Which country to choose or where is the best place to relax? Budget holiday at sea: the best options

Tourists, like almost everything in this world, can be classified. And even break it down by type and subspecies. Then it will become clear that among them there are many people who are terrified of flying. But they love to travel. And such an aerophobic tourist is faced with the question of where, exactly, to go. And on what?


Tourists, like almost everything in this world, can be classified. And even break it down by type and subspecies. Then it will become clear that among them there are many people who are terrified of flying. But they love to travel. And such an aerophobic tourist is faced with a difficult question - where, exactly, to go. And on what?

Of course, there are options. But we will not talk here about automobile tourism, just as we will not talk about bus tours. And even more so, we will not talk about hiking tourism. We will tell you where you can go abroad by train. And, in fact, you can go to almost any corner of Europe and Asia (Kim Jong Il came to us in his armored train). There would be time.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, Crimea. It seems that we are already abroad and there is a sea. But only the lazy don’t know about Crimea. Meanwhile, there are other places.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily from Sofia - No. 382 at 19.20 and No. 3 at 21.34. Travel time is a little more than two days - about 58 hours.

What to do
Sofia, in itself, is a quite interesting city. There is a lot here that will remind you of the times when Bulgaria was considered the 16th republic of the USSR - both architecture and people. Many people speak Russian, and they treat Russians well.

And then everything depends on your imagination - you can book excursions to the ancient Bulgarian monasteries, which for the most part are in amazing beautiful places, among mountains and forests, and you need to get where you need to either by car or by bus. You can choose your own ski resort.

Or you can go to the sea. Bulgaria is not Siberia, and it takes less than a day to travel from one end of the country to the other. There are three main resorts on the coast - Albena, Golden Sands and Sunny Beach.

Golden Sands is perhaps the most respectable resort. There are the most good five-star hotels there and the highest prices. Albena is a little more democratic, but even there almost all three-star hotels are decent. For those who like to remember the past, there are two-star hotels - they are not much different from typical Soviet boarding houses of the 70s and 80s. But they are also extremely cheap. The beaches there are sandy, the entrance to the sea is convenient, and the sea itself is clean.

By the way, if you are traveling from Sofia to Albena or to Sands, it is worth spending a day and stopping on the way to the ancient capital of Bulgaria called Veliko Tarnovo. The city is very beautiful, located in the mountains, and below, visible from almost everywhere, a river flows. Here, by the way, was previously the dacha of Zhivkov, the last Secretary General of Bulgaria. And the party elite, as you know, did not choose bad places for vacation. There are many hotels in Tarnovo, most of them are inexpensive, but very cozy. The restaurants here are also inexpensive - a dinner for two with all the delights of local cuisine (a separate chapter needs to be written about it) and alcohol will cost about 20 dollars.

And finally, Sunny Beach. It is located closest to Sofia and is today almost the most developing resort in the country. Prices here are the lowest, there are many hotels to choose from for every budget and taste, and the beaches are sandy. For those who like to live outside of hotels, we can recommend going to a nearby hotel. ancient city Nessebar - you can easily rent a house there cheaper than in Crimea, with all the amenities. And the sea there is the same - only on the other side.

In general, Bulgaria is almost perfect option for an inexpensive holiday without flights.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily to Cologne - No. 11 at 22-15 and No. 249 at 18.19. Travel time is 37 hours. From there, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, train No. 13 leaves for Berlin at 8.38. Another Berlin train, number 247, leaves the station on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 13.30. Travel time is a little more than a day - about 28 hours.

What to do
In Cologne itself, by and large, there are two attractions. This is the cathedral of the same name, which is located next to the station, and the Cologne Carnival, which takes place here annually in the second half of February. Then a lot of tourists from all over the world come to the city and hotels need to be booked in advance.

But in general, few people go to Cologne. The local train station is a huge connecting terminal, and from here you can travel to any city in Germany, as well as almost any city in Europe. One of the most popular routes is Moscow - Cologne - Paris. Just a few hours after the Moscow train arrives in Cologne (you will have time for both the cathedral and beer), the train departs in the evening for Paris, where you will arrive early in the morning. In other words, Cologne should be considered as a transit route on the way to Europe by train. Well, where you want to go is up to you.

