or cloth and moistened with water. Leave the seeds for a day.​

​- infertile: Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Leo;​

- Transplanting indoor plants.



- On the eve of the New Moon, start purchasing seeds and mineral fertilizers.​

Seed preparation

We sow seeds in the ground

​2nd phase and 4th phases - sow, weed, graft, spray

​1) 26.03.16, 29.03.16, 30.03.16;​

Cucumbers are planted for seedlings in April and May. Of course, you need to look at your climate; if your summer is earlier, then sowing should be done in April.​

​Early ripening varieties of cucumbers are sown in early April or late March.​

​As for fertile land, you can buy it, or you can use the one you dug up in the fall. Pour the soil into a fairly large container, lightly water the soil, it should become moist. Lightly press the soil with your palm. It is necessary to place the seeds on the ground at a distance of 3 cm, sprinkle very lightly with soil. Again, press the planting area with your palm. Now water well. And at the final stage, cover the top of the box with seedlings with just a bag or glass in order to create a greenhouse effect. Place the box in a warm place. The film must be removed and the box placed in a bright place, after a few days, when the tomato sprouts appear.​

​- wet:​



When to plant cucumber seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar?


- On the first day of the New Year, relax! The necessary plantings in the sign of Libra can be started the next day.​

Irochka Sergeeva

​In January, you can arrange a small garden on the windowsill, planting parsley, dill, and start growing cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in greenhouses. For an experienced farmer, January is full gardening work and worries, because the main thing is desire.​

​2) 04/07/16, 04/08/16, 04/11/16, 04/22/16 and 04/23/16;​

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for planting cucumbers for seedlings and open ground:

​In 2016, according to the Lunar calendar, the days for planting cucumbers for seedlings will be favorable

​Tomatoes are planted on slightly acidic sandy loam soils. And the result will be even better if the soil is also well heated. But if the conditions that you have prepared do not meet these requirements a little, do not despair. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for planting tomatoes and you will be able to grow a good harvest.​

​Cancer, Scorpio,​

- Sowing parsley, celery and other greens on the windowsill is favorable. Watering must be done with extreme caution (root rot may develop).



​tomatoes​ - New moon at 4.32. Do not carry out any planting work.​

​January 2​ Farmer's work in January. Tips of the month.​ ​3) 09.05.16-11.05.16, 22.05.16;​ ​March​

​:​​Important! Prepare the land for planting in the fall, dig it up and fertilize it. In the spring, also use fertilizer, but supplement it with Art. spoon of potassium chloride and 5 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate. Libra, Pisces - plants need to be fed in these signs;




- Sowing parsley, celery and other greens on the windowsill is favorable.


​Periodically look through and sort out the bulbs and tubers.​

​4) 06/05/16, 06/11/16 and 06/12/16​


​26, 29 and 30.​


​The most optimal time for planting tomatoes for seedlings is March, but you shouldn’t plant them later, the harvest may not please you.​

- dry: Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius,- Take time for indoor plants. Plant vegetables and flowers for seedlings.​

Every experienced summer resident always uses the lunar calendar to choose the most suitable days for planting his plants, and since cucumbers are quite whimsical, they will have to pay especially a lot of attention.

In addition, this article will describe those days when it is generally not worth carrying out planting work in the greenhouse and in the garden, as well as caring for young plants.

Gardeners are well aware that there is a special energetic connection between the night luminary and our planet; it is through this connection that the lunar calendar is compiled, which helps to start planting correctly and on time. Since in this article we are talking about cucumbers, it is necessary to understand that it is best to plant these vegetable crops after the moon rises, this is precisely the time when the plants grow upward and gain strength.

When the moon begins to wane, gardeners should plant any root crops on their plot, but this is not the time to plant cucumbers, since the waning star gives rise to plant roots.

If the luminary has begun to grow, here the gardener can use a special calendar lunar phases, and using it to determine the most suitable dates for planting seedlings in open or greenhouse soil. The waxing moon actively affects plants that have ground fruits, so it’s time to start growing any variety of cucumbers.

