Calathea: leaves dry and curl. Why do calathea leaves dry and curl? Calathea: why do the leaves dry and curl? Why do calathea leaf edges dry out?

Plants with decorative leaves can become a chic decoration for any apartment, because spectacular and unusual designs on the leaves attract the eye. But there is one small drawback, because almost all exotic plants are finicky or simply unadapted to our weather conditions. So before purchasing such plants, you need to carefully study their requirements for temperature and humidity.

For example, . A plant with leaves of amazing beauty! It feels like each sheet was painted by the hand of a great artist. But, alas, it happens that the tips of the leaves of the calathea begin to dry out. This problem occurs quite often, but it is still not pleasant when a newly purchased plant develops some problems. So, let's figure out what to do if the calathea dries and why, strictly speaking, the leaves of the calathea dry out.

Why do calathea leaves turn yellow?

First, let's look at the cause of the phenomenon of drying and yellowing of calathea leaves. There may be several reasons, although the first one is most common.

That's all possible reasons why calathea turns yellow and dries. To determine which of the listed reasons is present for you, try all the methods of “saving” calathea, which are given below. Although most often, it is quite easy to determine the cause “by eye”.

What to do if calathea leaves dry out?

Having dealt with the reasons, let's move on to methods of struggle. In fact, calathea is not a particularly demanding and capricious plant, so you will only need to provide it with the usual conditions and care.

Dry air. If you have dry air in your apartment, then you need to provide the calathea with the missing moisture. You can, of course, spray the calathea leaves with water and place the plant on a tray with expanded clay, but this still will not solve your problem, but will only help get rid of it for a while. It is advisable to simply accustom the calathea to the air humidity level in your apartment. To do this, cover plant with a plastic bag and spray it with water under the bag. And then every day, briefly remove the bag, while daily increasing the time the calathea stays by “ outdoors».

Cold. Sometimes the reason for yellowing and drying of the leaves may be that you placed the calathea in a cold place, for example, on a windowsill. Calathea does not tolerate temperatures below 16 degrees, so just find a better place for it and protect the plant from drafts.

Lack of light and nutrients. Too much bright light Calathea is contraindicated, but the plant should not be kept in the shade. Find a middle ground in this matter. And in the soil for calathea there must be coniferous soil, as well as charcoal, which will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs.

Even the most unpretentious indoor plants can get sick and lose their decorative look. This can be expressed in different ways: the flower does not grow, the leaves dry out and curl, the tips of the leaves dry out, the plant becomes covered with spots, the leaves turn yellow, and much more.

Are you worried about your calathea? Are the leaves drying out and curling? Why is this happening? This type ornamental deciduous plants from the Marantaceae family grow in the tropical and rain forests of Central and South America and for its proper development and health it is simply necessary to create conditions that are closest to its native climate, with high humidity and bright, diffused lighting.

In this regard, beginners and experienced gardeners have a number of questions regarding the cultivation of this flower. And for good reason. Indeed, among the large variety of species, there are more capricious and hardier plants that even a novice gardener can grow. How to properly care for a plant? And what to do if it already shows signs of illness? How to deal with pests?

Main diseases and methods of their treatment. Calathea pests

Spider mite

These are the main pests of Calathea Rufibarba, Medallion, Makoya, due to which the leaves of the plant dry out and curl. A mite is a small insect that gnaws through the skin of a leaf and feeds on the sap of the cells. As a result: the flower grows poorly, small, light spots appear on the leaves. As the colony grows, the spots merge and the leaf curls and dries out. A thin web also signals that a tick has appeared.

To destroy the pest you need to do the following:

  1. Clean the plant soap solution. Try to remove greatest number insects
  2. Remove and replace topsoil. Spider mite lays eggs in the soil, where they can be stored for many years.
  3. Treat with insecticides.
  4. Increase humidity. Spider mites cannot tolerate moisture. You can place the plant in a greenhouse.