Of course, there are also trains from Berlin to Europe. But it’s stupid to go there in transit (especially since it’s more convenient to get to Paris through Cologne). You need to go there just to see the city. Moreover, Berlin is now called almost the most fashionable and modern city in Europe. Architecture of new styles and trends, many progressive clubs, etc. In short, this is a metropolis for a new generation. Or, as they write in fashion magazines, this is the mainstream of the youth movement. But it’s clear that other generations have something to do here too. Especially if you remember our history. By the way, here is almost the best zoo in all of Europe.


How to get there
Every day two trains depart from Helsinki - No. 31 at 17.42 and No. 32 at 22.50. Travel time is just under 14 hours.

What to do
The city itself is small but nice. As someone said about Finland, everything there is as it should be in our country, but it’s unlikely to be. Helsinki in particular and Finland in general should be treated with this thought. There are no special attractions here, but it’s nice to just wander around, go to a restaurant and taste old Russian cuisine. But once you get to Helsinki, you can take, for example, a ferry and go to Stockholm. As a matter of fact, there are many places you can go on cruise ships or ferry ships from Helsinki. But it is advisable to plan all this in Moscow.

Also in Moscow you can order yourself and small house on the lakes. Such pleasure costs from $500 for a house for 4 people for a week. And then you find yourself in a pristine forest, with lots of mushrooms and berries (in the summer, of course), surrounded by a network of lakes with crystal clear clean water and lots of fish. Plus, the house package usually includes a sauna and powerboat. The only problem is that apart from berries, mushrooms and fish - that is, pasture food - food is not provided in such houses. And you need to take everything with you. For example, in a rented car.


How to get there
Train No. 15 departs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 20.30. Another train No. 205 leaves for Zagreb at 7.10 on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Travel time is two days.

What to do
Zagreb itself is often called little Vienna for its resemblance to the capital of Austria. And that's true. It's worth spending at least a day there to see all the sights. Well, then - just a few hours' drive away are all the famous resorts of Croatia, and here the only question is choosing - where to go. By the way, you can relax for a week in Croatia, then go to Montenegro for the second week, fortunately it is nearby and fortunately there are also trains from Belgrade to Moscow.


How to get there
From to Belgrade two trains depart daily - No. 15 at 20.30 and No. 344 at 8.20. Travel time is two days.

What to do
If our tourists have already actively explored Croatia for a long time, then Montenegro is still an unknown place for them. But in vain - because this, without any exaggeration, is one of best places in general in the world. Here is the most pure water in the Mediterranean - it is so transparent that the bottom is visible even at a depth of 50 meters. There are magnificent beaches and mountains here, the second largest canyon in the world on the Tara River, which is a national park, is located here, there is the beautiful Skadar Lake, surrounded by ancient monasteries. In short, there is everything you need for relaxation. And, most importantly, it is still relatively cheap here.


How to get there
From to Vienna train No. 202 departs daily at 21.40. And on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays there is another train No. 21 - departure at 23.40. Travel time is a little over 30 hours.

What to do
You can write a separate book about Vienna, and more than one. One has only to say, no matter how banal it sounds, that this is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. With a lot of attractions, a lot of cultural events, and simply this is the city that you need to see at least once in your life if you want to feel involved in world history and culture. Well, after that you can go to ski resorts- there are more of them there than in Moscow casinos.


How to get there
Two trains leave for Bratislava every day - No. 21 at 23.40 and No. 705 at 19.50. Travel time is 33 hours.

What to do
Bratislava is a small city, but very picturesque, spread out on both sides of the Danube. In general, you should go to Slovakia either to ski resorts - here, if there are good slopes, it is more or less cheap, or you should go for treatment - almost all Slovak resorts are one way or another oriented towards medicine. But the country itself is beautiful - most of it is located in the mountains, and the views here are breathtaking. And since the tourism industry began to actively develop here several years ago, there have been no problems with service.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily for Budapest - No. 15 at 20.30 and No. 16 at 18.25. Travel time is just under 40 hours.