After planting this plant in the ground at a favorable time, the plant will grow faster, it will become strong and will not succumb to diseases, and in the end it will show very big harvest. It is useful not only to plant cucumbers in May according to all the rules of the calendar, but also to care for the seedlings at the most favorable time for this.

When planting cucumbers in the garden, it is initially necessary not to select the best days, but to monitor the position of the moon; in this case, you may not even need a calendar, because as soon as the moon begins to rise, you can begin the process of planting ground vegetable crops, which include cucumbers. At the same time, planting in open ground and in a greenhouse follows the same rules; together with cucumbers, you can plant tomatoes, bell peppers and parsley, since these vegetables bear ground fruits, which means the moon can have a beneficial effect on them during its growth period.

It is also worth remembering that each month has its own days on which it is best to plant; the most active planting of the first seedlings in the ground occurs in May, since at this time the weather becomes warm enough, which allows vegetables to develop and grow normally.

Below we will describe the most favorable day, and also tell you about those days when it is better not to plant at all. It is also worth remembering that you need to choose optimal time to sow new seedlings, since the future harvest will also depend on sowing.

The best days in May for planting cucumbers

Planting days should be selected in accordance with the night star, or rather its position and energy; the most positive days for planting seedlings will be the fourth, twenty-fifth and fifteenth day, in addition, astrologers note the last day of the month, as it has a beneficial effect on the survival of seedlings and their growth. The remaining days for planting terrestrial plants cannot be called favorable; for this reason, it is better to refuse sowing and planting on other days.

It is worth remembering that you cannot trust only the lunar calendar, since first the gardener must monitor weather conditions, if they allow you to start planting young plants in the ground, then you can choose a suitable day. Thus, planting begins only if the plants are transplanted into the greenhouse, or when the air temperature outside does not drop below ten degrees.

You will also have to monitor the daily weather; if the calendar indicates a positive day for planting cucumbers, and it is raining outside, you will have to postpone planting to another good time for this, when the weather is better.

It is also necessary to note the fact that during major holidays planting will have to be abandoned; this is usually written in the calendar, but sometimes astrologers simply indicate better days for landing. It's worth remembering that church holidays may become a ban on planting new plants in the garden and.

The calendar itself can also tell you what days it is worth caring for young plants, when it would be better to feed the cucumbers and water the plants. Astrologers indicate everything lunar eclipses, as well as the new moon and full moon, on these days it is strictly prohibited to carry out planting work, and in general at such times it is better not to work in the garden.

How do signs affect the growth of cucumbers?

May is the month of planting, but there are several especially favorable days when planting is simply necessary vegetable crop. It is very important to pay attention to the position of the moon, or more precisely in which constellations the lunar body is located. Constellations such as Cancer and Capricorn have the most positive effect on the growth of cucumbers, and it is also worth planting under the constellation Pisces or Taurus; on these days, planting will be as successful as possible, and the future harvest will be quite large. It is especially important to sow seeds in given time, since the seedlings will grow stronger and stronger, and the fertility of the bushes will depend on this in the future.

If you land under such signs as Sagittarius or Virgo, you should not expect rapid growth sprouts, most likely the seeds will germinate for a long time, and germination will occur in different time, even if the seeds were planted at the same time. The yield of such plants will ultimately be average, but if the gardener is satisfied with this result, then the seeds can be planted in such constellations, this result will also happen if the lunar body moves into the constellation Aries.

But besides this there is also unfavorable days, when the night star begins to move into signs under which planting is strictly prohibited, for example, it could be Aquarius, Leo or Libra, the constellation Virgo will also be unfavorable for planting seedlings. Such signs are considered sterile; for this reason, you should not expect any yield from planting on such days.

When do you start transplanting seedlings?

