Calendar for February. Calendar for February Lunar calendar for February year phases

The short month of February will once again be marked by a solar eclipse this year, the first solar eclipse of 2018. The eclipse will take place on February 15th, so the middle of the month carries the most pressure.

Now it is especially important to monitor health and pay attention to any little things, because eclipses are always stressful periods that make us think about the past, present and future.

In the days around a solar eclipse, which always occurs at the time of the new moon, you should be very careful about your health and pay attention to the signs you meet. An eclipse in the sign of Aquarius can trigger problems related to nerves.

Near eclipses, fateful and fatal events often occur that we cannot change, but also events that occur through our fault. This mainly applies to those whose eclipse affects important points in the horoscope. Everyone should save their strength, not risk their health, not overexert themselves, and be very careful.

Now it is important to think about what you would like to attract into your life. Think about the health and well-being of those around you and yourself, make wishes, and do not show aggression or other negative emotions. The most magical time of the entire month can be called the few hours after the moment of the new moon. This month it's time - February 16 from 00:07 to 08:16.

February 14-17, 2018. These days, a negative Mars-Neptune aspect will be in effect near the eclipse, indicating danger from hot water or steam. Also these days you should stay away from caustic liquids and toxic vapors. Any operations may be unsuccessful, severe bleeding may occur, there may be side effects from anesthesia and from the operation in general, and so on. There is also a high risk of medical staff errors!

If you are undergoing a medical examination this month, be careful: there is a high probability of medical errors. If you have the slightest doubt, double-check the results.

February 23-25, 2018. These days, the sexuality of many will increase sharply, which may lead to unwanted conception or the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. If you care about your health, it is better to avoid sexual contact at all these days. Men may have problems with potency.

Favorable days

But not everything is so bad, many problems at this time can be avoided if use common sense, if you follow doctors' orders or a clear action plan. Surprises and changes this month will mostly be of a positive nature. Even if you feel your health deteriorating, you can improve it. This does not apply to fatal and fateful events, although the risks of such events are slightly lower than they could be.

This month you will approach many things calmly, judiciously and carefully. This is facilitated by the positive aspects of Saturn, which has already managed to enter its native sign at the end of 2017.

February 26-28, 2018– successful days that will bring serious relief to those who have serious health problems. These days, various tumors, thyroid or kidney diseases, and liver diseases will respond well to treatment.

Astrological forecast for the month

What diseases are at greatest risk now?

This month, the likelihood of exacerbation of various problems with the liver and biliary tract increases. In the first half of the month, Jupiter will negatively aspect personal planets, which may include problems with the organs for which it is responsible - the liver, blood vessels, gall bladder.

This time ( from 1 to 16 February and 23-25 ​​February) is also not very favorable for conception.

When is the best time to start treatment in February 2018? If you have the opportunity to choose a day to start serious treatment, it is better to choose after February 17th. For example, you can go to

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and types of work

February snow smells like spring.

In February, daylight suddenly arrives, the sun shines brighter and warms more noticeably - the garden begins to prepare for spring.
Snow continues to accumulate on garden plots and summer cottages, which will serve as a source of special, “healing” moisture in the spring. In the middle or end of February, to protect against sunburn (unless, of course, this is done in the fall), the trunks and skeletal branches of trees are whitened with lime mortar.
In the garden, they also continue to compact the snow around trees and bushes from mice, which are most active from mid-February to March. Mice mainly damage apple trees with rough bark aged from 1 year to 12-15 years. In those gardens where the tree trunks have not been carefully tied since the fall, during thaws, which often occur in February, it is necessary to trample the snow around the trunk. They trample down the snow, first at a distance of 30-50 cm from the trunk, and then carefully, trying not to accidentally tear off the branches around the trunk, directly under it, with your shoes. In places where rodents appear, preparations Storm, Ratobor, etc. are placed.
This year the new moon falls in the last ten days of the month. Therefore, if you start sowing seedlings in February, then keep in mind that the most favorable days for sowing crops such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplants occur only at the very beginning (before the full moon) and the very end of the month.

Folk signs for determining the weather for the upcoming gardening season:
As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall.
The beginning of February is fine - and expect an early, beautiful spring.

Warm February brings cold spring.
The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2020 gardening season.

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)


Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 February 2020 00:00 (Sat)
to 01 February 2020 03:28 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Aries

A short period of time that residents of the Russian Far East can take full advantage of.
In the garden, piercing the snow on strawberry plantations and under stone fruit crops to prevent the root collar from getting wet. Checking inventory storage conditions.
Sowing and planting green plants with a short growing season (cress). Preparing the soil for growing seedlings. Loosening the soil in containers with indoor plants - “dry watering”...

(You can read about the results of the “lunar experiment” comparing the growth of tomatoes sown on favorable and unfavorable days on the page: , entry only from the lunar calendar)

from 01 February 2020 03:28 (Sat)
to 03 February 2020 14:29 (Mon)
Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. In the southern regions, soaking and sowing seeds of tall indeterminate tomatoes, tall varieties pepper, eggplant, leaf and petiole celery, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in the window. Sowing seeds of annual flowers (lobelia, petunia, verbena, snapdragon, impatience, annual aster). Sowing green and spicy plants. Sowing watercress seeds on the windowsill and forcing spring onions, chives, and onions. Picking remontant strawberries and flower seedlings. Carrying out winter vaccinations.
(from February 1 to February 4 - according to Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling )
from 03 February 2020 14:29 (Mon)
to 05 February 2020 22:03 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Conducting dry fertilizing, planting, dividing and replanting plants. Planting strawberries, climbing flowers and annual flowers with a long development period before flowering. Picking seedlings is possible. Grafting of fruit crops
from 05 February 2020 22:03 (Wed)
to 08 February 2020 01:44 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable time for pruning trees and shrubs. Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. Favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds tomatoes, eggplants, tall varieties pepper for glazed greenhouses, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on a windowsill. Sowing seedlings of stalked celery and leeks. Possible time for soaking and planting potato seeds and celery root seedlings. Sowing green and spicy plants. It is possible to sow annual and perennial flowers and remontant strawberries. Carrying out winter vaccinations. Pickling cabbage, canning winter apples and vegetables, making juice and wine.