What to do
Budapest is one of those few cities in the world that you immediately fall in love with. And forever, you just have to be there. Moreover, there are views here for every taste - on the right bank of the Danube, the city soars up, drowning in forests, and the left part of the city, flat, lies in front of you in full view. The Danube with its openwork bridges lies in full view. In a word, Budapest is such a self-sufficient city that there is no need to go anywhere else besides it. You can easily spend a week there and not get bored. But even for this case there are places in Hungary. Like, for example, the largest lake in central Europe, the name of which almost everyone has heard. Balaton is his name. And it completely replaces a vacation by the sea. In addition, Hungary ranks one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of explored and used sources of thermal medicinal waters - there are more than a hundred balneological resorts here. In short, there are a lot of options for relaxation here.


How to get there
Every day two trains leave for Bucharest - No. 3 at 23.34 and No. 382 at 7.39. It's almost two days to travel.

What to do
In fact, it is difficult to ask such a question in Romania. If only because there are the mountain peaks of the Carpathians, the majestic Danube with its untouched nature, and the Black Sea beaches. Here you can ski and lie on the beaches, here you can wander around Bucharest for days with its unique Franco-Romanian style of architecture, or you can travel through the ancient Transylvanian cities. Where you will certainly be reminded of Dracula. Instead of blood, it is better to drink very good local wine. Here in Romania, the Byzantine style and the Orthodox monasteries of northern Moldavia and Bukovina are mixed. Western Romania looks like a surviving fragment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and, for example, in Constanta, the hand of both the Romans and the Ottoman Empire is visible. In short, Romania is like a kaleidoscope.


How to get there
Two trains depart daily to Prague - No. 21 at 23.40 and No. 209 at 22.18. Travel time is a little over 30 hours.

What to do
Thousands of guidebooks have been written about Prague, and they all have one thing in common - you should visit it at least once in your life. Nowhere else in the world can you sit in a pub located in a 13th-century building; nowhere else can you find such a combination of undestroyed antiquity and the rhythm of a modern city. But in addition to Prague, the Czech Republic also has ancient castles, health resorts (Karlovy Vary became a Russian health resort a long time ago), and unique cuisine and... In a word, read Hasek again - everything is said there about the Czechs.


How to get there
There are four trains to Beijing from. On Tuesdays No. 4 leaves at 21.57, on Wednesdays No. 3 leaves at 7.40, on Fridays No. 20 at 23.53 and on Saturdays No. 19 leaves at 22.50. Travel time is from 131 to 144 hours.

What to do
At first, you will be looking out the window for almost a week - China, as you know, is not close to us. And after such a journey you will rest for several more days. But further - if you have endured such a journey, you can take another train and head, for example, to the coast - this will be your only opportunity to see the marine world of Southeast Asia without using an airplane. Believe me, there is a lot to see there - the beaches of China are not much different from Thailand or Bali. And the rest is China, a country with such an ancient and powerful culture that even a few years are not enough for a complete inspection. Although a trip to China by train in itself is already exotic.

Summer is the time when the streets of Moscow and other large Russian cities empty, and millions of their recent inhabitants go on vacation to the sea. This material is dedicated to ideas of good and inexpensive beach holiday in summer. We are talking about holidays with children, alone, with friends, and even about a solution for those who are tired of the heat. However, we have separate articles for each summer month: about that, about and directions.

Where to spend a summer vacation: ideas for a budget holiday at sea abroad

Spain outdoors

Summer and sea in Girona (Girona). Photo by tochis from Flickr

In summer in Spain you can not only swim in the sea and sunbathe, but also get acquainted with the typical life of this country and feel its soul. The summer season here is a hot time of calm and siesta during the day, followed by nightly entertainment. Choose the Catalan coast or Canary Islands for a family holiday or the Balearic Islands for a dynamic youth holiday with nightclubs and discos.