It is better to prevent the appearance of such a pest and spray with insecticides every six months.


Thrips, like mites, are small insects that feed on the sap of leaves. As a result of the thrips feast, the tips of the leaves dry out and small, light spots appear on the leaves. Later the leaves acquire brown shades with a silvery tint, dry out and fall off. A soap solution that kills thrips can save you from such a disease. Why do these insects appear? Low humidity air and heat. To prevent the disease, you need to do daily spraying and water on time. The species most often affected by thrips are Calathea Rufibarba and Medallion.


Why do scale insects appear? Scale insects love dry air. They mainly fall on house plants if they stand on open balconies, as well as with new plants from the store. Spots appear on the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off, the flower grows poorly. To save the plant from disease, you need to clean all insects with soapy water and treat with an insecticide

Problems caused by improper care

Most often, the answer to the question: “Why do the leaves dry and curl?” is improper care of calathea.


Calathea is a moisture-loving plant. But in order not to have to resuscitate it, you should not allow it to overflow. The roots of the plant suffocate and begin to rot.

The leaves turn yellow, rot and fall off - also indicates an excess of moisture. This problem often occurs among beginning gardeners. Due to the fact that the plant is moisture-loving, it begins to be flooded and this leads to sad results. The plant can only be saved by replanting it in new ground. This is especially true for the capricious types of Kalata - Rubifarb, Medallion, Varshevich, Crokat. These species are very sensitive to lack and excess of moisture. Drooping leaves may also indicate excess moisture.

Lack of humidity

Most often, the leaves dry out and curl from lack of moisture. All types of calathea love a moist substrate and high humidity. Some species, such as Calathea Rufibarba and Calathea Varshevich, require 90% humidity. It should be noted that some species have downy leaves and should not be sprayed, as this may lead to stains.

Brown, drying tips - frequent spraying should be done. This is especially true for species such as Medallion, Litze, Sanderiana and others.

If spots appear on the leaves, this indicates a lack of watering or exposure to sunlight.

To this we can add that with a lack of moisture, the plant is affected by the following diseases: scale insects and false scale insects, mites, thrips.


The plant has very delicate leaves and if directly touched sun rays a burn occurs. Appears on the sheet yellow spot, subsequently the leaf turns yellow and curls. The plant is light-loving, but it needs to be shaded.

Excess fertilizer

The plant needs to be fertilized once every 14 days in a smaller dosage than indicated on the package. Fertilizers must contain nitrogen, potassium and microelements. If there is an excess of fertilizers, the roots die, which leads to drying of the tips of the leaves.

Calatheas are certainly beautiful decorative foliage plants. In order for the plant to be healthy and delight with its unique emerald shades and intricate patterns, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. Some types of calathea, for example Rufibarba, can only be grown in a florarium.

Calathea- The plant is very capricious. Florist, not familiar with the features of care following her, sometimes it’s not easy. But in flower shop It’s very difficult to pass by this beauty, she just attracts the eye.

But after making a purchase and bringing an exotic beauty home, caring for it, creating all the conditions, very often it is not possible to help her adapt to a new place. Calathea dries up and dies. It turns out that you were deceived and given a low-quality copy? Not at all. This plant is just not for beginners.

The most common problem, which Calathea owners complain about - drying and curling of the magnificent, lacy, intricately colored leaves that are its main decoration.

Why do calathea leaves turn yellow and curl?

This could be due to several reasons:

  • dry air;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • Not right place location;
  • low room temperature;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil.

Dry air

Calathea comes from the tropics, which means it loves moisture. The most common cause drying and curling its magnificent leaves are exposed to too dry air in the room, which is strictly contraindicated for this plant.

More often the air is drying out V winter period when the heating is on or in summer, in extreme heat.

To solve a problem You can use a special humidifier. If you do not have the opportunity to install a humidifier, hang wet wipes or towels on the radiator, place containers with water, which will gradually evaporate and humidify the air.