February 6 (24.01 senior style) - Ksenia (Aksinya Spring Pointer)
“Aksinya is clear - spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring”

from 08 February 2020 01:44 (Sat)
to 08 February 2020 15:50 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for sowing seeds and replanting all plants except climbing annual and perennial flowers; planting and replanting climbing indoor perennials is also favorable. It is possible to carry out “dry watering” - loosening the surface crust of the soil. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants. Control of snow level under stone fruit crops.
ATTENTION! There comes a rather long period without favorable days for sowing seedlings of plants, the purpose of growing which is “tops” - above-ground fruits. If you can’t wait, then this blog post will help you find alternative days:
from 08 February 2020 15:50 (Sat)
to 10 February 2020 18:50 (Mon)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings of seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil. Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, protective agents against pests and diseases. and containers for laying out soil for sowing.

February 09, 2020 10:32 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until February 10, 2020 02:39 Moon in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo

from February 10, 2020 18:50 (Mon)
to February 12, 2020 02:37 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Virgo

It is possible to plant root crops of parsley and beets for forcing. It is better not to sow anything for seedlings these days. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, seeds. It is not recommended to engage in salting and canning.

February 10 (28.01 old style) - Ephraim the Syrian. (Ephraim day.)
“Ephraim brought the wind - don’t expect good oats” (Towards a damp and cold year)
"The wind has rushed towards Ephraim - the summer will be damp and cold"

from February 12, 2020 02:37 (Wed)
to February 14, 2020 03:37 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Libra

Planting root crops of parsley and beets for forcing, sowing seedlings of root celery and leeks. Spraying flower seedlings and remontant strawberries with growth stimulants.

February 14 (01.02 art. style) - Tryphon (Trifon Perezimnik).
"On Tryphon, the stars build a long road in the spring"

from February 14, 2020 03:37 (Fri)
to February 16, 2020 07:07 (Sun)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing seedlings of vegetable crops and flowers with organic fertilizers. Sowing root celery. Sowing potatoes from seeds to seedlings. You can do anti-aging pruning of plants, but it is not recommended to propagate plants by cuttings and layering.
It is possible to soak cuttings of cultivated grapes for subsequent rooting (soak, be sure, if you think that Scorpio is the patronizing sign of the Zodiac for Grapes. In nature, plants choose a favorable time to start growing themselves. A person, when planting plants, tries to guess this time, but the main thing when planting is not only this. More what matters is how we do it, if with love, Right, With faith in the result, then there will certainly be a harvest...)

Perhaps someone will be interested in how we carry out picking: you can watch the VIDEO by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

from February 16, 2020 07:07 (Sun)
to 18 February 2020 13:36 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Pest control. Spraying fertilizer for indoor and greenhouse plants. Loosening the soil - “dry watering”. You can sow wheat for sprouts. Snow retention work on strawberry plantations.

February 17 (05.02 old style) - Nikola (Nikola Studeny)
"We'll get a mountain of snow on Studeny Nikola"

from February 18, 2020 13:36 (Tue)
to 20 February 2020 22:42 (Thu)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Sowing potato seeds, celery root and leeks for seedlings. Sowing nigella onion seeds for seedlings to obtain bulbs in one year. Picking Shabot carnation seedlings. Pruning of trees and shrubs.
from February 20, 2020 22:42 (Thu)
to February 23, 2020 08:07 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Extremely unfavorable time for planting and sowing seedlings and indoor flowers , as well as for watering indoor plants and forcing herbs. It is good to thin out and pinch out the seedlings. Spraying against pests. Preparing the soil for seedlings. Destruction of snow crust with a pitchfork, trampling snow between beds, under young trees to disrupt mouse passages.
from February 23, 2020 08:07 (Sun)
to February 25, 2020 08:38 (Tue)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants. Preparation of soil and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin out seedlings of seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil. Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, protective agents against pests and diseases.

February 23, 2020 18:31 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until February 23, 2020 9:37 The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces.

from February 25, 2020 08:38 (Tue)
to February 25, 2020 21:47 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing seedlings and indoor plants with mineral fertilizers. Soaking and sowing of seeds is possible indeterminate tomatoes, tall varieties of peppers, eggplants, leaf and petiole celery, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in the window with additional lighting. Planting leafy and leafy vegetables for forcing. Sowing remontant strawberries. Sowing seedlings of flowers that take more than 12 weeks from the moment of planting to the beginning of flowering (with mandatory additional lighting). Sowing perennials that require preliminary stratification of seeds (delphinium, hellebore, roses, primroses, corydalis, sleep grass, eryngium, etc.). Carrying out winter vaccinations.
from February 25, 2020 21:47 (Tue)
to February 28, 2020 10:29 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Available sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window(but the next sign - Taurus - is more favorable to this). Sprouting grain crops to obtain vitamin-rich sprouts. Loosening the soil, as well as thinning out seedlings. It is possible to plant annual flowers for seedlings (ever-blooming begonia, Chabot carnation, tree heliotrope, zonal pelargonium, sparkling sage) and perennials (primrose, sunflower, edelweiss). Preparation of cuttings for spring grafting.
from February 28, 2020 10:29 (Fri)
to 29 February 2020 23:59 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Soaking and sowing tall seeds indeterminate tomatoes, tall varieties pepper, eggplant, leaf and petiole celery, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in the window. Sowing watercress seeds on the windowsill and forcing spring onions, chives, and onions.
Sowing seeds of annual flowers (lobelia, petunia, verbena, snapdragon, impatience, annual aster). Sowing green and spicy plants.
Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. Picking remontant strawberries and flower seedlings. Carrying out grafting of fruit crops.