Inexpensive holiday in Turkey

Kaputas Beach in southwest Turkey. Photo by Alessandra Kocman from Flickr

The peak season in Turkey is in the summer and early autumn, at which time the entire local tourism industry works at full capacity for arriving clients. It is warm here in summer, and the country remains a place where you can have an inexpensive holiday with children or friends. Antalya, Bodrum, Kemer, Marmaris and other Turkish resorts are at the service of tourists from Russia at this time. At the same time, the country remains interesting from the point of view of its historical heritage.

Comfortable sea in Montenegro

The coast of the Bay of Kotor in the city of Perast. Photo by Tony Bracjun from Flickr

The Montenegrin Riviera is located on the Adriatic Sea directly opposite Italy. Summer is here the right time to swim in the sea, sunbathe on the beach and forget about the bustle of the city in this hospitable country. The most picturesque place on the local coast is the Bay of Kotor. Tours to Montenegro are usually inexpensive, so a holiday here will be not only relaxing, but also inexpensive.

Finland for those tired of the heat

Sunset on a lake near Kemijärvi. Photo by Juho Holmi from Flickr

If you are tolerant of cool seas and just want to be by the water without the oppressive heat, Finland is a great option. The sea coast here resembles Jurmala in its temperature indicators. In summer, tourists are attracted here not only by the surface of the sea, but also by Finnish lakes, of which there are countless numbers. Full summer in this country open to tourists begins in mid-June.

Wellness in Israel

Dead Sea near Masada. Photo by Templar1307 from Flickr

Israel is known not only for its developed medicine, but also for its tourism infrastructure. If you plan to relax here, you will have to choose between three seas: the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. The waters of the latter are considered healing, and every year thousands of tourists visit its coastline, buying Dead Sea cosmetics and minerals. The most popular seaside resorts in Israel are Eilat, Haifa and Tel Aviv.

Calm Italy

"Parking" in Venice. Photo by Ben Heine from Flickr

The beach season in Italy is at its peak in summer. Along with the picturesque shores of Rimini (we have special material about), Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily, you can also enjoy numerous monuments of Italy. Go to Rome, get to Milan and other cities. Italy is perhaps one of the few countries where beach holidays are combined with a rich cultural program.

With children to Egypt

Hotel Sonesta Beach Resort in Sharm El Sheikh. Photo by Roads Less Traveled Photography via Flickr

Everyone knows the resorts of Egypt: Alexandria, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada. Every summer, this country offers parents and children entertainment in the form of water parks, hotel water slides, swimming pools, banana boat rides in the sea, and diving. Egypt has little to show for itself other than the pyramids and the Sphinx, so the tourism industry is doing everything possible to ensure that guests have only the best impressions of their stay here.

Have you noticed that the same air ticket can cost differently on different websites? For this case, we have come up with a system for comparing prices of more than 700 airlines and booking systems. Try it!

An extensive selection of where you can go on an inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 35,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight departing from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Summer holidays by your own sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap seaside tours in summer 2019

You can go to the Black Sea very inexpensively in the summer: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 25 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 28 thousand for 11 nights and from 30 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this includes Crimea (Balaclava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta) and cities Krasnodar region(Anapa, Adler, Loo, etc.).

Cheap sea tickets

Fly to Russian Black Sea resorts in the summer season (depending on the situation on this moment) somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to summer - last-minute cheap charters will appear for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

Cheapest tickets in Crimea in summer can be found in June 2019 - from 7,500 rubles. Regarding tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2019, then prices start from 6,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,300 rubles for flights in July and from 6,000 in August.

Flights to Anapa And Krasnodar in summer they cost from 7,000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort on the Black Sea coast by bus or train.

Lazarevskoye has a rocky bottom, so the water on calm days is clear to great depths (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the seaside in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 35,000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (tours from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles/person.

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Hotel "Papa")

Bulgaria: from 17,000 rub./person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Türkiye: from 18,500 rub./person.

Cirali beach in Kemer, Türkiye (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from RUB 20,500/person.

