What are the dates of spring break? Singaporean scientists have found the cause of the development of a particularly dangerous form of cancer. Vacations in higher education institutions

For full and comprehensive development, a child should follow the recommendations of experts, who unanimously advise alternating work and rest time for all schoolchildren. For any child, work becomes study, and rest is time for a well-deserved and fun vacation, which will be discussed in this article.

It should be noted that the autumn school holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year in the Russian Federation are a period when all students have a wonderful opportunity to take a break from busy everyday life, spend more time with friends outside, reading interesting books and visiting various events, be it a trip to the cinema, theater, museum, etc. Therefore, every student looks forward to the onset of the autumn school holidays with enthusiasm.

When are the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 school year?

It all depends on the form of education in a particular school. As a rule, there are two such forms: trimesters and quarters. Depending on how the learning process is going at the school where your student is studying, you can find out when the well-deserved autumn holiday will come for schoolchildren in 2017:

The form of training is in trimesters.
In this case, children are trained in this way: 5 weeks of study, a week of rest. Autumn holidays are expected from October 2 to 8 and from November 13 to 19.

The form of training is in quarters.
Autumn school holidays will be held from October 30 to November 6 inclusive.

Who determines the dates for the 2017 fall school holidays?

The Russian Ministry of Education stipulates that students must rest 30 calendar days in one academic year, excluding summer holidays. In addition, recommendations are given on what periods are best to take a break from classes, so as not to lose track of the school curriculum and have time to complete everything planned, while at the same time lightly loading the growing body with large amounts of information. But every educational institution has the right to adjust timing school autumn holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year in such a way that they do not “break” their own program according to which they study in a particular educational institution.

In other words, the timing and number of days of school holidays vary depending on the decision of the administration of each school individually.

In what cases can school holidays be canceled or postponed?

Please note that they may be postponed or canceled altogether if autumn period the school was closed for quarantine. In addition, the parent committee has the right to vote in the formation of vacation dates for schoolchildren: if the proposals made by the parents of schoolchildren have a special logical basis, then the school administration can listen to their opinion and move the vacation period to a time convenient for everyone.

Also see: in 2017 in Russia, the date of the holiday.

A carefree summer flies by, vacations and school holidays are coming to an end. The first bell in schools is just around the corner. Thousands of boys and girls with bouquets of flowers will go for new knowledge.

The kids will have their next opportunity to take a little break from school in the fall. The school holiday schedule is established by order of the educational institution. When schoolchildren have holidays in the fall of 2018, parents can find out at their school or gymnasium.

General provisions

School holiday dates may differ from one school to another. The Ministry of Education only establishes the period of time during which schoolchildren should be given a break from the educational process. The number of vacation days is also approved.

The calendar schedule is approved in each educational institution separately by order based on the charter. There are gymnasiums in which students are given additional holidays. Also, additional holidays should be organized for first-graders for seven days in February.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the total number of vacation days must be at least 30. 56 days are allocated for summer vacation. It is often important for parents to know in advance when schoolchildren's holidays are in the fall of 2018. This is necessary for scheduling vacations at work and planning trips.

School holiday schedules

In different educational institutions School holiday schedules are different. This is due to the training system. The academic year may consist of trimesters or quarters. When studying in schools using the quarter system, it is recommended to organize 7 days of rest in the fall, 14 days in winter period and a week in the spring. At the discretion of the school administration, additional days of rest may be added if the holidays fall on public holidays.

Most often, holidays start on Monday and end on Sunday. This method of distributing vacation days helps to properly organize the study load.

In 2018, autumn holidays in many schools will begin on October 29. The holiday period will be extended due to the public holiday on November 4th. National Unity Day 2018 falls on Sunday. By general rules The day off will be moved to Monday - November 5th. Thus, the holidays will be extended by one more day.

    Do you think the children will have time to relax during the autumn holidays?

    Of course they will have time

    No, a week is not enough

    Children never have too many holidays

From October 29, children who study according to the quarter system will have a rest in the fall. Their vacation will last 8 days, and they will return to school on November 6.

If training is organized by trimesters, then calculating vacations is much simpler. The educational process is structured in such a way that training for 4-5 weeks alternates with rest for a week. Thus, students will be able to take two breaks in the fall each semester.

The first holiday will begin on October 8 and end on October 14. The second time, schoolchildren will rest from November 19 to 25.

The total number of rest days both when studying in quarters and in semesters will ultimately be the same. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, the number of vacation days in 2018-2019 must be at least 30 days.

The first month of the next academic year in Russian schools is coming to an end. The students managed to get involved in the learning process after summer holiday, but many of them, of course, are counting the days until the next holiday. Let's find out when the autumn holidays will be in 2017-2018 academic year, is it possible to call exact dates when the autumn holidays begin, what features are there in establishing a school holiday period.

Autumn holidays at school in 2017: what date does it start from?

Most Russian schools use the same system of organizing the school year that existed in Soviet education. Four quarters: two before the new year and two after it, which are separated by autumn, winter and spring holidays. In such schools, accordingly, there are only autumn holidays.

Schoolchildren who study in educational institutions that use a different system, the trimester system, have a rest period twice in the autumn. The trimester divides the school year not into four parts, but into three, but at the same time, schoolchildren have no fewer vacations, but on the contrary, more. A week of rest divides the trimester in half, and another week completes the trimester.

As for what date the autumn holidays begin in Russian schools in 2017, then, accordingly, the date depends on what system of organizing the educational process is used by a particular school.