February marked solar eclipse , which will divide the month into two equal parts: it will take placeFebruary 15, 2018 at 11:51 pm in Moscow. The solar eclipse will follow the lunar eclipse that took placeJanuary 31, 2018, That's why first 2 weeksmonths are considered a period called"Corridor of Eclipses" Read more about this in the article

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to start near eclipses. new important things. For example, these are not the best days to get married or open a new company. We especially advise you to put aside everything very important. 1, 2 and 13-16 February 2018. Also pay attention to other busy days of the month (you can look at table at the end of the article ). When choosing a particular day from the table for a particular business, read the recommendations for that day, since it often happens that it is necessary to start a business at certain hours, otherwise it will not be successful!

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Moon on the burnt path, change of lunar phase: February 5 01:30 - February 7 (but especially February 6 from 10:41 to 12:35);

Proximity of Solar Eclipse, New Moon: February 13-16 (especially from February 15 00:00 to February 16 10:00);

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT A COURSE, when you cannot start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.02.2018 13:58 — 01.02.2018 22:13

03.02.2018 10:07 — 04.02.2018 00:47

05.02.2018 21:46 — 06.02.2018 06:56

08.02.2018 10:16 — 08.02.2018 16:53

10.02.2018 19:38 — 11.02.2018 05:21

13.02.2018 08:43 — 13.02.2018 18:11

16.02.2018 00:05 — 16.02.2018 05:42

18.02.2018 01:14 — 18.02.2018 15:05

20.02.2018 14:11 — 20.02.2018 22:12

22.02.2018 14:46 — 23.02.2018 03:07

24.02.2018 22:58 — 25.02.2018 06:06

27.02.2018 00:51 — 27.02.2018 07:42

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: This month the new moon and the first lunar day will be special, as at this moment there will be a partial solar eclipse. This event will enhance any magic if you approach the issue correctly. Make wishes and make plans for the future February 16, 2018 from 00:07 to 08:16 .

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for February 2018 section:


1 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:21.A LION , VIRGO from 22:13

Moon without course from 13:58 to 22:12

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

On the first day of February, the Moon will begin to wane. The first day after the eclipse is still stressful, so it is highly undesirable to start any important business today. The Moon in Leo forces people to be active and sociable, to pay special attention to appearance and compliments. However, the approach of the negative aspect of the Moon with Mars can heat up the situation and lead to some aggressive attitudes. You can continue to do advertising.

What not to do : start important things; arrange any financial transactions; invest; sort out relationships with loved ones; criticize your superiors.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! It is dangerous to make large purchases; we especially do not recommend buying real estate. There is a danger that you may not agree with the seller on some issue, quarrel or enter into a serious conflict.

2 FEBRUARY, Friday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:46.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

The Moon will move through the sign of Virgo, making many of you critical, closed and more calm. This day can be dangerous for gullible people: deceptions and disappointments await them. It’s good to start cleaning and sorting things, you can iron laundry and get rid of dust. You can clean up your workspace or computer. Get rid of unnecessary things- here is the key motto of the day: listen to this advice!

What not to do : go on trips (especially by water transport); meet people, register on dating sites, go on dates.

Purchases : There is a risk of losing money, so do all your spending on this day wisely. You can make small purchases for your home. You can find many discounts in hardware departments or houseplant stores. We do not recommend buying real estate and land.

3 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:07.VIRGO

Moon without course from 10:07

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Get everything started before 10:00! Not a bad aspect between Mercury and Mars, as well as the Moon in the sign of Virgo on this day will create opportunities for working with documents and papers. Many urgent matters may arise. After a certain period of calm, you will want to rush into battle and embrace the immensity. Any business will be resolved quite energetically and quickly, despite the fact that you will be attentive to every detail. You can sign routine short-term contracts, but not too important ones. Today there will be successful work for those who work with their hands. It’s good to collect various information, fill out papers, go on short business trips or just travel outside the city (short distances by land). A good day to study and take exams.

What not to do : make hasty decisions; ignore the signs and small things done; buy real estate and land; castrate animals; get married; start any business after 10:00.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Make purchases with caution: there is a risk of spending more than planned on something that is not of much use to you. If you want to go shopping with a list and a small amount of money, then there will be no temptation to buy something unnecessary. There is a possibility of unexpected expenses.

4 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:26.VIRGO , SCALES from 00:47

Moon without course until 00:46

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

Venus square Jupiter on this day he warns: be careful with pleasures! You may not notice how you eat too much or drink more than normal. Therefore, we advise you to monitor your nutrition in the morning! More favorable times will start after 11:00. You can go to a beauty salon or do your appearance at home. However, in the evening you can make acquaintances or go on a date.

What not to do : before 11:00 - go on trips, have plastic surgery, borrow/lend money; overeat.

Purchases : This is a good day for shopping, but it is better to wait for a better time - after 11:00. You can buy clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and so on.

5 FEBRUARY, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:42.SCALES

Moon without course from 21:46

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

Not a bad day, which is associated with favorable Moon-Venus aspect. This means that you can undergo various cosmetic procedures without much risk. However, surprises on this day will also not be uncommon. You should be careful when handling electrical appliances. A good day for starting a romantic relationship, dating, making acquaintances, attending any cultural events. It is good to plan the things that you will do in collaboration with someone. You can have an engagement party or other banquets despite it being Monday. Good start fight against excess weight.