Beach in Nea Moudania, Chalkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 23,000 rub./person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 25,000 rub./person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 22,000 rub./person.

Cyprus is a great place to go on a seaside holiday in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are not too expensive either, the visa issue can be resolved very simply online. Read.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 24,000 rub./person.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from RUB 25,500/person.

Mallorca, Spain (Photo © gnomusy / flickr.com)

Thailand: from RUB 32,000/person.

Summer is not the season in Thailand, but a seaside holiday there can be very pleasant and interesting. Judge for yourself: there are almost no tourists, the beaches are free, prices for housing, food and entertainment are falling by almost half, and on top of everything else - an abundance of cheap fresh fruit! Yes, it will rain from time to time, but not continuously - sunny days and the hours are usually enough to have time to relax on the beach and sunbathe.

Take note: The rainy season in Thailand is not so pronounced in the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Pattaya, Koh Chang, Koh Samui, Hua Hin) - it rains less often there than on the Andaman coast.

Thailand, Koh Kradan (Photo © majax1 / flickr.com)

7 cheap countries for holidays

Cheap tickets. Where to fly to the sea in summer?

Here we will tell you where you can inexpensively travel abroad to the sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices on air tickets. The price is for round-trip tickets per person, departing from Moscow

Top destinations where you can go to the sea in June 2019. How not to make a mistake with the water temperature, and how much money to put aside for your vacation?

We say June, but we mean summer. However, not all countries for beach holidays have time to warm up properly. You can sunbathe and even hide from the sun at noon, but not everyone will like the sea (especially at the beginning of the month). That’s why tours/tickets to beach resorts are still inexpensive in June.


In June you can inexpensively sunbathe, go on excursions and eat fruit and berries in Bulgaria. Yes, these are the types of activities available to tourists arriving at the seaside in early summer, because... with swimming you can, as they say, fly by. The weather in June is too unstable and the water is not warmed up.

According to reviews, a beach holiday is fully worth going to after the 20th , when the season opens and the Black Sea reaches the required +21°С…+22°С (air temperature +24°С…+26°С). But before these dates, Bulgaria is beautiful - sparsely populated, delicious strawberries and cheap housing.

Where is the best place to relax? Of course, the southern resorts are Elenite, Sunny Beach, Sozopol. A little later - Albena.

  • A holiday in Bulgaria in June on a package tour for two will cost from 45,000 rubles for 7 days. A great option to fly away for the holidays!


Holidays at the Marhaba Beach Hotel (Sousse)

A seaside holiday in June in Tunisia can pass for an economy option, but you need to approach the issue thoughtfully. Unfortunately, the level of service in hotels is low, and therefore it is advisable to choose 4- and 5-star hotels, and ideally add an all inclusive option - local food is specific.

Where to relax? The warmest month in June is on the island of Djerba. They don’t promise a wild steam room, usually the air during the day is +29°С…+30°С, but the winds blow. Water +21°С…+22°С at the beginning of the month and up to +24°С at the end. A maximum vacation (with swimming) in Sousse and Hammamet, beloved by tourists from Russia, is only possible in the second half .

  • An all-inclusive holiday in Tunisia in June 2019 starts from 60,000 rubles for two for 7 nights


Where to fly for a 100% swimmable sea? Definitely to Cyprus. Reviews of vacations on the island in June confirm that you can safely go into the water from the first of the month . For this and for the good ones sandy beaches Cyprus is chosen by tourists traveling with children.

The beginning of summer is pleasing with weather at +27°С…+30°С and calm sea with a temperature of +24°C (and this is the highest temperature on the Mediterranean coast). The most popular resorts are Limassol, Larnaca, Protaras and Ayia Napa. Among the entertainments, in addition to typical beach ones, are fishing, a sea safari, and a visit to an ostrich farm. Excursions are conducted to the capital Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, to holy and historical places.

Note that Cyprus is more expensive than, for example, Greece or Turkey. Not so much in terms of tours, but in terms of food, travel, etc.