Optimal climatic conditions for calathea can be created by adding a layer of wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss to the tray of the pot.

Do not forget Spray the leaves regularly with a spray bottle using warm filtered water.

How to provide moisture to the Calathea? Watch the video below for professional advice:

Location and temperature

Same for calathea it's harmful to be there both on the cold northern and southern windowsill, which receives direct sunlight.

In addition, the plant can be adversely affected by:

  • radiation from nearby TV, computer and other equipment;
  • draft;
  • warm and dry air, rising from a battery or other heaters;
  • temperature below 16°C or above 18°C ​​(calathea does not tolerate temperature changes).

Any of these irritants will inevitably lead to leaf death if the plant is not moved to another location or the problem is not corrected.

Possibly a flower will have to be rearranged several times, carefully monitoring his well-being, not found yet perfect place.

Remove the calathea from the window - to a place where neither the hot rays of the sun nor a draft can reach it; warm and humidify the air in the room - and the plant will come to life and will again delight you with the beauty of its extraordinary glossy leaves.


If the lighting is incorrect, calathea leaves lose their attractiveness: from lack of light become simply monochromatic green, and from it oversupply acquire a brownish-red light.

Wrong soil

The key to active growth and well-being of calathea is right choice soil. Properly formed soil mixture- this is ordinary soil (2/3) and humus coniferous plants(1/3) with the addition of perlite or coarse sand for good breathability.

When transplanting you can nourish the soil a small amount of horse humus. During the growing season Calathea is fed universal fertilizers for indoor plants once every 2 weeks. An excess of nutrients is just as harmful as a deficiency.

Express help

If you see that the tips of the leaves turned yellow and began to dry out, remove the plant along with the lump from the pot and carefully examine the roots.

Carefully remove damaged or rotten fragments with garden shears, and then replant the plant in "correct" soil.

After transplant treat the calathea and soil surface with Epin.

If you come to the conclusion that the cause of your bush’s disease is dry air, and the leaves are already pretty dry, try radical method of resuscitation plants.

Carefully cover it with a plastic bag, after thoroughly bathing the plant in warm water, or even better, spraying water from a spray bottle directly under the bag. No need to tie.

Periodically remove the package according to the diagram:

  • on the first day – for 10 minutes;
  • on the second and subsequent days – for 30 minutes;
  • in a week - for the whole day.

If the temperature in the room is high and the air is dry, you may you have to keep the calathea captive until the heating is turned off.

Calathea - unusual flower which requires careful self-care. This is one of the reasons why gardeners do not recommend purchasing it for beginners in growing flowers.

Calathea loves humidity and needs to be watered abundantly and often. In nature, it can often be found on the banks of a river or lake.

There are many types of this plant, but not all of them are suitable for growing at home. Below we will dwell on this issue in more detail, but for now we will present another interesting fact. In addition to beautiful leaves, the flower has another characteristic feature, because of which the plant received its second name - “prayer flower”. In the evenings, watch the flower and you will see a slight movement of the leaves. They rise up, I open them slightly bottom part leaves, and in the morning they fall again.

Let's move on to the features of flower care. It is important to follow the rules described below; only in this case can you be sure that the plant will decorate your home for a long time and delight you with its beauty.

Calathea care at home

As we have already written, caring for calathea requires care, and not everyone can handle it. First, let's talk about how to water calathea.

Plants with decorative leaves can become a chic decoration for any apartment, because spectacular and unusual designs on the leaves attract the eye. But there is one small drawback, because almost all exotic plants are finicky or simply unadapted to our weather conditions. So before purchasing such plants, you need to carefully study their requirements for temperature and humidity.

For example, calathea. A plant with leaves of amazing beauty! It feels like each sheet was painted by the hand of a great artist. But, alas, it happens that the tips of the leaves of the calathea begin to dry out. This problem occurs quite often, but it is still not pleasant when a newly purchased plant develops some problems. So, let's figure out what to do if the calathea dries and why, strictly speaking, the leaves of the calathea dry out.