What not to do : repair electrical appliances; work with electricity.

Purchases : It’s good to buy cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, etc., especially before 18:30. It is better not to buy knives or knife sharpeners - they may turn out to be unsuccessful. There are chances to find good discounts. But you shouldn’t do butts under the Moon without a course!

6 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 06:57

Moon without course until 06:56

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot).

Attention! WEAK MOON in the degree of its fall - from 10:41 to 12:35. It's better during these hours delay start any important and serious matters! Surprises and pleasant surprises may await you today. An unexpected acquaintance may arise, although it is better to take everything calmly and not be too fascinated. Good intuition on this day will help you discover lost things or missing animals. After 13:00 you can begin repair work.

What not to do : sign or draw up important documents, neglect safety measures against colds; apply to the court; move to a new place of residence or a new office; go on trips; start any important business from 10:41 to 12:35.

Purchases : Small and everyday purchases. Go to the store only with a list made in advance. You can buy some original and unusual things.

7 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 00:55.SCORPION

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 18:56

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

The day of the phase change is a busy day. There may be insomnia, anxiety, excessive emotions. Try to remain calm and confident on this day, follow your intuition, and do not overexert yourself physically. Dedicate this day to rest and relaxation. There may be problems with the course of pregnancy, so pregnant women should especially take care of themselves on this day!

What not to do : sort things out with people; start any new and important things; perform operations (especially in the genital area); putting on new things for the first time.

Purchases : It is better to postpone, as there is a risk of buying a defective item.

FEBRUARY 8, Thursday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:05.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 16:54

Moon without course from 10:16 to 16:53

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

The day is unlucky for any business that concerns beauty, with the exception of simple procedures. Today it is better not to engage in any financial matters, especially in the morning. The borrowed money may disappear or not be returned for a long time. Avoid Conflicts and whims. It is best to spend this day in a calm atmosphere, to finish things started in the past.

What not to do : change apartment, move; engage in any financial transactions; borrow/lend money.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! You can go shopping after 17:00, but it is better to buy something small and insignificant, as well as any things that you may need while traveling.

9 FEBRUARY, Friday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:12.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

When the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, it is very good to gain new knowledge, seek new experiences and travel. However, it is better not to go on long walks now due to the fact that the hip area is now quite vulnerable and it will be difficult for you to reach your final destination. If you wish, today you can go somewhere on vacation or just go out of town take a break from the bustle of the city. If you are not planning trips now, read books, magazines, watch educational programs. Today there are risks of overestimating your capabilities, there are risks of monetary losses, deception and fraud.

What not to do : conduct business negotiations, especially with foreigners; gamble; drinking alcohol; turn to alternative medicine, psychics, fortune tellers, etc., self-medicate.

Purchases : You can make small purchases. Be careful with money, as there is a risk of monetary loss!

10 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:15.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 19:38

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Overall a pretty positive day though Sun and Jupiter approaching the negative aspect. Surgeries are allowed, especially in the lung area. But it’s better not to put stress on the liver; give up too fatty foods and alcohol on this day! Be careful with promises; it is better not to make them at all on this day, as there is a high risk that you will not be able to fulfill them for various reasons. There may be an acquaintance under unusual circumstances, or a very unexpected meeting.

What not to do : make promises; start construction; go to court.

Purchases : It’s better not to make large and expensive purchases, but you can buy cosmetics, clothes, and perfumes.

Lunar calendar 2018: favorable days

11 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:12.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 05:21

Moon without course until 05:20

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

Today Venus will move into the sign of its exaltation - Pisces. This is a good time for various matters that Venus is responsible for. Venus in Pisces enhances people's imagination and need for love and care. However, this day is not suitable for serious matters, since The moon will be be amazed by Saturn, indicating possible crises and delays. On Capricorn days, it is good to clean up and get rid of everything unnecessary.

What not to do : start important things; enter into financial transactions, risk money, borrow/lend money; start a course of treatment; organize family celebrations.

Purchases : It is better to postpone major purchases today due to the defeat of the Moon. You can buy something for cleaning. There is a possibility of unexpected expenses.

12 FEBRUARY, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:02.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

If you need to travel on business, then this day is quite suitable, but it is better to postpone leisure trips to a more favorable time, it is best to reschedule these trips at the end of February. This is a great day to start cleaning if you didn't have time to do it yesterday. However, it is quite suitable for solving some complex work problems. All matters should be carefully thought through, plans and reports drawn up. Can start repair work. This is also one of the acceptable days for a wedding. However, it is better to postpone the wedding until the end of the month.

Useful tips

February marked solar eclipse , which will divide the month into two equal parts: it will take placeFebruary 15, 2018 at 11:51 pm in Moscow. The solar eclipse will follow the lunar eclipse that took placeJanuary 31, 2018, That's why first 2 weeksmonths are considered a period called"Corridor of Eclipses" Read more about this in the article General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for February 2018 .

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to start near eclipses. new important things. For example, these are not the best days to get married or open a new company. We especially advise you to put aside everything very important. 1, 2 and 13-16 February 2018. Also pay attention to other busy days of the month (you can look at). When choosing a particular day from the table for a particular business, read the recommendations for that day, since it often happens that it is necessary to start a business at certain hours, otherwise it will not be successful!