  • A package holiday at sea in June 2019 in Cyprus starts from 50,000 rubles for 7 nights for 2 adults. All-inclusive prices – from 80,000 rubles

Greece (Crete)

Crete is the largest Greek island / We are in Rhodes in June, as you can see, there are ALREADY a lot of tourists

Beach holidays in June in Greece are just one of the most controversial. In the first month of summer, the sun is hot, but not so hot as to immediately turn the sea into “fresh milk”. The situation has been gradually improving since the second half of June.

Where is the best place to go? Early summer – to the southern islands of Greece – Crete and Rhodes. The weather during the day is +26°С…+28°С, and the water is +22°С…+23°С. It may not seem the most comfortable for swimming, but there is nothing else to choose from within the country. From mid-June, the mainland joins the islands - the indicators in Chalkidiki approach +27°C in the air and +22°C in the sea.

Holidays in Greece in June, as in other periods, from the cultural and educational part involve visiting places related to its history, diving, cruises, etc.

  • You can go to the seaside in Greece in June on a package tour from 55,000 rubles for two for a week with departure from Moscow

View of the Mediterranean Sea from the Tel Aviv promenade

You might think that abroad there is a true beach holiday in June in Israel - up to +30°C on the Mediterranean coast and +38°C on the Red Sea. But this is not “cheap” and is not suitable for everyone for a vacation with children, because... the weather is very hot .

Holidays in Israel in June are the only opportunity to visit the country in the summer, because... Then the hellish heat will begin (and it feels like it will begin in June). Tel Aviv and the border cities of Bat Yam and Netanya (Mediterranean Sea) attract with warm water - up to +25°С...+26°С - but the climate itself is humid. Excursions to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other shrines are torture. Plus, the annual jellyfish invasions by July.

The Red Sea in Israel in June (Eilat) is refreshing with its +24°C after the hot dry air, but any activity from 10 pm to 4-5 pm will also have to be stopped. The Dead Sea is not even fresh milk, but boiling milk, +30°C in the water and +35°C outside.

  • Tours to Israel in June cost from 85,000 rubles for two for 7 nights. But we advise you to go to Israel on your own, look for air tickets yourself >> and book apartments >>


You can fly abroad without a visa to Montenegro. To some it will seem elusively native, and there is an explanation for this - Montenegro is similar to Crimea.

A from June 15-20 Russians here are like on the Black Sea. Until the middle of the month, Montenegro is actively absorbing Sun rays(air temperature +17°С…+23°С), and the weather may break out into rain or storm. Afterwards, relatively calm days set in (up to +27°C), and the sea allows swimming (+21°C...+23°C), but sometimes it can disturb the cold current.


Beaches in Barcelona are sandy, wide, more or less clean

The golden rule for a seaside holiday in Spain in June: organize it as close as possible by the end of the month .

Descending from the observation deck in Bergamo


Contrary to the belief that Southeast Asia is visited exclusively in winter, beach holidays in June in Vietnam are the place to be.

Rains bypass the middle part of the country in summer, where the seaside resorts of Danang, Hoi An and Nha Trang are located. In the air +33°C, in the water +28°C, typical “Thai” temperatures. The sea, by the way, is very calm, without waves. But in weather conditions there is a minus - high humidity, which makes the heat especially noticeable.

  • Prices for holidays in Vietnam in June – from 80,000 rubles for 10 days for 2 persons

Dominican Republic

Where to go on vacation in June 2019 without a visa? The Dominican Republic is, in fact, a place where it is warm all year round, and don’t bother with seasonality.

It's hot and humid here the sun doesn't spare : +30°C…+32°C outdoors and +28°C in water. A few cloudy days and rainy nights are perceived as at least some relief. It should be noted that there are much fewer tourists during this period; they are sure that the island is mercilessly watered, and there is nothing to do here. In fact, the conditions for beach relaxation are, as always, excellent.

Where to holiday in the Dominican Republic in June? The most famous resorts are Punta Cana and Boca Chica.