The current year will probably be remembered by many gardeners, because the weather is constantly changing, for this reason only follow boarding calendar not rational, since some regions simply cannot plant plants due to low air temperatures in May. It is also worth remembering that it is also necessary to rely on the variety of the selected vegetable crop, since early varieties can be transplanted into the ground in early May, but later ones can be planted at the very end of the spring month or even at the beginning of summer.

It is equally important to monitor temperature conditions, V middle lane warm time arrives at the beginning of May, for this reason, seedlings can be planted in the ground by the time the temperature remains at ten degrees.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar must be carried out within strict deadlines. All for the reason that planting too early or late can ultimately lead to the death of the entire crop. There is probably no garden in our country where cucumbers are not grown.

Currently, cucumbers have become even more popular for the reason that they are an excellent dietary vegetable. For this reason, cucumbers are, of course, one of the first to be planted among all crops, in order to ultimately get a wonderful early harvest. How to grow .

As for the method of planting cucumbers for seedlings, it can be done different ways. The first option is to directly plant seeds in the ground and grow seedlings at home. The second planting option is to plant directly into open ground, but only if the gardener lives in a warm region. It is clear that the Lunar calendar, which is always a gardener’s assistant, can help here too: determine the best days for planting cucumbers for seedlings.

General information

The most common way to grow cucumbers is to use seedlings. Moreover, seedlings are also grown for the simple reason that in this way it will eventually be possible to collect from each bush maximum yield. However, you need to take into account that when transplanting, cucumbers can get sick and take root quite difficult. To prevent this from happening, seeds should be planted immediately in individual cups, so as not to carry out additional picking later.

It is best to choose ordinary cucumbers for planting plastic cups, but their volume should immediately be set to somewhere around half a liter, and minimum height do it at 12 centimeters. If you use smaller containers, this will significantly slow down the growth of the bush in the future. When is the planting of cucumbers for seedlings carried out in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in the Urals and in other regions of a large country?

The best time to plant seedlings is the end of April and the very beginning of May. You don’t need to plant the seeds in the ground right away; you should first soak them in water, wait until they germinate, and then prepare them for planting. Before planting, be sure to make holes in each container through which excess water will quickly be removed from the roots.

Plus, the holes at the bottom of the cups are needed to ensure that a sufficient amount of oxygen reaches the roots. No more than two seeds should be planted in one container, making sure that the soil is sufficiently moist. The planting depth should not exceed one centimeter, and it is grown in a warm room where the temperature is from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius.

About the growing process

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2016, exact dates, we will give at the very end of this material. In the meantime, I would also like to note what difficulties arise most often in the process of growing cucumbers. First of all, there is a lack of sunlight. Because of this, the plant stretches. To avoid this, after the first sunrises appear, it is best to move the seedlings to a room where the air temperature is within 20 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the seedlings that sprouted the worst should be placed closest to the light.

When the seedlings have sprouted a little, it is time to plant the cucumbers in the garden. The sprouts must have a strong root system, strong stem no more than 30 cm in height. Cucumbers that are suitable for transplanting are distinguished by their dark green leaves, as well as short distances between future antennae.

When to plant

It's time to consider specific deadlines when cucumbers are planted for seedlings in 2016 according to the Lunar calendar in different regions countries. To obtain best harvest and maximum fruits from each bush, it is important to grow cucumbers using seedling methods. As for the timing of planting, you need to pay attention to the variety:

  • Early varieties cucumbers can be planted already in early April. Lunar calendar on this year shows that the very end of March is perfect for this, as well as mid-April, in particular the 11th.
  • Mid-season, as well as late varieties of cucumbers, according to the Lunar calendar, can be planted on April 22 and 23, or in early May, before the 10th, and then in May after the 15th. The last period of spring is excellent for planting cucumbers, because at this time the ground has already warmed up enough and you don’t have to worry at all that the ground won’t warm up for planting seedlings.