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Moon on the burnt path, change of lunar phase: February 5 01:30 – February 7 (but especially February 6 from 10:41 to 12:35);

Proximity of Solar Eclipse, New Moon: February 13-16 (especially from February 15 00:00 to February 16 10:00);

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT A COURSE, when you cannot start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.02.2018 13:58 - 01.02.2018 22:13

03.02.2018 10:07 - 04.02.2018 00:47

05.02.2018 21:46 - 06.02.2018 06:56

08.02.2018 10:16 - 08.02.2018 16:53

10.02.2018 19:38 - 11.02.2018 05:21

13.02.2018 08:43 - 13.02.2018 18:11

16.02.2018 00:05 - 16.02.2018 05:42

18.02.2018 01:14 - 18.02.2018 15:05

20.02.2018 14:11 - 20.02.2018 22:12

22.02.2018 14:46 - 23.02.2018 03:07

24.02.2018 22:58 - 25.02.2018 06:06

27.02.2018 00:51 - 27.02.2018 07:42

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: This month the new moon and the first lunar day will be special, as at this moment there will be a partial solar eclipse. This event will enhance any magic if you approach the issue correctly. Make wishes and make plans for the future .

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for February 2018 section:


♌♍ 1 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:21.A LION , VIRGO from 22:13

Moon without course from 13:58 to 22:12

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

On the first day of February, the Moon will begin to wane. The first day after the eclipse is still stressful, so it is highly undesirable to start any important business today. The Moon in Leo forces people to be active and sociable, to pay special attention to appearance and compliments. However, the approach of the negative aspect of the Moon with Mars can heat up the situation and lead to some aggressive attitudes. You can continue to do advertising.

What not to do : start important things; arrange any financial transactions; invest; sort out relationships with loved ones; criticize your superiors.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! It is dangerous to make large purchases; we especially do not recommend buying real estate. There is a danger that you may not agree with the seller on some issue, quarrel or enter into a serious conflict.

♍ 2 FEBRUARY, Friday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:46.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

The Moon will move through the sign of Virgo, making many of you critical, closed and more calm. This day can be dangerous for gullible people: deceptions and disappointments await them. It’s good to start cleaning and sorting things, you can iron laundry and get rid of dust. You can clean up your workspace or computer. Get rid of unnecessary things- this is the key motto of the day: listen to this advice!

What not to do : go on trips (especially by water transport); meet people, register on dating sites, go on dates.

Purchases : There is a risk of losing money, so do all your spending on this day wisely. You can make small purchases for your home. You can find many discounts in hardware departments or houseplant stores. We do not recommend buying real estate and land.

♍ 3 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:07.VIRGO

Moon without course from 10:07

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Get everything started before 10:00! Not a bad aspect between Mercury and Mars, as well as the Moon in the sign of Virgo on this day will create opportunities for working with documents and papers. Many urgent matters may arise. After a certain period of calm, you will want to rush into battle and embrace the immensity. Any business will be resolved quite energetically and quickly, despite the fact that you will be attentive to every detail. You can sign routine short-term contracts, but not too important ones. Today there will be successful work for those who work with their hands. It’s good to collect various information, fill out papers, go on short business trips or just travel outside the city (short distances by land). A good day to study and take exams.

What not to do : make hasty decisions; ignore the signs and small things done; buy real estate and land; castrate animals; get married; start any business after 10:00.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Make purchases with caution: there is a risk of spending more than planned on something that is not very useful to you. If you want to go shopping with a list and a small amount of money, then there will be no temptation to buy something unnecessary. There is a possibility of unexpected expenses.

♍♎ 4 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:26.VIRGO , SCALES from 00:47

Moon without course until 00:46

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

Venus square Jupiter on this day he warns: be careful with pleasures! You may not notice how you eat too much or drink more than normal. Therefore, we advise you to monitor your nutrition in the morning! More favorable times will start after 11:00. You can go to a beauty salon or do your appearance at home. However, in the evening you can make acquaintances or go on a date.

What not to do : before 11:00 – go on trips, have plastic surgery, borrow/lend money; overeat.

Purchases : This is a good day for shopping, but it is better to wait for a better time - after 11:00. You can buy clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and so on.

♎ 5 FEBRUARY, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:42.SCALES

Moon without course from 21:46

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

Not a bad day, which is associated with favorable Moon-Venus aspect. This means that you can undergo various cosmetic procedures without much risk. However, surprises on this day will also not be uncommon. You should be careful when handling electrical appliances. A good day for starting a romantic relationship, dating, making acquaintances, attending any cultural events. It is good to plan the things that you will do in collaboration with someone. You can have an engagement party or other banquets despite it being Monday. Good start fight against excess weight.

What not to do : repair electrical appliances; work with electricity.

Purchases : It’s good to buy cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, etc., especially before 18:30. It is better not to buy knives or knife sharpeners - they may turn out to be unsuccessful. There are chances to find good discounts. But you shouldn’t make purchases during the Moon without a course!

6 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 06:57

Moon without course until 06:56

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot).

Attention! WEAK MOON in the degree of its fall - from 10:41 to 12:35. It's better during these hours delay start any important and serious matters! Surprises and pleasant surprises may await you today. An unexpected acquaintance may arise, although it is better to take everything calmly and not be too fascinated. Good intuition on this day will help you discover lost things or missing animals. After 13:00 you can begin repair work.

What not to do : sign or draw up important documents, neglect safety measures against colds; apply to the court; move to a new place of residence or a new office; go on trips; start any important business from 10:41 to 12:35.

Purchases : Small and everyday purchases. Go to the store only with a list made in advance. You can buy some original and unusual things.

7 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 00:55.SCORPION

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 18:56

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

The day of the phase change is a busy day. There may be insomnia, anxiety, excessive emotions. Try to remain calm and confident on this day, follow your intuition, and do not overexert yourself physically. Dedicate this day to rest and relaxation. There may be problems with the course of pregnancy, so pregnant women should especially take care of themselves on this day!

What not to do : sort things out with people; start any new and important things; perform operations (especially in the genital area); putting on new things for the first time.

Purchases : It is better to postpone, as there is a risk of buying a defective item.