  • Tours in June cost from 130,000 rubles for 2 people, 10 days

Unable to take a summer vacation? No problem, we offer great ideas travel for the coming fall. Moreover, for many countries this is the best time to relax. Spain, India, Morocco and other countries in our review.


Those who didn’t have time to go to the sea in the summer can easily treat themselves to a beach holiday on the northern coast of Italy in September. The air temperature during this period is 33-34 C°, water temperature is 24-25 C°. At this time it is good in Sardinia, San Remo, and the Venetian Riviera. In the fall, the famous film festival takes place - a significant and interesting event.

Fashion week awaits fashionistas in the second half of September. In October, it gets quite cool in northern Italy and it is better to go to the south coast or to. The water here warms up to 22-23 C° at this time of year. For lovers of thermal waters, the island of Ischia, near Naples, is suitable. Geysers here shoot right into the waters of the beach.

For lovers of walks and excursions, it is best to go to, where the air temperature in October is 21-22 C°. Well, gourmets should wait until November and go to Italy for the New Wine Festival. In addition, at this time you can go to farmers' fairs and try famous varieties of cheese, hundreds of varieties of sausages, hams and olives.

Fly from Moscow 6-8 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax September October


For many tourists, holidays in Spain in autumn are more attractive summer holiday. The air and sea temperatures are in perfect balance. It’s nice that the flow of tourists is no longer as large as in summer and prices have been significantly reduced. In September the weather is similar to the beginning of summer - air temperature up to 27 C°, sea temperature up to 23 C°.

This weather is suitable for relaxing on the beach, for excursions and walks. In October, the air temperature does not rise above 23 C°, and the water temperature does not rise above 20 C°. Traveling to Spain in October is suitable for those who cannot tolerate the summer heat and want to escape the grayness of the Russian autumn. In November, it is better to take excursion tours to, and, because at this time it is already quite cool here (17-20 C°) and it is more pleasant to visit architectural monuments and museums than the beaches.

Fly from Moscow 4-7 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-October


It’s good to fly to Bulgaria during the high season. The ratio of quality of recreation and price at this time is optimal here. The air is still quite warm, 25 C°. During this period, prices for spa programs are lower than in other seasons. In addition to beach holidays, there is a rich excursion program. You can climb the mountains or arrange a horseback ride. Autumn is the time of ripening of amber grapes in Bulgaria, when wonderful young wine is made here.

Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-September


The Czech Republic is a country where you can go at any time of the year, but it is especially good here in September. It is no longer as hot as in summer and the autumn rains have not yet begun. It is better to prepare for the trip in advance - take both warm clothes and light clothing with you, because during the day it is quite warm here, and in the evening it gets cold. In autumn, it’s nice to stroll around the city, get acquainted with the history and culture of the country, and go on excursions to medieval estates and fortresses. You can spend the evening in bars and pubs with a glass of wonderful Czech beer.

Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May, June, September


Autumn in Greece is a special time. The heat has already subsided, but the sea is still warm like summer. In September-October there are no storms on the coast, the weather is favorable for a beach holiday.

In the Balkans, the beach season ends at the end of September, but in October the air temperature is 28 C°, and in November 20 C°. This temperature is quite suitable for vacationers who come from colder regions. The sea is warm in September and October - up to 23 C°, by November it begins to storm.

At this time it is good to go on excursions - they become less tiring than in the hot summer. You can explore the islands, Santorini. The traveler will forever remember the palaces and temples of Greece.

Fly from Moscow 4 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-October


The main problem in Cyprus is the summer drought. Therefore, with the onset of rare autumn rains, Cyprus blossoms and looks much more attractive than in summer. In addition to cyclomena, hyacinths and other flowers, travelers will be pleased with their blossoming strawberry tree, strewn with ruby ​​​​flowers. This is also the time of ripening of citrus fruits, plums, apricots, and pears. Here you can please yourself with papaya, mango, grapes, olives and figs. September is full summer in Cyprus. Therefore, you don’t have to deny yourself a beach holiday.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May, June, September, October


Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax May-October


Autumn is the most popular time for holidays in Egypt. The scorching heat subsides by mid-September and the air temperature does not exceed 30 C°, and the sea is especially warm and gentle. Demand for tours increases in the autumn months, so it is better to book a tour in advance. In addition, tours to Egypt in the fall are more expensive.