Trimesters in schools are still rather an exception; there are relatively many such schools except in Moscow. For most Russian schools, traditional autumn holidays after the first quarter are more relevant.

As you can see, the dates are quite approximate, which is due to the fact that Russian legislation It has been a long time since the authorities set the dates for school holidays. Usually everything is decided at the level of the region, city, and sometimes even a specific school. For example, the Moscow Department of Education, by its order, established autumn holidays in schools for the period from October 29 to November 6, 2017. In St. Petersburg, the local education committee has set dates from October 30 to November 7.

Formally, the difference is not so great, but in fact, since October 29 is a Sunday, St. Petersburg schoolchildren will have a longer vacation.

Autumn holidays will take place on approximately the same dates in other Russian schools; the discrepancy is unlikely to be significant. As you can see, school holidays overlap with three-day mini-vacations in November for adults in connection with the 4th November holiday. Both adults and children will have a rest from November 4 to 6. Parents will go to work on November 7, schoolchildren in some cases on the same day, in others a little later.

As for schools that use trimesters, as we noted just above, they will have autumn holidays twice.

The dates of autumn holidays for the 2017-2018 academic year in such schools are as follows:

  • from October 1 to October 8,
  • from November 5 to 12.

Thus, in schools where the educational process is organized on the basis of a trimester system, the second autumn holidays also fall on the November holidays.

For those parents or schoolchildren for whom the exact dates when school holidays begin and end at a particular school are important (for example, if you are planning a family vacation, you are adjusting own vacation for the child’s holidays, etc.), it is best to contact your school’s website for more accurate information. If the school website does not contain such information, then you should contact the secretary, class teacher or other people who have official information on this matter. We can only give general information.

Holiday schedule in schools, universities and secondary institutions vocational education in Moscow are approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other decision-maker. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of a higher authority.

Russian schools live according to two academic “calendars”: quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, and also based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions themselves determine the dates of the holidays. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general holidays mean more ample opportunities in organizing high-quality children's leisure: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Holidays in schools with a quarterly education system

Those who study in quarters have holidays four times a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Autumn holidays 2019–2020 academic year

Of these, the dates of the autumn holidays at the end of October and the beginning of November are less stable: their end date depends on National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4.

New Year holidays 2019–2020 academic year

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays will continue for the 2019/2020 academic year from December 31 to January 12. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 17 to 24 February.

Spring break 2019–2020 school year

The situation with holidays in the spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on holidays. Spring break falls in the last week of March and the first week of April. In 2020, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23 to March 31.

Summer holidays 2019–2020 academic year

Summer holidays will start as usual - from June 1 to September 1 Schoolchildren are waiting for three whole happy months free from lessons.

* For students of first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school classes may be canceled for the following reasons:

September 2016

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October 2016

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November 2016

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December 2016

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January 2017

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30 31

February 2017

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March 2017

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April 2017

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May 2017

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  • Weekends and holidays are highlighted in red on the calendar.
  • Vacation days are highlighted in green.

In total, during the 2016-2017 academic year there will be 157 school days and 106 days off.

  • September 2016: total days - 30, school days 22, weekends - 8.
  • October 2016: total days - 31, school days - 20, days off - 11.
  • November 2016: total days - 30, school days - 18, days off - 12.
  • December 2016: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • January 2017: total days - 31, school days - 16, days off - 15.
  • February 2017: total days - 28, school days - 19, days off - 9.
  • March 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • April 2017: total days - 30, school days - 20, days off - 10.
  • May 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, days off - 14.

Please note that the academic calendar for 2015-2016 is a recommendation. These dates may vary and are subject to change.

Vacations in the 2016-2017 academic year

  • Autumn holidays in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on October 29, 2016 and end on November 6, 2016. The duration of the autumn holidays 2016 will be 9 days.
  • Winter New Year holidays in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on December 24, 2016 and will last until January 8, 2017. Duration winter holidays will be 16 days.
  • Spring break in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on March 25, 2017 and will last until April 2, 2017. The duration of spring break will be 9 days.
  • Summer holidays in 2017 will begin on May 27, 2017 and will last until September 1, 2017.

Additional holidays for first-graders may be introduced from February 18 to February 26, 2017. In addition, students in Russian educational institutions will have days off on February 23, 2016, March 8, 2016, May 2, 2016, and May 9, 2016.

It is also necessary to recall that vacation dates are only recommended by the Ministry of Education, and the final decision on the timing and duration of vacations rests with the teaching council of educational institutions.

Additional holidays or rescheduling of holidays in schools and other educational institutions are possible for the following reasons:

  • Low air temperature- minus 25 degrees Celsius for primary school; minus 28 degrees - for high school; minus 30 degrees for students in grades 10 and 11.
  • Low temperature in classrooms. When the air temperature in classrooms is below +18 degrees, it is prohibited to conduct classes.
  • Quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine can be declared in a separate school, a separate district, city or region if the epidemic incidence threshold of 25% of the total number of students is exceeded.

Vacations for students in the 2016-2017 academic year

There are significantly fewer vacations at universities, namely, students rest only in winter and summer. It is difficult to find out the exact schedule, since each university assigns them depending on the sessions. If we talk about winter holidays, then the holidays begin at the end of January and end in the second week of February. In the summer, everything also depends on the session and practice, which can be scheduled for June, which is why it will be possible to go on vacation only in July. Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, it is better to first ask representatives of the administration of the Higher Educational Institution. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.