FEBRUARY 8, Thursday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:05.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 16:54

Moon without course from 10:16 to 16:53

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

The day is unlucky for any business that concerns beauty, with the exception of simple procedures. Today it is better not to engage in any financial matters, especially in the morning. The borrowed money may disappear or not be returned for a long time. Avoid Conflicts and whims. It is best to spend this day in a calm atmosphere, to finish things started in the past.

What not to do : change apartment, move; engage in any financial transactions; borrow/lend money.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! You can go shopping after 17:00, but it is better to buy something small and insignificant, as well as any things that you may need while traveling.

9 FEBRUARY, Friday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:12.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

When the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, it is very good to gain new knowledge, seek new experiences and travel. However, it is better not to go on long walks now due to the fact that the hip area is now quite vulnerable and it will be difficult for you to reach your final destination. If you wish, today you can go somewhere on vacation or just go out of town take a break from the bustle of the city. If you are not planning trips now, read books, magazines, watch educational programs. Today there are risks of overestimating your capabilities, there are risks of monetary losses, deception and fraud.

What not to do : conduct business negotiations, especially with foreigners; gamble; drinking alcohol; turn to alternative medicine, psychics, fortune tellers, etc., self-medicate.

Purchases : You can make small purchases. Be careful with money, as there is a risk of monetary loss!

10 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:15.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 19:38

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Overall a pretty positive day though Sun and Jupiter approaching the negative aspect. Surgeries are allowed, especially in the lung area. But it’s better not to put stress on the liver; give up too fatty foods and alcohol on this day! Be careful with promises; it is better not to make them at all on this day, as there is a high risk that you will not be able to fulfill them for various reasons. There may be an acquaintance under unusual circumstances, or a very unexpected meeting.

What not to do : make promises; start construction; go to court.

Purchases : It’s better not to make large and expensive purchases, but you can buy cosmetics, clothes, and perfumes.

Lunar calendar 2018: favorable days

♑ 11 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:12.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 05:21

Moon without course until 05:20

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

Today Venus will move into the sign of its exaltation - Pisces. This is a good time for various matters that Venus is responsible for. Venus in Pisces enhances people's imagination and need for love and care. However, this day is not suitable for serious matters, since The moon will be be amazed by Saturn, indicating possible crises and delays. On Capricorn days, it is good to clean up and get rid of everything unnecessary.

What not to do : start important things; enter into financial transactions, risk money, borrow/lend money; start a course of treatment; organize family celebrations.

Purchases : It is better to postpone major purchases today due to the defeat of the Moon. You can buy something for cleaning. There is a possibility of unexpected expenses.

♑ 12 FEBRUARY, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:02.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

If you need to travel on business, then this day is quite suitable, but it is better to postpone leisure trips to a more favorable time, it is best to reschedule these trips at the end of February. This is a great day to start cleaning if you didn't have time to do it yesterday. However, it is quite suitable for solving some complex work problems. All matters should be carefully thought through, plans and reports drawn up. Can start repair work. This is also one of the acceptable days for a wedding. However, it is better to postpone the wedding until the end of the month.

What not to do : go on vacation trips; moving to a new job or starting a new position or project; iron, take things to the dry cleaner; move.

Purchases : Shopping on this day is acceptable, but it is better to buy things that will last you a long time. For example, you can buy furniture or any materials for renovation. Now you have a better chance of finding something at a good price. Acceptable purchase of real estate.

♑♒ 13 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:45.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 18:12

Moon without course from 08:43 to 18:11

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

Almost the entire working day the Moon will be “idling”, which means that it will be good on this day continue business, but do not start new ones: the result will simply be zero. It is good to continue complex routine affairs, solve various organizational issues, and go for repeated consultations on any issues. From this day on, the days leading up to the eclipse are quite stressful and intense, so if possible, do not start anything new in the coming week.

What not to do : go on trips; start new important things; change place of residence; start a new project; make acquaintances, arrange weddings.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! Be careful with any purchases on this day. With a Moon without a course, you will either not buy anything that you planned, or you will buy things that you will not use. It is not recommended to make large purchases.

♒ 14 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:21.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya).

ATTENTION: quite traumatic and nervous days from 14 to 17 February 2018 , be careful! In general, I want to celebrate this Valentine's Day well and pleasantly. It is also good to meet with friends and like-minded people, have a small banquet and celebrate the holiday, despite the middle of the week. It is highly undesirable to enter into any conflicts. It is also good on this day to gain knowledge, attend courses or lectures. Do something you enjoy doing. Put aside all complex and responsible matters.

What not to do : sort things out with friends or business partners; risk money; go on trips; turn to fortune tellers and psychics; repair electrical appliances.

Purchases : today, if possible, do not buy anything serious, this is not the best day for this. Small purchases are acceptable, for example, you can buy spare parts for computers, phones or gadgets.

♒ 15 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:51.AQUARIUS


Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya), golden swan.

This is quite a busy day, which will end with a solar eclipse. On this day you cannot start new things. Many may feel tired and overwhelmed. There are risks of committing rash acts. Today you cannot overestimate your capabilities, and you should not succumb to absent-mindedness. If you feel that some work is difficult for you, you cannot concentrate, it is better to postpone these tasks to a more favorable time. This day can also bring you all sorts of pleasant surprises.

What not to do : start any important business; to risk; plunge into dark thoughts, depression; overexert yourself physically, it is better to postpone any sports activities; sort things out with friends or business partners; risk money; go on trips; turn to fortune tellers, psychics, and practitioners of alternative medicine.

Purchases : Better to postpone.