Why do calathea leaves turn yellow?

First, let's look at the cause of the phenomenon of drying and yellowing of calathea leaves. There may be several reasons, although the first one is most common.

  • dry air;
  • low air temperature;
  • lack of light and nutrients.

These are all the possible reasons why calathea turns yellow and dries. To determine which of the listed reasons is present for you, try all the methods of “saving” calathea, which are given below. Although most often, it is quite easy to determine the cause “by eye”.

What to do if calathea leaves dry out?

Having dealt with the reasons, let's move on to methods of struggle. In fact, calathea is not a particularly demanding and capricious plant, so you will only need to provide it with the usual conditions and care.

Dry air. If you have dry air in your apartment, then you need to provide the calathea with the missing moisture. You can, of course, spray the calathea leaves with water and place the plant on a tray with expanded clay, but this still will not solve your problem, but will only help get rid of it for a while. It is advisable to simply accustom the calathea to the air humidity level in your apartment. To do this, cover plant with a plastic bag and spray it with water under the bag. And then every day, briefly remove the bag, while daily increasing the time the calathea stays in the “open air.”

Cold. Sometimes the reason for yellowing and drying of the leaves may be that you placed the calathea in a cold place, for example, on a windowsill. Calathea does not tolerate temperatures below 16 degrees, so just find a better place for it and protect the plant from drafts.

Lack of light and nutrients. Too bright light is contraindicated for Calathea, but the plant should not be kept in the shade. Find a middle ground in this matter. And the soil for calathea must contain coniferous soil, as well as charcoal, which will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs.

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Caring for indoor plants in winter

In winter, when it’s frosty outside and the batteries at home are running at full capacity and drying out the air, indoor plants it's not easy. And in order for them to continue to grow and delight with flowering, it is necessary to care for them in a special way.

Plants, as you know, are living beings, everyone knows about it. Many reference books teach us how to care for plants of different climatic zones, in them you will find information about the conditions of maintenance and how to create them, both for unpretentious and for the most delicate and fastidious plants. To combat plant pests, in our time there is a large arsenal chemicals. But as is often noted, it is easier to prevent a disease and carry out prophylaxis than to treat an already neglected and severely damaged plant. At the first signs of illness, it is imperative to carry out a course of treatment and not allow the plant to weaken, because then it is more difficult to treat.

Even seasoned gardeners experience unfavorable periods, for example, lack of time, unfavorable weather and so on. so don't be discouraged if you fail. After all, true flower lovers will never throw out a drying or diseased plant. They will save them, reanimate them, and the plant often responds to care for it and gives wonderful aroma and fruit.

Items and materials

To carry out the rescue operation you may need some equipment. One of the tools that is most often in demand in emergency assistance tropical plants is sphagnum moss, alive and green, which is often stored in the freezer, it is like donor blood for them, it can always be useful. Also often needed are charcoal, coarse sand, vermiculite, perlite, phytosporin solution, potassium permanganate, epin, rootin and tools such as pruners, scissors, scalpel, syringe and enema, hooks, which must be kept clean.

To create an “intensive care ward” for plants, you may need clean plastic bags, a backlit aquarium and clear glass, and also for small plants, transparent food containers with a lid are suitable.

It should be noted that frequent time problems arise in early spring, there is still snow in the forests and it’s simply not possible to get sphagnum. That's why experienced flower growers they stock up on it in the fall, from October, when the moss is no longer occupied by ants and slugs, as well as other creatures. When you have everything you need, you can safely begin work to save the plant.

It is necessary to take care of good lighting during the period of saving the plant, and without light all the work may be in vain.