About growing conditions

For getting great harvest Of course, only correctly chosen dates according to the Lunar calendar will not be enough. Here you also need to remember that each vegetable that is grown on the site has its own preferences for care. In particular, ordinary cucumber seedlings do not tolerate cold and drafts at all. You should not open the windows in the room where cucumbers are grown or do this on the balcony.

Advice! If there is a need to ventilate the room where young cucumber seedlings are located, then the seedlings should be removed from this room.

May - best month for planting and replanting all types of plants. First of all, carefully examine the seedlings. If the leaves begin to curl downwards, and leaf blades are bent or become convex, which means they have settled spider mite. Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. It is urgent to process the seedlings, and at the same time houseplants"Fitoverm" or "Healthy Garden".

In May, tomato and pepper seedlings are planted. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. The first harvest of greens and radishes is being harvested.

Lunar landing calendar for May. Brief recommendations on what to do during the waxing and waning moon in May, landing days in May:

1-5 6 7-21 22 23-31
Waning moon New moon Waxing Crescent Full moon Waning moon

1st of May— Effective spraying fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, as well as spraying with growth stimulants and preparations to improve fruit formation of flowering fruit trees and berry bushes.

May 2— Vegetables sown on this day will be unsuitable for storage. Possible, but not the most favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, spinach, and dill. Good time for watering, root and foliar feeding vegetable crops.

May 3— Treat the strawberries (removing old and yellowed leaves, loosening, fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer). Planted mustaches take root well.

May 4th— Barren day of Aries from 09.12. It is possible to carry out sanitary pruning of frozen ornamental crops. Removing growth from fruit trees. Removing unnecessary and yield-reducing strawberry tendrils.

May 7— Plant seedlings of mid-season and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and cauliflower in open and protected ground. It is possible to plant flower seedlings. Planted in the sign of Taurus, they have increased stamina. This is a favorable time for planting the next batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids. Sowing beet seeds. The best time to fertilize root vegetables, garlic and onions. Start planting and replanting ornamental shrubs.

May 8— The sign of Gemini is very favorable for transplanting roses. Replanting and dividing faded small-bulbous flowers.

9th May— Division of perennial rhizomes flower plants, propagation by cuttings and layering. A favorable period for planting, dividing and replanting flowers. It is useful to feed flowers.

May 10— Growing Moon in Cancer. Will tolerate transplantation well permanent place any seedling.

  • sowing,
  • landings,
  • transplants,
  • vaccinations,
  • tree fertilizers,
  • bushes,
  • vegetables (except root vegetables).

A favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, dill, and spinach in open ground.

12 May— Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all upward-growing plants:

  • decorative beans,
  • hops,
  • girl's grapes,
  • climbing rose, etc.

may 13— Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that stimulate cardiac activity. Carrying out loosening, hilling, mulching, composting.

May 14— After 09.50, it is possible to sow annual fast-growing flowers, if you did not have time to do this earlier. Replant indoor flowers.

May 15- Ideal time to plant ornamental plants and structures, flower beds, sowing, etc.; The planted green cuttings will take root well.

May 17— Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting cauliflower, leeks, sorrel, and broccoli in open ground.

  • white cabbage,
  • dill,
  • sorrel,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkins,
  • squash
  • and potatoes not for storage (planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar in May 2016).

May 21st— Complete the open ground plantings started the day before. Replanting indoor flowers.

22nd of May— Full moon at 01.16. If you do not intend to store your harvest for a long time, you can collect early vegetables(radish, spinach, etc.).

May, 23rd— Install supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around the bushes. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, and pest control.

May 24— We do weeding, hilling, cultivating the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes.

May 25— A favorable day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses.

26 of May— Root feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25.

May 29The right time for rooting strawberry tendrils or transplanting rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day you need to water the plants and weed them.

May 30— From vegetables, it is best to sow those that will immediately go to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry tendrils take root well.

May 31- Sign of Aries. A barren day. It is effective to spray all fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.