♒♓ FEBRUARY 16, Friday,1st lunar day from 00:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:16.AQUARIUS , FISH from 05:42

NEW MOON at 00:07. CHINESE NEW YEAR from 00:07

Moon without course from 00:05 to 05:41

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

ATTENTION! MAGICAL DAY OF THE MONTH! The hours from 00:07 to 08:16 are magic time. This period of night and morning should be used to attract what you want into life. It only lasts about 8 hours, which means it will be very powerful! All our thoughts will acquire special power. Everything planned during these hours has a very high chance of becoming a reality, which is why it is so important to think about the good now. The new moon this month will occur along with the solar eclipse, so all of the above will only intensify!

What not to do : start new important things; sort things out with friends or business partners; risk money; go on trips.

Purchases : Today is a good time for shopping. However, remember that with the waxing Moon - today and in the next 2 weeks - it will be more difficult for you to buy something with good discounts. Sellers are usually reluctant to reduce prices at this time. Today it is good to buy any beauty products, gifts for friends and relatives.

FEBRUARY 17, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:38.FISH

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

The moon begins to grow and is already moving away from the eclipse, so from this day on you can already think about new things. The Sun is about to move into Pisces, and today it will connect with Mercury. The superior conjunction of Mercury is considered a favorable aspect and therefore contributes to any intellectual work. However, due to the negative aspect of Mars-Neptune, there may be delays and misunderstandings, so it is better to postpone especially important matters until at least 14:30. In the first half of the day It will be more difficult to agree on something, it is better to postpone signing the papers, not to draw up documents at this time, so as not to miss annoying mistakes. And here after 14:30 It is quite possible to sign documents.

What not to do : go on vacation to bodies of water or to the mountains; engage in water sports; start important matters where speed of decision-making is important; perform operations; drinking alcohol.

Purchases : A better time for shopping is after 15:00. You can buy aquariums, water filters, boilers.

♓♈ FEBRUARY 18, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:57.FISH , ARIES from 15:04

Moon without course from 01:14 to 15:03

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

In the first half of the day, you can continue things started in the past. You cannot start new things before 15:00, as they will not produce results. This is a good time to relax, you can visit saunas and baths, swim in the pool. However, the second half of the day is not so successful for undertakings. The Sun and Mercury will move into the sign of Pisces, opening up opportunities for creative thought and fantasy. You can watch a science-fiction film or read an interesting book. Around the house you can complete those tasks that need to be completed quickly. Ventilate rooms, mattresses and pillows well.

What not to do : start important things, especially long-term ones; engage in capital investments and financial matters; borrow/lend money; risk money.

Purchases : There is a possibility of unexpected expenses. Don't go shopping during the Moon without a course. After 15:00 you can buy something small and not too important. Finding good discounts will be difficult.

19 FEBRUARY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:16.ARIES

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

This is a good day to resolve various issues that require a quick start and quick completion, however, it is important to think carefully before doing anything. It's good to introduce new ideas or start new projects. For those who want to find a new job, today is an especially good time to look for one: there is a greater chance that the desired job will be found quickly. Also today you can safely contact your superiors with requests and suggestions, including a request for a promotion.

What not to do : ignore safety precautions, approach issues too impulsively; be in places with large crowds of people.

Purchases : Today you can buy cars, but remember that the days of the waxing moon are more successful for sellers than for buyers. It will be more difficult to get a discount.

♈♉ 20 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:35.ARIES , CALF from 22:11

Moon without course from 14:11 to 22:10

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

Another fairly active and productive day, at least the first half of it. It's good to do things that require inspiration or quick decision making. This is also a great day for exercise, but it is better not to push yourself too hard. The Moon's conjunction with Uranus can bring a lot of excitement and surprises. It is also worth taking care of the nervous system: it is vulnerable on this day. Nervous breakdowns are possible. After noon - after 14:00– It’s better not to start anything new.

What not to do : overexert yourself; move; enter into important agreements; engage in explosive work.

Purchases : Try to avoid any impulse purchases on this day. If you have already decided to buy a car, you can conclude a deal in the first half of the day, but if you are still in doubt, it is better to postpone the purchase.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♉ 21 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:56.CALF

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

Discipline and prudence are the key words of today. It's a good day, one of the most successful days just a month. It’s good to negotiate, make deals, sign papers, apply for loans, invest money, and so on. Several favorable aspects of the planets and the position of the Moon indicate that commercial activities and work with money will be successful. Moreover, this is a good time to visit beauty salons and hairdressers, dates, and acquaintances.

What not to do : to risk something serious; make very quick decisions.

Purchases : A good time for shopping, including real estate purchases, as well as any beauty items.

♉ 22 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:20.CALF

Moon without course from 14:46

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

This day is suitable for resolving some financial issues, but any risks associated with money will not be justified. The day would be good for increasing income and for investment, if not unfavorable aspect of Mars and Venus, which will take place in a couple of days. Today you should be more careful with money, and stick to compromises and calmness in relationships.

What not to do

Purchases : You can shop today, but with caution. Go shopping with a clear goal in mind and make a better shopping list. There are risks of spending more than you planned.

♉♊ 23 FEBRUARY, Friday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 10:50.CALF , TWINS from 03:08

Moon without course until 03:07

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 11:09

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

Today is a stressful day, the Moon is changing phase and making several unfavorable aspects. It is better to postpone solving financial issues. Contracts signed on this day can be quickly broken, or it will be difficult for you to fulfill all terms of agreements. The risk of colds is increased, so try not to go to places where there are large crowds of people. It's good to go on vacation outside the city, where there is fresh air. But walking too long can lead to hypothermia. The likelihood of quarrels and disagreements with people from your inner circle and close relatives increases.