Symptoms and procedure

Wilted foliage on a plant with a living stem can cause damage to the roots, so you just need to consider them. To do this, remove the plant from the flowerpot, shake off the substrate, wash it in water with potassium permanganate, cut off rotten or damaged or dry roots with scissors until they are healthy, dust them with charcoal, or if the roots are large, treat the cut with brilliant green. If the root is completely damaged, then the stem is re-rooted and dipped into the root for quick appearance of roots. Take a smaller pot if the root area has greatly decreased or add more drainage. The substrate is disinfected or scalded before planting. After planting, the plants are watered with a solution that stimulates root formation (root or potassium monophosphate, etc.).

Calathea leaves dry and curl: reasons and what to do, types and photos of calathea

With certain diseases, the process of root rot occurs rapidly, even the stems fall out of the pot, although the leaves are almost fresh. Then you need to re-root the plant or put the plant in a greenhouse or put a plastic bag on it, which will maintain high humidity and the leaves may not fall off.

It is preferable to treat with anti-stress epin, this will increase the chances of a faster recovery.

With almost healthy roots, shoots sometimes die without leaving a single bud. This happens in phalaenopsis, then the chances are lost. And in rhizomatous plants, even on the rhizome a bud can survive and grow from it new copy. Rhizome-like plants include arrowroot: calathea, xenanthus. You can even notice that plants grown after resuscitation are less demanding of air humidity and have a more stable immune system. Throwing rhizomes with moist green sphagnum are placed in a flowerpot, and the plant is placed in a greenhouse or plastic bag.

After a month, you will notice healthy, developed roots and new leaves.

To plant a plant in a substrate in a post place, partially clear the roots of moss so as not to disturb the root system. Do the same with tuberous plants.

Plants that require soil of a certain acidity sometimes develop diseases in which the leaves fall off or turn yellow.

Such plants are delayed in growth and development and sometimes die. To avoid this, it is necessary to urgently replant the plant by completely replacing the soil with a new one. In such plants root system healthy and undamaged. After a couple of days, positive changes become noticeable, the leaves turn green and the plant begins to grow.

Most flower growers have encountered Dutch plants that, after a certain time after acquisition, die after a period of flowering and active growth, the leaves fall off, the stems dry out or rot. As a rule, this happens with crotons and dracaenas.

It turned out that under top layer soil roots and branches are tightly compressed in a mesh pot. Occasionally it grew into the body of the stem, so that sap flow suffered and the plant died. And the death began from the death of the stems.

The plant can be revived if the roots and part of the stem are not damaged, especially if they have one or more dormant buds. Sometimes this process is not quick, so you need to be patient.

But it’s better not to let this happen. Therefore, we advise that after purchasing a plant, carefully feel the stem and the top that is sprinkled with soil. If you find something hard, 4-6 cm in diameter, remove the plant from the flowerpot and remove the mesh container; to do this, you will have to cut through the rim with wire cutters in advance.

In the case of a large fibrous root system, try to simply destroy the rim.

Undoubtedly, a thorough examination of the roots is required to determine the disease, but in the case of pest infestation, it is necessary to examine the foliage, and if the leaves have fallen, inspect the neighboring plants.

You can get rid of pests with special chemicals.

Follow carefully correct agricultural technology necessary for the plant, since some plants do not tolerate complete drying of the soil in warm period, these are conifers, fuchsias, etc. In winter, such plants can often be saved, even if some of the foliage has fallen off; to do this, water the flower and place it in a bright place.

Calathea: leaves dry and curl. Why do calathea leaves dry and curl?

There is a very beautiful ornamental plant, which, first of all, attracts with its leaves, or rather, with the fancy patterns on them. This is Calathea. Are your plant's leaves drying out and curling? Is it losing its appeal? This deficiency immediately becomes noticeable, and gardeners strive to cure the plant as quickly as possible. However, to do this, you need to know its features.

Calathea: description and types

Calathea is a perennial ornamental herbaceous plant, reaches up to 80 cm in height. Calathea attracts with the beauty of its leaves. They are large, can be leathery, glossy, velvety. They always feel dense to the touch. They are up to 40 cm long and 5-15 cm wide; there are species with leaves up to 20 cm long. They are mostly oval or elliptical in shape, sometimes lanceolate. They grow directly from a rosette.