It's especially nice here in October. The breeze from the sea creates a deceptive feeling of coolness, but the sun is still active and there is a risk of getting sunburned. When traveling to Egypt at this time, you need to stock up on sunscreen and hats.

In November you can go on those excursions that are not carried out in the summer due to the heat. This can be an educational tour of a country rich in architectural and historical monuments. Until mid-November the sea is still warm and attracts tourists.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax April, May, September, October


Prices for autumn tours in the UAE are higher than summer ones, because the weather for holidays becomes much more pleasant. The sun is no longer scorching, and the sea is still warm. Beach holidays become luxurious. In addition, you can get acquainted with the sights and safari parks without exhausting yourself in the suffocating summer heat.


In autumn, Tunisia attracts tourists with its mild climate and bright colors. The air temperature here in September is 32 C°, the coastal waters are very warm, and the tan acquired at this time will have a golden hue. In October, the air temperature drops to 25-27 C°.

This season is good not only for relaxing on the beach, for wellness treatments and for excursions to historical places and architectural attractions. In November it is already quite cool here, but thalassotherapy lovers flock here from all over the world.

Fly from Moscow 4-5 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax March-June, September-October


Of all the autumn months, November is the best time to travel to India. The time of rain has already passed, and the air temperature has settled at 23-25 ​​C°. This is the very beginning of the season, so prices for trips have not yet reached their peak. The recreation program at this time can be especially varied and eventful. You can combine a beach holiday with excursions, elephant riding, spa treatments, safaris and even skiing.


Favorable weather for holidays in Vietnam lasts until October. Summer heat I was already asleep, and the heavy rains had not yet begun. In October there are already short-term rains, after which it is warm again - 25 C°. In September, Vietnam celebrates the festival of fertility and femininity. In the evening, all residents take to the streets, dance, sing and release lit lanterns into the sky.

The beaches of Phan Thiet and Phu Quoc are beautiful in September. The air temperature is 27 C°, it’s time to soak up the sand, plunge into the warm sea, and admire the coral reefs with their numerous inhabitants. October Vietnam is rich in festivals: bullfights in Haiphong, the Keo Pagoda Festival, the Bac Kiel Temple Festival, folk song festivals and ox racing. Even if the weather is unfavorable for a beach holiday, the traveler will always find something to enjoy.

Fly from Moscow 9 o'clock
Visa need not
Best time to relax April-October


In autumn, the weather in the subtropical south of China remains warm. This time is good for exploring the sights of Xi'an and. You can go shopping or relax in the resorts of Qingdao and Dalian.

In autumn, China celebrates the Moon Festival or Harvest Festival. It is accompanied by colorful theatrical performances and festivals. City streets are decorated with lanterns. In November it is attractive for tourists. The climate here is favorable for beach holidays all year round. The island has popular thermal resorts, nature reserves, and parks.

Fly from Moscow 10-11 o'clock
Visa needed
Best time to relax November-March

Dominican Republic

Autumn - good time to visit the Dominican Republic. August and September are considered the peak of hurricane season, but the chance of catching one here is very small. If the weather is clouded by rain and wind, it will not be much. Sea water temperature is 25 C°, air temperature is up to 30 C°. Another aspect that makes autumn holidays in the country especially attractive is the low season. Prices for tours are reduced, the level of service is high, and there are not too many tourists.

Here tourists with different temperaments and interests will find something to their liking. Lovers active rest can do aquatic species sports, horseback riding and going to the mountains. Numerous attractions await tourists. And for all those who like to soak up the warm sand, more than 350 beaches are open.

9-12 hours

Autumn is high season in Montenegro and Croatia. But the vacation promises to be unforgettable. The pleasant climate, warm sea and beautiful scenery attract tourists and beach lovers here.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax May-October

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com