What not to do : sort things out with partners; risk money; borrow/lend money; get married; do plastic surgery; begin hardening procedures.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

♊ 24 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:57.TWINS

Moon without course from 22:58

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

After 9:00 you can go on trips, especially by car or by bus; moving around the city will also be successful. Before 9:00 is not the best time, since the Moon will be at negative aspect with Mars and may indicate increased impulsivity, harshness, and aggression. Today you can do things that need to be completed quickly, you can draw up documents, collect the necessary information, and conduct consultations. But it’s better to refuse any monetary transactions!

What not to do : sort things out with partners; risk money; borrow/lend money; get married; do plastic surgery.

Purchases : It is better to refuse any large purchases on this day. Buy only what you need. There is a risk of serious financial losses!

♊♋ 25 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 12:15.TWINS , CANCER from 06:06

Moon without course until 06:06

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

Imagination and daydreaming on this day can be used to realize any creative ideas. This day is marked many aspects of the planets, both bad and good, but most of all the day is suitable for relaxation and communication with close relatives. Today it is better not to go on dates, especially for the first time: you may be seriously disappointed. Increased excitability and irritability can affect your relationships with partners. Today it is easy to quarrel and difficult to improve relationships. Travel on vacation, to the sea or to a sanatorium is allowed.

What not to do : make new acquaintances or go on dates; undergo plastic surgery or other complex beauty procedures; sort out relationships with partners; risk money; borrow/lend money; get married.

Purchases : It is better to postpone until 18:00, as there is a risk of unnecessary spending. Also on this day, unexpected expenses may appear: you will be forced to spend more than planned.

♋ 26 FEBRUARY, Monday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:16.CANCER

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

Today is not a bad day, although it is associated with something unexpected. In general, all negative aspects will be softened by harmonious ones. The day may turn out to be eventful, but it is best to solve family matters today. It’s good to visit relatives, give them gifts or communicate with them remotely if it’s not possible to meet now. Today you should be more careful about what you eat, because there are risks of poisoning. You can go to sanatoriums and holiday homes. Also, the first half of the day promises to be successful for those who sell food or hand-made products.

What not to do : draw up important papers, sign important contracts; start dating.

Purchases : A good time to buy cosmetics and clothes will be before 14:00. You can also buy any items for your home and family, gifts for relatives. For example, you can already stock up on gifts for March 8th.

♋♌ 27 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:29.CANCER , A LION from 07:42

Moon without course from 00:51 to 07:41

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

This day is suitable for a wedding ceremony, better after 09:00. It is also a good time to make new acquaintances and go on dates. Today it will be easy to start new relationships, which will quickly develop into a close connection. Businesses that are connected to the world will do well beauty and art. Financial transactions may turn out to be very successful before 13:30. In the evening you can go to the theater or concert. Visiting exhibitions, galleries and various cultural events will bring a lot of positive emotions.

What not to do : criticize superiors and authorities; move; buy or sell real estate or animals.

Purchases : You can buy gold and jewelry made of gold and precious stones. especially before 13:30. This time is suitable for purchasing especially expensive items. Don't make purchases during the Moon without a course!

♌ 28 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:00.A LION

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

Another very successful day for marriage. This time is also suitable for starting a new project, for moving to a new position, as well as for contacting superiors or higher institutions. The main thing is not to overestimate your strengths. You shouldn't be too arrogant and you should respect subordination. Otherwise, it may not end well for you and your reputation. Be careful with any legal issues; it is better to postpone all important legal matters altogether!

What not to do : go to court; criticize superiors; draw up important legal documents; engage in capital investments.

Purchases : You can buy jewelry, art, and everything for children and creative activities.

Various things to do and the most favorable days for them in FEBRUARY 2018

Cleaning:2, 3, 11-13
Wet cleaning:2, 3
Washing windows and glass: 4, 5, 8-10, 14
Ironing:1-10, 14
Dry cleaning:1-10, 14
Start of repair:6, 12
Start of house construction: 24, 27, 28
Signing important documents: 3, 12, 17, 21, 27
Looking for a new job: 3, 19, 20
Appeal to the authorities: 12, 19, 20, 27, 28
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 21
Dating, dates, engagements: 4, 5, 10, 21, 22, 27, 28
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 9, 24-26
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 9, 25, 26
Trips to the mountains:11, 12
Business trips: 3, 11, 12, 24
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 1, 4, 5, 21, 22, 27, 28
Banquets and celebrations: 4, 5, 14, 21, 22, 27, 28
Weddings:9, 10, 12, 27, 28
Judicial and legal issues: 17, 26, 27
Solving important financial issues: 21, 27
Investments: 21
Commercial activity: 3, 19, 20, 21, 24
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 27, 28
Exchange operations: 21
Preparation of documents: 3, 21, 24
Making wills: 3, 6, 16, 21, 27
Advertising:1, 9, 17, 27, 28
Small purchases:2, 3, 8-10
Large purchases: 12, 21
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 4, 5, 21, 22, 26-28
Real estate purchases: 12, 21
Buying a car: 19, 20
Probability of unexpected expenses: 3, 11, 18, 25
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 1-4, 9, 23-25
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 5, 12, 21, 27
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 23, 25

February 2018 will be an extremely good time for almost any field of activity. If you have been cherishing plans for a long time, but were still waiting for the right moment to implement them, then consider that the coming month provides you with a great chance to positively influence your future.

Thanks to lunar calendar for February 2018 you will have the opportunity to plan your time and distribute your energy in the most rational way.

Moon phases in February 2018: phase calendar

February 7, 2018 (Wed.) – Last quarter. On this lunar day, it is best to start planning your leisure and work time. The positive result of such planning will not take long to arrive and will pay off this month.

February 16, 2018 (Fri.) – New Moon. A day of average activity. At the time of the new moon, a feeling of slight apathy or laziness may occur, which should not be strongly suppressed, otherwise it can harm the circulation of energy in the body.