There are 130 types of flowers in nature. Each of them has a very beautiful leaves with a unique design.

Types of calathea - beautiful, wonderful, decorated, striped, Makoya, Veitch, Bachem, Burle-Marx, Varshevich, Zebrin, leopard, mosaic and others.

Features of the plant

The flower has the following features:

  • The inflorescences of the plant have an original structure. In nature, only the smallest bees can pollinate.
  • The leaves are always turned towards the sun.
  • In the evening they go up and in the morning they go down.
  • The leaves always seem to be moving, so calathea received a second name - prayer flower.

What does Calathea like and dislike?

This is a capricious and demanding flower. Calathea grew in Central and South America, which means it needs a bright place, but without direct sunlight. She also loves warmth, since her homeland is warm regions. Optimal temperature content +20. +22°, but not lower than 18° and not higher than 25°. It does not tolerate drafts, does not tolerate dry air and dry soil. It should not be placed near a heat source - a radiator, stove or fireplace, or on a cold windowsill. In summer, you should also not take the flower out onto the balcony. Heat during the day and lower temperatures at night are stressful for calathea, which gets sick from temperature changes. This also applies to watering. Calathea should not be watered cold water. Slightly warm, settled water is best.

What else does calathea not like? Leaves dry out due to lack or excess of moisture. The soil under the flower should always be slightly moist.

Home care

Why do calathea leaves dry and curl? Because it is a rather whimsical plant. However, if you follow a number of rules, you can create a favorable environment.

  1. Find a semi-dark place for the calathea. This could be a sideboard, window sill, closet or bedside table.

    Five reasons why calathea leaves curl and dry out

    Remember that the darker the area, the denser the leaves will grow. Therefore, expose the plant to light from time to time.

  2. Calathea loves moisture. This means, in addition to watering, you will need a sprayer, with which you will moisten the plant 2-3 times a week. It will not hurt the calathea to clean the leaves from dust with a sponge or a cotton pad soaked in water. Use wet peat. Place the pot with the plant in a moist peat environment. However, you should be aware that waterlogging the soil will lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, use these procedures infrequently.
  3. The peak growth period for calathea is March-September. Therefore in this period You should regularly humidify the air and water the plant, maintaining the air temperature at 17-18 degrees. IN winter time the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, but watering and moistening should be reduced.
  4. Never use hard water for irrigation. It is best to soften it with a bag of peat without fertilizers, leave a bucket of water overnight, and start watering in the morning.
  5. Make sure that the water in the pot does not stagnate when watering. This indicates an excess of moisture. In this case, excess water should be removed.

A few more simple rules.

  1. Calathea does not like temperature changes, so if your thermometer rises and falls sharply, this will affect the health of the plant.
  2. Do not move the calathea unless absolutely necessary; it does not like to adapt to new conditions.
  3. There is no need to over-moisten or over-dry the earthen ball.

    Otherwise, you will have a calathea whose leaves dry out and curl.

  4. Calathea does not like it when a lot of water gets on its leaves at once, so water the plant as carefully as possible.
  5. Every year in spring it requires replanting. For this, a wide pot is suitable, at the bottom of which there must be drainage and soil for azaleas or rhododendrons.
  6. You can feed the plant with fertilizers that do not contain lime or calcium salts. This should be done every two weeks after transplantation, once every 2-3 weeks.

You can follow these rules, but what to do if the plant’s leaves dry out and curl, and you don’t know how to help?

Calathea: leaves dry and curl

This is very beautiful plant. But how can Calathea unpleasantly surprise you? The leaves dry and curl, may turn yellow or pale, or even almost lose color. The ends may become dry and brown. The leaves can curl up or wither, losing their elasticity and density. All problems with them arise due to non-optimal air temperature, sunburn or lack of light due to drafts.

The roots of the flower can rot from excess moisture. They also get sick if the soil under the calathea is either too dry or too moist. The flower loves constancy. To ensure that the roots are always healthy, the soil should always be slightly moist, but not wet or dry. Of course, the beauty of the leaves also depends on the condition of the roots.

How to cure calathea?

If the calathea gets sick, the leaves dry and curl, their tips become brittle and brown, then the plant needs to be revived. To do this, you need to pay attention to three things: light, humidity and drafts.

Calathea does not like direct sunlight to fall on it, but it cannot live without light at all. Therefore, find the right place for it, and then you will avoid the problem of drying leaves.

In our apartments there is dry air, which is contraindicated for Calathea. Even if you regularly moisten the plant by spraying or wiping the leaves with a damp sponge, you will not solve the problem. You can adapt Calathea to the humidity level of your apartment. Spray the plant and then cover with plastic. Repeat the procedure every day, and then start opening the plant for 10 minutes, then 30, and so on, gradually increasing the duration of your stay in the “open” air. Calathea, whose leaves dry out, quickly revives.

Another reason for leaves drying out is the presence of drafts. If the temperature on your windowsill is below 16 degrees, then you should not ask the question why calathea leaves curl. This is now obvious.

Calathea whose leaves dry out and curl may also lack sunlight. This is a capricious plant, and you will have to determine its location experimentally. It is important to find a middle ground. The flower should not overheat in the sun, be placed in direct sunlight, and still need light. Leaves may curl when the plant is very stuffy. In this case, you need to moisten not only the soil, but also the leaves, move the flower from the windowsill (especially in summer) and ventilate the room well. But while airing, the flower should be removed from the windowsill. This procedure must be repeated regularly, combined with feeding and spraying.

How to get rid of brown spots on calathea leaves?— Calathea is very sensitive to air humidity. If the humidity is low, the leaves turn brown at the edges, spots appear, and the leaves curl. Frequently misting the plant and humidifying the air around the leaves can help. Calathea does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature or drafts.

What caused the roots in calathea to fester?— Too wet soil leads to rotting of the roots. Watering needs to be adjusted. Read more here

Is it necessary to spray Calathea or does it grow well without spraying?- It is necessary to spray, since calathea suffers greatly from low air humidity.

Because of this, the stems of the calathea grew very long and began to break. What to do with them?— Calathea does not have enough light (unless it is a special form of calathea). Move the plant to a more illuminated place, and provide support for long shoots.

What to do if the calathea stems have fallen and the leaves have curled. Why does this happen?- This happens from insufficient watering calathea Leaves can also curl in very intense light, especially in direct bright sun, as well as in low air humidity. Information on the contents of calathea can be found here.

What temperature should the water be for spraying calathea?— The water temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher than the room air temperature.
Why do the lower leaves of calathea turn yellow?- The lower leaves turn yellow natural cause- grow old and die. The process accelerates in unsuitable conditions content.

What happens to the calathea: during the day its leaves droop (fall), and at night all the leaves rise back?— Calathea has this peculiarity of raising its leaves at night or before rain. So everything is fine with the plant.

What is the reason: the ends of the Calathea leaves are yellow-brown? -The reason is lack or excess of nutrients in the soil. For information on feeding the plant, see here.

Why did calathea leaves begin to lose color?— Calatheas are demanding on the light regime. If the light is too bright, the leaves lose color. Even if direct sunlight hits the leaves, they can become burned.

Why do calathea leaves dry and curl?

Calatheas need diffused light. The calathea flower must be shaded from direct sunlight.
How can you increase air humidity for calathea?- You can spray it over it several times a day with warm boiled water from the sprayer, try not to let large drops fall on the leaves, as stains may remain. Or place the pot in a tray with damp sphagnum or expanded clay so that the bottom of the pot does not come into direct contact with the water.